• I put on my wife's clothes. Brutal men try on women's clothing - who benefits from it?


    Details Created: 03/05/2009 22:49

    2. Why do men crossdress?

    Survey results

    Question asked: Why are you doing this?

    Note: Respondents could check as many boxes as they wished.

    a) Because I like the feeling of wearing women's clothing: 321 (77%)
    b) Because it excites me sexually: 244 (59%)
    c) Because it helps me relax and cope with stress: 202 (48%)
    d) Because I want to be like a woman: 262 (63%)


    It's clear that many drag queens cross-dress for more than one reason.

    Perhaps surprisingly, the most commonly cited reason for crossdressing is the sensation of wearing women's clothing. Men who are accustomed to wearing rough, itchy clothing derive a noticeable tactile pleasure from contact with the finer, softer, more refined fabrics used in women's clothing. Although this sensation sometimes arises as a result of childhood experiences, many drag queens discovered the pleasure of wearing silky, satin materials in their 30s, 40s and beyond. “The first time I put on stockings was, without a doubt, one of the most erotic, sensually exciting moments I have experienced without a woman,” writes one transvestite.

    Many transvestites also say that crossdressing helps them deal with stress.

    "Men dress according to various reasons. I don't dress up to shock or be charming or sexy. I don't dress up to make myself attractive to men (or women). I don't do it for any reason other than to relax. Crossdressing allows me to step outside of myself. I wouldn't want to be cured of this because there's nothing wrong with me. I will never stop."
    Twentieth-century men are under tremendous pressure to be strong, courageous, and successful. It's no coincidence that crossdressing is especially popular among men who are workaholics or involved in exclusively male occupations (such as military or police service).

    Transvestites who crossdress to relieve stress are often workaholics. By forcing themselves to work hard, they are often successful in their business or professional career, and therefore they risk losing a lot if their transvestism becomes known. Like other workaholics, the workaholic transvestite brings himself to the stage of mental and physical exhaustion because he is trying to find the love that his parents have always deprived him of. Dressing as a woman allows him to completely free himself from the pressure to be successful because it allows him to free himself from his painful masculine personality for a while.

    A man who is under constant pressure to be successful and make money may find that he can most effectively release this pressure by dressing in silky, feminine outfits. He can change his personality and society's perception of himself in a matter of seconds. He takes off his suit or uniform and puts aside his duties with them. When he puts on a pair of belted stockings, a dress or a skirt, the gentle, feminine side of his personality (which may have been suppressed) long years) gets the opportunity to come to the surface.
    It is precisely because crossdressing is effective way To cope with stress, tension and pressure, many stock traders, politicians, military officers, business leaders and professionals in various fields enjoy crossdressing. There are a growing number of clubs in the United States where business, political or military leaders can learn to apply makeup, buy clothes, relax and forget their daily difficulties and worries. In the UK, cross-dressing men can now get a bank card to use while they are dressed as women. One reason why cross-dressing is often done in secret is the fact that cross-dressing is especially common among the most successful men, those employed in business, in government or military service, and among men of mental work - among those men who have much to lose if they are "outed" and who are therefore least inclined to admit their attraction to crossdressing.

    Many men who crossdress swear that when they put on stockings, a dress and a bra, they can feel their worries and frustrations disappear. They feel calm and relaxed, and this brings great benefits to their body. Choosing underwear, applying lipstick and polishing their nails helps them discover a different side of their personality and forget about everyday worries. For them, transvestism is a healthier method of relaxation than smoking or drinking alcohol, and perhaps no more expensive or absurd than golf. Crossdressing has no physical impact (although it still carries many social risks - ranging from embarrassment to job loss). As a doctor, I would rather see a man dealing with stress by cross-dressing than taking tranquilizers.

    It may come as a surprise to some that some people can shrug off stress simply by wearing different clothes. But there are many opportunities to show that clothes have an impact on the way we look at the world, and how we feel.

    When a man puts on his "going-out best" he often feels and behaves completely differently than when he wears work clothes or leisure clothes. Simply changing his costume can affect the way he walks and talks, as well as the way he thinks. When I was an undergrad and a young doctor, I had a smart pinstripe suit that I kept for important, formal occasions. I wore it mostly to exams and when I went to job interviews. So it's hardly surprising that I felt nervous and tense every time I put on this suit. I finally looked at the suit that was making me feel stressed and gave it to a thrift store, knowing that the new owner would buy it without any emotional baggage.

    And just like the suit that made me tense, a drag queen can put aside his daily hassles—troubles usually associated with his masculine personality—and feel relaxed when he puts on a dress.

    There are certainly other ways a man can find relief from stress. But most of the available alternatives seem noticeably more harmful to him, his family and society than dressing up in fancy underwear. A crossdresser can certainly obtain a similar level of relaxation by taking tranquilizers (which are addictive), smoking cigarettes (which will give him lung cancer), or drinking himself into a stupor. Alcohol alters perceptions and makes stress bearable for many. Clothing can influence perception in a similar way. The difference is that wearing silk and satin will not harm your liver. Why is the importance of the skin as a tactile organ so greatly and constantly underestimated? It is strange that society should recognize alcoholism as a forgivable and understandable consequence of overwork, while crossdressing remains such a misunderstood means of relaxation that most transvestites go to incredible lengths just to keep their cross-dressing secrets. (The secret nature of transvestism is a self-perpetuating problem: hiding transvestites inevitably run the risk of being discovered, and if they are discovered, the fact that they were hiding their transvestism makes it look dirty. Because the public believes that the fact of hiding transvestism suggests that they are ashamed of him.)
    There is some noticeable irony in the fact that women (who don't feel the need to crossdress to relieve stress) can do it with absolutely no worries.

    Because of the importance of stress relief, transvestism may be one of the most important elements in the development of society in this century.

    Many men also do not hide the fact that they experience sexual arousal when wearing women's clothing. Some only enjoy the erotic feeling that comes from wearing women's clothing. Some people masturbate while dressed. And some find that crossdressing helps sexually stimulate not only themselves, but also their female partners.


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    Even modest ones women's dresses worn today would have been considered obscene a hundred years ago. But the men's suit has hardly changed during this time, and the taboos remain the same. A skirt on a man today causes no less sidelong glances than trousers on a woman at the beginning of the last century. I found out who is trying to change this and why.

    “What do I do with those who bother me? I shot at one, I had to fight,” says American rapper Young Thug. The reason for the insults was the musician’s penchant for women's clothing. For the cover of his album, he posed in a blue dress to his toes and a hat. And this is not playing for the audience - Young Thug dresses just like that.

    The rapper believes that it is not his pants that make him a man. If anyone doubts, he explains differently. “When people don’t respect you, there’s nothing to think about - you have to figure it out on the spot. So when I was younger, I had to do something. Now they respect him,” he explains. His opinion is shared by few, but there are more and more such people.

    The Great Male Renunciation

    The rigor and practicality of men's clothing is a relatively recent phenomenon. Until the 19th century, European men dressed no less varied and provocative than women. Even shoes with high heels were the prerogative of the stronger sex. And at first women were interested in this very thing. According to Elizabeth Semmelhack of the Toronto Shoe Museum, in the first half of the 17th century, ladies liked to dress like men. “In the 1630s, women cut their hair, sewed epaulettes onto their dresses, and smoked pipes,” she explains. “That’s why they borrowed the heels.” They wanted to dress like men.”

    By the 19th century, attitudes towards men's clothing had changed. English psychologist John Fluegel called it the Great Male Renunciation. “Men no longer pretended to be handsome,” he wrote in 1930.

    The stronger sex has abandoned jewelry and bright clothes that attract attention. Costumes became simple and discreet. Even following fashion was indecent. It was believed that this should only bother women.

    Flügel was a member of the Reform Party men's suit, which operated in Great Britain in the 1930s. Its organizers believed that men should keep up with women and wear clothes that are more “beneficial to health and appearance.” Party supporters called on Britons to replace trousers and boots with more hygienic kilts, shorts and sandals.

    The ideas of the dress reformers did not captivate the British. Men still prefer to dress discreetly. “They try to blend in and not stand out,” says Andrew Bolton, curator at the Clothing Institute at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. - Recently, at the Marks & Spencer store, I saw a guy choosing clothes in the men's department with his girlfriend. He found something and said: “This looks harmless. I’ll probably buy it.”

    Skirt for men

    The fashion industry has long been trying to undermine gender stereotypes. “If women can wear pantsuits, why can’t men wear skirts?” - asks the American designer. At fashion shows - yes. At Givenchy, androgynous models wear skirts, at Vivienne Westwood - dresses, at Burberry - lace shirts.

    Photo: Swan Gallet / WWD / REX / Shutterstock / Fotodom

    In 2015, this approach to clothing was supported by the British retail chain Selfridges. An experiment was conducted at the company's main store in London: the men's and women's departments were temporarily combined. All three floors were filled with clothes that fit both men and women equally (at least in theory). “Both sexes should be able to borrow clothes from each other,” says Gypsy Sport designer Rio Uribe.

    Recently, combined shows of men's and women's collections, in which models of both sexes show similar clothes, have become the norm. “It seems completely natural to me,” says Gucci designer Alessandro Michele, who supports blurring the distinction between women's and men's fashion.

    A similar show was held in Paris, in Milan - Gucci, in New York - Calvin Klein. Givenchy promises to join them in the fall.

    “Men's dresses at New York Fashion Week were no longer the statement about gender equality that they once were,” comments i-D magazine. - They fully exploited the features male figure. Male body objectified and presented as an object of desire and passion. And quite convincingly.”

    Although this trend is not one year old, there is a noticeable effect on casual clothes she didn't. Ordinary citizens view the efforts of fashion designers with skepticism, if they are aware of them at all.

    Stars can do anything

    Celebrities react most readily to the unisexization of fashion. They have nothing to fear - extravagant antics are reserved for stars according to their status.

    David Beckham appeared in public in a sarong, painted his nails with pink polish and admitted that he wore his wife's panties, but no one considered him less masculine. "And what? I loved that sarong!” - the football player said not so long ago.

    The Woolworth chain claimed that after photographs of Beckham with painted nails were published in the press, sales of the polish jumped. Many British people, out of curiosity, decided to follow the example of their idol. The interest did not last long, and demand soon returned to its previous level.

    It seems that every star has worn a skirt at least once. from the Rolling Stones and Anthony Kiedis from the Red Hot Chili Peppers wore dresses for magazines. Rappers Kanye West and Diddy wore kilts on stage. The same applies to , from and from Korn. Actor Jared Leto is regularly seen in skirts and dresses. This no longer surprises anyone.

    Photo: Amy Harris / REX / Shutterstock / Fotodom

    Unlike other musicians, Young Thug wears women's clothes all the time. The rapper thinks they look better. “These jeans I’m wearing are women’s. But they sit as they should. Like a rock star,” he explained in an interview with GQ. - I only have men's underpants and T-shirts. 90 percent of the rest is female.” The rapper has been dressing this way since he was twelve. “Dad didn’t want to buy me tight pants,” he says. “I had to earn it myself.”

    Genderless Kei

    In 2015, the Japanese brand Tokyo Girls decided to follow in the footsteps of Western fashion houses and demonstrated a combined collection of men's and women's clothing. Models wearing blouses with bows and jumpsuits with lace were released onto the catwalk; one was given a wedding dress.

    The show made an indelible impression on the Japanese. A whole subculture has developed around this way of dressing - Genderless Kei, a genderless style. Famous models and musicians who adhere to it wear colorful feminine clothes, paint their nails, use makeup and colored contact lenses.

    None of this has anything to do with sexual orientation. Most Genderless Kei fans are heterosexuals. Like Young Thug, they don't believe that defying gender norms makes them any less masculine.

    “In the old days, men were men and women were women. Now we are free to dress the way we want,” says Toman of the Japanese group XOX, considered one of the most famous adherents of genderless style.

    Rioters in overalls

    It's not just celebrities and amateurs who are wearing women's clothing this summer. high fashion. In June, French bus drivers wore skirts to work. So they protested against the dress code, which prohibited wearing shorts even in the heat.

    “The bosses cool off in air-conditioned offices, but we have to sit in the cab for seven hours at 50 degrees,” said one of the drivers in a black knee-length skirt and sandals.

    British schoolchildren did the same, and the reason is the same - the heat. The school uniform does not include shorts, only skirts, which is why they wore them. Sometimes protests help. Several years ago a similar event was organized

    Men's rompers are not the most practical clothing. And ridicule of them is most likely inevitable. On the Internet, RompHim's idea was mocked from the very beginning. But for some reason this did not bother the buyers. “Fashion reflects the times we live in,” said Coco Chanel. Perhaps times are changing.

    Damn, guys, what did you miss so much in childhood that you routinely dress in women's underwear, shave your legs, chest and arms, although in ordinary life- exemplary fathers of families and brutal straight men couldn't be further away?!

    Just a few years ago this was not the case... although, I’m lying, it was 20 years ago, and 100, and 200, but if before these were feminine and mannered young men, now...

    Crossdrosers. No, no, not transvestites or transsexuals, beautiful, courageous, pumped up guys dress in women's clothes and they get hard - hard on themselves, and even so much so that they are ready to fuck themselves with their own dick. By the way, some people are good at it, and giving yourself a blowjob is just a blast!

    Believe it or not, I searched the Internet and found this... Yes, these guys have a rather complex gradation:

    • transsexual transvestites(or double-role transvestites) - men who occasionally wear women's clothing, but this does not excite them sexually (?) and they do not want to undergo surgery and will not do so.
    • fetish transvestites- guys who wear women's clothes, it excites them, they have sex with both. Fetishistic transvestism is accompanied by autogynephilia. An autogynephile is a person who is sexually aroused by fantasies about himself as a woman and about his feminine body (the female version of narcissism).
    But “crossgenders” are men (guys) who can long time to live in female image, but then return to their normal role and clothing.
    Brothers (or their “sisters”) “crossdressers” (CD, KD) - these simply dress up as women, love wigs, but in sex they still prefer to sleep with women than with guys. In everyday life - brutal straight men with a slight hint of unisex.
    There are also “traps” - more often heterosexuals (well, relatively), unisex in appearance, that is, feminine boys and boyish girls, more often do not suffer from perversions with clothing.
    And the last category “Sissy” (Sissy Boy, Sissy Maid, Sissy Slut, Sissy Slave, Sissy Doll) - guys or men who love to dress up as women with an absolute desire to obey or be humiliated by a woman. And what the Mistress will force them to do there - here they are happy to try, same-sex sex is not particularly practiced.

    Tired? Confused? Me too...
    We’re not talking about drag queen artists - this is pure business... Although, who knows.
    By the way, “transsexuality” is included in the International Classification of Diseases, in theory - such a “girl” is entitled to time off on “critical” days.

    Just yesterday... I’m sitting on the site, not bothering anyone, a straight guy writes (I’m still looking - I’m looking for a modest girl to start a family), saying, I want to try it with a guy. I didn’t break down for a long time, especially since in the photo there is a handsome athlete, eight-pack abs and all that, tall, athletic... I won’t hide it, drool started flowing right across the screen, to clarify I tell him that I’m not athletic, just ordinary. He told me: “Great! Tell me the address and I’ll come.”

    He arrives, everything is as in the photo - sweetie... he asked to take a shower, this is welcome, he left. About 15 minutes pass, he appears... Damn, in black fishnet stockings, red panties, a black silk bra. I remember exactly - we didn’t discuss this, he apparently read the whole storm of emotions on my face, explains that he cannot and will not do otherwise. And, it’s true, he has a crazy erection that one can only envy. I will not hide, as they say, I am quite cynical and reasonable to pay attention to such trifles. The sex was fantastic, it was everything and even more, he moaned and squirmed, in the process I managed to take off some of his clothes, but he did not allow me to touch the stockings... Maybe there is some kind of exoticism in this. But it’s not mine, it’s not mine, I don’t mind, let the guys do what they want. But not in my bed...

    After sex we talked. Ilya turned out to be married twice (there is plenty to marry, believe me), two daughters from both wives. But occasionally he definitely needs to be under a man, preferably with stubble and harder, so that he can be torn. After he cums, the male partner is disgusted and uninteresting to him (he just didn’t cum with me), lingerie excites him, but it’s not like a fetish. He was neatly and beautifully shaven everywhere, no, his wives were not aware of his preferences... We repeated our games and he disappeared from my life forever - in the morning his page was deleted. Good luck to you, my dear... or darling!

    I have no prejudices... therefore claims of ridicule and insults from transgender people will not be accepted.

    There are a great many stereotypes associated with clothing, and we get to know them in childhood. “Boys - blue, girls - pink,” - everyone knows about this imposed attitude, which still exists. Further more. Men are forced to deal with stereotypes about appearance just like women. Our society is still focused on the fact that guys should demonstrate strength, including appearance, and skirts, ruffles, lace and other elements that do not fit into this dogma are generally condemned. Even though unisex clothing has been around for decades, most people are leery of the idea that men and women dress the same. We asked five men from different professions to try on gender-neutral or women's clothing and tell us how they made them feel and what they thought about modern fashion.

    Blouse Kenzo, 54,200 rub., KM20


    28 years old, chief programmer

    I don’t really follow fashion and in life I prefer to wear very simple, practical clothes - “geek” shirts, T-shirts with images of metal bands, rough boots. I don’t think anything in my wardrobe can change dramatically. Personally, I don’t know of a single store that sells bright clothes for men, where, for example, you could buy some cool gypsy shirt. In the men's departments everything is very monotonous. I had no desire to wear women's clothing, but when I was offered to participate in the experiment, I liked the idea.

    During the shooting itself, I didn’t feel much discomfort - it seems to me that those around me were more embarrassed than me. The Vetements dress even had pockets! But it was unusual to see myself in the mirror: it felt like I was wearing a Halloween costume. I imagine it would be awkward to wear this on the street, but being surrounded by people who find it cool is really fun. I have a shirt that my friend and I share, but it's more unisex.

    Dress Vetements, 114,600 rub., KM20; Boots Alberto Guardiani, 39,960 rub., GUM; Chains Maria Stern 18,000 rub. and 15,000 rubles, TSUM

    Clothes that are overly feminine on a guy will attract a lot of attention in Everyday life, but I don't need it. Boys and girls starting to wear the same clothes may have an impact on society, but it's hard to predict how much. I personally don’t care much about this, I try not to judge people in general, and especially not by their appearance or clothes. I live in Israel, and not much has changed in terms of street fashion there: everyone wears the same jeans they bought when they were 18. If you compare people on the streets of big cities, where I spend most of my time, there is no doubt that Muscovites wear brighter and more eye-catching things, while in Tel Aviv people look more relaxed.

    Turtleneck Nina Donis, 49,800 rub., KM20


    61 years old, Head of the company "communicator"

    My casual wardrobe is determined by the environment in which I need to be on that day: sometimes I have to be in a suit and tie, or in a suit and always without a tie, or in a jacket and jeans. There is an English expression “I wear many hats” (“I wear different hats,” that is, I do different things) - it reflects my lifestyle. The only thing is that I don’t like recognizable brands, and lately I prefer monochrome things, without prints. I can't change gears dark colors: bright shades- it is mine.

    The Nina Donis clothes that were on the shoot are very beautiful, I could wear them to a fashion party. I would love to have all this in my wardrobe, especially the sweatshirt with stones. Dresses - in general interesting story. For example, I myself have two jalabiyas ( traditional Muslim dress. - Approx. edit): one is made of camel hair, the other is made of cotton. This is an amazingly comfortable thing in the summer.

    I think I follow fashion, but I don't put any effort into it. I have a couple of designer friends whose shows I go to, but it’s more out of friendship. I don't really delve into the industry. Quite often there are situations when I put on something and they say to me: “Oh, this is fashionable!” - and I understand that I spotted it somewhere. It’s just such a cloud - if you watch the world around you, then you notice this too.

    The man has certainly changed a lot lately, and characteristic feature these changes became this. When I first went to a cosmetics store in Rome or Vienna 30 years ago, the men's department there was almost ten times smaller than the women's department. Now they are the same. That is, it has become customary to take care of yourself and choose clothes.

    Men's fashion doesn't seem boring to me, although I remember when my wife and I went into the store, she said: “What beautiful men's things you have,” and I answered: “And how beautiful yours are.” From within there is always a feeling that something is missing, that everything is boring. But from the outside it may seem, on the contrary, that men's fashion It allows itself more, it has more variations.

    Dress Nina Donis, 37,200 rub., KM20; Rings Maria Stern, 8,000 rub. and 10,000 rubles, TSUM

    If we look globally, the main trend now is the abolition of “dos” and “nots”. Anything is possible: any colors, any combinations, any styles - that’s the first thing. And secondly, clothing is becoming less and less formal. Today at different situations, from going to the opera to a bank board meeting, you can see people dressed in a way that they would not have come to their office on a casual Friday 15 years ago.

    I think that in fashion, as in everything - in art, music, literature - there is no main current. There are rather several coexisting trends, and you yourself choose what suits you, your subculture, your behavior. Or as it happens in my case: you go to one place with one person, to another with another.

    Coat Lemaire, RUB 86,800, KM20; hoodie - model's property


    25 years old, photo editor

    Sweater Hood by Air, 35,000 rub., SV Moscow; shorts are the property of the model; sneakers Nike, RUB 8,930, Brandshop

    I don't follow what's happening on the runways, but I think designers are still pushing the boundaries of what's acceptable. A few years ago, many on my feed were sharing J.W. Anderson's avant-garde collection (some were delighted, others lamented) of strange dresses for men. Today, the same designer heads a conservative fashion house, slowly changing it from the inside and contributing to the “legalization” of a new male image. It seems to me that this case is the rule rather than the exception.

    Coat Acne Studios, 98,800 rub., TSUM


    26 years old, model

    The situation when a girl takes a shirt from her boyfriend has long become commonplace. It also affected women's fashion, and subsequently on the assortment democratic brands. Nowadays there is no such strong division between male and female as before: everything is mixed. Brands benefit from making clothes that are suitable for both genders.

    Paying attention to the latest collaborations of expensive brands with the mass market, you will notice that, for example, they have the same prints for guys and girls. Girls buy men's, boys buy women's, and no one gets tired of it. For example, a sweatshirt is an absolutely universal and gender-neutral item. Every season it seems to get longer and longer. I wouldn't be surprised that in 20 years all these dresses for guys will be the norm.

    Tunic Craig Green, RUB 30,800, KM20; trousers Craig Green, 38,400 rub., KM20; sneakers Puma, RUB 10,990, Brandshop

    One day I was shopping with a friend and we went into the women's department. I liked one of them Women's sweater Pink colour. I was going to take it, but suddenly it came into my head: “I’ll go to the cashier to punch it, and what will people think.” But then, after a couple of days, I still went and bought it. My example is rather an exception - usually guys don’t look at women’s clothes. Internal barriers take their toll. But when I go to a store of a global brand, for example Acne, I look at both men’s and women’s clothes - it’s interesting. You feel like you’re at an exhibition: you don’t want to miss anything. For every day I prefer black things. Combining a dark top with dark bottoms is simple and convenient. In the things that I was wearing during the shooting, I would go to a club, to a birthday party or to meet with friends, but hardly to work.

    It should be noted that there are cases where the wearing of women's clothing by a representative of the stronger sex is not an out of the ordinary fact. These include those options when a wardrobe item intended for women can rather be classified as a “unisex” style. Loose jeans and oversized T-shirts may not look 100% feminine.

    Seeing a young man in such clothes, those around him may not even realize that he bought them in the women's clothing department.

    It happens that on guys with non-standard figure clothes with feminine patterns fit better. So they prefer to try on wardrobe items if they look almost like men's. High waistline, somewhat wide hips for a man, narrow shoulders - all these physique features can push a young man to go shopping in the men's department next to him.

    There are men who choose women's clothing because they are tighter. We are talking here, of course, not about dresses and skirts, but about T-shirts, suits and shirts. Some metrosexuals find the clothes too brutal. Therefore, they look for versatile clothes that flatter their figure more in the women's department.

    It is also considered normal if a man wears compression underwear - stockings, knee socks and tights made of therapeutic knitwear. Some diseases, for example varicose veins veins, require special care and wearing professional underwear, which is traditionally considered women's.

    Women's scarves, hats and glasses can look provocative on young man. However, if the rest of his wardrobe is entirely masculine, wearing feminine accessories is permitted. Creative personalities of the stronger sex, as well as the already mentioned metrosexuals, resort to such additions.

    It happens that guys buy some items of women's jewelry, for example, bright watches with a silicone strap or ethnic-style bracelets.


    There are men who dress in revealing women's outfits: dresses, skirts, blouses and shoes. In addition to such wardrobe items, they can give themselves a manicure and makeup and wear a woman's wig. Such behavior may be considered abnormal in society. Sometimes transvestites are called perverts and are even labeled as mentally ill individuals.

    Some young people get excited by putting on women's underwear: panties, a bra and stockings or pantyhose. They can walk around at home in this form, and sometimes they leave women’s underwear under men’s clothes and go out into the street. This cannot definitely be called a perversion, although some members of society will say so.

    Women's shirt- one of the most universal items wardrobe Such a thing will become the basis for dozens of stylistic combinations. A women's shirt will never go out of fashion, so you can safely choose a high-quality, expensive item that will serve you for many years.

    You will need

    • - accessories.


    Buy a classic shirt made of thin but fairly dense fabric. For basic wardrobe It is advisable to purchase a shirt in a pastel shade (milky, white, dusty rose, soft blue) that best suits your skin color. Its sleeves should reach the base of the wrist, and the bottom should cover the waistband of the trousers. The shirt should not be too tight: there should be 2-3 cm of space between the fabric and the body.

    For office option better shirt in tucked form. Combine it with discreet but elegant accessories. You can highlight your waistline with a narrow belt. If you unbutton the top buttons of your shirt, it is better to tie a thin scarf around your neck. A thread falling below the chest is appropriate even in business style. An original brooch will also refresh your look. Try to use only one accessory or decoration.

    A women's shirt goes great with almost any item of clothing: skirts, skirts, sundresses, vests, jackets. However, when combining, pay attention to the colors and texture of the fabrics. If the shirt is made from printed fabric, then it’s better to choose a plain item for it. A bright item with prints, embroidery, complex drapery or fancy trim no longer requires accessories. However, wearing a single-color skirt with it will create the necessary balance.

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