• Dysplastic body type. What is the body type of Mr. Olympia? Options and types of male and female figures


    There are 3 main body types: 1. Thin-boned (asthenic) body type. Women with this body type have long limbs, thin bones, a long and thin neck, and relatively weakly developed muscles. As a rule, representatives of the thin-boned type have light weight; they are active, active and even

    By choosing a diet, any woman hopes to become more attractive, to be liked by others, and to get a chance to climb the career ladder. Once you set a goal, you can accept some dietary restrictions without them seeming debilitating. But first, you should still find out what result you need to strive for.

    Ideal figure - ideal weight

    First of all, you will have to buy scales to use them to find out your real weight. Only after this will it be possible to determine how many kilograms you have to get rid of. True, there are situations when in order to get an ideal figure you have to increase weight. After all, people differ from each other not only in character, appearance, but also in body structure. Therefore, to establish ideal proportions, it is very important to correctly determine your individual body type.

    Women's body types

    There are 3 main body types:
    1. Thin-boned (asthenic) body type. Women with this body type have long limbs, thin bones, a long and thin neck, and relatively weakly developed muscles. As a rule, representatives of the thin-boned type are light in weight; they are active, active, and even with increased nutrition, they do not gain weight immediately, since they spend energy faster than they accumulate.
    2. Normal (normosthenic) body type. Women of this physique are lucky. As a rule, they have a beautiful, proportionally built figure. The main body dimensions are distinguished by the correct ratio.
    3. Large-boned (hypersthenic). Representatives of this body type have larger transverse body dimensions than normosthenics and asthenics. They are distinguished by wide, thick and heavy bones; their shoulders, chest and hips are wide; legs are short. Women with this body type are most likely to be overweight. They have to be especially strict about their diet.

    To determine your body type, just measure your wrist circumference working hand: for asthenics it is less than 16 cm, for normosthenics - from 16 to 18.5 cm, for hypersthenics - more than 18.5 cm.

    Growth rate

    A woman's height plays an important role in determining her ideal weight. For a long time, the following gradations of female growth were considered classic:
    - low - 150 cm and below;
    - below average - 151-156 cm;
    - average - 157-167 cm;
    - tall - 168-175 cm;
    - very tall - 176 cm and above.

    In the last quarter of the 20th century. In connection with acceleration, changes were made to this scale: for women with large bones and a normal body type, average (normal) height can be considered from 166 to 170 cm, and for thin-boned women - from 168 to 172 cm.

    Leg length

    Obviously, height largely depends on the length of the legs. After the profession of a fashion model became one of the most prestigious and highly paid, long legs came into fashion. But in practice, of course, one has to be content with what nature has given. The length of the legs should be measured from the trochanteric point (this is the tuberosity of the femur located opposite the hip joint) to the floor.

    As a rule, long legs are characteristic of tall women of normosthenic and especially asthenic body types. Small women usually have short legs, but if they are proportional to their height, then the figure does not suffer. If the length of the legs is more than half the height, the physique can be considered correct (the proportions are met). Legs are considered short only if their length is less than half the height. Most often, such disproportion occurs in short women with a hypersthenic body type. But even in this case, you can visually hide the existing imbalance with the help of high-heeled shoes.

    A figure can also be considered beautiful if the length of the legs is more than half the height by the following amount:
    - for big-boned people - by 2-4 cm or more;
    - for those with a normal body type - by 4-6 cm;
    - for thin-boned ones - by 6-9 cm.

    For example, if with a height of 168 cm and a normal body type, the length of a woman’s legs is 90 cm, then the proportions of her figure can be considered ideal: 90 - (168: 2) = 6.

    Harmony of horizontal lines

    Having found out the norms of vertical proportions, you can begin to determine the horizontal proportions. First you need to measure the circumference of your chest, waist and hips. Traditional standards for fashion models (90-60-90) are good for tall beauties performing on the catwalk. A short, plump woman who wants to look stately and attractive should strive for different standards.

    For women with a normal body type, the ideal ratio is where the chest circumference is equal to half the height plus 2-5 cm. To determine the bust size, you need to measure the chest circumference and add 8-10 cm to the resulting result. To calculate the ideal waist size from the height indicator should be subtracted 100-105 cm. The size of the hips should exceed the waist circumference by about 30 cm.

    For thin-boned girls, a ratio in which the chest circumference is 84-86 cm, and the bust circumference is 4-6 cm larger than these values, can be considered normal. The waist of such girls is usually thin - 60-64 cm, and the hip circumference is about 30 cm larger. In women with a large-boned body type, these figures are significantly higher. So, the chest circumference should exceed half the height by 8-10 cm; to determine the bust circumference, another 8-10 cm should be added to the chest circumference. With a height of 166-168 cm, a waist with a circumference of 70-76 cm would be ideal; The hip circumference should be 25-28 cm larger.

    Height to weight ratio. Methods for determining weight

    So, body weight depends on the body type, height and age of a person. For the modern woman the easiest way to determine your normal weight, trusting the calculations of science. The easiest way is to use the formula proposed back in the 19th century. by the famous French anthropologist Paul Broca: weight in kilograms is equal to height in centimeters minus 100. Today this formula can be left for older people. For 18-50 year olds, according to the latest ideas, it is necessary to subtract another 5-10% of the weight from the resulting result.

    You can calculate normal weight quite accurately using the so-called Quetelet index: weight in grams must be divided by height in centimeters. For women aged 16 to 40 years, height in centimeters should be multiplied by the weight-height coefficient corresponding to age and body type. On average, it may look like this: with a thin-boned body type, for every centimeter of height it is enough to have 325 g of weight; for women with a normal body type - 350 g, and for those with a large-boned body type - 375 g.

    It must be emphasized that the ideal weight of women (especially those whose height is below 160 cm) should be 10-15% less than normal. For short women up to at least 20 years of age, it is advisable to weigh 3-5 kg ​​less than normal.

    Table of height and weight ratio for women

    Height, cm Weight, kg Height, cm Weight, kg Height, cm Weight, kg Height, cm Weight, kg
    148 46,4 149 46,8 150 47,4 151 47,8
    152 48,3 153 48,9 154 49,4 155 49,9
    156 50,5 157 51,0 158 51,6 159 52,1
    160 52,6 161 53,2 162 53,9 163 54,5
    164 55,1 165 55,8 166 56,6 167 57,4
    168 58,1 169 58,8 170 59.5 171 60,2
    172 60,9 173 61,7 174 62,4 175 63,1
    176 63,8 177 64,5 178 65,2 179 65,9
    180 66,7 181 67,4 182 68,1 183 68,8
    184 69,5 185 70,2

    Table of height and weight ratio for men

    Height, cm Weight, kg Height, cm Weight, kg Height, cm Weight, kg Height, cm Weight, kg
    158 56,4 159 57,0 160 57,6 161 58,2
    162 58,7 163 59,2 164 59,8 165 60,3
    166 60,9 167 61,5 168 62,2 169 62,9
    170 63,7 171 64,4 172 65,2 173 66,0
    174 66,7 175 67,4 176 68,1 177 68,9
    178 69,6 179 70,4 180 71,2 181 72,0
    182 72,8 183 73,6 184 74,4 185 75,2
    186 76,0 187 76,8 188 77,6 189 78,5
    190 79,4 191 80,3 192 81,2 193 82,1
    194 83,0 195 839
    Why does a woman need to know her body type? What does it affect? It turns out, almost everything. Physique is determined genetically and cannot be changed with the help of physical exercise or diets. It is he who “tells” our body how to work: in what places to accumulate fat, how to quickly gain weight and lose it. It is the peculiarities of our constitution that influence the choice of style and clothing styles, and even leave an imprint on the character and perception of ourselves and the world around us! An accurate determination of body type and characteristics helps nutritionists create effective diets, fitness trainers - individual training programs, and doctors - the correct treatment regimen.

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    What is your body type?


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    What is your body type?

    Women's body types: what are they?

    According to the classification of Professor V.M. Chernorutsky, there are three main body types: asthenic, normosthenic and hypersthenic. As noted above, body type is determined genetically. But in childhood with prolonged exposure to any external factors It is possible that the nature of the genotype may change. This is influenced by long-term eating habits, exercise regimen, as well as some diseases suffered before puberty.

    Asthenic physique

    Women of this constitution are characterized by general thinness, a long and thin neck, narrow shoulders, a flat and narrow chest, elongated thin limbs, an elongated face and a thin nose. Height is often above average. The muscles of such women are poorly developed. Therefore, they lack strength and endurance. But the representatives of this group are energetic, light and graceful, and have little weight. One of the obvious advantages of an asthenic physique is the minimal tendency to be overweight.

    Asthenics are often tall and fragile skeletal system. Due to their structural features, they have low blood pressure and a reduced level of hemoglobin. They often suffer from problems with the spine. Among the “occupational” diseases are frequent colds, stomach problems and vegetative-vascular dystonia. Such people are very thermophilic and do not tolerate cold well.

    When choosing sports disciplines, it is better to give preference to those that are aimed at developing missing skills: strength and endurance. These include swimming, aerobics, and dancing. To correctly classify your body type as thin-boned, measure the circumference of your wrist. In the group under consideration, it should be less than 16 cm.

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    Normosthenic physique

    In women of this constitution, the main body dimensions are proportional. Such ladies often have slender legs, thin waist and, in general, a beautiful harmonious figure. Height is usually average.

    Normosthenics do not have “occupational” diseases, because Among all body types, this is the most balanced and harmonious. But with age, women with such a constitution should pay more attention to nutrition and exercise regimen to avoid weight gain and related diseases.

    Such people are naturally well-coordinated, sharp and fast. Among the sports disciplines, the best types of sports are game types (volleyball, basketball, etc.), as well as tennis and water aerobics. The wrist circumference should be between 16 and 18.5 cm.

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    Hypersthenic physique

    Women of this constitution have heavy and wide bones, voluminous shoulders, a wide and short chest, and slightly shortened limbs (as a rule). Height is often below average. The disadvantages of a hypersthenic physique include a low metabolic rate, which implies an increased tendency to be overweight.

    The main enemies of hypersthenics are diseases associated with excess weight: cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and even cancer. For such people, it is extremely important to develop correct eating habits and monitor their health from childhood. The most important thing is to limit your fat intake. focusing on proteins and complex carbohydrates.

    By nature, women of the hypersthenic type have strength and endurance, but are deprived of flexibility and grace. Therefore, the recommended sports disciplines are the following: yoga, callanetics, martial arts, etc. The circumference of the wrist for a large-boned physique is more than 18.5 cm.

    • » Calculation of daily ration
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    • " Weight loss

    Normal height and leg length

    You can also determine your body type based on your height and leg length. For a normal and broad-boned body build, normal height is considered to be between 166 and 170 cm, while for an asthenic body build it is considered to be between 168 and 172 cm. There are certain proportions between the height and length of a person’s legs. Legs are considered short if their length is less than half the height.

    The length of the legs is measured from the tuberosity of the femur, located opposite the hip joint, to the floor.

    The ideal leg length should be within the following limits:

    • » asthenic type: legs are 2-4 cm longer than half the height
    • » normosthenic type: legs are 4-6 cm longer than half the height
    • » hypersthenic type: legs are 6-9 cm longer than half the height

    Don't be discouraged if your performance doesn't match the ideal. You can create the appearance of the desired leg length with the help of heels. By the way, this is one of the ways to choose the ideal heel height. Just count how many cm you fall short of the standards and wear heels of exactly that height.

    • » Ideal proportions of the female figure
    • » Ideal proportions of the human body. The theory of the golden section.
    • » Body type test

    Whiteles and the Pinier index

    Whiteles(from the English vitels vital organs) - dimensions of the female figure - height, leg length, chest, waist, hips

    Normal “whites” indicators for young women:

    Body type Asthenic Normosthenic Hypersthenic
    Chest circumference 84 - 86 cm 1/2 height + 2-5 cm 1/2 height + 8-10 cm
    Bust volume Chest circumference + 4-6 cm Chest circumference + 8-10 cm
    Waist circumference 60 - 64 cm Height - 105 cm 70 - 76 cm
    Hip circumference Waist circumference + 30 cm Waist circumference + 30 cm Waist circumference + 28 cm

    For a more objective assessment, you can also use the Pinier index indicators.

    Pinier index = standing height (cm) – (body weight (kg) + chest circumference (cm))

    With indicators less than 10 – strong (dense) physique; 10-25 – normal; 26-35 – weak; more than 35 is very weak. However, we must not forget that excess weight is not always a sign of excess body fat. Adipose tissue is an integral part of any living organism. And he needs it vitally. Under normal conditions, the amount of fat in men is 1/20, and in women 1/16 of body weight. And about 75% of all fat is located directly under the skin. A small amount of fat under the skin protects against bruises and hypothermia. A certain minimum of fat in internal organs keeps them in the right place, protects them from excessive mobility, injuries and concussions. In addition, fat is energy that can be used when needed.

    Our website presents several methods for calculating weight norms based on the characteristics of your body type.

    Using the formula below you can find out your weight per 1 centimeter of height:

    Weight per 1 cm of height = body weight (grams) / height (centimeters)

    Knowing your body type, multiply the coefficient by your height and you will get your normal weight.

    The maximum permissible weight for women at a certain age can be calculated from the table below:

    Men trying to lose weight, gain muscle mass and gain athletic definition sometimes face a number of specific difficulties. The whole point is that a set of training and a diet should be selected taking into account the physique characteristics of a particular person.

    Remember, knowing which type you belong to, you will be able to optimize the load and speed of obtaining a positive result.

    Why do you need to know your individual body type?

    Knowledge is also useful for those guys who decide to go in for sports. After all, the same training programs will not suit people with different body shapes. That is why the personal trainer of a newly minted athlete should also be aware of the type of figure of a man in order to competently develop a program of effective physical exercise training.

    You also need to understand the characteristics of your own figure in order to know how to eat properly and lose weight or gain weight. After all, today there are a huge number of diets based on the structural features of the body. As a result, you will understand why different athletes gain weight in different ways, and each lose weight in their own way.

    The main body structure options for guys

    • Each person is individual by nature. Any person from birth has one variant of body structure as the dominant one. To make it easier to study, all types of male physique, like those, are divided into the following three types according to the circumference of the wrist of the working hand:
    • mesomorphic (normosthenic) - 18-20 cm;
    • endomorphic (hypersthenic) - over 20 cm.

    To figure out which option to classify yourself in, let’s look at the main features of each type.

    Asthenic version of the male body

    An ectomorph is usually a skinny guy. Guys of this type have narrow wrists and ankles, minimal muscle tissue and virtually no fat. The main problem for such guys is gaining large muscle mass. In the body of an ectomorph, the calories eaten are burned instantly due to accelerated metabolism, and the absorption of proteins occurs very slowly. In order to gain even a little weight, such athletes have to eat heavily, sometimes in excessive amounts.

    Exactly at in this case It wouldn’t hurt to use sports supplements: omega 3,6,9 acids, protein shakes. Be sure to also eat at night to avoid muscle destruction. It is better to set your training time within an hour (including warm-up). Eliminate cardio so as not to waste precious calories that will be needed to restore the body after weight training.

    Basic moments:

    • There are no problems with excess weight.
    • The wrist circumference of this type of people is 15-17.5 cm.
    • Long arms and legs, sometimes it looks like lankyness.
    • The body has a low percentage of fat and little muscle.
    • Drying muscles is much easier.
    • There are narrow zones throughout the figure: hips, shoulders and waist.
    • Food is not good for future use (no matter how much an asthenic person eats, his weight still does not grow).
    • Due to the elongated chest, the heart and lungs are also elongated.

    Your favorite side dish may be brown or white rice. No need to overindulge in sweets. Protein is recommended per day (2-3 grams per 1 kilogram of weight).

    Examples of ectomorphs among bodybuilding stars: Dexter Jackson, Frank Zane, etc.

    Normosthenic variant of the structure

    The mesomorph has a fairly large skeleton and a natural athletic build. It is the normosthenic body type that is most suitable for bodybuilding; it is much easier for guys to gain muscle mass than ectomorphs, and fat burning occurs many times faster than for large endomorphs.

    The muscles of this type of guy immediately respond to physical activity with accelerated growth, especially for beginners. As soon as such a man gives up and stops watching his diet, he begins to gain fat everywhere. You can easily get rid of it only by using cardio training and organizing correct mode nutrition.

    Features of a mesomorph:

    • Approximate wrist circumference 17.5-20 cm.
    • Proportion of body parts and convex chest.
    • The waist, hips and shoulders are of medium width (not very wide, but not narrow either).
    • Excellent metabolism.

    Nutrition for this group of men is easier than for everyone else, since with an initially normal physique, a special diet is not required, you just need to consume healthy, natural food.

    A huge number of bodybuilders are mesomorphs: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Ronnie Coleman,.

    Hypersthenic version of the male figure

    The endomorph is crumbly, its body is wide, round and soft. The hypersthenic body type involves short stature and short, thick legs and arms. The main feature of this group of representatives of the stronger sex are quite strong legs. This is why stocky athletes achieve good results in training primarily the lower torso (deadlifts, squats, etc.). Due to the fact that the metabolism is weak, weight can very easily increase, but the extra pounds are reluctant to go away. The main advantage of this type is an easy gain of muscle mass, but with it comes fat if weight gain occurs due to poor nutrition. Distinctive features of endomorphs:

    • Wrist circumference is more than 20 cm.
    • Stocky figure: wide hips, shoulders, waist, short legs.
    • Short neck, fat deposits between the shoulder blades, on the stomach.
    • A variety of sports supplements are not necessary; only the amount of protein in the diet should be sufficient.
    • When training, do not forget about cardio training (or circuit training for fat burning) and watch what you eat.

    Particular attention should be paid to nutrition. Many athletes make the mistake of completely giving up food and resorting to starvation diets. Fasting can “eat” both fat and muscle mass, and the lost weight soon returns, bringing with it more and more layers of fat.

    An example of endomorphs among bodybuilding stars was.

    Principles for determining the structure of the body

    It is not correct to assume that male body types are limited to only three types. There are also intermediate, mixed options. IN pure form endomorphs, ectomorphs and mesomorphs are extremely rare; more often you can meet people with characteristic features two groups. In order to understand how to determine your body type, you need to know a few rules.

    • Measure the circumference of the wrist of your working hand.
    • Estimate the approximate width of your waist, shoulders and hips.
    • Remember how quickly you gained and lost weight in at a young age 16-20 years old. With a good metabolism, no matter how much you eat, there is practically no excess fat, but with a slow metabolism, excess weight is already present at such a young age.

    Based on the obtained indicators, determine membership in the group based on the structural features of the body.

    Undoubtedly, from a genetic point of view, an ideal option for strength training is a normosthenic variant. But for other men, this is not a death sentence, and you shouldn’t give up. An asthenic body type requires increased nutrition and strength training to achieve the most attractive figure, while strong endomorphs need to monitor their diet and increase the emphasis on fat-burning exercises. 3 types of body structure - the initial basis for further work on yourself.

    Video: Analysis of types of male physique

    Men who take care of their own appearance, want to build muscle, lose weight, or do both at the same time, may encounter certain difficulties. The fact is that nutrition, as well as the training regimen, must be selected in accordance with the characteristics of a particular person. The body type of men plays an important role in the outcome of training and the achievement of the desired result.

    What are the body types of men?

    1. Hyposthenic (ectomorph or thin-boned body type)

    This body type of men is characterized by thinness, narrow ankles and wrists; There is little muscle on the body of such men, both muscle and fat. Features of the ectomorph figure:

    • high growth;
    • thin and long bones;
    • long muscle bellies;
    • the chest is extended;
    • elongated heart and lungs.

    In a man with a hyposthenic body type, metabolic processes proceed quite quickly.

    Features of nutrition and training for men with a hyposthenic body type

    The breakdown of carbohydrates in the ectomorm's body is carried out quickly, and the process of protein absorption is difficult. Therefore, a protein-carbohydrate diet is recommended for ectomorphs.

    An ectomorph's training cycle should focus on working a specific muscle group. This is due to the small energy reserve characteristic of a man’s hyposthenic body type. It is also worth noting that gaining muscle mass is especially difficult for ectomorphs.

    2. Normosthenic (mesomorph or normal body type)

    This body type of men is the most “advantageous”, since the muscle mass of such men is quite well developed, and the amount of adipose tissue is small. Features of the physique of a mesomorph:

    • average height;
    • fairly wide and long muscles;
    • convex chest;
    • broad shoulders;
    • proportional length of arms and legs.

    Arnold Schwarzenegger, who is one of the representatives of the normosthenic body type of men, demonstrated by his example that the effect of training is achieved quite successfully.

    Nutrition for mesomorphs can be more varied than for men with other body types due to balanced metabolic activity and energy reserves in the body.
    As for training, two workouts per day will be effective for mesomorphs, one of which will be shorter.

    3. Hypersthenic (endomorph or big-boned male body type)

    The characteristic body features of an endomorph are the following:

    • short stature;
    • fat deposits on the abdomen;
    • the presence of fat deposits between the shoulder blades;
    • the bones are wide and short;
    • the muscles are also short;
    • rounded chest;
    • short neck.

    The amount of adipose tissue in endomorphs is correspondingly greater than in men with other body types.
    The main problem of endomorphs is the tendency to gain weight and difficulty losing it. For this type of physique, it is difficult to build muscles and form their relief.

    Taking into account the metabolic characteristics of the hypersthenic body type, endomorphs are recommended to eat a protein diet, in which the content of fats and carbohydrates should be minimal. Plant polysaccharides and slow carbohydrates will help remove toxins from the gastrointestinal tract.

    As for the specifics of training, for men with a hypersthenic body type, the most effective will be strength training in the evening and minimizing it during morning training. Also, endomorphs can easily work with different muscle groups throughout the training cycle.

    How to determine a man's body type?

    The most commonly used method that allows you to determine a man’s body type is to measure the circumference of the wrist of his working hand:

    1. Hyposthenic body type – less than 18 cm.
    2. Normosthenic body type – 18 – 20 cm.
    3. Hypersthenic body type – more than 20 cm.

    remember, that correct definition A man's body type is the key to the success and effectiveness of training, which must be planned along with a diet that will help a man with a certain body type achieve desired results– get rid of excess fat and/or build muscle mass.

    Each person’s body has its own, unique characteristics - weight, shape, size, amount of muscle mass, as well as proportions. But among all the diversity in science, it is customary to distinguish certain basic body types.

    To begin with, it is worth noting that a person’s physique is a manifestation of genetic material. Some scientists also believe that body types can determine some general properties of the body, susceptibility to certain diseases, and even character traits and temperament. In addition, the structural features of the body are taken into account when choosing a system physical training or creation proper diet. But there are several classification systems.

    Human body types according to E. Kretschmer

    A famous German doctor believed that a person’s physique can determine certain general psychological characteristics, assess the individual’s reaction to the influence of the external and internal environment. The body types in this system were as follows:

    • Asthenic. People of this type were tall and fragile in build. An asthenic man has narrow shoulders, thin arms, and an elongated face. Women could be short, but their fragility and thinness remained unchanged.
    • Picnic. This form is characterized by short stature and a blurry figure, which was explained by the presence of rich fat deposits. It is these people who are most often prone to problems with excess weight.
    • Athletic. This includes people of tall or average height with an athletic figure, strong muscles, and a wide shoulder girdle.
    • Dysplastic type. Kretschmer included in this group individuals with a shapeless body structure or the presence of any deformations.

    system of Professor V.M. Chernorutsky

    This classification is not so different from the previous one, but is considered more accurate and modern. The professor identified three main types of structure human body.

    • Hyposthenic type - characterized by high growth, a small amount and poorly developed muscles. The shoulders are narrow, the chest is elongated.
    • Normosthenic type - this group includes people with normal, average indicators. Such a person has a perfectly formed skeleton and well-developed muscles. If we talk about the amount of subcutaneous fat, then it corresponds to average indicators. The limbs are proportional, the shoulders are wide and the chest is convex.
    • Hypersthenic type - a person is characterized by short stature and excess adipose tissue. This is why such people are more prone to obesity. It is believed that this group includes patients with increased level cholesterol in the blood.

    Men's body types

    This classification system was created by William Sheldon, Professor By the way, and to this day it is very popular among bodybuilders. It is customary to distinguish three main types of male physique:

    • Endomorph- a person with rounded, sometimes vague body shapes. Such a man is characterized by a short neck, big breasts, large spherical belly, soft muscles, thin wrists. As a rule, such representatives of the stronger sex are more prone to obesity.
    • Ectomorph- This is a typical lanky man. In such people, high growth is combined with disproportionate sizes of arms and legs, long chest and an almost complete absence of subcutaneous fat deposits.
    • Mesophmorph- This includes people with a normal physique. They have a developed muscular system, but also have a sufficient amount of subcutaneous fatty tissue. These are men with dense

    Of course, it is very rare to meet a person who would be a pure example of a certain body type. Much more often, people combine two or even three forms.

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