• Scenario of the New Year's theatrical performance "a good fairy tale". Theatrical performance "How Ivan was looking for the New Year"


    New Year is a favorite holiday for everyone, especially for children, who always look forward to it and believe that New Year's Eve A miracle will definitely happen. And how good it is if adults manage to transform traditional children's and game programs, albeit small, but Magic, and really surprise with something, for example, an unexpected plot, bright design or unusual presenters. In the proposed scripts for the New Year's performance for children "Magic Tree" there is everything to “hook”, interest and entertain the modern younger generation. The script is based on the animated hit film “Puzzle” and is intended for children of senior preschool and primary school age.

    The scenario can be implemented as follows: family holiday, and at school, in any place where you can create a cozy atmosphere, install and install the necessary equipment: screen, projector, computer, speakers (for a home party, a computer and a plasma TV will be enough). The necessary music and video accompaniment is included.


    Snow Maiden(host)

    Fear (Giggle)

    Zlyuchka (Fashionable thing).


    Father Frost

    Scenario of the New Year's performance for children "Magic Tree"

    P.S. Dear users, the document below provides detailed information on how to obtain full version this scenario.

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    HOW TO GET SCRIPT number 29- MAGIC TREE.docx


    Hare: Stop! Look Lesovik, it seems the clearing is ours. We arrived.

    Lesovik: Oh, look how many guys are in our hall.

    Hare: Well, it’s necessary..it’s...to say hello to them.

    Lesovik: Fine. Hello guys. I am Lesovichok, and this is mine best friend, Hare.

    Hare: Hello guys!

    Lesovichok: Oh, Hare, how rude you are. There are not only boys in the hall, but also girls.

    Hare: Hello ladies.

    Lesovichok: And also their parents, grandparents.

    Hare: Hello, people! I don't hear an answer. Hello people! Happy New Year everyone!

    Music, the Snow Maiden comes out.

    Sn: Guard! Help! Stolen!

    Hare: Oh, Snow Maiden! You are so Beautiful!

    Lesovichok: Just wait! What happened, Snow Maiden? What was stolen?

    Sn: My umbrella is missing. Magic. The Fairy Tale Fairy gave it to me. And without this umbrella I can’t do anything. That's how many years I open an umbrella, and the holiday comes. And now even time has stopped.

    Hare: How did it stop?

    Sn: Yes, take a look.

    Lesovik: And they really are. What a horror!

    Sn: Now Cinderella will never meet the prince, Ivan Tsarevich will never break the frog's spell, Little Red Riding Hood will never reach her grandmother, and Sleeping Beauty will never wake up. And Santa Claus will not come to the children.

    Lesovik: Does this mean there will be no New Year?

    Sn: No, it will not. And no one will help me.

    Hare: How can no one help? What are we up to? We will definitely help!

    Lesovik: We will definitely, definitely help!

    Music. The Snow Maiden sings:
    Sn: Setting off on a long journey
    Eternal fairy tale path
    Don't forget to take it on the road
    Anything that can cope with trouble

    Forest: We'll take hope with us
    A joke, joy, good laughter
    With them we are invincible
    With them we are the strongest!

    Hare: We'll find out what's going on here
    Who's doing dirty tricks here?
    We'll take our wits with us
    And a brave appearance.

    Sn: Appearance not a little at all
    But remember, friends,
    What without friendship and support?
    You can't live a day in a fairy tale

    Sn: Just remember: until the umbrella opens, the hands of the magic clock will not move. Good luck!

    SCENE 2.

    Koschey (K): Wonderful, wonderful! Rat, Snake, you deserve a reward.

    Snake: Glad to try, our lord.

    TO: How many years, how many years have I waited for this hour! And finally, he waited. Time stopped! And the power is in my hands. Rat, have you hidden my magic umbrella safely? The main thing is that no one opens it! Nobody! And never! No matter how hard these fairy-tale heroes tried to get rid of me, this time the victory remained with me! And, as you know, the winners are not judged. (to children): Do you agree with me kids?

    Children: No!

    TO: How? Don't you agree?

    Children: No!

    TO: After all, you don’t know what a smart, interesting person I am! Am I much better than Santa Claus? Is it true?

    Children: No!

    TO: hmm...really, girls?

    Girls: No!

    TO: No? You are bad girls! Boys, tell me, am I powerful?

    Boys: No!

    TO: Uh! What obnoxious boys you are! What nasty things are you saying to me – Koshchei the Immortal! Well, never mind, you still don’t know what kind of immortal power I now have! I am the Great Koschey the Immortal!

    I'm cunning, I'm angry and greedy
    Rude, cruel and merciless!
    I use my sword in cold blood.
    I am unfamiliar with doubt
    Put your heart in safekeeping
    And I don't regret anything.

    In the morning I languish over gold
    During the day I wander around the wards
    My life is boring
    I am immortal, that is, eternal
    Because he's heartless
    Or maybe it's the other way around

    TO: (to the Snake and Rat) What? So are you waiting for a reward?

    Snake: Your immortality, we are waiting.

    TO: You will not receive any reward!

    Rat: Why?

    Snake: But why?

    TO: Why? Yes because! The Snow Maiden found helpers: the Hare and the Lesovik. And they went in search of a magic umbrella. I order you to seize them! And neutralize it! It's clear?

    Rat: It's clear.

    TO: Do it! (leaves)

    Rat: Snake, how can we destroy them?

    Snake: Don't bother me Rat, I think...

    Rat: Where do we put them?

    Snake: Yes, even to the bottom of the sea!...Oh! Yes, that's a thought! Shouldn't we send them to the Underwater King? They definitely won’t get out of there! You will go there now.

    Rat: I can't swim.

    Snake: Do you want Koschey to turn you into an experimental mouse out of anger? And it wasn’t you who performed his crazy experiments?
    Rat: No, of course I don't want to. Hmm...but he will also do something to you.

    Snake: From my snake skin he's in best case scenario sew his own gloves. But I don't want that. So go to the King and tell him this...this...

    Rat: Okay, okay, I'll go. I'll think of something.

    SCENE 3.

    Forest: Ouch. Wait, Hare, something got into my shoe.

    Snake: Hello travelers! Where are you headed?

    Hare: yes we have this here...
    Snake: Oh, I know, I know about your grief. And I can help you.

    Forest: Help, please, eh? Hurry up.

    Snake: Your loss is located in the kingdom of the evil Underwater King.

    Hare: How evil? He was always kind.

    Snake: But that’s what he used to be like. And now it couldn’t be worse.

    Forest: What should we do? How to get to him?

    Snake: That's it, I'll give you magic capes, only one condition: never take them off, they will definitely help you. Now follow me.

    Hare: Lesovik, forward!

    They leave. Music. Underwater kingdom.

    Queen: Well done girls, well done little mermaids! So, the tails are in the first position, the fins are straightened, the gills are retracted. And one, two, three, four. One two three four.

    Tsar: How are my little fish getting ready for the holiday?

    Queen: We have everything, everything is ready.

    Tsar: And you, my beauty, what will you please our guests with?

    Queen: With a song. I composed it myself.

    Tsar: Really herself?

    Queen: Yes!

    Tsar: Well, sing it.

    Queen: I can not.

    Tsar: But why?

    Queen: I'm shy.

    Tsar: Well, what's there to be shy about? Everyone is here.

    Queen: OK then. Girls, get ready. Maestro, music!

    La la la
    There is wind at sea, there is a storm at sea, hurricanes howl at sea
    In the blue sea we celebrate underwater New Year.
    And we decorate the corals with pearls and ambers
    And we start a merry round dance with the mermaids. 2 times
    Chests stand open and filled with gifts
    Emeralds and rubies rain down
    Everyone, everything, everyone, everyone, come to us for a holiday
    Dance and have fun
    Hurry up to visit us for the holiday, let's celebrate the New Year together.
    We will celebrate the New Year together.
    La la la la

    Rat: Trouble! Trouble! Trouble!

    Tsar: What's happened?

    Queen: What's happened?

    Rat: I'm sorry, what! You are all having fun here, preparing for the new year. What you don’t know, King of the Sea, is that two evil wizards are coming to you!

    Queen: Oh, I'm fainting!

    Rat: They want to destroy your entire underwater kingdom!

    Tsar: How to destroy?!?!

    Rat: Mugu...and not only that, they will turn you into a worm! And your wife is a toad!

    Tsar: What? Me? into a worm?

    Rat: Yes Yes. You. A big, fat, thick worm.

    Queen: And me in f..zhzh..zhzhzh...zhzhzhzhtoad?!?!

    Rat: To the toad! Into a big, green, pimply toad!

    Queen: Oh, I'm dying, I feel bad...

    Rat: save yourself, whoever can!!!
    Tsar: This should not happen! Not to happen! Am I a king or not a king? Hey, inhabitants of the sea, get ready to meet these uninvited wizards.

    Queen: Oh, dear, hurry to the shelter...

    Tsar: Behind me! (hiding behind a shell)

    The Hare and the Woodman appear.
    Tsar: Grab them, knit them!
    The Hare and Lesovik are entangled in a fishing net.

    Tsar: Well, did you get caught, villains, sorcerers?

    Queen: You can't get out of here now!

    Tsar: Now let's look at them, who are they?

    Queen: Oh, what kind of wizards are these?

    Tsar: Really. This is the Hare and Lesovik.

    Lesovik: Why don’t you, Your Majesty, recognize your friends?

    Hare: What kind of wizards are we to you? And who even told you about this?

    Tsar: Yes, there was only one here...

    Queen: Hare, why did you come here? What do you need here?

    Hare: You see, King of the Sea, our fabulous umbrella disappeared, and we were told that you had it.

    Queen: Umbrella? Oh I can't (laughs) Why do we need an umbrella? We're under water!

    Lesovik: That's how it is. But, you see, without this umbrella the New Year will never come.
    Hare: And all the fairy tales will disappear.

    Queen: And will I disappear too? I do not want it! Water for me, water!

    Tsar: Yes, we are already under water! Wait! Well, well, well... Well, tell me, who just sailed to us? Well, it’s big, gray...well? Who?

    Queen: Rat?

    Tsar: That's right, who does the rat serve?

    Queen: To whom?

    Hare: To whom?

    Lesovik: To whom?

    Tsar: The rat serves Koshchei the Immortal. So who has an umbrella?

    Hare, Forester, Queen Together: Who?

    Tsar: At Koshchei the Immortal!

    Lesovik: How to get there?

    Tsar: I do not know.

    Queen: I'll help you, I have something. Just a minute, just a minute. (runs away)

    Hare: What does she have?

    Tsar: Surprise!

    Queen: I have a magic pearl. Wherever it goes, you go too.

    Hare: Okay, but how do we get to land?

    Tsar: Don't worry, Hare. I'll give you the fastest seahorses, they'll get you there in no time!

    Queen: Stop talking, there's not a minute to waste. Forward!


    SCENE 4.

    Byaka1: And I...and I’m younger than you!

    Byaka2: Oh oh oh! She's younger than me! How much younger are you?

    Byaka1: Yes, for three hundred years!

    Byaka2: Oh! For three hundred years! And aren’t you ashamed, shameless one! Just for three hours! But I'm more beautiful than you!

    Byaka1: Who is this more beautiful?

    Byaka2: I!

    Byaka1: Yes, you look like a chuchundra!

    Byaka2: I? Chuchundra? Yes you are!… (chases after the first bully) You! Chow-chow! That's who you are!

    Byaka1: Chow-chow - what is it?

    Byaka2: This is a dog. Shaggy, small, nasty! You are the spitting image!

    Byaka1: I? Dog? Yes, then I’ll bite you now! (chases after the second byaka)

    Byaka2: Oh...oh...ah...stop! Ugh! (stop)
    Byaka2: Look how many guys have gathered!

    Byaka1: Where?

    Byaka2: so there you go!

    Byaka1: Oh! Who would have thought? What a joy! Sister, that’s a lot of dirty tricks you and I will do today.

    Byaka2: Exactly! We won't be left without work. This will be a laugh! When they go home boring - very boring. Are you boring?

    Children: No!

    Byaka2: Boring?

    Children: No!

    Byaka1: And they are not boring, and not boring.

    Byaka2: Yes. And now what i can do?

    Byaka1: What should we do now?

    Byaka2: Think about it, my young one.

    Byaka1: what to do? What should I do? What should I do, huh?

    Byaka2: Listen, sister.

    Byaka1: Oh well.

    Byaka2: They don't know who we are. We need to introduce ourselves to them.

    Byaka1: Do you think it's necessary?

    Byaka2: Well, what about it? Children should know their idols by sight!

    Byaka1: Who are the idols? What are we?

    Byaka2: Well, who else then? We are the most harmful, and the most beautiful assholes in the area! So, here is the Witch of the Night!

    Byaka1: And I...and I...The Witch is half...full...chi..full? How is that correct?

    Byaka2: Midnight, midnight.

    Byaka1: A! Witch of Midnight!
    Fairytale witches, we live in the forest,
    We love to take a walk in the twilight of the night.
    Let's count the stars, press the wolf's tail,
    We'll scare the squirrel, the two of us are bored.

    We love to cast magic and harm everyone,
    We love to lead someone who is lost by the nose,
    We will spin the traveler and lead him astray
    Let's turn it into a frog. We live a boring life.

    They find a pearl on the floor.

    Byaka2: Oh, look, sister, what is this ball?

    Byaka1: ABOUT! Yes, this is not a ball, this is a diamond!

    Byaka2: Come on, let me see!

    Byaka1: I'm not giving it!

    Footsteps are heard

    Byaka2: Quiet! Do you hear?

    Byaka1: I hear you. Someone is coming.

    Byaka2: Let's hide? A?

    Together: And we’ll do a dirty trick! (hiding)

    The Hare and the Forester come in

    Forest: I don't understand anything. Where did our guiding pearl go?

    Hare: We need to look better. Somewhere here, probably. (crawl) What's happening? Why can't I get up from my seat?

    Forest: But I can't get up from the ground.

    Forest: Who are you, girls?

    Byaki (coming out of hiding) Did he call us girls?

    Byaka2: ha-kha...who are you?

    Hare: we are good travelers.

    Forest: Yes, and we are not going to do anything bad to you.

    Byaka1: Yes, we didn’t intend to either.

    Byaka2: We're just kidding.

    Hare: Good jokes. Better break the spell on us, beauties.

    Byaki, Together: Oh, he called us beauties!

    Byaka1: Well, shall we break the spell?

    Byaka2: let's break the spell.

    Byaka1: Well, hang in there.

    They cast a spell

    Hare: And thanks for that.

    Lesovik: Let's get out of here, Hare.

    Hare: Let's go, Lesovik. We don't have time.

    Byaka2: Wait, wait! Where are you going? This is not why we cast a spell on you so that you would immediately leave our clearing.

    Byaka1: Yes! We're bored here! Alone alone... And without letting you go while you are with us... what is that word? I forget all the time.

    Byaka2: Entertain.

    Byaka1: Yes! Once you've entertained yourself, then you'll go.

    Hare: How can we entertain you then? Well, I know one game, with balls. But you probably don’t have them.

    Byaka2: balls? What are balls?

    Byaka1: Yes! Explain to us. What kind of balls are these?

    Hare: Well, balls. Well, so round, inflated, huge.

    Byaka2: A! Understood! We have such, yes! Let's go and show you.

    Byaka1: Yes!

    Game with the audience. Balls.

    Byaka2: Well, they cheered me up, they cheered me up so much! A hundred years younger!

    Byaka1: How about you stay with us?

    Forest: Can not. We are in a hurry to the Kingdom of Koshchei.

    Hare: Have you by any chance seen our guiding pearl?

    Byaka2: No, we didn't.

    Byaka1: Diamond or what? So he was here somewhere. Oh, no. A! here he is! Here is your pearl.

    Hare: Thank you. Thank you very much.

    Byaka1: Well, you will be in our area, come in. Always Glade!

    Byaka2: Well? Have you lost your hair again? My smart one!

    Byaka1: And what?

    Byaka2: But who throws pearls around? Come, come to me! Go, I'll show you now!

    SCENE 5.

    Rat: Zmeevna, Zmeevna, where are you?

    Snake: Well?

    Rat: Zmeevna, I report: now we have two drowned people! Hare and Lesovik. Let's go get the reward.

    Snake: Do you want a reward? Do you know that the underwater King let them go? Moreover, he gave them a guiding pearl.

    Rat: Does this mean they will now experiment on me? Will they make gloves out of your skin?

    Snake: Well no! I won't give up my skin. Think about how to correct your mistakes. Or under the knife! Ciao.

    Rat: Think, think, think... I figured it out! Zmeevna, I came up with an idea! (runs after her)

    Chieftain: Go robbers! Let's take revenge on these kids for our Koshchei!
    Pirate dance, bubble from pistols

    Chieftain: Robbers, come to me!

    First robber: Well, kids, are you scared?

    Children: No!

    Second robber: We will also show you how to laugh at our overlord!

    Chieftain: I express my gratitude to everyone for the operation.

    First robber: I wish I could rest...

    Second robber: And I would like to have a snack...

    First robber: Atamansha, what is that on your shoulders? Some kind of pendants.

    Second robber: Where did you dig them up?

    First robber: give it to me, huh?

    Chieftain: Firstly, these are not pendants, but general's shoulder straps! So, now I’m not the chieftain, but who?

    Robbers: Who?

    Chieftain: Forest General!

    First robber: The general is a man, after all.

    Chieftain: And I am a female general! It's clear?

    Robbers: It's clear.

    Chieftain: Now listen to my order: start singing my favorite song!

    They sing.
    There lived a gray goat with my grandmother 3 times
    Grandma loved the goat very much

    The pasture was not somewhere but nearby 2 times
    I would strangle you like that
    If not for the wolf, the embodiment of evil

    First pirate: oh, who is this? First time I see...

    Chieftain: Rat? Why are you coming to us?

    Rat: Atamansha, listen, I have a job for you. Not dusty, but very profitable. Now two travelers will go along this road. They are dressed so simply, but fabulously rich! You need to catch them and destroy them.

    Second pirate: for no reason???

    Rat: Well, of course not. You can keep all their gold for yourself. Well, think about it.
    Chieftain: Well... well, hands down!

    First pirate: Chieftain! There are two people walking there.

    Second pirate: These are probably the same ones the rat was talking about.

    Chieftain: Quiet! First we need to think about what to do with them.

    Second pirate: Invented! They need to be tied, twisted and fried! There will be something to enjoy on New Year's Eve.

    First pirate: No, first they must be tied up, twisted and robbed!

    Second: And I say, fry it!

    First: And I say, rob!!!

    Rat: Quiet! First you need to scare them!

    Chieftain: How's that?

    Rat: You have to take a scary pose.

    Chieftain: Well...we can do this! Let's get to our places! Do it once, do it twice, do it three! (freeze in scary poses)
    A hare and a woodsman enter.

    Forest: Oh, who is this?

    Hare: No problem, we'll figure it out now.

    Chieftain: Yeah, we got some travelers!

    First pirate: This is where your path ends.

    Second pirate: Now we will rob you!

    First pirate: And then fry!

    Rat: Why are you talking to them? Grab them! Knit!

    Hare: Well, try it, try it. (a fight, the forester and the hare win)

    Hare: Well, that’s all, Lesovik, and you were worried. Forward! To the kingdom of Koshchei!

    They leave and a snake comes out.

    SCENE 6.

    Snake: Rat, Rat, where are you?

    Rat: Yes, here I am, Zmeevna.

    Snake: So...So what happened here? Where is the hare and Lesovik?

    Rat: They are walking along the road to the kingdom of Koshchei. You can’t take them with your bare hands, they defeated those robbers, and even more so, we!
    Snake: oh well, don't panic. Have you forgotten about our proven method?

    Rat: Is this this? And this is it? And just like that? Yes?

    Snake: Right. And so, follow me!
    The Hare and the Lesovik sing:
    Through groves and ravines
    Along the magical path
    we will be without fear
    Follow the fairy tale
    To make children happy
    So that there is a holiday for everyone
    So that on a fairy-tale planet 2 times
    Cheerful laughter sounded 2 times

    How much happiness and fun
    How many joyful worries
    The best on the planet
    The kindest on the planet
    This holiday is New Year 2 times

    Snake in the form of a tavern owner: Who am I seeing! Brave Bunny! AND THIS IS HIS FRIEND – THE KINDEST Lesovichok. Glad, very glad!

    Lesovik: Hello. How do you know us?

    Snake: But who doesn’t know the winners of the robbers? What an honor for our tavern. I think you're hungry.

    Hare: No, thanks, we're in a hurry.

    Lesovik: Hare, let's have a snack. I really want to eat. Well, please.

    Hare: Sorry, I think I saw you somewhere.

    Snake: If you have been to my establishment, then of course you have seen it.

    Hare: No, we have never visited you.

    Snake: Well then you are wrong. So, a treat for our guests.

    The cooks bring out the dishes.

    Hare: Thank you very much, we have to go.

    Snake: Well, wait a minute. You haven't tried our signature drink yet. So, “Forest Balm”

    Rat: Please help yourself. Drink.
    Hare: Don't you dare drink! I recognized them.

    Lesovik: Understood.

    Hare: Oh, what a good drink! I even wanted to sleep.

    Forest: And my eyes close.
    They fall asleep.

    Snake: Rat, go and look, did you fall asleep or not?

    Rat: Happened! It worked! We fell asleep!

    Snake: Let them sleep. Now they will sleep forever.

    Rat: Let's go to Koshchei for a reward. (leave)

    Hare: Well, Lesovik, did we really deceive them?

    Forest: Forward to Koshchei!

    SCENE 7.

    Hare: Here it is - the Kingdom of Koshchei.

    Forest: And where is he himself? A? We need to quickly find a magic umbrella.

    Koschey: Lo and behold, they showed up. Haha. Look, they made it through. Guests came to us. Why did you come?

    Hare: Give us, Koschey, our fabulous umbrella.

    Forest: It won't happen without him New Year's holiday.

    Koschey: Did you know that from today and this hour all holidays and the New Year are cancelled. Due to its impossibility. And all power now belongs to me - Koshchei the immortal! All clear? You can go for a walk.

    Forest: What a disgrace! What do you allow yourself?

    Koschey: Don't make a scandal! I have an umbrella! And I will never open it. So get out of here in good health.

    Hare: But we don’t believe that you have an umbrella.

    TO: don't believe me? Okay, I'll show it to you. And then I’ll hide it so that you’ll never find it.

    Forest: You have neither shame nor conscience.

    TO: Why do I need them? Hey, Rat, bring the umbrella here. I'll brag, let them look at him one last time. Ha ha ha...

    Snake: You know, Your Majesty, we decided to do a dirty trick.

    TO: Yes? I'm so happy! Well done!

    Rat: But we decided not to give you the umbrella.

    TO: Whaaat?

    Hare, Forester Together: Hurray!!!

    Snake: Don't rejoice ahead of time. You won't get it either!

    Rat: We've been thinking for a long time about how to mess with everyone at once.

    Snake and Rat sing:

    How to make everyone suffer
    Let's think and guess
    And what a joy it is
    We should do something nasty for people

    How much fun I would have
    If someone fell into the abyss
    For others we should do something nasty

    That's why we tried
    And we turned into others
    Oh, what a joy it is
    For people we need to do something nasty twice

    Snake: So we won’t give you the umbrella!

    TO: If you don't want to give away your umbrella, great. You don’t have to give it - I give it! Just don't open it.

    Hare: By the way, this umbrella belongs to the Snow Maiden.

    Rat: By the way, what is lost does not exist!

    Hare: By the way, it was not lost, but stolen. As for whether it exists or not, this needs to be checked!

    Snake: What do you want to say?

    Hare: And the fact that you don’t have any umbrella!

    Snake, Rat: Eat!

    Hare, Forest: No!

    Hare: Because if you had it, you would show it right away.

    TO: Don't show them the umbrella, otherwise they will immediately take it away!

    Rat (to the snake): Hey, Koschey doesn’t want it, so we have to show it!

    Snake: That's right, let's show them the umbrella! Let's do another dirty trick on him.

    Rat carries an umbrella: Here! This is ours!

    Snake: Stay away! Otherwise we'll break it!

    Forest: Horrible! Don't you dare do this!

    TO: Break it, break it! I'm just waiting for this!

    Rat: Look what you want! Why am I going to spoil such a beautiful umbrella?

    TO: You don't know how to handle him at all.

    Snake: Never mind, let's explore and learn!

    TO: Don't you dare open it!

    Rat: Look how it was dismantled! Let's open it and do a dirty trick on him!

    Snake: Give it to me!

    Rat: No, me! (they fight, the umbrella falls into the hands of the Hare)

    Hare: I have a magic umbrella in my hands!

    Forest: Open it quickly, Bunny!

    They open the umbrella, the clock starts working

    Hare: Hooray! The clock has started working!

    Forest: New Year has arrived!

    Sn-ka: Thank you! Thanks friends!

    Together: Happy New Year! With new happiness!

    Sn:: Let's meet Santa Claus!

    D.M. comes in sings the song “On the Road of Goodness”

    Methodological development

    on preparing a New Year's theatrical performance for children

    teacher-organizer, director

    Saint Petersburg


    The term "holiday" and its equivalents in different languages belong to the vocabulary of everyday speech and sometimes act as terms of a “service” nature. However, any festive event is experienced by people in a special emotional way, dictates to them a different way of behavior and activity than in everyday life, suggesting direct participation in the celebration. For children, holidays open up space for creativity, give birth to bright feelings and noble impulses in the child’s soul, cultivate the ability to live in a team, and spiritually enrich the mind and heart. Here, the question of perceiving the holiday not only as a form of leisure, but also as a cultural and educational phenomenon that promotes personal development is extremely relevant, therefore, children's holidays include educational moments and cognitive tasks: competitions and riddles that contribute to the development of imagination, logical thinking or attention. The special pedagogical value of children's holidays lies in the fact that they can help a young person realize the best that is in him, since the process of celebration itself is personally significant for him, causing positively colored emotional experiences and creating a unique system of creative interaction between children and adults . The teacher’s task is to make this very process of celebration interesting and educational, filling it with artistic content, which is embodied in music, song, and poetry.

    One of the components of any celebration or celebration is a theatrical performance. A teacher-organizer today must be able not only to organize an event, but also to be its director, mastering the basics of screenwriting and theatrical performance.

    Theatricalization- organization of material (documentary and artistic) and audience (verbal, physical and artistic activation) within the framework of the holiday according to the laws of drama based on specific events that give rise to the psychological need of the collective community to realize the festive situation. To theatricalize material means to express its content through the means of theater, and not to retell it.

    New Year is a calendar and ritual holiday that influences the formation in children of an attitude towards the holiday as a wonderful, joyful event; development of children's emotionality. In developing a New Year's performance, it is necessary to find those techniques that will help the young viewer understand the information, without destroying the atmosphere, mood, sense of participation and immersion in the world of the characters. This is a creative way of bringing the script to an artistic figurative form of presentation, through a system of visual, expressive and allegorical means. Here the most important tool imagery appears, allowing one to show a particular event in action, build an internal script logic and select means of artistic expression. The leading means of expression that create a special language of theatricalization are symbol, allegory and metaphor.

    When creating a mass performance, the teacher should strive to stimulate the imagination of young spectators with enlarged stage symbols that most fully reflect the essence of theatrical performance. The symbol translated from Greek means sign. It includes: sign, mark, brand, seal, password, number, dash, signal, motto, slogan, emblem, monogram, coat of arms, code, brand, label, imprint, scar, label, typo, scar, and the like. The root of the same name has a Greek verb meaning: “I compare,” “I consider,” “I conclude,” “I agree.” The etymology of these Greek words indicates the coincidence of two planes of reality.

    Allegory (Greek “allegory”) is a technique or type of imagery, the basis of which is allegory - the imprinting of a speculative idea in a specific life image. The connection between image and meaning is established in allegory by analogy (for example, a lion as the personification of strength, etc.). Many allegorical images came to us from Greek or Roman mythology: Mars - an allegory of war, Themis - an allegory of justice; the snake wrapped around the bowl serves as a symbol of medicine. Particular attention should be paid to allegorical images when preparing the script for the New Year's theatrical performance, because This technique is most actively used in fables and fairy tales: cunning is shown in the form of a fox, greed in the form of a wolf, deceit in the form of a snake, stupidity in the form of a donkey, etc. IN folk tales, proverbs and sayings contain, on the one hand, moral commandments, on the other, various advice, instructions, i.e. rules of conduct on weekdays and holidays. In the minds of listeners, all parable images, familiar from childhood, are allegories - personifications; they are so firmly entrenched in our minds that they are perceived as alive.

    Metaphor - very important tool emotional impact. The construction of a metaphor is based on the principle of comparing an object with some other object on the basis of a common feature. There are three types of metaphors:

    1. Metaphors of comparison, in which an object is directly compared with another object (“colonnade of a grove”);

    2. Riddle metaphors in which an object is replaced by another object (“they beat their hooves on the frozen keys” - instead of “on the cobblestones”);

    3. Metaphors in which the properties of other objects are attributed to an object (“poisonous gaze”, “life burned out”).

    IN spoken language we hardly notice the use of metaphors; they have become habitual in communication (“life has passed by”, “time flies”). IN artistic creativity the metaphor is active. It promotes creative imagination and is used precisely as a means of constructing stage images. Any metaphor is designed for non-literal perception and requires the viewer to be able to understand and feel the figurative and emotional effect it creates.

    Use of symbol, metaphor, allegory, etc. in theatricalization, this is an urgent need that arises in the process of solving new problems, but at the same time, it is just a technique, and any technique is good when it is not noticed. The viewer should not perceive the technique, not the form, but through the technique and form - understand the content and, perceiving it, should not notice the means that convey this content to his consciousness. It must be remembered that all means of allegory must be inextricably linked with the life experience of its real audience, and determined by this experience. Therefore, when working on the script for a New Year's theatrical performance for children, you should not get carried away with too complex semantic colors.

    The main task of the screenwriter when working on a New Year's theatrical performance is to determine the script's semantic core and the compositional structure of the entire program. At the same time, it is important to remember the main law of artistic expediency, which requires the justification of the appearance of a hero, game, number.

    In theatricalization as a special form of art, the foreground comes essential component mass performance - spectator, collective hero. He longs for such mass action that would force him, associatively to be a participant in the performance, to be included in it. Children involved in the holiday show creativity; they find old in the new, new in the old; They carry out someone else's plans well, but they also know how to update the idea.

    Activation of viewers is a specific feature of the scenarios of theatrical performances and holidays. And we're not just talking about children. There is a child inside every person until his very old age; every person, consciously or not, longs to return to childhood and therefore loves to play. The task of a theatrical performance is to awaken in a person his childhood fantasy, naivety, spontaneity, and to create conditions for the revival of his playful nature in an adult. The game fosters a creative attitude towards reality. At the center of the game is a pre-planned event, the essence of which is struggle, i.e. conflict. Upbringing " creative attitude to reality" is especially important when working with children. That is why all children's holidays must necessarily have a playful element and must be decided on the participation of the viewer in the action. The task of the screenwriter and director of the New Year's performance is to turn the audience into participants in the action, and to do this subtly and skillfully. Create conditions in which the young viewer will be happy to join in the action.

    There are two well-known techniques for working with viewers - the “luring” technique and the “provocation” technique. Luring the viewer into the action begins with an invitation card, with the design of the approach to the place of action. Creating an atmosphere helps remove the barrier between the stage and the audience. This helps the viewer to detach himself from the usual psychology of “an outsider” and to feel personal involvement. An example of provocation is the various tasks offered to the audience. Participants of the holiday - adults and children, performing simple creative tasks, performing elements of ritual-game holiday actions together satisfy the needs for communication and subordination relationships. Such relationships at the holiday fulfill the function of satisfying the participants’ needs for collective relationships; they are “reasonably lenient”, because no one condemns anyone for the inaccuracy of completing tasks or for lack of the necessary strength; grades are not given here, but a field of mutual assistance and mutual support is created.

    Activation fuels the audience's interest in the action, but the activation itself must be clearly thought out, and in the case when the audience becomes bored at the moment of activation, a protracted or unsuccessful action must be quickly curtailed. Passion for improvisation can also “blur” the performance and destroy its integrity. The more improvised and random the external manifestation of an action, the more professional and thoughtful the preparation for its maintenance should be.

    Studying the experience of organizing holidays, we can highlight the following: stages of work on the presentation:

    Stage I - preliminary planning. Still at the end school year in institutions additional education an action plan for the next year is formed and approved. When forming a plan, it is necessary to determine in advance the theme of each event, including the New Year's performance.

    Stage II - work on the script. Any script starts with a concept. The process of the emergence of an idea is varied and different for everyone. Despite the subjectivity of this process, there are common features and patterns. Work on the script should begin with the selection of artistic, literary and documentary material. Perhaps the germ of an idea is formed already during the first reading of a fairy tale or in the process of studying historical facts about the holiday. An emotional premonition of the primary plan arises. Then comes the gestation stage. While the idea is maturing, you can begin to think about how to transform everything analyzed into the original stage form. After, so to speak, the idea is ready, the director outlines the remaining components of the compositional structure of the holiday and the organizational and technical aspects of the staging process. All this work, these searches are recorded in the director's draft of the future performance. The image-plan includes a vision of the future event. It is the concept that determines the content (theme, idea), form, composition, tempo-rhythm, stage atmosphere, space design, etc. The born ideological concept is embodied in the artistic and figurative solution of the entire performance, reflecting the main idea that the author wants to convey, to convey to the viewer through the holiday. In turn, the scenario course of the event is formed from the artistic and figurative solution, and, finally, its stage embodiment is manifested in the form of a director's staging technique. None of these elements is possible without the previous one. Only their consistent, logical arrangement creates what is ultimately called the image of the holiday. Having selected the necessary material that meets the criteria of the plan and “works” for it, using the editing method the screenwriter creates literary work- scenario. Thus, the teacher presents a draft of his own solution for a future performance, a future event.

    Stage III - the rehearsal process and the production as a whole. In this work, the director must find a specific stage expression for each event, episode, adjust the entire composition of the performance in accordance with the plan and decision, reveal in detail the characteristics of the characters, and all this must be conveyed to the team and actors in an accessible and understandable specific form.

    Stage III - preliminary acquaintance of children with the holiday. When the script is ready, the children are told about the upcoming holiday, it is explained what kind of holiday it is and what it is dedicated to. At this stage, children must understand their tasks, realize their role in the process of preparing and holding the holiday, so that in the course of learning poems, staging dances, and preparing the hall, they see and understand why they are doing this.

    Stage IV - holding a holiday.

    Stage VI - summing up. Children's memory long preserves the bright, joyful, vivid impressions that the holiday is rich in. And the task of adults at this stage is to “link” to these memories those skills, abilities and knowledge that children received at the holiday and in the process of preparing it. To do this, conversations are held in which children remember what they liked, with the help of adults, the most important and important things in the holiday are highlighted, and unclear points are explained.

    Stage VII - aftereffect of the holiday. At this stage, the most meaningful and colorful impressions related to the theme of the holiday are consolidated; they are captured in drawings, photographs, videos, etc. In relation to the team of performance preparers and the teacher-organizer in particular, this is the stage of analyzing and identifying the weak and strong sides of the scenario in order to improve their future work.

    A successful holiday for children is determined, first of all, by a well-thought-out scenario. It should be moderately rich in spectacles and performances, and most importantly, be interesting in its action.

    This melodic development presents an example of a scenario for a New Year's holiday, a theatrical performance “The Christmas tree lights up the lights.”

    Target performance:

    Development creativity children through vigorous activity in preparation for the New Year holiday, broadening their horizons, training ingenuity, dexterity, instilling responsibility and friendliness.


    Developing skills and habits of a culture of behavior in society, a sense of teamwork and camaraderie.

    Modeling a positive psycho-emotional state

    Forming the foundations of a respectful attitude towards the traditions of one’s people.

    Revival of the traditions of Russian fairy tales.

    Identifying children's interests and requests.


    In the process of preparing and holding the holiday, children revealed their creative potential.

    Participation in team competitions contributed to the development of communication skills.

    Additional knowledge was gained about the traditions of Russian festivities.

    A positive interest in the heroes of Russian fairy tales was revealed.

    The cultural needs of children have been formed and satisfied, the zone of their creative possibilities and range of interests have been expanded.

    New Year's theatrical performance script

    "The Christmas tree lights up"

    Before the start of the performance, songs about winter and Russian folk melodies are heard in the hall. On the walls there are congratulations and wishes for the New Year. In the middle of Hall - Christmas tree. The light is calm, moderate.

    The call signs of a famous children's song are heard. A cheerful buffoon runs out. Saying his introductory words, he gathers all the children in a circle.

    Buffoon: Come on the left
    Come on the right
    Let's start songs, games and fun.
    Get ready, people, to celebrate the New Year!

    Hey boys! Hey girls!
    Why are you standing on the sidelines?
    Don't be shy, friend,
    Get in a circle faster!

    Let's organize a show of ancient songs.
    Let anyone and everyone know:
    They are waiting for you at the Christmas tree
    Interesting games, wonderful fun,
    Prizes and gifts in bright bags
    And to everyone's surprise - a merry New Year's
    The best and most daring,
    Who is good at playing, dancing,
    Will be in the festive finale
    Santa Claus is handing out prizes!

    Don't waste a minute
    Come to us quickly
    Let cheerful laughter and jokes
    They all sound more friendly.

    The circle is ready

    And to those who are this tall (shows)
    And those who are many years old,
    We are ready to repeat a hundred times:
    "Hello Hello hello!"

    Guys, let's greet each other! Hello!

    Children: Hello!

    Buffoon: Let's say hello to parents and grandparents!

    Children: Hello!

    Parents: Hello! (if they answer poorly, the buffoon encourages them)

    Buffoon: To our teachers.....

    Children: Hello!

    Teachers: Hello!

    Buffoon: Joy lit up their faces.
    Well, the time has come for that.
    Tell me together!

    Children: Hello, hello, New Year!

    Buffoon: I have no doubt that you were all preparing for the New Year. Are you getting ready?

    Children: Yes!

    Buffoon: Fine! Do you know how to dance?

    Children: Yes!

    Buffoon: Then let's dance the most New Year's Polka dance "We are celebrating the New Year."

    The buffoon is learning dance moves with the children. Everyone dances together. At the end of the dance, a melody from the cartoon “Bremen Town Musicians” sounds - “We stopped by for an hour.” To the tune of a song, a Monkey appears in the hall. It is hung with tourist attributes: a camera, a camera, a telephone.

    Monkey: I'm a handsome monkey -

    Foreign citizen.
    I lived with you for a whole year,
    I have to hand over the cases!

    I’ll just hand over the symbol of the year...
    I want to go home!
    The baby lives in Africa,
    He calls me home.

    The sound of a telephone ringing is heard.

    Monkey: Yes! Chi-Chi, is that you? I'm still in Russia for the New Year tree.

    Monkey:(to children) My kid - monkeys don't know that there is a Christmas tree... (into the phone) Christmas tree - there is a palm tree with leaves from the ground!

    Monkey: No! (to children) Help me explain what a Christmas tree is!

    The monkey holds out the phone in front of him. The children begin to talk and explain into the phone what a Christmas tree is.

    Buffoon: Guys, let's sing about our Christmas tree. Then maybe Chi-Chi the monkey will understand us.

    Musical introduction. Children sing the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest.”

    Monkey: Thank you guys! (into the phone) See you soon Chi-Chi! (to children) Well, who should I hand over the cases to? Chi-Chi waited for a whole year...

    Buffoon: Guys, the symbol of the outgoing year was a monkey, and what is the symbol of the new year 2017?

    The New Year is fast approaching us
    The spurs are bright, like a shield.
    Red scallop
    Is he called?...

    Children: Cockerel!

    Monkey:(shouting) The cockerel is on our Christmas tree,
    I will give him the symbol!

    Buffoon: Where can you find him now, Petushka? You need to know where he lives... (to children) Children, where does the Cockerel live, in which fairy tales?

    Children remember in which fairy tales the Cockerel appears.

    Buffoon: Well done boys. How many fairy tales did you remember? Let me go call all the fairy tales and find out where Cockerel is now.

    The melody from the movie "Pinocchio" is heard. Lisa enters the hall.

    Fox: (To the buffoon) Where, the killer whale, are you going?

    Buffoon: Behind the Rooster.

    Fox: Why do you need it?

    Buffoon: We all need him.

    Fox: No, there are a lot of people, there won’t be enough for everyone.

    Monkey: What is there is not enough?

    Fox: There is not enough food for everyone. Even a small piece. Whose will you be, smart one?

    Monkey: I am…

    Fox: No, I will eat it, and you will gnaw the bones.

    Buffoon: Lisa, what are you all about food? Completely confused the foreigner.

    Monkey: I am a foreign citizen -
    Handsome monkey.

    Buffoon: This is a symbol of the passing year. She needs next year- Year of the Rooster, convey the symbol.

    Fox:(to the monkey) Let me introduce myself - Alisa Patrikeevna. Slaughter department of the Sinyavinskaya poultry farm. It was my boss, Petukhov Petrovich, who sent me here to receive symbols from you.

    The monkey begins to remove the symbolic ribbon from himself. The fox, worried, begins to help her.

    Buffoon: Stop, stop, stop.
    Why such a commotion?!
    There's probably a catch here...
    How, Fox, can you prove that the Rooster sent you?

    The fox begins to show evidence. Certificate of “Homicide Department Worker”, signed by Wolf, a kind smile and attitude towards children. Hosts the game “How the New Year is celebrated in Africa.”

    Monkey:(applauds) Light the Christmas tree. Symbol of giving.

    The fox tries to light the Christmas tree and involves the children in this, but the lights on the tree do not light.

    Buffoon: Probably the Rooster himself should do this. Come on, Fox, follow the Rooster. Either bring him, or let him give you his magical power.

    Lisa leaves.

    Monkey: Guys, have you forgotten my dance that we learned at the beginning of the year?

    The monkey is learning dance moves. Children dancing dance "Bananas, coconuts". The Rooster runs into the hall, screaming, running among the children, trying to hide.

    Rooster: Guard! Save! He'll catch up! He'll grab it! He'll drag you away! It will pinch! The soup will cook! Eat it raw! There are a lot of people, there is no one to protect!

    The buffoon follows the rooster in bewilderment and tries to find out what happened.

    Buffoon: What's happened? Who will catch up? Who will take it away? Who will grab it?
    Wait... Calm down...

    The rooster does not calm down.

    Buffoon: Petya, stop!

    The rooster falls to the floor in surprise and freezes.

    Buffoon: What happened, Petya?

    The rooster is silent.

    Buffoon: Petya, what's wrong with you? Don't be afraid, your friends are here.

    Rooster:(moans, slowly turns over, feels himself) Haven't I been eaten yet? I'm alive?

    Buffoon: Yes, alive, alive! Who were you running from? Who were you afraid of?

    Rooster:(suddenly becoming bolder) Me! Scared?! Yes, I’m not afraid of anyone and I’ll scare anyone I want!

    Monkey: What a cute parrot

    Rooster:(immediately hides under the tree) Ah-ah-ah!

    Monkey: What happened to you? Who are you afraid of?

    Rooster: No-no-nooo.... I'm looking at toys.

    Buffoon: Guys, do you know who came to us?

    Children: Yes, it's Cockerel!

    Buffoon: This is not an ordinary cockerel, the New Year has come to us! According to the Japanese calendar, 2017 is the year of the rooster. Well, Cockerel, we've been waiting for you!

    Hey guys, widen the circle, all the people are having fun!
    Together we will say to Cockerel:
    Hello, hello, New Year!

    Children: 3hello, hello, New Year!

    Rooster: Hello everyone! But if this year is mine, then it should be like me. This means that everyone this year should be kind like me... smart like me... cheerful, brave and strong!
    (asks the Buffoon, pointing to the Monkey) Who is this?

    Monkey: I'm a monkey -
    Foreign citizen.
    I lived with you for a year.
    Made your people happy.

    Rooster: And now it's my turn.
    And this will be the best year.

    Firstly, because I am local - from the Sinyavinsky factory. Secondly, because I am a hard worker.

    Monkey: What is a hard worker?

    Rooster: To become strong and brave,
    I have to stay awake at night!
    Sambo, taekwondo techniques
    I teach diligently - inside and out.
    I play football, volleyball and hockey,
    My physical fitness is OK.

    Buffoon: I think the guys deserve you. Look how strong they are, come on, kids, show Cockerel your muscles.

    Children demonstrate their strength. The buffoon, and especially the Cockerel, test their muscles and measure their strength.

    Buffoon: That's how strong they are! And this is because they do exercises every morning.

    Rooster: I also do exercises in the morning. Like this! (jumps onto a chair)
    Ku-ka-re-ku! Come on, music, play the march! Everything is in place - step by step!

    The New Year's march sounds. The rooster does exercises with the guys.

    Rooster: One two three four....
    Let's breathe deeper...
    Shoulders wider...
    Everyone sat down....
    Everyone stood up...
    We sat down again...
    We got up again...
    Get ready for jumps, but not low ones, but high ones...
    Well, what if you’re not tired!
    Everyone ran on the spot....

    Charging is repeated 2 times.

    Rooster: That’s great, you’ve gained so much strength right away, you can defeat anyone.

    (does karate exercises) Ya-ya-ya!

    The Fox entered the hall unnoticed. In her hands are elements of the Rooster's clothing.

    Fox: I! I! What are you, killer whale?...

    Rooster:(not noticing Lisa continues to do exercises) ME!-ME! (saw, voice wilted) I....I.... (heart-rending) Ka-ra-ul! Run away in all directions! Hide! (again begins to rush around the children, between the Christmas tree and the Buffoon)

    Buffoon: Calm down, Cockerel, no one will hurt you here.

    Fox: But why is it everything for some and nothing for others? How am I worse than him? I am beautiful, affectionate, kind, friendly... And the New Year is either a monkey or a rooster! Why is my year not there?

    Rooster: Because you're red!

    Fox: He is also rude and calls him names! Which one is New Year?? He can't do anything!

    Rooster: Ah-ah-ah... that’s what I can do!

    Fox: Well, what can you do?!

    Rooster: I can sing! Ku-ka-re-ku... Cough-cough...

    Fox: So, singing is clear. Now I know the games... You'll fall from the fun! For example: who opens his mouth wider?

    Monkey: Why open your mouth?

    Rooster: Even uncomfortable in front of foreign citizens

    Fox: Well, then who will pick the most toys from the Christmas tree!

    Monkey: Oh, don't!

    Fox: But my favorite game is tag! Come on, Monkey, come on, whoever can catch up with the rooster and pluck it faster!

    The monkey, who first stood at the start, was taken aback and remained standing in place, and the Fox chased after the Rooster. The rooster, running behind the tree, runs out of the circle.

    Buffoon: Guys, hold hands tightly and don’t let the Fox break through our circle.

    Passes game "I Won't Let You Out", The fox runs inside the circle and tries to break through it. Finally Lisa got tired.

    Buffoon: No, Lisa, your games are not suitable for us.

    Rooster:(embarrassing) Ku-ka-re-ku! I carry the scythe on my shoulders, I want to whip the fox! Come on, Fox, get out!

    Fox: Oh, I was scared!

    Buffoon: Guys, let's give the Fox thunder and lightning - we'll drive her away from our holiday. Stomp your feet!

    All the children stomp their feet. The fox runs away.

    Rooster: Thank you guys very much. You are so friendly, you saved me from the Fox!

    Monkey: Unpredictable Russian games. And only children remain friendly.

    Buffoon: The holiday is coming, but the Christmas tree doesn’t light up, doesn’t sparkle. Cockerel, help us light the Christmas tree.

    Rooster: How is this done?

    Monkey: We can do this together. One, two, three - the Christmas tree is on fire!

    Rooster: How is this possible?

    Buffoon: It’s simple: one, two, three - the Christmas tree is on fire!

    Children repeat the words several times. The Christmas tree lights up. The Monkey passes on the symbolism to the Rooster. The rooster, not paying attention to the symbolism, walks around the tree, admiring its lights

    Buffoon: What kind of Christmas tree do we have?
    With garlands and balloons!
    Visit us at a fun time
    Come have fun with us!

    Guys, let's sing the song “The Little Christmas Tree Is Cold in Winter”!

    Children perform a song. The melody of a waltz sounds. Projected snowflakes fly along the darkened walls of the hall and stars sparkle.

    Monkey: What's happened? What's happened?

    Rooster: It spun and spun...

    Buffoon: These are snowstorms rising from bed,
    Seen off on the way
    Snow daughter - sweet Snow Maiden.
    The snowier the clouds are lower,
    The Snow Maiden is getting closer.
    Past villages, forests, country roads
    She's hurrying to see us at the Christmas tree.
    Her tender tenderness,
    Her bright ladyship,
    Her cheerful Majesty - Snow Maiden!

    The Snow Maiden appears. A circle of light guides her through the hall. Dancing around the Christmas tree, the Snow Maiden showers the characters and children with tinsel. The music fades out.

    Snow Maiden: 3hello guys,
    Girls and boys!

    Children: Hello!

    Snow Maiden: I'm glad to meet you
    I'm among friends again
    Let the Christmas tree decoration shine
    A garland of lights!
    It will be our wonderful holiday,
    I brought it to you again
    Lots of dancing, lots of songs,
    You can’t sing and dance everyone!

    Monkey: What to eat - dance? Present?

    Rooster: Santa Claus gives out gifts, and the Snow Maiden dances and sings.

    Snow Maiden: Let's guys dance my favorite dance.

    The Snow Maiden explains the movements dance "Cossack". Children and characters dance.

    Monkey: I really liked your country. I completed my mission. I need to go home. Where can I buy a souvenir - a Christmas tree?

    Snow Maiden: Santa Claus is in charge of gifts and souvenirs. Now I will find out where he is.

    Dials the number on mobile phone. The howling of wind and blizzard sounds.

    Snow Maiden: Bad connection.

    Rooster: The phone is bad. (takes out a huge rotary phone made of foam rubber from under the wing) Mine takes it everywhere! (into the phone) Ku-ka-re-ku, Santa Claus!

    The soundtrack of the march sounds. Santa Claus enters the hall to applause, walks around the Christmas tree, greeting the children.

    Father Frost: So I came today
    Visit your loved ones.
    Dear Masha, Bones,
    Vasilki, Natasha, Gali -
    Everyone gathered in the hall
    Happy New Year!

    Children: Thank you!

    Father Frost: Happy New Year in good time.
    I came to congratulate you!
    I've traveled half the universe,
    I've even been to space
    But, I confess frankly,
    I haven’t forgotten you anywhere.
    I'm glad to see you again,
    Happy holiday, my friends!

    Children: Thank you!

    Father Frost: Well done! They decorated the Christmas tree and decorated it themselves. Didn't the New Year come to you?

    Buffoon: Yes, there he is, hiding behind the Christmas tree.

    Santa Claus is looking for the Rooster, the children show him where he is hiding.

    Father Frost: Oh, you naughty one!

    Snow Maiden: Grandfather, here the Monkey is in a hurry to go home.

    Rooster: Santa Claus, Santa Claus, what did you bring for the guys?

    Father Frost: The slides are steep, the sleds are dashing,
    Dances, round dance,
    So that the little people laugh!

    Santa Claus spends with children game "Snowballs". The characters invite the children to imagine that there is a lot of snow around them, from which they make snowballs and throw them at each other. A game of imagination.

    Snow Maiden: Santa Claus, Santa Claus, what else did you bring us?

    Father Frost: He brought various gifts,
    Entertaining and excellent

    (To the monkey) And here’s a gift for you (gives a gift)

    Thank you for the past year.

    Monkey: Goodbye, guys. (leaves)

    Rooster: Father Frost, Father Frost, what else have you brought us?

    Father Frost: I have a lot of fun things to do
    Ready to show for children.
    Are there any athletes among you?
    Come on, who will overtake me?

    Santa Claus plays with children in "Running the Race". They place a chair with their back to the tree - this is the start and finish. Santa Claus and the race participant must run two circles around the tree and sit on a chair. Whoever managed it first won. One of the teachers or parents is the last to run the race with Santa Claus.

    Father Frost: I see a lot of dads and moms who came to our Christmas tree.
    There are also grandparents, greetings from me to you all!
    New Year is a joy for everyone,
    The children need to congratulate you.
    Well, guys, start and repeat after me:
    "Moms, dads - congratulations, we wish you a lot of happiness,
    You are dear to us, we love you, we love you dearly!
    It's a pity we can't hug everyone.
    We will dance for you!

    Buffoon: Guys, widen the circle!
    Santa Claus, stand in a circle.
    The circle, guys, is not good - it’s narrow.
    Since we are dancing now
    Fast Russian dance!

    Rooster: Hands on hips, oh, come on.
    Have fun, honest people,
    The cheerful grandfather will dance dashingly
    Near the Christmas tree it is thick.

    Father Frost: And for me this matter is very simple,
    Eh, my soul is ninety years younger!

    All the characters dance Russian folk together with the children. dance "Lady"

    Father Frost: Oh, I'm hot, oh, I'm melting!

    Snow Maiden: Guys, let's wave our hands, blow on Santa Claus, and make him a blizzard.

    Children blow on Santa Claus. The sound of a blizzard is heard.

    Buffoon: Grandfather, sit down and rest. We'll sing a song for you.

    Children sing the song “Oh, what a good, kind Santa Claus”

    Snow Maiden: Grandfather, look at the guys’ costumes. How beautiful and elegant they are.

    Father Frost: I see! I see!

    I am now pleased to announce
    Our cheerful march parade,
    New Year's masquerade!
    Everything lined up as it should!

    The buffoon, the Rooster and the Snow Maiden line up children in costumes closer to the Christmas tree in the first circle.

    Father Frost: Is everything ready for the parade?
    Let's start the march parade, the New Year's masquerade!

    To a solemn march and applause, a costumed the group is coming round. Santa Claus and his assistants give them souvenirs and sweets.

    Rooster: Grandfather would have played a game and amused the kids.

    Father Frost: Well, I'm always happy to play.
    I'll amuse the guys.
    Come on guys
    Let's play hide and seek.

    Santa Claus drives, closes his eyes, and the heroes help the children hide behind Santa Claus. Santa Claus opens his eyes and finds no one. But, walking around the tree, Santa Claus saw a tail from a living train and found everyone. The clock sounds.

    Buffoon:(against the background of a clock striking) Well, friends, it’s time to say goodbye

    With the December wind she flew to us...

    Buffoon: And again we say: “Goodbye!”
    To my good and great friends!

    Rooster: We wouldn't like to part

    Today is a happy holiday for us...

    Snow Maiden: But we must reckon with time,
    Goodbye, friends, good morning!

    Father Frost: We guys played
    We made some noise in this room.
    Now get into the locomotive...
    Santa Claus will take you for gifts.

    Children line up behind Santa Claus in a “train”. To the melody of the song "Blue Car" Santa Claus leads the children out of the hall.


    Theatricalization in the field of cultural and leisure activities is developing in two main directions. The first is associated with its recreational function (balls, masquerades, carnivals), the second is associated with the transformation of life into artistic value by creating on its basis artistic image. Every adult keeps the impressions received during the holiday in childhood as their most precious memories. The need for a holiday is a person’s need to share the “joy of being” with others. A holiday is a complex, multifaceted, developing phenomenon, of great importance for human life, and children's party- one of the most highlights in a child's life , which can also serve as a tool in education, upbringing and formation personal qualities child. Design, colors, fireworks are not yet theatrical. Therefore, you need to look for a capacious image - a generalization that emotionally reveals the meaning of the New Year's performance through expressive means.

    Carrying out this event promotes communication and has a beneficial effect on the development of mental processes: memory, attention, creates an excellent situation for the development of the child’s speech, his musical and choreographic abilities, for consolidating the knowledge acquired in various classes, but most importantly, it contributes to his moral education.

    List of used literature

    Vershkovsky E.V. Directing club mass performances, L.G.I.K., 1977.

    Konovich A.A. Theatrical holidays and rituals in the USSR, M, 1990

    Pronina I.N. The phenomenon of the holiday in the context of national culture. Mordovian state univ. Saransk, 2001.

    Scenario for the New Year's holiday for elementary grades "New Year's rumble"


    Two Cuckoos are the leaders.


    Snow Maiden.

    Father Frost.

    Six extras.

    Vocal group.

    Children's New Year's melodies are heard in the hall. The crowd meets the children and forms circles and chains around the tree. A calendar layout is installed on the stage.

    A musical signal sounds and Cuckoos appear.

    1st cuckoo.

    Cuckoo! Cuckoo!

    I bring the news!

    2nd cuckoo. Kukuku, I'll tell you!

    1st cuckoo. Cuckoo? I heard it first!

    2nd cuckoo. Cuckoo! I saw it first!

    1st cuckoo. Ku! What a mischief you are!

    2nd cuckoo. There's a ku-kaya!!! Look at yourself!

    1st cuckoo. Well, that's enough, stop cuckooing, otherwise we'll cause trouble. Let's get our news together!


    Cuckoo! Cuckoo!

    New Year is just around the corner!

    1st cuckoo.

    On a snowy sleigh

    Santa Claus is flying in the dark!

    2nd cuckoo.

    He harnessed the snowstorm to a sleigh,

    And they rush on their own!

    1st cuckoo.

    Soon, soon it will be here -

    In a few minutes!


    1. The winter evening has come, the stars have lit up in the sky,

    And the lights came on on the tree.

    Three horses ride past white birches,

    And in the sleigh, and in the sleigh there is Santa Claus.

    New Year is coming to us,

    The New Year is coming to us, coming to us. (2 times)

    2. Santa Claus decorated the forests and fields,

    The ground is covered with white snow.

    The sleigh glides quickly, the troika runs dashingly,

    Santa Claus is in a hurry to visit us for the holiday.

    3. This fabulous holiday brought together all the friends,

    Let's sing our songs more joyfully!

    We will dance and dance in a circle

    And celebrate the New Year at the Christmas tree!

    At the end of the song, Shaggy comes out.

    Shaggy. So-so! That means celebrating, that means celebrating the New Year, that means this old stump nicknamed “Frost” is coming here again! He doesn't fit in the North! Have you decided to have a party? Will not work! (Whistles - Tops and Brake jump out.)

    Brake. You-you-you!

    Tops. Did you call?

    Brake. Ah-ah-ah-ah!

    Tops. What for? Wring someone's head? Or something else cooler?

    Brake. Then sorry, I don’t participate in such operations - that’s how my mother raised me!

    About to leave. Botva stops him.

    Tops. Brake! Hey, he's overclocked!

    Shaggy. Tsits! Let me tell you! Like magpies chatter! There is a case! It’s very important, secret, and if you try to fail me, I’ll fire you!

    Brake. Sorry - I got excited! Blunted out without thinking! What, exactly, needs to be done? Can we finish it before lunch? Because I have a routine!

    Shaggy. And this is how hard you will try. Let me explain: today I received secret information that Grandpa Frosty is coming here! What does it mean?

    Brake and Tops. We don't know! By God we don’t know!

    Shaggy. I’ll explain for those who are especially brainy. This means that there will be a holiday and the New Year will come.

    Brake. Wow! Holidays are good, I love this thing!

    Shaggy. Blockhead! Who will let you come to this holiday? Who needs you!? Have you looked at yourself in the mirror lately? They don't like our bright personality! Give them clean things, but we are not suitable for them!

    Brake. Ache, I'm okay!

    Tops. And we are not used to holidays - it’s calmer without them!

    Shaggy. So, listen! There is a calendar according to which short children count the days, waiting for the New Year. And if this calendar disappears, then they will never be able to conduct old year and even more so to get into a new one!

    Tops. That is, they will be out of business!

    Shaggy. You're thinking!

    Brake. What do we have to do with it?

    Shaggy. You are with me! And so listen to my command! Steal and destroy the calendar!

    Brake. And my mother told me that taking without asking is not good!

    Shaggy. Right! Only we are bad, we can do it!

    Tops. Even necessary!

    Brake. It's easy to say.

    Shaggy. What? Weak? Lost your qualifications?!

    Brake. Why is “weak”, who is “weak”!

    Tops. Brake! Don't rattle! Eat! Invented! Brake, follow me \(They leave.)

    Shaggy. Great! First we'll deal with the calendar, and then we'll deal with grandpa! (Leaves.)

    2nd cuckoo. Oh, peek-a-boo, peek-a-boo! What will happen now?

    1st cuckoo. Ku - what? New Year!

    2nd cuckoo. But what if they...

    1st cuckoo. Don't be afraid, girlfriend! Look how friendly and cheerful our guys are! They will not give Santa Claus offense.

    2nd cuckoo. Somehow they are not at all friendly and not cheerful! Cuckoo something...

    1st cuckoo. Come on, guys, let's show this crybaby how funny and friendly we are! Let's turn our round dance into a cheerful, nimble train.

    There is an explanation of the dance game “Letka-enka”.

    1. Jump-jump - in the morning to the meadow,

    Jump-jump - a cricket ran out,

    And then also jump and jump -

    An animal jumped out of a dark hole - a ferret!

    Jump and jump - they are in a hurry to catch up with them,

    Jump-jump - 10 frogs,

    Jump-jump - from branch to flower

    A moth flutters next to its friends.

    The grasshopper took out the violin,

    Although he is very small in stature,

    All day and all evening

    I composed a letka-enka.

    Jump-jump - everyone is jumping around,

    Jump and jump - the circle is not too small for them.

    The sun is shining over the earth,

    Over the entire planet, joyful and young!

    2. Jump-jump - over the threshold to us,

    Jump-jump - the breeze jumped.

    And everyone suddenly started dancing -

    It’s not in vain that he brought the tap-hole for us!

    Jump-jump - from heel to toe,

    Jump-jump - from south to east,

    Jump and jump - that's the whole lesson,

    We cure melancholy with laughter

    In summer and in winter.

    If you have nothing to do,

    We're dancing the letka-enka!

    Jump-jump - from heel to toe,

    Jump-jump - from south to east,

    Jump and jump - that's the whole lesson,

    Dance with everyone more joyfully, my friend!

    2nd cuckoo.

    Yes, a great round dance,

    And you are a cheerful people.

    It's good to be with you

    We are celebrating the New Year!

    Shaggy appears.

    Shaggy. Who, who dared? Who said - New Year?! Who, I ask? You you you? Well, admit it in a good way!

    Cuckoos(scared). Cook! We said!

    1st cuckoo. And we are not afraid of you! It is for you!

    Shaggy. Let's see how you bite now! Hey! Tops! Brake! To me!

    Botva and Brake run in. In the hands are scraps of the calendar. Music "Madame Broshkina".

    Shaggy. Well, what do you say?! Have you missed your calendar? All that was left of him were his memories. And I scattered the little day leaves around the world and scattered them to the wind. Look for them now, fistulas! Well done scoundrels! I'm proud! Now go get Santa Claus, and I’ll stay here and watch these little ones.

    The cuckoos are trying to collect pieces of the calendar.

    2nd cuckoo.

    Ooh, peek-a-boo, peek-a-boo, peek-a-boo!

    What's what - I don't understand...

    How are we now, friends?

    If there is no calendar?!

    1st cuckoo. Don't whine! Better yet, think about how to return the calendar to us...

    2nd cuckoo. Yeah! And at the same time stay alive... This Shaggy girl is a real nightmare! We're like that to her, but she's a bastard to us! And cuckoo!

    1st cuckoo. Oh, ku! And I’m still young - just a little chick, a little cuckoo - I want to live! Cuckoo!

    2nd cuckoo. Oh, wait, girlfriend, don’t cackle like a club! I know who will help us...

    1st cuckoo. Who?

    2nd cuckoo. Snoo-ku-ku-chicken!

    1st cuckoo. What kind of chicken? Oh, I understand - Snow Maiden.

    Shaggy. Oh, I can’t - I’m going to die of laughter right now. The most correct, the cleanest, the most...

    1st cuckoo. Yes Yes Yes! And ku again! And there’s no point in making a joke here - we need to call the Snow Maiden. Come on guys, three or four!

    All. Snow Maiden!

    The melody “We will defeat the enemy” sounds and the Snow Maiden appears.

    Snow Maiden.

    You won't see me not in September, not in March,

    And where I am at this time, you cannot find on the map.

    But there is no and cannot be a Christmas tree without the Snow Maiden,

    A Christmas tree without the Snow Maiden doesn't look like a Christmas tree!

    Hello guys! I'm so glad to see you! I've been waiting for this meeting for a whole year... How smart you are, and how much you've grown! Oh, who is this - grimy, rumpled, unkempt...

    Shaggy. Oh well! No insults, little granddaughter! “Correct” for me too. Choose your expressions - I demand respect!

    Snow Maiden. Fine! Sorry. And yet, who are you?

    Shaggy. I?! Shaggy little bunny, Shaggy little darling, Shaggy little darling...

    Both cuckoos. Show off!

    Snow Maiden. Oh that's how it is! Old friend! So what are you doing here? After all, you were forbidden to celebrate the New Year until you put yourself in order...

    Shaggy. Here's another! I'm fine as it is!

    Snow Maiden. Guys! Why are you all so quiet? What happened here? (Children's answers.)

    Snow Maiden. Understood nothing! Cuckoo friends! Come on, tell me what's the matter.

    1st cuckoo. Cuckoo! I will tell!

    2nd cuckoo. Cook, no-me!

    1st cuckoo. Are you being mischievous again?

    Snow Maiden. Cuckoos, stop quarreling. Explain everything in order!

    1st cuckoo. This Shaggy girl and her company tore up the calendar so that we could not celebrate the New Year. Oh, cuckoo!

    2nd cuckoo. This is what's left of him! And she scattered the rest in all four directions!

    1st cuckoo. And now I sent Tops and Brakes to meet Santa Claus so that they would neutralize him and not let him into our holiday.

    Snow Maiden. Oh, that's it! Nothing! We couldn't cope with those! Just think, some grimy Zamazulina decided to ruin our holiday - it won’t work. She is one, but there are many of us!

    Shaggy. But she’s not alone! There are three of us. We are a team!

    Snow Maiden. Oh yes! I forgot that your friends are here too. But this doesn’t change anything - we will defeat you anyway!

    Shaggy. Ha! Let's win! We'll see about that later (as we leave). Victorious braggarts!

    1st cuckoo. Oh, Snow Maiden, how can we defeat them?

    2nd cuckoo. Yes, ku!

    Snow Maiden. First, let's remember what our calendar consists of. Come on, everyone hold hands and let's go around the Christmas tree.

    A song is playing.


    1. From what, from what, from what,

    Is our calendar done?

    From leaves, from days,

    Birthdays and teachings

    Our calendar is done. (2 times)

    2. From what, from what, from what

    Done days and weeks?

    From discoveries, from events,

    From notebooks and glances

    Days and weeks are done. (2 times)

    3. From what, from what, from what

    Made a year for the kids?

    From the tales of new, good friends,

    New achievements and adventures

    Made a year for the kids. (2 times)

    Snow Maiden. Stop! Stop! So will you really agree to stay for whole year without good fairy tales, new acquaintances, without interesting events, important discoveries...

    Both cuckoos. Ku! Ku! Never!

    Shaggy. Hee hee hee! Yes, you are already without these events and discoveries of yours! The calendar is cuckooed! Whooped! Your New Year is covered with a big snowdrift of my harmfulness!

    Snow Maiden. Yeah! We have no doubt about your harmfulness, but you clearly underestimate us.


    What is there to value?

    Feathers, beaks, and ice.

    And there are only monkeys around!

    Both cuckoos. Whoa? Ku-ku-what?

    1st cuckoo. Oh, you are so, oh, you are so!

    Shaggy. Yes, I do! And stop cuckooing here - I'm tired of it! Better croak for a change.

    Both cuckoos. Kwa-ak?

    Shaggy. At least that way!

    Snow Maiden. Okay, you've achieved it! The guys and I challenge you to a fight! Whoever wins gets the calendar.

    Shaggy. Yeah! And whoever loses, Happy New Year flies by. Deal?

    All. Deal!

    (They clap.)

    Both cuckoos. Cuckoo! A tournament is announced - to the whole world! Musical signal.

    2nd cuckoo. In order to return the calendar to us, we need to be very careful...

    1st cuckoo. And smart!

    Shaggy. I've seen people like that - they just brag, but when it comes down to it, it's so funny to watch!

    Snow Maiden.

    Let's see which of us will have fun!

    Well, Cuckoos, don't yawn,

    The competition begins!

    1st cuckoo.

    Attention attention!

    2nd cuckoo.

    Dandelion wreaths in spring

    Of course, only... (boys) weave.

    1st cuckoo.

    Bolts, screws, gears

    You will find it in... (girls') pocket.

    2nd cuckoo.

    Skates on the ice drew arrows,

    We played hockey in the morning... (girls).

    1st cuckoo.

    We chatted for an hour without a break

    In colorful dresses... (boys).

    2nd cuckoo.

    Test your strength in front of everyone,

    Of course, they only love... (girls).

    1st cuckoo.

    Cowards are afraid of the dark,

    All as one, they... (boys).

    2nd cuckoo.

    Silk, lace and ringed fingers,

    They go out for a walk... (boys).

    Snow Maiden. Well, cuckoos, well, they made riddles. Well done, you did a good job with this task.

    Shaggy. Not fair! You told them!

    1st cuckoo. We have everything according to the rules! And if someone has a peek-a-boo in their head, then it’s not our “peek-a-boo.”

    Shaggy. Oh, cuckoo! Maybe stop calling names? How can I come up with something like that?

    2nd cuckoo. You'll figure it out! Three peek-a-boo! Shaggy. And here are not peek-a-boo, but three riddles. So get ready to lose!


    I'm planning at the buffet

    Order yourself some beans

    A sandwich and a cup of tea,

    Well, pour... (sugar) into the tea.

    In my little hut

    I will live without worries.

    I bake cheesecakes in the morning,

    I cook fatty... (soup).

    You guessed it all yourself

    Oh, quick-witted people!

    I'll stay with you then

    Celebrate together... (New Year).

    1st cuckoo. I was daydreaming! Return the calendar! Sassy!

    2nd cuckoo. Oh, ku! What made me cuckoo!

    1st cuckoo. Hooray! This is a piece of paper on our calendar! We succeed - he returns.

    The song “We have overcome the enemy”, at this time one piece of the mosaic appears on the calendar!

    Shaggy. Ah-ah-ah! You rejoice early. It's just one leaf, about the size of a cuckoo's toe. The rest will not be returned to you. Ooo! Where are these idiots? The whole operation is being slowed down! Well, I tell them! (runs away).

    Snow Maiden. She is for them, and we are for ourselves!

    The “Lambada” dance is performed, and the masses are working. Brake and Tops come out. Brake has a ball in his bosom.

    Tops. And we came up with a clever idea. Now no one will guess that one of the calendar leaves is hidden in a ball.

    Brake. Yeah! Where's the ball?

    Tops. In a safe place!

    Brake. Where is it?

    Tops. Who is it?

    Brake. Place!

    Tops. Here's the Brake! This place is yours.

    Brake. Yes? Here? (Raises his right hand.)

    Tops. No.

    Brake. Or maybe here? (Raises his left one.)

    Tops. No!

    Brake. Oh, then here? (Takes off his hat and points to his head.)

    Tops. You've never had anything here!

    Brake. Silence!

    Snow Maiden. Young people! You seem to be looking for something?

    Brake. Oh, girl... Yeah, we're looking for something... We're looking for what we need!

    Tops. It's none of your business, go your own way.

    1st cuckoo. Ku! How rough! We want to help.

    Tops. Shoo! Feathered. It's slippery without you.

    Snow Maiden. And it seems to us that you simply need our help.

    Brake. Yeah! I'm already tired of searching for something.

    2nd cuckoo. Guys, have you already guessed where the ball is hidden? (Children's answers.) Then tell or show where he is.

    Children show.

    Brake. Oh, it's true. Here he is. (Takes out the ball. He approaches the child and strokes his head.) Good boy. Do you like the ball? Do you want to hold it? Come on, uncle is not greedy!

    A mini-game is played.

    2nd cuckoo. Guys, now pass the ball quickly around the circle so that it doesn’t fall into the hands of these hooligans.

    Brake. Oh, where are you taking him?

    Tops. Brake! Hold it!

    Brake and Botva are trying to take the ball away from the guys, while the crowd is passing false balls around in a circle. Music. The game is stopped by a musical signal.

    Snow Maiden. Guys, look: a piece of the calendar is already in place.

    Shaggy. Where do you go? Where does it take you?

    Brake. Yes we are! Yes!

    Shaggy. Why are you mumbling? Are you saying what happened?

    Tops. What can I say! A leaf of that!

    Shaggy. What?

    Tops. They have it! Hanging there on the calendar.

    Shaggy. Mugs! Just trust the case to you - you'll ruin everything!

    1st cuckoo. Oh, ku! Your back... (shows back).

    Children's answers.

    Shaggy. What's the back?

    2nd cuckoo. Nothing, ku! We just want to play a game with the guys called “Seen.”

    Shaggy. What kind of game is this? We don't know this one...

    2nd cuckoo. But now you will find out.

    1st cuckoo. If you saw, answer: “We saw!” If you haven't seen it, stomp your feet. So, listen.

    2nd cuckoo. Behind bars at the gate

    A huge hippopotamus is sleeping. Children. We saw it, we saw it!

    1st cuckoo. The black-eyed fox is a wonderful bird.

    Children stomp their feet.

    2nd cuckoo.

    Ponies are small horses.

    How funny ponies are.

    Children. We saw it, we saw it!

    1st cuckoo.

    A green crocodile

    He walked across the field with importance.

    Children stomp their feet.

    At the end of the game, one of the Cuckoos takes a piece of the calendar from Shaggy's back and runs out of the circle of children.

    Tops. Guard! Robbed!

    Shaggy(trying to run out of the circle). Hold it! Grab it! Catch!

    There is music and the game “Chains”. The game is interrupted by a musical signal.

    Snow Maiden. And this piece of paper returned to its place! Hooray!

    Shaggy. Hooray! Quack quack! Well, you’ll never find the next leaf.

    Frozen forever

    This calendar sheet.

    The ice shimmers

    The holiday is cancelled!

    Bring in some ice! Oh (knocks - ringing), strong. And this leaf is unlikely to be too tough for you!

    1st cuckoo. Oh, mommies! What to do!?

    2nd cuckoo. Oh, daddies! How to be!?

    1st cuckoo. How to melt ice?

    Snow Maiden. Very simple! The most skillful, hard-working guys will help us. They also say about such people: everything burns in their hands, everything works out! There are such? Come out! Melt this piece of ice!

    Musical game "Ice". The participants’ task is to melt the pieces of ice using their palms.

    Tops. Look, it's melting!

    Brake. Yeah!

    Tops. Leaking!

    Brake. Yeah!

    Shaggy. Hold on, ice floe! Don't tell! (Chanting.)

    Musical signal.

    Snow Maiden. We won! Look, this sheet is back in its place!

    Shaggy, Tops, Brake(singing).

    Life is neither sugar nor honey.

    Oh, we're not lucky in anything.

    1st cuckoo. Oh, ku! It turns out they can sing too! Yes, how pitiful...

    Shaggy. Ha, sorry... Really necessary! There is no need to feel sorry for us - we are mischievous guys, unaccustomed to crying.

    They sing and make faces to the melody of “And I’m so melting.”

    And we are like this, like this, very angry,

    We shit on everyone.

    And we are so, so groovy,

    No wonder they say:

    They are so young, mischievous,

    Let your ears wither!

    2nd cuckoo. Oh, you are so, so, so... They sing so well!

    1st cuckoo. Oh, I’m so excited, our kids will be louder!

    Brake, Tops. I doubt!

    Snow Maiden. Let's check it out! Talent show! And let the parents decide whose song is better.

    Shaggy. And let's sing! The trio "Pepper" performs. Ditties! (Sings.)

    I was sitting on a snowdrift,

    He looked in all directions.

    I'm sad today -

    It's a pity that the snow doesn't taste good.

    Stretch your furs, accordion,

    Eh, play, have fun!

    Sing ditties and brakes,

    Sing, don't talk!

    I sculpted a snow woman,

    My hands and feet got cold,

    The fingers don't move.

    What is this being done?

    I was skating on the pond

    I looked back as I walked,

    The ice cracked, it broke,

    And I took a swim.

    Snow Maiden. Not bad at all. And now the children's choir named “Salvation of the New Year” is performing.

    Children perform a song.

    Peggy lived with a cheerful goose.

    He knew all the songs by heart.

    Oh, what a funny goose!

    Let's dance, Peggy, let's dance.

    Peggy had a funny puppy,

    He could dance to the tune.

    Oh, what a funny puppy!

    Let's dance, Peggy, let's dance.

    Peggy's old lived goat.

    He chalked the paths with his beard.

    Oh, how smart the goat is,

    Let's dance, Peggy, let's dance.

    The Snow Maiden appeals to the audience with a request to evaluate the performance. Musical signal - sheet.

    1st cuckoo. How much I love winning!

    2nd cuckoo. And to me, and to me!

    Shaggy. Do you think we don’t like to win? Today is just not my day. And the voice doesn't sound...

    Brake. Yeah! It squeaks for you.

    Shaggy. Oh it creaks! Oh it thunders! Oh, I don’t like it... And I don’t like all this clamor either. Not competitions, but cuckoo tugs. Where is the valiant strength, the daring prowess? No opportunity to show yourself in all your glory.

    1st cuckoo. Yes, show your health - who objects.

    Shaggy. And we’ll show you - we won’t ask you! Come on, winged one, give me the last test

    1st cuckoo. Yes, guys, this is the last test, because there is only one piece of paper left. And in order to return it, we need to try, gather our strength and not let the hooligans beat us.

    2nd cuckoo. Cuckoo! I call 9 people, you will now be divided into three teams. You will have to collect icicles. So, stand in a circle. There are three icicles in the center. While the music is playing, you run around them, and as soon as it stops, you quickly take an icicle. Those who do not have time are eliminated. So, let's start!

    There is music and the game “Collect icicles”. Bullies lose.

    Shaggy. Deceived! Convicted! Yes, I will grind you into powder! I will destroy you! And you, and you, and you!

    Snow Maiden. Shame on you. What an example you are setting for our guys. Oh no no no!

    1st cuckoo. In my opinion, they should be punished. Ku!

    Shaggy. What? Shall we be punished? Keep your beak wider!

    2nd cuckoo. Oh, you are. Then leave our holiday. There is no place for brawlers and rude people here! Ku!

    Shaggy. Just think! Scared! We'll leave, but I promise we'll be back. Cuckoo! (leave).

    Musical signal - sheet.

    Snow Maiden. Look. The calendar has been restored, which means that the New Year will come and there will be a holiday.

    The song “We will overcome the enemy” plays and Father Frost comes out.

    Father Frost. And the holiday is already in full swing! Hello kids! Hello, my dear grandchildren!

    There's nothing more interesting

    How wonderful is it on a day like this?

    Winter holiday season

    Meet the kids.

    Well, kids, how are you doing?

    1st cuckoo. Oh, cuckoo! What happened! What happened!

    Father Frost. I heard - I know. If it weren't for the guys, we wouldn't see the New Year. Well done, they weren’t scared, they taught the brats a lesson.

    2nd cuckoo. Since the guys did well and everything ended so well, isn’t it time to continue the celebration?

    Snow Maiden. Yes, grandpa! Join us, otherwise the New Year wouldn’t be real without you.

    Snow Maiden.

    We all love laughter and jokes,

    It's time for fun.

    Dance for a minute

    We announce it for you.

    Snow Maiden.

    Hurry to the round dance,

    Let everyone sing

    A wonderful Christmas tree is waiting for us!

    The more children

    The more friends

    The more fun it will be!

    Father Frost. Everybody dance!

    Music, children dancing.

    Father Frost. Oh, they killed the old man! Wow, I'm hot! How not to melt...

    Snow Maiden. Guys, let's blow on grandpa and cool the old man down (the guys blow).

    Father Frost. Oh, oh, good! Thank you, kids (starts looking for something). Oh, where is she?

    Snow Maiden. Who, grandpa?

    Father Frost. Yes, mitten, granddaughter, mitten! It was just there, and suddenly it’s not.

    1st cuckoo. Cuckoo! Cuckoo! Santa Claus lost his mitten!

    2nd cuckoo. Not grandfather, but Masha the Confused One!

    Father Frost. Oh, my head is like a garden. Oh, bungler!

    Snow Maiden. Grandpa, don't worry! And you haven't lost her at all.

    Father Frost. How about it, granddaughter? After all, she is not there!

    Snow Maiden. No there is! You just need to look for it better.

    Father Frost. Oh, that's it! Can I ask you, dear granddaughter, were you the one who took this mitten?

    Snow Maiden. Me, grandpa! But not to make you upset, but to play with the guys.

    Father Frost. If so, let's play. And where to look?

    Snow Maiden. The guys!

    Music is playing. Game "Mitten".

    Father Frost. Oh, I got tired while I was looking.

    1st cuckoo. And you rest, grandpa, sit down by the Christmas tree, and the guys and I will sing a song for you.

    2nd cuckoo. Guys, let's hold our hands tightly and walk around the tree with a New Year's song.

    Round dance song "New Year's".

    Father Frost. Well done guys, they pleased the old man with their songs. And now my turn has come. So, kids, the game begins.

    The blizzard is worried - once,

    The blizzard is worried - two,

    The blizzard is worried - three:

    Forest figure, freeze!

    Exercise: depict figures - funny, wonderful, etc. Rewarding.

    Father Frost. Well done, you know how to play, you can’t say anything, you deserve a reward. It's time to light the Christmas tree and wish you a Happy New Year.

    Snow Maiden.

    Green spruce in the forest

    Has grown in all its glory,

    But winter is here again - and here it is -

    The spruce has arrived for the New Year!

    1st cuckoo.

    Instantly transformed -

    Dressed up in beads!

    In bright toys,

    Balls, firecrackers!

    Father Frost.

    It's amazing on her

    The only thing missing is the lights.

    Come on, together: one, two, three,

    Let's say: Christmas tree, burn!

    The guys repeat - the tree is lit.

    Snow Maiden.

    How beautiful the New Year tree is!

    Look how she dressed up:

    Dress on the Christmas tree of green silk,

    Bright beads on her, confetti.

    2nd cuckoo.

    Let's hold hands, friends,

    And let's dance in a circle.

    Not every day, but once a year

    New Year is coming!

    The song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”, presentation of gifts for the best costumes.

    Father Frost.

    Ah, Snow Maiden! look,

    How the lights shine

    On the branches of a green Christmas tree.

    How they know how to play

    And learn and make friends.

    Oh, what a pity that Grandfather and I

    It's time to leave!

    Father Frost.

    Happy New Year, Happy New Year!

    May only happiness bring you

    Kind, nice, friendly,

    Our beloved New Year!

    1st cuckoo.

    Let everything in this world

    Children laugh heartily!

    2nd cuckoo.

    Let in all matters, always

    The game helps you!

    Father Frost.

    Happy New Year, kids!

    And until we meet again...

    All. Hooray!

    To the accompaniment of cheerful New Year's music, children leave the hall in “chains”.

    Scenario of a theatrical performance for children 6-10 years old "Hello, New Year!"

    This material will be useful to teachers primary classes, teachers of extended day groups, teachers, organizers of extracurricular activities, methodologists, teachers of additional education.
    Theatrical performance prepared for the pupils of the House children's creativity aged 6 to 10 years. Competitions, games and riddles are selected in such a way that children different ages it was interesting.
    Create a festive atmosphere of magic and mystery.
    - Encourage children to create a festive atmosphere around themselves,
    - To foster in children a sense of collectivism, activity,
    - Create a festive mood for everyone present at the holiday.
    Props for games (two mortars, two brooms, a pair of pants big size, a pair of large paws, a pair of rooster heads on the head, multi-colored balls - snowballs, sleds, a ball of thread), recording songs for the exit fairy-tale heroes and for games.

    Father Frost,
    Snow Maiden,
    Baba Yaga,
    Children stand around the Christmas tree.
    Music is playing. Baba Yaga appears.

    Baba Yaga:
    Wow, wow! Wow, wow!
    I hear the childish spirit!
    What kind of gathering is this?
    Why cheerful laughter?
    I'll throw a party for you...
    I'll disperse everyone now!
    I am Baba Yaga, bone leg,
    The jet broom carried me quickly.
    I'll scare you all.
    Wow! How evil I am!
    Why are you laughing? Aren't you afraid?
    Ho-ro-sho... Then hold on!
    (Runs after the children).
    Kikimora appears.

    Why, Yaga, have you gone crazy?
    This will scare all the children away.
    Baba Yaga:
    Well, let them leave.
    What should I do here?
    Every year it's the same thing.
    (Sings) “A Christmas tree was born in the forest,
    She grew up in the forest..."
    Aren't you tired? May it be my will
    I would arrange such a grand celebration.
    What holiday?
    Baba Yaga:
    Oh, here it is!
    There are fireworks here
    There are fireworks there
    Here is a shower of stars.
    Great, let's set up a rehearsal right now.
    Baba Yaga:
    If I wave right hand, Right side,
    imitating fireworks, shout:
    "Red, blue, green - boom!"
    on the word "boom" - clap your hands above your head.
    If with your left hand, left-hand side,
    imitating fireworks, shout:
    "Bang-ba-bang! Bang-ba-bang!"
    With both hands.
    Baba Yaga:
    Well, that's a completely different matter. It already feels like a holiday.
    And now it will look even more like a holiday. Let's dance.

    Dance "Opanki"
    Baba Yaga:
    Well, now let's see how you answer our questions.

    The one with the biggest bag
    Walking through the forest...
    Could it be the Ogre?
    - No.
    Who got up early today
    And carries a bag of sweets...
    Maybe it's your neighbor?
    - No.
    Baba Yaga:
    Who comes on New Year's Day
    And will the lights on the tree turn on?
    Will the electrician turn on the light for us?
    - No.
    Who is this? Here's the question!
    Well, of course…
    - Father Frost.

    Santa Claus enters to the music.

    Father Frost:
    Hello guys! (The guys answer).
    It still sounds dull.
    Come on, one more time.
    Hello guys!
    Now the answer is not bad.
    It almost made me deaf.
    I visited you a year ago,
    I'm glad to see you all again.
    I see they have grown up and become big.
    Did everyone recognize me?
    It's good here, it's fun.
    Oh, now it will be even more fun. Let's dance.

    Song "We'll hang the balloons."

    Father Frost:
    Well, thank you guys! They made the old man happy.
    Baba Yaga:
    Grandfather Frost, you didn’t treat the boys to anything.
    Father Frost:
    Santa Claus hasn't forgotten you
    Bring a cartload of gifts!
    (Takes out a bag, and there are pieces of paper in it)
    Santa Claus, who ate your gifts!
    Father Frost:
    Who ate it? (looks). And it's true.
    How can that be? Who did such a mischief?
    I’ll have to take out my magic mirror and look into it.
    (Looks in the mirror) That's right, that's what I thought! Look at Baba Yaga. Do you recognize the ugly girl?
    Baba Yaga:
    Oh, what do I find out? My daughter, Yaguska.
    Father Frost:
    Do you see? Sits, eats children's gifts. Well, now I'll deal with it.
    Baba Yaga:
    Oh, what a disaster, I’ll run to save my daughter.
    (Runs away)
    Father Frost:
    Come on, spin the staff around,
    Yaguska, show yourself to the children!

    (Yaguska appears, eats candy as she goes, throws candy wrappers under the tree.
    He sits down under the tree with a flourish and continues to eat with appetite, not paying attention to anyone.

    Father Frost:
    No, just look at her - she’s eating her children’s gifts as if nothing had happened!
    (Yaguska turns in the opposite direction. Continues chewing)
    Father Frost:
    And aren't you ashamed? Left the children without gifts.
    (Yaguska turns away again)
    Father Frost:
    Can't you hear? Who am I telling?
    Yaguska:(I finished everything, stood up, suddenly grimaced and started screaming)
    Mommy! They offend!

    (Baba Yaga runs into the hall, covers Yaguska’s mouth with a pacifier, and she stops screaming)
    Baba Yaga:
    Who offends you, my sweetie?
    Who doesn’t let you eat in peace, my skinny one.
    Yes, who spoiled your appetite, my pale one?

    (Yaguska loudly sucks on a pacifier, pointing her finger at Santa Claus and at the children).
    Father Frost:
    Skinny, you say? Pale, you say? Lost your appetite? Oh, do you know that your sweetie ate all the children’s gifts?
    Baba Yaga:
    (Strokes Yaguska on the head)
    Cheers, sunshine!
    (to Santa Claus)
    Well, my daughter ate several gifts. So what? I gave them to her!
    Father Frost:
    Oh, I thought to my daughter, how many children did you leave without gifts on New Year’s Day? And aren't you ashamed?
    B Aba Yaga:
    Am I ashamed? Tell me, Santa Claus, do you bring gifts to children every year?
    Father Frost:
    Baba Yaga:
    Have you brought it to my daughter at least once?
    Father Frost:
    Baba Yaga:
    You see, you say, “It’s a shame.” Who should be ashamed?
    Do you think I'm not a mother? Do you think I don't have a heart?
    Father Frost:
    I don’t know what to do?! Guys, maybe we really should give Yaguska a gift and then Baba Yaga will no longer take what belongs to others?
    (Santa Claus gives Yaguska a gift).
    Here, thank you, Grandfather Frost.
    Baba Yaga:
    If you treat me well, then I’m good too!
    Wait, daughter, don’t eat the gift, let’s play with the children.
    Playing is what I love.

    (Running in a mortar, on brooms, in pants.)

    (Takes the gift)
    Well, that's it, guys, I've played enough. I'll go home to finish the candy.
    Father Frost:
    Our Christmas tree is dressed up,
    Like a beautiful maiden
    In colorful toys,
    What miracles!
    I'll ask you guys
    Can you give me the answer?
    But think first
    “Yes” answer or “No”.
    Game "Yes" or "No".

    Do colored icicles grow on the Christmas tree?
    And what about the painted balls and stars?
    Perhaps oranges?
    Funny and pink pigs?
    Are the pillows down?
    And honey gingerbread?
    Are the galoshes shiny?
    Are the candies real?
    Well, guys! Everyone said it!
    All the riddles have been solved!

    Now we will stand in a circle.
    Let's hold hands
    And in a merry round dance
    Let's walk with a song.

    Song of "Little Christmas Tree".
    Baba Yaga:
    Well, anyone can sing songs.
    This is what I love, inventing all sorts of tests. I’ll tell you riddles, if you don’t answer them, then I’ll eat you.

    The carrot is white
    It grew all winter.
    The sun has warmed up -
    I ate all the carrots.
    He's at a children's masquerade
    Flies in the air.
    All of him, for fun,
    They are woven into rings.
    Baba Yaga:
    Trees in white velvet,
    The whole city and the whole village.
    The wind will blow and pass by -
    And all the velvet will fall off.
    It sat on the shelf for a whole year,
    And now it hangs on the tree.
    This is not a flashlight
    And the glass one...
    Oh, I also have a ball. Not just one, but many colorful balls.
    I love playing in the snow so much. Oh, do you love it? Then catch it!

    Game "Snowballs".
    Santa Claus, children play with you, entertain you.
    Oh, you don’t give them gifts?
    Father Frost:
    Oh, Yaguska ate all my gifts.
    There is one more bag of gifts left in my ice chamber.
    Guys, let's call my granddaughter, Snegurochka.
    Wait, don't call. It’s hard for her to carry the bag alone, I’ll run and help.
    (Runs away)
    Father Frost:
    Okay, run.
    The holiday has come to us,
    This is very good.
    To get rid of boredom,
    Baba Yaga:
    Roll in a puddle!
    Father Frost:
    What are you doing? This is not pretty!
    Baba Yaga:
    But it's fun!
    Father Frost:
    OK. Let's try again.
    Fur coat, hat, red nose -
    Grandfather Frost enters!
    Starts to sing, dance,
    Baba Yaga:
    Take away gifts!
    Father Frost:
    How can this be so?
    Baba Yaga:
    And so: “Well, where are you pulling your rake!
    Give me a gift, stingy!"
    Father Frost:
    What are you saying, this is not okay!
    Baba Yaga:
    But it's difficult.
    Father Frost:
    Well, Baba Yaga completely confused me.
    Guys, let's call the Snow Maiden.
    Children: Snow Maiden! Snow Maiden!

    The Snow Maiden enters to the music.
    (carrying a bag of gifts on a sled)

    Snow Maiden:
    Oh, how many children -
    Both girls and boys!
    Winter is not a threat,
    I'm not afraid of a blizzard!
    Granddaughter of Grandfather Frost
    I'm called Snegurochka!
    Hello, Grandfather!
    Hello, dear guys!
    I brought you gifts.
    Father Frost:
    Hello, granddaughter. We've been waiting for you.
    Snow Maiden:
    Serpentine, like ribbons, lanterns, like balls.
    Happy New Year girls, Happy New Year... (boys)
    And the lights on our Christmas tree will sparkle.
    Happy New Year mommies, Happy New Year... (dads)
    Children will play clapping hands near the Christmas tree
    Happy New Year grandfather, Happy New Year...(grandmother)
    Small and big, plump and thin
    Children and parents, in a word, are ours.. (spectators)
    Without sadness and worries
    Let's celebrate together... (New Year).
    Father Frost:
    We have been waiting for this day for a long time,
    Haven't seen each other for a whole year.
    Sing, ring under the tree
    New Year's round dance!

    Song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest."

    Father Frost:
    You sang the song wonderfully,
    Very friendly and beautiful.
    I just have to find out.
    Do you like to dance?
    Well, then make the circle wider!
    Begin! Three four!

    Dance "We, let's go to the right now..."
    Father Frost:
    I see you are clever and brave kids.
    Aren't you afraid of frost?
    Father Frost:
    Well, then hang in there!
    I'll freeze whoever I catch!

    Game "Freeze".

    Snow Maiden:
    U Christmas tree green needles
    And from bottom to top -
    Beautiful toys.
    Father Frost:
    Very fun today
    The song is friendly, ring.
    Our dear Christmas tree,
    Light up your lights!
    (The Christmas tree does not light up)
    Father Frost:
    He probably doesn't hear us. It won't light up at all. But I really want everything to glow around me on holiday, everything to shine. Maybe you guys can help? Let's say together:
    Shine, shine, Christmas tree!
    Shine, shine bright!
    Shine, shine, Christmas tree!
    Shine, shine bright!
    Father Frost:
    I don't understand why it won't light up?
    Snow Maiden:
    Grandfather, let's call Winter, let her help us.
    Father Frost:
    Zimushka-Winter, help!
    Zimushka-Winter, help!

    Winter enters to the music.

    Did you invite me to the Christmas tree?
    Here I am myself
    With blizzard, snow, cold weather -
    Russian Winter.
    Aren't you scared of me?
    Didn't you snuggle up to the warm stove?
    Didn't you complain to mom?
    Can I live with you?
    Hello guys!
    Hello parents!
    I'm very glad to see you
    This New Year's hour!
    I heard about your trouble, I will help you.
    Let's say together:
    One two Three
    Our Christmas tree is on fire!
    One two Three
    Our Christmas tree is on fire!
    (The lights on the tree come on)

    Snow Maiden:
    Let no one be bored
    Let everyone rejoice!
    Let the Christmas tree shine
    In all its glory!
    The Christmas tree glows and sparkles!
    Let's have fun, children.
    Santa Claus is calling you all
    On the New Year's round dance!

    Song "Kids - pencils".
    I have a game for you;
    I'll start it now.
    I'll start, you continue.
    Answer in unison!
    All the people are having fun -
    This is a holiday…
    (New Year)
    He has a rosy nose.
    He himself is bearded.
    Who is this?
    (Father Frost)
    That's right, guys.
    The frost outside is getting stronger,
    The nose turns red, the cheeks burn,
    We meet you here
    (New Year)
    Under the azure sky
    On a beautiful winter day
    Congratulations on...
    (New Year)
    And we wish you happiness.
    Father Frost:
    Who is not afraid of frost,
    Does he skate like a bird?
    (Children answer).
    Baba Yaga:
    Which one of you is so good?
    Does he go sunbathing in galoshes?
    (Children answer).
    Father Frost:
    Oh, you're confusing the children again.
    Baba Yaga:
    I do not confuse, but reveal the truth.
    Father Frost:
    Which one of you keeps things in order?
    Books, pens and notebooks?
    (Children answer).
    Baba Yaga:
    Which of you hasn't washed your face?
    And remained dirty?
    (Children answer).
    Baba Yaga:
    There are some, yes. Go on.
    Father Frost:
    Who homemade their lesson
    Does it work on time?
    (Children answer).
    Baba Yaga:
    Which one of you, say out loud,
    Catching flies in class?
    (Children answer).
    Father Frost:
    Who, I want to know from you,
    Loves to sing and dance?
    (Children answer).
    Baba Yaga:
    Who likes to play with me?
    Do you love everything? Then guess what year it is? eastern calendar?
    That's right, the year of the Rooster. Now let's check who is the fastest and most dexterous.

    Fun competitions around the Christmas tree.
    (Running in chicken paws with a rooster's head.)

    Snow Maiden:
    Grandpa, what do you think?
    Who is more fun in our hall - girls or boys?
    Father Frost:
    Now let’s check it, and to do this we’ll divide it like this:
    The guys will be freezing!
    They will laugh: ha ha ha!
    Snow Maiden:
    And the girls are snowbirds!
    They will laugh: hee-hee-hee!
    Father Frost:
    Come on, frosties, let's try it! (laugh)
    Snow Maiden:
    And now the snow babies! (laugh)

    Shouting game "Hee hee. Ha ha!"

    Father Frost:
    And the naughty boys
    Ha ha ha!
    Ha ha ha!
    Snow Maiden:
    And the girls are fun
    Hee hee hee!
    Hee hee hee!

    Father Frost:
    They made a noise, they laughed
    All of you, truly, from the heart.
    Both girls and boys
    They were very good!
    In beautiful bright gold
    The Christmas tree is sparkling.
    It's a joyful holiday for us
    How not to have fun!
    We can continue the celebration.
    You can sing and dance!
    Santa Claus is tired of standing
    The lady wants to dance.
    Father Frost:
    Legs are shaking
    They don't stand still.
    Make way, honest people,
    Santa Claus is coming to dance.
    Dance "Lady".

    Father Frost:
    Oh, I'm tired, I'll sit, sit,
    I'll look at the kids
    Yes, I’ll listen to poetry.

    Children recite poems.

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