• Lesson on the topic: Spring in the preparatory group. Summary of an integrated lesson for the preparatory group "spring is coming, spring is on its way"


    Objectives of the lesson. To consolidate children's knowledge about early and late spring. To introduce works of art that reflect spring, to find out with what means of expression composers, artists, and poets convey this time of year. To give an idea of ​​the variety of spring images in music, visual arts, poetry. To consolidate knowledge about the works “March” and “April” from the cycle “The Seasons” by P. Tchaikovsky. Develop figurative speech, musical abilities, emotional sphere. To cultivate musical, artistic and aesthetic taste, interest and love for music, fine arts, poetry.

    Material and equipment. Recorded music by S. Rachmaninov (romance “Spring Waters” to poems by F. Tyutchev). Recorded music by P. Tchaikovsky (“March”, “April” from the piano cycle “The Seasons”). Multimedia installation. Presentation on the topic of the lesson.

    Progress of the lesson

    Children, together with the teacher, enter the hall to the sound of a recording of the romance “Spring Waters” by S. Rachmaninov, they are greeted music director, hereinafter – m.r.

    Slides No. 2–4

    M. r. Guys, just Sergei Rachmaninov's romance “Spring Waters” was performed with lyrics by Fyodor Tyutchev. ( Reads a fragment of a poem.)

    The snow is still white in the fields,
    And in the spring the waters are noisy -

    They run and wake up the sleepy shore,

    They run and shine and shout...

    They say all over:

    “Spring is coming, spring is coming!

    We are messengers of young spring,

    She sent us ahead!”...

    How accurately the composer conveyed the content of the poetic text, the spring state of nature!

    Slide No. 5

    Guys, do you like spring? ( Children's answers.) What do you like about this time of year? (Bright sun, warmth, awakening of nature: leaves are blooming on the trees, the first flowers are blooming.)

    Educator. Do you know that spring can be early and late? ( Children's answers.)

    Slides No. 6, 7

    The teacher conducts a short conversation with the children “Signs of early and late spring.”

    M. r. Guys, the romance “Spring Waters” was not heard by chance. Today I would like to talk to you about how composers, artists and poets convey spring and the feelings associated with it in their works.

    Now we will listen to music you know. ( The play “March” from the cycle “The Seasons” by P. Tchaikovsky is heard in the recording.”) Remember who wrote this music. ( Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky.)

    Slides No. 9, 10

    That's right, the author of the music is Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, the great Russian composer. What is the name of the work? ( Children's answers.) That's right, the music is called “March. The Lark's Song is from Tchaikovsky's famous piano album The Seasons. What is special about this album? ( Children's answers.)

    Slide number 11

    Let's talk about the work "March". What kind of music is in it? (The music is gentle, you can hear the singing of a lark hovering over the arable land.) It’s true, the composer depicts cheerful bird trills, paints a picture of the spring Russian landscape. What is spring like here? (Early.)

    The image of a lark is used not only in music, but also in poetry.

    Slide number 12

    Listen to the poem “Lark” by Vasily Zhukovsky.


    In the sun the dark forest glowed,
    In the valley thin steam whitens,
    And he sang an early song
    In the azure the lark is ringing.

    How can you explain the phrase from the poem: “In the sun, the dark forest glowed…”? Why is the forest dark? (That’s why it was night. The sun came out, illuminated the forest, and it was transformed.) The word “zardel” means “took on a red tint.” You said correctly: the sun illuminated the forest. And where did the lark sing his early song? (In azure.) What do you think this word means? (There is an azure color, it looks like blue.) That's right. What can be blue in nature in spring? (The sky. The lark sings from above.) Well done! What does the lark sing about? (That spring has come.)

    Slide number 13

    What kind of bird is this, a lark? (A small field bird. It sings beautifully.) That's right! The lark also represents the arrival of spring, the awakening of nature after winter. In early spring, birds return from the south, and the larks are the first to arrive. Our ancestors had a holiday that was celebrated in early March and was associated with the arrival of birds. On this day, larks were baked from rye dough and distributed to children. They ran out into the street and shouted: “Larks, fly in, take away the cold winter, bring warm spring: we are tired of winter, it has eaten all our bread!”

    M. r. Now let's look at the paintings in which artists depicted spring.

    Slides No. 14–16

    Slides with paintings “March Sun” by K. Yuon, “March” by I. Levitan, “The Rooks have Arrived” by A. Savrasov are shown.

    M. r. What spring is depicted in these paintings? (Early.) What indicates this? (There is still snow on the ground, but it is already loose, and in some places it is beginning to melt. In almost all the pictures the sun is bright, the sky is blue. The rooks have arrived.) That’s right! Although the artists do not show the sun, we see that its gentle spring rays illuminate the roofs of houses, the tops of trees... The snow seems to reflect the blueness of the sky, shadows are clearly visible - they are present in all the paintings. What colors did artists use in their paintings? (Warm colors, yellow, green, but there are also cool colors.)

    Slide number 16

    And this picture is called “The Rooks Have Arrived.” When do rooks arrive from the south? (In early March.) Correct. And the first thing that rooks begin to do in the spring is... (Build nests in trees.)

    (You can talk with the children about each picture separately.)

    Slide number 17

    Guys, what do you call artists who depict nature in their paintings? (These artists are called landscape painters, and their paintings are called landscapes.) That’s right, well done!

    Isaac Levitan, Alexey Savrasov, Konstantin Yuon are famous Russian landscape artists, we have now looked at their paintings.

    Let's listen to a poem by the Russian poet Fyodor Tyutchev. Listen carefully - we will talk about this poem later.

    Children(one by one).

    No wonder winter is angry,
    Its time has passed -

    Spring is knocking on the window
    And he drives him out of the yard.

    And everything started to fuss,
    Everything is forcing winter out,
    And larks in the sky
    The ringing bell has already been raised.

    Winter is still busy
    And he grumbles about Spring.
    She laughs in her eyes
    And it just makes more noise...

    The evil witch went crazy
    And, capturing the snow,
    She let me in, running away,
    To a beautiful child...

    Spring and grief are not enough:
    Washed in the snow
    And only became blusher
    Against the enemy.

    What images appear before us in this poem? (Winter and Spring. It also talks about the lark.) What is Winter like here? (Angry.) Why is she angry? (Because its time has passed. The poet even calls Winter the witch who threw snow into Spring.) But how tenderly the poet calls Spring: “beautiful child”! But this is not a quiet and submissive creature: Spring fights Winter, drives it away, makes noise, laughs at Winter. It’s not for nothing that people say: spring has come and everything has come.

    Educator. And people also say: winter scares spring, but it itself melts. Guys, I suggest you remember other proverbs and sayings about spring!

    Proverbs and sayings and spring

    ☼ Early spring – big flood.

    ☼ And in March the frost sets in on the nose.

    ☼ In March, day and night are measured and equal.

    ☼ Spring and autumn – there are eight weather conditions per day.

    ☼ Spring opens the keys and waters.

    ☼ Spring ice is thick, but simple; autumn is thin and tenacious.

    ☼ Early swallows - for a happy year.

    ☼ Rook on the mountain - spring is in the yard.

    ☼ March with water, April with grass, and May with flowers.

    ☼ The sun is rolling down the April hill into summer.

    ☼ Mother Spring is beautiful to everyone.

    M. r. Many wonderful songs have been written about spring. Let's remember one of them!

    The sun is spinning in the sky,

    The sun in every puddle,

    And the spring chime

    Sounded from all sides.

    What kind of song is this? (“Drops.”)

    Children perform the song “Kapel”, music. etc. V. Shestakova//Musical director. – 2015 – No. 2. – P. 52. Singing is accompanied by playing triangles and bells.

    M. r. What is the mood of the song? (The song is permeated with a cheerful, joyful mood; you want to dance to it.) That's right. Everyone is happy about the arrival of spring and its sonorous song. You also performed the song very well, well done!

    And now I suggest you listen to another piece of music.

    The play “April” from the cycle “The Seasons” by P. Tchaikovsky is being recorded.

    Slide No. 18

    M. r. What is the name of the music? (The music is called “April” - it, like the play “March”, is from the album “Seasons” by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky.) What feelings does this music evoke in you? (Feeling of excitement and joy.) Correct. The play is built on a waltz-like rhythm, its tempo is agile, the melody constantly rushes upward. Thanks to these means of expression, the composer was able to convey the feeling of joyful excitement that arises when contemplating the awakening nature of spring.

    Slide number 19

    The second title of the play is “Snowdrop”. The music is distinguished by amazing trepidation and tenderness, just like this modest spring Flower. Our imagination pictures us of a sunny day, the first thawed patches in the forest - here the first timid flower grows from under the snow. He's so fragile! But he is not afraid of cold and snow. A light breeze sways the thin stem, and the sounds of drops more and more confidently proclaim the triumph of spring.



    Merry April smiled,

    He sang, started shouting, played,

    The snowdrop woke up from the noise

    And he stood up in a thawed patch.

    It smelled, smelled delicious,

    The snowdrop was barely audible:

    “Thank you April, thank you

    For waking me up."

    (I. Belyakov)

    Slide number 20

    M. r. Who will show late spring on the slide?

    Children choose from the paintings presented on the slide paintings depicting late spring: this is “Spring. Big Water" by I. Levitan and "Cherry Blossoms" by P. Petrovichev.

    Slides No. 21, 22

    A conversation is held about the content of the paintings.

    M. r. And here is how the poet describes late spring.

    Slide number 23

    The buds have blossomed, the forest has begun to stir,
    The bright rays made him all rich.
    On its outskirts of fragrant grass
    A silver lily of the valley looked out into the sun,
    And they opened meekly from the spring caress
    Sweet forget-me-not blue eyes.

    (S. Drozhzhin)

    In Zhukovsky’s poem, which we listened to earlier, the forest began to glow, but here it... (Getting rich.) From what? (From the bright rays of the sun.) Spring has already come into its own, nature has awakened from its winter sleep and blossomed...

    How did we know about this? (Grass appeared, lilies of the valley and forget-me-nots bloomed.)

    What does the poet compare forget-me-not to? (With blue eyes.)

    Let's summarize our lesson. Remember which of the great composers, artists and poets depicted spring using sounds, colors, and words. (Children's answers.) What spring is found in their works? (Early and late.) What words can describe early spring?(Fast, impetuous, murmuring, hasty, sad.) And the late one? (Bright, cheerful, triumphant, blooming.)

    At the end of the lesson, children are invited to sing a familiar song about spring.

    Lyudmila Mikhailovna Ivanisova,

    musical director,

    MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 48", Belgorod

    Spring Animals There is still snow on the ground, but badgers, hedgehogs, and bears have already woken up from a long winter sleep. They left the hole or den and went to look for drier places. How did they know that spring had come? After all, there is no TV or radio in the forest? How did they know that it was time for them to wake up and get out of their holes and dens as quickly as possible? It turns out that the snow melted in the spring, and water from the melted snow leaked into their holes and dens. Even if you want to sleep, you can’t lie in a wet hole. So they had to crawl out of their holes and dens and look for drier places for themselves.

    Birds in the spring The first insects appear and among them are sleepy flies that slowly crawl and bask in the sun. The time has come for migratory birds to return: they have food for insects and last year’s seeds, which are easy to find on the snow-free soil. In early March, rooks and starlings arrive earlier than others, followed by larks, lapwings, cuckoos, swallows, and swifts. In spring the weather changes frequently. Sometimes it snows and the birds cannot find food for themselves. Last year's seeds find themselves under the snow again, and the insects hide. At this time, many birds die from hunger, so in the spring, in cold weather, they need to be fed. In the spring, birds build nests, which serve them to incubate eggs and feed chicks. Cuckoos do not build nests, but lay their eggs in the nests of other birds. Chicks need food, and birds get it by destroying a huge number of insects harmful to humans. Be careful of bird nests. Do not come close to them, and, especially, do not pick up the chicks. Birds are afraid of the smell of humans and do not return to the nest. Chicks die without the help of their parents.

    Summer is coming. Late spring, the month of May is the time for the flowering of bird cherry, lilac, apple, apricot and other fruit trees. Red clover and lilies of the valley are blooming in the meadows. Most of the birds have already laid eggs in May and are hatching their chicks, while the nightingales have just arrived from distant countries. They arrive before the bird cherry blossoms and make nests on the ground, in dense thickets of grass. Nightingales feed on worms, spiders, insects, and berries. In spring, fish go to spawn. She stubbornly overcomes the current, swims to the upper reaches of rivers, and comes out to meadows flooded with water. It is safer here for the fry and there is plenty of food. The fish spawns as close as possible to the upper reaches of the river, to its sources, so that the weak fry are not carried away by the current into the sea. Another sign of spring is spring rains. People say: if it rains in May, it means there will be rye in the field.

    People's work in spring As soon as the snow melts from the fields, they begin spring work. We have to catch up a short time Before the soil dries out, sow seeds of grain and vegetable plants, and plant potatoes. At the end of spring, on warm May days, seedlings of cucumbers, tomatoes, and cabbage are planted. In gardens, trees and shrubs are sprayed with toxic substances that kill insect pests. Just like in the fall, the lower part of the trunks of fruit trees is whitened with lime. In spring, fruit trees and shrubs are planted in the gardens. On the streets of cities, towns and villages, trees are pruned and new plants are planted. Decorative flowers are planted in parks and squares.

    Requiem for an Icicle (Tatyana Gusarova) Spring has come. Streams are running. They are murmuring, laughing, cheerful... And their sharp noses Icicles are hanging from the roof. But here they hang and are very tormented and tormented. Their runny nose stops only in the evening and at night. And in the daytime my nose is in trouble again. Merging with the noise of the street, Water is not just dripping - The life of an icicle is passing away. (F. Tyutchev) It’s not for nothing that winter is angry. Its time has passed - Spring is knocking on the window And driving it out of the yard. And everything began to fuss, Everything drives winter away. And the larks in the sky have already started ringing. Winter is still busy and grumbling about spring. She laughs in her eyes and only makes more noise! The evil witch went berserk and grabbed the snow and let it run away into a beautiful child... Spring and grief are not enough, She washed herself in the snow. And she only became blusher in defiance of the enemy.

    “Spring” (I. Tokmakova) Spring is coming towards us with quick steps, And the snowdrifts are melting under its feet. Black thawed patches are visible in the fields. You can see very warm feet in spring. “March” (G. Lagzdyn) We got up early today. We can't sleep today! They say the starlings are back! They say spring has come! And it's freezing outside. The snow is flying prickly, And clouds are crawling across the clouds in white fur coats. Waiting for spring. A long time ago, And you are wandering somewhere! Sunny summer will not come without you!

    Riddles about spring Fine days are not rare, Branches bask in the sun. And, like small dots, they swelled on the branches... (buds) On a warm day, melt water rushes from under the ice. And the noise of all the ringing birds This mischievous... (stream) In a forest thaw A small flower grew. Little White is hiding in the dead wood... (snowdrop) A snow-white mountain stood in the yard in winter. Where he was, now the flood has become water... (snowdrift)

    Look, guys, there's cotton wool hanging in the sky. They're floating towards us from afar In the blue sky... (clouds) What kind of thin needles are turning green on the hillock? This, having barely grown, reaches towards the sun... (grass) Yellow, fluffy balls fragrant. They will be protected from frost in their branches... (Mimosa) They hung baskets on birch and aspen trees. Each basket is a house, And it’s called... (nest) Let’s make a house for the birds With a small round window. Here is a starling sitting on a hazel tree, We are building it... (birdhouse)

    Proverbs, sayings about spring Spring ice is thick, but simple; autumn is thin and tenacious. Spring is red during the long days. Spring is red and summer is miserable. Spring is generous with warmth, but stingy with time. Spring and autumn they ride a piebald mare. Spring is red, everything goes. Spring says - rotten! And summer is nice, if only it were! Spring is red with flowers, and autumn with sheaves. In spring, a bucket of water is a spoonful of dirt; In autumn, a spoonful of water is a bucket of dirt. In spring the rain steams, and in autumn it wets. Spring day - what sweet Nothing. If you miss a day in the spring, you won’t get it back in a year. In spring the rain steams, and in autumn it wets. Spring is red and hungry; Autumn is rainy and full.

    Abstract of an open integrated lesson on understanding the surrounding world.

    Subject " Spring is coming to us with quick steps » preparatory group

    Target: To contribute to the generalization of ideas about spring as a time of year, signs, signs of spring, about the life of animals, birds, about weather conditions in spring;; shape positively - emotional attitude to the beauty of spring nature.

    Educational objectives : Systematize and consolidate knowledge about characteristic features spring. Consolidate knowledge folk signs, riddles about spring, teach children to compose a story based on a picture. Improve the ability to express your thoughts coherently and consistently, and fully answer questions posed;

    Developmental tasks: Development of visual attention, thinking.. Develop artistic vision, imagination and understanding of not only the content of the paintings, but also the figurative language used by the artist to convey the meaning of the painting and expression, mood and attitude to what he saw.

    Educational tasks: To cultivate a caring attitude towards nature, a sense of pride in our native nature. To evoke in children an emotional response to the mood of landscape paintings: joy, surprise, aesthetic pleasure, pleasure from the beauty depicted by the artist, a sense of belonging, pride in the beauty of our native nature. To foster an interest in painting in children. Develop the ability to listen to comrades and accurately express your thoughts.

    Individual work: Individual - differentiated approach to students in working with cards.

    Vocabulary work: activate the dictionary with words on a given topic.

    Preliminary work: Reading the stories of V. Bianki “The Sinichkin Calendar”, N. Sladkov “Spring Joys”, getting acquainted with F. Tyutchev’s poem “Winter is angry for good reason...”, learning poems, riddles, signs about spring, conversations on the topic, observations of seasonal changes in nature.

    Techniques: verbal, visual, practical, gaming, musical accompaniment.

    Equipment and materials: Discs with the song “Spring Drops”, “Voices of Birds”, pictures about spring, a letter from Vesna, cards with tasks for individual work of varying degrees of complexity using the “scratch” technology, brushes, ink, painting by Savrasov. “The rooks have arrived”, ICT.

    Progress of the lesson:

    Magpie flies in

    Magpie: I’m in such a hurry, I have a lot to do in the forest, so they gave you an envelope, I’ll fly on (the magpie flies away)

    Educator Do you want to know what's in the envelope? (open the envelope), look at the many pieces of paper here and they are all clean. Whose tricks are these? Probably an evil witch. Who will help us? Of course Kind fairy Brush. Let's ask. (children, working in pairs, take brushes and paint the sheets with ink, words appear, read the words: thawed patch, drops, day, snowdrop, buds, crust, streams, rook. Put the sheets on the board and read the words that appeared, explain the meaning of the words. What time of year do we remember when we call these words?

    Q: Who knows the signs of spring?

    D: A starling is flying - winter is over.

    Sparrows bathe in a puddle - for warmth.

    Clouds are floating high - good weather.

    Conversation on the poem “Spring” by I. Tokmakova.

    Listen to I. Tokmakova’s poem “Spring”:

    Spring is coming to us

    With quick steps,

    And the snowdrifts are melting

    Under her feet.

    Black thawed patches

    Visible in the fields.

    Really very warm

    Spring has legs.

    What is the poem talking about?

    What does spring do?

    What happens to the snowdrifts

    You can see...(black thawed patches) in the fields.

    Why is all this happening? - What is the main feature mentioned in the poem? - What changes in the life of animals occur in the spring? (The bear leaves the den, the hare gives birth to cubs).


    The sun began to warm up,

    The droplets began to knock,

    Drop one, drop two,

    Drops slowly at first

    And then faster, faster

    Streams ran

    Try them, catch up! (children perform actions in accordance with the text)

    Q: Snow and ice are melting outside, streams are running. Where do you think the streams come from? (Icicles are dripping, snow is melting) The music “Spring Drops” begins to sound quietly.

    Educator: - Guys, do you hear the music playing? Listen to the music carefully.

    Children listen to the melody of spring drops.

    Educator: - Children, what time of year do you think this music is about?

    Children: About spring.

    Educator: - Why do you Katya (Ksyusha, Artyom, etc.) think so?

    Children: - Because drops are heard in music, and drops happen in the spring.

    Educator: - So, what time of year is this music about?

    Children: - About spring.

    Educator: - That's right, even music can put us in a spring mood.

    Oh! There is a chest under the tree! And there is a mysterious ball in it. Whoever takes this ball in his hands will say a beautiful word about spring, so that it will walk faster through the forest.

    Q: What kind of spring is it?

    D: Warm, beautiful, sunny, long-awaited, joyful, playful, friendly, mysterious, mysterious, fabulous, magical, cheerful, friendly, green, ringing, singing, noisy, fragrant, bright, ringing, red, kind, blooming, young, motley.

    Educator: Amazing world surrounds us. This is the natural world. Artists help us see its beauty. What are paintings depicting nature called?

    Children: Paintings are called landscapes.

    Educator: Today we will get acquainted with the landscape, but who is depicted on it, you must guess:

    Using the first sounds of the names of objects, make up words.

    Who is this? (Rook)

    Rook, what bird? (Migratory).

    Conversation on the painting by Savrasov. "The Rooks Have Arrived",

    How does the artist show us the approach of spring? (snow has melted in the fields, dark brown soil soaked in moisture has been exposed, thawed patches are visible)

    Look into the sky. What is it like? (the sky is high, spring. It has not yet become clear, but the blueness is visible through the gray, gloomy clouds)

    Guys, look carefully, is there a sun in the picture?

    How did you guess?

    (The sun has disappeared behind the clouds. It is still dim, lazy. It shines through the clouds a little... The fact that it is about to “splash” from the sky is indicated by clear shadows falling on the fence and melting snow)

    Guys, tell me how you see the snow?

    (Snow darkened, loose, damp, cold, wet, melted, spongy)

    Bird tracks are visible in the snow.

    What immediately catches the viewer's eye?

    (Trees with numerous nests of rooks) Tell us about birch trees, what are they like? (unsightly, old, clumsy in the center, and on the right are young, slender)

    What do you see behind the birches, in the distance in the picture? (The village, the endless distances, the open spaces, the breadth of the Russian land,

    behind the birches you can see an old wooden building. Behind the wooden building is a white stone cathedral with three domes and a high bell tower)

    Selecting Action Words

    What do rooks do? (Rooks fuss, shout, make noise, straighten, repair nests; below, at the roots of a birch tree, the rook found a twig and holds it in its beak, manage, build, arrange, walk, fly, curl, peck, protect, catch, return)

    Did. game “Who will see more in the picture?” - List everything you see in the picture.

    (gnarled birch trees dotted with rooks; melted gray snow; thawed patches; the roofs of village huts; melt water filled a small pond; an old church, a bell tower; in the distance we can see fields that have already been freed from snow; we see how under a tree on the golden snow a hardworking rook is holding a small twig in the beak)

    Everything in the picture is very ordinary; an unprepossessing old church with the expanses of endless Russian fields stretching behind it, the strange beauty of unprepossessing birch trees, in the branches of which rooks that have flown from the south make nests, spongy melting snow with faded shadows.

    But behind this simplicity one can feel the soul of the artist, to whom all this is dear and close to his heart.

    I have three glasses of water. A glass with sparkles in water symbolizes joyful thoughts, a glass with plain water- calm, balanced state. A glass of dirty water means unpleasant, sad thoughts. What thoughts did you have when looking at this picture?

    Children: Several children come up and show how they felt when they met the picture.

    Educator: Today we got acquainted with a wonderful picture, and I think that you will not pass indifferently past a snow-covered forest sparkling in the sun, past a grove in autumn attire. You will rejoice at this meeting with the beautiful, and you will probably become better and kinder.

    So that birds always visit our site, what should we have on the site?

    Children: Feeder.

    Educator: During the walk we will go and hang it. The lesson is over.

    Target: tell children about the awakening of nature in spring; cultivate a love for nature.

    The hall is decorated with reproductions on the theme “Spring”: A.K. Savrasov, “The Rooks have Arrived”; I. I. Levitan, “March”, “Spring. Big Water", "First Greens"; F. A. Vasiliev, “Thaw”; I. I. Shishkin, “April”; A. A. Vyaloe, “Green Noise”.

    Progress of the lesson

    I. Introductory part of the lesson.

    Leading. Guys! Pay attention to the reproductions. They reflect three periods of spring: spring of light, spring of water and spring of grass.

    1st child.

    March is the first month of spring:

    Nature drives away winter dreams,

    The sun is shining brighter, warmer,

    And the day gets longer.

    Leading. On March 22, the sun shines for 12 hours. This is the day spring equinox. Day is equal to night.

    II. Guessing riddles.

    2nd child. The moment of riddles has come,

    She gave us a task about spring.

    A warm south wind blows,

    The sun is shining brighter,

    The snow is thinning, softening, melting,

    The loud rook flies in.

    What month? Who will know? (March.)

    3rd child. A girl walks the earth

    Everyone is singing and having fun.

    A wave of the hand - a meadow in the flowers,

    Another wave - a ruddy sunset. (Spring.)

    III. Let's welcome spring with poems and songs.

    Leading. To make spring come faster, let's sing a song. Children sing a song about spring.


    (lyrics by Vysheslavtseva, music by V. Gerchik)

    They'll make noise again soon

    Young leaves

    They will buzz, they will talk

    Golden bees.

    The moth will flutter

    Yellow like a flower

    And the fluff touches your cheeks

    Warm breeze.

    Will sprinkle the fields with rain

    Blue cloud.

    The first thunder will rumble

    Flying around the earth.

    In the tender greenery of the bushes

    The stream will wake up.

    A ringing song in the sky

    The bird will respond.


    The evil blizzard has passed away,

    The night became shorter than the day.

    A warm wind blows from the south,

    The drops fall, ringing.

    The sun warms the earth,

    Ice is driving away from our river.

    The snow woman is melting

    And tears flow in streams.

    The play “Snowdrop” by P. I. Tchaikovsky is playing.

    4th child.

    In the forest, where the birch trees crowded together,

    A blue eye looked at Snowdrop.

    Little by little first

    He put out his green leg,

    Then I stretched

    With all my little strength

    And quietly asked:

    “I see: the weather is warm and clear,

    Tell me, is it true that it’s spring?”

    5th child.

    The singers are returning

    From the midday rays

    A stream ran down the mountain.

    And the snowdrop is small

    I grew up on a thawed patch.

    The starlings are returning,

    Hard workers and singers.

    Sparrows near a puddle

    They circle in a noisy flock.

    And the robin and the thrush

    We started making nests.

    They carry it, they carry it to the houses

    Birds on a straw.

    Children perform a song.

    Bird house

    (lyrics by O. Vysotskaya, music by I. Dunaevsky)

    The spring sun will melt a little

    There is snow in our yard.

    Bird houses - birdhouses

    We will build from planks.


    Knock-knock with a hammer,

    We are building, building a bird house!

    It's warm and cheerful outside,

    Ice breaks in the river.

    We hung a bird house

    On a birch branch.


    We are waiting, we are waiting, birds, we are waiting,

    Fly to your new home.

    Leading. We are talking about spring, but where is spring itself? We definitely need to call her.


    Come out to us, Spring is red!

    We have been waiting for you for a long time.

    Come out quickly

    It will be more fun!

    Spring(runs onto the stage in a bright dress decorated with flowers, with a wreath of flowers on her head).

    And here I am, Spring is red!

    Who needed me here?

    Children. Us! Us!


    I am Spring-red,

    I wake the earth from sleep,

    I fill my kidneys with juice,

    I grow flowers in the fields,

    I drive ice from the rivers,

    I make the sunrise bright.

    Everywhere - in the field and in the forest -

    I bring joy to people.

    Who is a friend of spring, hurry to me!

    To earn approval

    6th child.

    Spring has come, it has come red,

    Flowers are colorful in the field,

    And the expanse of the sky is bright and clear,

    And everything lives in freedom.

    7th child.

    The stream runs, runs, makes noise,

    And the forest whispers through the leaves;

    The forest rings from bird songs.

    How nice it is in spring!


    April is a wonderful month

    Dressed in spring flowers,

    And it smells like fluffy greenery

    Green and round bushes.

    Spring circles around the stage to the music of a waltz.


    Signs of spring

    The sun is shining brightly from the sky,

    Early willow blooms.

    The wagtails have arrived

    There will be ice drift soon.

    The cuckoo began to crow -

    There will be no more frosts.

    Bird cherry flowers are blooming -

    It's getting colder here.

    Smoke from chimneys and fires

    It rises to the top -

    So the weather is clear

    Expected tomorrow.

    Leading. Last month spring - May. There are thunderstorms in May. At the end of May, spring gives people a holiday - a white and pink fragrant sea of ​​blooming apple trees, cherries, pears, and bird cherry trees.

    8th child.

    Everything is more magnificent and curly

    The birch forest turns green;

    Lily of the valley bells

    In the thicket they bloom green;

    At dawn in the valleys

    It blows with warmth and bird cherry,

    Nightingales sing until dawn.

    IV. Conclusion.

    Leading. Much has been said about spring. Now I invite you to watch the video “Nature in Spring”.

    Abstract educational activities V preparatory group“We’re saving spring!”


    To contribute to the generalization of ideas about spring as a time of year, about the life of animals, birds, about weather conditions in spring; to form a positive emotional attitude towards the beauty of spring nature.

    Educational objectives :

    Expand and activate children’s vocabulary on this topic; consolidate the skills of word formation and inflection, consolidate the ability to compose words from syllables. Work on a sentence: compose sentences from words, according to a diagram, consolidate the ability to answer questions in a complete sentence.

    R developmental tasks:

    Development of coherent speech, articulation, fine and general motor skills. Automation of correct pronunciation of words, development of coordination of speech with movement, development of memory, attention, thinking.

    Educational tasks :

    Developing cooperation skills in the game; activity, initiative, independence, creativity, imagination.

    Progress of educational activities:


    Guys, today on the way to kindergarten Lesovichok met me, he told me that there was trouble with spring, it was delayed in the forest by a strong gusty wind, he does not want spring warmth to come to the village. Vesna asked Lesovich to turn to you for help. Do you think we can help Vesna out? Let's try. And for the wind to let Spring go, we need to complete all the tasks that Lesovichok gave us. Are you ready to help?


    Yes, we're ready!


    First, you and I need to remember after what time of year spring comes, before what time?


    Spring comes after winter. It happens before summer.


    The first task is this: we need to name the signs of spring, and pictures will help us with this (presentation on the signs of spring). You need to start a sentence with the words - In spring... (Children make sentences based on pictures. In spring, the sky is blue. In spring, the sun shines brightly. In spring, birds fly from warm countries. In spring, icicles dripped from the roofs of houses. In spring, the snow began to melt and streams began to flow. In the spring, thawed patches appear. In the spring, the first flowers appear on the thawed patches, in the spring, buds swell on the trees and tender green leaves appear.


    Guys, why do you think the snow, ice melts, and streams flow?


    The snow is melting because the sun has become warmer.


    Will Spring come if the sun does not shine and warm? Why?


    And our sun, the wind bewitched, scattered all the rays of the sun, and it became sad.


    Show me how sad the sun is. But it is spring’s main assistant. Guys, what needs to be done to make the sun happy?


    Let's come up with something beautiful words to the sun.

    Didactic game"Choose a word"

    What kind of sun is it? (A circle is attached to the board; children say a word and attach a ribbon-ray). Look what a beautiful, radiant sun we have, it is smiling at us. Now we have completed the second task.


    Tell me, what changes occur in the life of animals in spring?


    - In the spring, bears wake up from hibernation and have offspring. The hare changes his white coat to a gray one. The squirrel turns red again.


    All the animals on the table are mixed up, you need to choose only the animals of our forests.


    Look what kind of tree Lesovichek left us. It is not simple, but with a task (syllables hanging on a tree), you need to make words from these syllables. Children make up words from syllables (vet-ka, wind-ter, kidney-ki, lu-zha, drop-li, grass-va, sun).


    Well done, you completed this task, let's remember the poem about the beetle, let our eyes rest and train.

    A beetle flew into our group.
    He spun and sang;
    “Zhu-zhu-zhu, zhu-zhu-zhu,
    I’m having a lot of fun spinning!”
    So he flew to the right -
    Everyone looked to the right.
    So he flew to the left -
    Everyone looked to the left.
    The beetle spins and laughs,
    He wants to sit on Ildar’s nose.
    You little bug, don't be naughty!
    Where we say, sit there.
    Beetle, here is the right palm,
    Sit on it for a while
    Beetle, here is the left palm,
    Sit on it for a while.
    The beetle flew off my palm
    And he sat down on the ceiling.
    We stood up on our toes,
    But we didn't get the beetle.
    Let's clap together;
    Clap, clap, clap,
    Fly away quickly, bug.


    What other insects do you know?


    Ants, butterflies, grasshoppers, spiders, flies, caterpillars.


    Come up with a proposal with insects according to this scheme. (Three scheme options are offered in turn).


    1. The butterfly flies. 2. Dragonfly on the palm. 3. Ladybug sits on a flower.


    Who do you think will be happy to see insects?


    Birds will be happy with insects, because insects are food for birds.


    And also, in order to help out Spring, we need to remember the birds that are returning from warmer climes, we will name them one by one and at the same time fold these leaves into an “accordion”, only very carefully they will be useful to us in the future.

    Children name the birds and make an “accordion”.

    Educator b:

    Well done, how many birds do you know, and what does our “accordion” look like?


    It also looks like wings.


    Let's make birds and decorate our tree. I think these birds will make spring a joy. (birds singing starts)


    The next task, the most important one, is that we must solve a crossword puzzle.

    And thus we will list with you the signs of spring.


    1. Housewarming party at the starling's house
    He rejoices endlessly.
    May we have a mockingbird
    Let's make him...(birdhouse)

    2. In a blue shirt
    Runs along the bottom of the ravine. (Creek)

    3. The first to get out of the ground
    On a thawed patch.
    He is not afraid of frost
    Although small. (snowdrop)

    4. There’s someone’s house here on a branch,
    There are no doors or windows in it,
    But it’s warm for the chicks to live there
    This is the name of the house...(nest)

    5. She knocks softly in the spring,
    And the whole village can hear it. (drops)

    5. You warm the whole world,

    You don't know fatigue

    Smiling at the window

    And everyone calls you... (sun).


    So the spell of the evil wind has fallen, spring has freed itself and we will be warm.

    Guys, did you like our lesson? (children's answer).

    What exactly did you like about the activity?

    What time of year were we talking about today?

    What a beautiful time of year - spring. Poets write poems about spring, artists paint pictures, composers write beautiful music. Spring will be glad to hear you perform a song in the Bashkir language. (children sing the song “Kunelle yaz kile”).

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