• Calendar for replanting indoor flowers in May. Vegetable garden in spring: what spring garden work is done in May


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    Florist's lunar calendar 2016 - flower beds, indoor plants and flowers. Planting and sowing flowers

    May 2016

    The table of the lunar calendar given on this page is a thematic selection from the universal , made for the convenience of those who grow ornamental plants and flowers, both indoors and in a flower garden in the country.

    May decorates the forests, summer awaits visitors.

    May gives us openwork lace blossoming apple trees, plums and cherries. In May, we will be pleased with the flowering of such bulbous plants as: crocuses, snowdrops, daffodils, tulips, hazel grouse, and decorative onions. Don't forget that after they finish flowering, the leaves should die off. naturally, it is also advisable to mark the places where the spring bulbs are located, so as not to accidentally disturb them later.

    In May, seedlings of heat-loving flowers are planted in the flower garden, fast-flowering annuals are sown, such as cornflower, gypsophila, godetia, decorative beans, sweet peas, clarkia, calendula (marigold), cosmos, and garden nasturtium.

    Here's another somewhat unusual tip for preventing rose diseases (we haven't tested it, but it's clear that at least the first statement will work). If you bury banana peels at the roots of roses (not deep enough - 1-2 cm), it will serve as a good fertilizer and protect the roses from some diseases.

    ATTENTION! Our gardener's lunar calendar is kept by Moscow time. (The calendar can be used throughout Russia, taking into account the difference between Moscow and local time *)

    Work in the flower garden, work with indoor plants, flower care activities

    from May 01, 2016 00:01 (Sun)
    to 01 May 2016 17:33 (Sun)

    Not favorable days for sowing and planting. Loosening the soil, thinning out seedlings, weeding, spraying against pests and diseases, applying organic fertilizers.
    We still have a blog: Cottage and garden, entry only from the lunar calendar
    from 01 May 2016 17:33 (Sun)
    to 03 May 2016 20:04 (Tue)

    Waning Moon in the sign of Pisces

    Ornamental trees and shrubs should not be planted or pruned. The best time for watering, root and foliar feeding of flower plants with organic fertilizers. Applying compost to perennial flower crops (peonies, irises, delphiniums, etc.).
    from 03 May 2016 20:04 (Tue)
    to 05 May 2016 20:10 (Thu)

    Waning Moon in Aries

    Plowing and loosening the soil, controlling pests and plant diseases. These days you can weed and mulch the plantings. The best time for watering, root and foliar feeding. Carrying out formative, sanitary pruning and removal of thickening shoots
    from 05 May 2016 20:10 (Thu)
    to 06 May 2016 04:52 (Fri)

    Waning Moon in Taurus

    Loosening and mulching, adding compost. Possible transplanting (alternative days) . The rooting of seedlings of ornamental trees and shrubs planted on this day goes well.

    Perhaps someone will be interested in how we do it: You can watch the VIDEO by clicking on the picture (a new window will open).

    May 6 (23.04 old style) - St. George the Victorious, Egor (Yuri) Veshny
    "Swallows arrive during Yegoryevskaya week"

    from 06 May 2016 04:52 (Fri)
    to 08 May 2016 6:04 (Sun)


    It is not recommended to sow, plant, replant, or carry out any work with plants. It is possible to thin out seedlings, loosen and mulch the soil, remove garbage, prepare flower beds, ridges and other types of work not directly related to plants. Checking gardening equipment, purchasing missing supplies.

    May 06, 2016 22:29 Moscow time - the beginning of the lunar month - until May 07, 2016 19:34 The moon is in the sign of Taurus, then in the sign of Gemini.

    from May 08, 2016 06:04 (Sun)
    to 09 May 2016 20:23 (Mon)

    Waxing Moon in the sign of Gemini

    Unfavorable time for watering. Loosening, digging up the ground, thinning out seedlings. Planting, dividing and feeding flowers. Planting seedlings of climbing beans. Transplanting roses. It is possible to divide the rhizomes of perennial flowering plants and propagate them by cuttings and layering. Decorative trees and shrubs planted these days will easily take root.
    from 09 May 2016 20:23 (Mon)
    to May 12, 2016 00:32 (Thu)

    Waxing Moon in the sign of Cancer

    Favorable watering and application of mineral fertilizers. Soaking and sowing flower seeds in the ground. Planting flower seedlings open ground. Planting and replanting ornamental shrubs.
    from May 12, 2016 00:32 (Thu)
    to May 14, 2016 8:51 (Sat)

    Waxing Moon in Leo

    Tillage, thinning of seedlings, weeding and pest and disease control are possible. A favorable period for sowing, planting and picking drought-resistant flowers, as well as all growing plants (ornamental beans, hops, maiden grapes, climbing roses, etc.). The grass sown these days will sprout in an even layer.

    May 13 (30.04 art. style) - Jacob the Apostle
    "Clear sunrise or warm evening and a starry night - to a thunderous and warm summer, harvest"

    from May 14, 2016 08:51 (Sat)
    to May 16, 2016 20:32 (Mon)

    Waxing Moon in Virgo

    Propagation of perennial flower crops by cuttings and layering. Fertilizing with mineral fertilizers. Available sowing seeds in the soil of annual flowers, planting seedlings of Shabot carnations, sweet peas, gillyflowers, as well as flowers that are not resistant to diseases (dahlias, gladioli, etc.). The best time to plant hedges, transplant indoor plants and flowers grown on the balcony
    from May 16, 2016 20:32 (Mon)
    to May 19, 2016 09:29 (Thu)

    Waxing Moon in the sign of Libra

    good time for planting ornamental shrubs, honeysuckle, roses, and forming a lawn. A favorable period for planting, dividing and replanting perennial rhizomatous flowers. Application of mineral fertilizers (azophoska, urea)
    from May 19, 2016 09:29 (Thu)
    to 20 May 2016 18:54 (Fri)

    Waxing Moon in the sign of Scorpio

    In the spring, when the Moon is waxing in this sign, formative and sanitary pruning of trees and shrubs is prohibited. Favorable time for planting roses. Loosening and mulching the soil, composting. Replanting indoor flowers. You can sow seeds or plant seedlings of perennials into open ground. (picking seedlings is advisable if there are more than two weeks left before the planned planting in a permanent place)
    from May 20, 2016 18:54 (Fri)
    to May 22, 2016 20:59 (Sun)


    It is not recommended to sow, plant, replant, or prune anything. Thinning seedlings, loosening and mulching the soil, removing garbage, preparing beds, spraying trees and shrubs against pests and diseases.

    May 22, 2016 00:14 Moscow time - astronomical full moon (mid-lunar month, until May 21, 2016 21:48 Moon in the sign of Scorpio, then in the sign of Sagittarius).

    from May 22, 2016 20:59 (Sun)
    to May 24, 2016 08:34 (Tue)

    Waning Moon in Sagittarius

    Plowing, digging, loosening and mulching the soil. It is possible to plant bulbous flowers. Planting roses is favorable. Spring tillage
    from May 24, 2016 08:34 (Tue)
    to 26 May 2016 17:27 (Thu)

    Waning Moon in the sign of Capricorn

    The best period for controlling weeds, thinning seedlings, and applying fertilizers. Planting small-bulbous flowers and gladioli. Carrying out formative, sanitary pruning.
    from May 26, 2016 17:27 (Thu)
    to May 29, 2016 00:06 (Sun)

    Waning Moon in Aquarius

    Unfavorable days for planting and sowing. It is possible to fertilize flowers. Lawn care. Weeding, soil loosening and pest control.

    May 27 (14.05 style) - Sidor Borechnik.
    Starting from this day, flax cucumbers were sown. "If it's cold on Sidor, then the whole summer will be cold"

    May 28 (15.05 art style) - Pakhomiy Teply, Pakhom Bokogrey.
    "It's warm on Pachomius - it's like that all summer"

    from May 29, 2016 00:06 (Sun)
    to May 31, 2016 04:09 (Tue)

    Waning Moon in the sign of Pisces

    Trees should not be planted or pruned. The best time for watering, root and foliar feeding of flower plants with organic fertilizers. Applying compost to perennial flower crops (peonies, irises, delphiniums, etc.).
    from May 31, 2016 04:09 (Tue)
    to May 31, 2016 23:59 (Tue)

    Waning Moon in Aries

    Plowing and loosening the soil, controlling pests and plant diseases. These days you can weed and mulch the plantings. The best time for watering, root and foliar feeding. Carrying out formative, sanitary pruning and removal of thickening shoots of ornamental trees and shrubs.

    I suggest making a table with sections: Moon data and date, vegetables, flower garden, garden. And distribute information across these columns.

    May :
    Folk signs about the weather in May:
    There are two cold periods in May: when the bird cherry blossoms and when the oak blossoms.
    If there is a lot of rain in May, then there is little in September.
    After wet May there is dry June.
    May is cold - a grain-bearing year.

    Based on one rather interesting folk sign, it was compiled (for Moscow, St. Petersburg and N. Novgorod).

    * To determine the local time of a lunar calendar event in Kaliningrad, you need to subtract -1 hour, in Samara: add +1 hour, in Yekaterinburg and Perm: +2; Novosibirsk: +3, Krasnoyarsk: +4 hours... in Vladivostok: +7, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky: +9 hours.

    Frost protection

    There is a spring Great chance recurrent frosts that can destroy the crop. You should prepare for them with smoke heaps or bombs, which, if necessary, are used to create smoke.

    To protect plants from cold weather, it is allowed to use plastic film, paper, lutrasil and other materials.

    What can you plant in May?

    • Vegetable crops must be planted in early May.
    • By the middle of the month, put peppers and eggplants in a greenhouse made of film.
    • We end May with sowing pumpkin crops and planting seedlings of all heat-loving plants.
    • We should not forget about the cabbage varieties that we plant at the end of the month.
    • We also transfer the tomatoes to the beds, installing a temporary shelter made of polyethylene material.

    Garden work in May

    • At the beginning of the third month of spring, it is not prohibited to plant trees and seedlings, as well as shrubs.
    • As a rule, if the weather has not let us down in March, the garden has been pruned in full. But pest control would be quite appropriate. After all, at this time fleas and flies appear on the plants. To protect plants from them, spraying with pyrethrum, tobacco dust or ash is carried out.
    • We don't leave you without our attention. The grass has grown, regular mowing should begin. On these days, it is not prohibited to sow grass and even plant new ones.

    Plant care

    Watering and fertilizing plants

    If the potatoes have time to sprout, cover the tops of the sprouts with soil.

    Cabbage beds should be watered in May, and abundantly.

    In this case, it is allowed to apply mineral and organic fertilizer compounds. K: compost, humus, bird droppings, peat, ash.

    Less organic fertilizer is better than more. If there is an excess of organic matter, young plants become infected with fungus.

    The rate of mineral fertilizers in spring:

    • phosphorus (superphosphate) - 250 g/m²
    • potash (or wood ash) - 200 g/m²
    • nitrogen (nitrate) - 300 g/m²

    nitrogen fertilizers are applied if organic matter is not added

    • Watering and precipitation should be accompanied by loosening the soil. This will allow the sprouts to grow faster upper layer land. Dense seedlings need to be thinned out. We don’t leave garlic without moisture either.
    • With the establishment of stable warm weather, the soil near the berry bushes must be mulched.
    • It is necessary to collect the raspberry beetle from the raspberry bushes before it lays eggs.
    • Grapes, strawberries and other crops will already begin the growing season. It is necessary to organize control over them, watering, loosening the soil and weeding from weeds. It is especially important, if May does not have a lot of precipitation, to water all the berry plants well.
    • Perennials that have begun to form young shoots must be protected from possible cold winds by tying them up.
    • Plants that should become very thick during growth must be trimmed, leaving a minimum number of sprouts.
    • By the end of May, lilacs fade, so it is necessary to promptly remove wilted inflorescences.
    • Plants grown in containers are allowed to be moved to terraces in the third decade of May. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the abundance of sunlight and organize temporary protection for them.

    And this is not all the work that should be done in the garden in May. So try your best free time, devote all weekends in May to your garden and vegetable garden, do not forget to use what you have accumulated over the centuries. Please note that if the spring was protracted, you will have to work hard to approach summer season worthy. In order to make your work easier and make the work done more successful, you should look into a gardener.

    Lunar calendar for gardeners and gardeners for May 2016

    May 1, 2016 waning moon
    On this day, it is better not to plant anything. It is favorable for plowing and fertilizing, controlling garden pests, and sanitary pruning.

    May 3, 2016 waning moon
    We plant root crops, onions and garlic. Sowing seedlings of cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkins, watermelons, melons, all types of cabbage, legumes, beans and herbs. We plant flowers. We cultivate the soil - watering, weeding, thinning.

    May 4, 2016 waning moon
    Planting garlic, onions, carrots. We harden the seedlings. Watering, thinning and weeding. Work in the garden: planting trees - apricot, cherry. We plant flowers.

    From May 5, 2016, to May 7 New Moon
    On new moon days, sowing and planting are not recommended. It is better to take care of the soil - applying various fertilizers, mulching, loosening, watering, and destroying pests. Replanting indoor plants is not advisable.

    May 8, 2016 and May 9 waxing moon
    Planting strawberries, climbing and legume plants, dill. It is better not to replant indoor flowers. Application of mineral fertilizers, weeding and thinning, watering.

    May 10, 2016 waxing moon
    An excellent day for sowing and planting almost all crops not intended for seed. Planting and replanting flowers and indoor plants, dividing the rhizomes of perennials. It is not recommended to replant or trim trees and shrubs.

    May 11, 2016 and May 12 waxing moon
    These days are ideal for taking a break from plants and getting creative. Sowing only fennel and sunflower.

    May 14, 2016 waxing moon
    Layout of flower beds and beds. From the second half of the day you can plant climbing plants and ornamental shrubs.

    May 15, 2016 and May 16 waxing moon
    Sowing green, spicy and flower crops. Good days for replanting indoor plants, dividing rhizomes of perennials. Watering, weeding, thinning, hilling and mulching.

    May 17, 2016 waxing moon
    The harvest collected on this day will be stored for a long time and is good for seed purposes. Good days for any plant transplants. Sowing and planting green manure, legumes, pumpkins, zucchini, eggplants, melons, watermelons, cabbage, asparagus, lettuce, physalis. We cultivate the soil - water it, loosen it and hill it up. Trees and bushes should not be trimmed.

    May 18, 2016 and May 19 waxing Moon
    An excellent time to plant many plants. The harvest will be stored for a long time and is suitable for seeds. Sowing cabbage, green, spicy, legume and pumpkin crops, watermelons and melons, biennials. Planting potatoes. Vegetable seedlings can be transplanted into open ground. It is better not to work in the garden and not to plant trees.

    May 22, 2016 and May 23 Full Moon
    On full moon days you cannot sow or plant anything. Favorable days for working with the soil - hilling, loosening, applying organic fertilizers. Good days for pruning trees and shrubs.

    May 24, 2016 waning moon
    The harvest will be good for seeds. Planting potatoes and other root crops, onions on turnips.

    May 25, 2016 and May 26 waning moon
    Sowing cauliflower and white cabbage, salads and green crops, green manure. Weeding, fertilizing, pest control.

    May 27, 2016 and May 28 waning moon
    These days we carry out fertilization, weeding and hilling, pest control in the garden and vegetable garden, intensive watering, and cultivation. Good time for stepsoning. We prune trees and shrubs.

    May 29, 2016 waning moon
    Planting potatoes. We plant or sow greens. We carry out watering and spraying against pests. Rooting strawberry tendrils. Pruning is not recommended.

    May 30, 2016 waning moon
    Sowing green manure, root vegetables, peas, cabbage for pickling, all green and spicy crops. Pruning of trees and shrubs. Intensive watering, fertilization.

    May 31, 2016 waning moon
    Planting onions, garlic and summer radishes. Application of fertilizers and watering. Replanting plants is not recommended.

    In spring, as a rule, gardeners are engaged in planting and replanting indoor flowers and plants. It is spring that is considered the most suitable for such matters. favorable time of the year. During this period, plants gain strength and grow rapidly, gaining volume before our eyes and creating beauty with their blooming green appearance!

    Some people try to transplant everything they need right in early spring, in April, while others hesitate and get to work in May. In order for the transplant to be successful, the plants quickly took root, settled in and began to develop a healthy root system, while at the same time greening up your home; replanting should be done exclusively at a time favorable for such matters. Today we will find out what astrologers predicted for May 2016 and which dates are considered the best in this regard.

    Lunar calendar for replanting indoor plants for May 2016

    No matter what the supporters of early April transplants say, you won’t find a better month than May for replanting indoor flowers! However, even during this period there are days that it is advisable to avoid and not touch your house plants under any circumstances!

    So, the warm days of May are approaching, but in no case are you in a hurry to replant indoor plants. It is strictly forbidden to do this at the beginning of the month and the first favorable dates for this start only on the 10th. It will be possible to repeat the work only on May 15, the middle of the month.

    In the second ten days, there will also be few dates that have a positive effect on transplanting, planting and actually planting plants, these are the 17th and 18th. May will no longer be so generous and will allow lovers to create “green” beauty in their homes with their own hands only on May 25th!

    Of course you can in lunar calendar find days that will not affect the transfer in any way. In principle, they do not bring good or bad; in general, the following dates will be neutral: May 2-5, 9, 24, 26, 29-31. For gardeners, such a transplant becomes more of a “spare” rather than a planned one, and indoor flowers can be replanted in case you simply didn’t have time on favorable days!

    However, even if you are going to replant the plant on a favorable day, you need to make sure that it really needs replanting. It is important not to disturb indoor flowers that have already bloomed, even in May. In this case, you will have to wait until spring and determine the “household members” for a new place of residence only in the fall!

    How does the Moon affect flowers?

    Indoor plants are very sensitive to the phases of the moon, as is any living organism. In one period they notice rapid, abundant flowering, in another - sap flows become more active, which provokes rapid growth of flowers, and less malaise during transplantation at such a moment, the sap tends from bottom to top and saturates every part of its large organism with nutrients to the maximum. It is these periods that are considered the most favorable for replanting indoor flowers!

    There are also lunar phases when the juice arrives, on the contrary, to the roots. It is precisely this time that is considered unfavorable, when it is stipulated that plants should never be replanted!

    Houseplants carry strong energy: there are vampire flowers, and there are donor flowers. We wrote about which indoor plants belong to them in the article. And the lunar calendar will help in caring for every picky pet.

    1st of May: When the Moon is in Aquarius, it is favorable to replant and root such indoor plants as Stromantha pleasanta, Bocarnea reflexum, Calathea and Oppenheim's ctenanta.

    May 2 and 3: the influence of the constellation Pisces will positively affect the planting and transplantation of orchids, ampelous ficus and geraniums. It is best to avoid excessive watering on this day.

    May 4 and 5: The influence of the constellation Aries will increase. It is recommended to trim indoor plants and shape them. Avoid watering and fertilizing. Check to see if there are any diseases or dry leaves that need to be gotten rid of.

    May 6 and 7: One of the most favorable constellations for plants is Taurus. Its influence will best affect the care of begonias, violets and cyclamens. You can plant and replant Kalanchoe.

    May 8 and 9: The moon will move into the constellation Gemini. It is possible these days to transplant cirrus palms, asparagus and chlorophytum crested. If you have broad-leaved plants, wipe their leaves from dust and spray with water.

    May 10 and 11: under the influence of the constellation Cancer, transplantation of Dieffenbachia, pruning and rooting of agave, gasteria, Kalanchoe and echeveria will be positive. Pruning, root feeding and grafting will go well.

    May 12 and 13: When the Moon is in the constellation Leo, it is useful to replant amaranth and asthenia such as callas, violets and gardenias. Abundant watering is not favorable, as is fertilizing. This day is especially favorable for work in the garden, but it is also necessary to take into account the influence of the constellation Leo on fruit plants. You can read about this in another article.

    May 14, 15 and 16: the Earth's satellite will be under the strong influence of the constellation Virgo, which is not favorable for soaking seeds, but you can plant cissus and monstera, and the rooting of philodendron will be successful.

    May 17 and 18: The constellation Libra will have a positive effect on the transplantation and planting of hibiscus, white Indian azalea, hydrangea and cineraria. It is not favorable to graft and spray indoor plants these days.

    May 19, 20 and 21: The Moon will move into the constellation Scorpio. Astrologers do not recommend cutting plants on this day. Planting and replanting of mountain grate, Peruvian cereus and aloe will be successful.

    May 22 and 23: These days you can plant indoor grapes and lemons, because the constellation Sagittarius will have a positive effect on their development. Replanting ficus and bamboo palms is also not prohibited.

    May 24, 25 and 26: The moon will move into the constellation Capricorn. During these days, Margaret's lapidaria, dracaena and ficus can be replanted.

    May 27 and 28: refrain from heavy watering these days. The constellation Aquarius favors the transplantation of callistemon lilac and calathea.

    May 29 and 30: The moon will move into the constellation Pisces, which will have a positive effect on planting and caring for Elodea canadensis, Crassula, bryophyllum and hornwort.

    May 31: The influence of the constellation Aries will increase. To stop the growth of indoor plants, pruning branches is useful. It is better to refuse transplants, as there is a possibility of damaging the roots.

    Each plant, with proper care, will not only bloom beautifully and please the eye, but also bring good luck to the house, as was written about earlier. All the best and don't forget to press the buttons and

    25.04.2016 00:40

    Psychic Elena Golunova claims that indoor plants have a great influence on the monetary energy in the house. ...


    Today, root crops (with the exception of potatoes) can be planted if weather conditions permit. Some gardeners are guided by folk signs when exactly a particular crop should be planted. For example, the time of planting beets is determined by the appearance of catkins on maple trees; carrots can be planted when aspen trees have time to bloom.

    Before planting seedlings in the ground, plants should be hardened off fresh air, leaving pots of seedlings outdoors during the day and bringing them indoors again at night.

    Houseplants: Some plants require pinching to encourage flowering and to form attractive clumps. For example, fuchsia, pelargonium, and jasmine should be pinched.

    Moon without course until 20:10

    Today you can finish pruning fruit trees if you did not have time to do this last month. This is also a good day to fertilize for fruit development. You can start processing grape vines.

    Today you can sow root crops in open ground: beets, radishes, carrots, if weather conditions permit.

    You can collect a mushroom - birch chaga. This mushroom grows on birch trees and is an excellent remedy to strengthen the immune system. He'll let you fight colds in the cold season.

    Houseplants: This is a good time to collect greens if they are growing on your windowsill. Lemons, tangerines, and pomegranates can also grow on your window. This day is also suitable for collecting these fruits. Protect plants from direct sunlight.

    NEW MOON at 22:30

    Today is an unfavorable day for planting and transplanting, as the plants have little vigor. In order not to waste time, you can work on the soils. It is known that the soil should be maintained in a loose state, then it will be better supplied with oxygen and plants will grow better. In addition, loosening helps get rid of weeds.


    Moon without course until 19:35

    If possible, do not plant anything before 7:35 pm today. You can still loosen the soil, destroy weeds, and mulch plants with fresh humus or compost. Such mulch will also act as a fertilizer, as it is rich in nutrients.

    If the ground in your area has already thawed, but the plants have not yet had time to germinate, you can plant clematis in open ground and replant.

    If the threat of frost is behind you, you can plant heat-loving annuals: begonias, petunias, pelargoniums, nasturtiums, verbena, fuchsias and other flowers. Plants are planted in tubs and baskets that can be hung in the garden or on the balcony.

    Moon without course until 20:24

    Today, the Moon will be without a course for almost the entire day, so it is better not to plant anything, and it is also not recommended to water the plants. This day is a holiday, so for many it will be associated with cooking festive table and have a feast, but it’s better to postpone gardening until a more opportune time.

    In May, you should mow your lawn quite often. If you cut it today, the grass will grow very quickly and will be lush and healthy. Today you can plant legumes in the ground. Today it is unfavorable to prune fruit trees and shrubs.

    You can sow cauliflower seedlings and early varieties of white cabbage.

    Today is also a good day to collect leaves of medicinal plants. It is good to collect the leaves during the period of budding and flowering of plants. To avoid harming the flowers, you should collect the lower leaves. You can collect leaves of lingonberry, bearberry, nettle, sorrel, etc.

    Indoor plants: Watering day. Give your plants a good shower today to wash off all the dust from the leaves. This will refresh your plants and act as a preventative measure against some pests.

    Moon without course from 10:34

    Today is also a good day to plant various greens: lettuce, parsley, dill, sorrel, spinach, etc. This is also a great day, like yesterday, for mowing the lawn. It is best to plan the start of all important work in the morning: before 10:30, before the Moon has time to become “idle”.

    If the buds of birch, poplar or pine have already swelled, but have not yet begun to grow, it’s time to collect them. It is better to cut off the buds of a pine tree with a sharp knife, but you can tear off the buds of other plants with your hands. The kidneys should be dried when not very high temperatures(10-15 degrees Celsius) so that they do not bloom.

    Indoor plants: Watering day. Still a good day to water. If you are going on vacation and have no one to water the plants, you can use special means for watering.

    Today you can plant various vegetables if the frost season has already passed. This is also a great time to plant garden strawberries. Plants planted this year will yield only next year. On this day it is also a good idea to plant March seedlings of cucumbers, peppers, eggplants and tomatoes in greenhouses. You can plant Brussels sprouts, white cabbage, and leeks in the soil under shelters. These vegetables are quite cold-resistant.

    On this day, you can plant shrubs and trees from containers into the ground. Seedlings that have an open root system should be planted earlier; during this period it is too late for such plantings.

    Houseplants: In May the sun is already quite hot, so some plants should be shaded to prevent them from getting burned. Some plants, for example, ferns, Saintpaulias, begonias, selaginella, grow better not in the bright sun, but in the shade. Today you can plant lemons, avocados and other fruit bushes.

    Second phase of the moon from 20:03

    Moon without course from 20:04

    Since the Moon is changing phase today, if possible, do not start planting. You can continue the plantings you started if you didn’t have time to finish everything yesterday. However, it is best not to overwork yourself on this day; this will not benefit either you or your plants. This day is more suitable for relaxation.

    Moon without course until 08:52

    When the Moon is in Virgo, it is good to plant: everything should rise well. You can continue to sow seedlings of watermelons, melons, and cucumbers for future plantings. If conditions in your area allow, you can already transfer tomato seedlings into the ground, but it is better to provide shelter in case of cold weather.

    Indoor plants: In the next few days - until May 18 - there is a good time for planting and replanting. Don't miss these days, as you will have to wait a whole month for the next good time.

    Still a good day to plant. You can cut the bark of medicinal plants: oak bark, brittle buckthorn, common viburnum. The bark should be cut off from thin young trunks. Too old bark is not used for medicinal purposes.

    Houseplants: A good day for planting, replanting and moving houseplants. In this case, you should correctly select or prepare the soil in which your plants will grow. Some species should not be replanted too often.

    Moon without course from 12:20 to 20:33

    Today you can start planting, but it is better to start doing this in the first half of the day. In the afternoon you can work on the soils.

    Indoor plants: Another favorable day for planting and replanting. You can also loosen the soil in pots or replace the topsoil. You can plant greens in pots for growing at home.

    Today you can start planting flowers in your flower garden: you can transfer seedlings of verbena, aster, ageratum, carnation, viola, coreopsis, gaillardia, snapdragon and other plants into the ground.

    A good day for collecting flowers of medicinal plants: coltsfoot, red hawthorn, lily of the valley. It is best to collect flowers at the very beginning of flowering, then they contain the most useful substances.

    Indoor plants: Unfavorable day for watering and fertilizing plants. However, flowers can be replanted. After transplanting, it is better not to water them for several days so that all wounds on the root system have time to heal.

    Moon without course from 18:23

    It is still a good time to plant flowers in open ground: nasturtiums, cosmos, godetia, calendula, poppy, tagetes, eschscholzia, clarkia and others. It is not recommended to water the plants today.

    Indoor plants: You can plant balcony plants in tubs and pots, including daisies, violas, asters, lobelias, etc. It is better to water the plants tomorrow after 9:30.

    Moon without course until 09:30

    Today you can start watering the garden and mowing the lawn. This is also a good time to plant herbs: parsley, dill, sorrel, lettuce, garlic.

    You can collect leaves of medicinal plants: birch, wild rosemary, currant, primrose, lingonberry, nettle, lily of the valley, etc.

    Indoor plants: Day of watering and spraying. It's also a good time to take a shower. The best time to water and spray flowers is after sunset.

    Today you can sow peas and beans. Today you can collect the leaves of such medicinal plants as European hoof, stinging nettle, lily of the valley, coltsfoot, and spring primrose. You can also collect spring adonis, club moss, common plantain, tricolor violets, and horsetail.

    Indoor plants: Watering day.

    Moon without course from 14:39 to 21:48

    It is still a good time to collect leaves from medicinal plants, especially poisonous ones. For example, you can collect leaves and flowers of lily of the valley. This plant is poisonous, especially its berries. The plant is used as infusions as a sedative and sleeping pill, for diseases of the thyroid gland and genitourinary organs. Collecting plants in the days of Scorpio is especially relevant.


    FULL MOON at 00:16

    Today you can start harvesting greens, which by this time have already ripened: collect onions, lettuces, dill, sorrel, radishes. You can prune branches of ornamental shrubs that have already bloomed: spirea, low and three-lobed almonds, blood red and golden currants, etc. This is also a good day for fertilizing shrubs and trees that have already bloomed, especially fruit trees.

    Indoor plants: Today it is better not to engage in planting and replanting. You can harvest cuttings and leaves for propagation and future planting. Inspect the plants for the presence of pests and take measures to destroy them. This is also a good day for disease prevention.

    Moon without course from 18:37

    A good day to control garden pests. If you would like to use chemicals, you should only do so as a last resort when all else fails. Before this, try not to poison your garden with chemicals, but use more gentle means, for example, infusions of calendula, dandelion, garlic, mustard, and pine needles. The pungent odors of these infusions will naturally repel pests and will not harm your health.

    Check lilies, fritillaries, and other plants in the lily family for the daylily beetle, an insect that attacks these flowers. great harm. Beetles and their eggs should be destroyed.

    When plants are blooming, they cannot be sprayed with concentrated mineral fertilizers, iron sulfate and other chemicals, as this can harm pollinators. Some pests, such as ants, can be repelled by using rags soaked in kerosene, which you can place near the plants.

    Houseplants: A good day to prepare cuttings. You can start forming bushes. Remove dry leaves, branches and flower stalks. A good day to fertilize home fruit bushes: lemons, pomegranates, avocados and others.

    Moon without course until 08:34

    Today is a great day for weed control. Some weeds are quite stubborn and can easily reproduce not only through seeds, but also through stems, so they should be carefully destroyed. One of these weeds is chickweed. It's good to loosen the soil today.

    Today you can dig up the roots of burdock, comfrey, evasive peony, creeping wheatgrass, and horseradish. It is best to do this late in the evening or at night.

    Houseplants: Today is a good day to work on your soils. You can also apply fertilizers to develop the root system of plants.

    Today you can start processing garden strawberry bushes: you need to clear the bushes of dry leaves and stems, remove diseased and yellowing leaves, and tendrils that have already taken root. You can apply fertilizers, for example, urea (approximately 2.5-3 kg of fertilizer is applied per 100 square meters of land). After fertilizing, the plants should be mulched and covered with film.

    Another good day for weed control. It's a good time to clean up the garden.

    Moon without course until 17:27

    If the beautifully flowering bulbs have already bloomed, the leaves should not be removed; they should dry out and separate from the bulb naturally. Your garden with fading leaves of bulbous plants (narcissus, tulips, ornamental onions, crocuses, etc.) may not look very aesthetically pleasing, so the leaves can be mulched with fresh compost, which will not only help hide the fading plants, but also give the bulbs good fertilizer. The places where the bulbs are located should be marked in a way convenient for you, so as not to disturb their peace later.

    Today it’s good to take care of the flower garden, remove faded inflorescences, trim shoots, remove dry leaves.

    You can apply fertilizers for flowers. At this time, it is good to use potassium or general mineral fertilizers. Natural fertilizer is also used - chicken manure. To retain moisture and all the beneficial ingredients of fertilizers, plants should be mulched. Azaleas, heathers and rhododendrons can be mulched with pine bark. This type of mulch is environmentally friendly, aesthetically pleasing and durable.

    Today you can cut off shoots with dried inflorescences from lilacs. You can also remove growth from lilacs and roses to make the bushes look neater.

    Formative pruning is necessary to form a beautiful, neat bush and to give the plants the opportunity to bloom again in the future.

    Transplanting plants according to the lunar calendar

    The fourth phase of the moon from 15:13

    On the days when the lunar phases change, it is best to rest more and not overwork. For this day, you should plan some simple work: water the garden, vegetable garden and flower garden well, since the Moon is in a water sign.

    Today it is better not to harvest if your goal is to make canned food. You can fertilize and mow lawns if necessary. This day is also suitable for planting potatoes.

    Indoor plants: Watering day. Along with watering, you can apply fertilizers for plants with beautiful decorative leaves.

    To obtain a better harvest, some of the fruit ovaries from the trees should be removed. Smaller, damaged or underdeveloped ovaries should be removed. This day is good for harvesting: in the southern regions, garden strawberries and even the first cherries are already ripening. If May turns out to be hot, there are already enough strawberries to make the first twists.

    Houseplants: You can apply fertilizers to indoor fruit bushes. It's good to harvest homemade greens. You can prepare cuttings for future plantings and pinch out bushes.

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