• Autumn Festival in kindergarten: scenario for junior, senior and preparatory groups. An interesting scenario for the autumn holiday in kindergarten in the senior group


    In September-October 2019, the Autumn Festival is held in kindergartens. We offer a script for a matinee for the older group, including scenes at an autumn festival in kindergarten.

    In the hall decorated balloons and autumn leaves, children enter.

    - Look, guys, how beautiful it is here today! There are so many colorful leaves all around! What kind of holiday are we celebrating? Of course, a holiday of autumn!

    Autumn knocked on the door again -
    Golden, generous time.
    With a harvest of colorful leaves
    She came to our kindergarten for the holiday.

    The song “Where are you, where are you, dear autumn?” is performed.

    The skit for preschoolers for the autumn holiday continues with poetry reading.

    The leaves were filled with sunshine,
    The leaves are soaked in the sun,
    Filled up, heavy
    And they flew with the wind...

    They rustled through the bushes...
    You can see them here and there.
    The wind swirls gold,
    Sounds like golden rain!

    Then, at the autumn festival in kindergarten, you can stage a funny skit in which Autumn and Lesovichok participate.

    – My dear guys, I’m glad to stay with you. (Sits on a tree stump.)

    However, it turns out that the stump is alive. This is Old Lesovichok. Autumn tells him that she and the guys are in a hurry to celebrate the holiday.

    Old Lesovichok:
    – If you hurry, you’ll make people laugh! Okay, I’ll help you, just do something fun for me.

    A musical skit begins for the autumn holiday in kindergarten.

    Autumn reads the following lines:

    All the leaves on an autumn day
    So beautiful
    Let's sing a song
    About golden leaves!

    The guys perform the song “Golden Leaves” (words by N. Naydenova, music by T. Popatenko).

    Old Lesovichok:
    - Thank you, you amused me. Here's a little ball for you, follow this ball and you'll have fun celebrating the fall holiday with songs, dances, and jokes.

    In the next scene at the autumn festival in kindergarten, Autumn walks through the fields and forests.

    Hello birch trees,
    Hello, aspens!
    Hello girls,
    Hello boys!
    Hello lawns,
    Hello fields!
    Golden Autumn has come to visit you!

    Children perform the song “Beautiful Autumn” (words and music by G. Azamatova).

    In the following skit for preschoolers for the autumn holiday, the presenter says:
    – The autumn mushroom season has arrived. I'm going mushroom hunting with friends in the morning.

    The children recite together:

    We run barefoot along the path,
    Boxes and baskets in hands.
    Let's take each basket together,
    Let's go to the forest to pick mushrooms.

    The holiday ends with a musical skit for the autumn holiday in kindergarten, in which the song “Picking Mushrooms” (words and music by L. Abelyan) and the dance “Honey Mushroom” are performed.

    Autumn holiday for older children kindergarten. Scenario "Autumn Meetings"

    An exciting trip to the autumn forest, garden and vegetable garden will give children a sea of ​​positive emotions and immerse them in the world of autumn colors.
    Target: To consolidate and expand children's ideas about autumn natural phenomena through their expressive performance of songs, dances, poems and skits.
    - develop in children the ability to expressively perform songs, dances, and poems
    - develop communication skills
    - foster respect for nature

    The progress of the holiday

    The music starts, the presenters come out, the curtain is closed.
    1st Presenter: Look around, the leaves are flying.
    The birds flew south like a wedge yesterday.
    2nd Presenter: Autumn will soon leave, everything will fall asleep until spring.
    But you won’t forget our autumn concert!
    The presenters open the curtain, music plays, children run out in pairs and stand on their spots.
    Dance composition “LEAVES ARE FLYING”.
    1. Today the holiday looked into every home,
    Because autumn is wandering outside the window.
    The autumn holiday came to the kindergarten,
    To please both adults and children!
    2. Like the whole street is burning with fire,
    The leaves argue with the breeze.
    I even want to close my eyes,
    Everything around is so beautiful!
    3. Birds fly to warmer climes,
    I will quietly wave my hand after them.
    The sky scatters beads of rain,
    For me there is no more beautiful time!
    4. Autumn will soon say goodbye,
    Having given a colorful outfit,
    It’s not in vain that her beauty
    They call it golden!
    Children sit on chairs to the music.
    The cry of cranes sounds.
    1st Presenter: Hear, there, in the distance, cranes are flying.
    Let them wave their wings and call our autumn to us.
    Music sounds, Autumn enters.
    Autumn: Hello my guys!
    You invited me to visit.
    But trouble happened
    I've been crying all day today.
    2nd Presenter: We, Autumn, will not let you be sad,
    We can cheer you up with a cheerful song!
    Autumn: So thank you guys.
    For your song, preschoolers.
    But I didn’t come here easily,
    I brought you gifts.
    She put them in the chest,
    She spoke magic words.
    I wrote down those words on three maple leaves,
    Yes, the bad weather scattered all the leaves all over the world.
    Without magic words I can’t open the chest,
    How can I get maple leaves?
    1st Presenter: We'll go look for maple leaves together.
    Along the paths, along the paths, we will return the leaves of Autumn!
    2nd Presenter: Let's get on the high-speed train,
    He will take you and me!
    The train whistle sounds, the children stand up, imitating the movements of the train, and move in a circle.
    A voice announces: “Attention! Lesnaya station.
    Music sounds and Mushroom Boletus enters.
    Mushroom Boletus: I am Boletus mushroom!
    Both beautiful and great!
    In a thick hat on one side,
    The leg is thick, like a stump.
    Sit down, relax,
    Autumn: We are looking for magic leaves,
    They scattered in all directions.
    Maybe you saw them?
    Tell us then!
    Mushroom Boletus: I'll look for leaves
    And then I’ll give it to you.
    Although the task is not easy...
    In the meantime, stay with me.
    Take a walk in the autumn forest,
    You will learn a lot of new things.
    Music sounds, bring out the Christmas trees.
    1st Presenter: In the morning at the forest edge,
    Behind a stump on a hummock.
    It’s not the little animals that have gathered,
    Mushrooms have gathered.
    Mushrooms come out to the music, stopping randomly with their faces towards the audience.
    Mushroom Boletus: Did you recognize the boletus?
    I have a strong leg.
    Well, why should I brag?
    I am familiar to everyone, of course.
    Russula: Russula is known to everyone,
    I am, of course, a lovely mushroom.
    Know everyone that I'm in pickles -
    This is simply delicious!
    Boletus: I'm neither small nor tall

    Boletus is a fungus.
    Eat whoever finds me
    I don't feel sorry for myself.
    I'll be there for the mushroom picker
    A delicious gift!
    Chanterelles: 1. We foxes are respected
    Girls and boys.
    2. If only they roast us,
    You'll be licking your fingers!
    fly agaric(comes forward):
    What nonsense is this!
    The most beautiful of all is the fly agaric!
    You wanted to go into the pan,
    To be boiled and eaten?
    I'm not afraid of mushroom pickers
    And I’ll laugh at you! (laughs)
    Mushrooms turn to fly agaric
    Russula: Oh, you stupid braggart!
    What's the use of standing like that?
    The boy will kick you
    He won't want to pick it up!
    Boletus: And you'll get caught by snails,
    They'll drill holes in the hat,
    If you escape from them,
    The worms will eat you!
    Chanterelles: 1. Well, we won’t be sad.
    We bring joy to people.
    2. Let them dry and salt us,
    Marinate and eat!
    2nd Presenter: Until then we get bored
    We invite everyone to play!
    Mushroom Boletus:
    Mushroom-Borovik was amused.
    Here is your leaflet, friends,
    Get it from me.
    Autumn: Thank you, Borovik!
    You are used to helping everyone!
    Mushroom Boletus: Well, now it's time for you,
    Goodbye, kids!
    Music sounds, Borovik leaves. The sound of rain sounds.
    1st Presenter: What is this? The sky darkened,
    It was as if she wanted to cry.
    Two children come out under an umbrella.
    1. This cloud is angry,
    The cloud was loudly indignant:
    "It's autumn, not summer,
    There will be no more bright light!”
    I took gray paint
    Rain fell from the sky.
    2. We play hide and seek with the rain and rain.
    He is looking for me, and I am hiding under an umbrella!
    2nd Presenter: An umbrella doesn't save us from the rain,
    The rain fills large puddles.
    Tell me which one of you, brothers,
    Wants to go for a run in galoshes?
    1st Presenter: We get on the fast train,
    We'll get to the right station!
    A whistle sounds, the noise of a train. A voice announces: “Attention! Station "Sadovaya - berry-fruit».
    Music sounds and Uncle Grapes comes out.
    Grape: How many guests do I see?
    Adults, small children!
    I am Uncle Grapes,
    Come in, I'm very glad!
    Sit down, relax,
    Why did you come, tell me.
    Autumn: We are looking for magic leaves,
    They scattered in all directions.
    Maybe you saw them?
    Tell us then!
    Grape: I'll look for leaves
    And then I’ll give it to you.
    Although the task is not easy...
    In the meantime, stay with me.
    Let's go for a walk in the garden,
    Invite everyone to the dance.
    Grape: The apples in my garden are green and red,
    Look at them, how beautiful they all are.
    Guys, help me,
    Take these apples apart.
    Grape: Thank you for visiting me,
    Uncle Vinograd was amused.
    Here is your leaflet, friends,
    Get it from me.
    The train is ready for you to move on,
    Fast track! Good luck on your journey!
    Music sounds, Vinograd says goodbye and leaves.
    Autumn: I already have two leaves,
    We are looking for the last one, go ahead, friends!
    2nd Presenter: We're getting on the train again,
    We'll get to the right station!
    The whistle sounds, the sound of a train. A voice announces: “Attention! Station "Vegetable".
    The music sounds and the Scarecrow comes out.
    1st Presenter: Who is this and where is it from?
    What kind of miracle is this?
    Scarecrow: I am Scarecrow, I live in the garden,
    And even though I seem harmless,
    I put on rags, rags,
    I scare everyone with my scary appearance. (Reluctantly waves his hands)
    2nd Presenter: Garden Scarecrow?! Very nice!
    Why are you sad, we don’t understand?
    Scarecrow: One harvested
    He led the birds south.
    The sky is dripping, the winds are blowing,
    And my nose smells winter.
    1st Presenter: The guys won't let you get bored,
    Get up in the middle - let's play!
    Scarecrow: I could play like this all day
    What happened to you, don’t you find out?
    Autumn: We are looking for magic leaves,
    They scattered in all directions.
    Maybe you saw them?
    Tell us then!
    Scarecrow: I'll look for leaves
    And then I’ll give it to you.
    Although the task is not easy...
    In the meantime, stay with me.
    All spring and summer we worked in the garden,
    Guess what, friends, difficult riddles.
    1. To dig up the earth,
    I need you guys
    New and durable
    2. So as not to dry out under the sun,
    All plants need
    Clean, transparent,
    3. How to hill potatoes,
    Grandfather and grandmother know.
    Mom knows, dad knows,
    It will come in handy...(Chopper)
    4. Cucumber and tomato, everyone knows
    I'm used to the warmth.
    And of course they need it,
    Warm film…(Greenhouse)
    Scarecrow: You guessed it, beauty!
    Then there's another game for you.
    Who's brave here? Don't be timid!
    Find the vegetable in the bag quickly!
    Autumn: There are a lot of vitamins in the garden bed,
    We have a rich harvest, look, guys!
    Vegetables, honest people,
    Start a round dance!
    Round dance "GARDEN - ROUND DANCE".
    Scarecrow: Thank you for visiting me,
    The garden scarecrow was amused.
    Here is your leaflet, friends,
    Get it from me.
    And I will new job wait,
    When the harvest has to be protected!
    The Scarecrow says goodbye and leaves.
    Autumn: What a beauty, I have all the leaves!
    You guys don't yawn,
    Repeat the magic words after me!
    “One-two-three, little chest, give me magic!”
    The chest does not open, Autumn repeats the words several times, and on the last one says:
    Autumn: The children shouted together
    Why were the parents silent?
    Now everyone is together: “One-two-three, little chest, give me magic!”
    Magic music sounds, Autumn opens the chest.
    Autumn: Here the chest has opened,
    He doesn't need a castle!
    And it contains a treat from me,
    Sweet delight!
    Autumn gives the treat to the host.
    2nd Presenter: Thank you Autumn for the treat,
    Here's to the holiday and good mood!
    Autumn: The autumn holiday is over,
    The leaves flew off the trees.
    The snow fell on the fields,
    I have no more business here.
    Well, in next year,
    I will come to visit you again!
    Music sounds, Autumn is leaving.
    1st Presenter: We are finishing our holiday,
    We invite everyone to join the group!
    The children leave the hall to the music.

    Children's matinees are a great way to make friends with children, as well as game form instill in them new skills and knowledge. Therefore, you should choose interesting and varied games for the autumn holiday in kindergarten. Games are the most interesting part of the matinee for its little participants. Let's consider several options for games for the autumn matinee.

    Traditional relay race, stylized with an autumn theme. We will need two large ones autumn leaves for each team. We draw the sheets on cardboard and cut them out. The essence of the relay: the player takes two sheets of paper, stands on one of them, and places the other in front of him. Then he jumps to the second sheet, and places the first one in front of him. Thus, you need to go the distance from start to finish and vice versa, passing the sheets to the next player. The team that finishes it faster wins.

    Autumn beads

    Attributes: bright leaves from trees, rowan branches, pine cones, several threads or ropes. This competition is creative. We divide the participants into teams, and each team creates its own beads from the proposed material - leaves, cones, rowan are strung on a rope. A certain time is allotted for the process itself while the musical accompaniment plays. When the beads are ready, the audience votes with applause for each decoration. Usually in such entertainment there are no winners and losers, friendship wins.

    Speed ​​coloring book

    First you need to print out several coloring pages, depending on how many teams or participants there will be. You will also need pencils or markers. Children must color the pictures within a certain period of time, and preferably do this carefully, so it is better to choose simple coloring books, without small details. Well, since our holiday is autumn, the theme of the coloring pages should be autumn.

    Picking apples

    This competition can be done either with your eyes open or blindfolded. The player's goal is to collect as many apples as possible in the basket. Apples can be drawn on cardboard and cut out, or you can replace them with some objects - cubes, balls, small soft toys.

    Bunch of grapes

    You will need two sheets of whatman paper, on each of which the tail of a bunch with a leaf is drawn. The kids take turns approaching whatman paper, they are blindfolded and they draw one grape. Each team draws its own bunch, the goal is to draw it as accurately as possible. But this doesn’t always work out, so the game turns out to be fun, and its results are unpredictable.


    Relay race with creative elements. We prepare in advance two sheets of whatman paper with drawn silhouettes of cats, pieces of cotton wool, and a glue stick. The guys stand at the start line, the first participant is given a glue stick. On command, the child runs to whatman paper and glues a piece of cotton wool onto the cat to create fur. The winner is the team whose cat is the fluffiest and most prepared for winter.

    Catch the ball

    The presenter throws the ball to the children in turn; when each child catches the ball, he must name a word that is associated with autumn. The one who could not remember the word is eliminated from the competition.

    Collect an apple

    We need to prepare several pictures of apples cut into pieces. The kids’ task is to collect a picture with an apple. Whoever collects it faster wins.


    Various items are placed in a large box: cubes, toys, beads. These can also be pictures with an autumn theme - leaves, berries, mushrooms. Children are given buckets or baskets, their task is to select as many specific objects as possible from the box, for example, only cubes, or only pictures with mushrooms.

    Run through a puddle

    We determine the boundaries of the “puddle” (most often it is a carpet that lies in the middle of the assembly hall), prepare several pairs of rubber boots. The child must, on command, put on his boots and run through the “puddle” and come back. The game is funny if you take boots in several sizes more legs child.

    Guess what's in the bag

    A traditional game for children's parties in kindergarten, including autumn ones. For it you will need a bag and various items associated with autumn: apples, pears, carrots, potatoes, leaves, chestnuts. Instead of real gifts of nature, you can use dummies. Each child puts their hand into the bag, selects one item and guesses by touch what it is. If you guess correctly, you get candy.

    Pick a pumpkin from the garden

    Another variation of the relay race, this time with a pumpkin. For this you will need two pumpkins of the same size. A team member rolls his pumpkin from start to finish and back, after which he passes it to the next participant. The task can be complicated if you roll the pumpkin only with your feet or push it with some object.

    Mushroom pickers

    The teams line up in lines. The first child is given a basket of mushrooms (dummies of mushrooms) and he passes it to the next participant, who in turn passes it to the next. So the basket must be passed to the other end of the line and back without losing the mushrooms. If the mushroom falls out, the basket returns to the beginning of the line. An important nuance: children hold the basket on outstretched arms over your head.

    Leaf fall

    You will need leaves from trees or cut out of paper. The leaves are placed on the table, the kids stand near the table. On command, each participant begins to blow on his sheet. Whoever blows it to the floor faster wins.

    Gardeners relay race

    Props: hoops, watering cans, models of vegetables and fruits. How the relay race goes: the first child lays out the hoops and digs up the beds, the second child puts a vegetable in each hoop and sows seeds, the third child “waters” the beds with a watering can, the fourth child collects the harvest and puts the vegetables in a basket. The team that completes the task faster than the rest wins.

    Funny spiders

    For this entertainment you will need several balls wool threads. The threads in the balls must be the same length. On command, the participant unwinds the ball of cobweb on the floor along the line, and then winds it back and passes the ball to the next participant. The team that wins it will pass faster relay race

    Colored vegetables

    We prepare several cards of different colors. Children randomly draw a card from a bag and name a vegetable or fruit. If you get a red card, you need to name a red vegetable, etc.

    Or you can hold the same competition, but not with flowers, but with letters - pull letters out of a bag and name the fruits whose name begins with this letter.

    Come up with a riddle

    It's even more interesting than solving riddles. We show the children cards with pictures of fruits and vegetables or dummies of fruits, and the participants must name their properties, thus coming up with a riddle for this fruit. You can also come up with riddles for autumn natural phenomena, for the word “autumn” itself.

    Who lost the leaf?

    The presenter shows cards with pictures of leaves, and the children’s task is to guess which tree this leaf is from. The cards can be replaced with real leaves from trees.


    Children stand in front of the leader. The leader names vegetables, berries, and fruits one by one. If the vegetable grows on the ground, the children should sit down, and if it is a berry that grows on a tree, the children stand up and raise their arms above their heads. The last one to sit down or stand up is eliminated. The winner is the one who remains last and does not drop out.

    We hope you liked the games listed above for the autumn holiday in kindergarten, and you will take some of them into account.

    Target: Creating conditions for the formation of social and personal qualities of older preschoolers through their inclusion in different kinds activities.


    Development of imagination, mental activity, horizons, memory, speech, motor activity in preschoolers.

    Contribute to the accumulation of experience of friendly relationships with peers and adults.

    Developing children's interest in seasonal changes in the world around them.

    Children enter the hall to the music and stand near the chairs.

    Presenter: - Once again, autumn has come to our doorstep, decorating the leaves in yellow, brown and crimson colors. She is glad that her time has come.

    First child:

    Autumn flew into kindergarten in the morning,

    Throwing new leaves onto the path.

    The leaves rustled: “Flying, goodbye!

    Autumn will color us, no matter how much.”

    Second child:

    In a kindergarten, a birch tree is crying at the gate,

    She fluffed up her braids. The rain pours and pours.

    And here Autumn is dancing with the rain again.

    No, she's not crying. Why should she be bored?

    Everything around is in order, everything is going smoothly.

    That is why Autumn dances and sings.

    Third child:

    Autumn comes unnoticed

    He walks towards us with a cautious step.

    Paints the leaves on the branches,

    He will collect migratory birds.

    The wind sweeps the paths

    And rustles the fallen leaves.

    You came to us, golden autumn,

    We are glad to meet you again.

    Fourth child.

    And paths and paths

    The sun's ray gilded.

    Rain crystal tears

    Dropped it on the leaves.

    Leaves flying from the branches,

    They are circling in a motley crowd.

    This is golden autumn

    Makes us happy with beauty.


    1 child:

    Autumn, autumn outside the window:

    The rain is falling like peas,

    The leaves are falling rustling...

    How beautiful you are autumn!

    The leaves are embroidered with gold,

    The paths are washed by the rain,

    Mushrooms in bright caps.

    That's it, you give us autumn!

    2nd child:

    Forests are turning

    In painted sails.

    Autumn again, leaves again

    Without beginning, without end

    Behind the river and at the porch.

    Here they are floating somewhere -

    Now back, now forward.

    From dawn to dusk

    The wind tears them apart.

    It's been raining all day long

    Pulling threads through the forests

    As if they were repairing painted ones,

    Golden sails...

    3rd child:

    Glorious autumn! Healthy, vigorous

    The air invigorates tired forces;

    Fragile ice on the icy river

    It lies like melting sugar;

    Near the forest, like in a soft bed,

    You can get a good night's sleep - peace and space!

    The leaves have not yet had time to fade,

    Yellow and fresh, they lie like a carpet.

    4th child:

    Look like in the picture,

    The scarlet grapes are burning.

    These are thin mountain ash

    Trying on their outfit.

    The sun scatters sparks,

    The leaves began to spin.

    And on golden branches

    The raindrops are trembling.

    5th child:

    The wind died down. Stopped

    There are clouds in the blue sky.

    The sparrows gathered in flocks.

    And the river gurgles and gurgles.

    All the paths and paths,

    As if in motley shreds.

    It's autumn carefully

    He walks around with paint in his hands.

    Presenter: - Today, on this wonderful autumn day, I will tell you amazing story, which I heard from the birch tree when it rustled its leaves and told it to her friends. It all happened last fall in one small village. Once upon a time in this village there lived a very kind and cheerful girl - Nastenka. Only now trouble came to her - her sister Mashenka fell ill. And you can help this trouble if you give Mashenka hot tea with viburnum. But where can you get this viburnum? What kind of berry is it and where does it grow? Nastenka decided to go and find this berry herself. She took the basket and set off on her way. The path ran through the forest...

    Dance: autumn paths

    Nastenka: - I’ll find this magic berry anyway, I need to help Mashenka. Oh, it’s just scary... But I’ll move on anyway!

    Presenter: - Nastenka entered the forest and gasped.

    Nastenka: - How beautiful it is in the forest! And this leaf is so beautiful and big. Oh, oh, he moved...

    Mushroom: - Don’t be scared, Nastenka, it’s me, Borovik the mushroom. I hear someone's steps. I was wondering if the mushroom pickers had come?

    Nastenka: - No, Grandfather Borovik! It's me, Nastenka.

    Mushroom: - Why did you wander so far into the forest? It's not a good idea to come here alone.

    Nastenka: - My sister got sick - Mashenka. We urgently need to find one berry for it, it’s called viburnum. Only she will help her.

    Mushroom: - You have a kind heart, Nastenka. Oh, and your journey will be long. I’ll tell you, but you also help me. My sons are playing up and my daughters don’t want to go home, but mushroom pickers are walking around the forest, I’m afraid I won’t count them.

    Nastenka: - I’ll help you as much as I can, just tell me how.

    Mushroom: - Find them all and put them in baskets.

    Nastenka: - Do you have many of them, daughters and sons?

    Mushroom: - Oh, a lot... I lost count.

    Nastenka: - How can I make it in time, it’s already getting dark...

    Presenter: - Don’t worry, Nastenka, the guys will help you.

    Nastenka: - Here, grandfather is your mushrooms, sons and daughters.

    Mushroom: - Thank you, Nastenka, and thanks to the guys! They were quickly found and collected. Now listen. If you go to the right, there is a swamp. Don’t be afraid: jump from hummock to hummock, and you’ll cross the entire swamp. And then you’ll find your own way! It's time for us. Goodbye, bye everyone.

    Nastenka: - Thank you, good mushroom Borovik!

    Presenter: - Nastenka turned right, and there, indeed, the swamp is gray, inhospitable... Let's help Nastenka cross it.

    Presenter: - Nastenka crossed the swamp and was glad. She walks along the path and even starts singing a song. The frogs heard her, and let's dance along. There was even a whole dance.

    Dance of the Frogs

    Nastenka: - Goodbye, funny frogs, you are real musicians! I'll go along the path to the left. It’s strange, I walked out into a clearing - was I really lost? And who here forgot a basket full of colorful leaves?

    Autumn comes out to the music.

    Autumn: - It's me, Autumn! Hello, Nastenka. I know where you are heading, and I will show you the way further if you complete my autumn task. The autumn breeze blew the leaves out of my basket, and now I need to find them and put them in the basket.

    Nastenka: - How can I find these leaves alone?

    Presenter: - Don’t be sad, Nastenka, we will help you. After all, we are your friends!

    Dance with leaves

    Nastenka: - thank you guys for your help, that’s how many pieces of paper we collected.

    Autumn: - I’m very happy for you, because it’s wonderful to have so many friends. Here is a maple leaf as a reward for you, it will show you the way. Follow him boldly and you will find what you are looking for. And you guys, help us out with a fun song.


    Nastenka: - Thank you, Autumn, for your kindness. It's time for me to move on.

    Presenter: - And Nastenka went further through the forest. Tree by tree, tree by tree, he sees an old stump standing.


    Oh, I'm tired of walking.
    There's a stump on the way,
    I'll sit down and rest
    I'll wait out the rain here.

    Presenter: To make Nastenka more fun, let’s sing a song.


    The hedgehog runs out.


    I am a prickly gray hedgehog,
    And I can’t bear to know:
    Where are you going, girl?

    Nastenka: - My little sister is sick, Mashenka. We urgently need to find a berry for it, it’s called viburnum. Only she will help her.

    Hedgehog: - Nastenka, sing a song for me, and I will show you the way.

    Nastenka: - You, friends, help me, sing a song for the hedgehog.


    Presenter: - You see, Hedgehog, we sang a song, and you tell Nastenka the way.


    You go to the left - there is a forest,
    Petya the Cockerel lives there.
    He will help you
    Of course, whatever he can.
    Well, I'll go to the hole
    Sleep through the long winter.

    Nastenka: - Thank you, Hedgehog, for the advice, and for the hint...

    Nastenka: - Where is Petya the Cockerel?

    Cockerel comes out

    Cockerel: -Where are you going, girl?

    Nastenka: - Who can tell me, who can tell me where Kalinushka grows?


    Ku-ka-re-ku! Ko-ko-ko!
    It's here, not far away.
    Turn by the tubercle,
    And then diagonally,
    There at the edge of the forest
    The viburnum bush is growing.

    Presenter: - And Nastenka walked diagonally, turned the hillock, and saw...


    Here it is, here it is, a viburnum bush!
    Autumn bush, beautiful bush,
    Let me pick some berries,
    To give to my sister.


    Pick some delicious berries
    Put it in hot tea,
    Mashenka will be healthy
    And he will laugh again.

    Nastenka takes viburnum berries and puts them in a basket.


    Thank you, my dear friends,
    Without you I would not have found the viburnum.

    Thanks to everyone who was with me!

    Presenter: - And now for all of you, our merry dance.


    Nastenka: - Thank you, friends, you have fun and I’ll run to treat Mashenka.

    Presenter: - Nastenka gave her sister hot tea with viburnum berries, and the illness disappeared as if by hand. What a miracle - a berry! Mashenka became cheerful and healthy again.

    - I’m so glad that viburnum berries are in my autumn forest helped Mashenka. And for you, my friends, I brought the juiciest, sweetest, ripest apples.

    And next year
    Autumn will come to you again,
    Autumn will come to you again,
    He will bring a fairy tale again.



    Autumn Festival in kindergarten AUTUMN HISTORY. Scenario

    Target : Creating conditions for the formation of social and personal qualities of older preschoolers through their inclusion in various types of activities.

    Tasks :

    Development of imagination, mental activity, horizons, memory, speech, motor activity in preschoolers.

    Contribute to the accumulation of experience of friendly relationships with peers and adults.

    Developing children's interest in seasonal changes in the world around them.

    Children enter the hall to the music and stand near the chairs.

    Presenter: - Once again, autumn has come to our doorstep, decorating the leaves in yellow, brown and crimson colors. She is glad that her time has come.

    First child:

    Autumn flew into kindergarten in the morning,

    Throwing new leaves onto the path.

    The leaves rustled: “Flying, goodbye!

    Autumn will color us, no matter how much.”

    Second child:

    In a kindergarten, a birch tree is crying at the gate,

    She fluffed up her braids. The rain pours and pours.

    And here Autumn is dancing with the rain again.

    No, she's not crying. Why should she be bored?

    Everything around is in order, everything is going smoothly.

    That is why Autumn dances and sings.

    Third child:

    Autumn comes unnoticed

    He walks towards us with a cautious step.

    Paints the leaves on the branches,

    He will collect migratory birds.

    The wind sweeps the paths

    And rustles the fallen leaves.

    You came to us, golden autumn,

    We are glad to meet you again.

    Fourth child.

    And paths and paths

    The sun's ray gilded.

    Rain crystal tears

    Dropped it on the leaves.

    Leaves flying from the branches,

    They are circling in a motley crowd.

    This is golden autumn

    Makes us happy with beauty.


    1 child:

    Autumn, autumn outside the window:

    The rain is falling like peas,

    The leaves are falling rustling...

    How beautiful you are autumn!

    The leaves are embroidered with gold,

    The paths are washed by the rain,

    Mushrooms in bright caps.

    That's it, you give us autumn!

    2nd child:

    Forests are turning

    In painted sails.

    Autumn again, leaves again

    Without beginning, without end

    Behind the river and at the porch.

    Here they are floating somewhere -

    Now back, now forward.

    From dawn to dusk

    The wind tears them apart.

    It's been raining all day long

    Pulling threads through the forests

    As if they were repairing painted ones,

    Golden sails...

    3rd child:

    Glorious autumn! Healthy, vigorous

    The air invigorates tired forces;

    Fragile ice on the icy river

    It lies like melting sugar;

    Near the forest, like in a soft bed,

    You can get a good night's sleep - peace and space!

    The leaves have not yet had time to fade,

    Yellow and fresh, they lie like a carpet.

    4th child:

    Look like in the picture,

    The scarlet grapes are burning.

    These are thin mountain ash

    Trying on their outfit.

    The sun scatters sparks,

    The leaves began to spin.

    And on golden branches

    The raindrops are trembling.

    5th child:

    The wind died down. Stopped

    There are clouds in the blue sky.

    The sparrows gathered in flocks.

    And the river gurgles and gurgles.

    All the paths and paths,

    As if in motley shreds.

    It's autumn carefully

    He walks around with paint in his hands.

    Presenter: - Today, on this wonderful autumn day, I will tell you an amazing story that I heard from a birch tree when it rustled its leaves and told it to my friends. It all happened last fall in one small village. Once upon a time in this village there lived a very kind and cheerful girl - Nastenka. Only now trouble came to her - her sister Mashenka fell ill. And you can help this trouble if you give Mashenka hot tea with viburnum. But where can you get this viburnum? What kind of berry is it and where does it grow? Nastenka decided to go and find this berry herself. She took the basket and set off on her way. The path ran through the forest...

    Dance: autumn paths

    Nastenka appears, walks and speaks.

    Nastenka: - I’ll find this magic berry anyway, I need to help Mashenka. Oh, it’s just scary... But I’ll move on anyway!

    Presenter: - Nastenka entered the forest and gasped.

    Nastenka: - How beautiful it is in the forest! And this leaf is so beautiful and big. Oh, oh, he moved...

    The Boletus mushroom rises from under a leaf. A child in a suit covered with a yellow cloth plays a mushroom.

    Mushroom: - Don’t be scared, Nastenka, it’s me, Borovik the mushroom. I hear someone's steps. I was wondering if the mushroom pickers had come?

    Nastenka: - No, Grandfather Borovik! It's me, Nastenka.

    Mushroom: - Why did you wander so far into the forest? It's not a good idea to come here alone.

    Nastenka: - My sister got sick - Mashenka. We urgently need to find one berry for it, it’s called viburnum. Only she will help her.

    Mushroom: - You have a kind heart, Nastenka. Oh, and your journey will be long. I’ll tell you, but you also help me. My sons are playing up and my daughters don’t want to go home, but mushroom pickers are walking around the forest, I’m afraid I won’t count them.

    Nastenka: - I’ll help you as much as I can, just tell me how.

    Mushroom: - Find them all and put them in baskets.

    Nastenka: - Do you have many of them, daughters and sons?

    Mushroom: - Oh, a lot... I lost count.

    Nastenka: - How can I make it in time, it’s already getting dark...

    Presenter: - Don’t worry, Nastenka, the guys will help you.

    Competition game “Collect mushrooms”.

    Nastenka: - Here, grandfather is your mushrooms, sons and daughters.

    Mushroom: - Thank you, Nastenka, and thanks to the guys! They were quickly found and collected. Now listen. If you go to the right, there is a swamp. Don’t be afraid: jump from hummock to hummock, and you’ll cross the entire swamp. And then you’ll find your own way! It's time for us. Goodbye, bye everyone.

    Nastenka: - Thank you, good mushroom Borovik!

    Presenter: - Nastenka turned right, and there, indeed, the swamp is gray, inhospitable... Let's help Nastenka cross it.

    Game-competition “Cross the swamp”.

    Presenter: - Nastenka crossed the swamp and was glad. She walks along the path and even starts singing a song. The frogs heard her, and let's dance along. There was even a whole dance.

    Dance of the Frogs

    Nastenka: - Goodbye, funny frogs, you are real musicians! I'll go along the path to the left. It’s strange, I walked out into a clearing - was I really lost? And who here forgot a basket full of colorful leaves?

    Autumn comes out to the music.

    Autumn: - It's me, Autumn! Hello, Nastenka. I know where you are heading, and I will show you the way further if you complete my autumn task. The autumn breeze blew the leaves out of my basket, and now I need to find them and put them in the basket.

    Nastenka: - How can I find these leaves alone?

    Presenter: - Don’t be sad, Nastenka, we will help you. After all, we are your friends!

    Dance with leaves

    Nastenka: - thank you guys for your help, that’s how many pieces of paper we collected.

    Autumn: - I’m very happy for you, because it’s wonderful to have so many friends. Here is a maple leaf as a reward for you, it will show you the way. Follow him boldly and you will find what you are looking for. And you guys, help us out with a fun song.


    Nastenka: - Thank you, Autumn, for your kindness. It's time for me to move on.

    Presenter: - And Nastenka went further through the forest. Tree by tree, tree by tree, he sees an old stump standing.


    Oh, I'm tired of walking.
    There's a stump on the way,
    I'll sit down and rest
    I'll wait out the rain here.

    Presenter: To make Nastenka more fun, let’s sing a song.


    The hedgehog runs out.


    I am a prickly gray hedgehog,
    And I can’t bear to know:
    Where are you going, girl?

    Nastenka: - My little sister is sick, Mashenka. We urgently need to find a berry for it, it’s called viburnum. Only she will help her.

    Hedgehog: - Nastenka, sing a song for me, and I will show you the way.

    Nastenka: - You, friends, help me, sing a song for the hedgehog.


    Presenter: - You see, Hedgehog, we sang a song, and you tell Nastenka the way.


    You go to the left - there is a forest,
    Petya the Cockerel lives there.
    He will help you
    Of course, whatever he can.
    Well, I'll go to the hole
    Sleep through the long winter.

    Nastenka: - Thank you, Hedgehog, for the advice, and for the hint...

    Nastenka: - Where is Petya the Cockerel?

    Cockerel comes out

    Cockerel: -Where are you going, girl?

    Nastenka: - Who can tell me, who can tell me where Kalinushka grows?


    Ku-ka-re-ku! Ko-ko-ko!
    It's here, not far away.
    Turn by the tubercle,
    And then diagonally,
    There at the edge of the forest
    The viburnum bush is growing.

    Presenter: - And Nastenka walked diagonally, turned the hillock, and saw...


    Here it is, here it is, a viburnum bush!
    Autumn bush, beautiful bush,
    Let me pick some berries,
    To give to my sister.


    Pick some delicious berries
    Put it in hot tea,
    Mashenka will be healthy
    And he will laugh again.

    Nastenka takes viburnum berries and puts them in a basket.


    Thank you, my dear friends,
    Without you I would not have found the viburnum.
    You helped me, surrounded me with kindness -
    Thanks to everyone who was with me!

    Presenter: - And now for all of you, our merry dance.


    Nastenka: - Thank you, friends, you have fun and I’ll run to treat Mashenka.

    Presenter: - Nastenka gave her sister hot tea with viburnum berries, and the illness disappeared as if by hand. What a miracle - a berry! Mashenka became cheerful and healthy again.

    Autumn (brings out a fruit basket):- How glad I am that the viburnum berries in my autumn forest helped Mashenka. And for you, my friends, I brought the juiciest, sweetest, ripest apples.

    And next year
    Autumn will come to you again,
    Autumn will come to you again,
    He will bring a fairy tale again.

    Autumn is leaving, music is playing, everyone is leaving the hall.

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