• Flower tattoo on thigh. Beautiful tattoos for girls on the leg (50 photos) – Large and small


    Tattoos on the leg for girls are fascinating because the design can be located in different places : open in the warm season or closed from prying eyes close to intimate places. Many modern tattoos are very sophisticated and look amazing. female body like real art.

    Leg tattoos for girls – small and large, color and black and white

    Basically, ladies prefer small tattoos to emphasize their originality, individuality and maintain style.

    More courageous girls prefer images of large tattoos. Huge tattoos are located on the entire leg, from the top to the foot.

    The most Common areas of application are the calf area, as well as the area from the top of the foot to the toes.. The least popular area is the hips.

    Images in black and white carry meaning. In color tattoos the emphasis is on colorfulness and originality, while in monochrome color palette- on maintenance.

    Tattoos on the leg in black and white colors for girls look simple; the eye is not distracted by the brightness.

    For convenience in everyday life, a tattoo should not be too noticeable.

    The most popular are:

    • small in the form of a silhouette, with a distinct outline with a black fill inside;
    • various ornaments (Celtic, oriental, ethnic);
    • animals that resemble photographs, as well as in the form of simple and clear pictures;
    • in 3D format, both in color and black and white.

    Beautiful women's leg tattoos with meaning - what they mean, does it hurt, how long does it take to heal?

    A tattoo on the leg is convenient because it can be easily hidden under clothes, and with its help it is easy to emphasize the beauty of a woman’s legs.

    The variety of species can be divided into 2 types:

    • Symbolic- plants, animals, birds, heavenly bodies, or religious intricate patterns, as well as abstract illustrations that have a meaning clear to the owner. Each image has its own meaning.
    • With inscriptions- phrases, quotes, statements, certain numbers and dates that are significant to the owner. The most popular are Latin, English or Chinese words.

    The tattoo is applied to the body using a needle, along with a puncture, a dye is injected under the skin. Now the needle has been replaced by a high-speed instrument with increased hygienic criteria, which makes several thousand punctures per minute, and in this case the person feels a slight tingling sensation.

    The pain threshold when performing this procedure is at an average level. Pain tolerance depends on individual perception.

    Symbolic tattoo on the leg - an owl. Contains several different meanings. As a rule, it is a symbol of deep wisdom.

    The most the right time for drawing tattoo - summer, because dry and warm weather is favorable for the healing of injured skin. The tattoo site should not be touched or rubbed, and it is advisable to wear loose clothing.

    The first few days after the procedure, aching pain is likely, and it is recommended to avoid physical work and stay at home.

    Ankle tattoo

    The ankle is a popular place for stuffing among girls. A tattoo in this place looks elegant, gentle, romantic, adding femininity to the image. One of the advantages is that it can be hidden under clothing.

    A painting in the form of a bracelet decorated with beads or flowers looks beautiful and feminine on the ankle. To give the drawing meaning, it is suggested to draw geometric plexuses inside the bracelet.

    Ankle tattoo

    As for text sayings, laconic phrases or inscriptions that reflect the inner mood of the owner will look amazing in the ankle area. You can design them in an original way by modifying the font. Long aphorisms look beautiful if they surround the ankle.

    Tattoo on calves

    In this place, illustrations are visible in the warmer months, and are a way of self-expression for brave women. They must match the clothes. Mostly, Calf tattoos are applied in the form of small designs.

    A snake wrapped around the shin looks great, emphasizing the slenderness of the leg. The rattlesnake symbolizes wisdom, grace and renewal.

    Tattoo on calves

    Also depicted on the shins three-dimensional paintings, combining them with sayings, as well as various patterns, delicate flowers and semantic inscriptions.

    To visually lengthen the leg, oblong ornaments are applied to this area.

    Foot tattoo

    Both small and large illustrations can be located on and near the feet, in black and white or color. The pain threshold varies from very mild to quite tolerable.

    For the first time after the procedure, the tattoo owner must wear loose shoes that do not touch the treated area.

    Pattern variations can be very different:

    • inscriptions located along the foot;
    • outlines of animals, birds or flowers;
    • star;
    • mandalas and Indian themes;
    • feathers, keys.

    Tattoo on thigh

    The thigh area is great for drawing large tattoos, and sometimes they are stretched along the entire length of the leg.

    Tattoo on thigh

    The following will look beautiful on the hips:

    Sketches of leg tattoos for girls - meanings. Execution styles: biomechanics, mechanics, geometry. Photo

    There are various designs for tattoos on the leg, each of which carries its own meaning for girls, emphasizes the beauty of the body and creates a unique image. The tattoo reflects the inner world, character and dreams of its owner.

    The tattoo can be on both legs in the form of a composition

    There are the following methods of performing body painting:

    • Biomechanical, which is intertwined mechanical elements with the skin surface. For example, torn parts (wires, circuit boards), as if pushed out of the body, and creating its illusory continuation. The predominant features are clear detail, volume and naturalness.
    • Mechanical, the technology of which consists in depicting devices combined with living elements of the body (vessels, muscles).
    • Geometric, consisting of clear lines representing the shapes of cones, polygons, diamonds, etc. Using this style, you can draw any diagram, from a human silhouette to plants and buildings.

    Geometric tattoo design

    Animals – dragon, snake, lion, cat, wolf, tiger, fox, lizard, scorpion

    Illustrations of animals and fairy-tale creatures are one of the popular preferences of the weaker half.

    Dragon tattoo on a girl's leg

    The most common of them are:

    • the Dragon, denoting dominance, wisdom, magic, immutability, dignity, mystery. Quite a lot important color plays. Black color speaks of honoring parents, blue - about the search for peace, gold - about peacefulness, red - an indicator of passion, yellow - symbolizes hostility;
    • snake, signifying prudence, authority, temptation and invisible danger. Despite the fact that the serpent in Christianity is associated with the fall, this skill is not taken into account;
    • a lion, which is a symbol of autocracy, victory, nobility, courage. The Lioness expresses sensuality and the ability for motherhood. A person wearing the image of this animal takes on certain qualities from it;
    • cat, attracting attention with its grace and attractiveness, as well as thanks to such qualities as independence, beauty, cunning, resourcefulness, and mystery. This scheme is one of the most popular among girls;
    • wolf, associated with nobility, courage, bravery, devotion. A howling wolf means solitude, inner strength. A jumping wolf is a sign of overcoming any obstacles. A running predator is a symbol of change and speed. A wolf with a grin and burning eyes warns against dark forces;
    • tiger- a sign of lust for power, passion, rage, ruthlessness. The roaring tiger expresses the ability to protect yourself and your loved ones. It has a dual meaning, it can be both cruel and reasonable, obedient and wild. His image evokes admiration and respect;
    • fox– cunning, insidious and obstinate. At the same time, he has good character traits - a flexible mind, intuition. In general, the fox can be compared to the feminine essence;
    • lizard– expressing resourcefulness, fertility, luck, wisdom;
    • scorpion– personifying danger, loneliness, revenge. The image of a scorpion tattoo on the leg foreshadows for girls nobility and protection, self-denial and attraction, and also expresses inner strength.

    Jewelry – crown, bracelet, garter, bows

    Crown-shaped stuffing signifies power or craving for it. This elite attribute comes across strong personality, which achieved its goals. The style of the image can be different - comic, bright or serious.

    For girls, a small crown with a name written underneath it means fidelity in love.

    Bows and garters signify grace and elegance, and also express a lady’s willingness to openly declare her charm and romanticism. Such tattoos have deep emotional overtones.

    Bow on a girl's leg

    The design of the bracelet looks very good on the ankle and highlights its elegance.

    The bracelet can be wide, thin and look like:

    • barbed wire, preferably multi-colored;
    • chains with pendant;
    • religious symbols;
    • picturesque floral plexuses;
    • ethnic ornaments;
    • Celtic motifs.

    Birds – owl, swallows, eagle

    The meaning of a tattoo depicting a bird depends on the type of bird itself. The owl is associated with dark, evil forces, and its pattern signifies fear, solitude, intelligence. A tattoo on the leg in the form of an owl is preferable for girls who lead a nocturnal lifestyle, wise and mysterious.

    Owl tattoo on leg for girls

    The swallow represents such symbols as hope, youth, emerging nature, happiness, freedom. It is very popular among representatives of the weaker half, and in whatever form it is printed on the body, it always means positive emotions and a change in the path of life for the better.

    The eagle sketch signifies speed, strength, will, fearlessness, grace, and also expresses elements of justice.

    Flowers – rose, lotus, sakura, orchid, lily

    Tattoos depicting flowers not only have beautiful view, but also deep subtext. These gifts of flora embody nature, its beauty and diversity.

    Beautiful drawing tattoo - rose

    Each flower has its own meaning:

    • orchid - aimed at expressing feminine feelings, and is a sign of splendor, charm and luxury;
    • Eastern - lotus and sakura carry spirituality, philosophical worldview and fertility. A blue lotus indicates intelligence, pink and white indicate the presence of spiritual virtues, red is a symbol of sincerity, love, and passion.
    • rose and lily give their owner femininity and signify love, youth, renewal, and depth of feelings.

    Shock absorber

    Basically, shock absorber sketches are in demand among men. Ladies opt for more feminine variations. Elements of biomechanics look very good on the calves, and are drawn in monochrome with the addition of colorful details.

    Shock absorber tattoo for athletic men

    Biomechanical tattoos are chosen by people with a design mentality, who like to put everything in order, preferring comfort and conflict-freeness.


    Broken shackles become a symbol of salvation, cleansing from sins. They are also considered protection from captivity and other difficulties. Young women wear shackles, connecting them with a name, to express devotion to a loved one.

    An elegant chain on a girl's leg

    Tattoos on the leg for girls depicting shackles emphasize the tenderness and fragility of the female body. They can be decorated with ribbons or inscriptions. They are decorated with the addition of gold, silver and copper shades. The color black can express the heaviness of the shackles.


    The cross carries not only religious significance, but also marks a connection with heaven and is a sign of continuous spiritual growth and improvement. There are many interpretations of cross tattoos that have a deep meaning and purpose.

    Symbolic crosses on the girl’s legs

    For example, in combination with an inscription, it can mark a connection with a lost loved one or express eternal life, reputation, understanding.


    The anchor indicates loyalty, luck, deliverance, security, constancy. It is recommended to stuff women, water lovers and sea voyages, or those seeking refuge in life. It is used as a national attribute among residents of coastal countries.

    Anchor tattoo for sea lovers

    To some extent, the anchor is associated with Christianity because its upper part resembles a cross.


    The new direction in tattoo art has a double meaning: risk, safety and independence. The female population chooses small pistols in original design , combining them with different feminine attributes.

    Tattoo in the shape of a pistol for risky girls

    Girls with such tattoos express independence, ease and arrogance. The most suitable place for this image is the thigh area.


    Patterns are beautiful body paintings, which in most cases do not carry any meaning and are ordinary decorations.

    They come in rounded or angular shapes.


    The meaning of feather illustrations depends on which bird the feather belongs to. In particular, the peacock feather symbolizes renewal and luxury.

    The overall meaning of the feather speaks of lightness, weightlessness, flight, spiritual perfection, compassion, creativity and courage.

    Feather tattoo means lightness, weightlessness and flight

    Red shades of feathers can bring victory, feathers divided in half are a sign of emotional wounds and pain, a collapse of hopes.


    Leg tattoos for girls in the form of inscriptions are great for revealing beliefs and self-expression.

    Inscriptions with meaning on the girl’s legs

    Only the owner can know the meaning of the inscriptions, on the one hand - to add mystery, and on the other - to avoid an unpleasant situation (oriental hieroglyphs). The Latin text carries a philosophical load, you can choose statements taking into account your beliefs.

    The font plays a big role in the concept and interpretation of the text.

    So, it’s preferable to write lyrics calligraphic letters, and strong sayings - in Gothic or traditional script.


    Its meaning lies in rebirth and expectation of the best, fragility, grace.

    The butterfly is a female symbol, embodying the most gentle and kind feminine qualities and bringing notes of frivolity.

    A common illustration among girls.

    Beautiful butterfly on a girl's leg

    The image of a butterfly brings joy, is associated with summer and looks original and colorful on the body.


    A star tattoo means mystery and sublimity, safety, dreaming, magic, inspiration. Ease of execution and beautiful image become a priority when choosing your first tattoo.

    Star tattoos for a bright girl

    Different types stars can be interpreted in different ways. Usually, the stars are made small.


    The image of a palm tree is common among girls, it is considered a sign of abundance, and is associated with female slimness. Tree with dates shows feminine. Brings only positive energy and good meaning.

    Palm tree tattoo means femininity

    dream Catcher

    The dream catcher pattern protects its owner from negativity, shows a connection with nature, gives brightness and tranquility. This Indian amulet promotes internal efforts to know oneself and spiritual growth.

    Indian dream catcher tattoo

    Such a talisman evokes respect and caution.

    Paired tattoos

    Couple tattoos are chosen by ladies who want to express their affection in love or friendship. They represent different drawings that, when approached, form one composition. Such tattoos encrypt a palette of feelings, emotions, and agreements.

    Paired illustrations are divided into artistic and textual. There are big and small. A miniature tattoo can be easily hidden from strangers.

    Couple tattoo on both legs of a girl

    Tattoos on the leg are chosen by carefully choosing a design that is close to girls’ inner beliefs and understanding its meaning. Having decided to get a tattoo, you should make sure that you can endure painful sensations by correlating the chosen design with the time of its execution.

    Interesting videos on the topic

    Useful videos about applying a tattoo on the leg for girls:

    Video tattoo on the leg for girls - rose:

    A tattoo is considered by many to be one of the ways to emphasize your individuality. Before getting a design, many are tormented not only by the question of the sketch, but also by which part of the body to get the tattoo on. You can often find one of the most favorite places for this purpose among women is the thigh.

    Why is there a tattoo on the thigh?

    The thigh is a fairly large part of the leg and allows for a large tattoo, which is a plus if you don't want a small design. A thigh tattoo for girls is a more common choice than for men, as it is generally accepted that female hips- This is the embodiment of femininity and sexuality. It is for this reason that many girls strive to highlight them, which can easily be done with a tattoo.

    Popular images

    Of course, each person chooses a tattoo design according to his taste and according to his desires, since it is still very personal. But there are still the most popular ideas for tattoos on the thigh.

    One of them is a drawing of a dragon. Its image itself symbolizes perseverance, loyalty, nobility and strength. The dragon is the most common mythological creature in the world and has many of its fans. His image is often used as a symbol of power. But if a tattoo on the thigh with the image of a dragon is so popular, this does not mean at all that all the works of the masters are similar to each other.

    There are different variations in tattoo shapes and placement. The main rules of a successful tattoo are high-quality work and a good sketch. If you follow them, in any case you will be happy with your tattoo.

    Tattoo ideas

    It is also quite common to see tattoos on the thigh with images of garters or bows. This tattoo looks extremely attractive and cute. In most cases, such images do not carry any deep meaning, but have a more aesthetic meaning.

    Many people associate a bow with some kind of gift, and in in this case it is a woman, which may mean readiness for romantic relationships. Most often you can find identical bow tattoos on both legs. And the most common colors are red and pink.

    Many may think that such a tattoo looks too vulgar. But still, often this tattoo will not be seen by the people around you, since it will be hidden under clothing.

    Also, not so long ago, tattoos with the image of a dream catcher came into fashion. The meaning of this tattoo is calm, tranquility, protection, amulet and mystery. The dream catcher takes its roots from Native American culture. Some choose his image as a talisman against the evil eye and negative energy.

    If you want a large image of this talisman and cannot find a suitable place for it on your body, then it is recommended to get this tattoo on your thigh. The inscription, by the way, can very rarely be found on the hips, since it does not look entirely organic in such a voluminous place. More preferable is the option with a large image, every detail of which is drawn.

    Men's tattoos

    Men are much less likely to choose tattoos on their thighs. Men's hips are still not the most prominent part of the body. This choice can only be good if your position does not allow you to have a tattoo, since it will be hidden under your pants and no one will even guess about its existence.

    If a man has chosen this place, then there is little point in getting a detailed tattoo, since in most cases there is quite abundant vegetation here, which will ultimately hide all the beauty of the work.

    Pain and aesthetics

    Although the thigh is a fairly favorable place for a girl’s tattoo, there are still some negative sides. The main disadvantage is that the thigh will change noticeably over time in any case. The skin in this area is exposed not only to active age-related changes, but also changes due to losing or gaining weight.

    The first thing that increases when women gain weight is most likely the thighs, which will leave its mark on the tattoo. It's the same with losing weight. And if we also take into account the fact that the pattern in this place has a large area, then the deformations will be more significant.

    Also, when choosing a place for a tattoo, many girls pay attention to such a nuance as the pain of the procedure. Everyone knows that different parts of the body feel different when applying a tattoo. The hip is not the most painless place, especially its inner part.

    But there is also a significant advantage of a tattoo on the thigh, which, most likely, will force a considerable number of female representatives to turn a blind eye to all of the above disadvantages. Tattoos on female hips look extremely attractive and sexy. And some designs can visually elongate the leg, which will make the figure more graceful.

    One of the most popular subjects for thigh tattoos is flowers. They look feminine and daring at the same time, and it’s not easy to get lost in the huge number of diverse subjects. Let's look at the coolest ideas, talk about styles, colors and features. Perhaps this will help you make your choice.


    It may also be black on the thigh. But, perhaps, no other story looks as great in color as this one. That's why many girls choose colored tattoos.

    Flower coloring can be either natural or the most incredible. Red roses are a classic that always looks good. But why shouldn't they be purple? Such solutions also often look very advantageous.

    A popular trend is white tattoos on the thigh. Flowers painted with white paint look especially delicate and sophisticated. They look like real lace.


    Realism, old school, Chicano, tribal - it would seem that there is no style for which “Flowers” ​​tattoos on the thigh would not be relevant.

    They are performed using the most incredible techniques. Today this story inspires artists of different genres.


    Sometimes other unusual details also appear in the company of flowers. A sketch of a flower tattoo on the thigh is often complemented with ribbons and bows, feathers and hearts, sugar skulls and dream catchers.

    Birds, little animals and butterflies look very cute surrounded by colorful flowers. A great idea to add personality to the sketch and emphasize style is to add lace, chains or beads.


    Flowers on the thigh are tattoos, photos of which show that they look both cute and provocative at the same time. Some girls try to place it higher so that it can be hidden under clothes from prying eyes. Some people, on the contrary, like large tattoos that they can flaunt while dressed in short shorts or a dress.

    This tattoo can be placed on the side, front or back of the thigh.


    Many plants are medicinal, so flower tattoos are sometimes attributed healing properties. Inflorescences are widely used in magical rituals. Of course, this could not but affect the perception of tattoos.

    Many girls who decide to get a “Flowers” ​​tattoo on their thigh spend considerable time choosing the main elements. After all, each flower means something special.

    Lily is a popular subject for tattoos. Since ancient times, it has been associated with the power of the monarch, noble origin, and purity. This is not just a symbol of power, it is rather a sign of a wise and fair ruler. She adorned many august families (for example, the Tudor coat of arms).

    Some argue that in the Middle Ages, the sign of a lily on the shoulder was branded for dissolute girls, but, firstly, this issue is controversial, and secondly, the place of application means no less than the symbol itself. The lily tattooed on the thigh never carried any negative connotations.

    The Queen of Flowers Rose is an equally common plot. It is a symbol of femininity, luxury, charm and unfading beauty. Florists agree that this flower is more suitable for a mature, accomplished woman than for a young girl. When choosing this motif for an image on your hip, think carefully about whether it will seem too heavy and obliging to you over time?

    The lotus is not just a flower, but a symbol of wisdom, piety, and heavenly light. The philosophical teachings of the East extol it like no other plant. If you are passionate about Eastern culture, perhaps the lotus is just your option.

    And what deep symbolism is filled with the dandelion flower, which we so often see under our feet! Bright yellow little suns appear in the midst of spring, pleasing to the eye and reminding us of the imminent arrival of summer. Cheerful dreamers, easy-going and ready for adventure, often decorate themselves with such flowers. And the lush translucent balls of dandelions, which will scatter into hundreds of parachute fluffs, as soon as you blow on them, are not without reason considered a symbol long roads and travel. Such tattoos are often chosen by those who love distant travels.

    Chamomile is a symbol of carelessness, lightness, and gentle natural beauty. Girls who want to emphasize their youth, positive outlook, and benevolence often decorate themselves with these little suns. Many people believe that tattoos with daisies and other charming flowers bring good luck and prosperity to their owners.

    Women's thigh tattoos help to decorate any female representative and emphasize her individuality. Such body designs can have different sizes - they can be small or spread over the girl’s entire thigh.

    A variety of designs for women's tattoos on the thighs

    As for the images themselves, their subjects can be completely different.

    For example, popular tattoos on the thigh are:

    Quite a stylish drawing - image Chinese dragon made in color or black and white version. If it is a black and white tattoo, it is associated with respect for ancestors or parents. The red dragon is a sign of love and passion. The golden dragon is a symbol of wisdom. It turns out that even the color of the tattoo is important and this should be remembered.

    If a girl depicts a pistol on her front behind her garter, most likely you are looking at a real coquette, particularly sexy and filled with the spirit of adventurism.

    Drawings of stars and even entire constellations are also popular. Often women depict small birds on their hips that fly out of some other design.

    If you turn to a professional, he will be able to select a suitable plot and composition or offer a catalog of tattoos, from which you yourself will select the image that you like best, that appeals to you or that suits the meaning. Fortunately, the thigh area for girls suggests the possibility of applying a variety of tattoos - laconic or intricate, simple or elaborate, not symbolizing anything or carrying a special meaning.

    Features of choosing tattoos for girls on the thigh

    The choice is significantly influenced by the customer’s preferences. As a rule, today girls most often apply (order from) brighter and more colorful tattoos to their thighs.

    They believe that this is how they convey the richness of their inner world. Among other things, such body designs allow you to emphasize the physical beauty of the body, immediately attract attention and catch the eye - for example, on the beach.

    When choosing a particular tattoo, you need to think about whether it will have the same meaning and meaning for you after a certain time that it has at the moment. If not, then it is better to apply a temporary tattoo (made with henna) than to forever imprint on your skin something that will lose its meaning for you after a certain period of time.

    In general, a tattoo on the thigh for a woman is a good solution if a suitable design is selected and a good artist works on its application.

    The desire to emphasize your individuality, character, uniqueness, and to attract the attention of others will be helped by a tattoo. One of the most common is a tattoo on the thigh. Girls decorate their feet with different patterns: flowers, animals, abstract designs, inscriptions. Sketches for tattoos can be both large (on the entire thigh) and small.

    Benefits of thigh tattoos for girls

    Drawings on the thigh are very popular among the fair sex, unlike men. Women's legs(including thighs) are considered sexy. Girls try to attract attention to them: they wear short shorts, skirts and dresses, including getting a beautiful and original tattoo.

    Among the advantages of such a tattoo is that with the help of a correctly selected design you can visually correct the fullness of the leg, hide imperfections, i.e. make plump legs slimmer.

    Disadvantages of a thigh tattoo

    In addition to the positive characteristics, tattoos on the thigh also have some disadvantages. With age, the skin on the thigh changes slightly, becoming less elastic and taut - this is a natural process, and it is very difficult to avoid. As a result, the tattoo is modified.

    There may be changes associated with weight gain or weight loss - in such cases, the drawing will also lose its shape. Since usually a tattoo on the thigh is voluminous, serious changes will be visible. Small-sized drawings are less susceptible to changes and deformations.

    Does it hurt to get a tattoo on your thigh?

    Tattoos for girls on the thigh are considered one of the most painful. The degree of pain depends on where the drawing is made. Getting a tattoo on the outer thigh is not as painful as on the inner thigh.

    This is due to the fact that the skin on the inside is more delicate, thin, and sensitive. Therefore, when choosing where to apply a tattoo, you should also take into account your individual characteristics, degree of pain threshold.

    How to choose the right drawing

    Choosing a design for a tattoo is an individual matter. Some girls like voluminous tattoos, others - small ones. The character of the girl also matters. Often the more active, self-confident, and extravagant people choose tattoos depicting a dragon, snake, lion, or cat. Calm, modest people emphasize their individuality with the help of drawings - butterflies, flowers, bows, abstractions.

    Since there are many variations and forms of this or that design, the location of the tattoo on the thigh is also important - on the outer, inner side, on the front of the leg. When deciding to get a tattoo, girls should remember that a successful tattoo can be obtained by taking into account all the nuances - from the desired sketch, choice of location and ending with the quality work of the tattoo artist.

    What size tattoo is best to get - large and small?

    Depending on what the image will be and where it will be placed, the correct proportions of the tattoo are determined. When choosing the size of the drawing, the girl’s physique is also taken into account.

    The tattoo should emphasize the beauty of the body and look harmonious. So, for the upper thigh it is better to choose a small image (flower, butterfly, bird). Such images are most often hidden under clothing. The lower part (up to the knee) already gives much greater freedom of choice - portraits, animals, inscriptions, abstract drawings, large flowers will look beautiful.

    Tattoo on a scar

    Getting a tattoo is one way to hide a scar. But before you decide to tattoo a scar, you need to know about the precautions. Not every scar can be hidden with a pattern.

    You can get a tattoo on the following scars:

    • Normotrophic– are formed as a result of minor injuries (during healing, a white mark remains on the skin).
    • Atrophic– appear after minor burns, acne; During healing, irregularities and pits remain on the skin.
    • Hypertrophic– remain after deep damage; as a result, they rise above the skin.

    A thigh tattoo is not suitable for those girls who want to get it over a keloid scar. They are usually pink or bluish in color, with an uneven surface, and can grow. If you put a tattoo on them, the scar will be damaged even more and the problem will worsen.


    Any tattoo design carries a certain meaning. Flowers are associated with tenderness, passion, tranquility, and mystery. What do the most common flower images mean?

    Tattoos on the thigh with images of flowers come in a variety of forms: with shadows, color transitions, additional elements- with a knife, dagger.

    Animals and birds

    All common images of animals and birds can be divided into two types:

    • mythical;
    • real.

    Tiger– a frequently occurring pattern; combines meanings such as strength, rage, anger and steadfastness; pride, restraint; passion and aggressiveness; spiritual strength and integrity.

    a lion– one of the oldest symbols; means courage, steadfastness; confidence and protection of the weak; wisdom and spirituality; durability; love of power and toughness.

    Wolf– symbolizes loyalty, devotion to your loved ones, friends, principles; confidence, loneliness; independent and noble character; leadership skills; intelligence and cunning.

    Bear– images on the body of this animal are associated with power, confidence, perseverance and steadfastness; peacefulness and kindness; the beginning of a new path in life.

    Panther– applying such a design means confidence and sexuality; courage and leadership qualities; passionate nature and love; love of freedom and strong character; aggressiveness, cunning; respect and devotion to family.

    Fox– symbolizes cunning, ingenuity, the ability to deceive and cheat; at the same time it is a symbol of grace, tenderness, sexuality, playfulness; emphasizes the wit, gambling, courage, and independence of the owner.

    Elephant– a symbol of confidence, peace and longevity, calm and tolerance; friendship and peace; deep spiritual world.

    Horse– a symbol of beauty, uncontrollability; speed of life and desire to learn; means courage and independence; courage and sophistication.

    Pigeon– means tenderness, femininity, sexuality; freedom of thought and action, peacefulness, creativity and spirituality.

    Owl– symbolizes wisdom, duality of the soul (dark and light side), intuition, reason, love of solitude; mystery.

    Crow– this bird combines the evil and good sides, self-doubt; hope and faith; freedom in self-expression; experienced loss or disappointment.

    Eagle– a symbol of great inner strength and confidence; pride and love of power; wisdom, grace, perseverance.

    Mythical creatures

    The Dragon– one of the most popular thigh tattoos for girls; is a symbol of strength, power, wisdom, intelligence; loyalty and devotion to one's beliefs; magic and mystery; willingness to always come to the rescue; means nature - at the same time water and fire, air and earth.

    Pegasus– symbolizes mystery, sublimity, love of art, wisdom and grace.

    Unicorn– like Pegasus, means a love of mystery; kindness and sincerity; purity and frankness; courage and innocence.

    Phoenixancient symbol, associated with fortitude, rebirth; the victory of life over death; kindness and justice; spirituality and the ability to forgive.

    Fairy– means kindness, tenderness, having your head in the clouds; readiness for help and mutual assistance; mystery; positivity; desire to learn and develop.


    Lizard– associated with dexterity, the ability to get out of different situations, ingenuity and wisdom; reason and logic; creativity and creative nature; patience and balance; a kind of self-isolation.

    Snake– symbolizes power, cunning, wisdom, sexual confidence and seductiveness; has a positive and negative meaning - the first is a sign of fertility, the second is other world.

    A tattoo of a snake in roses on a girl’s thigh symbolizes the inability to resist temptation. Therefore, before applying such a tattoo, you should consider

    Viper– combines both positive and negative meanings – it is a symbol of cunning and wisdom; patronage and protection; inner strength and deception.

    Cobra– the image of a cobra as a tattoo emphasizes the owner’s perseverance, arrogance, aggressiveness, ingenuity, and observation; danger and love of power; wisdom and understanding; intuition; love of life; sexuality and grace.

    Insects and arachnids

    Scorpion– a sign of justice and pride; loneliness and self-confidence; nobility and self-control; dual character of man. Wisdom and devoted love are often associated with Scorpio.

    Spider– the image of a spider is associated with neatness, precision, modesty and invisibility, practicality and thoroughness; cunning and harmony. The web means intricacy, the intricacy of fate, difficult choices, confidence in the goal, cyclicality, infinity.

    Butterfly– symbolizes femininity; tenderness and vulnerability; ease and positive attitude towards the world; creative nature; sophistication and vulnerability.

    Dragonfly– this insect means an active life position, speed and desire for something new; courage and perseverance; simultaneously vulnerability and self-confidence; wisdom and love of freedom.


    The most common objects used in tattoos include:

    • dream Catcher– is a talisman against the evil eye; means peace, tranquility, security, mystery, interest in the unearthly;
    • garter– this pattern is typical for gentle, vulnerable girls; associated with femininity, coquetry; often combined with images of flowers;
    • pistol (there is an image of a pistol with a garter)– symbolizes self-confidence, sexuality, love of adventure, adventurism, wit and cunning.

    Abstract motifs

    Abstract images can combine intricate lines and colors (pastel or sharp, bright), blurred or sharply defined.

    People who are persistent, with a strong character, and active prefer drawings with clear, sharp lines, angles, and bright colors (different shades of red, yellow). Those who prefer tattoos with smooth lines and neat transitions have a calm, balanced character.

    One of the common elements of abstract motifs are ethnic ornaments. They look mysterious and stylish. In addition, such ornaments contain many symbols and signs that can be used to “express” yourself in a tattoo.

    The advantage of abstract tattoos on the thigh is that a girl, if she wishes, can always come up with an addition to an already made tattoo and add new elements - lines, flowers, signs, transitions - the possibilities for imagination in this case are endless.

    Lettering tattoo

    With the help of such tattoos, you can directly express on your skin your attitude towards yourself, the people around you, and life. Inscriptions are often used English language, Latin, hieroglyphs. The inscriptions differ depending on different styles font (e.g. italic, traditional, gothic). Italics or cursive are used for gentle, lyrical expressions. Gothic – for “strong” phrases.

    Types of inscriptions:

    • Latin– express popular idioms, statements famous people; Such phrases convey the meaning of life, attitude towards certain things, love and loyalty, the names of loved ones.
    • Russians– if desired famous quotes can be translated into Russian, such statements do not differ from inscriptions in other languages, but emphasize individuality.
    • hieroglyphs– a popular special type of statement where one sign (or a combination of them) conveys a specific meaning.

    Tattoo is one of the oldest ways to emphasize one's originality and uniqueness. Drawings on the hip will help make a girl’s image charming, sexy, and attractive.

    The image itself can be large or small, abstract, in the form of animals, birds, insects or mythical characters. Contacting a competent artist will help you decide on the choice of tattoo, its size and location of application.

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