• Why is the dollar tree disappearing? Dollar tree: why it turns yellow


    The yellow leaves of the dollar tree are common problem. In addition to changing color, they become deformed - holes appear on them, they turn black, the edges dry out, etc. Subconsciously, the state of the dollar tree is associated with bills, money, and monetary status, so you don’t want to keep the plant in decline.

    Frightened by parallel connections, the owners of the dollar tree get rid of the plant, believing that a new, fresh one is much better. I’ll tell you straight that in life there is rarely anything that can be replaced so easily without the accompanying effort, so don’t be afraid and don’t be too lazy to cure the tree.

    What should I do if my dollar tree leaves turn yellow?

    One of the reasons for yellowing leaves is waterlogging.. The Dollar Tree cannot be flooded. The soil in the pot with the plant must dry out 2-3 centimeters before the grower decides to re-moisten the tree. The root system of Zamioculcas begins to fester as a result of waterlogging. Such a tree can only be saved by identifying the problem in advance. It is recommended to replant dollar tree immediately, cutting off damaged areas on the root system after extraction. Subsequent restoration of the plant occurs gradually. Watering from this point on is regulated.

    Dollar tree leaves turn yellow due to lack of watering. IN in this case It’s easier to deal with the problem - water the plant or increase watering frequency small volumes water. The roots accumulate moisture, so they can live for some time without water, but the surface part of the plant will begin to turn yellow with such savings.

    But dry indoor air does not have a positive effect on the condition of the plant. The dollar tree should not be placed near radiators or other heating devices.. Wet and dry soil mixtures can equally be detrimental to the grower in dry indoor air. The air needs to be humidified additionally, and the dollar tree needs to be rearranged.

    A frequent guest is aphid. A dollar tree aphid infestation is much more difficult to treat than other causes of yellow leaves. A characteristic feature If aphids are present, the leaves will also curl into a tube. Aphids can be removed only with special chemicals. They can be purchased at a flower shop.

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    How to propagate Zamioculcas at home?

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    The appearance of yellowed leaves on a dollar tree, as well as individual yellow spots on the leaves indicate that the plant needs different care.

    Let's try to work on the mistakes.

    1. Several yellowed leaves at the dollar tree indicate rotting roots. This can happen due to overwatering. Refrain from watering for 2 weeks, and if it seems to you that the zamioculcas is dying, replant it by changing the soil. Water the plant no more than once every ten days. When watering, use the drug “Ukorenit”.
    2. If the leaves located closer to the window turn yellow, then it is quite possible that they are frostbitten. There is also a possibility that there was a sudden change in temperature. Find a more suitable place for the dollar tree, even if it goes against the rules of Feng Shui, otherwise you risk losing it.
    3. Don't worry if you're old large leaves suddenly turned yellow. This means that they will soon die off, and fresh ones will appear in their place. Zamioculcas grows very slowly, so the change of leaves often lasts quite a long time.
    4. If young leaves turn yellow and wither, there is a possibility that the tubers are missing roots, which is why the zamioculcas is starving. Examine the tuber. If your fears are confirmed, use the drug “Zircon”, two drops per 200 g of water. It should be added to water for irrigation.
    5. If the plant turns yellow after purchase, you should replant it in a special substrate for cacti. Water it generously (to the full depth of the pot). Repeat this procedure no more than once every six months.

    Zamioculcas or dollar tree belongs to plants of the aroid family; it is represented by a unique species. Originates from East Africa. The plant received its official name due to the similarity of its leaves with the foliage of zamia, which also grows on the African continent. And the people gave it a nickname - it is believed that Zamioculcas can attract dollars to itself.

    The flower was first described in 1828 by Conrad Loddiges, who collected tropical plants, who named it Caladium zamifolia. Until the end of the last century, Zamioculcas was almost not used as an indoor crop. But starting around 1996, it suddenly began to gain widespread popularity. In 2007, its first miniature version appeared with smaller leaves, almost no different in appearance from the usual one. It grows into a compact bush no more than 60 cm, while ordinary Zamioculcas sometimes gains up to 1 m in height.

    Externally, it is a herbaceous evergreen plant with a thick rhizome and glossy, compound-pinnate leaves, which it can shed in case of drought. The inflorescence is inconspicuous and not particularly beautiful; it is a light cream-colored spadix, formed on a short peduncle and surrounded by a light green blanket. In indoor conditions, Zamioculcas does not bloom very often; an ear is formed only in adult, well-formed specimens.

    Sometimes Zamioculcas is mistakenly called the flower of female happiness because of the ambiguous shape of its inflorescence. This name actually refers to . It is also believed that Zamioculcas is a flower of celibacy. But still, the majority opinion agrees that the energy of this flower is mainly aimed at improving material well-being, especially during flowering.

    Home care

    Caring for Zamioculcas at home is very simple. This plant is extremely unpretentious and the best way Suitable for people who have no time to deal with indoor flowers. The most common problem is that its leaves turn yellow, but this is not a disease. Why do leaves turn yellow and what to do about it? It’s just that indoor zamioculcas, as in natural growing conditions, sometimes loses its above-ground part when unfavorable conditions occur. But as soon as everything returns to normal, new shoots grow from the preserved rhizome. Therefore, do not rush to throw away the flower right away,

    inspect its root system, and if it looks healthy, wash the roots with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, dry it slightly, and then replant the plant and start watering. After some time, new shoots will definitely appear. As they grow, especially large and tall stems may require support - this is, perhaps, all the difficulties that may arise during care.

    Temperature From spring to autumn, the dollar tree needs a temperature of +20°C... +25°C; in winter – +16°C. Moreover, it really needs.

    fresh air

    Zamioculcas reacts negatively to stagnant water and excessive soil moisture - after watering it is better to drain the water from the pan. I water my flower with soft, settled water from spring to autumn very sparingly, and I do this especially carefully in winter time

    . In the autumn-winter period, the dollar tree enters a vaguely defined dormant period, and the signal for watering at this time is the substrate, which has dried to half the height of the pot. It is important not to overwater or overdry the soil. If kept too dry, the plant may lose some of its leaves - they will simply dry out. But this is not scary: the moisture accumulated in the stems and rhizomes will not allow the zamioculcas to die, but stagnation of water in the soil can lead to the formation of root and stem rot.

    Lighting Zamioculcas is able to tolerate both direct sunlight and darkness. But if there is insufficient lighting, it can stretch out excessively, and in the sun it can get burned. For normal development

    It is best to place the flower in a well-lit place, but without direct sunlight. In summer, keeping it in the fresh air (in the garden, on the balcony) will be a big advantage, and in winter it would be good to place the zamioculcas closer to the window. After wintering, the plant must be gradually accustomed to direct sunlight to avoid burns.


    For the dollar tree, air humidity does not matter at all - Zamioculcas tolerates dry apartment air very well. But still, in the summer heat, spraying will be useful, and from time to time I wipe the leaves with a damp sponge.

    Top dressing

    I fertilize my Zamioculcas from April to September inclusive once every 2-3 weeks, using food for succulents and cacti.

    They say that the dollar tree needs to be fertilized with currency so that it will attract it to itself, so just in case, I put a few coins on the tray.

    Location of the flower in the apartment and room According to Feng Shui, the most best place in the apartment for the dollar tree the southeast side is located - it is this sector that is responsible for material well-being

    . But the flower will also feel good in the northern part of the home, although its leaves may become a little smaller because of this. In summer, the plant feels best in the fresh air, but in general it loves spacious and bright rooms.

    Transplantation and propagation

    But if you don’t need a too large plant at home, you can restrain its growth by frequent replanting.

    Zamioculcas requires a tall, heavy pot, preferably a clay pot, not too spacious for it - according to the size of the root system. In a large flowerpot there is a danger of soil becoming waterlogged.

    Some sources say that the plant is poisonous. Therefore, it would be a good idea to wear gloves and prevent zamioculcas juice from getting on the skin and mucous membranes - it causes a burning sensation.

    When transplanting, you do not need to dig the tubers too deep into the ground; they should be slightly visible. I always put a good layer of expanded clay on the bottom of the dish (a quarter of the height of the pot), and add coarse sand to the soil - about a quarter of the total volume of soil - and a little coal. In general, the dollar tree does not make any special demands on the soil, the main thing is that it is not heavy and clayey. It is well suited for cactus soil.

    It is best to replant a flower using the transshipment method, without disturbing the earthen coma.

    Zamioculcas is propagated by dividing the root during transplantation, as well as by rooting an entire branch with leaves or individual leaf blades. I usually place the branches in water until roots appear, and I root individual leaves under film at a temperature of +20°C and above, using a mixture of garden soil, peat and sand. When propagating by parts of the root, it is necessary to treat the cuts with charcoal.

    Diseases and pests

    Fortunately, Zamioculcas is rarely affected by pests and practically does not get sick. The only thing that can destroy this hardy plant is inept care. The biggest mistake gardeners make is overwatering, which can cause root rot. If this happens, the flower must be removed from the pot, the rhizome must be cleaned of rotten parts, sprinkled generously with ash, dried thoroughly, the soil replaced and then watered extremely sparingly.

    Yellowing of leaves

    It often happens that zamioculcas leaves turn yellow, but this does not always mean that it is sick. Old leaves periodically turn yellow and die; dark spots, but if fresh shoots grow and the spots are dry, then the plant is healthy. I leave the yellowed leaves until they are completely dry and then remove them.

    If zamioculcas turns yellow without forming new shoots, this is already a cause for alarm. This situation can be caused by strong drafts, sudden changes in temperature, insufficient or excessive watering, and pest damage. In any case, do not rush to throw away the flower - replant it, change the conditions and give it time.

    Zamioculcas is a herbaceous plant commonly called the dollar tree. The leaves have green color, but most often a little dark. The color of young shoots is usually light green.

    Zamioculcas is a relative, but has recently become more popular than its relative. The dollar tree is an unpretentious plant that can live quietly without sunny color and frequent watering, so this plant can be safely placed not only at home, but also in offices.

    As for flowering, Zamioculcas does not very often please its owners with this event. Even with good care, it is very difficult to make it bloom. And you don’t need to do this, the flowers of the dollar tree are completely inconspicuous and you don’t want to admire them. This plant is a toxic species, so do not force it to bloom, it may not be very beneficial for your health.

    The most common problem is yellowing leaves. Why this process occurs remains a mystery to many.

    Now let's try to find out this reason.

    Causes of yellowing leaves

    Let's look at the main reasons for yellowing leaves:

    1. Plant age. You don’t have to worry about the plant and don’t come up with reasons in the form of diseases or improper care if your plant is no longer young. Yellowed leaves on an adult plant are normal phenomenon. When a plant begins the process of leaf renewal, the old leaves begin to turn yellow and dry out, then the old leaves fall off and new and young leaves appear in their place. Do not remove drying leaves; when necessary, they will fall off on their own; these leaves still continue to pass on their useful material until completely dry.
    2. Excessive watering of the plant. Zamioculcas is a plant that can live for a very long time without watering, it is one of the most unpretentious plants in this plan. But with frequent watering, you can ruin your plant; this can lead to the fact that the root system begins to fester and the plant may die. Yellowing leaves are the first sign.
    3. The lighting is too bright. This plant is not a fan of sunlight, and it likes moderate exposure to bright light. The time Zamioculcas stays in the sun should not exceed six hours, otherwise the leaves may get burned. In summer, under no circumstances should you leave the plant in sunlight between 12 and 15 hours.
    4. Feeding too often. You should not overuse fertilizers and fertilizing, because this can lead to the plant’s root system starting to rot. There is no need to rush to grow the plant; at home it grows very slowly. It is advisable to fertilize once or twice a year, but no more. In winter, this should not be done at all.
    5. Pests such as spider mites, aphids or scale insects. This reason is the most widespread. You need to carefully examine the plant, and if you see cobwebs on the yellowed foliage, then most likely it is a mite. Dark spots indicate that this is a scale insect.
    6. Sudden changes in temperature. The plant does not like drafts, heating devices and windows in the cold season.
    7. Watering too infrequently. The rarest reason. But still, if the soil in the pot is cracked, then it is urgent to water the plant.

    There are many reasons why leaves begin to turn yellow. Therefore, in order to prevent such a situation, zamioculcas needs special and competent care, and then it will delight you with its luxurious dark green foliage all year round.

    Methods for restoring a plant

    1. If you overwater, you need to remove the zamioculcas from the pot and shake off the soil from its roots. If the roots are rotting, you need to cut them off and then sprinkle them with crushed charcoal so that the roots you cut will heal faster. If you do not want to prevent the rotting process from going further, you need to buy some chemical drug, which will treat diseases, such as a fungicide. Next, prepare new soil and plant the plant there.
    2. Your actions should be identical to the first point if your plant has been overfed.
    3. If your plant is dry, then you need to inspect its root system. If you find healthy roots, then take potassium permanganate and dilute it with water, then a weak solution. After this, treat the roots and replant the flower on prepared new soil without fertilizing.
    4. If you find a pest, then you need to wash the plant with soap, and wash the leaves and trunk well with clean boiled water. Next, take an insecticide and treat the affected flower. If necessary, re-process.
    5. Tobacco solution can help you fight spider mites and scale insects. For better effect you need to add a drop of kerosene.
    6. To destroy aphids, Industrial drugs will help you.
    7. You should move the plant if it is damaged by sunlight.

    Thus, the Zamioculcas flower most often turns yellow when improper care, pest damage and the emergence of new shoots. In general, the plant tolerates any unfavorable conditions well. Yellowing of the leaves is not yet a reason to throw away the flower; most likely, the zamioculcas will be saved.

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