• A spell for beauty and youth. A simple milk spell can attract good luck in trading and strengthen your husband’s feelings


    Quite old, the first mention of it is in sources of the 17th century. The plot is essentially white (almost); there should not be any particularly bad consequences after its use. However, the original source mentions that the one who made this plot will be chased by a giant bear at night. We are talking about nightmares in a dream, but this is a quite common setback when carrying out money conspiracies, which is quite easily tolerated and passes very quickly.

    Milk for money conspiracy only a steam room from under the cow is required. Moreover, you need to milk the cow yourself! In general, according to the source, you need to take milk immediately after milking; if the milk sits for at least 15 minutes, it will no longer be suitable for effectively carrying out a conspiracy. The most optimal thing is to immediately pour a glass of milk from the milked bucket and carry out the spell.

    Several Yet important points. Firstly, the moon must grow, this is very important. Secondly, you must be baptized. According to the time it takes place - in the morning, after the morning milking of the cows.

    I understand that this conspiracy has a lot of conditions and for most city residents it is difficult to fulfill. However, not everyone can be rich and successful, what can you do about it. If you really want it, you will find the opportunity to milk the cow and do everything else. Money rarely comes to lazy people and losers.

    Carrying out a money conspiracy

    Early in the morning, milk the cow, take a cup of fresh milk and say the following to her:

    “Warm, warm, where it could flow, gave life, pleased everyone, fertile and stout, now it will give me strength and send money to me. Oh little cow, milkmaid, with your milk and to the servant of God (your name received at baptism) inspiration, so that there is only profit, and life goes through without losses. Money after money, so I will be rich. As I drink milk, I will change, and money will begin to see me in a new way.”

    Repeat the spell three times, then drink all the milk, so that not a drop remains in the glass.

    The conspiracy works quite quickly - you only have to wait a few weeks. The setback in the form of bad dreams and nightmares will haunt you for six months, then it should pass (at least those who made the conspiracy say so).

    I can also recommend others

    In this case, young mothers turn with a prayer request to the Most Holy Theotokos in front of Her “Mammal” icon. The words of the prayer are as follows: Accept, O Lady Theotokos, the tearful prayers of Your servants who flow to You. We see You on the holy icon, in your arms carrying and feeding with milk Your Son and our God, the Lord Jesus Christ. Even though You gave birth to Him painlessly, yet motherhood of sorrow and infirmity sons and daughters of human beings. With the same warmth that falls on Your healing image, and with this tender kiss, we pray to You, All-Merciful Lady: to nourish us, sinners, condemned in the disease of childbirth and sorrows, to nourish our children, mercifully and compassionately giving birth to them from a serious illness and bitter sorrow deliver. Grant them health and well-being, so that they will be nourished by strength and grow in strength, and the one who feeds them will be filled with joy, for even now, through your intercession from the mouth of babies and living creatures, the Lord will bring His praise. O Mother of the Son of God! Have mercy on the mother of the sons of men, on Your weak people: quickly heal the illnesses that befall us, satisfy the sorrows and sorrows that are upon us, do not despise the tears and sighs of Your servants. Hear us on the day of sorrow, falling before Your icon, and on the day of joy and deliverance, and accept the grateful praise of our hearts. Bring up our prayers to the Throne of Thy Son and our God, that He may be merciful to our sins and weaknesses and add His mercy to those who lead His name, so that we and our children may glorify Thee, the merciful Intercessor and the faithful Hope of our race forever centuries. Amen. What to do if the milk is gone In general, if such a misfortune occurs, then this is most likely a consequence of damage: in this case, the master, wanting to cause harm, reads the Lord's Prayer in reverse. So, in order to get rid of this scourge, let each family member read the Lord’s Prayer (Lord’s Prayer) correctly forty times in a row. Our Father, who art in Heaven! Hallowed be your name, Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done, as it is in Heaven and on earth. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, just as we forgive our debtors; and do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one. Spell for a nursing mother So that you do not have a shortage of milk, read the following spell in the morning, when you start feeding your baby: For a cow - a calf, For a mare - a foal, And for me - my child. Like every creature, animal, Every cattle Wants to feed its child, That’s what I wish too. So that your breasts swell with milk and are never empty. Amen.

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    Milk, a product of a living organism, has powerful energy. White magicians used it in their rituals, and black sorcerers used milk to cause damage.

    In addition, with the help of milk they “calculated” the culprits of spoilage. It was poured into an empty pumpkin, tied with a clean rag and hidden in a secluded place near the threshold. When a person suspected of causing damage came to the house, they took out the pumpkin and looked at it. If the milk turned out to be sour, this could mean that spoilage had indeed occurred.

    First of all, it is important for good people to know that it helps against illnesses. Bring into the house milk bought at the market, or even better, from the hostess after milking, pour out a little and wash your hands, saying: “It all started with milk, so that health starts with it” And diseases that are still in an “embryonic state”, at the level of the biofield, will recede.

    Milk also has the ability to harmonize relationships between people. If you have a quarrel with someone close to you, try this magical method. Take the milk, pour it into a saucepan and put it on the fire. As soon as it starts to boil, add a few tablespoons of dry dill (but always from last year) into the saucepan.

    Boil it in milk for a few minutes, then cool and put in the refrigerator. After a day, pour the milk into the sink - slowly, so that it flows in a thin stream, while keeping the container at a distance of about 50 centimeters from the sink. A thick mass will remain at the bottom. It must be collected in a spoon and swallowed in one go, otherwise the magic will not work.

    If you have a conflict with your mother-in-law or daughter-in-law, cook milk jelly by adding rowan or viburnum pulp, a slice of lemon or orange and sugar. Drink half a glass of this jelly in the morning before sunrise, in the evening after sunset and the next morning. After you make peace with your relative, do not forget to treat her too - only from the bottom of your heart. In this case, you will no longer quarrel with her.

    This is interesting!

    If you are in a bad mood, milk will help here too. Take a few lollipops, put them in a glass of cold milk and stir wooden stick. At the same time, try to think only about the good. If bad thoughts do not go away, take a few sips of milk. Place the glass on the window overnight. The first thing in the morning, pour out the milk, as it will absorb your negative energy.

    And to relieve fatigue, drink fresh milk from a clay mug, adding a handful of boiled millet or millet flour to it, and your strength will return.

    If you want to return your spouse's love, pour baked milk into a porcelain cup, adding a little sugar and a few pomegranate seeds. Leave the milk on the table. The cold spouse will definitely want to try it. And after drinking the enchanted milk, he will fall in love with you again, and your relationship will become stronger than ever.

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    You want to sell more food products, then you need to read the conspiracy to sell food products. Here, the more precise the direction of your spells, the stronger the effect. A ritual that leads to the sale of vegetables will never work on fruits. This applies to all types of goods, so we did our best and found these ancient manuscripts. And if you don’t want to warm up and be left without money, then use these white rituals and you will have a lot of money.

    Conspiracies to help the seller

    Become a rich seller! Are you a large entrepreneur or a grandmother selling on the street? The main thing is that you are a seller at heart and difficult situations didn't lose heart.

    Believe in yourself, throw everything unnecessary out of your head and concentrate on faith. Because only faith and the desire to sell can help in this difficult matter. The desire to sell has already led you to this golden article. All you have to do is believe strongly in the power of white magic and use the ritual that suits you.

    Being able to sell goods quickly is one of the main points in food trading. A conspiracy to quickly sell all types of food products will help speed up trade. It should be used on the 9th, 18th, 27th. It is notable for the fact that you can read it once a month, and if desired, all three times. Moreover, each subsequent one will bring an increase in sales. This is an excellent help for a novice businessman or private entrepreneur.

    There are no restrictions, except for one thing: you can only use it every third month. Conducted near the product. Does not require any expenses. The conductor is required to close his eyes and place his hands on the product. Let's start visualization: draw a golden circle that covers the entire retail space. We present all the products we sell in the form of gold bars, which attract people's attention. We say the spell:

    “Gold controls people. I have plenty of it. I offer it to everyone, everyone can afford it. They go, buy, don’t make any complaints. Such gold sells out quickly. For the joy of the customers, and for prosperity for me.”

    Do not spend the first money received after the sale for 24 hours.

    Spell for honey

    To speed up the sale of honey, there is a magical remedy. You need to read a special plot to quickly sell honey, directly to the magical infusion. And then sprinkle it all over the goods and soon you will make a big profit. This is done like this:

    1. Take a glass of holy water;
    2. Add a teaspoon of honey to the water;
    3. Place a coin (ten rubles) on the bottom;

    While stirring the drug, say the spell three times:

    “Just as bees bathe in honey, so buyers gather, and the goods are sold out.”

    Having created a magical remedy, use a brush and sprinkle the entire container with honey.

    Spell for potatoes

    Potatoes are a product that is in demand throughout the year; trading them is quite difficult. Competition in sales of this root crop is very high. One ancient remedy will help you break through the wall of bad luck: read a conspiracy to quickly sell potatoes. Take two potatoes as if examining them and say:

    “The mother of cheese, the earth, raised you. She gave it to people and fell into my hands. I give you away almost for nothing, I please people. Don’t grow in my cellar, sell quickly, good people will like you.”

    Read this text at least three times a day. You can use it more often, it will have a beneficial effect on your sales.

    Spell for meat

    Selling beef and pork is quite a profitable idea and many people know about it. But not every seller knows how to use a conspiracy to successfully sell meat. You will have the opportunity to sell out all the goods on the first day. Do the following before heading to the market, sprinkle spring water all meat products. As you do this, say the following words:

    “Just as a spring moves quickly, meat sells out quickly. Key. Language. Lock".

    Spell for fish

    Selling fish and fish products is a very serious matter. To avoid delays and fish sales go faster, use a conspiracy. For this we need spring water, which must be collected on Thursday. Add salt to it and when mixing say:

    “Salt is in the earth, salt is in the sea, and now in spring water. I’ll sprinkle her fish and make a big deal.”

    Pour the magic potion into a spray bottle and spray the fish lying on the surface. If a large batch is planned, stock up on water in advance.

    Spell for dairy products

    Dairy products are a very capricious type of product that always requires quick sales. You can succeed well if you learn to cast a spell for successful milk sales. The magic text is pronounced at the beginning of the working day. Position yourself as close to the dairy products as possible and say:

    “From living to living, from cow (goat) to man. The milk won’t curdle, I’ll sell everything, it won’t curdle, it won’t come back to me. I lock it with the key and put the coins in my pocket.”

    This spell is suitable for all products that are made from goat and cow milk.

    All cheeses, cottage cheese and sour cream, kefir and much more can be sold out as soon as possible.

    Spell for apples

    Even an apple seller should know that there is no product that cannot be sold. And this is easily confirmed with the help of a plot to sell apples. The seller will need to be willing to sell quickly and go home. We select one apple from each variety and rub them until shiny. During this we whisper to each:

    “It shines, it sparkles, it attracts the buyer. A person will not pass by, he will buy it, he will not forget, and tomorrow he will come again for an apple. Key. Language. Lock".

    We expose it for testing, with a small piece already cut. Eat the first piece yourself.

    Spell for selling berries

    And for the seller of natural vitamins, there was an old secret. For a successful sale, a berry plot is important. After casting the spell, even a high price will not be an obstacle to great sales. Stand with the sun in front of your face and berries behind your back. The text lists all the types that are available. For example, cranberries, watermelon or strawberries. Magic words:

    “The red sun has warmed up. Looked at my product. Help sell (name of berries), make people happy, give them health.”

    How to quickly sell any product?

    Attracting buyers is a relatively complex process. Traders are increasingly turning to professionals in the field of magic. Not everyone is able to perform the ritual; this happens because of fear. And some cannot find a specific plot that would be suitable for their products.

    If you don't find it on this page suitable method, then feel free to write your request in the comments. We will select for you a special ritual for free that will help you 100 percent.

    Wish everyone good luck in the comments and money will follow you in any business, and all your relatives will be healthy!

    Few people know, but the milk that a cow gives has quite strong energy. Many people use it for cooking, but not everyone uses it as a magical ingredient. Those people who know about all the properties of the product often wonder how to speak milk. For his conspiracy there is a whole series possible options. A person only needs to choose the milk spell that is best suited for a particular situation.

    It is also important to take into account the fact that it is necessary to pay attention to the possibility of performing rituals, because not all rituals can be performed independently at home. In some cases, the help of an experienced specialist will be required. A spell for milk can not only have a positive effect on its sale, but your cow will also be healthier. Also, such conspiracies are used to increase the flow of milk from the mother and attract the love of her husband.

    For quick and profitable sale of milk

    Sometimes farmers suffer because sales are very poor. Either buyers want to reduce the price, or they don’t buy at all. At such moments, the product sours and becomes unfit for consumption. From it you can then create dairy products. And then the seller goes to a loss. If you need to sell milk quickly and at a good price, then use the following conspiracy for fresh milk.

    “I, the servant of God (name), ask the Lord for help. I need the milk to sell quickly. Let the milk river flow from my house and bring me a lot of money. I try to earn a living, but no one wants to buy milk on my terms. To my heaven last hope. I ask you to hear my words and help me in this situation. Amen".

    The features of this ritual are:

    • it should be carried out so that no one sees it;
    • read prayers only when the moon is waxing in the sky;
    • you can use dairy products, they will only enhance the desired result;
    • never spread the word that you are going to turn to magic for help;
    • believe in a positive outcome.

    To increase milk supply in a woman who is breastfeeding

    Sometimes there are situations when a nursing woman does not have milk, or there is not enough milk. In such cases, a magical ritual comes to the rescue, which can correct the current situation. This method is so universal and effective that you won’t have to wait long for results.

    In order to speak milk, you must get rid of makeup on your face and jewelry on your body. Open all door and window frames to allow a good draft. Make sure you have your prayer words on paper before the ritual. If there is an opportunity to learn magic words, then it is better to take advantage of the moment.

    You should open your chest, rub it lightly, and read the words of prayer over it:

    “No living creature can live without mother's milk. All animals and people grow up and live only thanks to their mother. The milk won’t turn sour, let my baby grow up healthy. I, the servant of God (name), ask for help from Heaven. My baby cannot live without my milk. He begins to feel sad and fade. May my mother’s strength return to me and never turn into sadness for my child. My word is strong. I ask and beg from the bottom of my heart. Amen".

    In just a few days, the mother's lactation will be restored, and everything will be fine.

    Returning your husband's love

    Breast milk is so powerful that our ancestors used it for many rituals. It was believed that the strength of a woman can solve even problems in the family. Many centuries ago, a similar ritual was a conspiracy to breast milk was particularly popular.

    A husband's love spell is often performed using this milk. After all, sometimes a man stops paying attention to his wife and becomes cold towards her. It is clear that a woman will not be able to come to terms with such a situation. And so she starts looking various ways to correct the current situation. The ritual is performed only for your spouse. Think in advance whether you had enough reasons for jealousy, because magic will not be able to help you if the reason is unfounded. It is important to make sure whether your husband is really cheating on you. And only after that resort to using magic on breast milk, because the consequences can be quite dire.

    Three rituals for beauty and youth on the waning moon.

    QUARTER WITH A GUY MILK ㋛ Shtukensia

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    We do everything right

    This method does not cause any difficulties. Therefore, it can be done independently at home. First of all, you should express the milk into a glass and light the candles. Choose comfortable clothes, and don't forget to let your hair down. It is necessary to get rid of all jewelry, except for the pectoral cross, because jewelry will interrupt your energy.

    In the old days, earthenware was used. But, you can use any new glass. The following plot is read for a glass of milk:

    “Living beings cannot live without mother's milk. Therefore, I ask magical powers to make sure that my husband cannot live without his wife. He won't be able to rest without me. He will not dream of peace when I, God’s servant (name), is not around. Let him love only his wife and not look at other women. He will not have a mistress, and he will not find happiness with her. May the servant of God (name) feel a feeling of love for me, and never betray me. While the drink is still there, I read these magic words. I wish you to achieve your goal and find love. Amen".

    Your thoughts should be cleared of extraneous matters. Focus on achieving your goal. Add the charmed milk to your husband's food. A ritual is performed for the new moon. Remember that on an acidic product magical rituals are not carried out, because they may have the opposite effect and not help you. If there is a slight problem with the milk, then leave it to sour and make food from it, but never use it in magic.

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