• Grandma put on the medal and is now so beautiful. Poems for Victory Day (May 9). Victory Day is coming


    Glory to our generals
    And to ordinary soldiers.
    Glory to the fallen and the living,
    Thank you to them from the bottom of my heart!
    Let's not forget those heroes
    What lies in the damp ground,
    Giving my life on the battlefield
    For the people, for you and me!

    Victory Day

    T. Belozerov

    May holiday -
    Victory Day
    The whole country celebrates.
    Our grandfathers put on
    Military orders.

    The road calls them in the morning
    To the ceremonial parade.
    And thoughtfully from the threshold
    The grandmothers look after them.

    What kind of holiday?

    N. Ivanova

    There are festive fireworks in the sky,
    Fireworks here and there.
    The whole country congratulates
    Glorious veterans.

    And the blooming spring
    Gives them tulips
    Gives white lilac.
    What a glorious day in May?

    Victory Day

    N. Tomilina

    Victory Day May 9 –
    A holiday of peace in the country and spring.
    On this day we remember the soldiers,
    Those who did not return to their families from the war.

    On this holiday we honor our grandfathers,
    Defending their native country,
    To those who gave Victory to the peoples
    And who returned peace and spring to us!


    A. Ternovsky

    There are obelisks in Russia,
    They have the names of soldiers...
    My boys the same age
    They lie under the obelisks.
    And to them, silent in sadness,
    Flowers come from the field
    The girls who were waiting for them so much
    Now they are completely gray.

    Old photo

    S. Pivovarov

    Photograph on the wall -
    There are memories of the war in the house.
    Dimkin's grandfather
    On this photo:
    With a machine gun near the pillbox,
    Hand bandaged
    Smiles slightly...

    Here for just ten years
    Older than Dimka
    Dimkin's grandfather.

    We need peace

    Everyone needs peace and friendship,
    Peace is more important than anything in the world,
    On a land where there is no war,
    The children sleep peacefully at night.
    Where the guns don't thunder,
    The sun is shining brightly in the sky.
    We need peace for all the guys.
    We need peace on the entire planet!

    Let there be peace!

    Let the machine guns not fire,
    And the menacing guns are silent,
    Let there be no smoke in the sky,
    May the sky be blue
    Let the bombers run over it
    They don't fly to anyone
    People and cities don’t die...
    Peace is always needed on earth!

    On the radio

    S. Pivovarov

    Letter I tried
    Write without blots:
    "Please do
    A gift for grandfather..."

    Been on the road for a long time
    Musical hello.

    But here he comes
    And my grandfather hugged me -
    Came to see him on holiday
    9th May
    His favorite song

    No one is forgotten

    A. Shamarin

    “No one is forgotten and nothing is forgotten” -
    Burning inscription on a block of granite.

    The wind plays with faded leaves
    And the wreaths are covered with cold snow.

    But, like fire, at the foot there is a carnation.
    No one is forgotten and nothing is forgotten.


    They gasped loudly in the distance
    Peaceful anti-aircraft guns,
    And they rushed off the ground
    Golden threads.

    They flew, they flowed
    Side, behind, next to,
    Clicking dryly, they blossomed
    Celestial garden.

    Flowers are falling,
    They fall on the roof...
    ...Dad, honey, it's you,
    I hear your voice!

    Victory Day

    N. Maidanik

    Victory Day is a bright holiday,
    I'm so happy for him
    Because together with my grandfather
    I'm going to the parade!

    I want to be in the military ranks
    Walk with him
    Red Victory Banner
    Carry with him!

    Let my grandfather know for sure -
    I'll be in line
    I can protect like him
    Your homeland!

    Bow to the soldier

    G. Basheev

    There are only a few of you boys left,
    In the hands of those clutching a machine gun.
    And death mercilessly writes, writes
    The tablets contain the names of the soldiers.

    But our children are on the asphalt
    Drawing with chalk in the yard
    And they say they sing without falsehood
    In our Russian language!

    And, congratulating you on Victory Day,
    I will smile at the sun for everyone.
    Who walked, standing up under a barrage of fire,
    I bow low at their feet!


    Alexey Surkov

    Let the days of war drag on for a very long time,
    Let the peaceful years rush by quickly.
    Victories near Moscow, near Kursk and on the Volga
    History will remember forever.

    May you now be fathers and grandfathers,
    The whiskey was silvered with gray hair.
    You will never forget the spring of Victory,
    The day the war ended.

    Even though many are out of action today,
    We remember everything that was done then
    And we promise our homeland
    Save for business, peace and labor.


    A. Bezymensky

    The country was blooming. But the enemy is around the corner
    He carried out a raid and went to war against us.
    At that terrible hour,
    Becoming a wall of steel,
    All the youth took up arms,
    To defend our native Fatherland.

    Celebration of the Great Victory!

    Tanya Larina

    Celebration of the Great Victory!
    A holiday for the entire Russian land!
    Our great-grandfathers and grandfathers,
    No wonder they died in the war!

    Russia was saved for us,
    Having given descendants an important lesson,
    So that we love the country,
    No matter how cruel the world is!

    We are on the ninth of May,
    We will lay flowers on the graves.
    To those who give their lives,
    I wanted you to live freely!

    Ninth of May

    Ekaterina Shelygina

    The ninth of May is a priceless date,
    On this day a terrible evil was defeated!
    Innocent, brave soldiers died,
    May we be lucky to live in peacetime.

    Day of remembrance, eternal respectful sorrow -
    And life, Victory, wonderful spring!
    Respectful words at the soldiers' tombstones -
    And common joy for the whole country!

    Victory Day

    Olga Fursova

    Victory Day is a holiday that shines
    Peaceful sky above our heads,
    It brings everyone back to the past,
    On the day when peace came to the country!

    Let there always be a victorious parade,
    Under such a proud sound of all orders,
    Will not disappear in memory without a trace
    A day of deliverance from all enemies!

    Happy Victory Day

    Olga Fursova

    Happy Victory Day, happy holiday of courage,
    Happy holiday of the absence of war,
    Victory flags have already been raised,
    A free country has pride!

    I congratulate you on this Day,
    Life is now surrounded by beauty,
    We bow to all the veterans for this,
    Thanks to them for our peace

    Express yourself today without hesitation,
    They didn’t hesitate to save us,
    Let's be silent for a minute without a doubt
    For the heroes who died along the way!

    Great Victory Day

    Olga Fursova

    All over the country on the great Victory Day
    A bright, festive parade takes place,
    About the 45th on this day of conversation
    They are ringing solemnly from all sides!

    Great Heroes defended
    Peace and quiet in the country, having given my life,
    They gave everyone the happiness of living in freedom,
    The right path, then immediately choosing!

    Happy Victory Day, veterans

    Kolesnik Olga

    Happy Victory Day! Veterans
    You can't hold back the tears in your eyes!
    How many are these tears?
    They can tell people!

    About bombings, about injuries,
    About dugouts, about enemies,
    And about torture, and about mines,
    About unfulfilled dreams!

    And about how it spilled
    The blood of loved ones and friends,
    About unmarked graves
    Among the extinct steppes!

    Happy Victory Day, veterans!
    Thank you for everything!
    Let your sadness and tears
    The wind of wanderings will carry you away!

    Let children not know war

    I haven't seen the war, but I know
    How difficult it was for the people
    And hunger, and cold, and horror -
    They got to experience everything.

    Let them live peacefully on the planet,
    Let children not know war,
    Let the bright sun shine!
    We friendly family there must be!

    Happy Victory Day

    Ekaterina Shelygina

    Happy Victory Day, bright and sad,
    Let it warm you up in spring!
    Today we celebrate salvation
    From enslavement to terrible evil!

    Right to freedom and security
    They were able to give us heroes!
    Our gratitude is endless,
    Bow to them all the way to the ground!

    Victory Day

    Tatyana Moroz

    The month of May is sweeping across the planet,
    And he greets us together with the holidays!
    We love these days for the sunshine,
    And for the opportunity to see the sunrise!

    Today is a great day - Victory Day!
    Our grandfathers gave it to us.
    And we have treasured this day since childhood,
    We remember him, we love him, we honor him!

    Dear veterans

    Dear veterans!
    The world sends its bow to you,
    And on all meridians
    They honor your front-line feat.

    On this bright day in Russia
    Try not to be sad.
    Heads up, dear ones,
    May God grant you some more life!

    Grandfather's portrait

    V. Turov

    Grandmother put on the medals
    And now she’s so beautiful!
    She celebrates Victory Day
    Remembering the great war.
    Grandma's face is sad.

    Grandfather's letter from the front


    No, the word “peace” will hardly remain,
    When there will be wars people will not know.
    After all, what before the world called
    Everyone will just call it life.

    And only children, experts on the past,
    Having fun playing war,
    Having run around, they will remember this word,
    With whom they died in the old days.

    Dead and alive

    To the dead -
    Be constantly on duty
    They live in street names and epics.
    Their exploits are holy beauty
    Artists will display it in paintings.
    Alive –
    To honor heroes, not to forget,
    Keep their names in immortal lists,
    Remind everyone of their courage
    And lay flowers at the foot of the obelisks!

    Grandfather's portrait

    V. Turov

    Grandmother put on the medals
    And now she’s so beautiful!
    She celebrates Victory Day
    Remembering the great war.
    Grandma's face is sad.
    There is a soldier's triangle on the table.
    Grandfather's letter from the front
    Even now it is very painful for her to read.
    We look at grandfather's portrait
    And we shake hands with my brother:
    - Well, what kind of grandfather is this?
    He's still just a boy!

    Military orders

    L. Sorokin

    The dawns sparkle in the order's rays,
    No you can not,
    So that in desks
    The Light of Victory was locked for a year.
    The country is not for your personal glory
    She gave out awards without sparing:
    Take out the cup of the order,
    The world becomes brighter from them.

    Victory Day!

    T. Marshalova

    Victory Day is a spring holiday,
    The day of defeat of a cruel war,
    The day of defeat of violence and evil,
    Day of the resurrection of love and goodness.

    Memories of those who
    I set a goal so that from now on this day
    It became a symbol of all the efforts of people -
    Raising children in peace and happiness.

    Salute to Victory

    Salute and glory to the anniversary
    Forever a memorable day!
    Salute to Victory in Berlin
    The power of fire has been trampled by fire!
    Salute to her big and small
    To the creators who walked the same path,
    To her soldiers and generals,
    To the heroes fallen and alive,

    Thanks everyone

    D. Rybakov

    Thanks to everyone who gave their lives,
    For dear Rus', for freedom,
    Who forgot fear and fought,
    Serving my beloved people.

    Thank you,
    Your feat is eternal,
    While my country is alive,
    You are in our souls,
    In our heart
    We will never forget the heroes!


    M. Isakovsky

    We are not here because of the date,
    Like an evil fragment, the memory burns in the chest.
    To the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier
    Come on holidays and weekdays.
    he protected you on the battlefield,
    He fell without taking a step back,
    And this hero has a name -
    The Great Army is a simple soldier.

    A jubilant May has opened up for us...

    The jubilant May has opened for us
    All hearts for love unspeakable.
    May Day has just passed,
    The long-awaited Victory Day has arrived.

    We honor the winners.
    In front of a gray, thinning column
    We part, give flowers,
    We look at the heroes with admiration.

    “Congratulations! - we shout to them. - Hooray!"
    But the old people walk silently.
    They don't need loud fame,
    And our heartfelt “thank you.”

    Forgive us

    Spring is all around.
    The war died down long ago.
    How many of you lie in your graves,
    Forever young soldiers,
    Overshadowing the whole world with themselves.
    We are all in the bustle of the earth
    We remember you so rarely.
    Forgive us...

    We celebrate Victory Day

    Abdulkhak Igebaev

    We celebrate Victory Day,
    He comes with flowers and banners.
    We are all heroes today
    We call by name.
    We know: it’s not at all easy
    He came to us - Victory Day.
    This day has been conquered
    Our dads, our grandfathers.
    And that's why today
    They put on medals.
    We, going to the holiday with them,
    They sang a sonorous song.
    We dedicate this song
    To our dads, our grandfathers.
    To our beloved Motherland
    Glory, glory on Victory Day!

    Happy Victory Day

    Olga Teplyakova

    The years are flying by. And more than half a century
    It has already passed since that great war.
    The fighting has subsided. In a man's thoughts
    Now we are just waiting for spring.

    Congratulations on the ninth of May
    Both veterans and their descendants.
    May the joy of victories never leave you,
    Giving you a reason for the exploits of others!

    Ninth of May

    Tanya Larina

    On the ninth of May, on the Victory Day,
    I wish you goodness and love!
    All wars and troubles will soon be forgotten,
    But keep in your memory:

    Those ancient exploits of our soldiers,
    Whose blood was shed for the fatherland?
    Now they lie in a mass grave,
    Under the weight of marble slabs.

    Let us bow to them and take a moment of silence,
    We will say thank you for everything!
    And we’ll promise to fight the same way,
    If the enemy raises the sword again!


    Olga Teplyakova

    Today, as once in forty-five,
    The words “victory”, “peace” and “May” are heard
    And the brave soldiers march,
    Without being distracted even by chance.

    The bride cherry blossoms again,
    Welcoming the fighters like for the first time...
    And the veterans don’t find a place,
    Stealthily wiping tears from my eyes.

    Victory Day

    Olga Teplyakova

    The war is over. The overcoat is gathering dust
    In the farthest corner there is a dressing table.
    Let the war never happen again,
    The sad letter will not come.

    Your youth in these battles
    It's been a long time since he lost his young grandfather.
    He will greet Victory Day with trepidation,
    After all, there were no more important victories!

    Ninth of May

    Yulia Timofeeva

    The ninth of May is a day of sadness and happiness,
    The people are proud of the imperishable victory.
    There are fewer and fewer veterans
    Who will come to the square on the anniversary day...

    Fireworks, parades, laying flowers -
    All this is for them: both the living and the dead.
    And thousands of grateful words and thoughts -
    For them, like heroes, they won the war.

    Victory Day

    Ekaterina Shelygina

    Victory Day - beautiful and mournful,
    It inspires and gives sadness.
    We worked hard for this day
    Those who have had it don’t even feel sorry for life!

    A day to glorify heroes with dignity,
    Thank you to all veterans,
    And at the same time - to congratulate yourself
    With a chance to live so peacefully and happily!

    Sociologists know: a big war affects more than just one generation - waves of demographic “failures” are noticeable over another two or three generations. Among the poetic generations, the influence of war is not as well explored, but it is undeniable. This is also evident from this selection of different Russian poets of different generations.

    Yuri Smirnov


    Lieutenant Alexander Churin,

    Artillery platoon commander

    At fifteen thirty seven

    Nineteenth of July

    One thousand nine hundred forty-two

    I remembered God.

    And asked him for a box of shells

    To the only one he has left

    Forty-five millimeter.

    God entered into a discussion with the lieutenant,

    I remembered his speeches at political classes,

    Mockery of Grandma Frosya,

    Denied a miracle

    He called him a red-bellied adder and threw him away.

    Then Komsomol member Alexander Churin,

    Exactly at fifteen forty-two,

    I turned to the devil with a proposal

    Exchange your soul for a box of shells.

    The devil was having fun with the shooter at that moment

    In one of the three tanks,

    Crawling towards the Churin gun,

    And, for obvious reasons,

    Appealing to fair play and the laws of war,

    However, he promised in the near future

    Worry about Churin at your work.

    It was ridiculous and there was nowhere to retreat.

    The lieutenant ordered the grenades to be prepared,

    But at this moment in the platoon's position

    The archangel materialized.

    With a box of shells under his arm.

    Moreover, I fixed it together with the red Grishka

    Second gun. Helped guide.

    They beat them like quails over stubble.

    The lieutenant wiped himself with his black fingers.

    Thank you, God - Churin prayed,

    That you heard me

    That I forgave the idiot...

    Reinforcements arrived - a rifle company.

    The Archangel stitched up the foreman's stomach,

    Barely holding back vomiting.

    The dusty infantry gaped.

    Someone was baptized

    Someone was spitting, not believing their eyes,

    And the gray-haired corporal laughed,

    And he repeated - Well, they give it! Well, damn it, artillery!

    Leonid Filatov

    I can't believe it, damn it,

    That you and I survived

    How spring makes us stagger,

    How terribly we got sick

    It can be seen in this war, my friend,

    We have lost our hearing and sight,

    And like a new and evil disease

    Recovery scares us

    We look charred

    On branches boiling with color

    After so many war years

    This May scorches the eyelids

    Like the sick - to the healthy,

    How shy - impudently,

    So we envy the flower,

    What blossomed at the gate, impudent...

    We are standing in the middle of spring,

    For which they died

    Respected and boring

    Like living memorials.

    They've gotten out of the habit of us, apparently.

    Birds, women and trees,

    We have to start again

    Gain their trust

    Victor Turov

    Grandfather's portrait

    Grandmother put on the medals

    And now she’s so beautiful!

    She celebrates Victory Day

    Remembering the great war.

    Grandma's face is sad.

    There is a soldier's triangle on the table.

    We look at grandfather's portrait

    And we shake hands with my brother:

    Well, what kind of grandfather is this?

    He's still just a boy!

    Robert Rozhdestvensky

    Ballad of anti-aircraft gunners

    How to see behind the days

    Is the trail unclear?

    I want to bring you closer to my heart

    this trail...

    On battery

    were entirely -


    And the eldest was

    eighteen years.

    Dashing bangs

    over the cunning squint,

    bravura contempt for war...

    That morning

    the tanks are out

    straight to Khimki.

    The same ones.

    With crosses on the armor.

    And the eldest

    really getting old

    as if shielding himself from a nightmare with his hand,

    commanded subtly:


    (Oh mommy!..


    They wailed to their heart's content.


    all the woman's pain

    in these girls

    suddenly responded.

    The sky was spinning -

    There was a wind

    scalding hot.

    Epic cry

    hung over the battlefield,

    he was heard louder than the explosions,

    this cry!

    lingering -

    the earth listened

    stopping at the death line.

    Oh, mommy!..

    Oh, I'm scared!..

    Oh, mom!.. -

    Battery! -

    in front of them

    in the middle of the globe

    to the left of the nameless hillock

    unbelievably hot

    four black

    tank fires.

    The echo echoed over the fields,

    the battle was bleeding slowly...

    The anti-aircraft gunners screamed

    and they shot

    smearing tears down my cheeks.

    And they fell.

    And they rose again.

    For the first time defending in reality

    and your honor


    And the Motherland.

    And Moscow.

    Spring springy branches.


    wedding table.


    "You are mine - forever!.."


    "Iwaited for you…"

    And my husband's lips.

    And his palms.

    Funny mumbling

    And then to scream

    in the maternity ward

    "Oh, mommy!

    Oh, mom, I'm scared!!"

    And a swallow.

    And rain over Arbat.

    And the feeling

    complete silence...

    ...It came to them later.

    In forty-five.

    Of course, to those

    who came himself

    Yulia Drunina

    Two evenings

    We stood by the Moscow River,

    The warm wind rustled her dress.

    For some reason, suddenly out of hand

    You looked at me strangely -

    This is how they sometimes look at strangers.

    He looked and smiled at me:

    Well, what kind of soldier are you?

    How were you really during the war?

    Did you really sleep in the snow?

    Having a machine gun installed in your heads?

    You see, I just can't

    Let me imagine you in boots!..

    I remembered another evening:

    Mortars were fired and snow was falling.

    And he told me quietly dear,

    A person similar to you:

    Here we lie and freeze in the snow,

    As if they never lived in cities...

    I can't imagine you

    In high heels!..

    Bulat Okudzhava

    Song about infantry

    Sorry to the infantry,

    that she can be so unreasonable:

    we always leave

    when spring rages over the Earth.

    And the wrong step

    up the shaky stairs

    there is no salvation.

    Only white willows

    how the white sisters look after you.

    Don't trust the weather

    when it rains for a long time.

    Don't trust the infantry

    when she sings brave songs.

    Don't believe it, don't believe it

    when the nightingales cry in the gardens:

    in life and death

    their scores are not yet over.

    Time has taught us:

    live like a camper, open the door...

    Comrade man,

    and yet your share is tempting:

    you've been on a hike all your life,

    and only one thing breaks you from sleep:

    where are we going?

    when spring is raging behind you?

    David Samoilov

    I was having a dream. And in this difficult dream

    My father, barefoot, stood in front of me.

    And he cried. And he spoke to me:

    My dear son! What happened to you!

    He cursed our century, war, fate.

    And he demanded retribution for me.

    And I humbly told him:

    Father, they are not to blame for anything.

    And I saw it. And I understood doubly

    How will I stand in front of you

    With the same anger and with the same pain...

    My dear son! See me in your dreams!..

    Nikolay Glazkov

    I was gullible and young

    Has led me astray

    Twenty second of June -

    A very bad day.

    Life is drowned in events,

    Common to the whole country

    And never forget them -

    The first minutes of the war!…

    Sergey Mikhalkov

    Children's shoe

    Listed in the column

    With pure German precision,

    It was in the warehouse

    Among adult and children's shoes.

    His book number:

    "Three thousand two hundred and nine."

    "Children's shoes. Worn.

    Right shoe. With a patch..."

    Who repaired it? Where?

    In Melitopol? In Krakow? In Vienna?

    Who wore it? Vladek?

    Or the Russian girl Zhenya?..

    How did he get here, into this warehouse?

    Damn on this list

    Under serial number

    "Three thousand two hundred and nine"?

    Wasn't there another one?

    There are roads in the whole world,

    Except the one by which

    These baby feet have arrived

    To this terrible place

    Where they hung, burned and tortured,

    And then in cold blood

    Were the clothes of the dead counted?

    Here in all languages

    They tried to pray for salvation:

    Czechs, Greeks, Jews,

    French, Austrians, Belgians.

    The earth has absorbed here

    The smell of decay and spilled blood

    Hundreds of thousands of people

    Different nations and different classes...

    The hour of reckoning has come!

    Executioners and murderers - on your knees!

    The judgment of nations is coming

    Following the bloody trail of crimes.

    Among hundreds of clues -

    This children's boot has a patch.

    Taken from the victim by Hitler

    Three thousand two hundred and nine.

    Sergey Mikhalkov

    ten year old man

    Criss-cross white stripes

    On the windows of shrunken huts.

    Native thin birch trees

    They look anxiously at the sunset.

    And the dog on the warm ashes,

    Smeared in ash up to the eyes.

    He's been looking for someone all day

    And he doesn’t find it in the villages.

    Throwing on a tattered zipper,

    Through the gardens, without roads,

    The boy is in a hurry, in a hurry

    In the sun, due east.

    No one on a long journey

    Didn't dress him warmer

    Nobody hugged me at the door

    And I didn’t look after him,

    In an unheated, broken bathhouse,

    Passing the night like an animal,

    How long has he been breathing

    I couldn’t warm my frozen hands!

    But never on his cheek

    No tears paved the way,

    Must be too much at once

    His eyes saw it.

    Having seen everything, ready for anything,

    Falling chest-deep into the snow,

    He ran to his fair-haired

    Ten year old man.

    He knew that somewhere nearby,

    Perhaps behind that mountain,

    Him as a friend on a dark evening

    The Russian sentry will call out.

    And he, clinging to his overcoat,

    Will tell you everything you looked at

    His childish eyes.

    In this article I have made a selection for you poems for children about war. Read poems to children, they should know about the exploits of those who were affected by that terrible war and to whom they should be grateful for the peaceful sky above their heads.

    Poems for children about war.

    Conversation with grandson

    S. Marshak

    I called my grandson from the yard
    To an open window:
    What are you playing?
    Into the submarine war!

    To war? Why do you need war?
    Listen, commander:
    The peoples do not need war.
    Play better in the world.

    He left after hearing the answer.
    Then he came again
    And quietly asks: Grandfather,
    But how to play in the world?

    Catching the news that in the morning
    I thought: it's time to stop
    Play with war so that the children
    I learned to play in the world!

    Victory Day

    A. Igebaev

    We celebrate Victory Day,
    He comes with flowers and banners.
    We are all heroes today
    We call by name.
    We know: it’s not at all easy
    He came to us - Victory Day.
    This day has been conquered
    Our dads, our grandfathers.
    And that's why today
    They put on medals.
    We, going to the holiday with them,
    They sang a sonorous song.
    We dedicate this song
    To our dads, our grandfathers.
    To our beloved Motherland
    Glory, glory on Victory Day!

    Victory Day

    T. Belozerov

    May holiday -
    Victory Day
    The whole country celebrates.
    Our grandfathers put on
    Military orders.
    The road calls them in the morning
    To the ceremonial parade.
    And thoughtfully from the threshold
    Grandmothers look after them

    Boy from the village of Popovki

    Among the snowdrifts and funnels
    In a village destroyed to the ground,
    The child stands with his eyes closed -
    The last citizen of the village.
    Scared white kitten
    A fragment of a stove and pipe -
    And that's all that survived
    From my former life and hut.
    White-headed Petya is standing
    And cries like an old man without tears,
    He lived in the world for three years,
    And what I learned and endured.
    In his presence they burned down his hut,
    They drove mom away from the yard,
    And in a hastily dug grave
    The murdered sister lies.
    Don't let go of your rifle, soldier,
    Until you take revenge on the enemy
    For the blood shed in Popovka,
    And for the child in the snow.

    What is Victory Day

    What is Victory Day?

    This is the morning parade:

    Tanks and missiles are coming,

    A line of soldiers is marching.

    What is Victory Day?

    This is a festive fireworks display:

    Fireworks fly into the sky

    Scattering here and there.

    What is Victory Day?

    These are songs at the table,

    These are speeches and conversations,

    This is my grandfather's album.

    These are fruits and sweets,

    These are the smells of spring...

    What is Victory Day -

    This means no war

    Day of Remembrance

    Day of Remembrance -

    Victory holiday,

    Carrying wreaths

    Living ligature,

    Warmth of bouquets

    Different colors,

    So as not to get lost

    Connection with the past.

    And the mournful slabs are warmed

    Flowers with the breath of the field.

    Accept it, fighter,

    It's all like a gift

    After all, this is necessary


    The spruce froze on guard,

    The blue of the peaceful sky is clear.

    Years go by. In an alarming hum

    The war is far away.

    But here, at the edges of the obelisk,

    Bowing my head in silence,

    And a soul-tearing explosion of bombs.

    We see them - Russian soldiers,

    That in that distant terrible hour

    They paid with their lives

    For bright happiness for us..

    Grandfather's portrait

    (V. Turov)

    Grandmother put on the medals

    And now she’s so beautiful!

    She celebrates Victory Day

    Remembering the great war.

    Grandma's face is sad.

    There is a soldier's triangle on the table.

    We look at grandfather's portrait

    And we shake hands with my brother:

    Well, what kind of grandfather is this?

    He's still just a boy!


    Above the grave, in a quiet park

    The tulips bloomed brightly.

    The fire is always burning here,

    A Soviet soldier is sleeping here.

    We bowed low

    At the foot of the obelisk,

    Our wreath blossomed on it

    Hot, fiery fire.

    Soldiers defended the world

    They gave their lives for us.

    Let's keep it in our hearts

    Bright memory of them!

    Like a continuation of the life of a soldier

    Under the stars of a peaceful power

    Flowers burn on military graves

    Wreaths of unfading glory.

    Who was in the war

    My daughter once turned to me:

    Dad, tell me, who was in the war?

    Grandfather Lenya - military pilot -

    There was a combat aircraft flying in the sky.

    Grandfather Zhenya was a paratrooper.

    He didn't like to remember the war

    And he answered my questions:

    The battles were very difficult.

    Grandmother Sonya worked as a doctor,

    She saved the lives of soldiers under fire.

    Great-grandfather Alyosha in cold winter

    He fought with enemies near Moscow itself.

    Great-grandfather Arkady died in the war.

    Everyone served their homeland well.

    Many people did not return from the war.

    It's easier to answer who wasn't there.

    We are celebrating Victory Day.

    A. Igebaev

    We celebrate Victory Day,

    He comes with flowers and banners.

    We are all heroes today

    We call by name.

    We know: it’s not at all easy

    He came to us - Victory Day.

    This day has been conquered

    Our dads, our grandfathers.

    And that's why today

    They put on medals.

    We, going to the holiday with them,

    They sang a sonorous song.

    We dedicate this song

    To our dads, our grandfathers.

    To our beloved Motherland

    Glory, glory on Victory Day!


    The spruce froze on guard,

    The blue of the peaceful sky is clear.

    Years go by. In an alarming hum

    The war is far away.

    But here, at the edges of the obelisk,

    Bowing my head in silence,

    We hear the roar of tanks close

    And a soul-tearing explosion of bombs.

    We see them - Russian soldiers,

    That in that distant terrible hour

    They paid with their lives

    For bright happiness for us...


    Everyone needs peace and friendship,

    Peace is more important than anything in the world,

    On a land where there is no war,

    The children sleep peacefully at night.

    Where the guns don't thunder,

    The sun is shining brightly in the sky.

    We need peace for all the guys.

    We need peace on the entire planet!


    My great grandfather

    Told me about the war.

    How they fought in a tank,

    Burnt in fire

    Lost friends

    Defending the country.

    Victory has come

    In the forty-fifth year!

    Evening sky

    Victory fireworks.

    Russian soldiers

    Our sleep is protected.

    I will grow up -

    I'll tell my children

    Like their great-grandfathers

    Defended the country!



    Over the country:

    The enemy has crept up

    Like a thief by night.

    Coming to our cities

    Black horde of fascists.

    But we will throw away the enemy this way,

    Our hatred is so strong

    What are the dates of the current attacks?

    The people will be glorified for centuries.


    My father joins the partisans...

    Saying goodbye to your father is not easy.

    And then, shedding tears,

    Barefoot Sashko is running.

    He runs, clutching the stirrup,

    Clinging to the horse's mane. -

    And I'm a partisan! With everyone!

    I'm strong, take me!

    Severe and sad pain

    The father's heart aches: -

    Where can I take you? For a short time?

    To death? To fight to the end?

    There is no limit to children's grief...

    The father leaned in the saddle:

    It’s not a matter of grasping at the desire,

    You better scout around the village.

    And here's a pomegranate in your hands,

    Now you are ready for anything;

    And here's a pomegranate in your hands,

    And let me hug you.

    The partisans disappeared into the distance.

    Now my father is far away.

    Calm, dry-eyed

    Standing on the road is Sashko.

    Sashko notes: at the hut,

    Where is the yard overgrown with grass?

    Fascist soldiers are walking,

    The fascist stands sentinel.

    There are officers from the headquarters...

    In a minute Sashko is on the porch!

    There is childish courage in the heart,

    Determination on a child's face.

    I saw partisans in the forest,

    I was walking along the edge of the forest yesterday,

    I saw with my own eyes

    Someone was sitting by the fire!

    There's a cold grenade in my bosom,

    Smooth cold metal.

    A boy stands in the middle of a hut,

    He calculated everything well

    Slow, long, detailed

    He continues the story...

    Enough! - they shout at him angrily.

    Where are the partisans now?

    No longer hiding hatred

    Sashko straightens up,

    There are partisans here! Here!

    A grenade was thrown quickly

    In those six at the table;

    A grenade was thrown quickly

    Death came to them as retribution.

    Sashko! Barefoot boy!

    You shouldn't live in a quiet village,

    Don't run on a warm road.

    You lie calm and strict,

    Greatness on a child's brow.

    Terrible and furious revenge

    Children yearn for hearts...

    Sashko! Barefoot boy!

    We will take revenge until the end

    For the city, torn by battle,

    For your peaceful home,

    For the young heart of a hero,

    Killed in mortal combat.


    (Tenth grade student)

    There is mortal peace on your face.

    We won't remember you like this

    We will remember you with your dark complexion,

    A brave girl with the heart of a fighter.

    You were recently a student

    I was waiting for my friends at the porch.

    The Nazis beat and tortured

    They drove us out into the cold barefoot.

    The hands were twisted with ropes.

    The interrogation lasted for five hours.

    There are scars and abrasions on your face,

    But silence is the answer to the enemy...

    Wooden platform with crossbar,

    You are standing barefoot in the snow.

    No, gray-haired collective farmers do not cry,

    Wiping my eyes with my hands,

    It's just from the cold, in the air

    Above the silence of a frosty day:

    I'm not afraid to die, comrades,

    I am proud that I will die with victory.

    There is mortal peace on your face,

    This is not how we will remember you!


    The postman passes by

    And it's not our door that's knocking.

    The postman passes by

    We are not waiting for him now.

    He goes around all the apartments,

    All the neighboring houses

    We're only in our fourth month

    No postcard, no letter.

    Everyone receives letters from the front...

    I have a friend.

    He was yesterday before class

    He gave me two letters to read.

    Our teacher from the tankman

    I received a letter yesterday.

    But he doesn’t write to us from the front

    Our older sister.

    But today at dawn

    Suddenly the neighbors wake us up

    And they read to us in the newspaper the Printed Decree.

    It is written there, in the decree,

    Who will receive the orders?

    My sister Natasha is there.

    Maybe it's not her?..

    The neighbors say to my mother:

    Well, of course, your daughter.

    There can be no mistake here

    And the last name is exactly the same.

    Mom reads aloud:

    - “In March, on the first day,

    A young nurse saved twenty wounded people.”

    Mom is crying for some reason

    The younger brother shouts: “Hurray!”

    Well done sister Natasha,

    Our big sister!

    Suddenly I see the postman.

    I shout to him out the window:

    Are you not in the fifth apartment?

    There have been no letters for a long time!

    Mom comes out to answer the call,

    She opens the door herself.

    The postman gives it to her immediately

    Three letters from Natasha.

    Victory Day May 9 –
    A holiday of peace in the country and spring.
    On this day we remember the soldiers,
    Those who did not return to their families from the war.

    On this holiday we honor our grandfathers,
    Defending their native country,
    To those who gave Victory to the peoples
    And who returned peace and spring to us!
    (N. Tomilina)

    2. May. Russia

    Spring is blooming.
    The war died down long ago.
    And today at the mass graves
    Let us remember those who saved our lives.

    3. What kind of holiday?

    There are festive fireworks in the sky,
    Fireworks here and there.
    The whole country congratulates
    Glorious veterans.
    And the blooming spring
    Gives them tulips
    Gives white lilac.
    What a glorious day in May?
    (N. Ivanova)

    4. May holiday

    May holiday -
    Victory Day
    The whole country celebrates.
    Our grandfathers put on
    Military orders.

    The road calls them in the morning
    To the ceremonial parade.
    And thoughtfully from the threshold
    The grandmothers look after them.
    (T. Belozerov)

    5. Obelisks

    There are obelisks in Russia,
    They have the names of soldiers...
    My boys the same age
    They lie under the obelisks.
    And to them, silent in sadness,
    Flowers come from the field
    The girls who were waiting for them so much
    Now they are completely gray.
    (A. Ternovsky)

    6. Old photo

    Photograph on the wall -
    There are memories of the war in the house.
    Dimkin's grandfather
    On this photo:
    With a machine gun near the pillbox,
    Hand bandaged
    Smiles slightly...

    Here for just ten years
    Older than Dimka
    Dimkin's grandfather.
    (S. Pivovarov)

    7. At the obelisk

    The spruce froze on guard,
    The blue of the peaceful sky is clear.
    Years go by. In an alarming hum
    The war is far away.

    But here, at the edges of the obelisk,
    Bowing my head in silence,
    We hear the roar of tanks close
    And a soul-tearing explosion of bombs.

    We see them - Russian soldiers,
    That in that distant terrible hour
    They paid with their lives
    For bright happiness for us...

    8. On the radio

    Letter I tried
    Write without blots:
    "Please do
    A gift for grandfather..."

    Been on the road for a long time
    Musical hello.

    But here he comes
    And my grandfather hugged me -
    Came to see him on holiday
    9th May
    His favorite song
    (S. Pivovarov)

    9. What is Victory Day

    What is Victory Day?
    This is the morning parade:
    Tanks and missiles are coming,
    A line of soldiers is marching.

    What is Victory Day?
    This is a festive fireworks display:
    Fireworks fly into the sky
    Scattering here and there.

    What is Victory Day?
    These are songs at the table,
    These are speeches and conversations,
    This is my grandfather's album.

    These are fruits and sweets,
    These are the smells of spring...
    What is Victory Day -
    This means no war.
    (A. Usachev)

    10. Let children not know war

    I haven't seen the war, but I know
    How difficult it was for the people
    And hunger, and cold, and horror -
    They got to experience everything.

    Let them live peacefully on the planet,
    Let children not know war,
    Let the bright sun shine!
    We should be a friendly family!

    11. Medals

    A veteran is a seasoned fighter,
    I've seen a lot in my life.
    He is brave in battle
    Defended his country!

    On Victory Day they sparkled
    There are medals on his chest.
    There are medals on his chest!
    My sister and I counted them.

    12. Dead and alive

    To the dead -
    Be constantly on duty
    They live in street names and epics.
    Their exploits are holy beauty
    Artists will display it in paintings.
    Alive –
    To honor heroes, not to forget,
    Keep their names in immortal lists,
    Remind everyone of their courage
    And lay flowers at the foot of the obelisks!

    13. Grandfather's friends

    May... The birds are chirping with might and main,
    And the parade is going on in the capital.
    Grandfathers wear orders.
    Happy Victory Day!

    Friends come to grandpa
    They come on Victory Day.
    I like to listen for a long time
    Their songs and conversations.

    Burning gold in the sun
    Military awards,
    And they enter the house
    To our peaceful home,
    Front roads.

    I sit silently next to you,
    But sometimes it seems
    Why am I looking through the sights?
    That I'm preparing for a fight.

    Friends come to grandpa
    Celebrate the Victory.
    There are fewer and fewer of them
    But I believe:
    They will come again.

    14. Grandfather's story

    Yesterday Grandfather Zhenya told me:
    The partisan detachment was surrounded.
    They have eighteen grenades left,
    One pistol and one machine gun.

    There are more and more dead soldiers in the squad,
    The fascists are squeezing the ring ever tighter, -
    They are behind the bushes, they are behind the stones.
    And my grandfather shouted: “The Motherland is with us!”

    And everyone ran towards the enemy,
    And they started throwing grenades as they ran.
    Everyone fought bravely, forgetting about death, -
    And so, they managed to make a breakthrough.

    They went through the forest through the swamp:
    And then my grandfather was awarded a medal.
    (A. Paroshin)

    15. Holiday morning

    9th May!
    Delight and pain!
    Congratulate you
    Happy Victory Day, please!
    Lilac, cherry, apple trees
    Sprayed color.
    To everyone who fought,
    Thankful for that.

    Happy morning -
    A wonderful gift!
    They reflected
    There are blows at the front.
    From land, from sea, from sky
    We drove away the enemy.
    Everyone remembers their ancestors
    Light, road.

    Let it be for a minute
    All speech will be silent...
    And in memory of them
    Candles are lit.

    16. Victory Day

    On the glorious holiday - Victory Day,
    I hasten to congratulate my grandfather.
    He is a brave warrior,
    Defended his country!

    At 20 years old - a seasoned soldier,
    He saw a lot of grief.
    He fought his way from the Volga.
    The path was difficult, scary, long.

    Stalingrad, Moscow, Warsaw...
    For courage - Order of Glory.
    So many titles and medals
    Believe me, you haven't met!

    Grandfather told a little
    About the war and about the bombing.
    How they ate porridge in the trenches,
    And they turned gray before their time.

    He was wounded and had a cold,
    He went on the attack and was shell-shocked.
    And in the traveling medical battalion
    Met Baba Katya.

    Both she and her grandfather were lucky:
    We celebrated Victory together.
    And now in blooming May
    We celebrate the holiday together.

    Let there be peace on the planet!
    Happiness to adults
    Happiness to the children!
    (T. Lavrova)

    17. Veteran

    It gives me back pain,
    That's how my heart is acting up.
    Hold on! You are a grandfather with gray hair,
    And he's a boy at heart.

    The last fight has long cooled down
    In the ruins of the Reichstag,
    And the honor of a fighter is always with you,
    Your oath is with you.

    Live, soldier, while you're alive,
    Don't get cold on the march.
    Salute to you, our private!
    Hurray for you, our marshal!

    18. Congratulations to grandfather on May 9

    Congratulations grandpa
    Happy Victory Day.
    It's even good
    That he wasn't there.

    Was then as I am now,
    Vertically challenged.
    Although he did not see the enemy -
    I just hated it!

    He worked like a big man
    For a handful of bread,
    The day of Victory was approaching,
    Even though he was not a fighter.

    Steadfastly endured all hardships,
    Paying with childhood
    To live and grow in peace
    His grandson is wonderful.

    So that in abundance and love
    Enjoyed life
    So that I don't see the war,
    My grandfather saved the Fatherland.

    19. Grandfather's portrait

    Grandmother put on the medals
    And now she’s so beautiful!
    She celebrates Victory Day
    Remembering the great war.
    Grandma's face is sad.
    There is a soldier's triangle on the table.
    Grandfather's letter from the front
    Even now it is very painful for her to read.
    We look at grandfather's portrait
    And we shake hands with my brother:
    - Well, what kind of grandfather is this?
    He's still just a boy!
    (V. Turov)

    20. Military orders

    The dawns sparkle in the order's rays,
    No you can not,
    So that in desks
    The Light of Victory was locked for a year.
    The country is not for your personal glory
    She gave out awards without sparing:
    Take out the cup of the order,
    The world becomes brighter from them.
    (L. Sorokin)

    21. Monument in Berlin

    It was in May, at dawn,
    The battle intensified near the walls of the Reichstag.
    I noticed a German girl
    Our soldier on the dusty pavement.

    She stood at the post, trembling,
    IN blue eyes frozen in fear.
    And pieces of whistling metal
    Death and torment were sown all around.

    Then he remembered how, saying goodbye in the summer,
    He kissed his daughter
    Maybe this girl's father
    His own daughter was shot...

    But now, in Berlin, under fire,
    The fighter crawled and, shielding him with his body,
    A girl in a short white dress
    He carefully took it out of the fire.

    How many children have their childhood restored?
    Gave joy and spring.
    Privates of the Soviet Army,
    People who won the war!

    And in Berlin on a holiday
    Was erected to stand for centuries,
    Monument to the Soviet soldier
    With a girl saved in her arms.

    22. Salute

    Thundering outside the windows
    Firework -
    The lights bloom in bouquets.
    In my room
    Colorful reflections

    On the wall -
    Grandfather's portrait.
    He's comfortable here
    Twenty years.
    Belt, cap,
    Severe look
    From grandfather:
    It's not over yet
    And Victory is far away.
    But before her
    He didn’t live long -
    Near Kursk
    Grandfather is smitten...

    Thundering outside the windows
    Firework -
    Lights in bouquets
    And illuminates
    Bright light
    On the wall
    Grandfather's portrait.
    (V. Orlov)

    23. We celebrate Victory Day

    We celebrate Victory Day,
    He comes with flowers and banners.
    We are all heroes today
    We call by name.
    We know: it’s not at all easy
    He came to us - Victory Day.
    This day has been conquered
    Our dads, our grandfathers.
    And that's why today
    They put on medals.
    We, going to the holiday with them,
    They sang a sonorous song.
    We dedicate this song
    To our dads, our grandfathers.
    To our beloved Motherland
    Glory, glory on Victory Day!
    (Abdulhak Igebaev)

    24. Let there be peace

    Let the machine guns not fire,
    And the menacing guns are silent,
    Let there be no smoke in the sky,
    May the sky be blue

    Let the bombers run over it
    They don't fly to anyone
    People and cities don't die...
    Peace is always needed on earth!

    25. Thanks Everyone

    Thanks to everyone who gave their lives,
    For dear Rus', for freedom,
    Who forgot fear and fought,
    Serving my beloved people.

    Thank you,
    Your feat is eternal,
    While my country is alive,
    You are in our souls,
    In our heart
    We will never forget the heroes!

    26. Glory to our generals

    Glory to our generals
    And to ordinary soldiers.
    Glory to the fallen and the living,
    Thank you to them from the bottom of my heart!
    Let's not forget those heroes
    What lies in the damp ground,
    Giving my life on the battlefield
    For the people, for you and me!
    (S. Mikhalkov)

    27. Peace

    No, the word "peace" will hardly remain,
    When there will be wars people will not know.
    After all, what was previously called the world,
    Everyone will just call it life.

    And only children, experts on the past,
    Having fun playing war,
    Having run around, they will remember this word,
    With whom they died in the old days.

    28. Hurry, quickly get dressed!

    Hurry, hurry, get dressed!
    Call the guys quickly!
    In honor of Victory Day
    The guns are firing.

    Everything was quiet around
    And suddenly - fireworks! Firework!
    Rockets burst into flames in the sky
    Both there and here!

    Above the square
    Over the rooftops
    Above festive Moscow
    Soaring higher and higher
    The fountain of lights is alive!

    To the street, to the street
    Everyone is running happily
    They shout "Hurray"!
    For the holiday

    29. Let the days of war drag on for a very long time

    Let the days of war drag on for a very long time,
    Let the peaceful years rush by quickly.
    Victories near Moscow, near Kursk and on the Volga
    History will remember forever.
    May you now be fathers and grandfathers,
    The whiskey was silvered with gray hair.
    You will never forget the spring of Victory,
    The day the war ended.
    Even though many are out of action today,
    We remember everything that was done then
    And we promise our homeland
    Save for business, peace and labor.
    (Alexey Surkov)

    30. Imagine for a moment that there is a war outside the window

    Imagine for a moment that there is a war outside the window,
    That the sky is hidden under a black veil,
    The land is dead from tears and blood,
    Life was shattered by a grenade fragment.

    Imagine all the pain of suffering and loss
    On faces doomed by terrible news.
    When yesterday it was a clear day,
    On proms songs sounded.

    In an instant life turned upside down,
    The war has come, damn it!
    Imagine what an unthinkable feature
    Dividing everything irrevocably into “before” and “after”.

    Just imagine for a moment
    In the tears of my beloved, the kiss of a soldier,
    Under that terrible deadly roar,
    And the cry of the soul from damned hopelessness.

    Imagine...No way, never!
    And even in nightmare let him not dream.
    Bow to all those who defeated the enemy,
    Giving us a chance to enjoy a peaceful life!
    (sent by Elya Solnechnaya, 2016)

    We consider the Great Holiday of May 9 to be sacred because Victory Day is a holiday of liberation from the fascist invaders of our homeland. A celebration with tears in our eyes. It was and will always be so, because “no one is forgotten and nothing is forgotten”! In the post-war years and in our time, many poems were written about the great Victory Day, but we tried to collect the most touching and suitable for children preschool age And kindergarten. They are well remembered and easy to learn. These poems are also suitable for those children who want to please their front-line heroes - grandfathers or grandmothers. The poems collected here for Victory Day are perfect for children younger age, so parents can simply read them at home to introduce kids to our great history victory over fascism, so that children know its heroes...

    Poems about Victory for primary school children

    Very beautiful and touching poems about Victory for preschool children. These poems are short and very easy to remember.

    Victory Day

    Victory Day! Victory Day!
    We are all going to the parade.
    Victory Day! Victory Day!
    We carry red flags.

    Victory Day! Victory Day!
    The whole country is celebrating!
    Victory Day! Victory Day!
    After all, she is the only one we have!

    We carry flags with flowers
    On the most peaceful day of the year.
    You never know, kids.
    About war and trouble!

    Veteran's Tale

    Guys, I'm at war
    I went into battle and was on fire.
    Morz in the trenches near Moscow,
    But, as you can see, he’s alive.
    Guys, I had no right
    I'll freeze in the snow
    Drowning at the crossings
    Give your home to the enemy.
    I should have come to my mother,
    Grow bread, mow grass.
    On Victory Day with you
    See the blue sky.
    Remember everyone who is in a bitter hour
    He himself died, but saved the earth...
    I'm giving a speech today
    Here's what it's about, guys:
    We must protect our homeland
    Holy as a soldier!

    White birch

    I remember that a birch tree was wounded
    A bomb fragment at dawn.
    The icy juice ran like tears,
    On mutilated bark.

    Behind the forest the guns roared,
    Powder smoke billowed.
    But we defended the capital,
    They saved a birch tree near Moscow.

    And early in the spring
    White birch again
    Dressed in new leaves
    And she began to decorate the earth.

    And from then on, to all threats
    We always say:
    Native Russian birch
    We won't give you any more offense.

    Victory Day

    Happy Victory Day! This festival
    Gives pain in the heart:
    We remember all those who died,
    We salute everyone who went forward.

    Who fought for the Motherland,
    Without sparing life, strength,
    So that over your native country
    Peace reigned again.

    Let's keep this gift
    Given to us at the cost of life,
    To be discouraging
    Evil enemies are coming to us.

    I wish everyone on Victory Day
    Long life without war,
    Be worthy sons
    Our grandfathers and the country.

    What kind of holiday?

    There are festive fireworks in the sky,
    Fireworks here and there.
    The whole country congratulates
    Glorious veterans.

    And the blooming spring
    Gives them tulips
    Gives white lilac.
    What a glorious day in May?

    The longest day of the year

    The longest day of the year
    With its cloudless weather
    He gave us a common misfortune
    For everyone, for all four years.
    She made such a mark
    And laid so many on the ground,
    That twenty years and thirty years
    The living cannot believe that they are alive.
    And to the dead, having straightened the ticket,
    Everyone is coming, someone close to you,
    And time adds to the lists
    Someone else who is not there...
    And he puts up, puts up obelisks.

    I say “thank you” to my grandfather

    I say “thank you” to my grandfather
    Thank you from the bottom of my heart
    For the Fatherland, for Victory,
    For courage in that battle!

    In forty-fifth this holiday
    Became great for all of us.
    With pain in our hearts we remember
    We are still talking about war!

    Veterans! Congratulations,
    This is a holiday for the whole country!
    Your holiday is May 9!
    Our pride is you!

    Grandfather's portrait

    Grandmother put on the medals
    And now she’s so beautiful!
    She celebrates Victory Day
    Remembering the great war.
    Grandma's face is sad.
    There is a soldier's triangle on the table.
    Grandfather's letter from the front
    Even now it is very painful for her to read.
    We look at grandfather's portrait
    And we shake hands with my brother:
    - Well, what kind of grandfather is this?
    He's still just a boy!

    Eternal flame

    Above the grave, in a quiet park
    The tulips bloomed brightly.
    The fire is always burning here,
    A Soviet soldier is sleeping here.

    We bowed low
    At the foot of the obelisk,
    Our wreath blossomed on it
    Hot, fiery fire.

    Soldiers defended the world
    They gave their lives for us.
    Let's keep it in our hearts
    Bright memory of them!

    Like a continuation of the life of a soldier
    Under the stars of a peaceful power
    Flowers burn on military graves
    Wreaths of unfading glory.

    Victory Day

    Victory Day is a bright holiday,
    I'm so happy for him
    Because together with my grandfather
    I'm going to the parade!

    I want to be in the military ranks
    Walk with him
    Red Victory Banner
    Carry with him!

    Let my grandfather know -
    I'll be in line
    I can protect like him
    Your homeland!

    What is Victory Day?

    What is Victory Day?
    This is the morning parade:
    Tanks and missiles are coming,
    A line of soldiers is marching.

    What is Victory Day?
    This is a festive fireworks display:
    Fireworks fly into the sky
    Scattering here and there.

    What is Victory Day?
    These are songs at the table,
    These are speeches and conversations,
    This is my grandfather's album.

    These are fruits and sweets,
    These are the smells of spring...
    What is Victory Day -
    This means no war.


    My great grandfather
    Told me about the war.
    How they fought in a tank,
    Burnt in fire
    Lost friends
    Defending the country.
    Victory has come
    In the forty-fifth year!

    Evening sky
    Victory fireworks.
    Russian soldiers
    Our sleep is protected.
    I will grow up -
    I'll tell my children
    Like their great-grandfathers
    Defended the country!

    Short poems for Victory Day for kindergarten

    Here we have posted short poems for Victory Day, which even small children of kindergarten age can learn.

    Victory Day is coming

    Victory Day is coming -
    Everyone goes to the parade.
    And today everyone is happy
    And today everyone is happy.

    Because this is a holiday
    He gave peace to the people.
    And beloved Fatherland
    Protected from fascism!

    On the radio

    Letter I tried
    Write without blots:
    "Please do
    A gift for grandfather..."

    Been on the road for a long time
    Musical hello.

    But here he comes
    And my grandfather hugged me -
    Came to see him on holiday
    9th May
    His favorite song

    Victory Day

    May holiday -
    Victory Day
    The whole country celebrates.
    Our grandfathers put on
    Military orders.

    The road calls them in the morning
    To the ceremonial parade.
    And thoughtfully from the threshold
    The grandmothers look after them.

    No one is forgotten

    “No one is forgotten and nothing is forgotten” -
    Burning inscription on a block of granite.

    The wind plays with faded leaves
    And the wreaths are covered with cold snow.

    But, like fire, at the foot there is a carnation.
    No one is forgotten and nothing is forgotten.

    Let there be peace!

    Let the machine guns not fire,
    And the menacing guns are silent,
    Let there be no smoke in the sky,
    May the sky be blue
    Let the bombers run over it
    They don't fly to anyone
    People and cities don’t die...
    Peace is always needed on earth!

    At the cinema

    I watched a film about the war,
    And I was very scared.
    Shells were exploding, the battle was thundering,
    And people died.
    And my grandfather was sitting next to me,
    And there are medals on the chest.
    For being together with the country
    He broke the evil force...
    I stroke the medals with my hand
    And I kiss my grandfather.

    There was a war

    There was a war
    And people died.
    And the soldier went for the Motherland.
    He fought
    And he was brave.
    And he beat the fascists all in a row.
    And so he reached Berlin.
    He fought for four years.
    So I'm talking about grandma's dad
    Everyone on Victory Day

    To our grandparents

    To our grandparents
    I had to fight
    Not at desks to study,
    And hold a gun in your hands,
    On Victory Day we will remember everyone,
    Who fought in the war
    Let us congratulate those who are alive,
    Well, many are not with us,
    We won't forget anyone
    We will thank them
    For their courage and strength,
    For the opportunity to live in peace!

    Happy Victory Day

    Happy Victory Day!
    Let goodness reign.
    The feat of our grandfathers
    We have not forgotten.
    Glorious veterans
    We thank,
    On this holiday the main
    Let's give them honor!

    Congratulations to grandfather on Victory Day

    Congratulations to grandfather on Victory Day.
    It's even good that he wasn't there.
    I was then, like I am now, short in stature.
    Even though he didn’t see the enemy, he simply hated him!
    He worked like a big man. For a handful of bread,
    The day of Victory was approaching, even though I was not a fighter.
    He bravely endured all the hardships, paying with his childhood,
    So that his grandson lives and grows wonderfully in the world.
    So that you enjoy life in abundance and love,
    So that I don't see the war. My grandfather saved the Fatherland!

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