• To be an officer's wife... Being an officer's wife is not a calling, it's a choice


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    ...An officer's wife is hope and faith,

    Support and strength in your beloved face.

    An officer's wife deserves a career,

    After all, he serves Russia as an officer himself...

    (Excerpt from A. Filippenko’s song “The Officer’s Wife”)

    An officer’s family is often called a powerful rear, because, feeling the love and support of the woman he loves, he is able to overcome incredible difficulties, save his friends and himself for those who are always with him in their thoughts. Being quite far from her dearest person, the officer’s wife felt all his feelings, even physical pain...

    Wait and hope, hope and wait... And it seems to me that with every star in pursuit, somewhere in space a star flashes for the one that hides gray hides under ultra-modern paint, and the children know the best about their father, no matter what . Life from a lieutenant's wife to a senior officer's wife is a journey.

    These women put their lives on the altar of their husband’s service, forgetting once and
    forever about yourself, your profession, putting an end to your career. Together with her husband, they lead a nomadic life, renting sometimes unsuitable corners, transferring children from school to school and transporting simple belongings from place to place. An officer's wife is inseparable from her husband, his service and successes are her service and successes, which is probably why military wives always say in the plural: “We serve.”

    An officer's wife, according to the military themselves, is both a calling and a feat that not every woman can accomplish. An officer's wife requires much more courage, self-control, love, patience and understanding than a civilian's wife. And despite all the hardships of life that befall officer’s wives, they continue to share difficult service with their husbands and perform their duty with honor and dignity.

    I would especially like to note that even today, in such difficult times for our Fatherland, when difficulties for military personnel have only increased, officer’s wives continue to be proud of their husbands and status, no matter what.

    “There is such a profession - to defend the Motherland,” I remembered the phrase of the hero of Boris Vasiliev’s novel “Officers”. And they always defend the Motherland, not from nine to eighteen, with a break for lunch. They, the wives of officers, do not sleep at night, accompany their husbands to duty and understand that at any second the country may need his life. And they don’t call work for trifles: will you be home for dinner, did you forget to buy mayonnaise?

    There is no doubt that for the wife of a serviceman, Defender of the Fatherland Day is the same main holiday, as well as for her husband.

    I decided to ask Alla Volkova what it means to be an officer’s wife.

    A.N. Volkova is married to a major in the reserve, Igor Ivanovich Volkov. "IN next year On January 25, our wedding anniversary will be thirty,” says Volkova. Having known her for four years, I am once again amazed - a completely young woman is sitting in front of me: eyes with perky sparkles that fill half her face, an almost girlish infectious laugh and impetuosity of movements.

    The Volkovs were born and lived in the same village - Vishnevoy, Staroyurevsky district. They got married in January 1986, then I.I. Volkov had already graduated from the Sverdlovsk Higher Military-Political Tank and Artillery School. “In 1986, Igor went to Afghanistan, stayed there for two years, was an adviser and deputy platoon commander. He taught soldiers of the Afghan army to shoot and fight. These were probably the most difficult years of my life - years of constant fear, hopes, waiting for letters, phone calls, his return.” To the question: what does it mean, after all, to be an officer’s wife? She is silent for a moment, and then says: “This is enduring all the hardships and deprivations of military life along with her husband in the name of the Motherland. But there were many hardships; we did not serve in prosperous places. And all this, apparently, left an imprint on the rest of his life and on his character. The heightened sense of justice and the desire to do something not for oneself, but for people, remained forever. But I don’t regret for a second that I connected my life with the military!”

    An officer's wife is a special breed of woman who has seen and will see a lot in her lifetime. How to be a military wife? It’s not very sweet, however, those who are accustomed to camp life have their own motives for joy. For example, such families very rarely break up, because the institution of marriage means a lot to an officer.

    And would each of them agree to follow him throughout the country, being alone most of the time? That’s why their husbands value them for their devotion, which is worthy of a medal. We must not lose sight of the fact that the families of those serving in the army have more than enough privileges. And yet, to be or not to be an officer’s wife?

    This is your voluntary choice

    Before you connect your life with a professional military man, you simply have to put everything together positive sides this solution and subtract all negative ones. Otherwise, it will be too late to try to “get off the hook.”

    First of all, look at the personal qualities of your chosen one.. If in ordinary life If you can put up with many of your husband’s character traits, with his way of life, then where there are no friends or relatives nearby, you will be cut off from the whole world and experience all the hardships of a camp life, only your husband can brighten up your life. Therefore, if you already notice traits in him that are unpleasant, do not decide to marry an officer too hastily.

    Find a universal way to earn money

    According to statistics, about 40% of officers' wives cannot find employment in the unit, which is why they become housewives. This means that you will have to live from paycheck to paycheck of your husband, albeit quite high, and each time ask him for money for personal needs. And sitting idle all your life within the four walls of a dorm is not very sweet.

    Therefore, if you do not have a profession in demand in those places where the service will throw you, by the will of fate, there are only two options, both related to working from home. The first is handicraft, the second is freelancing. In both cases, you can achieve success if you have the desire.

    Increase your resistance to stress

    The hardships of living out of suitcases, the absence of relatives nearby, an angry husband who is not irritated not with you, but with his subordinates, all this requires remarkable self-control from an officer’s wife. Always remember that your husband is also trying his best, but sometimes he is not able to restrain himself. Don't take it personally. In order not to become isolated in your family and not to be offended by your husband for any reason, find yourself a hobby, or better yet, several.

    Playing sports will help you develop stress resistance, Fresh air, meditation, as well as simple worldly wisdom, which is often acquired only after many years of marriage. Over time, learn to determine when your husband is not in a good mood, and when you can talk to him.

    In many cases, a sense of humor will help you out. For example, find the charter of an officer’s wife, which was invented by students of one of the military schools. The text, in a light humorous form, shows what the military man expects from his wife and what she will receive in return if she religiously observes the regulations. In order not to be left alone with your problems, register on forums of wives of officers like you and share your experiences with each other.

    Any married woman, no matter how happy she is, she knows that family life- these are not only joys, but also worries, problems, worries about your loved one and children, and a lot of everyday affairs. But for those who decided to throw in their lot with an officer, this applies to an even greater extent. A military wife is not only family status, but also an honorary title, which is very difficult to live up to.

    What does it mean to be a military wife?

    Being an officer's wife is not at all easy; she also serves with her lover, obeying the same orders and the same daily routine as him.

    What should a girl who decides to throw in her lot with a military man have to be prepared for:

    • TO long separations and often unexpected business trips, when all everyday problems and raising children fall on her shoulders
    • To frequent changes of place of residence, and few people may like semi-nomadic life, unsettled life and temporary apartments
    • The need to be not only faithful and loving wife, but also family psychologist who can relieve stress and create a cozy atmosphere in the family
    • To the fact that the husband will not talk about official matters and share work problems, that there will always be a line in his life beyond which he will not allow her
    • To self-denial, because often military wives have to give up their work, careers, and small feminine joys. In distant garrisons there are often no fitness centers, beauty salons, or large stores

    But there is one very important circumstance that forces women to endure all these inconveniences, to put up with both their husband’s workload and his absences. This is Love. And those who know what family life with an officer is are sure: you can become a real military wife only through love.

    How to be a military wife: features of life and relationships

    Military service is not a job, but a lifestyle. This should be understood by women who have chosen the fate of an officer's wife. So that family life with a military man is not a burden and brings not only problems, but also joy, it must be built on love and understanding.

    To do this, it is necessary to take into account a number of features of coexistence with a military personnel:

    • The spouse is a military man and remains one at home, which means that family and everyday life are most often subject to a strict routine
    • Officer families most often have patriarchal orders. A woman must not only understand, but also accept her role as a homemaker.
    • Military service is difficult not only physically, but also psychologically, so the home should be that island of comfort and peace where your man can rest and relax
    • Life in garrisons forces most officers' wives to become housewives. To avoid getting irritated by boredom and complaining to your spouse, find something you like, a hobby or a specialty that will be in demand everywhere
    But most importantly, remember that you yourself made the choice to become the wife of an officer
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