• What is better – tips or forms? Tips or forms: which is better for nail extensions


    This eternal question, which torments our clients and because of which disputes constantly occur between masters: Which extension is better on tips or on forms? Naturally, every master proves that his extension technology, which he uses, is the best. In fact, the opposition of these two technologies usually leads to a dead end, since a master who masters both of these technologies can make nails in such a way that it is almost impossible to distinguish tips from forms. The modeling method is most often selected by the master and depends on the shape and condition of the client’s nails.

    So, what is the difference between types and forms?

    TYPES. Tips (from the English word tips- tips), these are plastic blanks, with the help of which they give the shape and length of a natural nail. The most common material for manufacturing is ABS plastic. Tips made from this material meet all the requirements for tips, namely, they must be: thin, elastic, safe for human health, easy to file, adhere well and hold the applied extension material.

    Types are distinguished:

    1. By contact zone- the place where the tip is glued to the nail. The contact zone can be large or small, deep or not, and there are tips without it at all (non-contact). The area of ​​the contact zone is selected depending on the characteristics of the nail. If the nail bed is short, then the contact area should be minimal; if the nails bend down, the same thing. Non-contact tips are French tips or tips with a pattern that do not need to be filed in the gluing area at the border with the natural nail.

    2. By shape- tips are straight, classic (with a slight bend), curved, tapered, etc. They also come different lengths, but usually they are made quite long. Curled tips are designed to create the effect of curved nails. Most often, classic forms are used with a slight bend that imitates the natural curve of a natural nail. With short and medium length the bend will be almost invisible.

    3. By color- there are tips natural color, transparent, colored and with design. French tips are used to create french manicure. They are usually contactless and very thin.


    Forms are devices (templates or stencils) that are placed under the edge of a natural nail. On which the material for extension is laid out. Forms are disposable and reusable.

    Disposable paper forms are:

    2. "Square"- for nails with disturbed proportions, square or trapezoidal nail beds. The shape is convenient for use on flat nails, as well as on nails with an overgrown free edge.

    Teflon or metal molds - designed for reusable use.

    The strength of nails does not depend on the type of shape, which cannot be said about appearance. Nails made using paper forms are more beautiful, because the master has the opportunity to “adjust” the standard form to any nail.


    1. If the client’s nails are normal, have a regular, almond-shaped shape, then there will be no problems with choosing an extension method and the master can offer any of two shapes or tips.

    2. If the shape of the nail is flat, then in this case you can also choose any of the two methods, but taking into account the following nuances:

    If flat nails are wide enough, then it is better to use forms, because the master may simply not choose tips of the appropriate size,

    If the client insists on extensions with tips, then it is necessary to first cut down the contact area of ​​the tips to the required size.

    3. If your nails are bitten, it is better to apply extensions using tips with a small contact area. The surface of bitten nails is always uneven; the nail seems to sink into the high pads of the fingers. In this case, the craftsman needs to carefully file away all the irregularities and create a smooth surface for gluing the tips.

    4. If the nails are bent down, it is better to apply extensions using forms. Moreover, the shape must be selected along the smile line under natural nail. If only available universal forms, then before extensions it is necessary to cut out the necessary smile line in them and glue them from the wrong side to the area where the free edge is formed, which will significantly strengthen the shape itself.

    5. If the nails are springboard-shaped, then it is better for the master to offer the client extensions using tips, having first briefly filed the free edge of the nail and removed its thickness with a file. After this, carefully select tips for each nail. One feature is that for nails with a trapezoidal nail shape, you need tips with a more pronounced arch and with an S curve and a small contact area. Tips classic shape They are not suitable for springboard-shaped nails, because... Their wear life is sharply reduced.

    I am familiar with both types and forms once, so the title is 1:1. I have always been somehow against extensions, they say my nails will grow on their own, and besides, there is an active opinion that extensions ruin nails forever. I thought and thought so, I broke my natural ones, cut them off, grew them again, and at one fine moment I immediately wanted beautiful, long and strong nails. And my wish came true, even twice, now I’ll tell you how. I'll start with forms, because my acquaintance with extensions began with them.

    A year ago, I received a gift certificate from my friends for extensions to a well-known professional in our small town. Yes, I'm not afraid of this word. You can find many of her works on VKontakte and they are all very worthy. In short, I didn’t regret that I increased it, but there were also some disadvantages. No, not a complaint against the master, everything is subjective. An hour and a half and I have a long blue jacket with rhinestones on it ring finger! Beauty! I had it for 2 weeks and took it off because I was already tired of them. By the way, not a single one fell off, did not break off, and they even suggested not to remove such beauty, but to make a correction, but they were unable to walk. Subjective disadvantages: it is not convenient to press the seat belt button and the toilet button, and in general all the buttons that need to be pressed. You can’t pick your teeth and nose, it’s a joke, of course. I’m a wire worker myself, so the orders were standing, it’s impossible to pick up small parts and beads! I took them off and swore off extensions, not mine!

    That's what I thought. Year. Not yet fell for a freebie.

    Why am I writing here about tips then, since I’ve written so much about forms? Because everything is fine there - I built it up, took it for 2 weeks, and took it off. All. No problem. If I weren’t a needlewoman, that would be beauty in general. With tips everything is a little more complicated.

    I became nostalgic for beautiful long nails and I just saw the ad The educational center, free manicure." That's it, it caught fire! Here it is, a freebie! I called and found out that the materials cost 150 rubles, that's all! Compared to extensions from a professional, it costs as much as 1200. Of course it turned out to be tips. Healthy skepticism told me that nothing good would come of this idea, but I didn’t listen. And it was not in vain that the smart students gave me good nails - black French (they were so surprised, they probably thought that French only came in white), it turned out beautiful and unusual. The shape is sharp and more convenient than a square one. I could even practice my favorite hobby. And press buttons. I went through almost 2 weeks and 2 nails on my index fingers fell off. Well, never mind, I was booked in for withdrawal the very next day. They fell off painlessly. I didn’t pick the rest and decided to wait. Then the NIGHTMARE began!!! I thought it was like last time they would soak me and pick them out, but they started SAWING! It’s terrible what happened to my nails... They tore off my cuticle and skin, the nail on my little finger became like a rag, and what’s more, there was almost none left! The nails were glued on conscientiously, and they were filed for 1.5 hours.

    I liked everything about the tips. They looked good, the shape, and even the procedure time (3-4 hours) did not spoil my impression. But removal... I don’t know, I probably should have removed it and gone to a professional

    In the process of nail extensions, the master can use tips or forms. Both one and the other method have their adherents and opponents. Some people believe that tips significantly enhance natural nails. Some people think that extensions on shapes look more natural. How exactly to create magnificent nails is chosen by either the master or the client, but the decisive decision can be made based on the shape and current state of natural nails. Both forms and tips serve only as a kind of lining material for the gel or acrylic mass, the quality of which determines the strength and durability of the created manicure.

    "Overhead" extension

    Tips are ready-made plastic overlays of a certain thickness that follow the shape of the nail. They are made of stable elastic material, completely safe for humans. These overlays are glued to the nails on 2/3 of the plate, filed to smooth the transition between the natural nail and the overlay, and covered with the selected material: gel or acrylic. The length can be adjusted at your discretion.

    Types can be different:

    • in shape - classic, tapered, straight or curved (C-shaped).
    • by color – colorless, natural Pink colour or decorated with a design (for example, French). You can also choose the degree of transparency.
    • according to the area of ​​contact with the natural nail - according to the size of the fit and the thickness of the fit: flat or with recess.

    What are forms?

    Templates or forms are placed tightly under the base of the natural plate, and the model is modeled on them. artificial nail. The template is made of foil-coated cardboard, metal or plastic. Depending on the manufacturing materials used, forms can be disposable or reusable. Disposable forms are more convenient, as they can be adapted to any nail plate. On the surface of the template there are marks indicating the size of the nails, which helps the master to immediately create the length.

    When is it better to use molds and when to use tips?

    1. If the natural nail has the correct elongated almond shape, then you can use one method of extension or another.
    2. If natural nail plate wide, for example, trapezoidal, then it is better to use molds, because the width of the tips may not be enough and the surface will turn out uneven.
    3. If the nails are very short, then the only suitable option is to use tips. The forms can only be used for nails whose length is 1-2 mm, and for very short and uneven nails It will not be possible to fit the template tightly.
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