• ​What only comic book fans know about Star-Lord. The Long Awaited Date (Guardians of the Galaxy) He almost died in a place called Cancer


    Star-Lord(Star-Lord) (in Russian version Star Lord)his real name Peter Quill is a fictional character, a superhero who appears in the Marvel Comics universe. Created by Steve Englehart and Steve Gagne, the character first appeared in a comic book Marvel Preview #4(January 1976). The son of a human woman and an alien father, Peter takes on the mantle of Star-Lord, an interplanetary policeman.

    The character plays a role in crossover comic book events Annihilation(2006) and Annihilation: Conquest(2007), and became the leader of the cosmic superhero team Guardians of the Galaxy in the 2008 reboot of the comic book of the same name. He has been featured in various Marvel-related animated series, as well as toys and trading cards. Star-Lord, how main character in the movie Guardians of the Galaxy.


    Other versions

    Return of Ultron

    During the story Age of Ultron Star-Lord is a member of the Guardians after Wolverine and the Invisible Lady and goes back in time to kill Henry Pym to prevent the creation of Ultron.


    Star-Lord is a member of the Guardians of the Galaxy team, which also includes: Drax the Destroyer, Beetle, Moondragon, File-Vell, Mantis, Major Victory, Jack Flag and Cosmo.


    Star-Lord master strategy and find solutions to escape various problems, is an expert in close combat, an expert in the use of various human and foreign firearms, military equipment and has extensive knowledge of various foreign customs, as well as various knowledge of space theses.

    Star-Lord, Peter Quill wears a suit that provides increased strength and durability, as well as the ability to move through space. The character also uses blasters, which can fire one of the four elements (air, earth, fire and water). Star-Lord also maintains a psychological connection with his living spacecraft, "The Ship".

    The ship is actually a sentient form of energy. She most often exists in the form of a starship, but can change her form. She can move in air, space and water. She possesses the usual accessories for a starship, including a shield, energy blasters, advanced sensors, replicators and holographic projectors. She was able to create a human form, which he could then animate and use as a body to move around. Even if he is completely destroyed, he can calmly restore himself, because her true form is her consciousness. In addition, she takes on a number of female signs, such as maternal instincts, caring for those with whom she cooperates. She felt a deeper investment, including the love of her partners for her.

    You can create Widgets on your ship - small mobile Droids that can scout the situation, collect information, and then return back to the ship. But what exactly the Ship is capable of and what limits of power it has are unknown.

    During Star-Lord's battle with The Fallen One, his blasters, suit and ship were destroyed. Due to his severe injury, he is given cybernetic eye implants by doctors on Kyln, where he was sentenced. Eye implants allow him to see all energy spectra and a memory chip in his head allows him to remember 100% of what happened.

    On the Kree world of Aladon Prime - Star-Lord's cybernetic implants were removed. Star-Lord was equipped with Kree equipment spy-combat suit, which became business card look for Guardians of the Galaxy, Battle Helmet, and Universal Translator, all of which he still uses. His combat helmet analyzes strategy data, and it can also improve vision and regulate oxygen when in space.

    Star-Lord chose two Kree submachine guns with various types ammunition, including explosives.

    In the media
    Cartoon series

    Star-Lord appears in The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes episode "Michael Korvac", voiced by Steve Downes. He and the other Guardians attack the Avengers because the Avengers were protecting the man Michael Korvac.

    Star-Lord appears in the animated series Ultimate Spider-Man, voiced by Chris Cox. He is a member of the Guardians of the Galaxy team and coach of Sam Alexander.

    Star-Lord will appear in the animated series Hulk and the Agents of U.D.A.R., voiced by Chris Cox. He appears in the episodes "What a Lovely SMASH" and "Guardians of the Galaxy", and Will Friedel voiced the character in the episode "Monster of the Planet: Part 2".

    Star-Lord will appear in the animated series Avengers: Disc Wars, voiced by Gou Inoe. He appears with the Guardians of the Galaxy team in the episode "Guardians of the Galaxy".

    Star-Lord will appear in the animated series Guardians of the Galaxy, voiced by Will Friedle.

    Animated films

    Star-Lord appears in the animated film Planet Hulk. He makes a small cameo appearance and can be seen on the podium during one of the Hulk's fights.


    Star-Lord will appear in the film "", the role of the character is played by .

    • Star-Lord appears in Guardians of the Galaxy 2, played by Chris Pratt.
    • Star-Lord appears in the film Avengers: Infinity War.
    • Star-Lord appears in the film Avengers: Endgame.


    Star-Lord is available as a downloadable character for LittleBigPlanet as part of the Marvel Costume Kit 5.

    Star-Lord will be featured in Lego Marvel Super Heroes, voiced by Travis Willingham.

    The Guardians of the Galaxy were unknown to a wide audience for a long time, even among comic book readers they were not very popular. But everything changed with James Gunn's 2014 film. The popularity of the Guardians is now almost the same as that of the Avengers. This year alone we have a second film, a second season of the animated series, a game and 4-5 comic book series related to the Guardians universe. And Star-Lord, played by Chris Pratt, is already considered one of the best incarnations of a comic book character on screen. So let's find out more about Star-Lord.

    15. His debut took place in 1976

    Peter Jason Quill's first appearance occurred in the pages of black-and-white Marvel Preview #4. Its creators are screenwriter Steve Englehart and artist Steve Gan. Meredith Quill gave birth to Peter during an unusual parade of planets. When the baby was born, her husband Jacob was furious that the baby didn't look like him and accused her of infidelity. Jacob grabs the child and carries him outside to kill him with an ax, but a sudden heart attack saves the boy. Peter was raised by his mother alone until the fateful day when aliens arrive on Earth looking for little Quill. His mother dies protecting him, and Peter, who has become an orphan, is sent to an orphanage.

    When Peter grows up, he joins NASA as an astronaut trainee. However, his childhood traumas make him a complete jerk, motivated only by revenge for his mother. Despite his academic success, mental problems mean that he has almost no friends and acquaintances. When the aliens ask NASA to provide them with... worthy person, who will become “Star-Lord”, Peter’s name is understandably not even remembered. This angers him, and with a pistol in his hands, he makes his way through the guards, wounding several people along the way, and, stealing spaceship, goes to the aliens. There he meets the Sun Master, who, despite knowing about Peter's deception, decides to make him the new Star-Lord. Peter eventually accepts his responsibility and takes the path of a hero.

    14. His origin story has changed several times

    Perhaps, after reading the last paragraph, you asked the question: “Is this really Star-Lord?” It's simple, the story of the classic Peter Quill has undergone a number of changes. The late 70s/early 80s version of Peter was a standard superhero, somewhat reminiscent of Green Lantern. New authors made the Master of the Sun Peter's father, although later the Emperor of Sparta Jason became his father.

    After disappearing from comics for almost 20 years, Peter Quill returned in 2004 in Thanos #8. However, it was immediately clear that this Star-Lord was completely different. He had a different appearance and character, and a different background. The only similarities were the name, purpose and father Jason. The classic Star-Lord became an alternate version of the character from Earth-791.

    13. He has a difficult relationship with his father.

    His future father Jason is the emperor of the planet Sparta, who crashed and fell to Earth, where he met and fell in love with Meredith Quill. But since he could not stay or take her with him, he erased her memory and left the Earth. His attempts to forget their relationship were ruined by Meredith's pregnancy. It didn't take long for Jason to find out about his son. But he immediately invited him to his place to rule the people of Sparta together. After several refusals from Peter, Jason began to become angry and resentful of the Guardians, after which he turned into an evil dictator. As a result, he attacks and kidnaps the Guardians so that his son, in an attempt to bargain for freedom for his friends, will stay with him. But Captain Marvel ruins all of Jason's plans and reveals his evil nature in live, after which the Spartans rebel and the ruler is forced to flee the planet.

    Left without power, Jason becomes a shadowy underworld boss nicknamed "Mr. Knife." And his first order for every mercenary in the universe is his own son.

    12. He wasn't part of the original Guardians of the Galaxy.

    The Guardians of the Galaxy superhero team first appeared in 1969. The composition of the original team was different from the heroes we know now. The team consisted of: Major Vance Astro (later Major Victory) - an earthly astronaut frozen in ice for 1000 years; Martinex T'naga, the crystal man from Pluto; genetically modified soldier Charlie-27; Nikki with fiery hair; the possessor of superhuman strength, Starhawk; and most famously, Yondu Udonta, a blue-skinned alien hunter with a red fin on his head.

    The more famous team lineup: Star-Lord, Gamora, Drax, Groot and Rocket. They only appeared in the 2008 reboot. In the beginning they didn't even have a name until they found Major Victory in the ice and he inspired their name. An attempt to bring back the classic Guardians occurred in 2014 in the Guardians 3000 series, but the series quickly closed due to the Secret Wars.

    11. His Alien Bloodline Gives Him Superpowers

    His father's genes not only instilled in Peter a desire to explore the stars, but also gave him some unusual opportunities. Alien physiology gives him superhuman strength, making him much stronger than an ordinary person. To all this is added coordination and flexibility higher than that of earthly athletes. He almost never gets tired, as his body fights fatigue, thanks to all this he becomes an unsurpassed fighter.

    All of Peter's capabilities are unknown; the big question for many remains how he will age. The life expectancy of Spartans is approximately three times longer than that of a human.

    10. His enhanced mental abilities make him a top-notch pilot.

    Peter inherited his father's brains, and thanks to this he has a particularly developed mind. He may act stupid and cocky, but his brain works more powerfully and faster than that of an ordinary person. Thanks to this, Peter is an excellent tactician, able to quickly navigate critical situations and make strategic decisions.

    Star-Lord is also capable of quickly understanding and learning other languages. All this helps him not only instantly understand the principles of controlling spaceships, but also perform complex maneuvers.

    9. He has a living spaceship

    When the original Peter Quill of Earth-791 became Star-Lord, along with the title he received several things from the Master of the Sun, among which was a spaceship, which Quill originally called "The Ship". It soon became clear that the "Ship" was an intelligent star named Aurora from the material that was formed after its explosion and was collected by the "Ship".

    In addition to the properties of a good ship, it has unique properties, can telepathically communicate with Peter, create his own living avatar and restore himself from almost nothing. Unfortunately, the "Ship" was completely destroyed during the Lord's battle with one of Galactus's heralds named the Fallen.

    8. His personal pistol can fire four elements

    One of the most memorable pieces of Star-Lord's equipment were his blasters. The elemental blaster is capable of creating and firing any of 4 elements simultaneously. This blaster was used by both versions of Star-Lord, but only recently was their main secret revealed.

    Brian Michael Bendis in Guardians of the Galaxy #1, released in 2013, said that Jason left these blasters to Peter's mother so that they would later be inherited by him. Peter discovers the weapon during an alien attack on his mother. The weapons have a DNA lock, only King Jason's bloodline will be able to fire them. The blaster design was different in the film, but it was redesigned in the comics to resemble its film version.

    7. He had cybernetic implants

    During the already mentioned battle between Star-Lord and the Fallen, in order to charge the “Ship” with enough energy to cause damage, Peter had to sacrifice an entire Kree colony of 35,000 inhabitants for the sake of victory. And then eventually with his friend “Ship”. After the victory, Peter handed over the Fallen and himself to the authorities as guilty of genocide.

    Severely wounded, Peter is taken to Kiln Prison, where his damaged body is repaired with implants. The left eye gains improved vision and the ability to see all energy spectra. His already developed brain receives a chip that expands his memory by 100%. Quill will remove all these upgrades later.

    6. He was engaged to Kitty Pryde

    Quill and Kitty Pryde of the X-Men met during the Guardians of the Galaxy crossover with the X-Men in the storyline "The Trial of Jean Grey". A little flirtation turned into constant communication on an intergalactic telephone. They developed feelings for each other and later entered into a long-distance relationship. One day, Star-Lord misses a phone date because he was kidnapped by Kill Squad, Kitty steals the Quinjet and flies into space to rescue Peter.

    After the events of "Black Vortex", Peter knelt in zero gravity and proposed to Kitty, and she accepted. Then Secret Wars changed the entire multiverse. Kitty died, Star-Lord was left heartbroken. When peace was restored and Kitty returned from the dead, the couple decided to take a break from their relationship. It's a pity that we are unlikely to see this colorful couple on the big screen.

    5. He was briefly replaced by another Star-Lord

    In the mid-90s, Peter Quill was absent from comics. Senjin Quarell was a simple official of the planet Probity, who strangely finds himself in the jungle, where he finds Quill’s old ship, the same “Ship”. Senjin named him Rora. With his newfound powers, he began to fight the corrupt legal system.

    Rora taught Quarell how to become the legendary Star-Lord. After defeating the crooked lawman Harith Daimish, who was trying to seize power through military forces, Senjin began new life in the guise of Starlord. The series was not a real success and was quickly closed.

    4. When he was trapped in Battleworld, he became a lounge singer and sang Disney songs.

    Returning to "Secret Wars", Peter Quill is one of the survivors who ended up on Battleworld, a planet created by Doctor Doom from pieces of many alternate Earths. Unsure of what might happen next, he lays low in an alternate version of Manhattan and gets a job as a singer at the trendy club The Quiet Room.

    In the comic book Star-Lord and Kitty Pryde, we meet Quill under the pseudonym Singing Stevie Rogers. Quill earned a lot of popularity and money by singing Disney songs in a reality where they never existed. He performs "Part of Your World" from The Little Mermaid when an alternate version of Kitty Pryde enters the bar, causing him to stop and reminding him of his bitter loss.

    3. Became King of Sparta, leaving Kitty Pryde to become the new Star-Lord

    After the end of the Secret Wars, reality was restored and Peter was summoned by the people of Sparta to become their king. Peter reluctantly accepted this responsibility and began to rule Sparta.

    He left the Guardians, Rocket became the new leader of the team. His relationship with Kitty Pryde was almost over, and she left him to join the Guardians, where she became the new Star-Lord (later Star-Lady). Politics and government affairs soon made Peter unhappy. Things got much worse when Accuser Hala attempted to destroy Sparta for Quill's possible crimes. The Spartans blame the king for everything and overthrow him from the throne. Quill, having nothing against it, returns to the Guardians.

    2. James Gunn wasn't entirely sure Chris Pratt was right for the role.

    The magnificent performance of the role of Star-Lord by Chris Pratt raised the actor to a new level of popularity. Although now it is difficult to imagine anyone else in this role, everything could have been different. Director James Gunn looked through many Hollywood actors in an attempt to find the right candidate for the leading role. The casting included such stars as Eddie Redmayne, Jim Sturgess, Joseph Gordon-Levitt and many others. When Chris Pratt's name was mentioned, Gunn called him "the chubby guy from Parks and Recreation." Gunn said: “I don’t want to see him audition. We've been through a lot of people and seen a lot of very good actors. I'm looking for someone who will fit the role perfectly and also take it to the next level, like Robert Downey Jr did with Iron Man. I kept saying, “No, no, no.”

    Glenn Howerton (“It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia”) was the main contender for the role of Star-Lord. Fortunately, casting director Sarah Finn was hostile to Glenn's appearance and invited Pratt anyway. It only took Gunn 20 seconds to realize that this was the same actor.

    1. Casting Kurt Russell as Peter's father was Chris Pratt's idea.

    One of the mysteries remaining after the first part of Guardians of the Galaxy was the identity of Quill's alien father. Everyone assumed that, as in the comics, he would be the Emperor of Sparta, Jason. Therefore, many were surprised when it became known that Peter's father in the film would be the living planet Ego, played by the brilliant Kurt Russell.

    Casting Russell as Ego and Sylvester Stallone in the secret role made sense since Quill is a child of the '80s and the two actors were superstars back then. However, Russell's involvement was not worked out until Chris Pratt suggested it to director James Gunn: "Hey, if you want to cast someone in this role, Kurt is a pretty great idea." According to the director, “you can’t argue with that logic.”

    Name: Peter

    Last name: Quill

    Marital status: Married to Samantha Strange

    Nicknames: Star-Lord, Quill

    Hair Color: Blonde

    Eye color: Blue

    Organizations: Guardians of the Galaxy, Previously: Ravagers

    Position: Good

    Age: 37 years old

    Height: 188 cm


    Early Life

    Peter Quill was born and raised in Missouri. His mother died when he was 8 years old. After this, Peter was kidnapped from Earth by a group of thieves and smugglers calling themselves the Ravagers, led by Yondu. They were supposed to hand the boy over to his father, who was a member of some alien race, but they did not, and Peter grew up among them and became a very gifted and skilled thief.

    Sphere Detection

    After living in space for 26 years, Peter began calling himself Star-Lord and earned a reputation as a notorious criminal. He was wanted for robbery, public drunkenness and fraud. One of the tasks that Peter received from Yondu was to find the mysterious Orb hidden on the planet Morag. When Peter got the Orb, he was discovered by Korath, Ronan's henchman, who also wanted to get his hands on this artifact. Peter managed to escape from Korath.

    Star-Lord then went to Xandar, where he intended to sell the artifact to a broker, but he refused to make a deal after learning that Ronan was also looking for the Orb. When Peter left the broker's store, he was attacked by Gamora, who was also hunting for the artifact, and then by Rocket and Groot. The fight was stopped by the Nova Corps, who sent everyone to Kyln Prison.

    Jail break

    In prison, Peter Quill managed to convince Rocket, Groot, Gamora, and Drax, who joined them, to unite. Together they developed an escape plan and, having got out of prison, flew away on Peter's spaceship. Gamora announced that she planned to sell the Orb to the Collector. Peter invited everyone to follow her plan, realizing that the possession of this mysterious artifact was a source of serious danger for them.

    On Znamogde

    The group arrived on the planet Knownwhere and handed over the Orb to the Collector. He began to talk about the power and history of the artifact. Suddenly, Tivan's assistant Karina, wanting to get rid of her master's power, grabbed the Sphere. Due to the huge release of energy, an explosion occurred that destroyed the entire museum. At this time, Ronan and Nebula, Gamora's old rival, arrived there. They managed to take away the Orb, and Gamora ended up in outer space. Peter, not wanting to watch her die, sent a message with their coordinates to Yondu, and before the Ravagers arrived, he put his helmet on Gamora, allowing her to breathe in a vacuum. The Ravagers have arrived. Rocket, Groot and Drax fought them, not knowing that they were allies, but Peter managed to calm everyone down and calm the unpleasant situation. They decided to unite and jointly return the Sphere.

    Battle for Xandar

    Peter Quill explained to his team that by fighting against Ronan, they were putting themselves in mortal danger, but nevertheless, they could not afford to just watch innocents being killed, because they were the Guardians of the Galaxy. They called in the Nova Corps for help. Arriving at Xandar, the Guardians attacked Ronan, but he, possessing the Orb, became virtually invulnerable. But Rocket sent Quill's spaceship into Ronan's ship, and the collision began to cause it to fall. The Guardians were saved by Groot, who sacrificed his life and covered them with his body like a shield. Ronan emerged from the rubble unharmed, and then Peter distracted him with his dancing, and Rocket and Drax managed to disarm the enemy, who missed the Orb. Peter caught the artifact. To prevent the Orb's power from killing him, Gamora, Drax and Rocket came to the rescue. Together they held hands, this helped contain the energy of the Orb and direct it towards Ronan, who was eventually destroyed.


    After getting rid of Ronan, Yondu demanded that the Orb be handed over to him, without listening to Quill, who tried to prove that the artifact would be safe only with the Nova Corps. But Yondu was adamant, and Peter handed him the container with the Sphere. But as it turned out later, it was just a fake, and the real artifact was transferred to Nova and began to be stored on Xandar. As a reward, all charges against the Guardians of the Galaxy were dropped, and Peter's restored ship was also returned to them. Little Groot was also with them; Rocket planted one of the sprouts of his destroyed body in a pot, and it gradually began to recover.

    Peter Quill aka Star-Lord - superhero, main character Earth 19999 (Marvel Cinematic Universe) and the film Guardians of the Galaxy, where he was played by Chris Pratt.

    Quill was born in Missouri, USA and was raised by his mother. Peter didn't know his father.

    When Peter was eight years old, his mother, who had cancer, died, and he himself was abducted by an alien gang of smugglers led by a blue-skinned man. The gang was hired by Peter's father, but the smugglers decided to keep the boy for themselves.

    Peter Quill - Guardian of the Galaxy

    The boy grew up among the Ravagers, becoming a professional thief. He had an apparatus implanted in his neck that allowed him to understand the speech of all creatures.

    After 26 years of space travel, robbery and drunkenness, the boy became a man and began to call himself Star-Lord (as his mother called him in childhood). Peter has become known in many parts of the galaxy and is wanted as a criminal. He acquired his own Milano ship, wore a helmet that had numerous gadgets and used weapons that shot energy.

    The only expensive thing for Quill since childhood was his Sony Walkman, given by his mother, with two cassettes, which he constantly listened to.

    When Yoda wanted to find the expensive artifact Sphere, he sent Peter to look for it. Star-Lord traveled to Morag, where he found the artifact and was attacked by Korath, who was working for the planet destroyer Ronan.

    Guardians of the Galaxy

    Soon, Yondu found out that Peter had ditched him, deciding to sell the goods himself and announced a reward for his head.

    To push the Sphere, Peter went to Xander. There he was attacked by Gamora, as well as Raccoon and Groot, who needed credits for Quil’s head. Because of this skirmish, all four were tied up by the Nova Corps and sent to Kyln Prison.

    Only through joint efforts did Lord and his new company manage to escape from prison. His allies were Rocket Raccoon, Groot, Drax the Destroyer and Gamora.

    Since Gamora had a buyer for the Sphere, the team went to Znamogda to see Collector Tivan. During the deal, Tivan's assistant touched the open Orb and caused an explosion, ruining the deal.

    Meanwhile, Ronan's forces arrived on the planet, summoned by Drax the Destroyer. In the ensuing shootout, Ronan ended up with the Sphere. Gamora was thrown into outer space, and Peter, who showed interest in the green woman, rushed to save her, putting his helmet on her. The one who arrived saved Peter from death.

    Guardians of the Galaxy

    To prevent the Ravagers from killing Lord and Gamora, Peter made a tempting offer, urging Yondu to get involved in the fight against Ronan and his army.

    Having received the power of the Sphere, Ronan rushed to destroy Xander. The Ravagers, Star-Lord, Raccoon, Gamora, Groot and Drax, followed him, warning the Nova Corps of the attack.

    In the fight against the enemy, many Nova Corps and Ravager pilots were killed. Quill and his team managed to infiltrate Ronan's ship and engage him in battle. When the ship began to fall, Groot saved the crew from death by sacrificing himself, entwining his friends with his branches.

    In the final battle with Ronan, Quill managed to seize the power of the Orb. Since Peter was not entirely human, he did not die from touching her. The team united to hold the power of the Sphere and directed its power towards Ronan.

    The villain was destroyed and the Guardians of the Galaxy team was declared heroes.

    The hero deceived Yondu by giving him a fake Orb, but he was not angry with him. The real Orb went into the hands of the Nova Corps and was hidden in a safe place.

    All charges were dropped from the heroes and the Quill-Milano ship was patched up. The guards set off for new adventures and profit.

    Cinemafia has selected 11 of the best scenes from the film for you. But, attention! SPOILERS!

    While Guardians of the Galaxy has now crossed the $160 million box office mark, we've rounded up the best scenes. True, you can argue with us.

    And, yes, the text contains complete spoilers, including detailed description post-credit scenes. So if you haven't seen the film yet, then blame yourself. We warned you!

    Dancing Star-Lord

    The second "opening scene" we see after the Marvel title sequence is Star-Lord (aka Peter Quill) dancing on the abandoned planet Morag to the song Come and Get Your Love. This moment is imbued with a non-trivial combination of wit and fun, which creates just the right mood. Right now. Later We get to see Chris Pratt dancing once again as he challenges Ronan the Accuser to a “dance battle.” Let's just say that such a bold technique does not work so harmoniously in every blockbuster.

    The Legend of Kevin Bacon

    One of the most funny jokes dedicated to Kevin Bacon. When Gamora tells Peter Quill that she is a killer and a warrior, which means she doesn't dance, he... responds (we quote the phrase as it is in the dub):

    On my planet there is a legend about people like you. It's called "Free". This story is about how great hero, his name is Kevin Bacon, taught a whole city of inflated turkeys the great art of dance. And it was incredible.

    To which Gamora replies: “Who fooled these turkeys?” This shows how literally everything is taken on that side of the Galaxy.

    Note: The 1984 film Footloose, starring Kevin Bacon, is an American classic. According to the plot, the main character comes to a small provincial town where dancing is prohibited. And only he manages to change these old-fashioned orders.

    Rocket jokes on disabled people

    The first time we encounter this is during the prison break, when Rocket asks Peter Quill to get him a prosthetic leg from one of the prisoners. A little later, when discussing the plan to attack Ronan's ship, he tries to convince everyone around that the false eye of one of Yondu's Ravagers is the most important element. Even in the most “hot” situations, Raccoon does not lose his signature sense of humor

    Rocket's drunken speeches

    Perhaps Raccoon's most powerful moment in the film is the scene in the bar where Rocket pours out all his feelings and emotions. In particular, resentment at being called a “pest.” He’s crying because it’s as if he didn’t ask for the laboratory experiments that turned him into a monster to be carried out on him. At this moment we understand that specific humor and insulting others are just a defensive reaction. This scene is truly dramatic because for a moment you completely forget that the Raccoon is just a computer character.

    100% asshole

    Let's immediately make it clear that in the original it sounds like 100% Dick. Thus, while working out a plan to destroy the Black Aster, Star Lord sends one of the NovaCorps representatives a “dick” message, which says that he, of course, is an “asshole,” but not one hundred percent. And asks for help.

    Yondu Udonta and his arrow

    Michael Rooker's Yondu is more than just a savage. He managed to turn this character into a very charming bad guy. When Yondu's ship crashes, he finds himself surrounded by Ronan's servants. But with the help of his trusty arrow, he calmly deals with twenty opponents. Yondu collects figurines on his dashboard, which, on the one hand, throws us straight back to Firefly, and on the other hand, shows his soulful nature. You know, like bikers who actually work in a flower shop.

    Groot's smile

    Groot's smile is literally the icing on this Guardians of the Galaxy cake. While making their way to Ronan, Drax, Star-Lord and Groot stumble upon an entire army. Which Groot destroys... hmm... brutally. And then he turns around with an innocent and sincere smile, as if asking: “Did I do something good?” Yes, Groot, you really did a good job.

    We are Groot

    Towards the end of the film, Groot saves the entire crew by forming a "protective nest" around them. At the same time, the hero, who throughout the entire film utters exactly one phrase - “I Am Groot,” this time says “We Are Groot,” which can be read as “We Are Friends.” Yes, it was possible to do something completely different and give Groot fundamentally different words at the end of the film, but the creators went exactly this way, thereby endowing familiar words with a completely different meaning.

    Dancing Groot

    The first scene after the short credits shows us dancing little Groot against the backdrop of Drax rubbing his knives after the battle. All this happens to the tune of “I Want You Back” by the Jackson 5. This moment gives the audience its charge of positivity, and people leave the theater smiling (although we know that no one leaves a Marvel movie after the first scene).

    Listen, baby. Ain't No Mountain High Enough

    The final scene, when Peter Quill finally unpacks his mother's farewell gift - the Awesome mix 2 cassette, literally tears the heart, not without the help of the song Ain't no mountain high enough. We understand that the heroes have finally found not just friends, but new family. Yes, this is a wonderful moment.

    Howard the Duck

    Yes, here it is, the main spoiler. The post-credits scene shows the hapless Tivan the Collector inspecting the damage to his collection. And then Howard the Duck appears with a snide comment. Fans are still arguing who gave the voice to Howard - Seth Green, announced on imdb, or Nathan Fillion, whose cameo everyone was waiting for.

    UPD. Still Seth Green!

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