• Soviet Army Day February 23. Defender of the Fatherland Day history of the holiday. Games and competitions for Defender of the Fatherland Day


    Immediately after the victory of the armed uprising of the Bolsheviks in Petrograd on November 7-8, 1917, the Soviet government had to fight not only with internal enemies who did not want to go into a bright communist tomorrow, but also with external enemies - it continued 1 World War And fighting walked on Russian territory.
    In order to protect the Soviet state from Kaiser Germany, the Soviet government began organizing regular armed forces. On January 28, 1918, the Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars V.I. Ulyanov (Lenin) signed the decree "On the organization of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army (RKKA), and on February 11 the decree "On the organization of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Fleet" - (RKKF). To the Red The army and the Red Navy accepted workers who voluntarily expressed a desire to serve in the ranks of the armed defenders of the Fatherland.

    On February 18, 1918, Austro-German (there were 39 German divisions alone) and Turkish troops, treacherously violating the truce concluded on December 15, 1917, invaded Soviet Russia and began to occupy Ukraine, Belarus and the Baltic states.

    On February 21, German troops captured Minsk. On this day, the Soviet government addressed the people with the appeal “The Socialist Fatherland is in danger!”

    On February 23, Red Army Day was held in Petrograd under the slogan of defending the socialist Fatherland from the “Kaiser’s troops.” In Petrograd alone, tens of thousands of volunteers rose up to repel the enemy. The newly formed units of the Red Army immediately entered into battle against the German troops.

    It must be said that many historians question the fact of any significant victory in these days of 1918. Newspapers of that time did not contain reports of victory. They did not talk about the anniversary of the victory even a year later - in 1919. Such references began to appear only in the early 20s.

    Since 1922, February 23 has acquired the character of a large national holiday, like the Birthday of the Red Army. On February 22, 1922, a parade of troops of the Moscow garrison took place on Red Square, and in the evening there was a ceremonial meeting of the Moscow Council together with representatives of the military units of the Moscow garrison.

    February 23, 1942
    The Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars, aka the People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR, aka the Supreme Commander-in-Chief I. Stalin issued an order. It summed up the results of the eight-month struggle against the Nazi invaders. And they, these results, were terrible. Million losses. Hundreds of surrendered cities, entire republics... But there were also encouraging lines: the crushing defeat of the Germans near Moscow! British Prime Minister Winston Churchill addressed us with a message on the occasion of the anniversary of the Red Army: “On this solemn occasion I express the admiration and gratitude with which the people of the British Empire follow their exploits, and our confidence in the victorious end of the war... “The old fox was well aware that if not the Red Army, which stood in the way of the brown plague, then the fate of all of Europe would have been sealed. And here is what Franz Halder, chief of the general staff of the ground forces of Nazi Germany, wrote in his diary on February 23: “The expected enemy offensive in honor of Red Army Day did not happen. The situation was without significant changes...” Halder was disingenuous and reassured himself. The fighting was fierce everywhere. And it’s not for nothing that Hitler will soon dismiss his chief of staff, as well as almost two hundred other generals. The main reason for this was the failure of the blitzkrieg.

    February 23, 1943
    For this day, the Red Army prepared a gift of gifts, defeating the Germans at Stalingrad and capturing almost two hundred thousand soldiers and Field Marshal Paulus. In his next order, Stalin summed up the results of the twenty-month struggle against the Nazi hordes. The latest successes of the troops of the Leningrad and Volkhov fronts in the Mginsk direction were especially noted. And although the operation did not produce large territorial results, it forced the enemy to bring up large reserves, removing them from other areas. A telegram was received in Moscow from US President Franklin Roosevelt: “Please accept our deep admiration for the Red Army, its magnificent achievements, unsurpassed in history. It stopped the enemy near Leningrad, near Moscow, in the Caucasus and, finally, in the immortal Battle of Stalingrad it itself went into great offensive."

    February 23, 1944
    On the eve of the 26th anniversary of the Red Army, our troops crossed the Dnieper, and the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR adopted a Decree conferring the title of Hero of the Soviet Union on more than two hundred generals, officers, sergeants and privates. Several thousand soldiers were awarded orders and medals. The third and final period of the Great Patriotic War began. There were over six million soldiers and commanders in the ranks of the active army. And in service there were five thousand tanks, ninety thousand guns, eight and a half thousand aircraft. It was a force capable of completely crushing the enemy.

    February 23, 1945
    Order number five from the Supreme Commander-in-Chief on the results of the winter offensive. Our land has already been cleared of invaders, an unprecedented blow has been dealt from the Baltic to the Carpathians. The Second and Third Belorussian Fronts are fighting in the Konigsberg area, the First Ukrainian Front has reached the Oder. The Vistula-Oder, Warsaw-Poznan, and Sandomiero-Silesian operations were completed. Soviet people take advantage of every minute to listen to the radio: how far have our people advanced, what cities have they taken? Old “friend” Winston again sent a message: “Future generations will recognize their debt to the Red Army as unconditionally as we did, who lived to witness these magnificent victories...” Ahead were two more months of fierce fighting and the most stubborn - for Berlin.

    At all times, the courage and heroism of Russian soldiers, the glory and power of Russian weapons have been an integral part of the greatness of the Russian state.
    So, for several decades now, on February 23, we have been widely and publicly celebrating the holiday of Defender of the Fatherland; we celebrate it with dignified solemnity and special warmth.

    February 23 is the day of military glory of Russia, which Russian troops gained on the battlefields. Initially, this day contained a huge meaning - to love, honor and defend one’s Fatherland, and, if necessary, to be able to defend it with dignity. Soldiers had to defend their native Russian land very often, but the Russian soldier always fulfilled his duty with honor.

    Certainly, Special attention and the significance of February 23 - Defender of the Fatherland Day acquired in the year of the 60th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War. In Russia, the Great Patriotic War affected absolutely every family. For everyone, victory is the greatest feat of the people in the entire world history, but this is a tragedy that under no circumstances should ever happen again.

    At present, despite certain difficulties, we can be calm for peace on our land, for clear skies above our heads, thanks to the true defenders and patriots of the Motherland.

    We sincerely congratulate all Russians on Defender of the Fatherland Day, we wish you and your loved ones good health, happiness and prosperity, may your life always be illuminated by the great glory of the victories of the Russian army, the strength and power of Russian weapons, love and devotion to your Fatherland.

    Defenders of the Fatherland Day Arose in 1918 as the birthday of the Red Army to commemorate the victory at Narva and Pskov over the German conquerors.
    Now we just have to remember that the coming of the International to power in Russia was associated with a change in the calendar, and ask: when was the day now called “February 23” celebrated? It turns out that the eighth of March according to the new style is February 23 according to the old style.

    When European brothers in the International celebrated the “eighth of March,” in Russia this day was called February 23rd. Therefore, in the pre-revolutionary years, party members and their sympathizers were accustomed to consider February 23 a holiday. Then the calendar was changed, but the reflex remained to celebrate something revolutionary on February 23rd. There was a date. In principle, this date is no worse or better than March 8. But it was necessary to find a cover for her. A few years later, a corresponding myth was created: “Red Army Day.” The memory of the first battle and the first victory.

    But this is a myth. On February 23, 1918, there was no Red Army yet, and there were no victories. Newspapers at the end of February 1918 do not contain any reports of victory. And the February 1919 newspapers did not rejoice over the first anniversary of the “great victory.” Only in 1922 was February 23 declared Red Army Day." However, a year before February 23, 1918, Pravda writes that February 23 is a holiday: "Long before the war, the proletarian International designated February 23 as the day of the international women's holiday"(Great day // Pravda, March 7, 1917; for more details on this, see M. Sidlin. Red gift to the International women's day February 23 // Nezavisimaya Gazeta, 22.2.1997).

    However, it was also necessary to come up with a cover for the celebration of February 23 because it was on February 23, 1917 that the “February Revolution” began. Since the Bolsheviks did not play a leading role in it, but nevertheless accepted it, welcomed it and included it in their calendar, it was necessary to give a different name to the day of the “overthrow of the autocracy” (while maintaining its festivity). It became "the day of the Red Army."

    In Rus', St. George the Victorious (Yegory the Brave), who delivered people from the terrible serpent - the dragon, has long been revered. Since the 14th century, the image of a warrior on a horse has become the coat of arms of Moscow. In 1769, the military order of St. was established in Russia. Great Martyr and Victorious George, in 1913 - the military Cross of St. George.

    In 1698, Peter I established the first order in Russia - the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called - to reward military exploits and public service. The order consisted of a gold cross, a blue ribbon, a silver eight-pointed star and a gold chain. In the center of the star, in a rosette covered with red enamel and gold stripes in the form of a wreath, there is a double-headed eagle crowned with three crowns; on the chest of the eagle there is an oblique blue cross.

    Holiday February 23, holiday of all men of Russia. For the glory of our Motherland, for the glory of its defenders, let us gather and congratulate all the Kirzos, and more than other men, on this day.

    Our army is invincible only because it acts contrary to logic and common sense.

    Originated in the USSR, then February 23 was celebrated annually as a national holiday - the Day of the Soviet Army and Navy.

    There was no document establishing February 23 as an official Soviet holiday. Soviet historiography linked the commemoration of the military to this date with the events of 1918: on January 28 (15 old style) January 1918, the Council of People's Commissars (SNK), headed by Chairman Vladimir Lenin, adopted a Decree on the organization of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army (RKKA), and February 11 (January 29, old style) - Workers' and Peasants' Red Fleet (RKKF).

    On February 22, the decree-appeal of the Council of People's Commissars "The Socialist Fatherland is in Danger!" was published, and on February 23, mass rallies took place in Petrograd (now St. Petersburg), Moscow and other cities of the country, at which workers were called upon to defend their Fatherland from the advancing German troops . This day was marked by the massive entry of volunteers into the Red Army and the beginning of the formation of its detachments and units.

    On January 10, 1919, the Chairman of the Higher Military Inspectorate of the Red Army, Nikolai Podvoisky, sent to the Presidium of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee (VTsIK) a proposal to celebrate the anniversary of the creation of the Red Army, timing the celebration to the nearest Sunday before or after January 28. However, due to the late submission of the application, no decision was made.

    Then the Moscow Soviet took the initiative to celebrate the first anniversary of the Red Army. On January 24, 1919, the presidium, which at that time was headed by Lev Kamenev, decided to coincide these celebrations with the day of the Red Gift, held with the aim of collecting material and monetary resources for the Red Army.

    Under the All-Russian Central Executive Committee, a Central Committee was created to organize the celebration of the anniversary of the Red Army and the Day of the Red Gift, which scheduled the celebrations for Sunday, February 23. On February 5, Pravda and other newspapers published the following information: “The organization of the Red Gift Day throughout Russia has been postponed to February 23. On this day, celebrations of the anniversary of the creation of the Red Army, which was celebrated on January 28, will be organized in cities and at the front.”

    On February 23, 1919, Russian citizens celebrated the anniversary of the Red Army for the first time, but this day was not celebrated either in 1920 or 1921.

    On January 27, 1922, the Presidium of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee published a resolution on the fourth anniversary of the Red Army, which stated: “In accordance with the resolution of the IX All-Russian Congress of Soviets on the Red Army, the Presidium of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee draws the attention of the executive committees to the upcoming anniversary of the creation of the Red Army (February 23).”

    The Chairman of the Revolutionary Military Council, Leon Trotsky, organized a military parade on Red Square on this day, thereby establishing the tradition of an annual national celebration.

    In 1923, the five-year anniversary of the Red Army was widely celebrated. The resolution of the Presidium of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee, adopted on January 18, 1923, stated: “On February 23, 1923, the Red Army will celebrate the 5th anniversary of its existence. On this day, five years ago, the Decree of the Council of People’s Commissars dated January 28 of the same years that marked the beginning of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army, the stronghold of the proletarian dictatorship."

    The tenth anniversary of the Red Army in 1928, like all previous ones, was celebrated as the anniversary of the Council of People's Commissars decree on the organization of the Red Army of January 28, 1918, but the date of publication itself was directly linked to February 23.

    In 1938, in the “Short Course on the History of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks)” a fundamentally new version of the origin of the date of the holiday was presented, which was not related to the decree of the Council of People’s Commissars. The book stated that in 1918, near Narva and Pskov, “the German occupiers were given a decisive rebuff. Their advance to Petrograd was suspended. The day of repulse to the troops of German imperialism—February 23—became the birthday of the young Red Army.”

    Later, in the order of the People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR dated February 23, 1942, the wording was slightly changed: “The young detachments of the Red Army, which entered the war for the first time, completely defeated the German invaders near Pskov and Narva on February 23, 1918. That is why February 23 was declared a day birth of the Red Army."

    In 1951, another interpretation of the holiday appeared. In the “History of the Civil War in the USSR” it was stated that in 1919 the first anniversary of the Red Army was celebrated “on the memorable day of the mobilization of workers for the defense of the socialist Fatherland, the mass entry of workers into the Red Army, the widespread formation of the first detachments and units of the new army.”

    In the Federal Law of March 13, 1995 “On the Days of Military Glory of Russia,” the day of February 23 was officially called “The Day of the Red Army’s Victory over the Kaiser’s troops of Germany (1918) - the Day of Defenders of the Fatherland.”

    In accordance with the amendments made to the Federal Law "On the Days of Military Glory of Russia" Federal law dated April 15, 2006, the words “Victory Day of the Red Army over the Kaiser’s troops of Germany (1918)” were excluded from the official description of the holiday, and the concept of “defender” was also stated in the singular.

    In December 2001, the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation supported the proposal to make February 23 - Defender of the Fatherland Day - a non-working holiday.

    The day of February 23, due to established traditions, has become a national national holiday dedicated to all generations of defenders of the Fatherland. Throughout their centuries-old history, Russians have selflessly defended the sovereignty and independence, and sometimes the right to exist, of the Russian state in numerous wars.

    Military personnel of the army and navy of modern Russia responsibly fulfill their military duty, reliably ensuring the protection of national interests and the military security of the country.

    On Defender of the Fatherland Day, Russians honor those who served or are currently serving in the ranks of the country's Armed Forces. But the majority of Russian citizens tend to consider Defender of the Fatherland Day as the Day of real men, defenders in the broadest sense of the word.

    On this day, a festive artillery salute is held in the hero cities of Moscow, St. Petersburg, Volgograd, Novorossiysk, Tula, Sevastopol, Smolensk and Murmansk, as well as in the cities where the headquarters of military districts, fleets, combined arms armies and the Caspian Flotilla are stationed.

    The material was prepared based on information from RIA Novosti and open sources

    Originated in the USSR, then February 23 was celebrated annually as a national holiday - the Day of the Soviet Army and Navy.

    There was no document establishing February 23 as an official Soviet holiday. Soviet historiography linked the commemoration of the military to this date with the events of 1918: on January 28 (15 old style) January 1918, the Council of People's Commissars (SNK), headed by Chairman Vladimir Lenin, adopted a Decree on the organization of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army (RKKA), and February 11 (January 29, old style) - Workers' and Peasants' Red Fleet (RKKF).

    On February 22, the decree-appeal of the Council of People's Commissars "The Socialist Fatherland is in Danger!" was published, and on February 23, mass rallies took place in Petrograd (now St. Petersburg), Moscow and other cities of the country, at which workers were called upon to defend their Fatherland from the advancing German troops . This day was marked by the massive entry of volunteers into the Red Army and the beginning of the formation of its detachments and units.

    On January 10, 1919, the Chairman of the Higher Military Inspectorate of the Red Army, Nikolai Podvoisky, sent to the Presidium of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee (VTsIK) a proposal to celebrate the anniversary of the creation of the Red Army, timing the celebration to the nearest Sunday before or after January 28. However, due to the late submission of the application, no decision was made.

    Then the Moscow Soviet took the initiative to celebrate the first anniversary of the Red Army. On January 24, 1919, the presidium, which at that time was headed by Lev Kamenev, decided to coincide these celebrations with the day of the Red Gift, held with the aim of collecting material and monetary resources for the Red Army.

    Under the All-Russian Central Executive Committee, a Central Committee was created to organize the celebration of the anniversary of the Red Army and the Day of the Red Gift, which scheduled the celebrations for Sunday, February 23. On February 5, Pravda and other newspapers published the following information: “The organization of the Red Gift Day throughout Russia has been postponed to February 23. On this day, celebrations of the anniversary of the creation of the Red Army, which was celebrated on January 28, will be organized in cities and at the front.”

    On February 23, 1919, Russian citizens celebrated the anniversary of the Red Army for the first time, but this day was not celebrated either in 1920 or 1921.

    On January 27, 1922, the Presidium of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee published a resolution on the fourth anniversary of the Red Army, which stated: “In accordance with the resolution of the IX All-Russian Congress of Soviets on the Red Army, the Presidium of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee draws the attention of the executive committees to the upcoming anniversary of the creation of the Red Army (February 23).”

    The Chairman of the Revolutionary Military Council, Leon Trotsky, organized a military parade on Red Square on this day, thereby establishing the tradition of an annual national celebration.

    In 1923, the five-year anniversary of the Red Army was widely celebrated. The resolution of the Presidium of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee, adopted on January 18, 1923, stated: “On February 23, 1923, the Red Army will celebrate the 5th anniversary of its existence. On this day, five years ago, the Decree of the Council of People’s Commissars dated January 28 of the same years that marked the beginning of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army, the stronghold of the proletarian dictatorship."

    The tenth anniversary of the Red Army in 1928, like all previous ones, was celebrated as the anniversary of the Council of People's Commissars decree on the organization of the Red Army of January 28, 1918, but the date of publication itself was directly linked to February 23.

    In 1938, in the “Short Course on the History of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks)” a fundamentally new version of the origin of the date of the holiday was presented, which was not related to the decree of the Council of People’s Commissars. The book stated that in 1918, near Narva and Pskov, “the German occupiers were given a decisive rebuff. Their advance to Petrograd was suspended. The day of repulse to the troops of German imperialism—February 23—became the birthday of the young Red Army.”

    Later, in the order of the People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR dated February 23, 1942, the wording was slightly changed: “The young detachments of the Red Army, which entered the war for the first time, completely defeated the German invaders near Pskov and Narva on February 23, 1918. That is why February 23 was declared a day birth of the Red Army."

    In 1951, another interpretation of the holiday appeared. In the “History of the Civil War in the USSR” it was stated that in 1919 the first anniversary of the Red Army was celebrated “on the memorable day of the mobilization of workers for the defense of the socialist Fatherland, the mass entry of workers into the Red Army, the widespread formation of the first detachments and units of the new army.”

    In the Federal Law of March 13, 1995 “On the Days of Military Glory of Russia,” the day of February 23 was officially called “The Day of the Red Army’s Victory over the Kaiser’s troops of Germany (1918) - the Day of Defenders of the Fatherland.”

    In accordance with the amendments made to the Federal Law “On the Days of Military Glory of Russia” by the Federal Law of April 15, 2006, the words “Victory Day of the Red Army over the Kaiser’s troops of Germany (1918)” were excluded from the official description of the holiday, and also stated in the singular the concept of "defender".

    In December 2001, the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation supported the proposal to make February 23 - Defender of the Fatherland Day - a non-working holiday.

    The day of February 23, due to established traditions, has become a national national holiday dedicated to all generations of defenders of the Fatherland. Throughout their centuries-old history, Russians have selflessly defended the sovereignty and independence, and sometimes the right to exist, of the Russian state in numerous wars.

    Military personnel of the army and navy of modern Russia responsibly fulfill their military duty, reliably ensuring the protection of national interests and the military security of the country.

    On Defender of the Fatherland Day, Russians honor those who served or are currently serving in the ranks of the country's Armed Forces. But the majority of Russian citizens tend to consider Defender of the Fatherland Day as the Day of real men, defenders in the broadest sense of the word.

    On this day, a festive artillery salute is held in the hero cities of Moscow, St. Petersburg, Volgograd, Novorossiysk, Tula, Sevastopol, Smolensk and Murmansk, as well as in the cities where the headquarters of military districts, fleets, combined arms armies and the Caspian Flotilla are stationed.

    The material was prepared based on information from RIA Novosti and open sources

    How to tell children about the holiday February 23, Defender of the Fatherland Day

    February 23- This is Defender of the Fatherland Day. Two decades ago, this holiday had a slightly different name - Soviet Army Day and Navy. However, the meaning and significance of the holiday remain the same to this day. Like any other holiday, Defender of the Fatherland Day has its own history.

    On January 28, 1918, V.I. Lenin signed the well-known Decree on the creation of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army, and some time later - on February 11, 1918 - he also signed the Decree on the creation of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Fleet. Thus, we can say that for the first time in the world, a new type of army appeared, which primarily defended the interests of the state of workers and peasants.

    In the anxious days of February 1918, it became known that numerous troops of the Kaiser’s Germany were moving towards Petrograd. In this regard, on February 21, V.I. Lenin wrote his famous appeal “The Socialist Fatherland is in Danger!” In it, he called on the Soviet soldier to “defend every position to the last drop of blood.”

    Two days later, the Executive Committee of the Petrograd Soviet makes a historic decision to introduce a new red day of the calendar. February 23 was declared the day of defense of the socialist Fatherland.

    A huge number of workers in Petrograd, Moscow and other largest cities of their own free will began to join the ranks of the Red Army. As a result of common efforts, the enemy was stopped...

    In the long-term heroic history of the Soviet Army and Navy, the number of historical victories and exploits does not know its exact number. During the Great Patriotic War, in a fierce battle with German fascism, the Soviet Army was able to defend the freedom and independence of our Motherland, saved world civilization from fascist barbarism, and provided powerful support to the liberation struggle of neighboring and European peoples at the cost of millions of lives and the broken destinies of the Soviet people.

    And today the Russian Army reliably protects its country from all enemies and protects the priceless heritage of the world. The Russian soldier shows examples of courage, courage, and heroism. February 23rd has long been a special day for the entire Russian people. Therefore, on this day, celebrations take place not only in military units and work collectives, the holiday is celebrated in all families and organizations. The holiday of February 23 has been widely celebrated throughout its existence and has always been carefully prepared. Nowadays, the scale of the celebration no longer exists, but nevertheless, this day remains a favorite holiday and is celebrated annually. For this holiday, it is customary to open new exhibitions in museums, exhibitions of paintings, sculptures, feature film festivals on relevant topics, etc.

    Television, which on the holiday shows a military parade from Red Square in Moscow, has been and remains a great help in holding this wonderful holiday. And this is the main evidence of Russia’s combat power and strength.

    At all times in its history, for Russia, military service has been a matter of honor for every soldier, and devoted service to one’s Fatherland is the highest meaning of a soldier’s life and service.

    Loyalty to duty and the oath, selflessness, honor, valor, decency, self-discipline, unquestioning obedience to the orders of superiors in rank - these are the traditions of the Russian military. It was these traditions that our fathers and grandfathers, who walked the fiery roads of war, honored and truly valued.

    The formation of the Russian army and its reform have always taken place in difficult conditions. The army is experiencing the difficulties that the country is going through. The army often had a harder time, perhaps, than many other structures of the state, and much of it in difficult times rested on the understanding and patience of military personnel, on an educated sense of duty and patriotism.

    No matter what difficult times Russia may be going through, both in the past and in the present, for a soldier its interests are above all. The Defender of the Fatherland is an eternal sentry who never, under any circumstances, has the right to leave his post. We must not forget that military camaraderie and unity are necessary for the successful development of military affairs and for the general prosperity of the Russian state. Therefore, the motto for every defender of the Fatherland should be the testament of the great commander M.I. Kutuzov: “There is no higher honor than wearing the Russian uniform!”

    All citizens of Russia, young and old, celebrate one of their favorite holidays of military glory - Defender of the Fatherland Day.

    The history of this remarkable date goes back to the beginnings of 1918, when our army snatched victory from the Kaiser’s Germany near Narva and Pskov. These were the greatest pages in the history of our Motherland, later inscribed as the Birthday of the Red Army.

    However, there have been many disagreements on this score; some scientists defend the opinion that February 23 was not involved in these events, because official confirmation has not yet been found. And since this date was declared Red Army Day only in 1922, some historians are convinced that it was not for nothing that this event was not celebrated in the previous four years.

    There is a hypothesis according to which the appearance of the men's holiday is due to the change in the Gregorian and Julian calendars, due to which the traditional women's revolutionary day shifted from February 23 to March 8. And since the tradition of celebration has remained, the holiday has not gone away, the days of female and male leadership have simply been equalized. Since then they have existed together.

    According to the third version, some historians are inclined to the option of setting the date for Red Army Day in 1919 28 January, but shifted due to some delays. Then the date was combined with Gift Day - a day of fundraising to help regular troops. Since the date fell on Monday, it was decided to move both holidays to the nearest Sunday and celebrate both dates at once. That is February 23rd.

    In the meantime, scientists argue and find out the truth, people are waiting for the approach of their favorite holiday, preparing to have fun full blast. Indeed, in Russia, February 23 is a day off and is one of the officially included state holidays.

    In the USSR, February 23 was celebrated as Navy and Soviet Army Day, and after the collapse of the state, the holiday was renamed, according to the decree of B.N. Yeltsin.

    Although this day is considered Defender of the Fatherland Day, that is, the day of those who guarded state order, February 23 is usually celebrated as All Men's Day. Each family has its own defenders who receive for the holiday a large number of congratulations, gifts and attention from loving women.

    On February 23, it is customary for government departments to lay flowers and wreaths at memorials, paying tribute to those who fell for their Motherland. Special evenings are held for veterans. Songs from past wars and current years are heard in concert halls.

    The media actively participates in the life of the people, covering all events in the country on television, radio and on the Internet. Not a single corner will escape the attention of journalists.

    In many cities the holiday is coming from morning to evening and ends with a large festive fireworks display in honor of the living and in memory of the fallen.

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