• Children's crafts from vegetables and fruits. Fruit craft ideas. Children's crafts from vegetables and flowers - a beautiful vase


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    Crafts from vegetables and fruits

    "My name is Berdnikova Yulia.

    Recently at school we had an exhibition of handmade vegetables, and I took part in it.

    1. The first work is made of pumpkins, rowan berries, zucchini peel and orange peel.

    2. Second work ( penguin) made from zucchini. I also used ready-made plastic eyes, a hat, and a ribbon. I hope you like my works."

    75. Kulikova Margarita, 8 years. Student of grade 3B at school No. 2 in Irkutsk.

    "Lesovik". The base is apple. Leaves and a little plasticine were also used for the work.

    Photos sent Elena Simakova:

    “I work at the Olimp-Plus secondary school, Moscow, deputy. Director for VR and additional education, I lead the “Creativity Workshop” group.

    76. Shaposhnikova Alya. Fruit Boat from melon.

    77. Tolmachev Platon. Colors of autumn.

    78. Evdokimovskaya Natasha. Hedgehog from an apple.

    79. Sitnikov Andrey. My horse from corn and carrots.

    Works of students of MAOUSOSH No. 59. Tyumen.

    Head: Zhusupova Zaure Tyulegenovna.
    80. Alekseeva Alexandra. 5th grade. Job " Caterpillar«.
    The work is made of apples, olives, corn and carrots, held together with toothpicks.

    81. Udartsev Maxim. 5th grade. Job " Hedgehogs«.
    The work is made of pears, potatoes and grapes, held together with toothpicks.

    82. “Forest clearing.” Oksana Belousova and Artem Belousov(2 years 8 months)

    83. Pechnikova Kristina, 23 kindergarten in the central district of St. Petersburg.

    Various crafts made from vegetables and fruits are a very educational and exciting game for children. preschool age, as well as children from primary school. Funny and cute little animals made from edible materials will interest your baby in any case. In this article you will learn in more detail how to make fakes with your own hands.

    Don't forget that the product doesn't have to be complicated. It will be best if your craft is similar to a famous children's character.

    Let's look at a few original crafts with your own hands in step by step photos. They can be made from ordinary vegetables, fruits and scrap materials, and can also be presented for exhibition at school or kindergarten.

    No. 1. Snowman


    • three different sizes of black radishes;
    • one red bell pepper;
    • cucumber;
    • carrot;
    • several cloves;
    • two celery;
    • wooden skewer and toothpicks.

    We make the product:

    1. Peel the radish so that our snowman is white. Then use toothpicks to connect the three balls together.

    2. Cut a piece of cucumber and attach it with toothpicks on top (this is a snowman’s hat).

    3. Take a carrot, peel it and cut it to the size you like best, the nose. We sharpen it on one side with a knife and also secure it with a toothpick.

    4. Making eyes. To do this, use a wooden skewer to make holes in the radish and insert cloves there.

    5. Then we cut out red peppers and attach these cute lips.

    6. Make buttons from carrot circles.

    7. We make snowman hands from celery.

    This craft is good for kindergarten to an exhibition in winter, or a child can play with a snowman like a doll.


    No. 2. Lamb


    • cauliflower;
    • blackberry;
    • raisins (4 pcs.);
    • toothpicks for joining.

    We make the product:

    Cut the cauliflower inflorescence into the desired shape. Then cut a piece for a cap. We attach the blackberry - this is the face of a sheep. At the bottom we attach the legs (four raisins), and on top of the blackberry we put a cut cap.

    Crafts for an exhibition on the theme of autumn

    No. 3. Ducks on a typewriter


    • a few carrots;
    • black pepper for eyes;
    • toothpicks.

    We make the product:

    Peel one carrot, make vertical cuts and cut out four circles - these are the wheels of the machine. Use toothpicks to attach the wheels to the whole carrot.

    Then take a piece of carrot, shape it into ducks using vertical cuts and cut several of them. Make duck eyes using black pepper. Make transverse holes on the machines and insert ducks there.

    No. 4. a lion


    • banana;
    • Brussels sprouts;
    • small yellow tomato;
    • carnation for eyes.

    We make the product:

    Take a banana, draw paws on it and cut it out with a sharp knife. On the other side of the banana, cut out another paw and a lion's tail, as in the photo.

    Take a small Brussels sprout, unwrap it and stick a yellow tomato in the middle. Make eyes from cloves or black peppers.

    No. 5. Apple pig


    • three apples of different sizes;
    • olive;
    • a piece of cheese;
    • toothpicks.

    We make the product:

    We connect two apples (one large and one small) together with toothpicks - this will be the head and body. Then we cut out four pieces from the third apple, as in the photo - these are the legs and attach them to the body.

    We cut out olives (eyes, lips and nostrils), apples (ears) and cheese (patch) and fasten all the parts with toothpicks.

    Hello! Glad to see everyone again.

    This is a golden and wonderful time. The nights have become colder, the days are getting shorter. The harvest is in full swing, or may have already come to an end. And so now we all started making crafts from vegetables and, of course, fruits.

    This is such a small tradition, which is always dedicated to the autumn theme. Every school and kindergarten must host such exhibitions or events, and each of you can take part in them.

    Well, today I will surprise you again, and I will try to make this selection exciting so that you take first place at the holiday. And they were, as they say, the best.

    To be honest, I am amazed by this and also extremely admired by the works that I found exclusively on the Internet. How cool and beautiful they all are. How great, I can’t find the words! Still, the kids love this activity, creating something so interesting and fun. You definitely can't pass by.

    Well, let's start in order. What do you think can be created from ordinary potatoes? Let's look together and figure out what and who is being asked to do. Yes, that’s right, for example, funny pigs or pigs.

    Clumsy hippos who scream, oh, their tummies hurt).

    Or maybe you like lamb better?

    Or this shy puppy who is so cute and resembles a poodle.

    And here is a potato caterpillar, as expected, on cabbage leaves.

    And also an ant and a spider in autumn foliage and flowers.

    And even Masha and Misha can also live at such an exhibition with you. It turned out to be a whole fabulous picture, and even with a goldfish. Make a wish.

    Or one little bear with a pot of honey, which is also made from potatoes.

    A team of eight friends... Remember this children's song, so Thomas is the main commander...

    For adventure lovers and dreamers, I suggest making monsters.

    Preschool children can build a duck with adults.

    Or for example a kolobok. Moreover, you can draw eyes and decorate them in some unusual way. Among other things, if you find a suitable potato, a piglet will come out.

    The same idea arose with this character, guess what? It's a cat.

    Everyone’s favorite cartoons, namely the characters that children love so much, will also fit perfectly into this event. Watch this and Malyshariki with Kroshik and even Cipollino.

    The simplest work is a hedgehog or monkey made from potatoes and toothpicks.

    Make figures like this and it will be fun and interesting.

    Now let's move on to the next vegetable. A well-known beauty is carrots. I also found a lot of interesting things from it, especially if it itself was born with various curvatures. For example, you see in this picture such a loving couple in the form of octopuses.

    The simplest craft is a nest. Chop the carrots and place the birds. By the way, the chicken and cockerel are made from onions.

    You can also learn how to easily decorate your interior with flowers, see these works. And it's all made from carrots. Can you imagine?

    And they even made a bouquet. The main thing is to find a curly knife.

    The house looks great, so log and powerful.

    But they even made a horse on a board. The tail was made from onion feathers.

    But the most popular carrot toy is the giraffe and other animals. Making them even without a master class will not be difficult. Look.

    Well, if you still find it difficult, then this video will help you.

    Here are a couple more ideas.

    You can even make a palm tree or an island.

    Now let’s take it and make crafts from beets. I fell in love with the owl at first sight. In reality, if you bring such beauty to a competition, you can definitely win.

    Like carrots and cucumbers, beets are also served cutting, that is, carving. Usually they make roses or bouquets.

    Or, if you don’t know how, you can cut the vegetables into pieces and lay out a cow or bull.

    Or make a baby elephant.

    Now go to the radishes and select the following pictures. Mostly they make mice, bees or mushrooms.

    But what kind of musical heroes are the boy and the girl, as if they were performing on stage. And they light up the dance.

    And of course, everyone’s favorite flowers from radishes or radishes also come out beautifully.

    Or you can get by with slicing altogether.

    Well, now I propose to consider souvenirs that will be made mainly from cabbage.

    By the way, you can take absolutely any kind, iceberg, cabbage, and even broccoli or cauliflower. And create together with other vegetables.

    This is what I had to get. This, as you probably guessed, is primarily a white poodle.

    And here look at the whole composition of lambs and lambs.

    Everyone's favorite bunnies or bunnies, and a perky puppy.

    And this miracle won a prize at the competition last year.

    Together with the frog princess and it’s not surprising. Who wouldn't like this?

    And here, as you can see, is a Russian family, grandparents and granddaughter.

    You can also make a sailboat from cabbage leaves together with zucchini or eggplant.

    I liked the idea of ​​a child sitting in cabbage, but unfortunately I couldn’t find such a composition. But I found a chicken. I think you can do it without instructions.

    Now let's make figurines from eggplants. You can probably immediately guess that the first option will be a penguin.

    Here's a hint:

    And it turned out to be Pororo the penguin.

    The same method can be used to make a dolphin (whale) or a zebra.

    Among other things, any transport, for example a helicopter, a tank and many others. See it all for yourself.

    And girls will appreciate the shoes.

    But from zucchini or squash you can make a terrible beast, this is a shark.

    Well, and other sea inhabitants or fish.

    And also snakes and even a crocodile.

    In general, there are a whole dozen animals, take your pick. And even the queen swan came here.

    By the way, if you love acrylic paints, then draw minions or other cartoon characters.

    Hmm, the old forest man would fit in perfectly here too.

    Well, of all kinds, they are probably the most popular, since you can put all the gifts of nature and autumn in them. I will not dwell on them in detail, if you wish, you can go and read my separate note. Here I will show only a couple of photos.

    Toys and souvenirs from bell pepper. But that’s in vain, because such a vegetable is also good for creations. Look at the cute frog creatures that came out.

    Or this bright little dragon.

    And here is a sea of ​​flowers with tomatoes.

    Well, in conclusion, let’s look at crafts made from cucumbers and tomatoes. I propose to make the muzzle or head of a cow or bull. And garnish with parsley or dill.

    From cucumbers you can make such a charm, a shark.

    In general, there are a great many such ideas, I will show you only a few.

    You can make different faces of people and use different vegetables and fruits.

    Now let's move on to fruits; first of all, you can make a caterpillar from apples.

    Take tangerines or oranges and lay out your masterpieces. The stand is made of pineapple.

    Or take pears, grapes, whatever you have, everything will do for such work.

    All sorts of funny “products” made from bananas.

    Of the pineapples, we mostly came across works in the shape of birds.

    The tangerine people look just like cookies from the cartoon.

    You can make something like this out of citrus skins, wow, take a look.

    Maybe lemon is closer to your soul, I suggest making fish from it.

    But from pears, the well-known hedgehog, here is its sequence of all production steps.

    38 original and interesting ideas on how to make crafts from vegetables and fruits for kindergarten and school

    In addition to all this, I decided to put together a variety of collections of pictures that may be useful to you. When you create your new creations. As you can see, the authors even made vehicles in the form of a stroller and a carriage (car), and managed to make a horse out of a carrot. The rest of the characters are also great, especially Cheburashka and that little mouse. What a beautiful caterpillar.

    Boys can, of course, build a steam locomotive or a train with carriages. And girls, for example, Gena the crocodile made from a cucumber or a baby penguin made from eggplant.

    Even watermelon rinds will produce a crazy beauty in the shape of a turtle.

    But there are generally cheerful guys here, Smeshariki probably visited us. And here a car from a zucchini meets them.

    How surprising, but even from cabbage you can create puppies or adult dogs.

    They're pretty, but this first one in the picture doesn't even look like a unicorn.

    By the way, here are all the ingredients and sticks, skewers, so that everything stays in place.

    If your imagination is tight, here are some ready-made sketches for you. Cool, an ant rides in a car. It’s very simple and such a machine is waiting for you, you only need an eggplant and a couple of other vegetables.

    As you can see, a spider was made from radishes, also quite easily and quickly.

    A cool dog came out of the banana. Which is looking at you now and does not want to be eaten.

    Beautiful children's crafts Gifts of autumn for school

    Well, friends, I can’t count how many of your works I’ve already looked at. And now I want to invite you to watch these videos. After all, you can also make topiary from improvised means or natural materials, of course, together with fruits and vegetables. Or as they are also called ornamental trees.

    And one more video, I was attracted by the fact that the tree is made of paper. In general, it’s also a super idea, you might find it useful.

    Souvenirs and toys in carving style for the holiday Autumn has come (for beginners)

    In fact, this technique can be mastered in a couple of hours, the main thing is to find necessary tools and have patience. Unfortunately, you can’t do this without special knives.

    I suggest you first master the simplest option and make a chrysanthemum from Chinese cabbage.

    To do this, take the cabbage and cut off all the bad leaves.

    Then you will need a grooved knife with any oval or triangular cross-section.

    And where you see the veins, make cuts to the base.

    Do not cut all the way to the top, leave 1.5 cm.

    The end result will be a flower that you made yourself.

    Or there is another option, carrot cones. Of course, these works are only for beginners; those who have a lot of experience in this matter can make more complex figures.

    To start, take a carrot and cut a square stand at the base.

    Then round the diameter a little using a knife, cut off the edge.

    Now make leaf-shaped cuts.

    This is what should happen.

    Well, in the end, a pile of such cones.

    There is a video on YouTube showing how you can create a rose from vegetables. If you are interested in this technique, you can watch it right now by clicking on the view button.

    That's all I have, I hope that's all autumn crafts you liked the vegetables and fruits and you already know what you will create. I wish everyone patience and perseverance. And of course victories!

    So autumn has come. One of the first activities in kindergarten that you will encounter is an exhibition on the theme of autumn and everything connected with it. You will have to make some kind of craft, preferably so that it is not repeated among your child’s classmates. Here we have collected about 40 options for crafts made from vegetables and other natural materials, varying in complexity.


    Our article will present autumn crafts from vegetables in the photo. All these ideas are wonderful. That’s why they should definitely be done. Take a branched head of cauliflower, in principle, the product is almost ready, all that remains is to mark the horns and eyes on it. You can buy eyes and attach them ready-made, or you can make them from plasticine or autumn berries. The horns are made by cutting the cabbage itself with a knife in the right places or by rolling up its individual elements and inserting them into the head of the lamb. Everything is attached with glue or toothpicks.

    The clock is an alarm clock.

    Already now in many school institutions exhibitions called Autumn Fantasy are held. Therefore, it’s time to make crafts from vegetables for this occasion. For the second craft, take:

    • Toothpicks.
    • Round pumpkin.
    • Eggplant.

    We cut the pumpkin on the side by 2-3 cm, not reaching the pulp and seeds. Cut off the tail from the eggplant. Then we cut off another 5-6 cm from the nose and tail of the eggplant. We cut out Roman numerals from its peel. The clock hands can be made of plasticine. And we connect everything into an alarm clock with toothpicks.


    • To create a craft we take:
    • A couple of medium zucchini.
    • A couple of small zucchini.
    • Carrot.
    • Skewers or toothpicks.

    From one zucchini we make the body of the helicopter, from the other - its wings. A small zucchini will go on the tail, and from a thin plate of the second small zucchini and a carrot ring we make blades.

    Fungi in a clearing.

    It is worth noting that making crafts on autumn Ball Vegetables are a real pleasure. To create the next craft we need to take:

    • The base is a box, cardboard, board.
    • Carrots, apples, potatoes, herbs, toothpicks.

    On the base, first lay out grass from greenery, or from fallen leaves. The carrots will be mushroom legs, and the caps will be made from potatoes and apples. We fasten the legs and caps with toothpicks; if desired, you can decorate the mushrooms.


    And many people have probably seen this craft. But it’s worth mentioning again. Take:

    • Apples, carrots, greens. olives or other berries.
    • Toothpicks.
    • Stand for the base.

    From apples connected with toothpicks we make the body of a caterpillar, and from olives on toothpicks we make horns. We make a nose with eyes from plasticine or autumn berries. Carrot rings make excellent legs. Now all that remains is to place everything on the base and decorate it as you please.

    Cabbage lady.

    Vegetable crafts made from vegetables are very popular in the fall. And thanks to this article, making them will be a real pleasure. You will need:

    • Head of cabbage, red sweet pepper, carrot, parsley.
    • Hat.
    • Toothpicks.

    We sculpt a composition from a head of cabbage, parsley and a cap, making a cute face from olives, carrots, and peppers.


    We select the material:

    • Cardboard base.
    • Elongated pumpkin.
    • Olives or grapes.
    • Carrots, apples, potatoes, mushrooms.
    • Toothpicks.

    We place a clearing on the base. We assemble the hedgehog from potatoes, carrots and pumpkins, as in the picture. Now we attach a nose, eyes and spines to it. And we load mushrooms and apples onto the thorns, maybe even leaves.

    Krosh from Smeshariki.

    We make this character from:

    A medium head of cabbage, a couple of cabbage leaves, zucchini, carrots, parsley.

    A couple of zucchini rings will be the legs, put a head of cabbage on them, it will be the body. We cut out ears from a pair of leaves and insert them into the cuts on the head of cabbage. We also make the handles from zucchini; you can put a carrot in one hand. We make hair for a hare from parsley and carrot tops. We make the eyes drawn or attach ready-made ones. We make a spout with teeth from melted material.

    Spiny cactus.

    If you are interested in vegetable crafts that you can make with your own hands for school, then this article was created especially for you. Here you will probably find a lot of interesting things. For example, to create the following craft, take:

    • Sweet pepper or potato.
    • Cucumber and toothpicks.

    Cut 2/3 of the potatoes. Using a spoon, we make a notch in the body of the potato, scooping out the core, and carve the edges. We prepare sweet peppers in the same way. This will be a pot. We insert a cucumber there and stick it with toothpicks, they will become thorns. The spines can be painted and a cactus face can be made from the remaining materials.

    Magic carriage.

    The craft carriage, as expected, is made from pumpkin. You will also need:

    • Small squash 4 pcs, toothpicks.
    • For decoration - ribbons, rhinestones, beads. Flowers.

    We cut out doors and windows in the pumpkin, and place squash as wheels (zucchini rings are also suitable if there are no squash). Decorating the carriage. If it is possible to seat a coachman and place horses, then we do it.


    The most various crafts can be made from vegetables. And you can be convinced of this if you carefully study this publication. In general, to make a stroller you will need:

    • An elongated watermelon and a pair of pineapple rings.
    • A couple of zucchini or orange rings, 4 olives and toothpicks.

    Scoop out the watermelon pulp, leaving the peel of the desired shape intact. The remaining peel will go to the handle. We make orange or zucchini wheels. Insert an olive or grape into the middle of each wheel. We make flowers from the pulp of watermelon or pineapple for the roof. All parts are attached with toothpicks.

    Pig for candy.

    • Again an oblong watermelon, also buttons.
    • Felt Pink colour and toothpicks.

    Scoop out the pulp and save it the required form peel. Using buttons we make a face for the pig. The ears and tail will be felt. We make the legs from leftover watermelon peels.


    Large eggplant or zucchini, sweet pepper (red), cabbage leaves 4 pcs.

    Long skewers and toothpicks.

    Cut out the boat shape with a knife. We make sails from skewers with cabbage leaves. Make a flag from red sweet pepper.


    Remove pulp and seeds from a large pumpkin. You can decorate it with carvings to your liking and fill it with vegetables, fruits, berries or nuts. Or maybe some sweets.


    This article also presents animal crafts made from vegetables. There were such examples above and now it’s worth giving another one. With some effort you can make a wonderful cat. Peel the onion carefully, keeping the tendrils. We put it on an onion ring. Using small cuts we make the cat's ears. We also cut out the eyes and mouth. We make the tail from scrap materials.

    Helicopter with a crocodile.

    • Zucchini zucchini, small cucumbers.
    • Carrots, whipped eggs, toothpicks.

    We cut out the cab in the zucchini. We make the tail and wings of a helicopter from cucumbers. The propeller will be beetroot. And the steering wheel and wheels are carrot-colored. We make crocodile from cucumbers. We put him in the cabin and, if desired and possible, attach a plastic protective glass in front of him in the cabin. We make a hat with eyes using available materials.

    Eh, bast shoes...

    They will need a couple of yellow and long zucchini. We clean the core from them, and make the peel in the form of bast shoes. You can scratch or draw the desired patterns on them.


    We make a forest clearing from fallen leaves, greenery, rowan berries, branches and flowers, and plant our zucchini on it. Next, we make him into a peasant - a forest villager, as your imagination dictates, draw a face, put on a hat, and make a beard.

    Little frog.

    If you want to know how to make crafts from vegetables, then you can find a lot of interesting things in this article. To make a frog, take:

    Green apple, small cucumber, olive or dark grape, 5 light grapes, toothpicks.

    The apple will be the body, you just need to cut the mouth correctly. We attach light grapes as arms and legs, eyes. We put a cucumber crown on top.


    Here you will need:

    Carrot, cucumber, 1 large and 3 small grapes, zucchini ring, toothpicks.

    The car itself is made from cucumber. The wheels will be carrots. Peeled squash half ring for cabana. And the grapes will be the headlights.

    The bear is clubfooted.

    To create a character, prepare:

    3 oval potatoes, 1 medium potato, 1 small potato, toothpicks.

    Connect 2 large potatoes into a head and body, cut out piles and legs from 3 large ones and connect them to the body. A small potato is a barrel of honey, attach to your hand. Eyes and nose can be drawn.

    Fly agaric.


    • Green squash, long pumpkin.
    • Colored paper and glue.
    • Plasticine.
    • Toothpicks.

    Cut off the nose of the pumpkin, leaving 8-10 cm for the cap. Make a mushroom stem from a zucchini. Connect them together with toothpicks. The hat needs to be painted red with white dots.

    Make a face from plasticine and colored paper.

    The mouse is a bitch.

    • The melon is small.
    • Watermelon with white rind.
    • A couple of dark olives or grapes.
    • Toothpicks.

    Using a knife, scratch eyes, a nose and a mouth on the watermelon, and scratch the antennae. Make the pupils from olives or grapes, cutting them in half. And make a spout from a whole olive or grape. Make ears from 2 melon halves.


    Beautiful crafts made from vegetables will appeal to everyone without exception. Therefore, it’s worth making something unusual and beautiful as soon as possible. For the monkey you need:

    Oranges large and small, pineapple, small watermelon with white peel, a couple of olives, toothpicks.

    We cut the pineapple on both sides and combine it with the watermelon. Thinly outline the eyes on the watermelon. We attach halves of olives there in the form of eyes. We make a mouth out of a large orange and attach it to the head. We make a nose from an olive and also attach it to the head. Make ears from a small orange and attach them.


    You need to find similar carrots, highly branched, and add parts of the face to them from scrap materials.

    • Palms.
    • Sweet peppers green and red.
    • Orange.
    • Black and green olives.
    • Green onion.
    • Skewers.

    Insert skewers into the oranges cut in half and thread the olives along their entire length. We make the tops of palm trees from peppers. One palm tree can be made from a bow. Place olives on the tops of all palm trees.


    Long pumpkin or yellow squash.

    • Green pumpkin, flat.
    • Small carrots 12 pcs.
    • The basis for the clearing.
    • Fallen leaves.
    • Toothpicks.

    Cut a long pumpkin or zucchini and insert it into a flat one, cut there too. Make legs from carrots. Next, we plant the spider in the clearing. We make the eyes and mouth from plasticine.


    We cut out penguins from eggplants, make their faces from carrots, as well as paws and beaks.


    It's easy to make from a few young zucchini. Their rings will make wheels. You can use chopsticks to complement the image and also make a pipe and a nose out of carrots.


    Thanks to our instructions you will be able to do beautiful crafts from vegetables for the exhibition. Pigs are made from potatoes, and would be better suited pink. We sculpt snouts, ears, and tails onto it with pink plasticine. It is better to sculpt the eyes from black plasticine. Then you can place them in a clearing or in a pen.

    Retro car.

    TO middle length You can attach wheels from cardboard to the zucchini, a steering wheel from wire, and build a cabin from black cardboard and connect it to the zucchini.

    Fairytale fish.

    You can use not only beautiful and smooth zucchini, but for example, one with a curved tail is very suitable for creating a fabulous fish. Cardboard and plasticine with paints will also come in handy. And you can decorate it to suit every taste and color.

    Festive service.

    From 1 large and a couple of small pumpkins you can make a tea pair with teapot. Pieces of thin and flexible hose will help as a spout and handles. Pumpkins need to be freed from pulp and seeds. Moreover, the lid for the teapot will be its own cut off top. For the cups, their tops will become saucers. Next, all that remains is to decorate your service.

    Cartoons - Smeshariki.

    From potatoes, onions, apples and pears, as well as plasticine, zucchini and toothpicks, you can make a whole team of Smeshariki. The zucchini will become a car, and from each vegetable or fruit you will make each of the cartoon characters.

    Cabbage snowman.

    So, from a couple of heads of cabbage, of course, carrots (where would we be without them), pepper, a scarf and a skewer, we build a snowman. We fasten the heads of cabbage together with a skewer, attach a carrot, put on a cap made of pepper and tie a scarf, and the eyes and mouth can be made from plasticine.


    • A pair of long yellow zucchini
    • Carrot.
    • Plasticine.
    • Cardboard base.

    On the basis we make a clearing or a road. From one zucchini we make the base of the tractor, and from the second - the cabin. We make wheels from zucchini rings. The carrot will become a pipe. Her rings will serve as the steering wheel and headlights. You can also make a plasticine man and put him in the cockpit.

    Pumpkin is a tower.

    We place the pumpkin in the clearing - a decorated cardboard base. Having selected the pulp from it, cut out the windows and door. Place grass on the roof. Next, we decorate the house to your taste and capabilities.


    We cut the zucchini and pumpkin as necessary and connect them to the base. The face can be made from berries, plasticine, and beads. And decorate the snail with everything you have at hand - ribbons, beads, etc.


    A wood cutter will also be convenient for cutting watermelon. A carrot will make an excellent nose, and the eyelids and eyes are made from scrap material.


    As part of this article, the names of crafts made from vegetables were presented. All crafts are simple in execution. This number also includes the last one. 3 cucumbers, a head of cabbage, toothpicks and wire can make an excellent turtle base. The cabbage should be trimmed for stability and the shell of your turtle should be made from identical cucumber rings. A third of the cucumber will go to the head. Glue the eyes of beads or berries onto it, and put on wire glasses. And you can sew or knit a tiny hat.

    DIY vegetable crafts are a very popular form of creativity. They are especially relevant in the fall. If you have a child, then various competitions at school have probably already begun. Choosing vegetables for your crafts is a great idea. And if you supplement them with natural materials or the most simple decor, then you can create real masterpieces.

    Earlier we told you what it is. If you have a special knife, you can combine it with vegetable crafts. Then they will definitely be unique. However, you can do without this. It all depends on how serious the competition is. If creativity is exclusively homemade, then overly complex patterns are probably useless.

    We tried to make as complete a selection as possible. Potatoes, zucchini, eggplant, carrots, onions, corn and other vegetables - in this article you will find lessons on creating crafts from a variety of crops.

    By the way, some ideas may be useful for parents of little picky kids. If your child refuses to eat vegetables, try surprising him with a cucumber or carrot animal or person that he can eat. There are also crafts for the little ones that can be made for kindergarten.

    Vegetables need to be carefully washed and dried. It is best to prepare all the necessary details right away. Get inspired, harvest and go!

    Snail: zucchini + pumpkin

    Even a child of age can make this craft. primary school. True, you will have to help him a little.

    We will need:

    • pumpkin;
    • zucchini;
    • rowan or other berries;
    • corrugated paper and cardboard;
    • leaves;
    • toothpicks;
    • additional decor.

    Use a spoon to make a shell-shaped indentation on the pumpkin. From corrugated paper cut out circles: for the cap and to hide the joint between the vegetables. We fasten the zucchini and pumpkin together with toothpicks. To make horns for the snail, we also use toothpicks and decorate them with berries.

    A snail's face can be made from artificial eyes or made entirely from berries. It is best to place the snail on a cardboard box to make the structure stable.

    There is no shame in bringing such a funny vegetable craft to a competition. She looks really great!

    Boat: eggplant + onion

    This craft can be done with your child in kindergarten. Just keep in mind that onions do not last very long, and therefore they may give off an unpleasant odor.

    We will need:

    • eggplant;
    • 2 onions;
    • colored paper;
    • toothpicks;
    • cardboard box.

    Cut the eggplant in half and then scoop out the inside of the vegetable using a spoon. This must be done very carefully so as not to damage the peel or damage the integrity of the walls.

    Take toothpicks and glue a piece of paper onto each of them to make a paddle. They will need to be stuck into the onion so that the vegetables are automatically fixed in the eggplant and the craft is stable.

    You can add decor to the bow using colored paper and PVA glue.

    Merry men: assorted

    You can use any vegetables for this fun craft. The main thing is that one should be elongated, and another 3-4 should be round. You can make such a car with funny people with your own hands for a school competition.

    We will need:

    • zucchini;
    • potato;
    • toothpicks;
    • plasticine;
    • colored paper.

    All small details and decor will be made from plasticine. True, it sticks very poorly to smooth peels, so it’s best to take rough vegetables.

    We need to use one zucchini completely, and from the second we need to cut 4 round wheels. We attach them using toothpicks.

    Some colored paper decorations can be glued with PVA glue. Do this only with vegetables that you do not plan to eat.

    If your child is very small, put ready-made Kinder Surprise figurines in a zucchini car.

    Carrot bunny

    You can make a very cute bunny with just one carrot with your own hands. This craft is great as a trick to get your child to start eating carrots.

    We will need:

    • carrot;
    • plasticine;
    • paper.

    Take long and thick carrots. We need to cut 4 identical circles from it. Divide the carrots into 2 halves on top - these will be the ears.

    Cut out the legs from the circles using a sharp knife. We make a cut in the center of the carrot so that we can place paper there and form a semblance of teeth. We make the eyes and nose from plasticine. We attach all the parts to toothpicks or half toothpicks.

    If you plan to eat a bunny, make the eyes out of berries or pieces of brightly colored vegetables.

    Cucumber shark

    This craft can be made to be eaten the same day. If you want to enter it into a competition, your best bet is to carve a shark out of a zucchini.

    We will need:

    • cucumber;
    • radish;
    • any decor.

    You can make imitation algae from cucumbers or paper. You can prick our future fish on a fork (even a plastic one).

    The cucumber should be slightly curved. We will need to take one more vegetable - we only use the peel from it. We cut out fins and a tail from it. We make deep cuts on the main part of the craft. We insert small parts into them.

    Cut the front part of the cucumber deeply. So that you can insert half a radish, a piece of pepper or a tomato there - we need to form the mouth of a shark. It is very convenient to secure the fish on toothpicks.

    This craft can be an excellent decoration for festive table.

    cucumber cactus

    This cactus is a craft for the little ones. IN kindergarten or 1st grade – that’s it.

    We will need:

    • 2 cucumbers;
    • large pepper;
    • dill;

    It will be great to find a cucumber with a flower. If you don't have one, take a decorative one. Cut off two parts from the pepper. Insert one cucumber into the center. Cut the second cucumber in half diagonally. Attach the two pieces with toothpicks.

    To make needles, take dill or other herbs. Let's just take chopsticks. Stick them into the cucumbers from all sides.

    You can decorate the pepper pot with onions or peppers of a different color. You can attach the parts to dill if the pepper is soft. If not, use toothpicks.

    Such homemade cacti can also become a wonderful decoration for a holiday table. Especially at a children's party.

    Corn flowers

    It makes sense to make this craft edible. That is, to make it, it is best to take already boiled corn. Although if you are planning to make something for a competition in a kindergarten or school, then the idea can be used independently or as an addition to a larger craft.

    We will need:

    • corn;
    • zucchini;
    • culinary skewers;
    • flower pots.

    Pots can be replaced with regular mugs. Insert the zucchini into the center. Thread the corn onto skewers and thread them as deep as possible.

    If you have a vegetable cutter, you can easily make flowers from carrots, turnips or any hard vegetables.

    Carrot pirate

    Crafts made from vegetables can be very original if you come up with them interesting decor. Moreover, you can create it from ordinary threads and colored paper. A hat, a hairstyle, a funny outfit - you will end up with something completely unusual.

    We will need:

    • thick carrots;
    • threads;
    • cardboard;
    • paints;
    • insulating tape;
    • marker.

    Using a knife, form the nose, eyes and mouth of the future pirate on the carrot. Cut off the top so that the vegetable can be placed.

    Draw eyes and mouth with a marker. We make an eye patch and a pirate hat from cardboard. We wrap the threads with electrical tape. The saber needs to be cut out of cardboard, and everything else needs to be painted with paints.

    By the way, this craft can be used for a children's Halloween party.

    Horse: zucchini + carrots

    This craft is perhaps the most difficult in our selection. However, this is only in appearance. In fact, putting vegetables together and forming such a figure is quite simple.

    We will need:

    • 2 small zucchini;
    • 4 carrots;
    • 4 potatoes of the same size;
    • 2 hot peppers;
    • twigs;
    • ready-made basket;
    • cardboard box;
    • wire;
    • toothpicks;
    • any decor.

    First, let's prepare the zucchini. If they are too big, you need to cut off the excess. Take a closer look at the main part of the craft: the zucchini consists of two parts. They are held together by many toothpicks stuck into the pulp. We fasten the zucchini head to the zucchini body in the same way.

    Prepare the carrots and trim them at both ends. We need 4 identical blanks. Make holes in the potatoes and zucchini, insert the “legs” using toothpicks.

    We make the harness for the horse from twigs fastened with wire. We simply wrap the basket and place it on a small cardboard platform. We make wheels from carrots. We fill the beauty basket itself with various vegetables and natural materials.

    This vegetable craft definitely deserves first place in the creative competition!

    Eggplant penguins

    This craft requires only one vegetable and just a couple of minutes of free time.

    We will need:

    • eggplant or zucchini;
    • sharp knife;
    • toy eyes.

    We attach the eyes to the tail of the eggplant using superglue. Cut off the concave part of the vegetable to expose the “belly” of the penguin. We make two cuts on the side to form the wings. We cut off the round part from the second end so that the vegetable can be placed. We form paws from it.

    This craft will certainly appeal to the youngest children.

    Pumpkin house

    This pumpkin craft is great any time, but it's especially special for Halloween. Its advantage is that it can be stored for quite a long time - the pumpkin almost does not rot at all.

    We will need:

    • large stable pumpkin;
    • sharp knife;
    • toothpicks;
    • natural materials;
    • any figures.

    We have already told you before. Here we proceed in the same way. The vegetable needs to be carefully cleaned from the inside, washed and dried, and only then proceed to the craft.

    We'll make a window out of toothpicks. We cut off the top cover and glue any branches, leaves or rowan berries to it.

    We install the structure on the cover from cardboard box, and place toy animal figures around it.

    This craft is perfect for participating in a competition in elementary school.

    Potato Cheburashka

    You can make many different crafts from just one or two potatoes. It is enough just to supplement them with original details.

    We will need:

    • 1 large potato;
    • toothpicks;
    • plasticine.

    Cut the vegetable into circles of equal thickness. We fasten the parts with toothpicks. We form the face from plasticine. You can decorate the craft with popcorn or a flower.

    If you are afraid that the potatoes will darken, because the craft will have to be stored for more than one day, make it from whole tubers. Form exactly the same figure. Make ears and paws from halves of small potatoes, with their skins facing out.

    This vegetable craft good for both kindergarten and elementary school.

    We hope you are inspired by this collection of ideas. Repeat them completely or come up with something of your own. Supplement vegetable crafts with fruits, leaves, various decorations. Collect simple figures from large vegetables, if your child is very small. Or try carving if you're aiming for first place in a school competition. Have fun creating and have fun in the process!

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