• Until what age can you ride in a chair? The letter of the law: up to what age is a child car seat required, lack of a seat and other reasons for fines. Is it possible to carry a child in your arms?


    Parents are often interested in the question: at what age can you ride a train without an adult?

    Is it possible to send children on a trip on your own if you need to take the child to relatives for a trip? summer holidays, but adults don’t have time for this?

    There are situations when a child needs to be sent on a trip, for example, to a championship, festival, or to a neighboring city to visit his grandmother.

    At what age can you travel by train alone?

    Children under 7 years old are prohibited from traveling on trains without adult supervision. From the age of 7, a child can buy an adult ticket for an electric train at the ticket office or use a travel card.

    On trains long distance By Russian laws in 2020, children can travel unaccompanied by adults only if they are already 10 years old. Until then, travel is permitted if accompanied by a parent or guardian.

    According to the rules of intercity transportation on long-distance trains, it is prohibited for children under 10 years of age to travel unless accompanied by parents or teachers.

    As an exception, children can travel by train if they are traveling to educational institution, and there is no other way to get there.

    If the trip is carried out by rail on suburban transport, then the child must be at least 7 years old to travel independently.

    Children aged 2-12 years can travel with an accompanying adult or a passenger under 18 years of age who has already reached legal capacity.

    Do I need a power of attorney? To transport children over 12 years of age under the supervision of the carrier, a written application from parents or guardians will be sufficient.

    Many people are interested in at what age can you travel by train without parents in Russia and can a 14-year-old child travel alone on a train?

    If a child has already reached 14 years of age, then he can travel independently, but he must present a passport. When boarding a railway transport a child 13 years old will need documentary confirmation of his age and identity.

    To do this, it is enough to present the original birth certificate or its copy certified by a notary.

    Is it possible for a 16-year-old child to travel on trains by himself? Yes, such a minor can independently move to another city if he has a passport and ticket.

    Age is taken into account at the time of travel, not when purchasing tickets. A child can purchase a ticket only after presenting an identification document.

    When boarding any passenger, the conductor checks the ticket and identification document. If there are benefits, a document giving the right to benefits must be presented.

    If travel is carried out using a discounted travel pass, then with the passport the child must additionally present a certificate received from a school or other educational institution.

    The certificate must contain the following information:

    Cost of travel for children by railway transport

    The fare depends on the age of the children; the ticket price is much lower than for adults, for example:

    1. Children under 5 years old travel for free if the child does not occupy a seat and shares it with an accompanying person. If a parent wishes to travel in a separate seat, then the ticket is issued in accordance with the fares for children.
    2. Children 5-7 years old - according to children's rates.
    3. Children over 7 years old travel at adult fares.

    Even if children have reached the age when they are allowed to travel independently, they must know the rules of behavior in transport and not forget about safety, as sometimes unpleasant situations happen during trips.

    To avoid tragic consequences or minimize them, you should explain to your child the rules for minors traveling on a train without their parents.

    During the movement of railway transport, while on the platform, you should move to a safe distance. Railway tracks can only be crossed at specially equipped crossings.

    If the crossing is located at the same level as the railway tracks, make sure that there is no approaching train nearby.

    It is prohibited and prohibited:

    In addition to standard safety rules, we suggest using the following tips:

    It is very important to talk about safety precautions with the child himself, because traveling on a train is unsafe even for an adult. The train may suddenly swerve at speed or brake suddenly.

    Do not allow your child to walk around the carriages on his own or get off the carriage at a stop; he may get lost or fall behind the train. Forbid him to come into contact with suspicious strangers.

    If there is a request for help, then it is better for the baby to turn to a woman, especially if she is traveling with her children.

    Having found out whether it is possible to send your child on the train alone, you can plan a trip for your child to visit grandma or go on an excursion, but it is still better not to send children on the trip alone.

    If such a need arises, then it is necessary to prepare for this trip with all responsibility, not only by preparing necessary documents, but also paying attention to safety rules.

    Remember that no one can keep an eye on your child and ensure his safety better than a parent.

    Sending a child alone is dangerous, even if he is already 10 years old, so try not to let him go alone on long-distance trains unnecessarily!

    Judging by reports from the World Health Organization, child restraints can reduce the rate of fatalities in road accidents by 72%. Therefore, certain requirements have been developed establishing travel conditions for infants and children. younger age. Approximately the same standards operate in most countries, so lovers of auto tourism will be interested in knowing all the nuances of regulations not only in Russia, but also abroad.

    Why does a small child need to be carried in a special seat in a car?

    Any car enthusiast who is interested in how old children can ride in a car seat should understand the importance of this norm. First of all, it is dictated by concern for the safety of our children. No one enjoys any trip in a car as much as children. While driving, they can react very emotionally to all sorts of objects flying outside the window, thereby creating problems for the driver, and they themselves risk injury.

    Special child seats can not only “calm down” a child, but also fully protect him from injury in the event of an accident. Judging by statistics, these devices can prevent 95% of injuries to our children.

    The method of carrying in your arms does not at all guarantee reliable fixation of the baby. When the brakes are applied sharply or during an impact, even at a speed of 50 km/h, the weight of the passenger theoretically increases by 25-30 times. Therefore, anyone who is interested in the age at which children should ride in a car seat should take into account the fact that transportation by hand is recognized by experts as the most dangerous, because under such loads it is almost impossible to hold a child. In addition, in an emergency, an adult can crush a baby with his weight.

    What devices are used to transport young passengers?

    Some parents mistakenly believe that it is enough to fasten their children with a regular seat belt. This may be correct when their age exceeds 12 years, but for a child this option is fundamentally unsuitable. For such cases, manufacturers of car accessories offer a number of their products:

    1. Car seat - a seat for transporting newborns weighing 10-12 kg in a horizontal position, age limit - 1-1.5 years. In practice, the product is used for children up to six months. The cradle is attached to the rear seat perpendicular to the movement of the car, and it is important to disable the side airbags, if any.
    2. The chair is a full-fledged seat for children weighing from 10 to 25 kg and ages from one to twelve years. It is attached to the rear sofa with special belts, the child is secured in the seat either with internal straps or with standard car seat belts.
    3. Booster is a seat without a backrest for a child weighing over 15 kg. Fastened with stock seat belts through special holes in the product. Mainly used for short trips. For those who are interested in how old children can ride in such a car seat, the answer is the following – from 5 to 12 years.

    Experts recommend that parents use the installation instructions, because each model has its own characteristics. Also, when purchasing, you should not pay attention to chairs that have already been in accidents or have any defects.

    Legal aspect: until what age should children ride in a car seat according to the laws of the Russian Federation?

    The regulation of children's transportation in private cars is carried out by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 767, which was signed on December 14, 2005. The document supplemented section 22 of the traffic rules with clause 22.9, which states that transportation of a child under twelve years of age must be carried out in special devices. If the child’s height exceeds 140 cm or his weight is more than 36 kg, then a special seat is not needed.

    This point began operating on January 1, 2007. As for the punishment for the lack of equipment, until September 1, 2013, the fine was 500 rubles. A day later, an article appeared in the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation under the number 12.23 part 3, which transfers the level of punishment to a more “expensive” level. Now the violator will be required to pay an amount equal to 3,000 rubles.

    What are the rules for transporting a child in European countries?

    Almost every country in the world has its own rules governing the transportation of children in road transport. In Europe, all child restraint devices must meet the standards described in regulation ECE R 44/03. Chairs with outdated standards 44/01 and 44/02 are not allowed for use.

    For tourism lovers and anyone interested in the age at which children should ride in a car seat in European countries, the following data will be of interest:

    • Austria – under twelve years of age and less than 1.5 m tall, the fine for violation is € 35.
    • England – up to 3 years in any vehicle, penalties – from £30 to 500.
    • Belgium – under twelve years of age and less than 1.35 m in height, the fine is € 50.
    • Germany - up to twelve years of age, after 3 years of age, transportation is allowed only on the back seat, the fine for violation is € 50.
    • Spain – under twelve years of age and height up to 1.35 m, for violation of a sanction of € 200.
    • Latvia – under 14 years of age and up to 1.5 m tall, for violation a penalty of LVL 10.
    • Netherlands – under 18 years of age and height less than 1.35 m, the fine is € 130.
    • France - under 19 years old and height up to 1.59 m, sanctions for violation - a fine of € 135.


    A certain part of car enthusiasts believe that babies under one year old can be transported in their arms. This is a wrong opinion, as there is a risk of injury during sudden braking or a collision. For such cases, car accessory manufacturers produce cradles; they can be placed in front, but on the condition that the Airbag cushions are turned off.

    child over a year old It is recommended to transport it in a special chair, which is attached only to the back seat of the car. According to the rules, parents are required to transport children under the age of twelve in this way. Failure to comply with these standards is punishable by a fine of 3,000 rubles.

    Do you need a license to drive a moped?, are of interest to many owners of this vehicle, since until recently they were not required. Whether you need a license for a moped and whether there is an age limit for the right to drive one, we will consider in detail in this article.

    Moped license

    Mopeds and motorcycles were very popular in the Soviet Union. During the years of perestroika, their popularity decreased, but now they are again in great demand. Especially among teenagers, since until adulthood other vehicles are simply not available to them. But do you need a license to drive a moped?

    Rules traffic Since 2014, a moped has been defined as a mechanical vehicle and obligatory to obtain a category M license to drive it. Also, the license of any other open category is suitable for driving this vehicle. For driving a moped without a license, traffic regulations provide for administrative liability for the driver in the form of a fine, the amount of which varies from 5 to 15 thousand rubles.

    Who can get a category M license?

    No less than the previous question, teenagers are concerned about another: at what age can you ride a moped and get a license?

    According to the law, a driver's license to drive a moped can be obtained by persons who have reached the age of 16 and whose health meets certain medical requirements. This means that before completing training at a driving school, you need to undergo a medical commission and receive an examination from doctors.

    Don't know your rights?

    A candidate for a license must have no restrictions or contraindications for driving this vehicle. Thus, diseases in the presence of which it is prohibited to drive any transport include:

    • schizophrenia;
    • mental illnesses associated with the use of psychotropic medications;
    • blindness;
    • epilepsy, etc.

    Medical restrictions for driving a moped include:

    • vision is below 0.6 in the best eye and below 0.2 in the worse eye;
    • blindness in one eye with vision below 0.8 in the sighted eye;
    • a month after eye surgery;
    • chronic diseases of the eye shell and some others associated with visual impairment;
    • the absence of one of the limbs, hands or feet;
    • absence of phalanges or fingers, immobility in the interphalangeal space;
    • a significant difference in the length of the limbs (if one limb is 6 cm or more shorter than the other);
    • diseases with impaired vestibular functions.

    How and where to get a license for a moped?

    Examinations for obtaining a driver's license are carried out in traffic police departments. You can find out about the timing of the exam and the operating procedures of these structures on the government services website. Before taking the exam, you need to undergo training at a driving school. The educational institution must have a license and provide training of the appropriate category, which lasts 1.5-2 months. During this period, general theoretical rules are studied and the practice of driving a moped is honed.

    The exam itself consists of two parts - theoretical and practical. The first test is taken on a computer; two incorrect answers are allowed during the test. The practical part is taken at a special site, where you need to perform a certain list of maneuvers.

    If a candidate does not pass any of the parts, then he can be allowed to retake it no earlier than after 7 days. If you fail the exam 3 times in a row, re-admission is possible only after 30 days. Upon successful completion of all parts of the exam, the driver receives a license of the appropriate category for 10 years.

    Documents required to obtain rights:

    • passport;
    • certificates from a psychoneurological clinic and from a narcologist;
    • general medical certificate;
    • application in the prescribed form;
    • receipt of payment of state duty;
    • documents confirming completion of training.


    The increasing number of accidents on the roads involving or caused by drivers of scooters and mopeds has led to the need to tighten legislation in this area. Now, driving them requires obtaining a category M license, which can be applied for by citizens over 16 years of age. It is also necessary to undergo training at a licensed educational institution; self-study is unacceptable here.

    Before transporting a baby in a car, you need to study the rules and requirements provided by law, and the main thing is that the baby must be in a restraint device. The most popular are various models car seats To avoid a fine and for the safety of your child, you should know at what age you need child care. Car seat and how to use it correctly.

    Some amendments are made to traffic regulations almost every year, so drivers are advised to periodically monitor new information so as not to break the law. According to the rules, more stringent requirements are imposed on the transportation of children than on adults traveling in a car. If it is enough for a man or woman to be wearing standard seat belts, and this is only mandatory for passengers traveling in front seat, then children cannot be transported in this way.

    The law states that children from birth to twelve years of age can only be transported in a car using a special restraint device.

    Most often, by the term “restraint device,” parents mean a special car seat, the model of which takes into account the characteristics of the baby’s age, height and weight. Traffic police officers warn parents that the law establishes a fine for incorrectly transporting a child. How much will you have to pay? For example, if an adult passenger in a car is not wearing a seat belt, the driver will lose 500 rubles. But if the rules for having a small passenger in the car are violated, then the parents or another person driving the car will face a fine of 3 thousand rubles.

    Some parents prefer to take the risk and pay the fine, but continue to transport their child without a restraint device. However, experts warn that, first of all, adults put the health and life of their child at risk. After all, even the most experienced drivers are not insured against an accident, sudden braking or a strong impact. Situations on the road can be different, so it's better to be safe.

    Necessary nuances: you need to take into account weight and age

    Not only the presence of a car seat in the car is decisive for traffic police officers. The restraint device must suit the child according to many criteria. Therefore, parents should clearly know how to choose correct model car seats. To ensure the safety of children, restraints must be designed to limit the child’s mobility during an impact or sudden braking.

    It should not fly through the glass or hit.

    Taking into account the results of numerous crash tests, car seats are the safest. If they are installed correctly in the car and fit the child’s parameters, such devices can protect the baby from impacts, especially frontal ones.

    Models of car seats depending on the weight, height and age of children - table

    Experts draw the attention of parents that when choosing a car seat, the main rule is to be guided by the weight of the baby, and not his age.

    The fact is that upon impact, the child’s weight increases several times, and if the device model is not designed for such a load, this may increase the risk of injury to the baby. For example, if your baby is one and a half to two years old, but weighs more than 18 kg, it’s time to change the car seat and buy a category 2 model.

    Car seats of different categories - photo gallery
    A category 0 car seat can only be installed parallel to the rear seat

    A group 0+ car seat is a carrier with a handle and is installed on the front or rear seat strictly against the movement of the car. Group 0+/1 is transformed as the child grows up. Group 1/2 car seats can be installed in front or behind in the direction of travel of the car. Group 2/3 car seats are intended for older age group
    (from 15 to 36 kg)

    This group is suitable for children weighing from 9 to 36 kg

    Drivers should be aware that according to traffic rules, it is allowed to transport children under 12 years of age in the front seat, but only in a car seat. However, if a small passenger is driving in front, the airbag must be turned off and the seat must be moved back as far as possible, so that in the event of an accident the child will not be injured.

    Until the child reaches one year of age, the restraint system must be placed in the front seat strictly against the direction of travel.

    Is it necessary to put a child under twelve years old in a car seat if the seat is already too small for him in weight and height?

    Recently, proposed amendments to the law on the transportation of children under 12 years of age in cars are often discussed among drivers and specialists. In particular, this applies to the use of car seats for children under 7 years of age. After the child turns seven, parents have the right to independently decide whether the child needs a restraint device or whether it is possible to transport him in a car without one.

    The experts who proposed such changes motivate their decision by the fact that children of the same age can differ significantly in weight category and height. Sometimes a nine-year-old child is larger than a twelve-year-old and simply does not fit in a car seat.

    That is, the new rules provide for avoiding a fine for drivers if a child over seven years old is in the back seat of the car and is wearing standard seat belts. Some experts proposed replacing the age criterion with the baby’s weight and height, but did not come to a decision on how traffic police officers would be able to check these parameters.

    However, to date these amendments have not been adopted and the old rules for transporting children in a car apply. Therefore, drivers are advised to carefully monitor changes in legislation to avoid breaking the law. But the question of many parents remains open: how to behave if the child is physically larger than the average weight and height for his age and does not fit in a car seat. The fact is that if a car is stopped by a patrol, then they focus only on the age of the child: he is under 12 years old - he must be in a restraint device. If this rule is not followed, the driver faces a fine of 3 thousand rubles.

    Therefore, parents can transport their children using other restraint devices. For example, a frameless car seat or buster. But here there are weight restrictions: the baby should weigh no more than 36 kg. And for a booster, height is also important, which must be at least 120 cm. In this case, traffic police officers will not be able to issue a fine, since the rules for transporting a child will be observed.

    Today, special restraint devices for transporting children in the car are not only car seats, but also bussters and FEST belt adapters. There were plans to change the law in 2017 to ban the use of the buster and belt adapter. It was assumed that for children under seven years old only a frame car seat should be used. However, these amendments have not yet been adopted and new law has not entered into force.

    Have there been new amendments to the Russian law on transporting children in a car - video

    If you have a car seat, but use it incorrectly, is there a fine and what?

    Often parents, even having a car seat, can find themselves in a situation where they cannot avoid a fine. This applies to cases where the restraint device is not used correctly. The fact is that the safe transportation of a child depends not only on the presence of a car seat: the baby must be securely secured in it.

  • The car seat was incorrectly fixed in the car: there are several options for installing the model. You can secure the seat with standard seat belts or use the Isofix fastening system. Experts recommend the second option, because it almost one hundred percent eliminates the possibility of incorrect installation of the restraint device. If the car does not have an Isofix system, you need to carefully check that the seat is attached correctly. If the car seat is not securely secured, the passenger may suffer a face or head injury from hitting the back of the front seat during an impact or braking;
  • installed incorrectly: different models Car seats are attached to the seat in different ways. For example, if the car seat is not parallel to the seat or the group 0+ car carrier is secured in the direction of travel of the car, the driver cannot avoid a fine;
  • A category 0 car seat - a car seat - is located in the front seat, and according to the instructions this is prohibited. It is worth knowing that you cannot transport a child in the front seat in frameless chairs and other restraint devices;

    In models of group 1-2-3 it is possible to remove the back of the chair and use it as a buster. If parents prefer to carry the baby in front, then this is allowed only in a fully equipped car seat. Once it is converted into a booster seat, the passenger must sit in the back.

  • the baby is not fastened to the seat or is not fastened as required: if the baby weighs less than 15 kg, then he is secured in the seat using a five-point seat belt. As soon as the baby’s weight exceeds this figure, he is fastened with standard car seat belts. If parents use a booster or FEST, then the baby is secured only with the belts of the car, so you should pay attention so that the belt does not pass through the child’s neck. This requires a special limiter.

    It is not enough just to sit the baby in a chair; he must be fastened with belts. If this is not done or done incorrectly, the driver will in any case pay a fine of 3 thousand rubles.

  • According to the law, the driver is required to pay the fine within sixty days from the date of receipt. He also has ten days in which the driver can appeal this inspector’s decision in court.

    Fastening car seats with belts - photo gallery

    Car seats of category 0+ can be installed both in the rear and front seats of the car, but always only in the rear facing direction. In the car seat, the child is held in place by internal belts. Many people consider it cost-effective to purchase car seats that combine two or even three weight groups at once

    How to use other restraints without a child car seat

    In many cases, parents prefer to transport their baby in a frame car seat. But according to the law, they can choose other restraint devices:

  • frameless car seat - attached to the back seat of the car using special seat belts. Such models are adjustable depending on the height and weight of the child. However, experts warn that such devices do not protect children from either frontal or side impacts. And numerous crash tests show: during an impact, seat belts often break; they simply cannot withstand the increased load of the passenger’s weight at the time of the collision;
  • buster is a special device that is a seat without a backrest. His role is quite simple: to lift the baby so that he can be fastened with the standard car seat belts without squeezing his neck. But during an accident, boosters very often move out of place, and a belt without a limiter can squeeze the baby in the neck;
  • FEST belt adapter - this invention is used to fix the standard belt of a machine. The passenger's height is still too small to fasten him with regular seat belts, and the adapter fixes them in such a position that they do not squeeze the baby's neck. However, statistics show that during sudden braking, impact or collision, adapters often become dislodged. And this can lead to suffocation of the baby.
  • Safety restraints that can be used to transport a child in a car - photo gallery

    Characteristics of restraint devices - table

    Some parents believe that babies can be transported in a carrycot or stroller unit. However, this is completely against the law. It is prohibited to transport a baby in a car: the inspector is obliged to issue a fine for non-compliance with traffic rules.

    And also in this case, parents expose the health and life of the child to great danger.

    Car seat or other devices: what to choose for safe driving - video Parents are first of all obliged to think about the safety of their baby when traveling in a car; he must be in a car seat or other restraint device. IN the driver faces a fine of 3 thousand rubles for violating the law. Experts note: according to statistics, a child is more likely to suffer fewer injuries and survive an accident if he is securely secured in a car seat.

    Many parents who have purchased cars are confident that they can transport their own and other children and travel with their children in a personal “car” without a car seat. And they are wrong.

    Proper movement of children over distances by motor transport gives the Civil Code Russian Federation, for which a car seat is necessary, but until how old?

    The regulatory articles of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation provide a clear explanation of how to move children by vehicle and up to what age parents should use the recommendations of the law.

    It has been established that traveling with children under 12 years of age is permitted only with selected car seats according to many parameters:

    1. Height and physique are taken into account.
    2. Selected by actual weight, not by eye.
    3. For transportation, seats with retaining elements are used.

    The selection of car seats is mandatory, allowing the body of an infant or teenager to be secured in a safe position that does not allow them to fly out and be injured in the event of sudden braking or a collision with another car.

    Adult passengers use standard safety belts. I sat down and immediately buckled up. Belts self-regulating tightening. Insuring children requires a different approach.

    Traffic rules require

    If the traffic officer left the car and discovered that the child was not in a special seat, he immediately writes out to the driver, which amounts to 5 hundred rubles. It will not be possible to escape punishment if the chair does not meet the established parameters and does not have protective parts and components.

    The car seat must meet the parameters based on the weight of the small passenger. Here growth plays a secondary role. Fines are increasing. Confiscation of three thousand from drivers' wallets for a violation is becoming a standard punishment.

    Some parents are interested in why weight prevails over height. There is a simple explanation for the phenomenon. The impact increases the body's weight many times over. Being in an ill-fitting seat at the moment of sudden force, it is unlikely to protect a small passenger. The result is disappointing. The child's body is severely injured. No harm awaits him and a fatal end awaits him. There are more than enough traffic accidents with fatalities. Experts recommend that when a child reaches eighteen kilogram weight, immediately change the chair for him.

    Difficult disputes

    Drivers often argue over the question of whether it is necessary to place a boy or girl under 12 years old in a car seat if it does not suit their height and weight. Such doubts confront the provisions of the law, which precisely determines to what extent full years children ride in a car seat. This age is considered legalized by the Civil Code of Russia to be 12 years.

    The letter of the Law remains in force if a child is tall and has gained weight and is riding in the first passenger seat. In the event of disputes between the driver and the parents of a minor passenger, the parties are obliged to be guided by the provisions of current civil legislation.

    The driver's categorical behavior will allow him to avoid fines when meeting with traffic police officers. But that's not the main thing. The essence of the requirement is that compliance with the requirements is a guarantee of saving the lives of minor citizens in the event of an accident on the highway.

    Definitely, minors under 12 years of age are transported in a car, only locally, equipped with restraining devices. This means that the life of such a passenger can be insured in other ways. For example, by installing car seats that do not have frames or busters.

    It is not possible for every child to use the suggested options. There are weight restrictions. The driver will be fined if he tries to transport teenagers whose weight is more than 36 kilograms. Using a bus driver to transport a child over 120 centimeters tall will be a detrimental activity for the driver.

    Children in a car seat are a guarantee of safety

    The presence of a special car seat for children in the car does not guarantee that you will not face penalties. The traffic police officer will determine with a trained eye whether it is installed accurately or incorrectly. It is important that the seated baby is well secured and remains unharmed in the event of an emergency.

    Purchased seats for children can be mounted in the cabin in several universal ways:

    • standard seat belts;
    • Isofix fastening system.

    Father-drivers choose the second option for their children. Fastening the seat using this system ensures that in the event of sudden braking or hitting an obstacle, a minor passenger will not hit his head or other parts of the body on protruding parts of the passenger compartment.

    For incorrect placement of child seats in the functional position, the traffic police officer has the right to issue the driver a hefty fine.

    Should not be forgotten

    The driver and parents of children should not forget that other weakly reinforced structures are prohibited on the seat together with the driver. It is prohibited, but if parents really want their child to be transported in the front passenger seat, then they need to purchase 100% complete components.

    When transforming into a booster, the passenger is seated in the back and is not fastened. If the child weighs 15 kilograms, then the fixation is carried out with five-point belts. Strong seat belts are used. If the booster weighs more than 15 kilograms, it is secured with standard seat belts intended for adults.

    To the attention of drivers. When using FEST or a booster, children are fastened with standard car seat belts designed to withstand instantaneous force. Pay attention to whether the belt is catching the neck of a small travel companion. To prevent this from happening, a limiting device is installed. The baby is not just seated, but the body is properly secured with seat belts.

    Do not ignore this task, since the traffic police have the right to impose liability, which can be canceled by efforts judicial trial does not seem possible. The bottom line is that the driver who showed carelessness will pay 3,000 rubles for the mistake.

    Important information about the age of children and car seats

    From the context, the reader learned until what age a child should ride in a car seat. Inclusive up to 12 years. When buying a car, parents with children would do well to pay attention to the presence of Isofix in the car.

    Traffic rules state that a child under 12 years of age is transported exclusively in the front passenger seat in a special car seat. It doesn't matter what weight or height he is. If he moves in the back seat, then fixation of the body with special devices is mandatory.

    When children under 12 years of age travel by car, they are only required to use restraints that are adapted to their height and weight.

    The domestic industry produces a line of car seats for small passengers. There is a choice, but sales workers will help you buy the best chair in special stores.


    Impeccably following the rules for transporting children under 12 years of age by car in special seats, drivers guarantee the safety of their lives. The main thing in this matter is not to relax, accustom yourself to discipline, and not violate traffic rules.

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