• The main characters of the cartoon Gravity Falls. Who is the best character in Gravity Falls?


    - almost immediately after their arrival, and does not part with them until the very end of the cartoon. Wendy helps the twins uncover the secrets of the city, and in the last episodes of the second season she saves the world. The girl was voiced by Linda Cardellini (Russian voice acting - Olga Shorokhova in the first season and Tatyana Veselkina in the second season).


    A girl named Wendy Blairble Corduroy was born in the city of Gravity Falls into the family of Dan Corduroy.. The exact date of birth of the girl is unknown, but At the start of the series, her age is 15 years old. Wendy is the eldest child in the Corduroy family, which also consists of “Brave” Dan (father) and the girl’s three brothers. Dan's wife and mother Wendy died before the events of the series began. The family lives in a hut, Dan works as a lumberjack in Gravity Falls. Wendy, like all her relatives, has red hair. At the same time, the girl is noticeably taller than her brothers.

    The tough Corduroy family

    Wendy first appears in the first episode of the entire series, from which it becomes clear that the heroine is an employee of the Mystery Shack, the twins' grandfather. Wendy works at the store part-time and often takes liberties (for example, in the first episode she openly shows that she is not going to strain herself and work). However, she performs the bulk of her duties responsibly, although slightly relaxed. In the first episodes, a love line begins to develop, or rather the triangle Wendy - Dipper - Robbie. The latter is Wendy's boyfriend at the start of the series.

    Dipper falls in love with Wendy almost as soon as he sees her for the first time. He strives with all his might to get into her company. The girl invites the boy to relax with her friends, who at first consider him too small, but later begin to respect him. Throughout the first season, the twin brother tries to win Wendy's heart:

    • "Double Dipper" In this episode, Wendy is shown attention by several Dipper clones, but later the boy decides to just talk to the girl.
    • "The Time Traveler's Pig." Dipper tries to win a toy for Wendy at the fair (he fails even with a time machine). Then Robbie begins dating Wendy again.
    • "Reboot". Robbie and Dipper make peace, agreeing not to openly quarrel for Wendy's sake, but they hate each other behind her back.
    • "Parneapocalypse." In this episode, Wendy breaks up with Robbie, largely thanks to the revealing facts that Dipper found. After this, the girl denies the twin a date.

    Wendy, Robbie and Dipper

    At the end of the season, Wendy is forced to leave the Mystery Shack because it falls under Gideon's control. The final episode of the season leaves hope for a favorable outcome, as the girl helps restore the building.

    In Season 2, "In the Bunker" is a key episode for Wendy's story. It tells the story of the heroes' journey to an abandoned bunker under the city. Wendy opens the entrance to it, and in the dungeon itself the girl shows miracles of courage. She fights the werewolf and helps Dipper destroy it. During the episode, Dipper inadvertently reveals his feelings, thinking that Wendy is dead. Later, after leaving the bunker, the heroes talk to each other, and Wendy admits that Dipper is too small for her, but she really values ​​​​his friendship.

    Survival Expert - Wendy

    Despite all of Dipper's attempts to get closer to Wendy, the girl firmly made it clear that he was too young for her.

    During "Weirdmageddon" Corduroy was one of the few survivors. She skillfully used her survival skills, ate bats, and set traps.

    The girl accompanied Dipper, helping him save his sister, and then helped build a robot from the Mystery Shack. Together with her friends, Wendy took part in the final assault, but was turned into a decoration in the demon's castle.

    After defeating Cipher, Wendy attended the twins' birthday party, where she wished them:

    “I congratulate you on being technically teenagers, say hello to eternal boredom and pimples!”

    Soon Wendy said goodbye to Dipper and Mabel, whose vacation was over. She left Dipper a letter with the inscription: “You will read it when you miss Gravity Falls.”


    Wendy is an ordinary fifteen-year-old girl who has entered high school. She may be a little tall for her age, but she is also very slim. A characteristic family trait - bright red hair - is combined with Wendy's green eyes. The girl often wears brown hat like woodcutters. This may be due to her father's profession. Usually, Wendy's clothes are the same: green checkered shirt, white T-shirt, jeans blue, old worn out boots and orange socks. Wendy's jewelry and accessories include small blue earrings and a badge (while working in the store).


    Characteristic personality traits of Wendy include relaxation, even to the point of lethargy and laziness, cheerfulness and love of relaxation. The girl is not very proactive; she has almost no enthusiasm for work. If Wendy decides to do something, she will show amazing activity and energy. In her adventures, she often resorts to the help of acquired skills, including skilled rock climbing and wielding an axe. Wendy is unusually optimistic and often takes a philosophical approach to problems.

    The heroine strives to become more mature, but at some moments she realizes that this is not a very bright prospect. Wendy had many boyfriends, including Robbie, with whom she broke up only at the end of the first season of the animated series. With Dipper, who does not hide his feelings, she is stern (Wendy considers him too small), but open and good-natured.

    • As a child, Wendy had braces and wore her shirt tucked into her jeans.
    • Also, as a child, the girl competed with her father in the skill of cutting wood.
    • Corduroy, Wendy's family name, is a ribbed fabric.
    • In one episode, Wendy claims that she doesn't give a damn.
    • The heroine dreams of learning how to drive a tank.
    • Wendy's favorite color is flannel.
    • Wendy and her family prepared for the end of the world every Christmas instead of celebrating.
    • The girl's name never appeared in the episode titles.
    • Unlike other characters, Wendy's character was based on various real people.

    World of Gravity Falls
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    In this article you will learn:

    "Gravity Falls" is a popular animated series from Disney. The cartoon takes place in a town that is inhabited by various creatures and where everything supernatural is simply attracted. There are a lot of diverse, colorful characters in the cartoon, but who is the best?

    No. 1. Dipper Pines

    Dipper is Mabel's twin brother and Stan's grandson. Thanks to his curiosity, this boy solved many of the mysteries of Gravity Falls after finding Diary No. 3. For some time now, secrets and riddles have become the goal of his life.

    No. 2. Mabel Pines

    Dipper's sister. Mabel is extremely hyperactive. She constantly invents something new. It's hard to talk her out of anything. Her desire to please boys overshadows everything else. If it weren't for this girl, the series would be darker, but fortunately she is there.

    No. 3. Stan Pines

    The twins' great-uncle and owner of the Mystery Shack. Stan is an arrogant, cunning, greedy guy who makes money by selling trinkets to tourists. Despite such terrible qualities, this man is ready to do anything for his family.

    No. 4. Wendy Corduroy

    Wendy is every teenager's dream. A red-haired girl from a lumberjack family, she works part-time at the “Mystery Shack” - carelessly. After work, Wendy likes to have fun with her friends. After the arrival of the twins, her list of friends and admirers grew.

    No. 5. Sus Ramirez

    At the age of 12, Sus began working at the Mystery Shack. His dream is for owner Stan Pines to adopt him. It may seem that Sus is a narrow-minded person. And this is true. At least from an excellent employee.

    No. 6. Bill Cipher

    Bill is the main villain of the series. This yellow triangle is a demon who dreams of getting into real world. Bill is very cunning. One day he inhabited Dipper's body... and at the end of the series he completely took over Gravity Falls.

    No. 7. Gideon Gleeful

    No, this is not the pig man. This is Gideon, another villain. Main villain first season. Gideon hates the Mystery Shack and is hopelessly in love with Mabel. Gliful is a cunning, treacherous boy, whom even his own father fears.

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    In this article you will learn:

    Mabel Pines- the main character (along with the main character - a boy named Dipper) of the animated series "".


    Mabel was born on August 31, 1999. She was 5 minutes ahead of her brother Dipper, and now she is rightfully proud of it.

    At the time of the cartoon, the girl was 12 years old. Little is known about Mabel's life before the events of Gravity Falls, as well as about the other characters in the series. Already at the age of 2, the girl discovered her talent for needlework, which she continued and continues to develop. Since the age of 3, Mabel has traditionally spent her favorite Halloween with Dipper. And from the age of 9, the girl begins to develop her skills as a mini-golf player - at this age Mabel wins her first victory in the tournament.

    Mabel's first adventures begin immediately upon her arrival in Gravity Falls. A girl goes on vacation with her main desire - to start an amazing and interesting romance with a cute boy. In the first episode, Mabel meets Norman, a strange guy who eventually turns out to be five forest gnomes. The monsters wanted to make Mabel their queen, but with the help of Dipper, the heroine manages to defeat them. When they first meet Uncle Stan, he allows the twins to take some item from his store - and Mabel chooses her favorite attribute in the future - a grappling hook.

    In the first season of the animated series, Mabel constantly participates in all adventures with Dipper. The girl's brother finds a secret diary and begins to unravel the secrets of Gravity Falls. And Mabel, who takes life much more simply, is just trying to have fun. She doesn't give up on her idea of ​​finding a guy for the summer, but such passion leads to problems. The main antagonist of the first season falls in love with Mabel and tries with all his might to win her. However, he fails (here Dipper helps his sister again), and Gideon begins to hate the entire Pines family. The confrontation between the little villain and the twins lasts the entire season, in the end Gideon takes the Mystery Shack from Stan. The twins are forced to go home, but already on the way out of Gravity Falls they are attacked by Gideon's robot. Mabel helps Dipper defeat the enemy, saving her brother with the help of her grappling hook. The Mystery Shack is returned to the Pines.

    In the first season, Mabel gets her own pet - a pig named Puzzle. A girl sees a pet at a fair and immediately falls in love with the cute pig. Later, Waddles becomes a full member of the family, thanks to Mabel's efforts. Even in the first half of the series, the girl gets two true friends– Candy and Grenda (they and Mabel share the status of “strange” and “not like everyone else”). And, in conclusion, Mabel begins to quarrel with the first beauty of Gravity Falls - Pacifica. The girls openly hate each other and compete, but already make up in the second season. The feud with Pacifica again illustrates Mabel’s character - the girl is not evil and knows how to forgive, but she is ready to destroy anyone for those close to her.

    The second season turns out to be less eventful. Mabel and Dipper continue to unravel the mysteries of the city - and meet their great-uncle's brother, Ford. The situation gets tense when old enemies return - Gideon and Bill Cipher, an evil demon. The latter watches over Mabel when she runs away into the forest in despair (the girl is upset by the departure of her friends and Dipper’s desire to become Ford’s companion). Bill deceives Mabel and causes the Apocalypse...

    Mabel and friends

    Bill locks Mabel in her fantasy world of Mabelland, where she became the happiest person in the world. The girl became the mayor and came up with a cool brother - Dipchik (instead of Dipper). But everything is not what it seems. Soon, her friends and her real brother came to save the girl. Although Mabel was breaking down, she soon realized that all this was just her illusion, the girl believed her brother and fled with him from Mabelland.

    Mabel was among the group that stormed Bill Cipher's castle in a robot made from the Mystery Shack. As a result of this, the demon was defeated.

    After the end of Weirdmageddon, Mabel and Dipper celebrated their 13th birthday. Soon, they left Gravity Falls, hoping to return to the city during the next vacation.


    Mabel is 12 years old and looks like a pretty typical girl her age. Her height is unique - she is exactly 1 millimeter taller than her twin brother Dipper. Mabel wears braces, but that doesn't stop her from smiling charmingly. The girl has brown eyes and long and thick hair to the hips, which curl at the ends. Mabel's clothing style is constantly different, but her love for knitted sweaters(she created most of it herself). Mabel is usually dressed in a bright sweater, skirt and black ballet shoes with socks. The main attribute has also remained unchanged since the first series - the grappling hook.


    Mabel's character contrasts sharply with the seriousness and tenacity of her twin brother. The girl is cheerful, spontaneous and active. She never loses heart and is always ready for new adventures. Mabel quickly sparks interest in any thing, but also cools down quite quickly. Mabel is no less curious than Dipper, and a double dose of research interest leaves no chance for the mysteries of Gravity Falls. All sorts of troubles and failures cannot unsettle the girl, and she is proud of this. Due to her naivety and childish simplicity, Mabel sometimes finds herself in ridiculous situations, but comes out of them with her head held high. It’s worth mentioning separately about relationships with guys. Mabel is incredibly amorous, and is ready to do anything for the sake of her next idol. It is rare that luck smiles on her, but this does not stop the girl - apparently, the process itself is important to her, and not the relationship as the end result.

    Mabel has several skills and abilities. First of all, she is an excellent craftswoman. The girl knits her own clothes and holiday costumes. Her creativity is also evident in sculpture – Mabel’s wax figures are incredibly detailed. Among the heroine's other skills: the ability to pick locks, the ability to copy animal voices, and excellent mini-golf skills.

    • Mabel, Dipper and Stan spent some time in prison for counterfeiting in the first season.
    • Mabel is exactly 1 millimeter taller than her brother Dipper.
    • Mabel's hand-to-hand combat skills are no worse than her twin's.
    • Mabel is left-handed.
    • The girl was born 5 minutes earlier than her brother.
    • Mabel is afraid of plasticine monsters.
    • The character himself was created based on the sister of the author of the series, Ariel Hirsch.
    • The heroine's name is derived from the Latin word for "dear" ("amabilis").

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    The author of Gravity Falls is animator Alex Hirsch, who decided to create a project that would be equally interesting to children and adults. While still a student, he created an 11-minute animated film in which he talked about his experiences and personal experiences during summer holidays at my grandfather's with his twin sister. For some time, Alex worked on the Cartoon Network channel, after which he moved to the Disney Channel, having a hand in several small animated projects.

    One day, Disney Channel management asked Alex to conduct a training session with novice animators, at which he decided to demonstrate his short cartoon. Those gathered were completely delighted with it, and the TV channel decided to immediately acquire the rights to the project and gave the green light for the production of a full-fledged animated series, which it was decided to put into television distribution in the summer of 2012.

    Plot and production

    The basic concept of the animated series remained the same, but many significant details were introduced. The twins were given fictitious names - Dipper and Mabel Pines, and for the holidays they went to their grandfather Stanley Pines, who was called "Uncle Stan". The latter lives and works in his own “miracle shack” in the small town of Gravity Falls, located in a wooded area. After their arrival, the twins realize that inexplicable things are happening in the city, the forest, and even the hut itself, and they also encounter fantastic creatures.

    Each episode is most often dedicated to meeting some type of fantastic creatures or encountering paranormal phenomena. Dipper and Mabel learn how to cope with the next danger from a mysterious diary, and also always receive help from their friends Zus and Wendy. As the story progresses, everything comes up more riddles, including those associated with the personality of Uncle Stan and his “Mystery Shack,” as well as some residents of Gravity Falls.

    The first 12 episodes of the animated series aired weekly on Disney Channel starting in the summer of 2012, as planned. The next 8 episodes were released irregularly and as they were completed, until August 2013. The project, which became very popular on television, was immediately decided to be extended for a second season. Episodes were released the same way as they were completed until February 15, 2016. During the production of the animated series, the creators encountered difficulties: each new episode turned out to be more eventful than the previous one, which greatly delayed and complicated the production process. As a result, after the completion of the second season, it was decided to close the animated series. Alex Hirsch subsequently posted a continuation in the form of a comic on his website.

    Main characters

    The animated series has only five main characters:

    • Dipper Pines;
    • Mabel Pines;
    • Stanley Pines ("Uncle Stan");
    • Wendy Corduroy;
    • Zus Ramirez.

    Dipper Pines is a 12-year-old boy who is Mabel's twin brother. His real name is Mason, and he received the nickname "Dipper" for his birthmark, reminiscent of the constellation Ursa Major (Big Dipper). After arriving in Gravity Falls, he finds an unusual diary in the forest, in which an unknown person described all the fantastic creatures that inhabit the area. Dipper is indecisive and has various complexes. He is also in love with Wendy.

    Mabel Pines is Deeper's 12-year-old twin sister. Unlike her uncommunicative and often self-absorbed brother, she always remains optimistic and leads active image life and dreams of having an “epic summer romance,” but she has absolutely no luck in her love affairs. Together with Dipper, he tries to discover the secret of the mysterious diary. She also loves animals very much, and in one of the episodes she gets a pet pig, Pooh.

    Stanley Pines ("Uncle Stan") is the twins' great-uncle, whom they call Uncle. He owns the Mystery Shack, a house-museum that supposedly houses mysterious objects and creatures discovered in Gravity Falls. In fact, all the exhibits are fakes, and Stan only wants to earn as much as possible from the gullible tourists who periodically visit the town. He is distinguished by a gloomy disposition and does not encourage the hooligan antics of the children visiting him.

    Wendy Corduroy is a 15-year-old teenager from Gravity Falls who works as a souvenir seller at the Mystery Shack. Has red hair and freckles. Sociable and easy-going, spends a lot of time with the twins. Dipper Pines is hopelessly in love with her.

    Zus Ramirez is a 22-year-old Mystery Shack employee who primarily works on home renovations. He lives with his grandmother, is absent-minded and stupid, and also loves to eat, which is why he has a plump physique. However, Zus gets along well with the twins and often unexpectedly comes to their aid in difficult situations.

    Minor characters

    As minor characters“Gravity Falls” features residents of the town, as well as various fantastic creatures that can talk. These include:

    • Candy Chu and Grenda - best friends Mabel, whom she met at a party;
    • Gideon Gleeful ("Little Gideon") is a 10-year-old rogue who serves as the main antagonist in the first season;
    • Old Fiddleford Adron McGucket is a local eccentric genius who is constantly trying to invent something unusual and gets into awkward situations because of it;
    • Robert Stacy Valentino (“Robbie”) is a goth teenager who, along with Dipper, fights for Wendy's heart.
    • Lazy Susan and Dan Corduroy (Wendy's father) are a restaurant owner and lumberjack who work near the Mystery Shack.
    • Bill Cipher is a powerful demon from a parallel reality who acts as the main antagonist of the entire series and seeks to take over the planet.

    The main characters of the animated series constantly interact with different families, living in Gravity Falls. Among them:

    • Northwest family;
    • the McGuckett family;
    • the Cutbiker family;
    • family of Mess.

    The development of the plot is also influenced by such fantastic creatures as gnomes, ghosts, talking statues, man-taurs, lilygolfers and many others that inhabit most of the forests of Gravity Falls. Some of them help the main characters, while others want to harm.

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