• How to make delicious hawthorn wine? How to make delicious hawthorn wine at home: a simple recipe.


    What raw materials are not used in winemaking! In addition to traditional grapes, wine recipes include options for preparing drinks with different fruits, berries, and melons. Do you know that you can make wine from hawthorn at home, or do you consider the berries of the bush to be only a component of folk medicinal products or bird food? Today we will talk about the benefits and harms of wine from ripe hawthorn fruits and learn how to make intoxicating wine with your own hands.

    Hawthorn wine: benefits and harm to the body

    The healing properties of wine are based on the composition of hawthorn. Red berries contain pectins, flavonoids, tannins, carotene and some elements of the periodic table in abundance - cobalt, copper, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, molybdenum. Among the vitamins, the raw material contains riboflavin, thiamine, vitamins P and C.

    What other benefits does hawthorn wine bring to humans? As a food product, it saturates the body fatty oils, fructose, natural sugars and organic acids (mainly citric, malic, succinic). Such a well-thought-out composition by nature allows you to drink this wine even with diabetes.

    The main benefit of hawthorn berries as a component of wine is therapeutic effects on cardiovascular system. In reasonable doses, the drink improves the condition of tachycardia, hypertension, arrhythmia, accelerates blood flow in the coronary vessels and maintains the tone of the heart muscle.

    But no matter what benefits wine from hawthorn fruits brings, you should always remember the possible harm from drinking it. Abuse of the drink leads to an abnormal decrease in pressure and introduces dissonance into the heart rhythm. Its harm is especially felt by hypotensive people - people with low blood pressure. In large doses, the raw material causes vomiting, spasms of blood vessels and intestines.

    During pregnancy and lactation, drink intoxicating drinks and eat berries pure form and it’s not worth it at all - it can cause harm to an unborn child or newborn.

    Common recipes for hawthorn wine

    To make delicious homemade hawthorn wine, you first need to pick a sufficient number of berries. It is recommended to collect raw materials fresh, slightly frozen, in late autumn or after the first frost. Fruits picked before the cold snap are placed in the freezer overnight, and the next day they prepare wine. You can also use a dry product (the color of the wine will be darker, the taste and aroma will be more intense).

    The simplest recipe

    At home, healing hawthorn wine is prepared from the following ingredients:

    Homemade wine production from frozen hawthorn is covered in detail by the recipe:

    1. Unwashed fruits are placed in a bottle and filled with syrup (0.5 kg of sugar is dissolved in small quantity boiled water);
    2. Wine yeast is diluted with warm water (38°C, 70 ml) and added to the berries after 15 minutes;
    3. The jar is sealed with a water seal and kept in warm conditions for 3 days, shaking the contents periodically;
    4. On day 4, the wort is poured into another container and 1.2 kg of sugar is dissolved in it. The grounds are poured into the first container and a water seal is installed for a week;
    5. The wine is filtered, the berries are squeezed out and thrown away, the liquid is sweetened with the rest of the sugar and the bottle is sealed again with a water seal.

    Fermentation lasts 45 – 55 days. During this time, the wine brightens, and at the end of winemaking it is bottled for maturation.

    Option without yeast

    If, when preparing wine from hawthorn berries, you decide to do without yeast, replace them with unwashed raisins (170 g). Next, follow the technology described above.

    Hawthorn with lemon

    An amazing homemade wine with a citrus note from ripe hawthorn is easy to make according to a recipe whose ingredients are:

    • Water – 4 l;
    • Berries – 2.4 kg;
    • Sugar – 1.2 kg;
    • Lemon – 170 g;
    • Wine yeast – 10 g.

    In this case, the hawthorn is washed and placed in a container along with the lemon peel. The workpiece is cooled, kneaded and the fruits are squeezed out. Citrus juice is mixed with sugar and yeast and the mixture is poured over the berries. The composition is thoroughly stirred and placed in a warm place until the end of fermentation. The finished wine is poured into glass bottles and kept for 4 months before the first tasting.

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    Hawthorn is a unique berry. It contains many substances useful to the human body, including vitamin C. It is thanks to this feature that not only compotes are prepared from hawthorn, but also all kinds of preserves, medicinal tinctures, marmalade and even wine.

    And just today we will talk about one very simple recipe making hawthorn wine. You don’t need to bother with finding hard-to-find ingredients, but only need the following:

    10 liters of boiled water;

    5 kilograms of hawthorn berries;

    4 kilograms of granulated sugar;

    Wine or homemade yeast, which acts as a starter.

    Making really tasty wine has its own secret, namely: it is recommended to take berries that are already a little frozen. These berries can be collected either in late autumn or early winter. However, if you want to make hawthorn wine earlier, you can do this: place freshly picked berries in the freezer and let them freeze there for 12 hours.

    The beauty of this recipe also lies in the fact that it allows the use of dried hawthorn berries, so the wine can be prepared at any time. This wine will have a dark brown color and an incredibly rich taste. If you suddenly decide to make wine from dried berries, use a ratio of 1:10 (berries and water) accordingly.

    The best hawthorn wine recipe

    This recipe has 9 steps that must be followed exactly as the recipe says. The sequence cannot be changed either.

    Stage one

    Prepared berries must be sorted to avoid rotten fruits. Next they are placed in glass containers. Even three-liter jars can be used for these purposes, although then you will need to first divide the ingredients into equal parts.

    Stage two

    It is necessary to prepare 10 liters of boiled water. A kilogram of granulated sugar is dissolved in it, and then the resulting solution is poured into hawthorn berries.

    Stage three

    At this stage, you need to add either wine yeast or a self-prepared wine starter from raisins. There isn't much difference.

    Stage four

    You must put a water seal on the container in which the wine will be prepared (here you can find out the design of the water seal). Next, the container is placed in a warm place for fermentation for three days.

    Stage five

    After three days, when the wine has fermented, it is necessary to remove the water seal from the container and add 2 kilograms of sugar. After this, the wine must be thoroughly mixed and again placed in a warm place to ferment for 7 days.

    Stage six

    After a week, the wine is carefully filtered through cheesecloth, and the berries are thoroughly squeezed. The juice obtained after squeezing the apples must be poured back into the wort. After this, another kilogram of granulated sugar is added to it.

    Stage seven

    The container is again sealed with a water seal and left to age for one month.

    Stage eight

    At this stage, it is necessary to carefully drain the young hawthorn wine, being careful not to shake it, so that the sediment remains in the container. Then the drink is poured into pre-prepared bottles and sealed well. It is very important that the bottles are clean and dry, in otherwise the wine will spoil very quickly.

    Stage nine

    This is the last stage. Wine bottles will need to be kept in a cool, dark place for at least three months. And now the wine is ready to drink and you can treat yourself and your loved ones with it.

    The hawthorn wine, which you will receive in about four months, is incredibly tasty, plus it is also healthy, and also has a medium strength. If you are a connoisseur of fortified wines, we recommend adding two kilograms of sugar instead of one kilogram at the sixth stage. If you do not count the time for fermenting the wine, then you will spend no more than two hours preparing it. However, believe me, it’s worth it, since you won’t be able to find such a wonderful drink in any store.

    Home wine made from hawthorn has a pleasant taste, and its aroma is simply excellent. To prepare it you will need a little patience. Hawthorn berries are famous for their high content useful vitamins, so they are also used to make very a large number of all kinds of homemade preparations, such as compotes, jams and many others. The ingredients for this homemade wine are ubiquitous.

    hawthorn berries

    Required ingredients:

    • 5 kilograms of hawthorn fruits
    • 4 kilograms of granulated sugar
    • 10 liters of water
    • yeast or homemade starter

    Important; if you are using frozen hawthorn berries, then when adding water, be sure to keep it warm, around 25-29 degrees. You can add water at 50-60 degrees, but then you have to wait until it cools down to 30 degrees (it’s pointless to throw yeast into boiling water; it will die).

    Cooking process

    1. First of all, you need to carefully sort out all the fruits (you can wash them, since sourdough or yeast will be used). Next, place them in a pre-prepared container.
    2. Then dissolve granulated sugar in 10 liters of water; to quickly dissolve the sugar, you can heat the water a little (the main thing is to make sure that the sugar is completely dissolved). Pour the resulting sweet water into the container where the hawthorn fruits are located; add yeast or homemade starter, mix everything
    3. A water seal is installed on the container, and we move it to a warm place with a temperature of about 20 degrees for fermentation to begin (usually this takes 3-5 days, depending on the yeast or starter). After 4 days, you should add 2 kilograms of sugar to the wort (it is imperative that the sugar dissolves completely and does not settle as sediment at the bottom), after adding sugar, you need to let the wort stand for 7-9 days (again, it all depends on the yeast, the more intense the fermentation is the less the wort needs to ferment; for beginning winemakers this can be difficult)
    4. Then, after the expiration of the period, the wort is drained from the sediment, and the fruits are squeezed out through thick cloth or gauze, the squeezed juice is added to the wort, and then the last kilogram of granulated sugar is added, everything is stirred so that there is no sediment. The container is placed under a water seal for at least a month (but here it is worth considering 2 important points: room temperature and yeast quality, perhaps fermentation will stop on day 25)
    5. When the fermentation process stops, the wort is drained from the sediment and poured into suitable containers; the containers must be tightly sealed. After this, the spilled wine must be kept for 3-4 months in a cool room (a garage or cellar would be ideal). According to this recipe, the wine is of medium strength; if you need to increase the degree, then at the last stage of adding sugar you need to add not one kilogram, but two

    It is simply impossible to find an analogue of this wine in stores, so if you want to surprise your friends or family with homemade wine, then this is exactly what you need.

    Hawthorn is a unique berry. It makes excellent compotes, preserves, marmalade and medicinal tinctures. If you have a rich harvest, you can make wine from hawthorn.

    • It is better to use berries collected after frost, as they are more juicy;
    • if the hawthorn was collected before frost, it must first be placed in the freezer for several hours;
    • The berries should not be washed, as there are microorganisms on their surface that cause fermentation.

    Hawthorn wine can be prepared all year round from dried fruits. The drink is dark brown in color and has a rich taste. In this case, fewer fruits are required. The optimal amount is 1 part hawthorn and 10 parts water.

    Classic recipe

    To make hawthorn wine at home you will need:

    • ripe hawthorn berries – 5 kg;
    • boiled water – 10 liters;
    • granulated sugar – 4 kg;
    • unwashed raisins – 200 grams.

    In the process of making wine, the following sequence of actions should be strictly followed.

    1. 3-4 hours before the start of the wine making process, you need to prepare the starter. Place unwashed raisins in glass jar. Add 50–100 grams of granulated sugar to it. Then pour 300-400 ml of water into the jar with the ingredients. Cover the container on top with a piece of clean gauze or cloth and place in a warm room. The starter is definitely ready if it sizzles, foams and there is a slight characteristic smell of fermentation.

    2. Sort out the hawthorn berries and pour them into a glass container, which we plan to use for fermentation.

    3. Dissolve 1 kg of granulated sugar in 10 liters of boiled water. Pour the resulting liquid into the hawthorn berries so that 25% of the free volume remains.

    4. Pour the prepared starter along with the berries into a fermentation container.

    5. Place a water seal or a medical rubber glove with a small hole in the finger on the container. Leave it for 3 days in a warm place with a temperature range from 18 to 24 degrees Celsius. During the fermentation process, it is recommended to stir or shake the wort daily.

    6. After 3 days, remove the water seal and carefully pour a liter of liquid into another container. Pour 2 kg of granulated sugar into it and stir thoroughly. Pour the mixture back into the fermentation container and reinstall the water seal.

    7. After 7 days, pass the wine through a piece of gauze. Squeeze the berries thoroughly and remove. They will not be of use to us in the future.

    8. Pour 1 liter of wine into a separate jar. Pour 1 kg of sugar into it and stir well. Pour the sugar syrup into the main part of the wine. Close the container with a water seal and leave for 30–45 days until the end of the fermentation process.

    9. If more than 55 days have passed and the fermentation process continues, you should carefully drain the wine through a straw into a separate container. The sediment must not be touched.

    10. The young hawthorn wine is ready, the shutter has stopped releasing bubbles, the liquid has brightened, and a sediment has formed at the bottom of the container. Then drain it from the sediment through a thin tube without shaking.

    11. Sweeten to taste, if required.

    12. Pour the hawthorn wine into a jar for aging. The vessel should be filled to the top to prevent contact with oxygen. Close the container hermetically. If sugar was added, keep the wine under a water seal for an additional 7–10 days.

    13. Aging the wine for about six months in a dark, cool place (refrigerator or basement). At least once a month, drain the drink from the sediment. When sediment stops appearing, pour the wine into bottles and close tightly.
    The output is 8–10 liters of homemade wine with a strength of 10–12 degrees. When storing the drink in the cellar, the shelf life is 3 years.

    Ready-made hawthorn wine differs from store-bought analogues. It has a rich and unique taste, as well as a healthy natural composition.

    Benefits and harms

    The beneficial properties of wine are based on the composition of hawthorn berries. They contain many important microelements, including pectins, flavonoids, tannins, carotene, vitamin C, thiamine, riboflavin. Wine saturates the body with fatty oils, fructose, natural sugars and acids. The main benefits of hawthorn berries include a healing effect on the heart and blood vessels. Small doses of wine are useful for tachycardia, hypertension, arrhythmia. It can accelerate blood flow in the coronary vessels and maintain cardiac tone.

    But it is worth remembering that hawthorn and wine made from it can bring both benefit and harm. Drinking hawthorn wine in large quantities can lead to a severe decrease in blood pressure and heart rhythm disturbances. Excessive doses provoke vomiting, spasms in blood vessels and intestines. During pregnancy and breastfeeding, it is not recommended to consume hawthorn, dishes made from it, and especially wine.

    When making wine at home, it is better to use frozen berries, and if there are none, it is recommended to place freshly picked fruits in the freezer until completely frozen.

    Homemade hawthorn wine is an affordable recipe that does not require complex ingredients.

    Homemade hawthorn wine


    • hawthorn berries – 3.9 kg;
    • water – 7.9 l;
    • sugar – 2.6 kg;
    • wine yeast – 10 g.


    After sorting through the unwashed hawthorn berries, place them in a glass bottle, where hawthorn wine will subsequently be prepared. Dissolve half a kilo of sugar in boiled water and pour the solution over the berries.

    Dissolve wine yeast in 70 ml of water at a temperature of no more than 38 degrees. Stir the mixture for 15 minutes, and then pour into the bottle. We put a water seal on the bottle and put it in a warm place for three days. At the same time, periodically shake the wort. After three days, remove the water seal from the bottle and pour a liter of wort into a separate container, where we dilute it with 1.2 kg of sugar. Pour the mixture into the main container and seal with a water seal. After a week, strain the wine and remove the squeezed berries. For greater fermentation, add the remaining sugar and seal the bottle with a water seal. The end of fermentation will occur in 45-55 days. By this time, the wine will lighten and can be bottled for aging.

    If you want to repeat homemade hawthorn wine without yeast, then use about 170-180 grams of unwashed hawthorn, repeating the technology described above.

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