• How to distinguish a real fur coat from a fake. Don't be fooled: how to distinguish a Chinese mink from a Russian one


    Mink coats are most popular in Russia. This fur is distinguished by its special beauty, durability, and good thermal characteristics. But the price for such a fur coat may not always be affordable for women. Most people save up for it over several years and buy it to wear for more than one season. But several particularly cunning fur sellers learned how to make fakes very similar to mink.

    It becomes very disappointing when you purchase the fur coat of your dreams, which, it turns out, is not made from mink at all, but, for example, from a marmot or a ferret. How can you easily and quickly distinguish high quality products from counterfeit goods and buy a fur coat that can last for many years?

    If you decide to buy a fur coat from natural fur, then you should go shopping to a store that has been able to establish itself well in the market and is able to provide the buyer with guarantees and certification of its products. There is no need to chase savings and look for cheap options in the market. These are the places where counterfeits are most common., and making a return in this case will be very difficult.

    It's worth taking a closer look how to distinguish natural fur coat from mink.

    1. Mink fur is much denser. Once you run your hand along the pile against its growth, it should quickly return to its original position. With its increased elasticity and rigidity, the fur will not itch much.
    2. Beautiful undercoat, awn equal in length. If you start to disguise a fake, then in most cases you will have to cut the guard hairs so that their length is at the same level. It is in this case that the fur will strongly prick the skin.
    3. When pinching, no hairs should remain on the surface of the hand.
    4. Mink skin has a characteristic shine. In some cases, single hairs can be seen on undyed pile white.
    5. You should run a white napkin over the fur. There should be no paint marks left on it.
    6. The total pile height on the entire product should be approximately the same. On finished product Bald spots should not be visible, there should be no bald spots of any kind, and there should be no bumps.
    7. Good sellers of quality fur do not add additional lining, making it possible to inspect the quality of the fur. It should be light or creamy in color and elastic.
    8. The fur coat should not rattle while shaking.
    9. It is worth checking for the presence of a seal from the manufacturers on each skin. It is this seal that will confirm that this is mink.
    10. You should carefully inspect all seams. They must be thin, even, and rollable. In some cases, the manufacturer sews leather between fragments of such skin. The fewer such areas there are, the higher the cost of the product itself. If you notice glue, then the best thing in this case would be to simply refuse to purchase such a fur coat. The technology in which the skin is glued together rather than stitched will not allow the item to last a long time.

    Features of the country of origin

    Depending on the country of origin, mink coats can vary significantly in both appearance and price. The most expensive can be called Canadian and Scandinavian mink. They are distinguished by very strong fluff, as well as thick pile. In terms of their characteristics, the Ukrainian mink is slightly inferior to them. Its underfur is considered not so thick, and its awn is longer. Greek fur coats are more popular. There is also an opinion that in Greece the cost of a fur coat is much less. Some go on special trips to buy fur products.

    But in any country you can find manufacturers like high level production, and not entirely of high quality. Good and real fur product It definitely won't cost too much. That is why you should not take risks by making expensive purchases in a recreation area.

    Fur coats from Russian and Chinese manufacturers are much cheaper. Now some Chinese manufacturers have also learned to create fur products from high-quality fur. But you can also find fakes among such fur coats. a large number of. It is for this reason that it will be very disappointing to buy a Chinese fur coat at the price of a Canadian or Greek one.

    Signs of difference between Chinese and European fur coats

    When choosing, always pay attention to:

    1. Ost. Pronounced and very high. In appearance it seems prickly. It fits well under the pillow. In some cases, the spine does not differ in height. In this case, the skin can be passed off as Scandinavian.
    2. Shine. Chinese skins do not have a smooth sheen; they can shine, but only in some areas. They can be easily recognized by their special glassy sheen. If you compare Chinese and Scandinavian fur coats, even a layman can notice the difference. Scandinavian furs are distinguished from others by their special diamond shine, which seems to shimmer under the rays of the sun.
    3. Undercoat. It depends directly on the length of the spine itself, as well as the long black down, which is passed off as a black mink. But natural black mink has flesh light color, and only after dyeing it can acquire a dark or gray color.

    Knowing these indicators, you can easily understand where the animal was raised. The place where the fur coat was made will be determined by the features and quality of the seams. In most cases, Italian and Greek fur coats are made using skins from Finnish and Scandinavian manufacturers. Russian mink may differ from Chinese mink in its thick and long pile. In the Scandinavian mink it is thick, but at the same time very short.

    In some cases, the Chinese use Greek furs for tailoring. In this case, the quality will also be determined by the technology of applying the seam.

    How to distinguish mink from fake

    The first sign to look for Special attention , this is the weight of the fur coat. A fur coat made from mink fur will be much lighter than from the fur of any other animal. In most cases, mink producers skillfully disguise marmots, beavers, ferrets, and rabbits under expensive skins.

    1. Rabbit. It has a very soft pile and uneven shine, while mink skin shines quite evenly. Rabbit hairs have different colors. The undercoat leaves hair in the hand when pinched.
    2. Marmot. It is quite often used in the manufacture of fake fur coats. Their main difference is that the marmot has prickly fur, the hairs on it are completely different lengths. The marmot's pile is also considered elastic, but does not have special plasticity and can become very shaggy when stroking.
    3. Beaver. Both beaver and marmot fur can be easily confused with each other in terms of stiffness. Beaver skins are larger in size than mink. The beaver's flesh is twice as thick as that of the mink.
    4. Ferret. The ferret, in comparison with the mink, has a higher awn, and the underfur is of a rare type. It has a peculiar coloring: the underfur is light, and the awn is dark at the ends. In the area of ​​the sides you can easily notice light areas, and on the back the dark-colored awn completely covers the underfur. In addition, ferret skins are valued slightly less than mink. They are considered less durable, but at the same time very warm. Products should not be sewn from ferret skin, since the seam will stand out strongly through the fur due to the sparse fluff. It is for this reason that models made from his fur mostly have a straight cut.
    5. Honorik. This animal is the result of crossing a ferret and a mink. To distinguish such fur from real mink it will be very difficult. It will be distinguished by its black color, uneven shine and thick brown undercoat.

    If you go to the store to purchase a fur coat, then there is no need to rush into choosing. To purchase the right model, you may have to visit more than one trusted store and try on several options. Don't be shy about being demanding in your questions and doubts to the consultant. It is imperative to pay attention to every detail. It is vigilance that will have a positive impact on a worthy purchase, which you definitely will not regret.


    This video will help you learn to distinguish natural high-quality mink coats from cheap fakes.

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    At all times, a woman remains a woman, even in our time, buying a mink coat is the dream of many of our contemporaries. A product made from the real fur of this valuable fur-bearing animal cannot cost little, so some ladies save money for a very long time, sometimes even denying themselves something to buy a mink. Imagine the disappointment when, instead of a mink coat, they are given clothes made of lower quality fur. To prevent this from happening, you need to know a few simple rules, which will help determine whether real fur served as the material for this product.

    At all times, a woman remains a woman, even in our time, buying a mink coat is the dream of many of our contemporaries. This valuable fur-bearing animal cannot be cheap, so some ladies save money for a very long time, sometimes even denying themselves something to buy a mink. Imagine the disappointment when, instead of a mink coat, they are given clothes made of lower quality fur. To prevent this from happening, you need to know a few simple rules that will help determine whether real fur served as the material for a given product.

    What kind of fur are fake mink made from?
    We have already written about how to identify high-quality mink fur. But many of our inexperienced women cannot immediately determine whether the mink coat they have in their hands is real or not, until they know what a fake looks like. To do this, you need to know what furs fakes are made from and how to identify them:
    Rabbit. The main difference is the very soft pile of rabbit fur. It is also worth paying attention to the color; in a rabbit it is not uniform and does not have the uniform shine that mink has. If you pluck a mink coat, there will be no hair left in your hands, while a rabbit leaves behind lint of undercoat;
    Beaver. The fur of this animal is tougher, its skin is larger. But the main difference is in the thickness of the mesra (the leathery base of the fur) - in a beaver it is several times greater than in a mink;
    Marmot. The fur of this animal is most often passed off as mink. The difference is in the plasticity of the fur. When stroking against the grain, the mink's hairs return to their place, and the marmot will become shaggy. In addition, the marmot can tingle and give a slightly bluish tint in the sun, which never happens in high-quality mink fur;
    Ferret. This fur can be distinguished by its higher guard and less dense underfur. The color is also different: the awn is darker at the ends, and the underfur is lighter. By the way, products made from ferrets are no less valuable, but if you are only interested in buying a mink coat, then you need to know the differences. There is one more nuance: if you have any doubts about fur, then you should pay attention to the style. Only straight fur coats are made from ferrets, due to the rare nature of the fur;
    Honorik. The most difficult case to determine the authenticity of the product, since this animal is the result of crossing a ferret and a mink. But the black color and thick brown undercoat indicate a fake.
    The easiest way to determine the authenticity of a product is by cost and weight. Real mink coat, the price of which cannot be low, easy.
    How to identify a Chinese mink coat?
    To be fair, it should be said that the Celestial Empire has learned to sew high-quality products. But very few manufacturers can boast of this. Therefore, if you decide to buy a mink coat from Canada or Greece, it will be very disappointing to buy a Chinese product. It will not last that long and will quickly lose its appearance.
    The main differences between Chinese mink coats are:
    A pronounced high awn, which may even seem prickly in appearance;
    Chinese fur coats, for example, are very different from Scandinavian ones in their shine. For the latter, it is soft, diamond-like, and flows smoothly throughout the entire product. Chinese mink has a glassy sheen. The product shines in areas, and there can be no talk of any smooth shimmer;
    Undercoat. If the guard is high, the undercoat will not be thick enough. In some cases, the spine is cut off and the product is passed off as black mink. You can distinguish it by the color of the flesh. Natural black mink is light, while Chinese mink is dark.
    Using this knowledge, it is much easier not to fall into the trap of unscrupulous manufacturers and sellers. Remember that if you buy a genuine mink coat, it will make a queen out of a woman, and a fake will only bring disappointment.

    The buyer of a mink coat expects that he is purchasing more original product. But sellers who want to make a good profit sell fakes made from other furs, for example, marmot or honorik for natural product. But there are several ways to recognize a low-quality item.

    Depending on its habitat, the fur of this small predator varies in quality. The most expensive mink coats are made from the skins of Scandinavian animals. They have hair middle length, and the down is very thick, so the clothes are warm and very impressive. The Ukrainian analogue has a longer pile and less dense down. And the most affordable products are Chinese and from Russia.

    You can distinguish mink fur from other fur by the following characteristics:

    1. It is elastic to the touch, and if you crush it, it immediately returns to its original form.
    2. Beautiful, uniform shine.
    3. The hairs are the same length - any unevenness is unacceptable.
    4. The pile is not itchy. If shine, elasticity and uniform length are present, but the fur tingles your hand, it is 100% fake.
    5. It's very light.
    6. If you run a damp white napkin over the hairs, it will remain snow-white.

    Another important difference high-quality mink coat - mezdra. She has light shade, or beautiful brownish-yellowish, elastic. If you run your hand over the pile, the hairs will not fall out or break. A real fur coat must have a certificate and a long warranty. In the video you can see brief instructions that will help you distinguish a fake.

    Fake rabbit, beaver and marmot

    These are the most common options. A real mink coat differs from a fake rabbit coat in the structure and quality of the fur. In a rabbit, it is very soft and has an uneven color. When subjected to mechanical stress, it does not level on its own. And if you pinch the pile, hairs will remain in your hand. The undercoat is uneven, so it can be specially trimmed. In this case, it will tingle your hand. In the photo you can clearly see the differences.

    A fur coat made from beaver pelts is heavier. Their flesh is thicker and their size is larger. Fur can be immediately distinguished by touch - it is tougher. Marmot fur is also characterized by increased rigidity. The fur is quite elastic, but when ruffled, it does not return to its original state. The pile is of different lengths, which is why it is cut and it starts to chip. Under the sun's rays, the marmot's skin takes on a characteristic dark blue hue.

    Fakes from ferret and honorik

    The fur of these two animals is most similar to real mink. In addition, the stencil painting method allows for a very good resemblance to the original, but differences can be found here too. The ferret's fur is longer and the undercoat is not as thick. The specificity of the color also makes it possible to identify a fake - the edges of the skin have a lighter shade. This is noticeable even on dyed skins.

    Honorik is a cross between a mink and a ferret, so it’s hard to tell the differences. Main sign- uneven color. The undercoat has a brown tint, and the hair itself is black. At the same time, the fur is too shiny, which is not typical for mink. The size of the skin is also different - it is larger, since the honorik is larger.

    High-quality faux fur can be an exact copy of the real thing, but it does not have any mesh. The fabric base is visible on the reverse side. Therefore, in such fur coats the hem is sewn “tightly”. Whereas in natural there is always the opportunity to see the wrong side.

    Advice! Try not to buy fur clothes in online stores. It is sometimes impossible to distinguish visually an artificial fake.

    Counterfeits from China

    In the literal sense of the word, Chinese fur coats cannot be called fake - they are made from mink fur, although not of such quality. But they go on sale at a price that is several times higher. Buyers are told that this is the fur of Scandinavian or Canadian animals.

    You can distinguish a Chinese mink coat by:

    • shine;
    • awn;
    • undercoat.

    If you look at such a skin, you can see that it has a specific shine, reminiscent of the shimmer of glass. In addition, the shine is uneven - unlike the skins of European fur-bearing predators. In the latter case, the fur has a diamond tint.

    Chinese fur-bearing animals have 2 types of fur. The first is characterized by a long spine and sparse, short down. The hair seems to lie on it and looks prickly. The second option is that the spine is short and the underarm is long. Fur coats made from such low-quality fur are sold under the guise of black mink. A fake can be distinguished by the flesh - it should be light. After staining, the flesh darkens.

    Important! Chinese fur is often dyed using a special technology - then the inner core remains light.

    Quality tailoring and official guarantees

    You can distinguish a mink coat from a fake by the way it is made. In the original, all the seams are smooth and thin, no protruding threads are visible. If the product is made of skins glued together, it is of poor quality and will last no more than 3-4 seasons. The mezdra must be done very well. When squeezed, it does not make creaking or rustling sounds. Each skin must be stamped with a seal confirming its quality. The fur coat does not have an unpleasant odor.

    An important difference between a truly good thing is a very high price. Therefore, it is not affordable for everyone. There must be a company tag, a certificate, as well as instructions for storage and care.

    The name of the fur is indicated on the tag: “mink”, “vison” (foreign languages). The information on the certificate must match the information on the tag. The seller from whom you purchase a mink item must be competent and competently answer all questions.

    To be guaranteed to buy the real thing, you should contact specialized salons. High-quality natural products are also sold in stores belonging to fur sewing companies. Also, the advice of a person who is not interested in your money and understands natural furs will be of great help when purchasing.

    In anticipation of what's to come winter season Let's talk about how to distinguish a mink coat from a fake. Fur is an expensive pleasure, and paying a lot of money for a fake or illiquid product is doubly offensive. But don't worry! Experts from the Furs of Russia portal will guide you along the most winding path to meeting your favorite and desired mink coat.

    How to identify mink fur

    Mink refers to highest category valuable furs on a par with sable, lynx, chinchilla and is characterized by increased wear resistance. A mink coat is worn for at least 6-8 winters, and can last 10-14 seasons.

    It is for its beauty and durability that mink is so loved. But its quality varies, as does its price. The quality is mainly affected by the age of the fur, part of the skin and the type of mink: European, Scandinavian, American, etc. Fur coats are made from different parts. From the back they are more expensive, from the forehead and belly they are cheaper.

    Self-assessment of fur quality

    Let's try to determine the quality ourselves. The method is suitable for both individual skins and the entire product.

    1. We evaluate it by touch.

    Good quality fur feels smooth and soft to the touch. Moderately pliable, the fibers should return to their previous position when you run your hand over it. It should sting a little. Less wear-resistant fur, the same rabbit, softer and not itchy. Also look at the undercoat to see if it is thick enough.

    Important: Nice fur does not need painting. They cut and dye to disguise defects.

    2. We look at the undercoat.

    Mink comes in winter and summer. They differ in pile and undercoat. The winter coat has a thicker undercoat, is warmer, and costs less. Summer mink has a smoother, even and shiny appearance, there is less undercoat, and it costs more.

    3. Check the flesh.

    The mezdra is the lower part of the skin. She talks about age. Choose only products and skins with light, elastic core. Dark, brown - indicates the old age of the fur.

    4. We evaluate visually.

    Look at the coat or skin as a whole. The fur should be uniform and even. The fur on the back is denser and smoother. Lobes, bellies and other parts are less durable and beautiful. But they are significantly cheaper.

    Important: The product made from the backs has absolutely no visible joints or undercoat. It gives the impression of cast skin. The coat of parts looks as if it is sewn from small semicircles, it looks wavy.

    How not to buy a rabbit instead of a mink?

    The rabbit is more suitable as a cheap analogue of the chinchilla, especially the Rex breed. But they also pass it off as a mink, usually as a sheared one. A rabbit is a good animal. It grows quickly and is soft to the touch. Its price is one of the lowest on the fur market. It is not at all shameful for a young girl to have a vest or purse made of rabbit. It’s worse if under the guise of being expensive and quality mink They offer a rabbit fur coat. Lack of experience leads to the purchase of such “mink coats”. But this can be avoided. You must use keen eyes and a skeptical attitude.

    You can tell a rabbit from a mink by eye. Rabbit fur is soft and fluffy. Looks like cotton balls. Has virtually no undercoat. To bring the rabbit closer to the shorter hair of the mink, it is plucked. Spread the pile, look inside it to see if there is undercoat.

    Look at the color. The rabbit is one color, and the mink has small white hairs. The fur coat itself does not “play” in the sun and has no shine.

    Next test - to the touch. Rabbit is much softer than mink. Feel more fur coats, after 10 you will understand where the fur is soft and where it is harder.

    Important: A sheared mink feels prickly with trimmed guard hairs to the touch, but the rabbit still remains soft.

    The difference between a good mink coat

    A good mink coat looks expensive and rich. The quality is visible in everything: cut, tailoring, details and the level of the fur itself. The fur coat must be sewn from solid plates, from the backs. This is the most wear-resistant and beautiful option.

    Sometimes a fur coat is sewn unraveled. For this technology, the skins are cut into a herringbone pattern and stitched back together. On the one hand, the fur coat has a flying silhouette, but, on the other hand, the product itself is less durable. If sewing is done poorly, furrows may appear after the first season. When choosing such a model, pay special attention to the quality of the seams.

    A good fur coat is well made. No protruding threads, no loose seams. The seams should not be visible at all. Expensive lining. After all, fur coats are bought at long years, and the lining should also not wear out ahead of time.

    Pay attention to the style. Super fashionable tailoring can look outdated after 1-2 seasons. If you do not plan to change your fur coat often, give preference to the classics.

    Important: According to statistics, the most popular fur coat model is knee-length and with a hood. It's warm and you don't have to buy a hat.

    A good fur coat is unlikely to be made in a handicraft industry. The master must understand furs, be able to select skins by color and quality for one product, and know all the intricacies of technology. Knowledge and skills are acquired over years and no one will exchange them for sewing low-quality products. Large showrooms work directly with well-known factories, offering customers the best models.

    Before buying, don’t be lazy to check the mink coat

    Now we have come to the exciting moment: I like the fur coat, the price is right, all that remains is to go through our checklist.

    1. Shake your fur coat, rattles or not, or squeeze the edge, listen to the rustling. The sounds will tell you whether the fur was overdried or the dressing technology was not followed.

    2. Blow on the pile and touch the entire surface with your hands. You should not be able to find any creases by touch; you need a soft fur coat.

    Important: Creases on the core lead to holes and rapid wear.

    3. Run your palm over the fur or gently tug the hairs. There should be nothing left in the hands, and the fur should quickly return to its previous position.

    Important: Do not believe the assurances that the fur is shedding because the fur coat has been folded for a long time or has not been worn. The fur is coming out due to violations of the production technology or the mink was harvested during molting.

    4. Look at the appearance how uniform the color is throughout the entire product, smooth color transitions.

    5. Run a white napkin over the fur coat or a handkerchief. They must remain clean. This way you can check whether the fur is dyed or not.

    6. Look at the flesh, raising the hem of the lining if it is not sewn, or spreading the fur from the outside. Take a fur coat only with light flesh, which indicates a lack of dye and young fur.

    Important: there is an opinion among buyers that the lining of a fur coat should not be sewn on, otherwise it is a fake. We hasten to dispel this myth. The manufacturer decides whether or not to sew on the lining, and many famous designers and factories sew it on, which in no way detracts from the merits of designer products.

    7. Smell. There should be no chemical odors. Another “bell” of dyed fur. Also, you should not feel dried animal fat, this is an indicator of a violation of the technological process.

    Important: sometimes the interior remains light even when painted. This happens when using dyeing technology with bleaching or lightening. Then trust your sense of smell.

    8. Look at the armpits. They will betray a seller who is trying to sell a used fur coat.

    Important: Wrinkled armpits indicate a worn product.

    9. Look at the seams, they must be strong and durable; also the quality of the lining fabric, and how it was sewn.

    Important: the perfect lining is hand-sewn through bias tape.

    10. Study the label. It must contain the serial number and country of origin of the fur, the address of the manufacturer and other contacts.

    Important: The auction fur will still have a separate label.

    And finally, no matter how trivial it may sound, buy fur coats in trusted places. Well-known trading houses and brands do not sacrifice their reputation for the sake of dubious profits from trading in low-quality fur; in the long run it will be more expensive.

    First of all, you should rely on tactile sensations: you need to run your hand over the fur against the growth of its pile. If it is soft, not prickly, but very elastic, and also quickly takes its original shape, then it is natural mink. The most common fakes are made from the skin of a marmot or rabbit. In principle, it is not difficult to distinguish a mink from a rabbit, since its skin is much softer than mink: such fur is fluffy and soft and resembles cotton wool. In addition, rabbit skin has no underfur, and its thickness is much thinner than that of mink.

    It is much more difficult to distinguish a mink from a marmot, but with the right approach to this problem it is quite possible. For example, marmot fur, unlike mink fur, does not have a constant length and is noticeably prickly to the touch. Some dishonest sellers may justify such fur by passing it off as a steppe mink, but you should know that the mink animal never lives in the steppe. Usually, products made from the Mongolian marmot tarbagan are passed off as steppe mink. The fur of this creature is hard and grows in different directions.

    The presence of guard hairs can also indicate a fake. The fact is that a real mink has a dense undercoat, and the guard hairs have the same length. Fraudsters can trim the guard hairs to the same length, without taking into account that such a “mink” will prick the palm when stroking. When examining the reverse side, you need to pay attention to the seams. Sloppy or glued seams may indicate a fake. It is worth noting that manufacturers try to prevent such defects when making fur products.

    When choosing mink fur products, you should pay attention to the color of the product. To distinguish a fake from the original, you need to run some light-colored cloth over the fur of the product, and then look at it carefully: if characteristic colored traces remain on the fabric, the skin of the product has been chemically treated. By the way, the flesh (skin) of a real mink, regardless of the color of the animal, is usually light, and in painted products it has a color similar to the fur. A fake cannot be recognized by color only if the coloring was done using modern technologies, which allow you to bleach the flesh almost to its original color.

    But even natural mink should not be purchased in all cases. If the technology for preparing a mink product has not been maintained accordingly, the fur will not meet the requirements characteristic of real mink. To check, lightly pinch the fur. Purchasing such a mink will make sense if there are no lint left in your hands. IN otherwise buy this fur product It’s not worth it, because it will soon begin to peel off.

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