• How to properly communicate with a man on the phone. How to interest a guy over the phone? Rules for telephone conversations with men


    From letters to Samprosvetbyulleten:
    “Communicating with a man on the phone is a nightmare for me. I meet men on a dating site, while we are chatting, everything goes fine until the first phone call. I am an inquisitive person, I know a lot and I have something to talk about. And, as a rule, my conversations with men are really interesting. But often men write to me after a conversation that I good man, but it is important for them that the woman’s voice is pleasant to them. Everyone tells me that I have a very pleasant voice in life, maybe the phone is distorting or am I too worried?” — writes S.L.

    “...I have a small marriage agency, and I would like to suggest you a topic for an article. Communication with men always raises many questions. Here, men choose women based on profiles, and if the choice is mutual, they want to call right away. It happened that men suddenly lost interest in a girl after the first telephone conversation. We conducted classes on telephone etiquette, even rehearsing what to talk about with a man. But maybe we didn't take something into account. What mistakes do women make when talking on the phone that you need to pay attention to?” — writes Elena.

    Many women have no idea how the sound of a woman's voice can affect a man. I conduct various surveys among men. The topic of one of the surveys was communicating with a woman on the phone. I asked what is the most unpleasant thing for men in a telephone conversation with a woman, what can ruin good impression about her. Most men put the sound of their voice, its volume, and tone first. Women, when discussing communication with men on the phone with me, focused on the content of the conversation.

    When communicating with a man on the phone, women forget that not only words are important, but also the tone of voice, its intonation, and they make three common mistakes:

    Mistake 1. Have you noticed that when you are nervous, you go to high notes and your voice sounds a little squeaky? This change in voice reveals your uncertainty and nervousness. At this moment, the interlocutor will probably feel uncomfortable with you. The same thing happens when you talk to a man on the phone and feel nervous. Perhaps you are engrossed in a conversation and do not notice that you have already reached high notes. But rest assured, the man has already noticed this. Try to control the tone of your voice, lower it a little, then your voice will sound more confident and attractive.

    Mistake 2. Have you noticed that when you try to convince your interlocutor of something, you start speaking too quickly, swallowing your words? You completely seize the initiative of the conversation, not allowing your interlocutor to get a word in edgewise. Rapid speech does not help create a warm, relaxing atmosphere between people, turning the dialogue into a monologue, and the man will feel “out of place” in a conversation with you. Slow down your speech. If you speak slowly and carefully enunciate your words, you will be more attractive and appear confident and attentive.

    Mistake 3. Have you noticed that you start speaking louder when you’re excited? A loud voice makes the conversation less confidential and creates distance between the interlocutors. The man will involuntarily move the telephone receiver away from his ear, thereby seeming to move further away from you. When you speak more quietly, you create an atmosphere of intimacy and the man involuntarily presses his ear closer to the receiver, mentally following your voice.

    When talking to a man on the phone, pay attention to these three common mistakes women make. Watch your intonation, create a trusting atmosphere and a feeling of intimacy, attract and seduce with your voice.

    Good luck to you and see you soon on the pages of Samprosvetbyulleten!

    Hi all!

    I think I can express the opinion of all guys - girls, we are annoyed by your stupid chatter on the phone. Well, imagine the situation: you are beautiful and young, guys are lining up to get your phone number. And I'm no exception. Here is the treasured number in my hand. I call you the next day and what do I hear? I found out about all your relatives and friends, who lives with whom and who got you pregnant. Do I need it? And this is only the first conversation on the phone. And the last one. Because once is enough.

    Dear and respected girls, would you like to know our male opinion What should we talk about on the phone to make it interesting for us? Then read the article to the end and maybe something will interest you and you will take note of it.

    First telephone conversation with a man

    Now the girl does not need to sit and wait for days on end for the young man she likes to call. Nothing stops her from calling first. This is completely acceptable.

    • firstly, this girl is not indifferent to me, but I still can’t say the same,
    • Secondly, easy conversation It doesn’t work out, everyone feels the tension and the conversation doesn’t go well.

    What I would like to advise a girl who calls a guy first:

    1. Before calling, relax and try to remember something pleasant, smile and cast aside all fears and dial the number. It all depends on the first phrase. It can be general, like “how are you”, “what are you doing”. Well, of course, there are individuals who regard such phrases as a hint of control over their personal lives, but I’m talking about normal guys now. Usually such phrases are enough to start a simple casual conversation.
    2. Don't start asking us riddles. Questions "Guess who's calling?" or “Do you know who gave me your phone number?” drives me crazy. I think I'm not the only one. All you have to do is say hello and say your name. If I liked a girl, then of course I will remember her name and will not ask again who is calling and ask to remember how we met.
    3. And now we are already talking. My dears, I don’t want to know in the first minutes of our communication about problems in the family and studies. No, this is not callousness and soullessness. Answer honestly yourself - would you like to solve the problems of your potential boyfriend after seeing him just once? No and no again. The conversation should be light and relaxed, and not cause yawning and a desire to end it as soon as possible.

    Specific topics for conversation. Examples of flirting are found.

    You can give a thousand and one pieces of advice on how to interest a guy over the phone, but if he doesn’t share your joy in communicating, then you shouldn’t continue the conversation, much less make an appointment. Just politely say goodbye, and burn the phone number, throw it away, or, in case of emergency, eat it. And remember - don’t call him ever again!

    Now I will describe the situation exactly the opposite. I liked the girl, or maybe I talked to her for many months on the Internet and so I dialed her phone number. The first thing I would like is for the girl to answer my call and not ask for half an hour who he is and why I’m calling.

    The topic of the conversation can help guide you through the process. But I would advise girls not to start a conversation about something they don’t understand. And what’s worse is when they also start arguing about unfamiliar things. It's at least funny.

    What should a girl do, what should she be interested in during the first conversation?

    You know, there are a lot of topics that you can talk about on the phone. And these are not tedious conclusions and philosophical speeches. Everything is much simpler. Here is an approximate list of topics that I would be happy to talk about:

    • cinema and music;
    • hobbies and sports;
    • books and literature;
    • travel attractions and museums;
    • equipment and cars.

    But I repeat once again, do not start a conversation on any topic if you do not understand it. This applies not only to communication between a guy and a girl.

    And again he calls

    So first thing telephone communication was successful. Perhaps there was already a first date, but no one canceled telephone conversations. It's too early for the girls to relax.

    So that we men do not lose interest in you, we need to constantly flirt with us, even on the phone. However, there are several nuances that I would advise you to pay attention to. After all, communication with a guy shouldn’t end on the first date?

    Examples interesting questions are .

    Radiate kindness

    Important points that a man feels during a conversation:

    • If you're not in the mood, don't call the guy. This is transmitted even over a distance.
    • But if you like the person, then your mood should improve during the conversation.
    • Be polite and friendly.
    • Speak with a smile. We capture this mood, how can I say it, with the fibers of our masculine, but so sensitive soul.

    But don't overdo it. Let’s say my favorite snail has died, and a girl says sympathetic words with a smile. It seems that they are mocking my grief and I cannot believe in the sincerity of the words.

    Watch your intonation

    The agonizing wait for a call from the man you like is finally rewarded. His name appears on the phone’s display and you take the device with trembling hands. No need to worry so much. This creates unnecessary tension between interlocutors.

    Psychologists advise that in order to cope with anxiety you need to lower the timbre of your voice and everything will be fine.

    Let the man get a word in

    Girls, you won’t believe it, but we also have something to say. That's why:

    • take pauses in the conversation, do not rattle incessantly,
    • but it also happens otherwise - the pause drags on, then take the initiative and bring up an interesting topic.

    Call me by name

    It's so nice when a girl mentions my name in conversation. He calls me affectionately - Yura, Yuri, Yurochka. This is for example. But so that the name does not lose its attractiveness, she does not use it every other word.

    Telephone etiquette

    Girls, remember, the same person starts and ends a telephone conversation. But there are times when something or someone interferes with communication or there are some things to do. In this case, apologize and ask the guy to call you back.

    Under no circumstances talk to someone at the same time or solve your problems. It just makes guys angry, even infuriating.

    If a man is forced to interrupt the conversation and asks permission to call back, there is no need to think about the topic when it is convenient for you. Just agree and indicate a time when it will be convenient for you to hear the young man.

    Speech control:

    • Girls, learn to speak correctly.
    • Do not use slang or swear words. Never! Remember, never.
    • Also follow your train of thought. There is no need to jump around like a flea on topics. Even a child prodigy cannot follow the course of such a thought. And the question arises: is it necessary to do this? Listening to such a girl is simply not interesting and boring.

    And what I would like to say in conclusion. Telephone conversations are good for communication, but not suitable for sorting out relationships. If the relationship and the guy were even a little important to you, do not break up with him over the phone. Show some respect to this poor guy.

    Yes, he's a bastard. And he must personally see what “treasure” he is losing. So I would advise doing beautiful styling and makeup, put on best dress and come to the meeting. Let the guy's jaw drop from such beauty and he will regret what he did more than once.

    But this is such a small digression. Communicate and meet, my dears, and may everything be fine with you.

    One of the women's favorite activities in free time is a conversation on the phone. In this case, they become real talkers. They talk a lot, on all topics and with the smallest details. But they behave this way only with their girlfriends. But if they call a man, then often after a couple of sentences they no longer know what to talk to him about, since they do not see a proper response to their questions and reasoning.

    And so, today, dear women, we will discuss with you the topic of how to communicate with a man on the phone. After all, if we get pleasure and some degree of relaxation from communicating in this way, then a man sees in the phone only a way to obtain information. And sometimes we want the communication with our chosen one to be long and interesting, and so that he is always waiting for our next call. Yes, and the ability to communicate with a man on the phone will be useful in other situations when we need to be heard and receive positive result according to your telephone request.

    When not to call a man

    You know what busy people they are and that they consider telephone chatter a waste of time. Moreover, men love with their eyes, and a live conversation, when you can look into your girlfriend’s neckline, appreciate her new stockings and fantasize while looking at her elastic ass, is more important for them than a telephone conversation. If they talk on the phone, it goes in one ear and out the other.

    So, in order for people to hear you and understand what we are talking about, you need to definitely exclude early morning calls. This is exactly what men don’t like. They have not woken up yet, they are in a hurry to get to work, they are not ready to change their plans if you puzzle them so early. In the midst of a working day, they have a lot of problems without you. At lunchtime, they rush to drink a cup of coffee and discuss with colleagues a football match, new products in the automobile industry, and a party at a nightclub. It is useless to call in the evening, because you will meet soon anyway. It only takes a few minutes to dial your loved one’s number to find out where he will meet you, what he will order for dinner, or whether it’s worth stopping at a store on the way. After a date, calling late at night is generally useless. He's tired, he's busy, he's already discussed everything he wanted with you. There will be no meaningful conversation.

    Now think about when to call these guys. But, all these restrictions can be safely discarded if you intrigue a man. Call and immediately tell him that today you bought “awesome” lingerie in which you look stunning, or found a funny, depraved film on the Internet that you would like to watch together. And after that, you can safely sit on your partner’s ears, without fear that he will say that he is very tired and will go to bed.

    If you know each other closely enough, you can throw your chosen one a small sex party over the phone, igniting his passion with your story about what you will do with him when he gets on your network. Once you have cheered up your chosen one a little, you can discuss your girlfriends, his friends, your bosses at work. He will agree to everything.

    The main thing is that he is ready for such a conversation, and not afraid of your violent sexual fantasy. There are also men who are scared off by this type of sex. They may still think about your promiscuity. But is it worth having relationships with such boring men?

    In what other cases will a man always listen to you carefully on the phone? Of course, when the conversation concerns him personally, his work, car, money, housing and other similar issues. Just don’t tell him about all the little things, where, what you saw and heard, how much tire fitting costs and that you know how you can apply for a subsidy for utilities. The man is not interested in various rumors and scandals. Speak only to the point, clearly expressing your thoughts. Have you spoken? Have you heard his opinion? Well, goodbye.

    Basic rules for communicating on the phone, which will apply to all men, acquaintances, strangers, fiancés and husbands. Always speak in a confident voice when you answer the phone. If there are notes of sexuality in it, it will be generally great. Say hello, say goodbye and give compliments (well, not to your boss, but only to your loved ones). If you don’t want to tell the truth to your interlocutor over the phone, then you shouldn’t lie. Just quickly jump to another topic, as if by chance.

    When talking to a man, try not to lose your train of thought. And sometimes it happens that you start discussing the menu for the upcoming party, and immediately insert how it was at your friend’s, where she bought her dress, and how beautiful her mother’s apartment is. Ultimately, the man will not understand anything and will become annoyed by such conversation. If a woman knows how to think about everything at the same time, then a man needs consistent and logical thoughts.

    And one moment. When talking to a man on the phone, do not interrupt him. Wait for the end of the remark and then insert your word. This simple rules decency that we sometimes forget when listening to our girlfriend. But men don’t like this behavior.

    How long can you talk to a man on the phone without him getting tired of you? Yes, no more than 15 minutes. And then during the conversation, maintain his interest with intonation, sighs and aahs. So that he feels not only your voice, but also your sexuality.

    Important! If you call your boyfriend and he is in the car while driving, do not distract him from the road, even if you urgently need to tell him about what ring you saw today and who you met. Let him park, then talk. I don’t think it’s worth explaining to you why this is necessary.

    And now let's move on to the conclusion. If you decide to break off a relationship with a man, then you should not do it over the phone. Firstly, he will not believe in the sincerity of your decision and will try to figure out the relationship one-on-one. And secondly, it’s much more pleasant to express to a man’s face everything that you think about him, while putting on a spectacular dress and doing beautiful make-up. Let this bastard understand what he lost.

    Now you know all the basic rules of communicating with a man on the phone and you can show yourself with the best side. Don't be intrusive, become tactful and attentive. and then your call to the man will be long-awaited and pleasant for him.

    Girls are sure that a man must make the first step, and men, in turn, are very shy. Talking to a girl they like is sometimes more difficult for them than learning to fly an airplane. What to do in this case? How to overcome this embarrassment and start communicating? The solution may be a simple phone call. After all, talking to your interlocutor and expressing your thoughts to him if you don’t see him is much easier than face to face. In this article I will tell you how to start a conversation over the phone so that it is easy and relaxed.

    How to start a conversation

    Many women believe that “forcing” themselves on a man is a shame. What can you do? In our society there is still an opinion that it is the valiant “knight” who must win the heart of a beautiful lady. But a phone call is a non-binding thing. So why not take the first step forward and call him? But many girls are worried about the question: “What to talk about with a guy on the phone?” We will answer this later. Now let’s talk about how to start a conversation with a young man. The first thing you should do is find out as much as possible about him: his habits, activities, studies, work, and so on. This way the risk of getting into trouble will be minimal. Second tip: when you start a conversation with him, try to get him to talk as much as possible. Let him tell you about himself. Ask him, ask for his opinion on this or that event. But just don’t be too zealous; being too attentive to his person can scare him away.

    Topics for telephone conversations

    Now let’s talk about what topics you can talk about over the phone. It is believed that if a girl talks on the phone, she spends a third of her free time on this. So spend this time usefully for yourself and your future relationships. Below is a list possible topics for conversation:

    His occupation, hobby. If your loved one is involved in sports, music or any other activity, be sure to ask what led him to this and what he expects from these activities.

    His passions. Are you not interested in his preferences in food, clothing, and everyday life? This means that you are not interested in the very object of your desire. Is it worth continuing the relationship in this case?

    News. Every day something new happens in the world. I wonder what he thinks about this?

    Men have a reasonable question: on the phone?" But here the advice will be simple: all girls love it when it comes to them, their loved ones. Therefore, give her the opportunity to tell you as much as possible about herself, become her grateful listener, and it may very well be that soon you will become her beloved, close person who knows absolutely everything about her.

    What to avoid when talking on the phone

    Now let's talk about what topics should be avoided in telephone conversations. If you are concerned about the question: “What to talk about with a guy on the phone?” - then know that in no case should you start a conversation too serious topics, for example, on the topic of money, children, religion or former relationship. And also, try not to speak negatively about a particular person or event. Your interlocutor may be scared off by the fact that you think poorly about people and some things dear to him.

    Now you know what to talk about with a guy on the phone. Don’t be afraid of anything, don’t be shy to take the initiative into your own hands, call him and win him over with a pleasant conversation. Have you tried everything, but no common topics for communication have emerged? Then this is simply not your person!

    Each of us has moments in life when we really miss our loved one. We constantly want to be with him, to feel his support, to hear his voice. But, unfortunately, not everything is so simple and our world is not structured at all the way we would like it to be. Therefore, it is easiest for us to hear a person’s voice thanks to one telephone call addressed to a loved one. And we immediately, without hesitating for a minute, take out the phone, dial the worn-out buttons with our fingers and, lo and behold, we hear it. At such moments, the distance between you does not seem so significant. But here comes an innocent, but painful actual question: Still, how to talk to your boyfriend on the phone correctly?

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    Photo gallery: How to talk to your boyfriend on the phone correctly

    It may not be strange, but the culture of telephone communication should be present in everything you do phone call. Be it dad, mom, sister, brother, girlfriend, friend, president (as for the president, you never know - there are different names in the phone book) and even your favorite guy. About the latter, if you understand and will be discussed. And so, you wanted to hear him, took the phone, dialed the coveted number: beeps - “hello” - “hello!” And here it is, the long-awaited conversation. Well, I don’t think you should introduce yourself, otherwise your boyfriend will begin to doubt your adequacy (I think he will recognize his beloved’s voice, no matter what number you call from). By the way, if he still doesn’t find out and starts guessing by listing female names, think about it (anything can happen). But let's not talk about sad things. First of all, ask if he is busy; guys really don’t like it when people call them at the wrong time. And the wrong time to call could be: work, some urgent matters, his presence in men's company(vacation with friends), a serious conversation with someone, waiting for an important call, a long morning sleep after yesterday, and even just his bad mood. Remember this as a “women’s bible” and then you will definitely understand how to properly talk to your boyfriend on the phone. When calling him, be sure to correctly inquire about his employment at the moment. I inquired and heard that he was busy, it’s better to call back later or let him do it himself. Don’t force him to communicate, relying on the fact that: “I called, so you have to talk to me,” believe me, a conversation will not work here, give him time, let him cool down. If, of course, the guy gave the green light to your communication and is glad that you called, first of all, ask how he is, how are he, guys really love it when they care about them and are interested in their life, because they are ready to talk about themselves for hours. By the way, try not to interrupt him, let him complete his thought to the end. Don't rush forward with your problem. You heard the voice of your loved one, and this in itself already removes you from all the troubles in life that happened to you at that moment.

    When talking to him, don’t try to simultaneously communicate with your friend sitting next to you, we girls with a phone next to our ear can manage a hundred things, remember, a guy won’t understand this. If you call him, be kind and talk only to him. Put aside all the things that distract your attention during a conversation - communicate in such a way that if he asks again, you can retell to him the last phrase said to you five seconds ago, and not nervously remain silent. If you call on business, state everything, in essence, don’t beat around the bush, it’s not like calling a psychic, how does he know what happened there. Guys very rarely understand our intricate hints; they need the essence. And also, don’t call when you’re drunk (guys most often don’t understand this), don’t throw tantrums on the phone, don’t scream into the phone. Try to keep your negative emotions to yourself. We think with emotions, and they think with logic and rationality of decision. Don’t constantly talk about yourself, give him the opportunity to get his word in. And also, don’t call every, so to speak, “five minutes”, control yourself and stay away from the phone. Guys are freedom-loving people, and most of all they don’t like being bored with nothing to do. If he wants to hear, he will call himself, remember this and do not force telephone communication with yourself.

    He needs advice - don’t deny this pleasure, give him advice. Be proud of this, because he called not his mother for advice, but you. You need advice, accept it and thank him, no matter what kind of advice he gives you, even if this advice seems stupid to you.

    As for your voice, during a telephone conversation, it should always be sweet and laconic, caressing the ear and causing “spring in the soul” of your loved one. Make jokes as often as possible, especially if you hear that he is in a bad mood or just sad. Tell me, for example, a joke or something interesting story that happened to you (about childhood, for example) or your loved ones. Get him interested, don't be silent in vain, based on the idea that he is a guy - he should entertain. That’s how it is, but he’s not always the “clown on duty,” show that you also have a good sense of humor. Discuss with him your and his interests (most importantly, not boringly), the book you recently read, the last movie you watched, your trip somewhere, your studies. You can even read something interesting to him. Or simply, in an ironic interpretation, tell him how you spent your day and don’t forget to ask him about it. Under no circumstances talk to him about purely feminine topics; dilute the conversation with his own topics. If he is interested in something, he will ask you himself. By the way, guys don’t like women’s gossip either.

    You call simply because you miss him, don’t keep it to yourself, tell him about it. Guys like it when people depend on them in a good way this word. In this case, do not be afraid of your emotions, show them to the fullest, because at the moment they are emanating positivity that can charge your soulmate with ions of happiness for the whole day. And never forget to say three magic words: “I love you.” This reminder will never be superfluous, no matter which of you calls whom. By the way, conversations about love are the most pleasant conversations that will help both of you open up to each other and become much closer. Therefore, do not be shy about your feelings and enjoy your telephone conversations. Talking to your boyfriend correctly on the phone does not mean adhering to some rules and canons. This only means that after you hang up, there will be a piece of happiness left in the heart of each of you after talking with your loved one.

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