• How to make a frame from natural material. Unusual DIY photo frame decor ideas. Compositions of decorative pumpkins


    Olesya Korshunova

    Master class photo frame« Autumn fantasies»

    Each season is charming in its own way, and autumn I like it for the unique colors and beauty of the trees. And exactly in autumn I wanted to decorate photo of your children, making of the most simple materials frame.

    Materials: white cardboard, scissors, pencil, ruler, drawing paper, watercolor, tube of silver paint, brush, magnets, glue, double-sided tape; decoration material (glitters, sequins or other material).

    1. Draw and cut out two rectangles measuring 14 19 from white cardboard.

    We leave one rectangle - this back wall framework.

    On the second rectangle, draw a window of any shape and cut it out.

    2. Take a tube of silver paint and paint the top of our frame. Then we paste photograph and glue it to the back wall.

    3. Take sheets of drawing paper and draw maple leaves.

    4. We paint our leaves with watercolors, draw the veins and edges of the leaves with gold paint.

    5. Distribute maple leaves onto framed, glue it.

    6. Decorate frame with any materials: sequins, sparkles, etc. I decorated the frame with the remnants of the mosaic squares. Fast and original.

    7. Turn it over frame and glue the magnets onto double-sided tape. I used a magnet from an old magnetic one framework, you can use small magnets from "Rastishki".

    Our frame is ready! Now this frame can be hung on the refrigerator.

    Senior teacher Olesya Petrovna Korshunova

    Republic of Karelia, Petrozavodsk

    MDOU " Kindergarten № 61 "Golden Key"

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    Autumn brings many surprises: from sudden rain to beautiful autumn colors in its gifts.

    To make these gifts of nature warm on winter evenings, make your own frames for your favorite photos from natural materials. This issue contains three master classes that will help you turn your plans into reality. Call the children for help, because this activity not only captivates, but also unites. Toddlers need a little help, but schoolchildren can easily handle the task with their own hands.

    Preparation of materials for creativity

    You don’t have to spend money on crafts; almost everything can be found while walking through the park.

    To design photo frames you will need:

    • acorns,
    • separately hats made of acorns,
    • twigs,
    • maple leaves,
    • PVA glue,
    • construction adhesive for polystyrene foam boards (you can, of course, use a glue gun, it’s more convenient),
    • stack to apply the adhesive (you can use a syringe),
    • colored cardboard,
    • simple pencil,
    • gouache paints.

    Preparation of the frame and composition

    Mark on a piece of cardboard where the photo will be located - attach the photo and circle it. Draw a frame shape slightly smaller than the photo itself and cut it out. Coat the resulting “frame” along the edges, leaving one side, with PVA glue. Place a sheet of cardboard under the bottom of the cut out “window”. Press, smooth and place under a press, for example, under a stack of books. When the frame blank is glued, you can start decorating.

    Of course, instead of cardboard, you can take more durable bases - plywood or wood. Ready-made frames are also suitable for photographs that have lost their former chic or look boring.

    Now decide on the material and composition from natural material for the frame, this is the most creative part. A few twigs, complemented by a leaf or caps of acorns, laid out in a certain order, look good. You need to combine everything, try it and find your own original solution. There's a fine line between too much and too little. Golden mean- this is sophistication. Look for her.

    Implementation of the idea in practice

    Having decided on the material and composition, take the glue and finish the job. If you are gluing acorn caps, then apply the glue to the workpiece, then attach the gifts of nature to it. If you chose twigs or acorns as decoration, then apply glue directly to the twigs (acorns) and attach the parts to the workpiece.

    Two options for decorating the frame with acorns

    The hardening time of the adhesive for polystyrene foam boards is 10 minutes. Complete drying - 24 hours. After the work has completely dried, all the sloppiness (the glue is white and this somewhat spoils appearance frames), you need to paint over it with gouache of a suitable shade - brown, yellow and orange.

    Simple frame of twigs and leaves

    You can get these cute photo frames made from natural materials if you spend just a little time on an exciting activity.

    The original photo frame that we invite you to make in this master class will be a wonderful addition to autumn panels, autumn-themed drawings, embroidered paintings with autumn motifs, etc. The technique for making it is so simple that even a child can handle it.


    To make a photo frame from autumn twigs with your own hands, prepare:

    • twigs without leaves;
    • skein Brown or twine;
    • hot glue sticks;
    • thick cardboard;
    • office glue;
    • brush;
    • scissors;
    • sheet of colored paper.

    Step 1. Prepare the branches for the frame. In total you will need 20 pieces: 10 branches of large and small sizes. Be sure to rinse the branches to remove dirt and dust. You can simply wipe them with a damp cloth.

    Step 2. Separate the large and small twigs into groups of 5. Lay them out on your desktop. The long ones will be the top and bottom parts of the frame, and the short ones will be the sides.

    Step 3. Connect the groups of twigs together using twine or strong knitting threads. Wind them between the branches in the form of the letter “X”. Thus, connect the parts of the photo frame at all corners.

    Step 4. Attach the sheet of cardboard you have to the resulting frame. Adjust it to the size of the frame; if there is excess, cut it off.

    Step 5. Glue the cardboard to the twig photo frame using hot glue.

    Step 6. Cut out an autumn leaf from colored cardboard. Smear it with reverse side PVA glue using a brush and glue to the cardboard.

    The frame is ready! Instead of an application, you can insert a photo, attach small crafts And so on. In this case, leave the background on the cardboard empty.

    Without any doubt, you have a lot of photographs stored at home and most are hidden in albums, since you can’t have enough photo frames for all the pictures.

    Now it is fashionable to decorate walls with entire photo collages, multiple frames on the fireplace, chest of drawers or display case. In this regard, today we propose to look best ideas DIY photo frames 2019.

    Making a beautiful and original photo frame with your own hands is quite simple. You will need any available materials for decoration and a photo frame base made of cardboard or wood.

    A self-made photo frame will definitely take place of honor in the house, and can also become an original gift for a loved one.

    We offer you the most original ideas DIY photo frames 2019 and ways to decorate old and boring photo frames.

    We make beautiful photo frames with our own hands - creative ideas and photos step by step

    Let's start with the simplest way to make a photo frame with your own hands from cardboard. Cardboard can be used to make two types of frames - three-dimensional and flat.

    Step-by-step photo tutorials on do-it-yourself frames made from cardboard will show you how quickly and without special skills you can make a beautiful photo frame, which you just need to decorate.

    DIY photo frames 2019 made from knitted twigs look unusual and new. In this form, you can also connect planks, and it will turn out quite interesting.

    Do-it-yourself photo frames in the form of canvas will look no less original. All you need is a small piece of cardboard, wrapped in fabric or paper of your choice, and two small clothespins glued on as a photo holder.

    A real find for large photographs will be a window frame, which can perfectly serve as an original DIY photo frame.

    A window frame can become the basis for a photo collage if you string several dense threads and secure the pictures with clothespins, as can be seen in the example.

    A DIY wall photo frame consisting of a number of elements looks very nice. A similar photo frame can be created in any style: children's, romantic, family, bright or minimalist.

    Decorating a photo frame - original do-it-yourself photo frame decor

    Do you have any old photo or painting frames at home? Don't rush to throw them away, give them new life and turn it into a designer masterpiece, revitalizing your own interior.

    Use any materials as decor for a DIY photo frame 2019: beads, sequins, pebbles, buttons, artificial flowers, small construction sets and puzzles.

    Photos from a holiday at sea will look very cool in a DIY photo frame decorated with shells and pebbles collected on the beach.

    A family photo framed with coffee, peas or cereals will harmoniously fit into the kitchen interior.

    Do-it-yourself photo frames in the quilling style look very stylish and original. Paper colored patterns and flowers look attractive and unusual.

    For a fashionable interior in eco style, do-it-yourself photo frames 2019 decorated with wooden stumps and twigs, cork circles, and flat stones are suitable.

    It is no less original to decorate a photo frame with your own hands in the form of a mosaic. Broken glass or a mirror will do here, maybe you still have some old broken ones Christmas decorations, which are also suitable for decoration.

    To decorate a photo frame with your own hands in mosaic style, you can use eggshells, pre-colored.

    One of the most simple ways To decorate a photo frame in an original way with your own hands is to take multi-colored threads and wrap them around the frame.

    See more cool and unusual ideas for a DIY photo frame in the gallery.

    Beautiful DIY photo frames – decor ideas, step-by-step photo tutorials, new items for 2019

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