• How to sew a seam forward with a needle. Hand stitches: “forward needle” and “back needle”. Video master classes. Technique for performing interleaves based on several lines of stitches


    The simplest seams with straight stitches are very easy to make and can be used both in counted embroidery, and in free.

    Straight stitch- a single stitch used to create patterns on fabric, fill the pattern continuously, and also for embroidering simple flowers. The other seams presented here are contour seams. They can be used when making linear elements of a design, emphasizing contours and adding detail when using other seams.

    Seam "forward needle" Forms a straight, broken or main curved line, suitable for embroidering outlines.

    Double seam"forward the needle" looks very similar to the backstitch stitch, but forms a thinner line. The stem stitch creates a slightly raised thick line and is ideal for making curved lines, such as stems in floral patterns.

    Stem seam can also be used to fill patterns all over.

    Back stitch forms a thin, slightly convex line. Excellent for embroidering outlines and making details, especially in cross stitch.

    Start of seam

    1 . Bring the needle to the wrong side, close to the starting point, leaving a short tip on the right side of the work. Then bring the needle out from the starting point to the front side.
    To perform a separate straight stitch bring the needle to the right side, then bring the needle to the wrong side, forming a single stitch of the required length.
    When sewing a seam, stitch over the loose end of the thread to secure it. Then bring the free end to the wrong side and trim it close to the fabric.

    Straight stitch

    To make a single straight stitch, bring the needle to the right side, then bring the needle to the wrong side, creating a single stitch of the required length.
    To sew a group of straight stitches, make individual straight stitches different lengths and in different directions according to the pattern.

    Securing the thread

    To secure the thread when finishing the embroidery, bring the needle to the wrong side of the work, pull it through a few stitches and cut close to the fabric.
    To embroider a simple flower using straight stitches, sew the desired number of stitches away from the center circle or oval of the flower.

    Seam "forward needle"

    From the starting point, bring the needle to the front side. Insert and withdraw the needle through the fabric, following the line. If you are not working in a hoop, work several stitches at a time, making sure you have an even thread tension and stitch length.

    Double seam “forward needle”

    Using a needle-forward stitch, make a row of stitches spaced equally apart along the entire line, including the side stitches. Turn the work around and sew the next row of stitches, filling in the gaps between the stitches and inserting the needle into the same punctures.

    Stem seam

    1. Performed in an upward direction, with the working thread to the right of the needle. Bring the needle to the right side and insert it into the fabric in the center of the previous stitch. Having collected half the stitch length from the wrong side, bring the needle back to the right side.
    2. At a distance of half a stitch from the end of the previous stitch, insert the needle into the fabric. Bring the needle to the right side through the end point of the previous stitch. Continue in the same manner.

    To make the seam wider, insert the needle into the fabric at a slight angle and make smaller stitches.

    Back stitch

    1. Performed from right to left.
    At a distance of one stitch from the beginning of the seam, bring the needle to the right side. Then insert the needle into the starting point of the seam, bring it from the wrong side two stitches forward and bring it to the right side.
    2. Pull the thread through, making one stitch on the right side. Then repeat step 1, inserting the needle at the end point of the previous stitch. Continue in this manner, making sure the stitches are the same length.

    Uneven stem seam

    A stem stitch looks uneven and sloppy if the stitches are too long and the needle is not inserted exactly into the middle of the line when making stitches. Make smaller stitches and make sure that they are the same length, then the seam line will be even.


    The needle-forward stitch is usually used for basting parts. It can be done on any fabric, but to begin with it is better to take a material with a plain weave. Choose threads in a contrasting color so that the seam is better visible. The needle is more convenient for embroidery, with a wide eye. Thread. There is no need to tie a knot. If you are taking up sewing for the first time in your life, draw a long line along which you will sew on the front side of the fabric with a sewing marker along a ruler.

    Start sewing from the right edge of the material. There is no need to hoop the fabric. Insert the needle from the wrong side, bring it out to the front side and make a stitch 2-3 threads long. Bring the needle and thread to the wrong side. Skip 2-3 threads and bring the thread to the front side again. Sew in this manner until the end of the drawn line. All stitches should be exactly the same length. Having mastered the “forward needle” seam on fabric in one layer, try basting 2 parts with it. It is possible that you will have to sweep away rounded parts. In this case, you need to watch the stitch length especially carefully.

    There are several varieties of this stitch in embroidery. For example, parallel. The simplest parallel seam “forward needle” consists of two lines. Sew the first one in the same way as when mastering the basting stitch. Place the second line at a distance of approximately 0.5 cm. Place the stitches from right to left, strictly under those that already exist. There may be more lines. Stitches can be joined using a goat seam, a buttonhole seam, etc.

    The alternating stitch “forward needle” is similar to the parallel one. Place one line of stitches, and then a second, but so that the new stitches on the right side lie opposite the gaps, and the gaps are opposite the stitches of the first line.

    An interesting type of seam is the “wave”. Sew one line using a needle-forward stitch. Take a needle with a thread of a different color, bring it from the wrong side to the front side at the right edge, next to the first puncture. Insert the needle from below between the first stitch and the fabric, then from above - between the second stitch and the fabric. Then the thread will go from below under the third stitch, from above under the fourth, etc. When making this seam option, it is important to ensure that the needle does not catch the fabric.

    The “forward needle” seam can be further complicated. Start it the same way as the previous one. Insert the needle from below under the first stitch, wrap it with thread 2-3 times. Guide the needle from above under the second stitch and make that number of turns. This seam option looks beautiful if done on loose fabric with bright and fairly thick threads.

    Embroidery - oldest species handicrafts. The art of sewing decorative stitches on woven fabric is popular all over the world. There are many different techniques and

    Simple for DIY

    The main tools and materials for embroidery and sewing will be needles and threads. Craftswomen use all sorts of working techniques. Simple and universal are seams in which the movement of the needle is directed forward. They can be used to perform self made when sewing clothes or soft toys, decoration finished products or as auxiliary techniques.

    How to make a forward stitch?

    Mastering the technique of performing regular stitches is not difficult. At the beginning of the work, the thread is fixed on the right side of the fabric. The seam is made from right to left. During operation, the needle always moves forward. Make successive stitches along the contour line. They should be the same size and spaced at regular intervals.

    The length of the stitches and the distance between them may vary. Let's assume that the stitch length is 5 mm. In this case, the gap between the stitches can be 2 mm or 5 mm. Moreover, the front and back sides have the same appearance. It looks like a needle-forward stitch.

    The diagram shows the sequence of its execution. This type of seam is called a running seam. It is used when sewing to connect individual parts after cutting. It also serves as a basis for performing other embroidery and sewing techniques.

    Connecting seam

    More durable sewing of fabric can be achieved by sewing stitches in two steps. The “forward needle” seam is performed in the following sequence:

    a) sew the first row with small stitches;

    b) rotate the main fabric one hundred and eighty degrees;

    c) sew stitches in the spaces made in the first row.

    The resulting connecting seam ensures reliable fastening of individual parts. It looks the same from the front and back sides. It is used for sewing soft toys and clothes.

    Stroke or contour seam

    When embroidering various patterns, quite often it is necessary to highlight. At the beginning of the work, the selected sketch is stitched with simple stitches. After passing the entire contour, the needle is placed at the starting point.

    In the opposite direction, fill the remaining gaps with stitches. As a result, the outline of the design intended for embroidery is completely outlined.

    Single-line seams with interleaves

    Simple stitches are easy to transform. By simply moving the needle and thread, a decorative seam is obtained. At the beginning of needlework, a simple version of the stitches is performed. Next, change the thread in the needle. The new thread can be the same as that used for simple stitches. If necessary, it can be of any other color, and may also differ in thickness. Due to this combination, the embroidery will turn out to be slightly convex. To make a zigzag, a second thread is passed through the embroidered stitches. To do this, from top to bottom, the needle is passed sequentially in one direction. When passing through the stitches, the needle does not grab the main fabric. The “forward needle” seam with a “zigzag” interleaving is ready. A simple row of stitches becomes beautiful and decorative. By changing the directions of the interleavings, different variations of seams are embroidered.

    Slightly change the movements of the needle and thread and get new option execution. The technique for making this seam is similar to a zigzag. Embroider one row using a running stitch “forward needle”. The next step is to thread the needle with a thread of a different color. With careful movements, without piercing the main fabric, pass it through a row of stitches. In this case, the movements of the needle alternate. First it goes from top to bottom, and then from bottom to top. The thread is laid along a sinusoid in the form of a wave.

    The “forward needle” embroidery described above can easily be converted into a different type of seam. In order for the “wave” to become a “chain”, another row is added. It is performed in the same way as in the previous case. But in this case, the movement of the needle will be the opposite, namely, first from bottom to top, and then from top to bottom. A two-sided sinusoid is obtained in the form of a “chain”.

    Having slightly changed the direction of the interleavings, we get a new option called “rings”. How to embroider a forward seam with a ringlet? Getting started is a series of simple stitches. Next, they begin to embroider the “rings”. The thread is fixed near the last stitch. They let him through. The needle and thread passes through the penultimate stitch from bottom to top and then through the last stitch from top to bottom. In the same way, all re-threads are performed until the end of the stitch line.

    A seam consisting of several lines of stitches

    We examined the transformation of one line of simple stitches into different kinds decorative. A multi-line needle-forward stitch consists of parallel or alternating lines of stitches that are performed in a checkerboard pattern. The execution technique is the same as in the one-line version.

    Using a parallel “forward needle” seam, a simple row of stitches is laid from left to right. The second line is sewn parallel to the first. Identical stitches are placed strictly under those located in the top row. If necessary, perform the following parallel lines in the same way.

    Technique for performing interleaves based on several lines of stitches

    Let's consider making a double "ribbon" seam. First, embroider two lines of simple stitches. Use a thread of a different color to perform simple interleavings. The needle should not catch the main fabric. The thread is passed through the top and bottom stitches only once. Work starts from the bottom row. The thread is passed from top to bottom through the outer stitch. Next - from bottom to top, to the penultimate stitch of the bottom line. The needle is moved to the top row. The thread is passed from bottom to top through the stitch of the top line. In this way they go through the entire row, obtaining a decorative “ribbon”.

    By changing the direction of movement of the needle and thread, you can embroider a double seam “forward with the needle” with a figure eight weave. Start by sewing a few lines of simple stitches. Having changed the thread, they begin to perform interleaves. First, it is passed from top to bottom into the outer stitch of the second row and from bottom to top into the adjacent one. Move to the top row, moving backwards. In it, the movement of the needle ensures the passage of the thread through adjacent stitches. First, in the first one we move from bottom to top, in the second we go from top to bottom. The actions are repeated in the same sequence. As a result, the thread is placed between the stitches in a figure of eight.

    What is "understatement"?

    Stitches made with a needle-forward seam form a geometric pattern. This type of embroidery is easy to do. Embroidery is carried out using simple, even stitches, without tension on the thread. It should be long enough.

    Geometric patterns are easier to create on fabrics with a clear weave. Embroidery threads should be thick and untwisted. They are selected in accordance with the fabric chosen for the work. They are predominantly black, red, blue or white. Embroidery can be single-color or multi-color. The ones used have a width of ten to fifteen centimeters. The pattern is embroidered by moving from one row to another. Cross stitch patterns can be used as patterns. In this case, instead of crosses, the designs are made using a “forward needle” stitch.

    The photo shows samples of ornaments for this type of needlework. Tablecloths and bed linen decorated with bright patterns look beautiful. Quite often they can be found on paths and pillows. Embroidery (“forward needle” stitch) made using this technique is also perfect for decorating napkins and towels.

    Sewing with beads

    This type of embroidery is performed different ways. To attach the beads, use a “forward needle” stitch. Handicrafts are performed according to a pre-selected pattern. A needle with strong thread or thin fishing line is located on the front side of the needlework.

    The fabric is pierced from the bottom up. String the first bead. The next stitch is made close to the bead. After fixing it on the fabric, string the next bead. The fabric is pierced again from the bottom up. Fix the next bead. The operation is repeated. In this way, all the beads that make up a certain pattern are secured.

    Several techniques for ribbon embroidery

    Skilled needlewomen use all kinds of materials in their work. For this needlework, various types of seams and techniques are used. When using ribbons, the result is a beautiful stitch. The seam “forward with a needle” is performed with interleavings. However, in this case the second thread is replaced with tape.

    At first, work is performed with a simple row of stitches. They should be wider than the ribbon used in this embroidery. The ribbon is secured to the right of the first stitch. They wrap it around the stitches in the same way as weaving with regular thread. The embroidery is ready. At the end of the row the tape is secured.

    In addition to the technique described, you can do embroidery with ribbon. It is threaded into the needle. The first stitch is made on the front part of the work. Next we move on to the wrong side. We perform the second stitch. We repeat the operation. We align the tape and make sure that it does not twist. A needle-forward stitch made with ribbon is used in embroidery to process the contours of a design, as well as for decorating various products.

    All sewing and embroidery work is carried out based on these seams. Studying and mastering new hand stitches allows you to introduce great variety into the design of fabric products. It is best to train new stitches on samples or when making certain products.
    Each hand stitch consists of stitches. The whole process of making seams by hand consists of using a needle with thread inserted into the tissue and removed from it after a certain distance. A mark of varying length remains on the fabric depending on the distance from each other both punctures were made. A thread mark on fabric is called a stitch.. The stitch can be from 1.5 mm to 3 cm long, performed in one direction or tilted in any direction.
    Identical stitches following each other are called seams. Depending on their purpose, seams are connecting (they connect two or more layers of fabric together), securing(with their help they trim the edges and seal them) and decorating(to decorate the product).

    The “forward needle” seam and its variants.

    Depending on its purpose, the “forward needle” seam is made with stitches of different lengths: from 1.5 mm to 3 cm. The needle is moved in one direction - from right to left in relation to the product (Fig. 8).

    The main purpose of the “forward needle” seam- This temporary fastening of product parts. It is called estimate. Sweeping is a mandatory operation when performing even the most basic products, as it helps ensure that the work is neat, and the process of final joining of parts is greatly facilitated.

    Seam “forward needle” in two steps.

    It is characterized by the fact that it acts as a connecting.

    Product first sew with small stitches- seam “forward needle”, then turn the product 180° and sew with the same seam in reverse side(Fig. 9). New stitches fill the gaps between previous ones, the needle passes into the same punctures. From the back and face, a seam is created that is similar to the front side of a line stitch.
    The “forward needle” seam has many options, mainly decorating. IN in this case it is performed with colored threads in small or large stitches. Figures 10-15 show the main options decorating stitches forward with a needle:

    • a) the seam is made with multi-colored or plain threads, observing a certain size and alternating stitches (Fig. 10, a). The number of lines can be from two to ten. The embroidery resembles a variegated braid;
    • b) the seam is made with strict adherence to the stitch sizes and their alternation (Fig. 10, b). Such a set can be single-color or multi-color;
    • c) the seams are made in a checkerboard pattern (Fig. 10, c). To make them along the line of the pattern (stripe), threads are pulled out of the fabric, as for hemstitching.

    To form each line, use the same number of threads on the needle.
    . In each row, the stitches alternate in a checkerboard pattern. Embroidery with a chess set resembles variegated or plain stripes depending on how the embroidery is done - with threads of different or the same color.

    Seams “forward needle” with interleaves.

    These stitches are performed in 2-3 steps
    . First, sew along the pattern line with a “forward needle” seam.,
    then change the color of the thread, secure it at the beginning of the stitch and hook the needle under each stitch. If the needle and thread move like a snake and the needle moves from top to bottom, under the stitch, then from bottom to top, you get one version of the seam - seam “forward needle” with a “snake” interleaving (Fig. 11, a). If the needle moves in a spiral and the needle seems to pick up the stitches, then the seam shown in Figure 11, b is obtained.
    Figures 12 and 13 show options for “forward needle” seams with a “snake” weave.
    You can make several “forward needle” seams at a distance of 5 mm from each other, placing one stitch strictly under the other (Fig. 12, a). Weaving through every seam" snake”, they get like a motley braid(Fig. 12, b, c).

    There is another version of the seam with a “snake” weave.
    To do this, perform 2 rows with a stitch “forward needle”, placing the stitches in a checkerboard pattern. Next, the thread is laid as shown in Figure 13, a.

    Another type of seam with a “snake” leno is performed as follows:. First, sew parallel to each other with a “forward needle” seam.. One stitch lies above the other. Then they pry the needle just under two stitches. Arcs are formed at the top and bottom, as with single execution seam with a snake weave(Fig. 13, b).

    A “forward needle” seam with a “spiral” weave and its varieties.

    If it is performed in 3 steps with threads of the same or different colors
    , then you get a convex cord, which is very suitable for embroidering contour patterns.
    This seam is done like this:: first, according to the desired pattern, stitch the needle forward with a seam, then lay the thread in a “spiral”, first in one and then in the other direction(in the opposite direction), as shown in Figure 14.
    This type of seam “forward needle” with a “spiral” interleaving Can be used as a finish on a variety of products. First, sew 2-3 lines with a “forward needle” seam. The stitches are one below the other or in a checkerboard pattern. Next, under each of these seams a thread is laid in a “spiral” (Fig. 15, a, b).

    A seam “over the edge” is used to overcast the edges along the sections of the product. (Fig. 16, a).

    It prevents threads from falling out on cuts, ensures strength and accuracy in work. The seam can be made from left to right and from right to left.
    The stitches are arranged in turns along the edge of the fabric cut with an inclination to the left or right side. Stitch depth and spacing should be identical on the same product, but not more than 5 mm. The more often the stitches are placed next to each other, the stronger the seam. This seam can be used to join the edges of the product., if you sew with small frequent stitches.

    The seam “over the edge” can be decorative and connecting(for example, when connecting parts of the case for scissors, combs and etc.).
    A variation of this seam is the double over-the-edge seam.. It is performed as shown in Figure 16, b. First they stitch in one direction, and then in the opposite direction. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that in the opposite direction the punctures are not in new places, but in those that were formed during the initial execution.
    The double seam “over the edge” is decorative. You can use it to hem a handkerchief or napkin. It is also used as a connecting seam(for example, when sewing soft toys, slippers and other works). One of the purposes of this seam is to overcast sections so that the fabric does not fray. In this case, the stitches should be shallow and close to each other.

    Exists several basic techniques hand stitches: “forward the needle”, “forward the needle” with a leno (two options), “over the edge” (overcasting); “back needle”, stalked, tambourine and velvet; “stitch”, hem, buttonhole. All sewing and embroidery work is carried out based on these seams. Studying and mastering new hand stitches allows you to introduce great variety into the design of fabric products. It is best to teach new seams on samples or when making certain products.

    Every hand stitch consists of stitches. The whole process of making seams by hand consists of inserting a needle and thread into the fabric and withdrawing it after a certain distance. A mark of varying lengths remains on the fabric depending on the distance from each other both punctures were made. The mark of a thread on a fabric is called a stitch. The stitch can be from 1.5 mm to 3 cm long, performed in one direction or tilted in any direction.

    Same stitches
    , following each other, are called seams. Depending on their purpose, seams can be connecting (they connect two or more layers of fabric together), securing (with their help they trim the edges, seal them) and decorating (to decorate the product).

    The “forward needle” seam and its variants.

    Depending Depending on its purpose, the “forward needle” seam is made with stitches of different lengths: from 1.5 mm to 3 cm. The needle is moved in one direction - from right to left in relation to the product.

    Main purpose of the seam“forward needle” is a temporary fastening of parts of a product. It is called estimate. Basting is a mandatory operation when making even the most basic products, as it helps ensure that the work is neat, and the process of final joining of parts is greatly facilitated.

    Seam “forward needle” in two steps.

    He's characteristic in that it plays the role of connecting. First, the product is stitched with small stitches - a “forward needle” seam, then the product is turned 180° and sewn with the same seam in the opposite direction. New stitches fill the gaps between previously made ones, the needle goes into the same punctures. From the back and face, a seam is created that is similar to the front side of a line stitch.

    The seam“forward the needle” has many options, mainly decorating. In this case, it is performed with colored threads in small or large stitches. Figures 10-15 show the main options for decorating seams forward the needle:

    • a) the seam is made with multi-colored or plain threads, observing a certain size and alternating stitches. The number of lines can be from two to ten. The embroidery resembles a variegated braid;
    • b) the seam is made with strict adherence to the stitch sizes and their alternation (Fig. 10, b). Such a set can be single-color or multi-color;
    • c) the seams are made in a checkerboard pattern. To make them along the line of the pattern (stripe), threads are pulled out of the fabric, as for hemstitching.

    For education For each line, the same number of threads is put on the needle. In each row, the stitches alternate in a checkerboard pattern. Checkerboard embroidery resembles variegated or plain stripes, depending on how the embroidery is done - with threads of different or the same color.

    Seams “forward needle” with interleaves.

    These seams perform in 2-3 steps. First, sew along the line of the pattern with a “forward needle” seam, then change the color of the thread, fasten it at the beginning of the line and hook the needle under each stitch. If the movement of the needle and thread goes like a snake and the needle moves from top to bottom, under the stitch, then from bottom to top, you get one version of the seam - a “forward needle” seam with transplant"snake". If the needle moves in a spiral and the needle seems to pick up the stitches, then the seam shown in the figure is obtained. The pictures show variants of “forward needle” seams with a “snake” weave.

    Can be done there are several seams“forward needle” at a distance of 5 mm from each other, placing one stitch strictly under the other. By twisting each seam with a “snake”, you get something like a variegated braid.

    There is another option seam with a snake weave. To do this, perform 2 rows with a “forward needle” seam, placing the stitches in a checkerboard pattern. Next, the thread is laid as shown in the figure.

    Another type of seam with a “snake” leno is performed as follows.
    First, they sew parallel to each other with a “forward needle” seam. One stitch lies above the other. Then they pry the needle just under two stitches. Arcs are formed at the top and bottom, as in a single seam with a “snake” weave.

    A “forward needle” seam with a “spiral” weave and its varieties.

    If you do it in 3 steps with threads of the same or different colors, you get a convex cord, which is very suitable for embroidering contour patterns.

    Perform this seam like this: first, according to the desired pattern, stitch the needle forward with a seam, then lay the thread in a “spiral”, first in one and then in the other direction (in the opposite direction), as shown in the figure.

    This kind seam"forward needle" with transplant"spiral" can be used as a finish on various products. First, sew 2-3 lines with a “forward needle” seam. The stitches are one under the other or in a checkerboard pattern. Next, a thread is laid in a “spiral” under each of these seams.

    A seam “over the edge” is used to sew edges along the sections of the product.

    He warns the loss of threads on cuts ensures strength and accuracy in work. The seam can be made from left to right and from right to left. The stitches are arranged in turns along the edge of the fabric cut with a slope to the left or right side. The depth of the stitches and the distance between them should be the same on the same product, but not more than 5 mm. The more often the stitches are placed next to each other, the stronger the seam. This seam can be used to join the edges of the product if you sew with small, frequent stitches.

    Seam "over the edge" can be decorative and connecting (for example, when connecting parts of a case for scissors, a comb, etc.).

    Option this seam is a double seam “over the edge”. It is performed as shown in the figure. First they stitch in one direction, and then in the opposite direction. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that in the opposite direction the punctures are not in new places, but in those that were formed during the initial execution.

    Double seam“over the edge” is decorative. You can use it to hem a handkerchief or napkin. It is also used as a connecting seam (for example, when sewing soft toys, slippers and other works). One of the purposes of this seam is to overcast sections so that the fabric does not fray. In this case, the stitches should be shallow and close to each other.

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