• Love statuses with meaning in VK. Beautiful statuses about love with meaning. VK statuses about love for a guy


    I give my friendly look to everyone, I will become friends only with those worthy of friendship, I save my love only for you.

    Some people want to love so much that they even lose their heads over their spouse.

    The fact is that loving a guy is an impossible task. If the feeling is not reciprocated, you will suffer and suffer, mutual feeling you will find yourself in a muddy swamp.

    Love is when your boyfriend talks nonsense, but it seems to you that he says smart things.

    Best status:
    A month or two will pass, or maybe just a week, and you will understand that our meeting was not accidental. But by then the seat next to me will probably be taken.

    So I met unrequited love. Now I understand well the guys I once sent. I'm ashamed.

    You smile and I forget about the whole world. Other men simply do not exist for me.

    Don't give your love to anyone. When men realize that you are as cold as ice, then they will start pursuing you.

    They love me, I also feel a sincere feeling. But to another.

    Love has deafened me and blinded me. You have replaced the whole world for me.

    I have my own kind of drug - it’s you, my love!

    I have already forgotten your smell, I don’t remember your voice at all, and your image has become so vague in my memory... How far you are from me...

    Sometimes one glance is enough to kill love. This means that you can also resurrect her with one glance...

    Perhaps all your friends don’t like me and you won’t call me a cool girl... But I love you like no one else will ever love you...

    I never tire of thanking fate for the fact that we, two halves of one whole, have finally met... Before, I could not imagine that I could experience something like this...

    Here is the paradox: love kills lies. However, much faster love can destroy frankness.

    And I managed to fall in love with you so much!.. To the very heart... And it can be seen forever!..

    Girls before marriage are like hunting lionesses, and after marriage they are like guard dogs.

    When you hear from a girl that she hates you, decipher it this way: she is in love with you, but considers you an asshole.

    There is nothing lower than playing with the feelings of a girl who is in love with you...

    It would be easier for me to relive your deception many times over than to listen to your confessions... They hurt me so much that I no longer know what to do...

    I love you so much that I’m ready to forgive you absolutely everything, including even your betrayal... However, I will never forget this...

    On VKontakte he showers me with kisses and kind words, but in real life he passes by, whispering a banal “Hello!”... How tired I am of this...

    I can't stand it if someone else looks at yours Blue eyes, whisper sweet words to you... Like I used to do...

    I've been waiting for you all this time...

    I don’t want to, but I can’t help but miss you... I don’t want to, but nevertheless I forgive you all your mistakes...

    Every passing minute was a chance for you to correct your mistakes. So how many such opportunities have you had?!..

    In every girl’s life, some kind of asshole appears that turns her whole life upside down and makes her suffer... because you fall in love with him until you lose consciousness...

    How scary it is to be just friends with the one you love... I'm going crazy with jealousy...

    Your heart beats - that means mine beats too... I feel every beat... And even if we are never together, your breath will forever be remembered by me...

    When we are close, I get excited even if the clock is just ticking.

    I’m not one hundred percent sure that I’m in love... On the other hand, I can’t live a day without you.

    You filled my existence with meaning, gave me such happiness! Thank you, my joy, that I have you!

    I love one - I kiss another... I dream of being with him, but I myself reject him... For me he is the most dear person...

    If you knew what pain it gives me to stealthily admire you, because you will never be mine... But I can’t help but look at you...

    Like any attractive girl, I’m almost never alone. But that doesn't mean I'm not lonely...

    Do It! Be happy! Leave the one who does not feel you, your soul, your vulnerability, your warmth... the one who considers you a predator. The sun will melt the ice, and love will warm the soul...

    Love me when I least deserve it, because that's when I need it most...

    There is nothing more unnecessary in the world than the love of a woman you don’t love.

    Love, like the red color of a traffic light, knows neither mercy nor pity.

    I love you not for who you are, but for who I am when I am with you.

    Self-love is a lifelong romance.

    If we judged love by its consequences, then we would hate it more than hatred.

    Quotes about love – Love is fire: if it doesn’t shine, everything is dark, but if it shines, it’s no wonder it burns out.

    Any new love displaces the old one - this is in the nature of things.

    Love is a foolish thing done together.

    Love is like a cat. She scratches us until we bleed, even if we only wanted to play with her.

    Love is a game. Whoever said “I love you” first lost...

    Love is such an unimaginably incomprehensible force that has no limits or boundaries to the possibilities of love.

    Love, as we know, deprives not only people, but also angels of the ability to be objective.

    No person can become more alien than the one you loved in the past.

    Perfect love is only possible by mail.

    Love is the only thing in nature where even the power of imagination does not find the bottom and does not see the limit!

    To find love, you need to stop looking for it. And then she will come herself, at least out of curiosity.

    You always need to know what pain you cause to the one you love. To think a hundred times before doing it.

    Women only love those they don't know.

    A man who talks intelligently about love is not very in love.

    Love tolerates domestic squabbles so poorly that for lasting happiness you need to find outstanding qualities in each other.

    Love often takes away intelligence from those who have it and gives it to those who do not.

    Love looks through a telescope, envy through a microscope.

    Almost every woman is capable of the highest heroism in love.

    It is not difficult to kill love in yourself, it is difficult to kill memories.

    If love doesn't make you cry, love.

    Take love away from the world and it will turn into a grave.

    You need to be a little similar to understand each other, but you need to be a little different to love each other.

    And there was a cat living in our yard. An ordinary, mongrel, but his life has taken a toll on him, just like other people. Once upon a time he lost part of his tail - only a short stub remained. The left ear was torn and did not heal well. Because of the scar, one eye did not open, but only squinted. Sometimes you look at a cat, and he looks at you. And it seems as if the beast is aiming at you. Only there is no gun.
    In fact, this cat was kind. He was never angry with people, although people did not favor him. And they called him “Ugly”. Not Vaska, not Barsik - “Ugly”. Yes, however, he looked scary, you understand.
    And he, perhaps, understood that the word was offensive, but he didn’t take offense at people... When they shouted “Ugly!”, he meowed in response, tried to wag the stump of his tail, and even ran towards him. Everyone was waiting for a miracle... Only children were forbidden to touch him, and those who were older shushed him.
    It happened that he was deceived. They called me over, and instead of food they doused me with water from a bucket. I remember often thinking then: why are we so angry? We want to be treated humanely, to understand our problems, and to be cruel and merciless with those who are weaker.
    The cat tolerated it when it was watered. He flattened his ears and wet himself obediently. Sometimes he even rubbed himself against his leg, meowing. As if he was apologizing for being so unattractive, worthless, and causing people to hate him. He received kicks, he was kicked out of the hallway, as if venting all the accumulated anger - for the injustice of our life. One poor fellow wanted to enter the house and ask for food in the kitchen, but his paw was pinched by the door.
    He then limped, his paw healed slowly, but he still forgave people and reached out to them. And, as if as punishment for the fact that he was so good-natured, someone set the neighbor’s dogs on “Ugly.” The cat could not run away or jump on the fence - his sore limb failed him. I was in the room, I heard his screams, almost human. He ran out into the street and drove away the mongrels - angry, dirty. From the breed of those who are ready to bark in a herd at everyone they meet - hiding under the fence. But they will never get into a fight with a strong opponent.
    “The Ugly” lay in a pool of blood, motionless. You know, I suddenly thought - he’s just like us. Like me, like all the inhabitants of Slantsevo communal apartments, broken by life. He just doesn’t know how to hate... He picked him up, carefully, carefully. I carried him home, very afraid that I would hurt him, because he was suffering terribly. He entered the room, not knowing what to do. He wheezed and gasped. I sat down on a chair and carefully placed it on my lap. I tried to pat him on the head, fearing that I would cause further pain.
    And “Ugly” suddenly tried to purr. Yes! He didn't wheeze or howl, he tried to purr! Thank you for your affection. The man gave him a drop of warmth, even before his death - the beast tried to thank him for this miracle, forgetting about his own pain.
    The cat died on my lap. He stretched his head and rubbed it against his palm. Stretched out in full height and froze. I was no longer breathing, I stopped feeling his heart beat.
    Then I sat motionless for a long time, with the dead cat on my lap. He kept thinking about us people. About how we treat each other, and not only each other - just those who are weaker. This beast, who was called "Ugly" - an unfortunate cripple who had been looking for at least a drop of warmth all his life - revealed to me something very important. I suddenly saw clearly: for many of us, everything is fine with the physical shell, with the body, but the soul is severely crippled. “Freak” - that’s what you can say about almost everyone today...

    Hi all!

    Two sections with statuses that convey the meaning of love for a man. Such statuses can be written in any in social networks, whether it is VKontakte, WhatsApp or Odnoklassniki, it doesn’t matter.

    The first section, which contains 16 statuses about love for a man you care about. Choose and apply.

    • When he is around, the world is transformed. He is my fluffy white rabbit, who opens a magical Wonderland for me every day.
    • I know my happiness is near. I know that happiness loves silence. I fall asleep with him every day, and I love him every moment.
    • My love for him, like a boundless ocean, will have no edge or end.
    • And it’s like music sounds in me when I see his eyes again.
    • A real storm is raging in my soul, as soon as I see it.
    • It doesn’t matter how my day went, because when you hug me, all the problems will seem trivial.
    • Loving and feeling that it is mutual is the best thing in life.
    • I love life. And I love him. For me they are equivalent.
    • Sometimes my eyes say everything for me. Look at mine, there is only one word in them: love...
    • My love is like an ocean. You are a lifeline for me. Without you, I will drown in my own feelings.
    • It seems to illuminate everything around me, but not the sun, as if it makes me breathe, but not the air. In general, he is what I live by.
    • Just together, just nearby. And nothing else is needed.
    • I want to scream how much I love you. But shhh...after all, happiness loves silence.
    • Only he can warm not only my body, but also my soul. And this is the most important thing.
    • I miss him every second.
    • I don't want anything. I just want love. And only one man.

    And here, for the most fastidious ones, are 13 more statuses for your man. This is how you have to love him in order to look for such statuses. I envy you with white envy and understanding.

    • And love for him still lives in my soul. And the heart believes in miracles.
    • Love is not for selfish people, because it makes us give much more than we receive from another person.
    • I love your eyes when they look at me and your hands when they warm me at night.

    With you, the music is more wonderful, the city is more beautiful, and life is more fun.

    For my love, even the Universe will not be enough. It cannot be measured.

    In a house where love reigns there is no place for resentment and anger. I want ours to be exactly like this.

    It’s like I’m wearing rose-colored glasses: I laugh, dance and sing. And it’s all just a chance meeting with him that’s to blame.

    • A casual glance - and that's it! You don’t sleep at night, sigh languidly, watch your weight, put on makeup every day. And how wonderful everything was...
    • They say women love with their ears. Not true! I love him with my heart. And all other parts of the body.
    • True love is listening for hours to his stories about how to change the steering rack on a car, and not understanding a single word.
    • When I saw him neatly folding his socks into washing machine, I immediately realized that this was the man I wanted to marry.
    • There is no access to my heart! It is under lock and key. Only your love can open it.
    • Love doesn't come alone. Doubts, jealousy, passion, fear and happiness always go hand in hand with her. But without them, love would be just a beautiful word.

    I think anyone who is looking for statuses about love for a man could find one suitable for themselves. The site also has

    And there was a cat living in our yard. An ordinary, mongrel, but his life has taken a toll on him, just like other people. Once upon a time he lost part of his tail - only a short stub remained. The left ear was torn and did not heal well. Because of the scar, one eye did not open, but only squinted. Sometimes you look at a cat, and he looks at you. And it seems as if the beast is aiming at you. Only there is no gun.
    In fact, this cat was kind. He was never angry with people, although people did not favor him. And they called him “Ugly”. Not Vaska, not Barsik - “Ugly”. Yes, however, he looked scary, you understand.
    And he, perhaps, understood that the word was offensive, but he didn’t take offense at people... When they shouted “Ugly!”, he meowed in response, tried to wag the stump of his tail, and even ran towards him. Everyone was waiting for a miracle... Only children were forbidden to touch him, and those who were older shushed him.
    It happened that he was deceived. They called me over, and instead of food they doused me with water from a bucket. I remember often thinking then: why are we so angry? We want to be treated humanely, to understand our problems, and to be cruel and merciless with those who are weaker.
    The cat tolerated it when it was watered. He flattened his ears and wet himself obediently. Sometimes he even rubbed himself against his leg, meowing. As if he was apologizing for being so unattractive, worthless, and causing people to hate him. He received kicks, he was kicked out of the hallway, as if venting all the accumulated anger - for the injustice of our life. One poor fellow wanted to enter the house and ask for food in the kitchen, but his paw was pinched by the door.
    He then limped, his paw healed slowly, but he still forgave people and reached out to them. And, as if as punishment for the fact that he was so good-natured, someone set the neighbor’s dogs on “Ugly.” The cat could not run away or jump on the fence - his sore limb failed him. I was in the room, I heard his screams, almost human. He ran out into the street and drove away the mongrels - angry, dirty. From the breed of those who are ready to bark in a herd at everyone they meet - hiding under the fence. But they will never get into a fight with a strong opponent.
    “The Ugly” lay in a pool of blood, motionless. You know, I suddenly thought - he’s just like us. Like me, like all the inhabitants of Slantsevo communal apartments, broken by life. He just doesn’t know how to hate... He picked him up, carefully, carefully. I carried him home, very afraid that I would hurt him, because he was suffering terribly. He entered the room, not knowing what to do. He wheezed and gasped. I sat down on a chair and carefully placed it on my lap. I tried to pat him on the head, fearing that I would cause further pain.
    And “Ugly” suddenly tried to purr. Yes! He didn't wheeze or howl, he tried to purr! Thank you for your affection. The man gave him a drop of warmth, even before his death - the beast tried to thank him for this miracle, forgetting about his own pain.
    The cat died on my lap. He stretched his head and rubbed it against his palm. He stretched out to his full height and froze. I was no longer breathing, I stopped feeling his heart beat.
    Then I sat motionless for a long time, with the dead cat on my lap. He kept thinking about us people. About how we treat each other, and not only each other - just those who are weaker. This beast, who was called "Ugly" - an unfortunate cripple who had been looking for at least a drop of warmth all his life - revealed to me something very important. I suddenly saw clearly: for many of us, everything is fine with the physical shell, with the body, but the soul is severely crippled. “Freak” - that’s what you can say about almost everyone today...

    Loving does not mean looking into each other's eyes. It is enough to look in one direction.

    "Antoine de Saint-Exupery"

    If you love, love, if you don’t love, don’t fool yourself, move away and don’t interfere with others’ love.

    There was love without joy, separation will be without sadness.

    "Mikhail Lermontov"

    Sublime love requires leisure.

    "Andre Maurois"

    If a person does not fall in love until he is forty, then it is better for him not to fall in love after that.

    "Bernard Show"

    True love is like a ghost: everyone talks about it, but few have seen it.

    "Francois de La Rochefoucauld"

    Love is a delightful flower, but it takes courage to go and pluck it from the brink.

    Love is a beautiful flower, but it takes courage to walk to the edge and pluck it.


    Love lasts long only if each of the lovers knows its value.

    "Frederick Beigbeder"

    Love for one's neighbor is limited by how much each person loves himself.

    Love is like fire - it warms you, but if you handle it carelessly, you can get seriously burned.

    Love love love. What is so good about it? Absolutely nothing.

    Nothing interferes with romance more than a woman's sense of humor and a man's lack of it.

    It’s a shame, it’s difficult, it hurts, but I’ve had enough, enough is enough! I don’t know what will happen next, but I’m letting you go.

    A woman deceived in love knows no mercy for her offender.

    I wanted to see you to see if it would be nice to see you again.

    I want to meet someone who can turn off my brain and turn on my heart.

    The worst way to miss someone is to be with them and realize that they will never be yours.

    Love has many facets - more than we think.

    Nothing will ever work out between you and me. Even break up.

    You are the reason for my idiotic loving smile!

    No person can become more of a stranger than someone you loved in the past.

    "Erich Maria Remarque"

    Nothing hinders a romance more than a woman's sense of humor and a man's lack of it.

    "Oscar Wilde"

    Words of love are always the same - it all depends on whose lips they come from.

    "Guy de Maupassant"

    It's so easy to be loved; so hard to love.

    "Francis Scott Fitzgerald"

    You tore my heart into pieces, trampled love into the mud of betrayal and lies, but tell me, did you really love me?

    With you I learned where butterflies spend the winter. They're in my tummy.

    What would you say if you knew I had one day to live? - Meet me in the sky!

    “Love does not exist without pain!” - said the hare, hugging the hedgehog tightly.

    “Love cannot be used” - everyone must choose where to put the comma.

    With you there is not love, but grief, I am afraid of your eyes, they are like the sea, and I am just learning to swim!

    Dear, tell me 3 magnificent words that forever unite loved ones? - Honey, I'm pregnant!

    It only took one man to fall in love with a woman for the world to become what it is.

    My soul is torn to pieces when you are so far from me.

    As long as we love, we know how to forgive.

    If you love me, then I will move mountains! if you don’t love, then the neck.

    If you are going to love someone, learn to forgive first.

    There are actions that cannot be forgiven. There are words that cannot be forgotten. There are moments after which the people closest to you become nobody.

    It's a pity you are so far away. It's so hard for me without you. Thoughts fly in the darkness, But come to me soon!

    Money cannot buy love. But you can significantly improve your initial trading positions.

    "L. Peter"

    Black tears are dripping - it's just mascara. It’s out of joy, dear, that I’m parting with you!

    The longest, purest and most devoted love is love for your reflection.

    The most strong love– undivided.

    To love is to find your own happiness in the happiness of another.

    "Gottfried Leibniz"

    Loving does not mean looking at each other, loving means looking in the same direction.

    "Antoine de Saint-Exupery"

    Love is the only passion that recognizes neither the past nor the future.

    "Honore de Balzac"

    A man loves with his eyes, and a woman with her ears.

    We smile at the monitor when our loved one writes.

    We only learn from those we love.

    Only women to whom we pay little attention love us tenderly.

    "Honore de Balzac"

    Lawless Heart. You can't prove it to your brain.

    How many emotions his simple “mine” sometimes gives.

    Perfect love casts out fear.

    Fate is not stupid, it won’t bring people together in vain!

    It’s so nice to hear from his friends: “Mmm... is she the one?”

    Three words that make you live - “I need you.”

    I want to be the reason for your happiness.

    How smaller woman we love, the easier it is for her to like us.

    "Alexander Pushkin"

    I don't like big words. It's better to be quieter, but closer.

    Love is the desire for the immortal.


    Love never demands, it always gives.

    "Mohandas Gandhi"

    Love and reason rarely live in harmony.

    "William Shakespeare"

    Love is so omnipotent that it regenerates ourselves.

    "Fedor Dostoevsky"

    To love is to find your own happiness in the happiness of another.

    "G. Leibniz"

    It is not human nature to love someone who obviously hates us.

    Love like crazy! Love each other! Who's for love?

    Love is the mutual change of lovers, the change of both towards each other.

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