• Equipment for the production of plastic windows. Business plan for a window installation company


    *Calculations use average data for Russia


    The goal of the project is to organize a production enterprise in Krasnodar. Products: metal-plastic windows. Sales channels: construction organizations, dealer network, construction goods stores. Price segment – ​​economy.

    Despite the difficult economic situation in the country, the slowdown in new construction and the decline in the market for window and door structures, the project has significant prospects due to its business model, which is atypical for this market. Sales costs are minimized due to the absence of our own physical retail network; operating costs are reduced due to optimization of warehouse stock and the absence of our own installation teams; project sales and a partner (dealer) network are actively used. In addition, a new distribution channel for this segment is being used – construction supply stores.

    Table 1. Project performance indicators


    Since the project relates to construction infrastructure, it is advisable to consider such interconnected markets as: the construction market, the market for building materials and the market for translucent structures.

    According to IndexBox, the building materials market in the first half of 2016 was subject to the following influences:

      reduction in residential construction volumes (-16% compared to the same period last year)

      some growth in non-residential construction (+3% compared to the same period last year)

      decrease in production volumes of basic building materials (-8% compared to the same period last year)

      growth in production volumes of finishing materials (+5% compared to the same period last year)

      decrease in investment in construction (-1.6% compared to 2015)

    Since December 2014, there has been a permanent decline in sales volumes in the primary housing market. During this time, sales decreased by approximately 30-35%. The largest decrease in housing construction volumes was observed in February 2016, after which there was a gradual increase in this indicator. The decline in sales was primarily caused by a decrease in the number of people purchasing real estate with their own savings. To improve the investment background in the industry, the state has taken a number of measures to stimulate the housing market (subsidy programs).

    In non-residential construction, the volume of construction of commercial real estate has decreased, and the share of agricultural and industrial buildings has increased (Fig. 1).

    Against the backdrop of a decline in real incomes of the population, demand is shifting towards building materials in the low price segment.

    Figure 1. Structure of commissioning of non-residential real estate by type in the first quarter of 2015 – first quarter. 2016 (data from Rosstat, IndexBox)

    Traditionally, more than 60% of investments in fixed assets in Russia relate to the construction industry. At the same time, there is a tendency for this indicator to grow during the crisis. In 2015, 5,945.5 billion rubles were invested in the construction industry. According to forecasts of the Ministry of Economic Development, positive investment indicators in the industry should be expected as early as 2017; expected increase in the indicator in 2017-2019. – 2.7% per year.

    The driver for the growth (decrease in the rate of decline) in sales of construction raw materials and materials was the increase in the volume of repair work against the backdrop of a decrease in construction volumes.

    Figure 2. Dynamics of production of basic construction and finishing materials in the 1st half of 2015 – 1st half of 2016 (Rosstat data, IndexBox)

    Share of imported components (primarily PVC profiles) on the market plastic windows(according to O.K.N.A.-marketing data) decreased significantly - from 35% in 2006 to 2% in 2015. According to experts, the most likely scenario market development in 2016 is its decline within 15%.

    Ready ideas for your business

    Competition in the industry today is relatively low due to large quantity players and established spheres of influence.

    Figure 3. Dynamics of the plastic window market in Russia in 2006-205, million sq. m. m

    According to experts, the following trends should be expected in the coming years:

      the most attractive segment for manufacturers of building materials are building materials that can be used for repairs - repair work is carried out by the population constantly, regardless of the state of the economy; At the same time, demand shifts towards the low price segment;

      the weakening of the national currency will lead to an increase in the cost of both equipment used in construction and the production of building materials, and the building materials themselves; this means a significant increase in the competitiveness of domestic producers;

      demand for construction and finishing materials will be supported by the public sector;

      The most difficult year for the residential real estate market will be 2017, after which the situation is expected to improve.

    Thus, based on the analysis of the data obtained, the project seems promising and has a high probability of success. The project involves the creation of an enterprise for the production of window and door structures from domestically produced PVC profiles in the city of Krasnodar.

    Krasnodar is the administrative center of the Krasnodar Territory, a major economic center of the Southern Federal District. The city and region are constantly on the list of the best cities and regions of Russia in terms of amenities, investment attractiveness and business activity. The population of the city is 850 thousand people, the region is 5.5 million people.

    The newly created enterprise is focused on the low price segment, uses a business model that is unconventional for this market, which makes it possible to increase competitiveness by developing new sales channels and reducing the costs of maintaining its own retail distribution network.

    The main sales channel is a partner (dealer network) of 16 showrooms located in Krasnodar and the largest settlements of the region: Sochi, Novorossiysk, Yeisk, Kropotkin. It is also planned to process the market on an object basis by providing an option for subcontracting work on glazing construction projects to project dealers.

    To optimize inventory, only one profile and one fitting system are used. The warehouse stock for them is also limited only to the most liquid positions; if necessary, missing items can be purchased directly from the supplier’s warehouse located in Krasnodar. The company is focused on mass production, with an emphasis on the production of simple (close to standard) structures.


    The company's products are metal-plastic window and door structures (PVC structures) used for glazing residential, industrial, commercial and other types of buildings. They are structures made of PVC profiles reinforced with metal reinforcing elements; to ensure the opening function, window fittings (hinges, locks, handles) are used; sheet glass, double-glazed windows, and sandwich panels can be used as filling.

    For the production of products, components only from domestic manufacturers are used. When choosing suppliers, strict control is carried out regarding the consistency of price and product quality.

    Ready ideas for your business

    Since all products are made to order according to individual sizes, for ease of description and calculations, standard window and door units are used:

      The standard window unit is a double-glazed window 1.5x1.5 m with a tilt-and-turn sash and a 24 mm single-chamber glass unit;

      Three-floor window unit – a 1.5x2.1 m window with one pivoting sash and a 24 mm single-chamber double-glazed window;

      Single-floor window unit – a 1.5 x 0.6 m window with a tilt-and-turn sash and a 24 mm single-chamber glass unit;

      Balcony block – double-glazed window 1.5x1.8 m and a balcony door made of a window profile 2.0x0.6 m with single-chamber glazing 24 mm;

      The standard door block is a 2.1 x 0.8 m door filled with a sandwich panel.

    If necessary, all structures are equipped with ebbs and window sills. For cases of non-standard execution, additional PVC profiles are used: additional, reinforcing, connecting, bay window, etc.

    In order to increase competitiveness, the company independently processes the object market, negotiates with developers and contractors, thus providing assistance to its dealers in obtaining subcontracts and attracting customers. The company does not install structures independently.

    Table 2. Production costs and selling prices


    The company is focused on the following sales channels:

      dealer network (80%)

      building materials stores (20%).

    Construction organizations are also considered as a sales channel, however, the project’s interaction with them consists only of representing the interests of its dealers with the further subcontracting of glazing of the processed object to them. A technical specialist (engineer) of the project takes part in the negotiations.

    The dealer network consists of 16 sales showrooms in Krasnodar and the Krasnodar region. All salons belong to the same network, which has been present on the market since 2006, has an established client base and a well-known brand in the region. Today, the network also works with other manufacturers of PVC structures in the middle and premium segments. Due to the decline in the purchasing power of the population, the chain decided to expand its range by introducing budget products. The monthly planned volume of sales by the dealer network is 650 m 2 of PVC structures.

    Sales of PVC structures through large building materials stores is a new sales channel for the market in question. However, some companies have been successfully working with this channel for several years. The idea is to supply stores with ready-made designs of standard sizes, which the buyer can take from the shelf; The window sill and ebb are also cut to size in the store. If desired, the buyer can order the services of an installation team.

    Ready ideas for your business

    As an additional service, the project provides advertising support for the dealer network: printing of advertising brochures, promotion on the Internet. A budget of 30,000 rubles per month has been allocated for this. Dealer network managers also work with the sales showrooms of the dealer network, providing information support and accepting orders.

    A retail network manager works with building materials stores. He negotiates with stores about cooperation, monitors the placement of goods and maintains the necessary stock. His tasks also include periodic promotions in stores.

    In fact, the main work of promotion falls on the shoulders of the dealer network, which frees up the financial and time resources of the project to solve other problems.

    Table 3. Planned sales volume



    PRICE PER UNIT, rub.

    REVENUE, rub.


    Standard OB

    Single-field OB

    Three-field OB

    Balcony block

    Standard DB


    2 846 690

    1 481 816

    The level of competition in the industry today can be viewed from two opposing points of view. On the one hand, the market is in a state of decline, its capacity is constantly decreasing. On the other hand, after the boom of 2005–2010, many players left the market, many continue to leave it. In general, the level of competition is quite high. However, if in high price segments competition is possible due to brands, additional services, quality advantages, etc., then in the low price segment competitive fight primarily due to price. Some players resort to extremely strict dumping, reducing marginal income. At the same time, they require a disproportionate increase in sales volumes, which ultimately leads to the financial collapse of the enterprise.

    The high competitiveness of the project is ensured by the absence of a number of costs inherent in traditional business models of the PVC structures market: maintaining own retail, installation teams, own transport, advertising, etc. This allows for high business margins. With an average bill of 7,551 rubles. (average cost of a product), the break-even point of the project is 47 structures per month. The monthly marginal income is 1,364,874 rubles.

    The demand for the project's products is highly seasonal and actually coincides with the traditional construction season. The decline occurs in the cold months, the peaks are in spring and the end of summer - the beginning of autumn. The influence of seasonality is taken into account when drawing up a financial plan.


    The production premises are rented. Location: industrial area in Krasnodar. The industrial building has convenient access roads, all communications are connected. The total area of ​​the premises is 100 m2, of which 70 m2 is production itself, 30 m2 is a materials warehouse. Finished products are stored in the yard on special racks.

    The equipment is purchased second-hand, made in Turkey, manufactured in 2010, from the closed production of PVC structures in Krasnodar. The equipment was used sparingly, about 40% of the time was downtime, and was in good condition. Continuous condition monitoring and routine maintenance are required. Production capacity – 900 – 1000 m2 per month, subject to work in one eight-hour shift.

    The material is purchased from suppliers' warehouses located in Krasnodar. Delivery is carried out at the expense of suppliers. All components are domestically produced, the price segment is budget.

    Since 80% of products are made to order according to customer sizes, the production plan almost completely coincides with the sales plan (Appendix 1). A small volume of standard structures is produced at the warehouse of building materials stores.


    All management functions for the project are carried out by the project initiator, an individual entrepreneur. The project initiator has all the necessary knowledge and skills, and has experience in the production of PVC structures as a commercial director.

    The organizational structure of the enterprise is shown in Fig. 4.

    Figure 4. Organizational chart of the enterprise

    The key positions are those of engineer and production foreman. The engineer is responsible for the processing of construction projects, negotiations with construction organizations, as well as the design of complex structures. Requirements for candidates: higher technical (construction) education, work experience in the specialty - from three years, preferably experience in the production of PVC structures.

    The production site foreman performs the functions of a technologist, production manager and technical control department. Requirements for candidates: work experience in the production of PVC structures for at least three years, work experience in a similar position (in any production) for at least one year.

    The company's work schedule is an eight-hour working day (08.00 - 17.00), Monday - Friday.

    Table 4. Staffing and wage fund

    Job title

    Salary, rub.

    Number, persons

    Payroll, rub.




    PVC construction assembler

    Foreman / Quality Control Department


    Dealer Relations Manager

    Store Operations Manager




    RUB 300,500.00

    Social Security contributions:

    RUB 90,150.00

    Total with deductions:

    RUB 390,650.00

    The project implementation process can be divided into three main stages: preparatory stage, pilot production stage, serial production stage. During preparatory stage(2 weeks) delivery and installation of equipment, signing of contracts with the dealer network, selection and training of workers. At the pilot production stage, the recruitment and training of workers continues, at the same time, first, test samples of products are produced, which can then be used as mock-ups in the showrooms of the dealer network, then small-scale production according to customer orders; The duration of this stage is 4–5 months. After this, the company moves on to mass production of products according to orders.


    The duration of the project is not limited in time. The preliminary financial plan has been drawn up for a period of five years. The decision on further development of the project or its liquidation will be made by the owners based on an analysis of market conditions and economic conditions.

    The financial plan takes into account all income and expenses of the project. Since investment activities are not provided for by the project, only operating income is taken into account. As the most optimal tax system based on comparison various options The simplified tax system with the object of taxation “income minus expenses” was selected.

    Investment costs for the project amount to 1.79 million rubles, the bulk of which is spent on the purchase of equipment for production. In addition, it is planned to create a working capital fund to cover losses of the project until it reaches payback. The amount of own funds of the project initiator is 1.2 million rubles. The lack of funds is planned to be covered by attracting a bank loan for a period of 24 months at an annual rate of 18%, with a credit holiday of three months. Repayment is carried out by annuity payments.

    Table 5. Investment costs for the project


    AMOUNT, rub.

    Real estate

    Office equipment

    Production facility equipment


    Equipment set

    Intangible assets

    Purchasing software

    Working capital

    Working capital


    1,790,000 RUR

    Own funds:

    RUB 1,200,000.00

    Required borrowings:

    590,000 ₽



    Duration, months:

    Variable costs take into account all production costs:

      raw materials and materials

      electricity for production needs

      marriage, etc.

    The volume of variable costs per unit of production is given in Table. 2.

    The enterprise's fixed costs are shown in Table. 6.

    Table 6. Fixed costs

    A detailed financial plan is given in Appendix. 2.


    Assessment of project effectiveness is based on an analysis of the financial plan, as well as simple and integral performance indicators.

    The company's revenue for the first year of the project was 22.7 million rubles; net profit (after taxes) – 3.3 million rubles. Revenue after achieving planned sales volumes – 23.6 million rubles. in year; net profit – 3.6 million rubles.

    The simple and discounted payback period is 7 months. Discount rate – 7%. Net present value of the project (NPV) – RUB 2,562,966. Return on investment ratio (ARR) – 18.34%, internal rate of return (IRR) – 16.13%, profitability index (PI) – 1.43. All these indicators indicate the effectiveness and profitability of the project. However, given the low accepted discount rate, the financial results of the project should be carefully monitored throughout its implementation.


    To assess possible risks, it is advisable to use SWOT analysis.

    Table 7. SWOT analysis of the project


      absence of a number of traditional costs and high margins

      reliable partner - dealer network

      object sales

      Availability of an engineer on staff

      no direct contact with the end consumer

    Weak sides:

      used equipment


      Government support for small businesses

      Prospects for recovery in the construction industry

      If the industry recovers, it is likely that sales will exceed plans; Due to excess profits, it is necessary to modernize the equipment fleet

      further decline in the solvency of the population

      copying the business model by competitors

      rising prices for raw materials and supplies

      Sufficiently high business margins make it possible to offset even a serious increase in prices for raw materials

      Do not advertise your own business model, do not transfer excessive information about the company to third parties; work only with a reliable partner

      Constant monitoring of equipment condition, its routine maintenance, replacement of components that can lead to complete failure and line downtime


    Appendix 1 "Production Plan" and Appendix 2 "Financial Plan"

    Denis Miroshnichenko
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    rent + salaries + utilities, etc. rub.

    Even despite the fact that many have already replaced the old windows in their apartments with new ones (usually relatively inexpensive plastic PVC windows, less often high-quality wooden Euro-windows), there are even more who have not yet done this. In addition, the construction boom is reviving in almost all regions, which means that every new house or apartment will require window installation.

    That is why opening a private firm or company for window installation- an excellent and very promising idea for business.

    It is worth noting that opening a company for the production and installation of windows is not an easy task and is quite capital-intensive. Firstly, you need to have sufficient start-up capital, since equipment for the production of double-glazed windows is quite expensive. Secondly, the level of competition in this market segment is quite high.

    Before open a window installation company, you need to carefully study the market situation and draw up a competent business plan. Below we offer a ready-made standard business plan for a window production company.

    Proposed window installation business plan is a standard example of a ready-made business plan and can be used by you in the future to develop your own business plan for the production and installation of PVC and wooden windows.

    Typical business plan for a window installation company

    Overview section
    This business plan involves the creation of a company for the installation of plastic and wooden windows.
    The organizational and legal form of business organization is an individual entrepreneur. This will help minimize taxes and simplify doing business, since the main customers will be private individuals. However, if you plan to work with legal entities, then it is recommended to register a limited liability company.
    The degree of success of the project is assessed as quite high, since, even despite high level There is also a lot of competition in the window production and installation segment, and there are also quite a lot of potential customers.

    Description of the enterprise
    It is expected that the company will be engaged in the manufacture, sale and installation of plastic windows, balcony modules, as well as other prefabricated plastic structures.

    Description of services
    The company will provide installation, installation and maintenance of plastic and wooden windows, balcony modules, plastic structures, as well as other additional services.

    Market analysis
    In this section, it is necessary to give a detailed description of the market for the sale and installation of plastic and wooden windows in your locality. You should identify possible mistakes and shortcomings in the business of your competitors in order to subsequently avoid them. In addition, it is necessary to develop a strategy for promoting your product (service, brand).

    Production plan
    The first step in organizing a window installation company is to find or build appropriate premises for its operation.
    The main thing is the production workshop. If you plan to build a premises, build it taking into account the possible expansion of the business. If you plan to rent a room, choose the space taking into account your immediate needs.
    The second room is the sales office, where contracts will be concluded and services will be sold. The sales office should be located in as public a place as possible, while production workshops can be moved out of town.
    The next step will be the purchase of equipment for the production of plastic profiles. Today there are quite a lot of manufacturers and suppliers of such equipment, so the choice should be made based on availability and the price-quality ratio.
    The cost of equipment ranges from 150 thousand to 1.5 million rubles, depending on performance and configuration (there are, however, more expensive huge lines).
    After purchasing and installing the equipment, you will need to hire personnel to work in workshops and offices. For stable operation you will need:
    - line maintenance workers – 4-8 people
    - measurers, installers of finished products – 4-8 people
    - drivers – 2 people
    - office manager-order taker – 2 people
    - accountant – 1 person
    The next step in the development of the company will be an advertising campaign to promote its services to the market. Here you can resort to the services of specialists or develop and conduct an advertising campaign yourself.
    By the way, one of the interesting and working solutions in this area is advertising on structures already installed by your company (balconies, windows, pavilions, etc.).

    Product sales plan
    It is planned to sell finished products through our own sales office, as well as by attracting customers and partners through various advertising media (including via the Internet). To sell services via the Internet and improve the company’s image, the company’s own website for the production and installation of windows will be created.

    Financial plan for a window installation company
    In this section it is necessary to give a clear description of the company's income and expenses. Sample financial plan:
    - rent of premises for a workshop (250,000 rubles per year)
    - rent of a sales office (100,000 rubles per year)
    - purchase of equipment (1,500,000 rubles)
    - staff salary (2,000,000 rubles per year)
    - cars (500,000 rubles)
    - advertising company (100,000 rubles)
    - purchase of consumables (1,000,000 rubles)
    Total: 5,450,000 rubles of expenses for the first year of work.
    - installation and sale of windows – 2,500,000 rubles per year
    - sale of balcony modules – 2,800,000 rubles per year
    - sale and installation of plastic structures – 3,000,000 rubles per year
    Total: 8,300,000 rubles in the first year of operation.

    As can be seen from the financial plan, the payback for a company producing and installing windows is less than one year, but it should be remembered that this business still requires sufficient start-up capital.

    Opening your own business is not an easy task.

    This type of activity involves many factors, including both positive and negative. The first include successful selection of a client base, constant orders for products, and the demand for plastic or wooden windows. The problem may be the lack of regular customers, a small amount of orders. In order to organize a window business, you should determine the direction in which you intend to work.

    Select type of activity

    For example, the work of an intermediary does not require financial investments. This is an ideal option to start your own business from scratch. In this case, you will work under the guidance of a boss. Responsibilities include promoting the product and finding clients. As soon as it is found by the customer, a transaction occurs. As a result, the intermediary receives a certain percentage of the sale. In this way, a business is built, which depends on the quality of the presentation of the product to the client and on communication skills advertising agent. This type of activity does not always bring significant income, but it can be done without investment.

    The next type of activity in the window business involves installation services. To develop it you will need to spend about $600. The amount will be spent on purchasing tools and building materials. It is important to know that there is serious competition in this type of business. Various window sales companies provide their clients with installation and dismantling services. The prices for such work are very favorable to the customer, they amount to only 10% of the total cost of the goods. Of course, the investment will pay off if the employee himself looks for potential clients and conducts regular work. This type of activity is undoubtedly useful for those who seek to develop their own window business and take it to a higher level. In the process of work, the specialist, together with practice, acquires new knowledge and will draw a conclusion about the consistency of orders.

    Another type of activity is called dealership. This is one of the effective branches through which you can develop a window business. Having profited from advertising and installation services, you can start repurchasing goods. What does it mean? For example, a person finds himself in a season of incredible promotions and discounts on windows. The dealer’s task is to buy a certain amount of goods, find a client and sell him the goods at a different price. Thus, revenue can be up to 30%. The more goods are purchased and resold, the higher the income. This branch of business development is very popular; moreover, this business direction is practiced in many areas of activity. Professional dealers who have considerable experience additionally use the services of advertising agents, whose responsibilities include searching for potential clients.

    A window business can be developed from scratch by offering restoration services. Some owners are looking for people to do this type of work. Among the customers there are people who do not want to purchase plastic windows. In this regard, restoration of the old wooden window is necessary.

    Above we have listed some activities that can be carried out before starting production. The acquired work experience will help you plan your business wisely. Before opening your own factory, you need to: calculate all the costs of equipment, decide on its level, decide which windows will be produced, plastic or wooden, find an appropriate room with an area of ​​at least 150 square meters. m, think about how many employees will have to be hired and what wages they will have to pay.

    Return to contents

    Today, plastic windows are very popular. They can be seen in almost every building. Unlike the production of wooden windows, the costs will be much less. An entrepreneur will need about $20,000 to purchase equipment. There will be no problems with purchasing machines, widest choice equipment is provided by both domestic, Russian and foreign trade marks. German manufacturers are very popular.

    The production area must be at least 150 square meters. m. Additional space will be required for storage space. Ideally, a manufacturing plant is located on an area of ​​300-500 square meters. m. Buying or renting such premises is extremely expensive. It is important to maintain the temperature regime - not lower than 16 degrees. The welding process directly depends on this factor.

    As for double-glazed windows, almost all enterprises buy ready-made ones. You can produce your own, but this will require considerable additional costs. Take care of a team of workers. You can form 3 teams of 2-3 people. It is also necessary to make a calculation wages employees. It will be approximately $300 per month. You must have at least 2 people at your disposal who will be responsible for selling the goods.

    Return to contents

    Investments in the production of wooden windows

    The production of wooden windows is an expensive business. At the initial stage of its implementation, it may require about $150,000. In order to save money, you can purchase equipment that is not new. However, in this case it will not be covered by warranty. Costs will also be spent on double-glazed windows and equipment for drying wood. As a result, opening a rapidly growing woodworking enterprise will require an investment of about $500,000.

    Return to contents

    Product sales

    The main tasks of the window business include not only the production of products, but also their marketing. Selling windows is an extremely important process. Quality and good service play an important role here. Some companies already have an established customer base, others are looking for customers via the Internet and are actively advertising their products on specialized websites. Advertising brochures and business cards are more effective way advertise the product. Specialists who started a business from scratch know that one of the productive methods to attract a client is to demonstrate the finished product. For example, ready-made samples can be displayed on the market, in stores, in the company’s office. There should be a specialist next to such a sample who will provide the customer with all the necessary information.

    Recently, residents are increasingly replacing old wooden windows with PVC ones. In addition, with every new construction, plastic windows are most often used. Therefore, PVC production is a popular, profitable business.

    How to optimize your business

    1. Franchise production. They will help you with choosing a location, finding clients, and setting up production itself. True, you will have to pay a certain amount for the franchise, but such a move removes many risks.
    2. Purchase of equipment on lease. It is expensive and a bank loan usually does not pay off. Therefore, it is easier to turn to leasing companies. Typically, the first payment is up to 30% of the total amount. The following payments come with a markup of up to 12%. Over 3 years, the markup on the amount will be 36%. However, this will save working capital, which is so important at the start of a business.
    3. Cooperation with recruitment agencies. This will help you find truly professionals, because the quality of the product, the image of the enterprise, and, therefore, its success depend on their qualifications.

    Necessary formalities

    To register an enterprise, an application is submitted to the Unified State Register of Enterprises indicating the OKVED codes. Chief among them are:

    • 25.23 – Production of plastic products used in construction;
    • 45.44.1 – Production of glass works.
    • 45.42 – Carpentry and carpentry work;
    • 51.53.24 – Wholesale trade in construction materials.

    Then you need to register with the tax office as a UTII payer, according to which you will have to pay VAT and personal income tax. Also, plastic windows must be certified for compliance with SNiP, GOST, and building code requirements. Additionally, you can include in your plan passing quality control to RAL and DIN standards in Germany.

    Today, certification for compliance with GOST 30674-99 is not mandatory, but it is highly recommended. To sell PVC, you also need a conclusion from the SES and a license from Gosstroy.

    Production technology

    The production stages of PVC windows are as follows:

    1. Cutting profiles and rods based on order measurements. This is a responsible process, since the quality of PVC windows depends on it. For sashes and frames, the profile is cut at an angle of 45°, and the stand, reinforced, imported profile, and bay windows are cut at an angle of 90°. It is necessary to give a welding allowance of up to 6 mm.
    2. PVC windows must have drainage to remove moisture and also compensate for wind pressure. Milling of special drainage channels is carried out according to the recommendations of the profile supplier using special tools.
    3. Plastic profiles are installed in a special chamber, metal profiles are inserted into them and secured manually or automatically using self-tapping screws.
    4. At the next stage, the holes for the fittings are milled on a copy-milling machine.
    5. In order for the impost to fit into a sash or frame, it is pre-milled on a face milling machine. After the procedure, consolidation is carried out.
    6. The actual welding of PVC plastic windows is subject to the following conditions:
      • welding time – 25-40 seconds;
      • warm-up time – 25-40 seconds;
      • knife pre-treatment;
      • heating the welding knife to 230-250°C;
      • preliminary cleaning of workpieces.
    7. Removing deposits and cleaning seams is done on a machine or manually.
    8. Rubber is installed in plastic profiles for compaction. The process starts from the top, from the middle of the crossbar, entirely by hand. Care must be taken that it is not pulled too tight. The joints are glued together.
    9. The next stage is the installation of fittings, gaskets, liners for double-glazed windows, imposts, and insertion of the sash onto the frame.
    10. After this, you can proceed to cutting glazing beads - special contours that secure the double-glazed window. After cutting, the windows are installed in the frame and glazing beads are hammered into them.

    Window production equipment

    It’s easy to open a business, since there is a huge range of equipment on the market. In addition to domestic manufacturers of machine tools and tools, brands Nikmak, KABAN, NISSAN, Yilmaz are often preferred.

    To produce plastic windows you will need:

    • installation lifting devices;
    • demineralizers;
    • extruders;
    • washing machines;
    • hoods;
    • compressor;
    • glazing stands;
    • bending, milling, copy-milling, angle-cleaning machines, for PVC welding;
    • punching saws, for cutting glazing beads, reinforcing profiles and PVC, reinforcement (single- and double-head);
    • roller conveyors.

    Rules for selecting premises

    The premises are selected based on the planned production volumes. Let’s say, if an entrepreneur is determined to produce 20 finished structures per shift, he can get by with an area of ​​200 m2 with a ceiling height of 3 m. The production technology requires that the room temperature be kept at 18°C ​​and a three-phase industrial network operating. The ventilation and light system must be well thought out. So, the workshop must have general light and local light in each work area.

    Quality control and personnel

    Control over the entire process lies on the shoulders of the enterprise manager. The windows are checked for compliance with the order and quality standards by the chief technologist, who distributes tasks among the workers.

    To monitor the operation of equipment, an engineer must be included in the staffing plan. You will also need a storekeeper, accountant, and drivers.

    To operate the enterprise, approximately 10 workers will be needed to work in shifts. All of them must be trained to operate the equipment and have sufficient qualifications. The quality of the final product and the level of production waste depend on their experience and skills.

    Business Cost Plan

    One fully equipped line for plastic windows costs approximately 1.365 million rubles. The exact figure depends on the manufacturer, power and configuration. The cost plan must include its delivery and installation (about 50 thousand rubles). Another 50 thousand must be allocated to obtain certificates, licenses and other details. In total, the cost plan should provide for an amount of approximately 1.5 million rubles.

    To make plastic windows, you need to purchase special materials from which double-glazed windows will be made. For one meter of product you will need:

    • butyl (3.5 rub.);
    • shell (400 rub.);
    • glass (600 rub.);
    • other materials (200 rub.).

    A square meter of double-glazed window will cost 1203.5 rubles.

    For the metal-plastic part of the window per square meter you will need:

    • components (2 thousand rubles);
    • rolled metal (RUB 582.5);
    • PVC profile (500 rub.).

    Total - 3082.5 rubles. That is, 4,286 thousand rubles must be allocated for the production of a square meter of window. One product measures 1.68 square meters. m. Accordingly, the production of plastic windows per month will cost 3.168 million rubles. Provided that finished windows cost 9.5 thousand rubles/piece, monthly income will be 4.180 million rubles.

    The monthly expenditure plan is 3.343 million rubles. and consists of costs for:

    • components and materials (RUB 3.168 million);
    • salary (100 thousand rubles);
    • utility bills (25 thousand rubles);
    • rent of premises (50 thousand rubles).

    Taking into account a tax of 20% (167.4 thousand rubles), expenses will amount to 3.511 million rubles.

    Business and profitability

    It is easy to calculate that the business will receive a net profit of 669.6 thousand rubles. per month. Accordingly, the profitability of window manufacturing is 19.07%. With such indicators, the business plan can provide for achieving payback in a year and 9 months. But we must take into account that these are conditional figures. With detailed calculations based on your personal indicators, a business plan can show an excellent picture of the development of the enterprise.

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