• How to get rid of competitors. CONSPIRACY. How is competition conducted in the market?


    There are rituals of white magic that help attract customers to your services. This is especially important for those people who directly depend on their customers: hairdressers, manicurists, massage therapists, salespeople, repairmen, etc. They work 100% and will help ensure an uninterrupted flow of people, their increased interest in your work, and therefore money in your pocket.

    Most rituals can be performed at home. The main thing is not to tell anyone about the ritual of attracting clients, so as not to scare off your luck.

    Strong bell spell

    To perform the ritual you need to purchase a small bell. You should like it right away, since it determines how successful your business will be. To carry out the ritual, you should wait until the new moon and in the evening pronounce the words of the conspiracy over the bell:

    “Ring the bell, long and loudly! Invite guests, invite rich people! Wake up all the animals in the forest, let the client come to me!”

    After this, the good luck charm needs to be hung outside all night. Then bring the bell to workplace. Thus, the little assistant will attract the necessary and rich customers for your services.

    For money (ritual with a bill)

    This ritual will especially help when business becomes stagnant and the influx of visitors does not increase or begins to dry up.

    The ritual is performed on the waxing moon:

    • must be taken banknote(the larger it is, the better);
    • open the window at night;
    • Taking the bill in your hands, say the words of the spell: “Just as there is a lot of water and salt in the sea-ocean, and there is no counting of sand at the bottom of the sea, so may I never stop receiving customers, and the flow of money to me will not dry up forever. Let it be so!".

    After this, the bill should be placed as far as possible in the work office, preferably hidden in the table. In just a few days, your business affairs will improve dramatically, as if by magic.

    Honey spell

    The ritual is carried out when there is a full moon in the sky. You need to purchase a jar in advance natural honey, on the full moon, open it and turn the following words to the Moon:

    “Luna-Beauty, my clever girl and assistant! Give me good luck in business! Let it be sweet and healthy, like this honey! Let people flock to me, to my work, for the sweet smell and brilliant appearance!”

    After this, in the morning before work, you need to smear a little honey on the front door through which clients come to you. The result will exceed all expectations.

    This ritual is useful in trade, so that customers are more willing to come to your store and take goods. To carry out the ritual for sugar, you need to perform a number of such actions:

    • prepare a candle in advance, a little granulated sugar, any light, clean cloth and a strong green thread;
    • in the evening at home, light a candle, spread a cloth, throw in exactly three pinches of a sweet product and say a spell: “My sugar is sweet, an excellent product! Sweetness from your purchase to you, goodness and wealth to me. Let it be so!";
    • After that, roll up the fabric with sugar and tie it in a triple knot with green thread.

    Bring the resulting bag of sugar to work and hide it in your workplace so that no one sees. People will start visiting your store more often and making larger purchases.

    Spells for hairdressers and salons

    White magic will help attract visitors to your beauty salon and increase the influx of customers if you work as a hairdresser. These rituals will also protect your business from the machinations of competitors and “recapture” potential customers for services from them.

    To the comb so that clients come in droves

    This simple ritual can be performed any day of the week. For him you will need to buy a new comb, pick it up and solemnly pronounce the spell:

    “Tooth comb, bring me the people with ridges!” My hair is smooth, all my clients are attracted to me. For man - beauty, for me - wealth and praise! It will be good for the client, and money in my wallet! Let it be so!".

    It is advisable to use the comb several times a day. A month later effective action The magic will begin to weaken, so you will have to repeat it, but with a new comb.

    For salt

    With the help of this famous magical product (salt gets rid of negative emotions and the machinations of evil competitors) you can protect your business and attract many customers.

    The ceremony is carried out as follows:

    • add a pinch of salt to a glass of clean water;
    • Before the start of the working day, pronounce the words of the spell over a glass of salt: “I will speak salt and water, I will call all clients. Just as there are so many salty drops in the sea and ocean, I have so many clients that I can’t count them. Bring good, rich people to me, and take the evil and unkind people away from me! Amen".
    • then you need to splash a little water on yourself and around your workplace.

    In this way, the master will be protected from attacks by unpleasant people and at the same time will attract many conscientious customers for services.

    For scissors for nail salons

    Scissors have long been known in magical rites, therefore they require compliance with a number of necessary conditions. Among them:

    • you should not click scissors in vain: in this way you break the thread of luck;
    • During the ritual, the scissors are held in right hand, even if you are left-handed;
    • After the ritual, your scissors should under no circumstances be picked up by another person: this can lead to the “loss” of profits.

    The ritual is carried out in this order. On a piece of paper you need to write down all the comments that, in your opinion, interfere successful business. We must try not to forget the slightest detail. Then use nail scissors to cut the paper into small pieces. At the same time say the following words:

    “I cut out all troubles and obstacles, I accept only money and rewards.”

    After this, small pieces of paper should be burned, the ashes should be thrown out in the toilet or scattered over a pond.

    To trade in a store

    For a long time, rich merchants enlisted the support of black and white magic and used the most various ways for successful trading and attracting wealthy buyers. Many mysterious rituals have reached our contemporaries. The power of ancient words and actions remains unchanged to this day and brings real success at work.

    Large revenue

    In order for business to go uphill and customers to purchase large goods, it is necessary to perform the following ritual:

    • at midnight on the waxing Moon, stay alone at your workplace;
    • obtain financial documents;
    • lay them out on the table and say the following text:

    “Moon and Sun, silver and gold, share your strength, bestow favor on me. Fly to me, large bills, like moths to a flickering light. Let me be lucky in all matters, and let my competitors be the envy of me. Sun and Moon, Moon and Sun, thank you! Amen".

    After that, you need to put the documents back in your place and go home. Co next day The proceeds from the sale will become larger every day.

    Help from evil spirits

    Brave people resort to this ritual when they urgently need to improve business in trade. It will be especially useful for those merchants who need to sell stale goods and not be left at a loss.

    “Damn, damn, come to me, help me. We need to sell goods, convene people and collect money. It’s a prank for you, it’s prosperity for me.”

    Prayers to attract clients

    People often turn to Orthodox saints for help in business. However, you should remember: prayers to heavenly intercessors need to be read when things have really gotten worse and people have stopped coming to you for services or goods. If things are going well enough, it’s better not to bother the saints in vain and ask them for excess income - the result may be such that you will be “taught” to live within your means.

    Prayers for help should be offered at home in front of the image of the saint, and a candle purchased in the church should be lit.

    Nicholas the Wonderworker

    “Saint Nicholas the Pleasant, our intercessor and helper! Help me in my affairs, protect me from dashing misfortunes. I am not lazy, I work for the good of people and for the glory of God. Protect me from troubles and worries, protect and multiply the work of my hands! Amen".

    Seraphim of Sarov

    “Saint Seraphim, bless me and my righteous works! Give me support and give me your wisdom, a clear mind and strong strength to work for the good of people, so that clients come! Show me mercy, a sinner, hear my requests for help! Amen".

    Use these conspiracies for your own benefit, but don’t be lazy yourself, but provide your customers with quality goods and services.

    Oleg and Valentina Svetovid are mystics, specialists in esotericism and occultism, authors of 14 books.

    Here you can get advice on your problem, find useful information and buy our books.

    On our website you will receive high-quality information and professional help!

    Magic in the market

    Market– a specific place of work with very high competition. Moreover, every year the competition intensifies, selling goods becomes more difficult. If earlier, in the 90s, they rarely used magic in the market. Now on the market it is difficult to find a seller who would not use magic for sales growth, or connecting to God and the saints to increase sales and eliminate competitors, which is also magic.

    In any market - clothing, construction, food - the principles of survival are the same.

    How is competition conducted in the market?

    In the markets, especially cunning people walk around, looking out for what product is going on at the moment and at what point does it go. The location of the outlet also matters. The owner of the place has already developed a point of contact and potential buyers for his product.

    Having spotted a successful trading location and product, cunning merchants rent a point next to or opposite a successful retail outlet. They buy exactly the same product - a product that is successfully sold. This is a proven method of competition, a method of ousting competitors. And that would be fine. This is normal competition.

    But they unleash a real psychological, energetic and magical war, that is, they begin to be rude in every possible way, insult the seller from whom they want to intercept the business (buyers) whose goods are doing well.

    He begins to get angry, nervous, his energy changes for the worse. His product starts to freeze. And more and more buyers are coming to new traders. Because they deliberately do dirty tricks and such thus intercepting customers and the energy of success in selling that particular product.

    Thus, such people force once successful sellers out of the market and enrich themselves at the expense of their energy and their ideas.

    This happens all the time. And not only in trade.

    The above method of driving competitors out of the market– this is conscious energy vampirism, deceit, the desire for profit at any cost. This is how they untie trade magic wars.

    If a person has little energy, little knowledge, if there is no specialist working with energies behind him, then he loses and is forced to leave the market, his home. Or he changes the product and begins to develop a new outlet. At the same time, he suffers huge losses - both material and psychological.

    If a person has enough energy, he begins to resist.

    It is clear that this issue is extremely rarely resolved with the help of the mafia. Not the right level, too little money. In addition, these traders, as a rule, have the same “roof”. Therefore, such conflicts are usually resolved magically.

    An offended and offended person, whose business has been taken over, either begins to exert a magical influence on those who are trying to intercept his sales market, or hires specialist magicians. Naturally, in order to hire, significant funds are needed. And we need proven, reliable specialists who really know how to cast negative magic. Naturally, such influence must be done regularly and until the bitter end. Until these cunning, impudent traders go bankrupt or get sick. In any case, they will leave this place. And perhaps from the market.

    If a person himself begins to influence them, here a lot will depend on his energy, abilities, knowledge of magic, as well as on his determination in solving this issue.

    Sometimes offended people They combine their own magical effects with a custom one so that they work more reliably.

    In addition to magical influence there is a way application of higher energies, than ordinary magical influence - using religious egregors. Depending on the religion and adherence of a particular person to a particular religion, a person can use prayer, mantras, or verbal appeals to God and saints accepted in his religion.

    If a person has strong faith in his gods (God), then he wins.

    Besides this, there is another way. This regular listening and working with coding, which we developed specifically to increase the frequency of human energy, to cleanse his soul and body.

    If a person uses high-frequency technologies, then no magic or competitors are afraid of him.

    In all cases when a magical attack is made on a person, on his trading place and his product, it is advisable to conduct an energy session.

    Energy session- This is the removal of a magical attack and filling with energy.

    A coding– is a constant source of energy, constant filling with energy that is generated within the person himself.

    But this coding cannot be used for magical attack. It is used precisely to improve the qualities of one’s soul, to enhance health. The man goes to more high level worldview, consciousness, its energy increases many times over. And then no magical or psychological influence works on him (does not have the desired effect). And those who act or will act magically immediately receive a powerful reverse magical blow.

    More often magical attack exists both on the person and on his trading place and product. But sometimes, if a person has sufficiently pure and strong energy (natural defense), then there is a magical attack only on his trading place and product. The person himself is invulnerable to magical attacks.

    What should you do in a situation where magic is cast on a trading place?

    When strong or reusable magic is cast on a trading place, then the usual methods of removing magical attacks are ineffective. They help, but a short time. In this case, you need to go a different route.

    If you are engaged in trading and think that a magical attack has been made on your trading place and it is for this reason that sales have fallen, you can contact us for diagnostics or consultation.

    Methods of payment for diagnostics are indicated on the page "Payment Methods".

    From this page look:

    Oleg and Valentina Svetovid

    Attention! In our esoteric club you can read:

    Our new book "The Energy of the Name"

    Oleg and Valentina Svetovid

    Our email address: [email protected]

    At the time of writing and publishing each of our articles, there is nothing like this freely available on the Internet. Any of our information products is our intellectual property and is protected by the Law of the Russian Federation.

    Any copying of our materials and publication of them on the Internet or in other media without indicating our name is a violation of copyright and is punishable by the Law of the Russian Federation.

    When reprinting any materials from the site, a link to the authors and site - Oleg and Valentina Svetovid – required.

    Magic in the market. How is competition conducted in the market?


    Sites and blogs have appeared on the Internet that are not our official sites, but use our name. Be careful. Fraudsters use our name, our email addresses for their mailings, information from our books and our websites. Using our name, they lure people to various magical forums and deceive (they give advice and recommendations that can harm, or lure money for conducting magical rituals, making amulets and teaching magic).

    On our websites we do not provide links to magic forums or websites of magic healers. We do not participate in any forums. We do not give consultations over the phone, we do not have time for this.

    Note! We do not engage in healing or magic, we do not make or sell talismans and amulets. We do not engage in magical and healing practices at all, we have not offered and do not offer such services.

    The only direction of our work is correspondence consultations in written form, training through an esoteric club and writing books.

    Sometimes people write to us that they saw information on some websites that we allegedly deceived someone - they took money for healing sessions or making amulets. We officially declare that this is slander and not true. In our entire life, we have never deceived anyone. On the pages of our website, in the club materials, we always write that you need to be an honest, decent person. For us, an honest name is not an empty phrase.

    People who write slander about us are guided by the basest motives - envy, greed, they have black souls. The times have come when slander pays well. Now many people are ready to sell their homeland for three kopecks, and it is even easier to slander decent people. People who write slander do not understand that they are seriously worsening their karma, worsening their fate and the fate of their loved ones. It is pointless to talk with such people about conscience and faith in God. They do not believe in God, because a believer will never make a deal with his conscience, will never engage in deception, slander, or fraud.

    There are a lot of scammers, pseudo-magicians, charlatans, envious people, people without conscience and honor who are hungry for money. The police and other regulatory authorities have not yet been able to cope with the growing influx of "Deception for profit" madness.

    Therefore, please be careful!

    Sincerely – Oleg and Valentina Svetovid

    Our official sites are:

    Love spell and its consequences – www.privorotway.ru

    And also our blogs:

    If you suddenly feel that things are not going well for you, the sale of goods is not going well, everything is not as it should be. Everything “got bad” because your competitors interfered in your business. magical level and you have been damaged. This happens especially often if you are engaged in trading. There are special conspiracies and prayers that are used to remove negative impact, get rid of your competitors.

    How to protect yourself from competitors?

    After all, by protecting yourself by using a special conspiracy, you will thereby save yourself from unnecessary hassle and be sure that neither your business nor you yourself will suffer. There is a conspiracy on documents, business papers that a large entrepreneur needs to sign every day.

    It is valid throughout the day, so it is recommended to know it by heart, because then you can always read it before you have to sign some important document, contract, cooperation agreement, etc. This will also be a good protection against competitors.

    But since it is quite long, you can write it and read it early in the morning before starting work. It is recommended to do this in private so that your employees, and especially the secretary, do not notice, because otherwise You cannot avoid ridicule and gossip. Here's what it sounds like:

    “Lord Jesus Christ, Most Holy Theotokos, Archangel and Angelic forces, please protect me and protect me from witchcraft damage. I take the holy cross, renounce, dissuade myself from the sorcerer and the witch, from the red and black, from the fair-haired and white, from the bare-haired girl, from the self-made woman, from any sorcerer's villain. Prayers Holy Mother of God, through the prayers of the saint of God Diodorus, Lord, save and protect me. O venerable and blessed Diodorus, our father! Help me, a servant of God (imerek), to walk the path of life unhindered. Enlighten my darkened soul with the dawn of God’s gift, with your grace. Drive away passions, deliver me from sorrow and from all evil, granting me salvation. Rejoice, Venerable Diodorus, our father; Rejoice, strong adamant and terrible demon driver and conqueror; Rejoice, bright goodness is coming to my house. Make me worthy of all joys and to be a partaker of the Kingdom of Heaven, now and ever and unto ages of ages.”

    Make yourself a talisman

    It should be immediately noted that any thing that can be carried with you without any problems can be a talisman. For women, this could be a small bracelet made of natural stones, even a separate pebble, a bird feather, a leaf or a tree branch, a small figurine of an angel that can be put in a cosmetic bag or handbag.

    With such a talisman you will not be afraid of damage. At the same time, you will protect yourself from an unkind look, the impact of an evil word on you.

    Ideally, it is good to have natural objects as a talisman, and it is even better that they “come” from the area where you happened to be born. Masters advise this because the energy of these objects coincides with yours. It itself has a beneficial effect on the human body.

    Remember old custom take a handful of native land with you on the road. All this comes from those time immemorial, when our ancestors were much closer to nature and knew much more than us. Above this item, which you choose as a talisman, you need to read:

    “Almighty Lord, Savior, send your guardian angel to help me, to help me, to save me and preserve me. Angel of God, my holy Guardian, take care of my body, protect and save my soul, protect my work from unrighteous people, from their sinful thoughts, from failure and the cruel hour. I will approach the Lord, and I will never be ashamed, I will not give in to the enemy. God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit, Holy Trinity, be with me! Amen. Amen. Amen".

    As we see, this is no longer a conspiracy, but a prayer that will help you both in public affairs and in your personal life.

    There is another prayer that will help protect yourself from enemies:

    “I deny you, Satan, your pride and service to you, and I unite with you, Christ, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

    With sincere prayer and appeals to the Lord, you can protect yourself from many troubles, then no other help will be needed.

    How to “switch off” your competitors at work?

    There is a very strong conspiracy that will help you “sweep away” all your competitors. This ritual is performed early in the morning. You need to open the window if you live in an apartment, and if in a private house, then you need to go outside.

    Swing away your competitors

    You should have a broom in your hands, which you wave at different sides, and during these actions say:

    “I am walking across an open field, seven spirits and seven winds are running towards me. All, white spirits, strong, brave and strong, go to dashing people and keep them on a leash, so that I may be safe and sound on the road and on the road, in foreign lands and relatives, on water and on land, at a conversation and a feast, at home and at work, and whoever thinks evil of me, then you, spirits, help me to this hour and to this time. Goy."

    As can be seen from the text itself, these magic words are aimed at any enemy, unkind person who wishes you harm. They will help in different cases, and not just at work. They are good to read both before a long journey and before important events, and before making decisions that are responsible for you.

    Magic prayers from competitors on the full moon

    If things are not going well for you, then you can send a strong energy message into Space. This magical action will help protect yourself from many troubles, remove negativity if there is damage, and put strong protection on yourself and your business. We need to wait for the full moon and go to the temple, buy 13 candles. You should not read any prayers at this moment, but immediately return home. As soon as you leave the temple, quietly say the following:

    “As soon as my opponent starts doing shit, the conspiracy will immediately take everything away. Amen".

    At home, you will need to lock yourself in the room and light all the candles at once. You need to mentally imagine before your eyes those people who interfere with your work, but in full health and good mood. You must mentally “build” between yourself and them a protective, thick wall of concrete or other strong material. In this way, you will protect yourself at the energetic level from the machinations of your enemies. Then you need to repeat many times in a confident voice:

    “As soon as my opponent wants to harm, the conspiracy will immediately become disgusting. Let the competitor not start a feud, I will patiently wait for the lunar day. Any evil he does to me will immediately run back to him. I put up a strong defense forever, no one will harm me now. Let it be so. Amen! Amen! Amen!".

    Or these words:

    “On the full moon I will gain strength, and now I am not afraid of competitors. Everything that the evil adversary does to me, I return to him a hundredfold. My business will never be ruined, and succession will never overcome me. Let competitors not do harm, the forces of the Moon will be able to prohibit them. Let it be so. Amen! Amen! Amen!".

    Then you need to put out the candles and throw the cinders in the trash. Such actions should be repeated 3 times, waiting for the full moon; there should be no break, i.e. three months in a row you do the same action. Then you will not be afraid of any damage, and you will also stop plotting intrigues.

    How to spoil your competitors?

    If you have complete confidence that your “colleagues” in a common cause have harmed you, that you are being damaged by their actions, then you can resort to a radical method and carry out such a fairly strong ritual. For this you will need:

    • regular sewing needle;
    • small black thread;
    • salt.

    At home, thread a small thread into a needle, tie a knot on it so that the thread does not fall out of the needle itself, and go to the office or company where you work to gather for a common cause. Find a secluded place and stick a needle near the door so that it is not visible, saying three words:

    "Anger - Ruglis - Gaburhas."

    Then throw some salt under the door. The more that needle stays where you left it, the more impact it will have.

    You should always remember that causing damage is a dangerous and quite complicated matter, therefore, in order not to harm yourself even more, it is better to seek such help from a professional. And try to find out what’s wrong with your business, conduct a market analysis, improve the quality of services, make the goods offered for sale more diverse.

    Try to make sure that you have more clients using the usual methods that are practiced in any type of business.

    Business does not tolerate weakness of will and sentimentality; here everyone stands for himself and the fittest survive. If you have rivals in the business field, keep your eyes open. They will stop at nothing to leave everyone behind them, because “in war, all means are fair.” Therefore, you also need to be vigilant and protect your business. How to get rid of competitors in trade? Exist magical methods who are able to direct business success in your direction and turn it away from competitors. By creating an invisible amulet around your business, you will thereby feel calmer and more confident in your field. What conspiracy from competitors will bring quick results?

    Conspiracy on business papers

    Surely you have to deal with various documents, periodically sign and stamp something. Set aside a couple of sheets and, in a calm environment so that your colleagues don’t notice, sit down and read the next one. good plot from competitors in trade and on your own luck.

    “I’m talking about bonds for profit, let the money come to me, it won’t be delayed on the way. And let malicious rivals not interfere, let them go their own way and not stand in the way of mine. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Amen."

    Amulet in business

    You can protect the aura of your workplace with the help of a symbolic amulet, which you will hang in your office or carry with you. A thing that carries a piece of your energy that is always with you is suitable. While at your workplace, place a thing in front of you and read the words of prayer over it.

    “I conjure my amulet for protection, so that it protects me from enemies, so that it promotes luck, so that it attracts and retains clients. Without harboring anything unclean in my soul, I only ask for success in my grain-earning field. In the name of all saints, amen!”

    Keep the charmed amulet near you. Treat him carefully, like a friend, read prayers for him. Then he won’t leave you in trouble.

    "Sweeping out" troubles

    You will need a very ordinary broom and dustpan. This conspiracy is aimed not only at getting rid of competitors, but also at general well-being, at protection from troubles and failures. When sweeping the trash out of your office, draw a symbolic cross with a broom and walk over it three times. Standing facing east, clearly say the text of the prayer.

    “I sweep all the filth into the trash bin, let it go away from the house. I will expose envious people and protect myself for the year ahead. Let luck overtake me so that there is always bread in the kitchen! And so that no one stops me on this thorny path.”

    Use a lighter to burn the collected rubbish. Scatter the ashes near the place of work.

    13 moons

    To ask for protection from the cosmos for your business and cleanse its biofield of negativity, you need to read a karmic spell and prayers and perform a ritual on the full moon. Start preparing 13 days before. All these days, visit the temple and buy one candle. That very night, light all 13 candles in a closed circle and sit in the middle. You must be completely alone. Focus on the problem at hand, throw away all extraneous thoughts. Imagine the faces of your competitors and business rivals, people creating obstacles for you. You do not wish them harm, but you want to protect yourself from their encroachments on your business, to eliminate Negative influence and envy.

    Mentally build a strong wall between you and them, a fence through which they cannot reach you. This is how you build protection for yourself at the energy level. Next, loudly and confidently read the conspiracy against competitors at your job:

    “As soon as the enemy begins to plot, the spell will take effect and turn evil actions against him. Whoever plays dirty tricks on someone else, it will fall on him. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Amen."

    Put out the candles and get rid of the cinders. Sit for a while after saying the prayer in silence, relaxing. Repeat the ritual actions at the next full phase of the moon, then again. It takes time for the ritual to take effect, but the wait will be worth it. Strong conspiracies are not quick and easy to implement.

    Black corruption

    Such a ritual is considered forbidden, and before deciding to do it, you should think very carefully about whether you need to take a burden on your soul. If your competitors have really annoyed you or you suspect that these people have resorted to help black magic To harm your business, you can take revenge on them: their business will crack or they will suffer huge losses in trading. But keep in mind that the black conspiracy will come back to haunt you in the future.

    So, what should you do if you decide to take such a step?

    1. Arm yourself sewing needle, black threads and salt.
    2. At home, before work, thread a small piece of thread into the eye of the needle and tie a knot to prevent the thread from falling out.
    3. Go to the workplace of your rivals, try to be unnoticed.
    4. Stick a needle and thread into a soft place, such as a door trim.
    5. Pour salt under the threshold.
    6. Whisper a spell: “From now on, you will know neither clients nor profits in trading. I want to get you out of my way and bring good luck to myself! All your efforts will go to waste! So be it, evil people!

    Quickly leave the scene without sweeping away the salt. After the ritual, you can go to church and atone for your sins, but this will not wash away the black spot from your aura.

    “A crow, black as pitch, flies to distant lands and gets lost in the sky. So let my worst rivals allow themselves to be taken somewhere! Out of sight, so they won't be seen here anymore! I ask you to remove them, and keep them away. Let it be so!”

    This conspiracy is aimed at destroying your competitors from the company, stopping the success of their trading business. It is possible that the reasons why these people leave their positions will be tragic. Be careful with black magic.

    Remember that you should rely primarily on your own strength, and not on magic. Before turning to higher powers and plotting against your competitors, try to optimize the structure of your business, and not try to ruin someone else’s. Or try to negotiate with your opponents peacefully. All in your hands!

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