• Nail extensions as a successful home business. Nail business at home


    Initial investment in business - 470,000 rubles.

    Time to reach the break-even point - 4 months.

    The payback period of the project is coming from 10 months.

    Return on sales - 19%

    2. Description of the business, product or service

    Nail salon provides nail and toenail care services for both the female and male half of the population. As a rule, a client comes to the salon not only to bring his appearance in order. The atmosphere and communication inside the salon are of great importance. It is important that employees treat each visitor carefully, greet them with a smile and take into account every client’s wishes. In addition, the convenience of the location greatly affects the salon’s traffic.

    There are several options for the location of a nail salon:

    • In a place with high traffic of passing people (main street);
    • In a residential area;
    • In shopping and entertainment centers.

    The last option does not fit the concept of a cozy home salon, because... To create an atmospheric interior, you need a spacious room, and rent in shopping malls is very expensive.

    The location in a residential area limits the target audience of the project to residents of nearby houses. However, even nowadays, not all housewives make regular investments in their own appearance. And in order for people to purposefully get to the salon from different parts of the city, it is necessary to create a reputation and form a customer base.

    The optimal choice would be to locate the salon in the city center near office buildings and shopping centers. It is also worth paying attention to the proximity of transport stops and metro stations. This will make it convenient for clients not only to come into the salon after work, but also to have the opportunity to “drop in” for a manicure during their lunch break.

    The total area of ​​the nail salon is about 30 sq.m.

    Pedicure room - 9 sq.m. This area is enough to accommodate two workplaces. However, for the first time one pedicure chair will be installed in order to save investments and taking into account the low demand for salon services in the first 2-3 months after the start of work. Main hall - 15 sq.m. It is assumed that this area is sufficient to create two workplaces and a comfortable waiting area. In the future, the waiting area can be attached to the reception, and the number of workplaces in the main hall can be increased to 4. 2 sq.m. should be allocated for the bathroom, and 5 sq.m. will be enough to install an administrative reception desk.

    A manicure salon belongs to the beauty salon business, but offers a highly specialized list of services that only affects nail services. Nowadays there are a huge number of procedures for treatment, restoration and nail extensions on the market. To begin with, you should focus on the most popular services. Firstly, the salon masters will have the opportunity to hone each service to perfection. Secondly, it saves on the purchase of consumables.

    In the future, you can expand the list of services and also increase prices. However, before mastering new services, salon masters must high level fulfill what is already in the price list.

    3. Description of the sales market

    The main competitive advantages of the salon are:

    • Convenient location;
    • Availability of parking;
    • Cozy atmosphere (comfortable waiting area, pleasant communication, unobtrusive background music);
    • High level of service (warm welcome, quality service, taking into account the client’s wishes);
    • Availability of a subscription system for regular customers;
    • High-quality maintenance of the client base, segmentation of clients into groups;
    • Convenient work schedule.

    The subscription system provides 10 manicures with a 20% discount. The subscription is valid for 1 year. The subscription is designed for the bearer. Thus, the one who purchases a subscription becomes your regular customer. In addition, he attracts new customers through a one-time transfer of his subscription.

    After working in a salon brings a stable profit, you can think about developing a network of salons throughout the city. This is another one effective way reducing competition.

    4. Sales and marketing

    If we consider the impact on the traffic of people passing near your salon, then the main way to attract attention will be bright sign.

    You can give it away printed materials in nearby shopping centers or crowded places. If there is a cafe or some kind of entertainment establishment next to the salon, then agree on the placement of your business cards.

    An important role in sales is played by the politeness of the staff and the ability of the administrator to communicate on the phone. It is necessary to pay attention to the communication skills of the administrator/manager before hiring him.

    As for working with regular clients, you need to hold private events (hen parties), organize special promotions and gift certificates for holidays. Retaining a client is an art. Therefore, when allocating a budget for marketing, you should distribute it between potential clients and real ones.

    5. Production plan

    For this type of business it is necessary to register an individual entrepreneur. The entire procedure, including registration with the tax authorities, will take 2 weeks. The chosen taxation system is UTII. A nail salon fits into the “Household Services” category; the main indicator when calculating tax is the number of employees employed in the business. The correction indicator is set separately for each region.

    After completing registration, you need to start looking for premises.

    There are a number of requirements for the premises of household organizations (including hairdressing salons and beauty salons), which are regulated by SANPIN Resolution Including:

    • Manicure and pedicure rooms should be located separately;
    • The workplace must be at least 4.5 sq.m.;
    • The cabin must have a separate place for disinfecting instruments, equipped with a sink and cold/hot water supply;
    • The pedicure room should have a foot bath, as well as a separate sink for washing hands. Hot and cold water supply is required.

    6. Organizational structure

    7. Financial plan

    This business plan provides a detailed list of equipment and furniture needed to start operating a salon. However, there are many companies on the market that offer complete manicure and pedicure equipment at a discount. This saves time searching for separate suppliers for each type of equipment.

    The investment amount for this type of business is 469,500 rubles, taking into account the initial investment and operating expenses for the first month of operation.

    Initial investment in opening a manicure salon

    Current expenses

    The maximum production capacity is 15 procedures per day: 12 manicure services (6 for each master) and 3 pedicure procedures. With daily loading, this amounts to 450 procedures per month. However, this level of employment is achieved only after a year of constant operation of the salon.

    The time to reach the break-even point is 4 months.

    The payback period of the investment is 10 months.

    Calculation of investment efficiency, 24-month sales plan and main economic indicators are presented in the financial model.

    8. Risk factors

    The main internal risk factor is employee dishonesty. Some masters come to work in a salon in order to form their own client base, and then continue working at home.

    In order to prevent such fraud, you need to:

    • ensure close contact between the client and the administrator (timely reminders, holiday greetings, warm welcome);
    • introduce a corporate culture aimed at long-term work with each employee;
    • maintain a friendly atmosphere within the team and hold joint events;
    • maintain a stable level of employee wages and constantly expand the sales market.

    Nail business behind last years significantly accelerated the speed.

    The number of services provided in nail studios is growing every day. Where to start a nail business and how to competently draw up a business plan for a nail studio is a question that interests many.

    Market research and premises selection

    Before you start, decide where you want to open a nail studio. There are many options: you can rent a separate independent room, rent a small point in mall or run a business from home. If you are significantly limited in funds, then the last option is suitable. You won't have to pay rent, which is a significant cost savings.

    However, home-based business has its downsides. The most important thing is the number of clients. Many masters have verified that starting a nail business at home is much more difficult than in a shopping center. After all, visitors to a shopping center can become your potential clients. Because of this, the total number of clients home handyman and a master working on any public territory can vary by 5-10 times. If you have a permanent, established client base, you can easily do without renting premises. The main thing is, don’t forget to discuss everything with your household and equip workplace properly.

    When choosing an area or premises to rent, analyze which competitors are located nearby. It is advisable to choose an area in which there is high traffic and the absence of direct competitors. You can do it differently. At first glance, such a move seems a little unusual, but it is quite logical. Find a good studio that has a large number of clients. And place your point in close proximity to this studio. Be sure to think about the prices for your services. They should be lower than those of a competing studio. Before you start, you create a catchy advertisement that your competitors' customers would notice. And, most likely, most of them may be interested in what you offer, and in the future become your clients.

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    Salon concept and list of services

    Your main target audience will depend on the location of the nail studio you choose. Of course, most of your clients are women. Although men will make up a small percentage of your audience. If you provide services at home, they should be standard and inexpensive. A nail studio in a separate room, which is located, for example, in the city center, can also be positioned as an elite studio for special clients. But in this case, you will have to spend a considerable amount of money on good repairs and quality PR. The point in the shopping center is designed for all categories of customers and is a universal option.

    Where to start providing services? Start with the most common - manicure. Gradually you can add new services: nail extensions, painting, medical procedures. If conditions permit, you can add pedicure to the list. To do this, you will need to purchase a special chair and allocate a place for clients to change clothes.

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    Selection of equipment and materials

    If you don’t know where to start choosing equipment, consult with specialists. Your reputation will directly depend on the quality of the materials and equipment you purchase, so you can’t take the cheapest or the first one you come across. Find responsible and ethical suppliers. Try purchasing materials from small quantities from different partners. This way you can independently choose what you think is the best.

    If financial resources allow you, then, in addition to the standard set of materials and tools, purchase modern equipment. For example, a manicure hood would be a useful purchase. What is it for? Many clients complain about discomfort, dizziness or headache, which occurs after procedures using certain drugs (acetone, acrylate, etc.). The hood “sucks in” all harmful fumes and flying dust.

    Another interesting new product in the nail business is a printing printer. How and what is it used for? It's simple: the printer has a database of designs, any of which it can transfer to nails in a few minutes. Such printers usually have a special camera installed, as well as a system for recognizing the size and shape of the nail. Thanks to this, the drawing is applied easily and clearly. The price of such a printer is approximately $1,500. Even with an average nail studio load of clients, the printer pays for itself in about 1 month.

    How to make money at home from manicure services. Step by step plan actions of a home master.

    Manicure services at home have always been in demand - both women and men think about the beauty of their nails. Not everyone can afford to visit salons, so even a novice master can make good money in this niche. Do you want to know how to make money doing manicures in order to make this activity your main source of income and your profession? Take this mini-plan and start taking action.

    Planning a Home Business

    Even in a small town there are many manicurists offering their services at different conditions and with different prices, so it is important to stand out and make a statement.

    Important: providing quality services and doing your job perfectly should be the main priority in the work of a manicurist.

    On the path to a stable income, everything is not so difficult if you follow some simple rules in organizing a home business and act according to plan:

    1. Learning a new profession.
    2. Organization of work space.
    3. Purchase of equipment and tools for manicure.
    4. Selection of tools and materials.
    5. Maintaining sterile cleanliness and order.
    6. Search for clients and advertising.

    There is no need to delude yourself and count on instant profit; you will need to invest some money in yourself, but the return will be appropriate.

    How to learn a new skill

    If you already have the appropriate profession and are only looking for information on how to make money as a manicurist at home, you can skip this section.

    Any work must be done well, so there can be no talk of learning from Youtube videos or, even worse, watching how another master works and trying to reproduce his actions.

    To learn how to do it professionally different types manicure needs to be completed special courses, where they will teach not only the technique of performing manicures of varying complexity, but will also show how to properly handle the tool, talk about the structure of the nail, its diseases, and teach the rules of communication with clients.

    The cost of courses varies, as does the number of classes. Mostly teachers offer intensive courses with maximum number practical classes and a certain load per day.

    For initial training you will have to spend from $40 for five 8-hour classes, the upper limit of prices depends on the skill level of the teacher, the level of materials and the class of manicure. In a situation where you are interested in the question of how to make money doing manicures at home, to get started it will be enough to take a basic training course. It is important to obtain a diploma or certificate of completion of training that will confirm your qualifications.

    Arrangement of the workplace

    When you decide to work from home, you need to worry about a workplace that is convenient for yourself and your client. Here you will have to spend money, you should not save on an orthopedic chair for yourself and a soft, comfortable one for the client. Home chairs and stools will not work; hard and uncomfortable seats will tire the client and create additional stress for the master. There are no special requirements for the table; it is enough that it is stable and without partitions.

    The intangible side of workplace arrangement is very important. If you do not live alone, then the client should not intersect with relatives and pets. You shouldn’t set up a home “salon” in your kitchen; it’s not entirely aesthetically pleasing. If possible, then it is better to select a non-passable room with good lighting for work.
    If you set up a manicure salon at home, you can save on renting premises, heating costs and electricity at inflated prices.

    And don't forget about the framed diplomas! The client will definitely pay attention to the fact that you are not an amateur, that you are constantly improving your skills. You can make posters with samples of your work, this will decorate your workplace and attract attention.

    Beauty services invariably remain in demand, because ladies want to have an impeccable appearance, regardless of the crisis. Therefore, the provision of manicure services often attracts female entrepreneurs. Of course, not everyone will be able to open a large-scale project due to a simple lack of capital, but home-based activities do not require significant investments and, at the same time, bring good income. In this article we will look at how to start a nail business and whether it is profitable.

    Real business project opportunities

    Considering the large number of potential clients, it is unlikely that doing home manicures will become an unprofitable business. The success of the business depends on how well the master masters the techniques and on the level of his qualifications. Another important point- a creative, non-standard and informal approach to nail design. You also need to know about all the classic and modern trends, which we described in detail in the article. IN otherwise- even the most beloved work will become a banal routine over time. Given the highly competitive market, you simply will not be able to stay afloat.

    Over time, if things go well, you can develop and expand your business. And you need to start small, increasing volumes and rates gradually. The main thing is to form a client base. Provided you perform well, your network of clients will constantly expand. Gradually you will gain a reputation as an excellent craftsman.

    According to reviews from entrepreneurs, the nail business is profitable and does not require significant initial costs. Now let's look at the standard algorithm for developing a business project.

    First investments

    Before you start a home manicure business, you still need to fork out a little money. The very first point is acquiring professional skills and training. You can gain initial skills at specialized nail service courses. Primary courses are usually two weeks long. The average cost of training is about 15-16 USD. e. A more in-depth “introduction to the specialty” will take several months and will cost you about 35-40 USD. e.

    Important! When choosing a teacher, pay attention to the relationship between theory and practical exercises. Naturally, practice and working with people is always a priority.

    After you have acquired the necessary knowledge, you need to pay attention to honing your professional skills. Of course, you can do this at home, but finding a job in a professional salon in your locality is real luck. Firstly, you will be able to learn from more experienced professional craftsmen, and, secondly, you will be able to create a reputation for yourself as responsible, polite and good master, which fulfills orders “excellently”. Here you can meet your potential clients.

    If you are planning your nail business exclusively at home, offer services home manicure relatives or friends. Nail service is exactly the type of business activity that is good to promote through word of mouth.

    Important! You can attract potential clients using ads in social networking groups.

    Now your task is to fulfill orders beautifully, accurately and creatively. This will be your future activity. Now - about the organizational aspects of a nail business at home.

    How to start a nail business from scratch? Legal issues

    It is hardly possible to build a profitable and growing business without registering as an individual entrepreneurship. The best option will be the acquisition of a patent for business activities.

    The most difficult moment is the design of all necessary papers to start a nail business:

    • Practice shows that the most difficult thing is to obtain permission from the SES.
    • Legal business activities will also require the purchase of a cash register.
    • In addition to the conclusion of the sanitary station, you will need a permit from the Consumer Supervision Authority.

    Important! As a rule, it takes more than a month to complete all the necessary documentation. You can use the services of professionals who will help you with solving organizational issues in your nail business.

    We equip the workplace

    When planning to start a nail business, first of all, decide what is more profitable for you: going to a client’s home or accepting orders at home? Of course, it is best to combine both options. However, if you are satisfied with only one type of these practices, this is completely acceptable.

    For a home reception, designate one of the rooms as your workspace. A work table for manicure will be placed here, equipped with all the necessary equipment. Consumables can be conveniently stored in drawers and on shelves. It’s not bad if the client sees your arsenal of tools and materials and chooses the type of manicure himself.

    Important! Required condition— allocation of an area for instrument sterilization. This is one of the conditions for obtaining permission from the sanitary and epidemiological station. However, obtaining permission from the SES to operate in an apartment is difficult.

    If you are planning a nail business in the format of traveling to a client’s home, you will need a folding analogue of a manicure table and a locker for storing tools, accessories and consumables. A well-thought-out portfolio that will help the client make a choice will not hurt.

    Purchasing tools

    So, the ability to travel or receive clients at home eliminates the need to rent premises and associated costs ( wage staff, utility bills).

    But no matter how hard you try, you can’t escape one investment: the purchase of tools. It is important that the tools are professional grade and of the highest quality.

    Important! Remember: under no circumstances should you turn a tool into an article to save money. The entire result of your work, and therefore your competitiveness, depends on it.

    You will need:

    • Ultraviolet lamp for gel and acrylic manicure.
    • Sterilization technology.

    Important! We have also prepared a detailed article about this type of device with all the necessary information.

    • Hardware nail treatment systems.

    In addition, you will need:

    • tools - tweezers, nippers, scissors, spatulas, scalpels;
    • consumables - shellacs, tips, gels, primers, varnishes, disinfectant liquid.

    Important! Buying equipment for manicure at home will cost you approximately 1100-1150 USD. e. The cost of monthly replenishment of consumables will be 150-160 USD. e.

    We form a client base

    Advertising is an important point both when starting and promoting a business. First, offer free services to your friends. If everything went well, good feedback information about your work is guaranteed, and the word of mouth effect will begin to work for you.

    Place ads on the Internet with real photographs of completed orders. Over a short period of time, you will be able to acquire enough clients to fill your work schedule. Both promotion methods are simple, affordable and do not require funding.

    Important! Take the time to study the prices on the market. It is quite logical for a beginning master to set the cost of services slightly lower than the market average to begin with. The first clients can be served free of charge. Practice shows that this marketing trick works great.

    Once you earn enough money, you can think about advertising flyers and advertising in the media. But think about the fact that it is unlikely that you will be able to serve more than 5 customers during the day. Therefore, when the number of orders begins to exceed your physical capabilities, this is a signal to expand your business. Of course, expanding the business will require new investments (renting premises, equipment for a nail studio), but the profits from a nail bar or small salon will far exceed the profits from individual activities.

    Naturally, any business has its secrets and nuances. Here are some tips that experienced craftsmen share with beginners:

    • Try to create as much as possible for customers comfortable conditions. Buy several fashion magazines in case there is a queue or there is an overlap in the schedule.
    • Develop a good portfolio so that customers can choose the option that they like best.
    • Don't skimp on discounts. A system of discounts for regular customers will help you have your own customer base.
    • Improve your professional level. Continuously learn, monitor trends in the world of manicure. It is useful to start parallel development hairdressing, makeup and even massage.

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