• Before the divorce, Apina’s husband left Russia. Alena Apina is also getting divorced Iratov Alexander Borisovich personal life


    At the end of last year, the singer announced that she was divorcing her husband, producer Alexander Iratov, after 25 years life together. And at the beginning of the new year she amazed fans with the video “Closeness”, in which she starred in a beautiful underwear. What's going on in Alena's life now?

    In the fall, my friends and I went horseback riding. True, I didn’t ride, but wandered around the boarding house near the equestrian club, where there was an exhibition of children’s drawings. Horses, foals, endless fields... Amazing work! All are drawn by girls. Now go to an art gallery. Are there many women's names there? It’s not a fact that life is to blame; they ruined themselves. Someone once came up with a stereotype that a woman should stay at home, be married, no matter for good or bad, as long as she is with her husband, with children. And we diligently compact our life into these frameworks: the kitchen, borscht, socks, which every day kill inside us that girl who draws pictures, sings or dances. Oh, I have a feeling that some guys would want to shoot me now...

    Have you ever thought that there are only 52 weeks in a year? I recently announced this figure to myself and was horrified. They fly so fast, like bullets, once it’s Friday, you blink and it’s Friday again, you don’t have time to do anything. I know a lot of women who toil, can’t find a place for themselves, they have such rock and roll going on inside them, but they don’t know what to do, they feel uncomfortable, ashamed, they say, where am I going to go at 50, they’ll say: “You fool.” " First of all, try it. It is a shame to kill in ourselves what nature has given us, this is a crime against ourselves. And there is no shame in trying to become happy. I understand that I am making a serious appeal, but I know what I am talking about.

    Love has to work both ways

    I’m not yet ready to talk about divorce in a way that would be interesting to both me and you, I think that time will come, but one thing I can say is that I’ve been preparing for this step for a long time. You see, it does not exist in nature eternal love, it must go into some other states: family relations, friendly and so on. And we had a constant rivalry. It's not like we're trying to figure out who's boss. But I always felt that I had to be able to maneuver, give in, take steps that were incompatible with my desires. For example, I urgently need to finish a piece of a song, my husband and I are in Spain, and my musicians and arrangers are in Moscow, and I need to contact them right now. I close the door, sit down at the piano, computer, and the rest doesn’t matter. For me the music beats 22 Spain in good weather. And Sasha says to me: “Let’s go to a restaurant.” I answer: “I don’t want to.” “Whether you want it or not, you have to. I’m not an orphan, I’m with my wife.” Well, one, two, three, you’ll put your own affairs aside. And the thought is spinning in your head that you are doing some kind of nonsense.

    Even then I realized that sooner or later we would come to a divorce. Purely biologically everything was over, I felt it. And I’m not ready to wear this “corpse” that used to be love like in a mausoleum. Love is a thing that must work on both sides. When one side is constantly waiting for something and acts only as a recipient, observer and pointer, this does not work, then some other schemes develop. It would seem that 25 years have passed together, nothing more can happen... But it happened.

    Another reason is that Sasha looks very good, many women like her, and like a peacock she loves to straighten her feathers. When a pretty woman is next to him, his eyes light up. This is fine. But don't sparkle at me. You somehow direct your sparks in a different direction so that they don’t burn or smoke in my direction, try to come up with something.

    Now Sasha is terribly offended by me, considers it a betrayal that I decided to divorce, and even made a public statement. But if I hadn't done it, then what would it have been? Some kind of game. She deliberately cut off all the ends in order to understand herself and us. We still communicate, but he said that melodramatic sniveling in the spirit of “we will remain friends” only happens in the movies. I heard the man.

    I think that my husband looks so beautiful at 59 years old that some woman could easily appear next to him who would like all this. You can’t even think about putting up gravestones, like, I’m so old that it’s too late to start something again. No, friends, it happens like this and sometimes that. Moreover, for a man, years are not yet so important, this should become a problem for me - I’m 52. People associate these numbers with some gloomy aunt, but I’ll tell you a secret: as my favorite writer Victoria Tokareva said, age does not exist.

    Only in my passport I am 52 years old. And inside, as it was, 17!

    The theme of love in a woman’s life should be until the grave, with some kind of chemistry happening around you simply because you were born a woman. If this is not the case, then the day has passed in vain and you can go to the graveyard right now. This does not mean that you need to fall in love with someone every day, it is the desire to evoke some kind of emotion in the opposite sex. And this state of love must be cultivated in oneself. As soon as I realized this, metamorphoses began to happen to me. If I used to go to the shops, no one would come up to me, they thought she probably looked like Apina, but it’s unlikely she, she doesn’t go grocery shopping. And after I caught myself thinking that you should constantly keep the wick inside yourself, strangers began to smile at me, be attentive, and help me. In one store I somehow got carried away and collected more than I needed in my small basket. I stand and think: “God, how am I going to finish all this?” And suddenly a man rolls a large cart towards me, for which, by the way, I have to pay a nickel or ten – I don’t remember. An elementary sign of attention, and the woman seems to be plugged into an outlet, she begins to work, sparkle, create, begins to be a woman in order to please, decorate, create, and further on the list we list all the beautiful verbs.

    Guys, let me remind you that there are only 52 weeks in a year. Just voice this figure to yourself and let’s live with some other interests. Of course, for some it is more important to stand at the stove and call your girlfriend with the story: “Everything is fine with me, like everyone else. I cooked cabbage soup, washed everything, now mine will come home from work.” And such rubbish all day long. Perhaps people enjoy it. This is their choice. Please. But everyone doesn't have to do it.

    In the summer, I performed in a nightclub, where I invited my 55-year-old girlfriend, and she took her 60-year-old girlfriends with her. They had never been to a nightclub in their lives and did not even understand what it was. First of all, we dressed up like girls there, and it was wonderful. I say this as if assessing from the outside, because I don’t feel like I’m their same age, they look at me as a representative of the younger generation and repeat something after me. So you have no idea what happened to them. In the morning they came into my dressing room, and they were completely different women, like 60, she wasn’t even 30 that night! “I met such an interesting person,” says one. The other one couldn’t feel her legs from dancing.

    So my passport says I’m 52 years old, but inside I was 17 and had the feeling of rock and roll, but nothing has changed yet. Therefore, on the face it turns out to be 30-33. On the one hand, maybe this is bad, all my life I told myself: I need to grow up, and then suddenly I decided: screw it all! My rock and roll is the right aesthetics, it is eccentricity, some whims, unpredictable things, outbursts, smiles, emotions, this is life.

    There is no age!

    In nature, everything is reborn, a lizard’s tail falls off, a snake’s skin changes, a cat begins its ninth life. It's the same with people. For some it comes earlier, for others later. This must be achieved biologically. It came to me at 52 years old.

    I am completely satisfied with my reflection in the mirror today. I finally like myself! I had a lot of complexes as a child, then some “but here”s constantly arose, now they have all fallen off. This was given to me through hard work. I have not seen any women who were not frightened by death, old age, or changes in the mirror. These are healthy fears, you can’t do anything about them, you have to live with them somehow. And for this to happen, some period of time must pass. You cannot say: “This is all nonsense.” It's not nonsense. You approach the mirror and realize that no one has canceled the law of attraction: your cheeks have crawled, your forehead has wrinkled, your hair is on your comb - you see and understand all this perfectly. You can't be happy about this. No reason. Any sane person understands: “That’s all.” Here you need to learn to be friends with yourself. And when you come to the realization that age does not exist, it will be as if you have emerged from a dark forest into a green clearing. “Lord, I’ve arrived, hurray, it must be a holiday,” you think to yourself. You understand that you are already different, something right has happened.

    This happened to me thanks to things I did consciously. To feel good and look good, you need to exercise. This time. If you have chosen a public profession, you do not have the right to appear in front of people who have entrusted you with their feelings in an ugly manner. The screen adds eight kilograms. When people meet me at the airport, they exclaim: “Oh, how skinny you are, we thought...” They have the idea that Apina is such a woman, tall, curvy, but no, I’m small and quite fragile. Thanks to the fact that I regularly train with five-time world pentathlon champion Irina Kiseleva, few people know her, although she worked with our tennis players, for example, Lena Vesnina. Plus tennis. And recently I started doing exercises on the street under the supervision of a neighbor-trainer. In any weather, even at minus 30, we go for a run with him, during which he can say: “Okay, stop, I fell into the plank, squatted, and did push-ups.”

    Loneliness doesn't scare me

    Secondly, you must constantly look at what is happening around you. Unfortunately, fans have a hard time accepting anything new. For them, my songs are part of their life; they fell in love with them, broke up, laughed and cried. These people live on memories because they have no one to turn to. Young people have different rhythms, genres, thoughts, but they don’t want to see their idols in a new version. But for an artist, life goes on. For me, the option of being a “canned food” is unacceptable, I can’t even walk slowly and it’s always hard for the people around me.

    All my life I wanted to sing slightly different music, but some people and circumstances always stood above me, then success came, I didn’t want to lose it. How to get up on the ski track and go. Of course, it was a wonderful period, this is my life, those songs are part of me, like an arm and a leg. But now I am completely different inside - this is one hundred percent, and I see it in the mirror.

    Before, I couldn’t even imagine that I could take rejections lightly, I’m a creative person, we don’t know how to live any other way. I always wrote songs, and I sincerely believed that it was no worse than what was heard on the radio. But for the hundredth time they told me: “Well, that’s not it, something is missing.” At the moment I am so free from these doubts, I don’t care so much whether they will take me into rotation, on TV or not. I do not like? Your problems. I was so hardened by this constant “no, no, no” that I became indifferent. And this is such freedom, such ease and depth of immersion in the business that you want.

    You know, with a divorce, space is freed up in the head for something more important and necessary. And loneliness doesn’t scare me at all. In general, I’m an introvert in life; if I don’t spend some time with myself, I start to experience withdrawal symptoms and feel uncomfortable. And even with my work, I will never be lonely, because constant communication, some new acquaintances that will never allow you to fully understand the negative side of loneliness. Whatever one may say, there is a lot of bad and a lot of beauty in it. So I’m not afraid yet, maybe it will be scary in the future. While I have something to do and what I do requires solitude.

    Intimacy is the highest degree of communication

    All my new texts are a little strange. For example, in “Closerness” there is a line “We flow - what’s mine into yours”, then a couple of friends stood up to me with an ax over my head and said: “Alena, this is porn.” I was surprised: “Are you idiots?” What if we flow views, thoughts, energies, feelings? It’s your problem that you see in this clip the vulgar erotica of an old woman and she needs some guy. No, comrades, this is a love song about an adult woman.

    I composed it on a flight from Israel. I really liked the word “intimacy”, I kept turning it around in my head, and then I looked into the dictionary and read all sorts of wisdom about it. I liked the phrase that intimacy is highest degree human communication. Love can be different: for the homeland, for a dog, the first, the last. But you can’t attach anything to intimacy; it either exists or it doesn’t.

    Do I want to experience it? I experience it every day. From the feeling of life that I now have, from the joys that have fallen, from the looks that I catch on myself and experience true pleasure. Don’t look for specifics: she met him and they went to the registry office - God forbid! At my age, or better yet, in my position, this is not necessary at all. I have missed out on so much over the years... Of course, there were a lot of good things, pleasant discoveries, but along this path I hit a wall and realized that there was nowhere to go further. Now I’m going in the other direction, while I’m getting used to it, I’ll see what’s going on, I’ll tell you later.

    According to Alena, Alexander was against breaking up. He refuses to talk about divorce. “I’m abroad now,” he explained. Dnyam.Ru, thereby making it clear that he was not going to discuss anything.


    Alena Apina's press secretary, Svetlana, confirmed that the artist was divorcing her husband. "Alena and Alexander will keep friendly relations and really hope that journalists will respect their privacy,” she said.

    Previously, Alena said that neither she nor Alexander had new lovers, the spouses were simply tired of each other. “No one else is to blame for our divorce,” the star shared. “Neither I nor Sasha met new love. Time and accumulated fatigue from each other are to blame. All points of contact have disappeared, interests have become different. At some point I realized that separation was inevitable."

    Note that the couple have a 14-year-old daughter, Ksenia. The singer hopes that the girl will understand them.

    Alexander and Alena met in Uzbekistan, where the group “Combination” was on tour. The singer fell in love, left the band and began a solo career. Alexander became her husband and producer. Thanks to their creative union, such hits as “Accountant”, “Ksyusha”, “Moonlit Nights” and others appeared.

    Until recently, the families of Alena Apina and Tatyana Bulanova seemed to be one of the strongest in Russian show business, but today it became known that both singers are going through difficult times in their personal lives. Alena Apina, who lived with her husband, producer Alexander Iratov, for 25 years, announced a divorce, and earlier Tatyana Bulanova wrote in social network about the betrayal of her husband, athlete Vladislav Radimov.

    Alena Apina and Alexander Iratov celebrated their 25th marriage anniversary in March of this year. It seemed that nothing foreshadowed an imminent separation, but today, to the great surprise of journalists, Alena announced a divorce. According to the singer, the reason for their breakup is not someone else, but “time and accumulated fatigue.” The couple has a daughter, 14-year-old Ksenia.

    Alena Apina and Alexander Iratov

    Alena Apina and Alexander Iratov with their daughter Ksenia

    Tatyana Bulanova also announced a problem in her personal life on Instagram the day before. She published a photo with her husband, 40-year-old football coach Vladislav Radimov, and wrote an emotional text about betrayal:

    I don’t know what is more disgusting - the betrayal of a loved one, as it seemed to me, or a friend (apparently as it seemed to me). Probably, the betrayal of a loved one is more painful and terrible. I hate whining and complaining and, most likely, I’ll delete this post later, but either because it’s almost morning, or because of something else - I’ll just cry a little into your vests... - Tatyana wrote.

    Tatiana and Vladislav got married in 2005. They experienced the most different periods, found themselves on the verge of divorce, but still overcame difficulties. Time will tell what decision is made now. Tatyana and Vladislav are raising a 9-year-old son, Nikita, and Tatyana also has an eldest son, Alexander, from her first marriage to Nikolai Tagrin.

    Click on the photo to view the gallery Tatyana Bulanova and Vladislav Radimov with their son
    Tatyana Bulanova with her sons

    Singer Alena Apina and producer Alexander Iratov have been married for 25 years and celebrated silver wedding. Many considered the couple to be one of the strongest couples in show business, but their union collapsed at the end of 2016. The singer admitted on a social network that they decided to separate, but would continue to communicate for the sake of their daughter, 14-year-old Ksenia.

    As Alena said, she and her husband were different people, and recently the artist increasingly began to catch herself thinking that she was irritated by some moments in their relationship. Sometimes the singer could not fulfill her husband’s requests, as she was focused on work, which was much more important.

    “Purely biologically, everything was over, I felt it. And I’m not ready to wear this “corpse” that used to be love like in a mausoleum. Love is a thing that must work on both sides. When one side is constantly waiting for something and acts only as a recipient, observer and pointer, this does not work, then some other schemes develop. It would seem that 25 years have passed together, nothing more can happen... But it happened,” admitted Alena.

    The star of the 90s did not hide the fact that she broke up with Alexander, and wrote a frank post on a social network, which caused a wide resonance. All the journalists were trying to figure out what caused the collapse of the star’s marriage, and her phone was ringing off the hook with calls. Apina was nervous and afraid that this whole situation would affect her daughter’s psyche.

    Alexander did not understand the action ex-wife. He was unhappy that the singer made public the problems in their family.

    “Now Sasha is terribly offended by me, considers it a betrayal that I decided to divorce, and even made a public statement. But if I hadn't done it, then what would it have been? Some kind of game. She deliberately cut off all the ends in order to understand herself and us. We still communicate, but he said that melodramatic sniveling in the spirit of “we will remain friends” only happens in the movies. I heard the man,” said Apina.

    After breaking up with her husband, the artist realized her wildest plans. Alena released the song “Closeness,” written in her own words, which was strikingly different from the artist’s other compositions. And after some time, the star shot a provocative video, where she appeared in racy outfits and lingerie. Apina is very optimistic, as she believes that positive changes await her in the future.

    “With a divorce, space is freed up in the head for something more important and necessary. And loneliness doesn’t scare me at all. In general, I’m an introvert in life; if I don’t spend some time with myself, I start to experience withdrawal symptoms and feel uncomfortable. And with my work, I will never be lonely, because constant communication, some new acquaintances that will never allow you to fully understand the negative side of loneliness,” Alena explained in an interview "Antenna-telesem".

    A few weeks ago, Alena Apina was shocked by the news of her divorce from producer Alexander Iratov, with whom she had been married for more than 25 years. The couple have a 14-year-old daughter, Ksenia. The singer, after announcing her separation from her husband, asked fans and the press not to circulate meaningless gossip and rumors about the reasons for the divorce. According to the star mother, such news in the media negatively affects the condition of her minor heiress.

    “This is the very case when everything that happens around (your discussions, condemnations, assumptions, etc.) has no meaning or meaning. All the fuss you are making goes only in one direction - towards our daughter! She is only 14. All the “who is to blame”, why, why, etc., make no sense! And they will not cancel the fact itself. YES. I'M FILE FOR DIVORCE. This period of my life is coming to an end. It was very big and for many of you very beautiful. But life is much wiser than many of us. Alexander and I do not have any homewreckers and there is no big global reason for this step. It's just time. Thank you all for your participation and excitement. And try to discuss it less. Today the most important thing is to cause as little problems as possible for our daughter. Everything else cannot be changed. And life doesn’t end there,” Apina wrote in her appeal (the author’s spelling and punctuation have been preserved. - Ed.).

    And recently, fans were unable to recognize the singer. After the divorce, she tries on bold stage images. The artist has actively taken up her career - she began recording new songs and is filming a video. In one of the photographs she published, she appeared as a seductress with fiery red hair. According to fans new hairstyle And professional makeup rejuvenated the 52-year-old singer by at least 10 years. “This is me too. My daughter said that here I am like young Apina!” — Alena captioned one of the pictures.

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