• Weaving baubles from floss for beginners. Schemes for oblique weaving of baubles. How to weave baubles with oblique weaving: tips for beginners Patterns for oblique weaving baubles from floss


    There are two ways to weave baubles - oblique and straight. If you want to be able to understand circuits, read this article! When making baubles according to patterns (anime, games, TV series), you can use a variety of weaving methods.

    Even a child can learn this art; this does not require any special talents, efforts or many years of practice.

    “Friendship bracelets” can be presented to your to a loved one or wear it yourself, because it’s so original decoration It is valued much more due to the fact that it is made with one’s own hands.

    The methods of weaving baubles vary, primarily depending on the type of material used for work. Firstly, you should pay attention to weaving baubles from floss threads. This method is divided into direct and oblique weaving threads.

    The simplest weaving is oblique. The main thing here is to know 2 main knots: the knot to the right and the knot to the left.

    In the picture: knot to the right, knot to the left, tatting knots.

    This is what they look like. As you can see, there is nothing particularly complicated about them. Using these knots you can make a floss bauble according to any pattern. How to read diagrams? Very simple.

    Lines are threads. You can take any color of the thread, but it is desirable that it be dark or light, similar to the original one. Circles are knots between the threads that you will knit. The letters at the top indicate the color of the thread. There are 6 nodes in the first row: 3 to the right, 3 to the left. We taught these knots above. In the second r. 5 knots. Thread B is put aside, 4 knots to the right, 1 to the left. The last thread B remains aside. Third row: then we work similarly to the diagram.

    If you see a “broken arrow” in the diagram, this is a tatting knot (see picture). We weave to the end of the diagram - we start it all over again.

    Straight weaving of baubles

    Straight weaving is usually used to create any designs, words or names. In this case, two colors of thread are selected - one is used to weave the background, the other is used to weave a word or design. The straight line is considered much more complex than the oblique one. But you can find a huge number of all kinds of patterns for weaving: patterns with names, colors, patterns, and so on.

    This weaving is done, unlike oblique weaving, horizontally. You need to move from right to left, and in the next row - from left to right. It's easier to start learning with 2 colors. Background and leading thread used to make knots. To get a beautiful background, fold the thread 2 times. We knit knots on the background thread. Having reached the end of the row, move to the second row. We work in the opposite direction.

    On the video - how to weave baubles with names:

    What else are baubles made from?

    An equally popular technique, which is also included in the methods of weaving baubles, is making bracelets using satin ribbons. This technique is absolutely simple and consists of threading one loop of ribbon into another. And in this way the bracelet is woven along its entire length.

    Methods for weaving baubles also include patterns for making beaded bracelets. But you should start learning this technique after mastering weaving with floss threads.

    To work you will need fishing line and beads. There are also special sketches that show examples of patterns, you can use them for beading or come up with interesting designs yourself.

    A bauble made of beads, floss or ribbons is a wonderful souvenir or clothing accessory.

    Patterns for oblique weaving of baubles

    In the video - how to weave oblique baubles according to the pattern:

    Direct weaving of baubles - patterns for fans of anime, TV series, and for drawing

    On the video - how to weave a lattice bauble:

    Lesson from the series “baubles for dummies” =)for those who don’t want to understand how to read diagrams.We will weave according to this pattern. It is light and has all 4 knots used in weaving baubles. Pictures A and B show the same diagram. This is done simply so that you get used to both types, because schemes are found in both forms.

    So. Let's look at the picture

    As you can see from the picture, we need 6 threads of white and 2 threads of red.

    We cut the threads (for this fennie you will need white threads 90 cm each and red threads 130 cm each)

    We fasten them, as it is convenient for anyone, in the order in which they are indicated in the diagram, leaving 10 cm ends for future ties.

    We tie the threads in a pin (to the side that opens)

    So, let’s look at the diagram and what we have attached to the pin. 3 white, 2 red, 3 white. Everything is correct.

    N We start weaving from the left edge in the direction shown by the arrow.

    We make the first node as shown in the figuretry to tighten the knots more tightly so that holes do not form on the fringe.

    We make the second node as shown in the figure.

    You have mastered two main nodes. Moving further along the diagram, we make two more nodes in the same way.

    You have mastered two main nodes. Moving further along the diagram, we make two more nodes in the same way.

    Let's start weaving the second row. Now we're moving in reverse side, from right to left.

    We make the first node as shown in the figure.

    We make the second node in the same way as we did before.

    We make the next node as shown in the figure.

    Congratulations! You have completed the second row and mastered all 4 knots that are used when weaving baubles

    When you reach the end of the diagram, start again. Weave until the fringe is the length you need. Then remove the fringe from the pin, make braids on both ends of the fringe, and secure the ends of the braids with knots. Fenka is ready!

    It’s customary to give your first successful fenya as a gift =)

    Help Wanted! Please comment after the article.

    How to make a wide bauble from threads? Maybe I'm just taking the wrong threads....sheI still get it very narrow

    How to weave baubles with oblique weaving and how to understand patterns.

    Baubles made from floss are also called friendship bracelets; they are given to friends and girlfriends. After you give a few baubles to your girlfriends, those who want such a gift will line up.

    In order to weave baubles from floss, you will need floss threads of different colors, scissors, a ruler and adhesive tape, with its help the threads are attached, for example, to a table. Since weaving a bauble is a long process, you should make yourself comfortable in a well-lit place.

    Well, let's start analyzing the methods of weaving baubles. There will be a lot of them, and we will try to describe everything as detailed and illustrated as possible.

    So first, let's look at the diagrams. They can be with a full weaving cycle, or not. This is a full cycle scheme. This can be understood by the placement of threads at the beginning and end of the pattern. Here, and there, and there the sequence of colors is the same - black, purple, black, purple, purple, black, purple, black. This means that after we have woven the part shown in the diagram, we begin to weave it again and all the threads match in color.

    And this scheme is with an incomplete cycle. Here at the top and bottom the sequence of threads is different. At the top - pink, yellow, blue, green, white, orange, red, purple. And below - blue, pink, white, yellow, red, green, purple, orange. In such patterns, you need to look at the weaving sequence. Here we weave knots in the same way in a cycle, only our threads will not match in color. This is sometimes given if the principle of weaving is clear from a short part.

    The full cycle of this scheme can be seen below.

    There are also patterns with a paired number of threads and an unpaired one. We will weave a bauble according to this pattern. It has a double number of threads - four black and four purple.

    This means that we can take 2 black, 2 purple threads and fold them in half. The length needs to be doubled. As for choosing the length of the threads, this is a constant question. Here you need to look at the diagram itself and how many knots need to be made with a specific thread. This comes with experience. In most cases, one and a half meters of thread is enough.

    After we have folded the threads, we tie them, leaving a loop. We fasten the bauble so that it is convenient to weave it. We used a paper clip; you can secure the bauble with a pin to the sofa or pillow.

    You need to weave the bauble in rows. The numbers on the sides of the diagram show the row numbers. You can weave from left to right, or vice versa. There is no difference, the main thing is that you do not get confused. We will weave constantly from left to right. Let's start weaving the baubles with this knot

    The arrow shows which knot needs to be woven. The base of the arrow shows which thread we use to make the knots (the circle is painted in the same color), the tip of the arrow shows where this thread will move after the knot. Each node consists of two nodes. We start the first knot like this, bend the black thread over the blue one (we took blue instead of purple) in the shape of a four. Next, we pass the black thread inside and tighten the knot by pulling it firmly up. We've done half of the first knot.

    We do the second half like this. We bend the black thread in the shape of a four in a mirror image, thread the black thread inside and tighten it. We have completed the first node. After it, the black thread will be on the left, and the blue thread on the right - this can be seen from the diagram. Now you know how to weave a knot in the shape of such a curved arrow.

    Let's move on to the second node. This is a node with an arrow from left to right. Like the previous one, like all subsequent ones, it consists of two nodes.

    Since the base of the arrow is at the black thread, we will braid it with it. If the arrow is from left to right, then we put the black thread in the shape of a regular four. We thread and tighten.

    We also make the second knot of this knot in the form of a regular four and tighten it. Now we have completed the second node.

    Let's move on to the third node, this is an arrow from right to left.

    The base of the arrow is located at the black thread, we begin to braid it. The arrow from right to left is two knots with a mirrored four. Making the first knot.

    And the second knot is the same. The third node has been completed.

    Let's move on to the fourth knot of the bauble. This is a curved arrow from right to left and to the right. If you haven’t understood the trend yet, then let’s pay attention to how to weave baubles without peeking at the master class. We mentally divide the arrow that we are weaving into two parts. Each part is one knot. If the part is directed from left to right, then we braid it with a regular four, if from right to left, we braid it with a mirror four. This is also true for straight arrows and for curved

    So this knot is the first part in the form of a mirror four.

    The second part is in the form of a regular four. Remember this, and you won’t have to look at the cheat sheet :-).

    Now we have finished the first row, and in addition we have sorted out all the nodes that can be found in any bauble patterns. We begin to weave the second row of baubles. In this row, the outer black threads are not used; we put them aside. We need to tie three knots.

    The first knot from left to right on blue threads.

    Second from left to right on black threads.

    And the third from right to left on blue threads.

    Now the second row is ready. As you can see, the nodes are the same and everything is simple. The third row uses all the threads. We braid black threads with blue threads. See the nodes by the arrows.

    We wove the third row, put the outer blue threads on the sides. In the fourth row, as we see, they are not used.

    The fourth row is ready

    The fifth row is woven, we put the outer black threads to the sides; in the sixth row they are not used

    The sixth row is ready

    The seventh row is ready. We put the outer black threads to the sides - they are not used in the eighth row.

    After we finish the eighth row, we weave the first row again and further in a circle. We continue until we reach the desired length, check on your wrist

    We finished the bauble with two braids, according to this pattern, which we took in the article How to weave baubles. You will need other braids and a different number of threads - look there

    At the end of the braids we tie regular knots. Now the bauble can be tied using the loop that we made at the beginning of the bauble. Fenechka is ready!

    The following knots may be found in bauble patterns.

    Most The best way make the image bright - use jewelry. Recently especially popular different bracelets. They can be made not only from gold and silver, but also from other materials. So you can weave an original bauble bracelet from floss threads.

    If previously baubles were a fashionable attribute of hippies, now almost everyone wears them. A few years ago the fashion for a large number of bracelets on hands. As a result, baubles fit perfectly into this trend.

    They are made very simply. You will need floss threads bright colors, pins. Usually, during weaving, baubles are attached to some horizontal surface so that the bracelet fabric does not twist. Therefore, it is better to think in advance about what to attach the bauble to. Many people pin them to the surface of upholstered furniture or tie them to the back of a chair. You can also attach the bauble to the table surface with tape.

    Baubles are woven in 2 ways. 1st - oblique weaving, the simplest. For him, it is enough to master tying a knot, which must be repeated in each row. More complex weaving is straight. With its help you can make not only a plain bracelet, but also a canvas with a pattern.

    How to weave baubles with oblique weaving: techniques for beginners

    • First, let's decide on the length of the threads. To do this, measure the circumference of the wrist and multiply the resulting number by 4. This will be the length of each thread when weaving. Take multi-colored floss threads and cut 12 to the required length. Every 2 threads should be 1 color. We fasten the threads so that there is a tail for the ties. The easiest option is to set aside 7-9 cm from the ends of the threads and stick them with tape to the table and tie them with a knot. We place the threads in a mirror manner - the same color at the beginning and end of the row.
    • We start weaving with the leftmost thread. We start it first over the next thread. A loop has formed to the right. Both threads are shaped like a four. Then we place the end of the thread under the 2nd thread. We bring it into the loop on the left, which we did earlier. Tighten the knot. We continue to tie the remaining threads with the first thread to the end of the row, tying a knot on each.
    • After reaching the end, the weaving changes direction. Take a thread of the same color as the first one and begin to weave a row from right to left. Just like in the 1st row, we place the 1st thread on the right on the previous one. A loop forms on the right. Both threads form a figure resembling a mirror image of a four. We put the thread under the previous thread and pull it into this loop. Tighten the knot. We continue weaving until the end of the row.
    • Then we change direction again and weave from left to right with the outermost thread of a different color. We continue to weave according to this pattern until we get the desired length of the floss bauble with oblique weaving. Finally, all the threads are tied with one knot. Tie ponytails are left loose or braided into a simple braid.

    Schemes for oblique weaving of baubles: description

    Baubles with oblique weaving can be made in such a way that a certain pattern is obtained. Patterns of oblique weaving of baubles are quite varied. Most often they are presented in a simplified form. The nodes are depicted schematically, so it is important to be able to decipher the drawing. Reading the diagrams will allow you to diversify oblique weaving with new patterns. Typically, nodes are indicated on diagrams by arrows.

    An arrow drawn from left to right is the so-called straight knot. Performed using 2 left knots. To do this, the thread located in front of the next one is placed on it. A loop is formed on the left. The tip of the left thread is brought under the next thread and brought into the loop. The knot is tightened. Using the same left thread we make another similar knot.

    An arrow drawn diagonally from right to left down is a reverse knot. The thread on the right is involved in weaving. We weave from right to left. We place the right thread on the previous one. A loop forms on the right. We bring the right thread under the left and pull it through the loop. Tighten the knot. In the same way, we perform the same knot with the working right thread, braiding the previous left loop.

    A zigzag arrow, depicted from the upper left corner to the lower left corner, is performed using left loop knots. To begin, we place the left thread on the next one. There is a loop on the left. We pull the thread under the next thread of floss into this loop. Tighten the resulting knot. We swap the threads - now the working thread is located on the right. With this thread we now make the right knot. To do this, we throw it onto the previous thread from above. On the left we form a loop. We drag the working thread under the main thread, and tighten this loop.

    A zigzag arrow, depicted in the direction from the upper right corner to the lower right, is also performed by changing the weaving directions and 2 knots. We throw the right thread over the previous one, pull it under the thread into the loop formed on the right. We swap the threads - now the working thread moves to the left, in front of the main one. We perform a left knot - we throw the working thread over the main thread from left to right, and pull it under it into the resulting loop on the left. Tighten the knot.

    In order not to get confused in the images of the nodes, just look carefully at the diagram. Pay attention to the color of the circle on which the arrow is depicted. It usually matches the color of the working thread. Then look at the placement of the thread of the same color. If it is depicted to the left of the main one, then, accordingly, the weaving will go from left to right. Finally, look at the image of the arrow. If it is without kinks, then you need to make 2 knots of the same type with the main thread in the right direction.

    Baubles made from oblique floss can be made not only from floss threads. If you don’t have them on hand, you can use thin cotton threads like Iris. Their advantage is that they are cheaper than floss threads - they have a fairly large yardage. Another plus is convenience. Typically, floss threads need to be divided into pieces of equal thickness. Cotton threads are easier to cut.

    Also, baubles with oblique weaving can be made from other materials - narrow ribbons and strips of colored leather. By the way, a bracelet made of leather will last much longer than one made of thread. You can cut the leather yourself into narrow strips or use colored leather strands for weaving, which are sold for creating pendants.

    Today I will show you the main types of bauble patterns that are found on the Internet, and I will tell you how to weave them.

    So, let's start with oblique weaving patterns. This is their most common type. The colored lines represent the threads, and the circles with arrows represent the knots between the two threads included in them.

    Further. There are only two nodes in the second row - one to the right and one to the left. The first (black) thread is laid aside, and starting from the second, two knots are woven according to the diagram. The last black thread in this row also remains aside. This results in a checkerboard order of nodes and the canvas becomes a single whole.

    The third and subsequent rows are woven similarly. The broken arrow means a tatting knot; also read about this in the lesson about basic knots.

    When you reach the end of the pattern, just start from the beginning. In some schemes, the colors are distributed differently in each subsequent repetition (report), this is normal. You need to continue to follow the pattern, not paying attention to the fact that the colors have changed. Typically, this situation occurs in geyser circuits.

    The second option for oblique weaving patterns is patterns from the Renyxa program.

    It’s scary only at first glance :) In fact, everything is the same here and the same principle, just instead of an arrow, the direction of the node is shown by a line inside the circle. For example, the first row here is four nodes to the left, three to the right and again one to the left.

    Now let's talk about direct weaving patterns. More often it is just a drawing drawn in cells. Here they won’t show you with arrows which knots to weave.

    Another type of direct weaving patterns is below.

    The main thread here is yellow, the rest are purple. A horizontal line inside the circle means that the knot is woven with the main thread, and a vertical line, on the contrary, with the warp thread around the main thread.

    These were the most common types of patterns found in bauble weaving. If something is still unclear, or you found another diagram and don’t know how to figure it out, send it to me by email or write in the comments under this post.

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