• Congratulations on Nurse's Day. Nurse's Day What date is International Nurse's Day?


    International Nurses Day - professional holiday nursing staff. Employees of public and private medical institutions, students, graduates and teachers of medical colleges and universities participate in the celebrations.

    In Russia in 2020, International Nurses Day is celebrated on May 12 and is celebrated unofficially 28 times.

    Meaning: the holiday is dedicated to the birthday of F. Nightingale, a sister of mercy and public figure in Great Britain.

    On this day, nurses are traditionally given bonuses and gifts. Conferences, round tables, seminars, professional competitions, and concerts are dedicated to the holiday.

    The content of the article

    history of the holiday

    The idea of ​​honoring nurses began in 1953. The first mass celebrations began in 1965. In January 1974, the International Council of Nurses (ICN) set May 12 as the date for the celebration. International Day nurse In Russia, the holiday has been celebrated since 1993.

    The date of International Nurses Day coincides with the birthday of F. Nightingale, a nurse and public figure in Great Britain.

    Holiday traditions

    International Nurses Day is celebrated every year under a new motto, which is proclaimed by the International Council of Nurses. On this holiday, the management of medical institutions rewards nurses with bonuses and memorable gifts. Conferences, round tables, scientific and practical seminars are organized. Professional competitions and shows are held. Festive concerts are organized in cultural institutions.

    Every two years on this day, the International Committee of the Red Cross awards nurses and voluntary members of national Red Cross societies the F. Nightingale Medals for their dedication and bravery in caring for the wounded and sick.

    Daily task

    Find out about the rules for providing first aid medical care for the most common emergency conditions. Make sure that in your home medicine cabinet there were the necessary medications for this. Share your acquired knowledge with your family members.

    • In London there is a Museum of F. Nightingale, who lived in the 19th century and was involved in charity work in hospitals. She developed nursing techniques that helped reduce institutional mortality.
    • In 1856, F. Nightingale erected a white marble cross on the mountain above Balaklava in Crimea in memory of the soldiers, doctors and nurses who died in the Crimean War of 1853-1856.
    • Finland has the most nurses: 2,162 per 100,000 people, Haiti has the fewest: 5 per 100,000 people.
    • Among all medical personnel, 80% of employees are women. And among nursing staff, only 6% are men.
    • According to American studies, the average nurse lifts about 1,600 kg on duty, including medical equipment and patients.
    • In some Western European countries maximum time A nurse's work shift is 10 hours. This time must not be exceeded - as work hours increase, the risk of making medical errors and causing harm to the health of patients increases.


    “Our dear nurses! On this day, we are pleased to congratulate you on your professional holiday and sincerely thank you for your important and worthy work. You - good fairies in white coats, beautiful saviors of human health, real squires of doctors. Without you, the work of medical institutions simply would not be possible. Thank you, charming sisters, for the fact that your fragile shoulders can withstand all the hardships given to you by fate and profession!”

    “Today we congratulate people on the most compassionate profession, in which it is important not only to have enormous medical knowledge, but also a big heart. You are always ready to help a defenseless patient! We thank you very much for your work and wish you happiness in your personal life!”

    “A nurse is not just a profession, it is a calling. You, like good fairies, help the sick get better. You have time to do everything: put on an IV, change bandages, give an injection, and say kind word to the patient. Today is your holiday, dear nurses. Allow me to sincerely congratulate you on your professionalism, patience and endurance. Let your work bring you only inspiration and be well-deservedly paid. May love and prosperity reign in your families.”


    Themed cake. A large cake decorated with a mastic figurine of a nurse, a syringe or a blister of pills will become a themed gift that will be in the center of the festive table.

    Medical gown. Medical gown or suit original design will be a great idea for a professional holiday. Professional clothing can be decorated with embroidery or the wearer's initials.

    Gift Certificate. A gift certificate for a perfume store, for treatments at a beauty salon, a massage session or dance lessons will be a pleasant and practical gift.

    Mug. Mug with the owner's name, original congratulations or a photograph of the team will serve as an inexpensive and original gift.


    Medical equipment in everyday life
    To conduct the competition, it is necessary to prepare cards in advance with images of various medical devices: an IV stand, a phonendoscope, a scalpel, a neurological hammer, etc. Several teams take part in the competition, each of which is assigned a specific place by the presenter: beach, kitchen, hairdresser, dacha, etc. Teams must figure out how to use medical devices in a hidden place. The winner is the participant whose story is the most original.

    Medicinal, non-medicinal
    In front of the body, it is necessary to mix tablets and candies in the form of dragees in deep containers. Contestants are blindfolded. Their task is to separate the contents into two parts by touch: tablets and candies. The participant who completes the task faster and does not make mistakes wins.

    Give me an injection
    Before the competition, you need to prepare a large number of balloons. The same number of balls are laid out in front of each participant. On command, the contestants must pierce all the balls with a syringe. Victory goes to the one who completes the task faster.

    About the profession

    Nurse (male - nurse) - mid-level medical worker. Types of nurses: chief, senior, junior, ward, procedure, operating room, district, dietary, with a specialist.

    Responsibilities vary by position and specialization. The nurse follows the doctor's orders and carries out nursing process. She cares for the sick, controls the intake of medications, gives injections, prepares patients for operations, and carries out therapeutic and preventive procedures. A representative of this profession must be a stress-resistant, neat, attentive and caring person, able to provide first aid. Whose hands are so light and so kind!
    I can't imagine a hospital
    Without a kind, compassionate nurse.

    I wish you grateful patients,
    That they value your hard, necessary work.
    Happy, bright, joyful moments.
    Let them wait for you at home and at work!

    You are always ready to help the sick
    And you do everything to make the person healthy again.
    For this I want to say “thank you” to you with all my heart
    And on your holiday, I wish you great love and happiness.
    So that there are many reasons for joy and laughter in life,
    In all your endeavors I wish you luck, good luck and success.

    What date is International Nurses Day in 2021, 2022, 2023

    2021 2022 2023
    12 May Wed12 May Thu12 May Fri
    On March 9, 2020, the deadline for submitting compositions for participation in the Eurovision Song Contest 2020 expired. Russian TV viewers waited all day in vain - on the official website of the competition in the “Participants” section, the song from the group “Little Big” representing our country did not appear. Instead of the title it says “No song yet” and “To be announced later”.

    But there is no need to worry - the organizers reported that the song was received on time. And the delay can be explained simply - the Russian “sponsors” decided to “stir up” the public’s interest in the event and make a show out of the song’s premiere.

    We tell you when, what time and on what channel will the presentation of the song “Little Big” take place for the Eurovision Song Contest 2020.

    Very soon - on Thursday March 12, 2020, we will find out with which song the group “Little Big” will represent Russia at the upcoming Eurovision Song Contest.

    It was announced that the presentation of the song "Little Big" will take place on Channel One V live transfers "Evening Urgant". The program is scheduled to start on 23:30 Moscow time March 12, 2020.

    Previously, the broadcast with the group "Little Big" in the program "Evening Urgant" was planned by Channel One on Friday, March 13, 2020 (starting at 23:20 Moscow time).

    That is, the presentation of the song “Little Big” for the Eurovision Song Contest 2020:
    * When will it take place - March 12, 2020 (Thursday).
    * On Channel One, in the program “Evening Urgant”.
    * What time - at 23:30 Moscow time.

    The band's frontman Ilya Pruskin announced that the song would be fun and with a "Brazilian touch." Perhaps the composition for the European song competition will be the song "Uno", a 15-second segment of which has already appeared on YouTube.

    Updated 03/12/2020 at 23:45: The composition with which the band will perform at Eurovision was (as we expected) song "Uno". You can watch the clip on the Channel One website in the Music section.

    The people on whom our recovery depends in hospitals are not only doctors. First of all, these are nurses - after all, they are the ones who will administer the medicine on time and measure the temperature, note changes in well-being and conduct an analysis, make a dressing and give an injection. All necessary procedures fall on the shoulders of nurses, and such dedicated work should be appreciated. In recognition of their services, the international community established a special professional holiday - Nurse's Day. About what kind of holiday this is and how it appeared, what date is Nurse's Day in 2018, the traditions of celebration and the history of nursing - in our article.

    Nurse's Day is a holiday with a long history. It was first celebrated more than half a century ago - in 1965, although the idea of ​​annually honoring workers of hospitals and clinics was first expressed twelve years earlier - in 1953. However, your modern look, including the general date of celebration, Nurse's Day was found only in 1974. What date is Nurse's Day celebrated?

    This date is fixed in the calendar, that is, this holiday is celebrated annually on the same day, May 12.

    The holiday is led by ICN - International Council of Nurses, which means International Council of Nurses. Each year, ICN announces a general theme for the holiday, focusing on a particular area of ​​nursing. This is how the organization highlights issues nursing care all over the world, contributing to their solution.

    Besides general theme annual celebration, ICN also provides other training - printing booklets, preparing videos to help develop and promote the profession. The symbol of the organization has been the White Heart for many years. The stylized image of a heart has long been known as a symbol of care and humanity. White color, in turn, personifies cleanliness and hygiene.

    Florence Nightingale

    Why was May 12th chosen to celebrate Nurses Day? This number was proposed by the ICN in 1974, introducing a professional holiday to the UN. The date was chosen in honor of Florence Nightingale, the founder of the nursing service as we know it today.

    Florence Nightingale was born on May 12, 1820 in Great Britain. The girl received an excellent education for those times, but against the will of her family, she dreamed of connecting her life with medicine. Having reached the age of twenty, Florence told her family that she had decided to become a nurse, and her parents were horrified by their daughter’s choice. The profession of a nurse or nurse was considered not only unworthy of a girl from a good family - at that time, caring for the sick in England was mostly done by “fallen women”, that is, drunkards, former prostitutes, unemployed people who had not found their place in life.

    But Miss Nightingale was persistent - and a few years later she went to Europe to study nursing at clear example. After numerous visits to the sick and personal care for them, after studying nursing with the nuns, Florence returns to London, where she becomes the manager of one of the small private clinics.

    The outbreak of the Crimean War, in which England also took part, became a real springboard for the development of nursing. Florence Nightingale leaves for the front line, offering help to field hospitals. First in Turkey, and then directly in Crimea, she practically organizes care for postoperative patients from scratch. Hygiene, sanitation, routine medication administration - everything that seems natural to us today in medical care was a truly revolutionary innovation at that time. And Miss Nightingale’s case bore fruit - within six months, the mortality rate among soldiers and officers operated on in military field hospitals fell tenfold. Even official data on a reduction in casualties among British army personnel has been preserved - from 42% to 2.2%.

    The name Nightingale becomes extremely popular. She is invited not only to military hospitals, but also to public and private clinics. Doctors in England, and then in Europe, strive to learn from the experience of the first real nurse, organizing full-fledged nursing care in hospitals and clinics. And in 1860, Florence Nightingale opened a nursing school so that graduates of her educational institution could spread the ideas of proper medical care throughout the world.

    Today, the name Florence Nightingale has become a symbol of nursing care, and her services to the organization of modern medicine are recognized throughout the world.

    On May 12, Nurses Day is celebrated around the world. But the women themselves involved in this profession prefer to be called sisters of mercy. By and large, it is not so important what the name of the profession sounds, what is much more important is what it carries within itself.

    About the profession

    Nurses can be called girls with primary medical education, who are directly subordinate to doctors and paramedics. Nothing can do without them medical institution, all nurses are reliable assistants to doctors and, together with the main specialists, guide the patient from the beginning of his stay in the hospital until his recovery.


    International Nurses Day 2020 will be celebrated by tens of thousands of employees throughout Russia. The fact is that nurses are the most numerous specialty within the medical field. A large number of services related to treatment and preoperative preparation are performed directly by nurses.


    World Nurses Day is celebrated on the birthday of Florence Nightingale, the famous English nurse who created the first organization of nurses in history. During the Crimean War of 1853 - 1856, she saved dozens and hundreds of lives every day. The number of nurses then included not only Englishwomen, but also Russian nuns who voluntarily went to work. Among the sisters of mercy one could often meet ladies of the highest birth. As the most a shining example You can remember the wife of Emperor Nicholas II.


    The first association when we hear International Nurses Day is a holiday associated with the work of nurses during wars. So it is, brave women and girls carried fighters from the battlefield, provided them with first aid on the front line and often became targets for the enemy themselves.


    Despite the fact that Nurses Day has existed since the mid-19th century, it has only become officially celebrated in the last 40 years. In January 1974, nurses from more than 140 countries around the world united into a single organization called the International Council of Sisters of Mercy.

    Nurses Day is now

    Nurse's Day is accompanied by numerous information and entertainment activities. From year to year, the celebration takes place under an official slogan, for example, a few years ago it sounded like “Nurses for Patient Safety” or “No to Fake Medicines.” In Russia, Sisters of Mercy Day has been celebrated since 1993. In our country, as well as throughout the world, the holiday is accompanied by scientific and educational meetings with the population, as well as entertainment events: concerts, competitions and even KVN.

    Nursing is one of the most humane professions in the world. This is a separate independent branch of medicine with its own rules, laws, and principles.

    It is not enough for a nurse to have only medical knowledge - her main task is to empathize, help, console and be there in difficult moments. In difficult moments, a nurse becomes the closest person with whom they share their pain, tell life stories and seek advice. She is a doctor, a psychologist, a friend, and a sister - all this is collected in one person who has enormous patience, endurance and willpower.

    This is a very responsible profession, because fast recovery and effective rehabilitation of patients must take place under the constant supervision of a specialist, the result directly depends on this.

    Surgeons and other doctors place their patients in the safe hands of nurses, who postoperative period take care of all the nuances of care and recovery of patients.

    There are several types of medical workers in this class:

    • The chief nurse is a person with higher education in the medical field. Most of the time, the chief nurse deals with organizational and administrative issues and manages a team of junior specialists. She is also responsible for the professionalism and qualifications of the workers who report to her.
    • Senior nurse - right hand chief nurse, her deputy and assistant. Assists in administrative matters and supervises junior medical staff.
    • Ward nurse - responsible for patients from the wards assigned to her. Her responsibilities include monitoring the condition of patients, monitoring their well-being, organizing nutrition and proper care.
    • Procedural nurse - assists the doctor during simple procedures, or performs them independently under the supervision of a doctor. Takes blood for tests.
    • Operating room nurse - prepares instruments and room for surgery, assists the surgeon in performing surgery. This position requires high qualifications and training, as well as moral fortitude and endurance.
    • District nurse - responsible for patients who are assigned to a specific area. Conducts examinations and procedures at home.
    • Dietary nurse – monitors the diet of patients.

    International Nurses Day

    Nurse's Day has the status of an international holiday, which is celebrated by citizens not only of Ukraine and post-Soviet countries, but also far abroad.

    International Nurses Day is officially celebrated on May 12th with the support of the International Council of Nurses.

    For the first time this day became significant in 1965. It was then that it was decided to declare May 12 as Nurse’s Day, but the idea of ​​making it such was raised long before that - in 1953.

    Why is Nurse's Day celebrated on May 12?

    This date was not chosen by chance, because it is the birthday of Florence Nightingale, who was one of the founders of the Sisters of Charity service during the Crimean War. Thanks to their back-breaking work and dedication, many warriors remained alive and avoided death from injuries of varying severity. The sisters of mercy included girls of various nationalities, including Russian nuns. They courted, as they say historical information, for the soldiers of the allied forces: France, Great Britain, Sardinia and the Ottoman Empire.

    Also, with their help, not only people were saved, but also new technologies were introduced to disinfect premises and tools, which significantly reduced the risk of infection with infectious diseases.

    At that time, there was an opinion that it was nurse nurses who should carry the wounded from the battlefield, provide emergency care and assist surgeons during operations. Although they were usually fragile little girls, they managed to take away many warriors, carrying them on themselves or even in their arms.

    In 1974, it was decided to unite all nurses from 141 countries into a single organization - the International Council of Nurses. Regularly on International Nurses Day, the Red Cross gives out its most prestigious award - the Florence Nightingale Medal. This award is given to only 50 people every 2 years and is considered the highest award anyone can receive, both registered nurses and volunteers.

    For your information, during the existence of the USSR, 44 nurses were awarded medals, and in Independent Ukraine, 17 Ukrainian women received the Florence Nightingale award.

    Nurse's Day in Ukraine

    In Ukraine, Nurse's Day is also celebrated on May 12. For the first time in Independent Ukraine, the appearance of this holiday dates back to 1997 - it was then that the Association of Nurses of Ukraine was created, which united all Ukrainian nurses, orderlies and caregivers.

    She is a member of the International Council of Nurses, which already includes more than 150 social and economic organizations.

    The Association of Nurses of Ukraine was created in order to protect the interests of junior medical workers: social, professional, creative, economic. The association holds educational conferences, seminars and professional development sessions to enable nurses to improve their knowledge and skills, meet colleagues and share experiences.

    But despite this, there is a catastrophic shortage of nurses in Ukraine. All because of low wages and poor working conditions.

    Celebration traditions

    Since the holiday is widely celebrated all over the world, the International Council of Nurses takes a very responsible approach to its organization. The topic is chosen in advance, materials are prepared, and a slogan is composed.

    For example, “Nurses for Patient Safety - Against Counterfeit Medicines”, “Adequate Staffing for Patient Safety”, “Ensuring Quality in the Service of Society: Nurses at the forefront of Innovation”, “Bridging the Gap: Increasing Access and Equity”, “Overcoming gap: from scientific data to evidence-based nursing practice”, “Nurses: a driving force for change - a vital resource in support of health” and others.

    The holiday begins with congratulations to all women and men who are associated with this responsible profession: nurses, nurses, nurses, nannies, as well as teachers and graduates of medical universities.

    All colleagues and patients bring them flowers, sweets, cute souvenirs and small themed gifts.

    Gift ideas:

    • Themed cake

    A cake on which a medical-themed drawing will be made with icing is an excellent gift. Nowadays it is not necessary to invent or look for a recipe - there are many private confectionery shops that will make and bake a real work of art for a reasonable fee.

    • Medical gown

    This gift is suitable for very loved one, since this element of work clothing must match in size, fit and comfort. If you are absolutely confident in your purchase, you can add it with original embroidery, for example, with the initials of the owner.

    • Comfortable shoes
    Again, comfortable, lightweight shoes will be an excellent gift for a nurse, because her work involves constant movement. Rubber flip-flops or sandals that don't slip and fit tightly on your feet are suitable.
    • Mug

    Time for a short tea is a favorite part of the nurses' shift, because it is then that you can calmly chat with colleagues and take a break from work worries. As a gift, we recommend choosing a spacious mug with a pattern or ornament of your choice. It could be a souvenir cup with a medical theme, or just a cute product.

    Recently, cups made on a potter's wheel and covered with glaze by folk craftsmen have become very popular. Their prices vary, so you can find a very budget-friendly and beautiful option.

    A nurse is, first of all, a girl who loves women things: jewelry, perfume, sweets, flowers. As a gift, you can choose either a popular modern scent or take into account the wishes of the hero of the occasion.

    • Book or notepad

    Such a gift will be a joy for absolutely everyone, because with a book you can take your mind off your worries and write down your thoughts in a notebook, beautiful quotes and plans for the future.

    • Care products

    Nurses can be given various hand creams to keep them soft and silky. Consider giving a cooling foot mask to help restore strength after a full day on your feet.

    • Sleeping bandage

    Nurses are sometimes forced to work several shifts in a row, so for short periods of time they can take a nap anywhere and in any position. To prevent their sleep from being disturbed by the bright lights of hospital corridors, give them a sleep mask that will protect their eyes from any light.

    World Nurses Day – celebration in other countries

    Since Nurses Day is international, it is celebrated in many countries around the world. But not all of them fall on May 12th.

    Celebrations begin from the first days of May. For example, in the UK and the USA, the date of celebration is timed to coincide with the period of professional medical conferences, which take place from May 6th.

    International Operating Room Nurse Day

    Operating room nurses – highest level qualifications of such specialists, because they are directly involved in the operation. The health and even the life of the patient depends on them, as well as on the surgeon.

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