• Loan receipt between individuals. Promissory note: sample. How to make a receipt


    IOUs are still widely used by citizens when borrowing money from their friends, relatives and friends. For many, borrowing against a promissory note from friends is preferable to taking out a loan from a bank. Banks require you to provide a number of documents and may refuse to issue a loan altogether, and quite often without reason. Banks issue loans at interest rates and quite impressive ones. To borrow from relatives and friends, and without paying monthly interest, it is enough to verbally convince them of timely repayment and draw up a promissory note.

    Citizens inexperienced in jurisprudence mistakenly believe that a promissory note can be drawn up in any way. Not every debt receipt is used by the courts to collect debts from borrowers, so close attention should be paid to the contents of the debt receipt.

    A promissory note is necessary to comply with the mandatory written form of the loan agreement, confirm the terms of this agreement (loan amount, date of issue and repayment period, payment of interest).

    In accordance with Part 2 of Article 808 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, a promissory note is confirmation of the conclusion of a loan agreement between the borrower and the lender, as well as the terms of this agreement. If the borrower does not admit in court that he borrowed money, and you do not have a promissory note, you cannot count on a favorable court decision.

    Relying on the testimony of witnesses is also not useful, since in accordance with Part 1 of Article 162 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, failure to comply with the mandatory written form of the loan agreement deprives the person who gave the loan from citing witness testimony to confirm the fact of concluding the loan agreement and its terms. In other words, no matter how many witnesses the borrower has to the conclusion of the loan agreement, their testimony is not evidence. Most likely, the court will generally refuse to allow the lender to question witnesses.

    Mistakes made when drawing up debt receipts

    Judicial practice shows that citizens often allow gross mistakes when drawing up the text of a promissory note. The most common mistakes made when drawing up debt receipts are the following:

    1. It is not indicated from whom the money was borrowed or who borrowed the money
    2. The IOU does not indicate that the funds were actually borrowed.
    3. The promissory note does not indicate that the borrower received the borrowed funds.
    4. The receipt does not indicate the date of its preparation or does not indicate the period for repayment of the debt.
    5. The receipt does not indicate that the money was borrowed at interest; its size, procedure and terms of payment are not indicated.
    6. The promissory note is computer-typed or written by someone other than the borrower.
    7. The text of the receipt contains unspecified corrections, blots, and is not on a whole sheet of paper.

    To avoid problems in court, the promissory note must be written by the borrower by hand, in his own hand, on a whole sheet of paper. If typos, corrections, or blots were made when writing the receipt, it should be rewritten again, then you will not have to prove in court that the corrections were made by the borrower himself. Read about the problems of collecting debt by receipt

    What should be included in the promissory note

    1. IOU must contain information about who borrowed money and from whom. That is, it must indicate all the passport details of the parties, the address of their actual place of residence and place of registration.
    2. The receipt must reflect that the money is borrowed and not free of charge.
    3. The contents of the receipt should indicate that the borrower has received borrowed funds and will not receive them in the future.
    4. IOU must contain the amount of the borrowed amount and the period for its repayment.
    5. If money was lent at interest, then the receipt must indicate the amount of interest (monthly or annual), the procedure and timing of their payment (paid monthly or upon expiration of the loan agreement along with the borrowed amount).
    6. If money is borrowed in foreign currency, then the receipt must indicate that the amount of debt is equivalent to a specific amount in rubles, at what exchange rate. It must also be indicated that the borrower must repay the amount in foreign currency or rubles and, if in foreign currency, then at what rate.
    7. The receipt must indicate legal consequences failure to repay the debt and interest on time, as well as penalties. Simply put, it is better that the receipt provides for a penalty (fine) for late repayment of the debt and interest due and the right to go to court at the lender’s place of residence in accordance with Part 9 of Art. 29 Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation.
    8. The receipt must contain the date of its preparation and the signature of the borrower.
    9. If witnesses were present when drawing up the receipt, the receipt must reflect that they were present and their signatures must be included.

    Presence of witnesses when drawing up a promissory note

    The law does not provide for the mandatory presence of witnesses when drawing up a promissory note. This is due to the fact that the fact of concluding a loan agreement and its terms is confirmed only by written documents. But if witnesses are listed on the promissory note, the court may question them as additional evidence that the borrower received the money. Witnesses may turn out to be unscrupulous, and therefore it is better for the lender to take as witnesses people he trusts. For a sample application to the court for debt collection by receipt, see Here

    Sample promissory note


    G.______________ “__”_________ 20__

    I, the borrower, full name, “__”____________ ____ year of birth, was born in _________________Russian citizen passport series ______ No. ______, issued________________________ “__”__________ __ year: department code_________, registered at the address_________________

    I actually live at the address ________________________________________ I received a loan “_____” ________ 2___ from the lender - full name, “__”__________ __ born in _______________________passport of a Russian citizen series _____ No._____, issued _______________________ registered and actually residing at the address:__________________________________________________________ sum of money in the amount of _______________ (________________) rubles.

    I undertake to repay the specified borrowed amount of money and interest for its use in the amount of _________% per annum by “__”_____

    Years at the place of residence of the lender in cash.

    For delay in repaying the amount within the above period, I undertake to pay a penalty (fine) in the amount of ________% (_________ percent) of the loan amount for each day of delay.

    All disputes related to my receipt of the loan amount under this receipt are subject to consideration in court at the place of residence of the lender.

    This receipt was written by me personally, the legal consequences of its writing are known to me.

    The receipt was drawn up in the presence of witnesses: 1. Full name, date of birth, passport series ____ No. _____, issued__________, registered and residing at: _______________________________________

    Borrower's signature

    Witness signature

    For a sample application to the court to collect a debt by receipt, see In addition, read the article, which contains additional recommendations on drawing up a promissory note and arbitrage practice in debt collection cases...

    In our age of market relations, borrowing money and things has become commonplace. Some decided to borrow money to buy a home, some to develop a business, and some even “before payday” - there is nothing to live on. However, in all these cases, both the borrower and the lender need to know at least the basic provisions of the legislation governing these legal relations.

    Agreement or receipt

    Typically, a loan agreement between individuals is issued by receipt. From the point of view of the Law, it does not matter how the relationship between the lender and the borrower is formalized - a loan agreement or a receipt, the main thing is that this document, drawn up in simple written form, certifies the transfer of a sum of money by the lender to the borrower. The details of such a “document” are: surname, first name, patronymic of the parties, their passport details, place of residence; the amount of money, the date of receipt by the debtor, the term of the loan, interest on the use of funds and interest on late repayment of the debt (if the parties have agreed on this), the borrower’s signature with a transcript. However, it is possible to return the debt under a receipt in court, even if the “debt document” only indicates the amount of the debt, who transferred the funds to whom, and the borrower’s signature. Failure to indicate the loan term, interest and date of issue does not make the document invalid.

    Is it possible orally?

    The law allows you to conclude a loan agreement orally if the loan amount is less than 10 minimum wages, which is 1000 rubles. If you still borrow money from someone larger size and did not draw up a written document (did not take a receipt), it is unlikely that you will be able to prove that the loan took place. A lot of witnesses who are ready to confirm in court that they saw you transferring money will not help you, because in confirmation of the terms of the agreement (in in this case loan) according to the law, it is unacceptable to refer to them.

    Do I need to have the receipt certified by a notary?

    A simple written form is sufficient. This literally means that you can create an IOU on any piece of paper! It is up to the parties to the loan agreement to decide whether to have it certified by a notary. It should be remembered that the notarized form of the receipt does not give it any greater legal force and does not make it more powerful evidence in court.

    Type or write by hand?

    It is better if the receipt is written by hand by the debtor (borrower). Then, if the debtor challenges the authenticity of his signature on a document in court, the expert will have more samples of the debtor’s handwriting to give an opinion and, accordingly, the expert will be more likely to answer the question: “is this the borrower’s signature?”

    Can I borrow in foreign currency?

    Very often, the subject of a loan agreement is foreign currency, such as dollars and euros. According to the Law, monetary obligations must be expressed in rubles. However, a monetary obligation may stipulate that it is payable in rubles in an amount equivalent to a certain amount in foreign currency or in conventional monetary units. In this case, the amount payable in rubles is determined at the official exchange rate of the relevant currency or conventional monetary units on the day of payment. Thus, the receipt should indicate not “received a loan of money in the amount of, for example, 100 US dollars,” but “received a loan of ... Russian rubles, which is equivalent to 100 (one hundred) US dollars.” Despite the fact that in 2002, in one of the “reviews of judicial practice”, the Supreme Court concluded that “a loan agreement containing an indication of foreign currency is subject to the same rules as a loan agreement concluded in rubles", it should be remembered that not all lawyers (and judges) share this point of view of the Supreme Judicial Body, and judicial practice tends to change unexpectedly. Therefore, when borrowing in foreign currency, do not forget the word “equivalent”, otherwise the lender risks not receiving anything due to the invalidity of the transaction, which does not comply with the requirements of the law (Article 317 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

    Challenging for lack of money

    According to Article 812 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the borrower has the right to challenge the loan agreement on the basis of its lack of funds, proving that money or other things were not actually received by him from the lender or were received in a smaller quantity than specified in the agreement. It should be remembered that if the loan agreement must be concluded in writing (), challenging it due to lack of money through testimony is not allowed, except in cases where the agreement was concluded under the influence of deception, violence, threat, malicious agreement between the borrower’s representative and the lender, or coincidence difficult circumstances (Article 812 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). As an example of the possibility of proof testimony the lack of funds for a loan (as concluded under the influence of violence, threat) can give the following example. A shortage has been identified at the company. The employer, under the threat of dismissal and contacting law enforcement agencies, forces the employee responsible for the shortfall to write a promissory note for the amount of the shortfall. In this case, the court may refuse the employer to collect this amount of the “loan” from the employee if the latter proves that the money was not actually transferred to him, the receipt was written under threat, and this is confirmed by witnesses.

    The lender may be refused to collect the loan amount even if it does not follow from the text of the agreement or receipt that the borrower has received the money. For example, the phrase in the agreement “the lender undertakes to provide funds” does not mean that the funds have already been provided. Such an agreement must be recognized by the court as not concluded.

    Interest for use

    By general rule The loan agreement is assumed to be for compensation. This means that even if the agreement (receipt) does not indicate the amount of interest that the borrower must pay you for using your money, you still have the right to demand their payment. The amount of interest is determined by the existing bank interest rate (refinancing rate) on the day the borrower pays the debt amount or its corresponding part. If the agreement does not contain a condition on the payment of interest for the use of the loan amount, then the loan agreement will be assumed to be gratuitous only in two cases specified in Article 809 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation: when the agreement is concluded between citizens for an amount not exceeding fifty times the amount established by law minimum size wages (which is 5,000 rubles today – author’s note), and is not related to the entrepreneurial activity of at least one of the parties; and when, according to the agreement, not money is transferred to the borrower, but other things determined by generic characteristics.

    We also recommend a later publication: “Statements of claim for the collection of funds (debt) under a loan agreement, receipt. Sample” with comments and examples statements of claim, examples of calculation of interest collected under a loan agreement (receipt) on the loan amount, interest for illegal use of funds

    Arkady Grigoriev

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    A receipt is a document confirming the conclusion of a loan agreement when the parties are individuals (citizens), therefore it is important for the lender and borrower to have a sample of such a document.

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    Loans between individuals are one of the most common ways to solve financial problems. At the same time, money can destroy even the most reliable relationships if you don’t know how to borrow money.

    With the growth of financial and legal literacy, everyone more people prefer to formalize their financial relationships in writing. And this is correct, since writing protects the lender from an unscrupulous borrower. After all, when lending money, only the lender risks, and the borrower does not bear any risks. More details about the parties are described in our article. The receipt allows the creditor to file a lawsuit to recover the amount of the debt.

    The loan receipt is written personally by the borrower in free form. What information needs to be included in the receipt:

    • data of the borrower and lender;
    • place of residence of the borrower and lender;
    • the loan amount and the currency in which the money is transferred (usually rubles, dollars or euros);
    • the currency in which the money must be returned;
    • loan term;
    • interest rate or the procedure for determining it (for a loan taken at interest);
    • liability for untimely return of money.

    The receipt can be printed on a computer, but the lender and borrower must sign it in their own hands.

    Important! In addition to the required information, it is advisable to indicate in the receipt that the lender transferred a certain amount and the borrower accepted; the return of money must also be shown in the receipt and signed by both parties.

    Sample receipt

    In order to avoid conflicts between the lender and the borrower, a receipt between individuals should be drawn up as follows:


    May 01, 2016 Moscow
    I, Nikolaev Nikolay Nikolaevich (borrower), born 02/22/1980, registered: Moscow, st. Lenina, 1 kv. 11, passport (indicate series, number and by whom issued) received from Sergey Sergeyev Sergeyevich (lender), born 01/11/1980, registered: Smolensk, st. Lenina, 3, quarter 3, passport (indicate the series, number and by whom it was issued) a loan amount of 10,000 US dollars, which is the equivalent at the exchange rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation as of 05/01/2016. is 650,000 Russian rubles.
    I undertake to repay the amount of debt equal to 10,000 US dollars in Russian rubles at the exchange rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation no later than January 1, 2017.
    Signature of the borrower Nikolaev Nikolay Nikolaevich.
    Signature of the lender Sergeev Sergey Sergeevich.

    The loan interest record might look like this:

    I undertake to repay a debt amount equal to 10,000 US dollars in Russian rubles at the rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation no later than January 1, 2017, including interest on the loan based on an interest rate of 30% per annum.

    It is also better to indicate the repayment of a loan between individuals in the receipt. Such an entry can be made in the following edition:

    I, Sergeev Sergey Sergeevich (lender) received 01/01/2017. from Nikolaev Nikolay Nikolaevich the amount of debt in the amount of 10,000 US dollars in Russian rubles at the exchange rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation at the time of repayment, as well as all interest due to me.
    Borrower's signature.

    In the loan agreement, the parties can indicate any nuances of the loan so that later questions and misunderstandings do not arise.

    If the loan is secured by collateral, this must be indicated in the receipt. It is important to consider the following nuances:

    1. The subject of the pledge can be movable and immovable property.
    2. The lender needs to check whether the collateral belongs to the borrower.
    3. If it is used as collateral, then it is enough to check the documents for the car.
    4. In the case where the collateral is real estate, for example, then in addition to the documents for the apartment, it is necessary to obtain the consent of all adults registered in this apartment that the apartment will be pledged.

    When collateral acts as security for loan obligations, it is better to have the agreement on the collateral and the loan certified by a notary. This will avoid the risk of fraud on both the part of the lender and the borrower.

    Legislative regulation of loans

    If some items are not indicated in the receipt, this does not indicate the invalidity of the transaction. Legal relations between the parties, if the lender and the borrower are individuals, are regulated by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, which establishes the mandatory conclusion of an agreement for a loan amount of more than 10 minimum wages in simple written form.

    The following points are regulated by law:

    1. The debt amount must be repaid within 30 calendar days from the moment the creditor requested repayment of the loan, in the case where the loan repayment period is not indicated in the receipt.
    2. If the interest for using the loan is not specified, the lender may require interest for using the loan in the amount of the refinancing rate. Therefore, if the loan is interest-free, it is better to indicate this directly in the receipt.

    If the debtor does not return the money, the court will only consider written confirmation of the loan between individuals. Testimony of witnesses as confirmation or dispute of the fact of transfer or return of money is not considered by the court.

    Important! All payments in Russia between individuals must be made in the national currency - Russian rubles.

    Therefore, when drawing up a receipt in dollars or euros, it is better to indicate the equivalent of Russian rubles at the Central Bank exchange rate on the day of transfer of money. In this case, the refund must also be equivalent to Russian rubles at the Central Bank exchange rate on the day of the refund.

    What to do if the debt on the receipt is not paid

    When the loan relationship between individuals is formalized by a receipt, and the borrower does not repay the debt, the lender has the right to protect his interests in court.

    The creditor may file a claim in court within the time limit established by law for filing lawsuits to collect the debt.

    Term limitation period for claims arising from loan agreements - 3 years from the moment when the debtor’s obligation to fulfill his obligations to pay the debt arose.

    For example, the debtor indicated in the receipt that he undertakes to repay the debt no later than 01/01/2017. Thus, the creditor needs to go to court in the period from 01/02/2017 to 01/01/2020.

    As a rule, cases of debt collection in the presence of a receipt between individuals are considered within one court session. The court makes a decision in favor of the creditor. If the debtor does not comply with the court decision voluntarily, then the bailiff service takes over the work. The bailiff service has its own levers and powers to collect debts. The lender should only assist the bailiffs and periodically demand from them a report on the work done.

    Each of us has the need to borrow money at least once in our lives. However, even when borrowing money from relatives, it is better to document the transaction. A properly drawn up receipt of money between individuals will avoid any financial risks.

    What it is

    A receipt should be understood as a document confirming the fact of transfer of funds from one individual to another.

    The agreement specifies the terms of the transaction, the date of fulfillment of obligations, the amount of debt and a number of other justifications. Even if individuals agree verbally, they must still draw up a receipt and sign on it. It is this document that will prove the transfer of funds.

    If controversial situations arise, the defendant can always confirm the existence of a financial relationship with the plaintiff.

    However, if there is no receipt, the applicant will not be able to prove that he lent money to the defendant.

    Consequently, no one can prove the fact of payments on the principal debt unless the defendant demands a receipt from the lender that he receives funds to pay the debt.

    Even if there are witnesses, the testimony of third parties in court has no legal force. The receipt has legal force and can be used as evidence in court. You cannot draw up an agreement without a receipt and also use an oral agreement without drawing up this document.

    Does it provide a guarantee?

    It is impossible to completely protect yourself from the risk of non-repayment of debt 100%. Any borrower may encounter unforeseen situations and force majeure circumstances. Such cases must be taken into account and discussed in the loan agreement.

    • You can legally protect yourself if you follow certain recommendations:
    • competent execution of the contract and receipt;
    • take a receipt from the lender about the regular receipt of funds to pay the debt according to the established payment schedule;

    the document must contain the dates of preparation, receipt and transfer of money, signatures of all participants in the transaction. If the lender does not receive payments on the borrowed funds from the borrower, then he has the right to file a lawsuit.

    As evidence of the transfer of a certain amount to the borrower, there will be a receipt, a loan agreement, a payment schedule, checks for the transfer of funds through a bank, card or current account.

    If the debtor refuses to voluntarily fulfill his obligations, the court makes a decision on forced collection of the debt. The lender receives a copy of the court decision and ruling and transfers this document to the Bailiff Service. Enforcement proceedings begin. The borrower receives a writ of execution for the need to repay the debt. If the debtor does not have property belonging to him, there is official work

    Coercive measures may include a ban on traveling abroad and seizure of a current account. If the issue cannot be resolved voluntarily, then the presence of all completed documents, including a receipt, will convince fate that the borrower received the money and is in no hurry to return it.

    Video: How to write correctly

    Sample form for a loan receipt between individuals

    A loan receipt between individuals is quite simple to draw up.

    You just need to provide all the necessary information:

    • date of compilation and place;
    • complete registration data of the borrower and lender, including series and passport number, place of registration and residence;
    • the amount of borrowed funds indicating figures in words;
    • the interest rate for the use of borrowed funds;
    • last date for depositing money;
    • indicate the contract number.

    Before lending money, you should carefully study the financial characteristics of the borrower.

    With interest

    The receipt must contain a paragraph indicating the amount of accrued interest for the funds issued .

    If these conditions are not in the contract, then the following rules should be followed:

    • the interest rate is determined based on the refinancing rate at the location of the lender;
    • interest is paid monthly.

    These rules come into force if they are not reflected in the agreement or receipt.

    No interest

    The receipt may imply no interest accrual on the loan if:

    • the debt does not exceed 50 minimum wages;
    • not issued for business purposes.

    Secured by real estate

    This transaction involves the transfer of property owned by the debtor on security. As a rule, the title of a car, a certificate of ownership of real estate, and so on act as collateral. They are kept in the custody of the lender until the borrower's debt obligations are fully fulfilled.

    In some cases, the lender may require a receipt from the borrower stating that he undertakes not to sell or re-register the collateral. As a rule, a power of attorney is issued indicating such conditions and is notarized. The term of such a power of attorney should not exceed the term of the loan agreement, in otherwise, it is better to destroy the power of attorney later.

    These types of receipts confirm the fact of transfer of funds. When determining the type of debt itself, you need to indicate all the components of the transaction, additionally drawing up a loan agreement.

    Otherwise, this transaction can be considered interest-free or with return rules operating on a general basis.

    Basic rules for drafting

    The legislation does not establish specific rules for issuing a receipt, but only provides recommendations:

    • registration in writing;
    • indication of all details of the transaction, interest, transfer of real estate;
    • drawing up an application for the transfer of specific documents to the lender;
    • indicate all the data that allows you to identify the person as accurately as possible;
    • It would be a good idea to take photocopies of the passports of the parties to the transaction;
    • The borrower fills out the document in his own hand and gives it to the lender for safekeeping.

    After all the borrower’s obligations have been fulfilled, he has the right to demand a receipt from the lender, which will indicate the full amount of the return and the absence of claims.

    You can note the basic data that should be reflected in any receipt.

    The application may include a contract, copies of passports, copies of certificates of ownership of the borrower’s property or real estate. It is necessary to ensure that the handwriting is as legible as possible.

    A receipt for receipt of money between individuals is drawn up by the borrower and transferred for safekeeping to the lender. It is necessary to indicate all the information about the parties to the transaction, the amount of debt and the date of repayment of the borrowed funds, as well as the rules for their repayment.

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    Help for debtors. Read more.

    These rules will make it possible to maximally protect the lender from the risk of non-repayment of funds and use the receipt as an evidence base.

    A promissory note is a document used in civil law relations in order to minimize the risk that the transferred funds will not be returned. The law does not establish clear requirements for the preparation of this document, so it is important to know how to draw it up. Let us consider in detail the features of drawing up a promissory note.

    ○ The concept of a promissory note.

    A promissory note is a document that is drawn up when transferring funds. It certifies that one party transferred the money in the amount specified in the document, and the second accepted it, obliging to return it within the agreed period.

    Typically, a receipt is drawn up when funds are lent at interest. The purpose of the document is not only to record the obligation to repay the money, but also to indicate the final amount that should be transferred to the lender.

    ○ Features of compilation.

    In confirmation of the loan agreement and its terms, a receipt from the borrower or another document certifying the transfer by the lender of a certain amount of money or a certain number of things to him may be presented.
    (Clause 2 of Article 808 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

    The design of this document has its own characteristics.

    For a loan of more than 10,000 rubles.

    If the transferred amount does not exceed 10 thousand rubles, the parties can enter into an oral agreement between themselves to return the money. But if the transfer object is larger, written confirmation of the transaction is required. In this case, you can draw up a standard loan agreement; it will be valid if signed by the parties, or simply issue a receipt.

    Each document will be the basis for debt repayment.


    Notarization of transactions is required:

    1. In cases specified by law.
    2. In cases provided for by agreement of the parties, at least by law, this form was not required for transactions of this type.
      (Clause 2 of Article 163 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

    It turns out that there is no mandatory requirement for the receipt to be notarized. There are some things to consider here. The notary will not certify the receipt as a separate document. He can only certify the loan agreement and the receipt as an appendix to it.

    Thus, if you have not yet transferred the money against receipt, but want to have the transaction notarized, draw up a loan agreement. And if the funds have already been transferred and you want to additionally insure yourself, don’t worry. The receipt is already a legal document as a basis for repayment of the debt. If problems arise, you will have to go to court in any case.

    ○ General rules for drawing up promissory notes.

    The law does not establish specific requirements for the form of document preparation. The receipt can be handwritten or printed. The first option is preferable because if problems arise, you will have proof that the debtor personally and voluntarily filled out the document.

    Despite the lack of an established form, drawing up a receipt still has some features.

    Contents of the document.

    The document must include the following information:

    • Full name, passport and contact details of the parties.
    • Place of registration/residence.
    • The amount transferred into debt (in numbers and words).
    • Interest (if any).
    • Currency exchange rate (if money is transferred in euros or dollars, the rate is constantly changing and you need to insure yourself against possible losses).
    • Debt repayment period – it is advisable to indicate a specific date.
    • Signatures of the parties.

    IOU with interest.

    The main feature of this form of receipt is the indication of the interest at which the funds are transferred. Considering that the document also records the period of use of the money, a calculation is made of the total amount to be returned.

    If for some reason the debtor does not transfer funds on time, interest continues to accrue.

    If the amount of debt is significant, it is better to draw up a full-fledged loan agreement and a receipt as an appendix to it.


    I, Sergey Leonidovich Petrov, born in 1986, living in Krasnodar (passport 1234 564789 issued by the Krasnodar Department of Internal Affairs on October 20, 2006), give this receipt to Petr Vladimirovich Kravchenko, living in Krasnogorsk (passport 3216 654789 issued by the Moscow Department of Internal Affairs 21. 12.1998 d) that I am S.L. Petrov. received from Kravchenko P.V. 40 thousand rubles at 10% per annum.

    I undertake to repay the loan in full (47,500 rubles) by September 15, 2017.

    IOU without interest.

    If funds are transferred without interest, the receipt indicates only the amount of debt and the repayment period. It is important to consider that the more specific information provided in the document, the easier it will be to use in the event of a dispute.

    Example of an interest-free receipt

    I, Sergey Leonidovich Petrov, born in 1986, living in Krasnodar (passport 1234 564789 issued by the Krasnodar Department of Internal Affairs on October 20, 2006), give this receipt to Petr Vladimirovich Kravchenko, living in Krasnogorsk (passport 3216 654789 issued by the Moscow Department of Internal Affairs 21. 12.1998 d) that I am S.L. Petrov. received from Kravchenko P.V. 40 thousand rubles.

    An IOU with monthly payments.

    For this method of calculation, it is advisable to draw up a loan agreement, because this form of document has greater legal weight and provides the opportunity to draw up a payment schedule. It is also easier to prove that the agreed monthly amount was not paid on time.

    If desired, the payment schedule can be included in the receipt, but here it will rather be an indication of systematic payments.

    But in the form of a receipt, the transferred loan will have the same legal force.

    Thus, correct design receipts are crucial for debt repayment in the event of a dispute.

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