• The scenario for cultural worker's day is funny. Scenario for Cultural Worker's Day


    Event script, dedicated to the Day cultural workers -

    “For us there are no more beautiful professions!”

    1st presenter: Good afternoon, dear friends and colleagues!How many familiar and joyful faces are here!Dear cultural workers and all those who love and worship art, we have gathered today to talk about our wonderful profession, Cultural Workers Day

    2nd presenter : Hello, dear friends! There is such a profession - giving people warmth, love and joy. This is about you, cultural workers.With your creativity and love for your profession, you light up hearts, create a holiday, open cherished doors to the world of beauty, teach you to love and enjoy every day.

    And today we celebrate your holiday!And at this solemn hour, we congratulate you all on Cultural Worker’s Day!

    Presenter 1: March 25 – we celebrate our professional holiday"Cultural Worker's Day." And withToday, on the eve of it, we congratulate everyone who is in one way or another connected with work in culture.

    Presenter2: Everyone who gives people joy every holiday and good mood, Everyone who fills with their inexhaustible inspiration unforgettable impressions every day of our life.

    Presenter1: Everyone who leads and organizes events, faithfully serves the culture and generously gives their talent and skill to people!

    Presenter2: We sincerely tell you -(together) Happy holiday!

    Presenter 1:

    Your hosts are with you all evening: Musaeva Shakhzoda and Magomedaliev Alikhan

    Presenter 2: For all cultural workers and for those present - a musical gift, the anthem “Untsukul” performed by a male choir, welcome

    Presenter 1 : There is such a profession - giving people warmth, love and joy. These are cultural workers. The most a large number of holidays fall to our lot. Without our participation, it is difficult to imagine almost all calendar, professional, rural, children's, family and many other holidays.
    On days when other people are actively resting, cultural workers must work to please vacationers, providing them with a festive mood.
    And today we celebrate our holiday

    Presenter 2: Today we congratulate workers of cultural and leisure institutions, museums and libraries, directors and teachers of children's art schools, leaders of folk art groups, and participants in amateur performances.We invite the creative team _____________________________________________ to the stage

    1st presenter: The profession of a cultural worker is the most vibrant, necessary and diverse. And todaythe holiday is a holiday of all those who every day give people joy and good mood, who, with their dedicated work, inexhaustible inspiration and faithful service to art, fill every day of our lives with unforgettable impressions.

    2nd presenter: And we continue festive concert. Now a singer will appear on stage, who has been delighting us with his creativity for a long time. Only for you, dear cultural workers, a song is performed from this stageOmarova Dalgata, Let's meet.

    1st presenter: A cultural worker is not just a profession - it is a calling!

    This is the skill of wizards to fulfill our cherished desires!

    Thanks to art, a person asserts himself and strengthens his basic traits - kindness, cheerfulness, love of life.

    2nd presenter: But a cultural worker is not only a person standing on stage. Our dear teachers also belong to this profession. Art school teachers! They are the ones who discover new stars. These people help the younger generation become real masters of art, or just ordinary geniuses! And now, dear friends, a musical gift!

    Yours musical congratulations, dance “Mountain Woman”, given to us by the school choreographic ensemble “Koisu”, laureate of the festival “My Hearth is My Dagestan”

    Presenter 1: Every holiday, cultural workers give people joy and good mood, who, with their dedicated work, inexhaustible inspiration and faithful service to art, fill every day of our lives with unforgettable impressions. These are those who sing, dance, write poems and songs, stage theatrical performances, organize events, faithfully serve culture, generously giving their talent and skill to people!

    Presenter 2: The profession of a cultural worker is difficult and romantic, interesting and exciting, the profession of the future, whose name is human studies. The club worker himself is an unusual person, he is modest and persistent, proactive and inventive, cheerful and resourceful, he learns himself and teaches others, he searches and finds, he is never older and always studies optimism!

    And the next musical gift is a song performed by Patimat Magomaeva

    1st presenter: Dreams come true and don't come true,

    And cultural workers are always needed,

    And let the viewer smile more often,

    After all, this is their main dream!

    Let it be with love and excitement,

    For you - heroes of the celebration,

    Congratulations sound today,

    And they pour nice words!

    2nd presenter: You are cultural workers, making our holiday a fairy tale!

    You make our holiday a dream!

    You give us hope!

    You give us luck!

    Happy Cultural Workers Day!!

    1st presenter: Cultural workers are those who sing, dance, write poems and songs, stage theatrical performances, organize events, faithfully serve culture, generously giving their talent and skill to people!

    2nd presenter: May it be on the day of the cultural worker,
    The whole country will become more cultured,
    And you, people devoted to art,
    Eradicate ignorance once and for all.

    Patience, courage, good luck!
    In your unshakable work,
    And may the Creator help you,
    Preserve the culture forever.
    And for all those present, the Untsukulsky dance gives its musical congratulations to the ensemble “Happiness of the Mountains”, laureate of the international competition

    1st presenter: Life is the greatest value that a person has. And, if art and creativity reign in the soul, then his life is filled with celebration every time such a person meets those who understand and feel his creativity.

    2nd presenter: Have you ever wondered why a talented person is often compared to a star? Or maybe because a talented person illuminates our lives, makes it brighter, more interesting and richer?! A talented person is a star in the sky that burns brighter and brighter.

    As a gift for you exemplary duet of Omarov Dalgat and Khadisov Magomedgadzhi, meet

    1st presenter: Dear guests! At our holiday there are people whose profession is inconspicuous, modest, but, nevertheless, absolutely necessary in a cultural society. - These are librarians. They are the guides in such a diverse, inexhaustible sea - the world of books. It is they who, through their titanic efforts, resist the dominance of pulp literature, try to educate a worthy reader, and develop his taste for good literature.

    2nd presenter: The librarian is famous everywhere -Source of joy, spiritual power!

    Assistant in life, in creative work

    Ready to give us a piece of happiness!

    And as a gift for you there is a song performed by Zakariyeva Rukiyat, Meet

    1st presenter: Each cultural figure performs the most important task in his work - he tries to protect, develop and glorify our culture.

    2nd presenter : And for many years now, the ensemble “__________________________________________________________”, led by ________________________________________________, has made a great contribution to the development of the culture of our region with its creativity and love for its work.

    Musical composition dance “Visiting the shepherds”, Meet.

    2nd presenter: The stars are melting in the sky,

    But one star shines.

    That star is a cultural worker,

    Always illuminates our path.

    Let her warmth warm us

    Another hundred years.

    Let it reflect everywhere

    Good light from your hearts.

    Musaeva Shakhzoda gives you her masterly performance of the song,


    Presenter 1: Dear guests! Today's holiday is a holiday of people who dedicated their lives to culture. After all, it is cultural workers who carefully preserve the traditions of our ancestors, glorify the beauty of their native land in their creativity and carefully educate young talents!

    Presenter 2: Many of them have followers, there are always young people around them - and this is a guarantee that the best traditions of the profession of cultural workers will be continued by the younger generation!

    Today, for everyone present in the hall, the creative team of the ensemble “Koisu”, Rutul Dance, Meet, gives its musical gift

    Presenter 1: Our colleagues, with all their creativity and boundless love for their chosen profession, ignite and warm people’s hearts! Nature has rewarded them with charm, warmth, the ability to understand people and trust them.

    Presenter 2: The naked eye can see that our holiday is a success. We hope that in the hearts of each of you there will remain a kaleidoscope of impressions, a lot of emotions and a lot of pleasant memories. And the seeds of creativity that fall into the fertile land of hard work will certainly germinate and bear fruit.

    For you, dear friends, the creative duo Omarova Dalgata and Magomaeva Patimat gives their musical gift. Meet

    Presenter 1: It’s so nice to have so many creative, goal-oriented and dedicated professionals working in our area! We can rightfully be proud of our talented fellow countrymen, their successes and achievements, and the culture of our region!

    Presenter 2: Only for you on this day there is rejoicing,
    Sunlight and spring triumph.
    After all, “Cultural Worker” is not a title,
    Not a profession, but magic!

    The exemplary choreographic ensemble “Goryanka” gives you its performance. Meet

    Presenter 1: Dear friends! We were lucky enough to choose the most difficult and most unusual profession in our lives.

    And yet, when we see the smiling faces of our viewers, students, readers, we understand: everything we sacrifice is not in vain!

    So may good luck accompany us all in our creativity!

    Happy holiday, dear colleagues!

    Happy Cultural Workers Day!!

    2nd presenter:

    With all my heart, with bow and love,
    We wish you long, for long years!
    Health, happiness, inspiration,
    Success and many creative victories!

    Happy holiday to you cultural workers!

    “FOR US THERE IS NO BEAUTIFUL PROFESSION.” Scenario of the evening dedicated to the Day of Cultural Workers.

    The stage is festively decorated. There is music in the hall. In the foyer of the House of Culture there are stands with photographs of performances by amateur artists, awards of groups, exhibitions of children's drawings, toys, handicrafts, etc.
    Thematic exhibitions of books and publications on cultural issues were organized in the media of the district or region.

    Presenter: The stars are melting in the sky,
    But one star shines.
    This star is a cultural worker,
    Always illuminates our path.
    Let her warmth warm you
    Another hundred years.
    Let it reflect everywhere
    Good light from your hearts.
    Presenter: Hello, dear friends! Dear cultural workers and all those who love art and worship it. We have gathered today to once again remember our wonderful profession. And I would like to invite to this stage the reliable future of our culture. We meet my today’s assistants, participants in amateur performances _________________________.
    Presenter: Good evening And good mood to everyone present!
    Leading: Happy holiday!
    Presenter: Have you ever wondered why a talented person is often compared to a star?
    Leading: Or maybe because a talented person illuminates our lives, makes it brighter, more interesting and richer?!
    Presenter: This is our finest hour, and let it rain down on you like stars! A storm of applause!!


    Leading: May the one who did not spare his palms, rain stars on us, make all his dreams come true!
    Presenter: And our holiday will be accompanied by good luck for many years to come!

    Presenter: The profession is difficult and romantic, interesting and exciting, the profession of the future, whose name is human studies. The club worker himself is an unusual person, he is modest and persistent, proactive and inventive, cheerful and resourceful, he learns himself and teaches others, he searches and finds, he is never older and always studies optimism!

    Beautiful instrumental music sounds.
    The soundtrack contains the voice of the announcer:

    It's already evening, I'm waiting for her arrival,
    I want to hear the echo of the lyre.
    Come, my muse, before sunrise!
    Be favorable to the trends of satire!

    Be favorable to the notes of romanticism,
    You, fragile creation of spring.
    Play your melody capriciously -
    This music brings dreams!

    O muse who bestowed bliss!
    Your voice is an intoxicating aroma.
    Your features are a thread of perfection!
    A silken cascade of curls falls.

    You are a white-winged angel, cheers!
    You are a ray of light in the kingdom of darkness.
    You give both joy and torment,
    Oh, muse, perfection of beauty!

    As the mise-en-scène changes, the muses come to life.

    Announcer backstage.

    Melpomene; (tragic mask in hands)
    Melpomene, muse of tragedy. greeting you!
    Waist: (comic mask in hands) Talia, the muse of tragedy, sends her greetings to you!
    Polyhymnia(lira) Polyhymnia, the muse of music and she is glad to see you!
    Urania:(straw product) Always yours - Urania, the muse of knowledge of crafts!
    Erato:(book in hand) Erato, muse of poetry and book love!
    Kliro (pointer) Kliro is the muse of history, I am glad to congratulate everyone on our common wonderful holiday!

    The beat sounds.

    Melpomene; A voice cut through time,
    We are once again fascinated by him.
    In it the power of the people fought
    With misfortune - with your grief.

    The sounds in the hall slowly, slowly melt away,
    Then suddenly they feel cramped under the vault...
    Taking off from the keys, hands fly up
    And they suddenly descend, describing a semicircle.

    maestro! I have only one desire -
    So that the magic lasts and lasts like this,
    The charm would last forever...
    I can't wish for anything else.

    Erato and Kliro: Serve culture to the end,
    Carry the banner of art,
    To awaken and delight hearts -
    This is the path we have chosen
    Although the lot in culture is difficult,
    But knowledge is a reliable vector.
    Librarians are all people
    Always with high intelligence

    How long ago were buffoons,
    We continue to entertain people.
    And things are not bad with us,
    if people still come to us.

    The sacred goal is to bring cultures to the masses,
    Create holidays out of gray everyday life!
    I note in parentheses that not too often
    There must be a holiday to be desired!

    The muses leave the stage.

    Presenter: I'm sure. that thanks to art, a person asserts himself and strengthens his basic traits - kindness, cheerfulness, love of life. Let us serve him honestly. Deputy Chairman ___________________________ is invited to the stage to congratulate him.


    Presenter: As in every business, in our profession there are people who have distinguished themselves with the greatest work and success. . For congratulations and awards, we invite the head of the cultural department _________________________.




    What could be more beautiful than a moment?
    Eternity consists of vanity!
    Take a look at these sheets,
    You will see a wonderful scenario here.
    Read it, it's small
    And there is nothing fancy about it.
    Yes, and this is not necessary. But... I'm looking forward to
    What a fun show it will be
    And how it will please people!

    A musical beat sounds.

    And we continue the festive concert. Now a young man will appear on stage who has been delighting with his creativity for a long time. Only for you, dear cultural workers, the song “______________” sounds from this stage. We meet ____________________.

    A song is being performed.

    Presenter: We present to your attention…

    Musical number.

    Presenter We accept congratulations from the youngest participants in today's concert.

    Dance "Fairies"

    Presenter: ________________ sings for you.

    Performance of the song.

    Presenter: And now we will greet wonderful people, respected veterans, who are rightly called titans for their work for the benefit of the prosperity of the culture of the ________________ region. My deepest bow to you and this musical gift performed by ___________________.

    Leading. For all women with love _________________ “_______________”.

    Performance of the song.

    Concert participants read line by line:

    Today our day is decorated with a holiday!

    Today our culture is here!

    We know: from the work we need

    The world around is becoming brighter!

    In such a circle - both adults and children -

    Who made a vow to serve the beautiful.

    And there is no better profession in the world,

    And maybe there is no higher debt!

    We have all been given a difficult lot in life.

    But obstacles are not allowed to break us.

    We will break through the thorns to the stars,

    To establish culture in everything!

    And we can all rightfully be proud,

    The living connection of times is strong!

    Rituals are being revived, traditions,

    What came to us from our ancestors through the centuries.

    We don’t need a halo of fame at all,

    Satisfied with the joys of everyday life.

    We do not work in culture - we serve it!
    Together. And with this we serve our Motherland!


    Scenario “Day of Cultural Workers”.
    Scriptwriter: Raikova Larisa Sergeevna - Deputy Director for educational work Municipal budgetary institution additional education"Central Children's School of Arts", Blagoveshchensk, Amur Region.

    The presenter is Her Majesty Culture, the co-host is a young talent.
    Children with signs: musician, choreographer, artist, cultural worker.

    Text behind the scene: Music, poetry, theater, architecture, history, painting - all these are spiritual values, without which Man cannot exist, cannot know himself and his spiritual world called
    Her Majesty Culture!

    (harpsichord music sounds, Culture sits at the harpsichord, Young Talent enters).

    Talent: Your Majesty! How extraordinary you are today!

    Culture: Don’t you know, Young talent, what event is today?

    Talent: No, unfortunately, I don’t know

    Culture: Well, let's play then!

    Talent: Hurray! Are we going to guess the notes again?

    Culture: Of course!

    Talent: Well then, I’ll guess from seven notes!

    Culture: No! This is a very long time, guess from three!

    Talent: Good! (turns away from the instrument, thinks)
    (Culture plays a note)

    Talent: This is the note C! (thinking) The house where art lives!

    Culture: Well, yes, you can say that. Let's try to guess the next one (plays)

    Talent: I know, I know! - This is the note D! Re - rehearsals, concerts, in general, preparation for competitions!

    Culture: No, I didn’t guess! They have already taken place.

    Talent: Yes, exactly, there were congratulations, laureates, diploma recipients and all that

    Talent: Note E! Mi - the world of music and art!

    Culture: Yes, it's already close! The world of music, art and...

    Talent: Cultures!

    Culture: Yes, well done!
    We celebrate this event every year!
    And we rule the ball and crown with glory
    Those who, working tirelessly,
    The spark of God will not be allowed to go out,
    Developing people's talents,
    Today, giving what we deserve,
    Honorary awards will be presented to everyone

    All: Her Majesty Culture!

    Culture: So, welcome to the ball,
    From each guild there are honorary ambassadors.
    Today those who are involved in reporting matters
    He was very successful in his creativity!
    (a solemn march sounds, children come out with signs)

    Artist: The spring day teases the sun,
    Bright, light and beautiful!
    Cultural workers on holiday
    He will wonderfully invite you.

    Musician: A song is pouring into the sky,
    Shouts of “Bravo” and “Hurray”!
    Celebrating a wonderful day
    The whole country is with us!

    Choreographer: Flags are flying in the blue sky,
    And the fire burns in my chest!
    Cultural workers of Russia
    Marching proudly ahead!

    Cultural worker: Let the spiritual nature
    Gets stronger creative work,
    After all, you bring culture
    To each of our Russian homes!
    1. Musical number (everyone leaves, musical number)
    Culture: At this ball in combination
    I will play the role of manager
    And I will announce the guests by invitation.
    So, His Majesty the King
    Such a huge kingdom,
    Where is patronage taken over culture?

    Culture: For incomparable cultural workers,
    The most pleasant thing, undoubtedly,
    Receive a song as a gift -
    It will sound now.

    2. Musical number

    Talent: I even heard about Russian Cinema Day, Libraries Day, and even a Museum Day! Your Majesty Culture, how long has our country celebrated the day of cultural workers?

    Culture: not so much On August 28, 2007, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree on this holiday, according to which it is celebrated annually on March 25.

    Talent: (counts on fingers): well, this means this year we are celebrating this holiday for the 9th time?

    Culture: Yes, you're right. But despite the fact that we are celebrating the holiday in our country only for the ninth time, there are many veterans in the field of culture. Many of them are role models; their experience and intelligence are a real treasure for cultural workers. Let's say a big thank you to our veterans, to everyone who came to this hall today!

    Together: Thank you, veterans! Dear veterans, we ask you to stand up to greet and give you our applause!

    3. Musical number

    Talent: By the way, I also sing songs at home and even dance, so today is my holiday?

    Culture: Well, that’s not entirely true. After all, this holiday is celebrated by real professionals in their field, creators and guardians of culture

    Talent: I know, I know - musicians and artists, dancers, directors and theatergoers!

    Culture: Yes, you're right, Young talent! And also employees of museums and libraries, film and book publishing workers, specialists from cultural centers and members of creative groups!
    4. Musical number

    Talent: It turns out that Cultural Worker’s Day is an All-Russian holiday?

    Culture: Absolutely right! Today, congratulations are being heard across the country in honor of workers in this field.

    Talent: So it is celebrated in our city too?

    Culture: Of course! Both in our city and in our region! And now congratulations will come from the head of the cultural department of the Blagoveshchensk administration.

    5.Musical number

    Talent: Still, what an interesting holiday this is - the day of cultural workers! And they work to the fullest and have fun to the fullest!

    Culture (laughing): Yes, that's for sure! Every day they have to work so that you and I can visit theaters, exhibitions, libraries, concerts, cinema, and even listen to the radio and watch TV!

    Talent: Wow! It turns out that life would be boring without cultural workers!

    Culture: Of course it’s boring, because these are the most interesting, talented and fun people! (addressing the audience) Do you agree with me?

    6. musical number

    Talent: Vivat to you, union of culture and leisure!
    Vivat to your priests, what a precious treasure -
    The talent of the people will be preserved for posterity!

    Culture: To the great masters of cultural affairs,
    May their earthly destiny be glorious!
    To you, my like-minded friend and brother

    Together: Vivat, vivat, vivat!!!

    7. musical number

    “To you, cultural workers!!!” ­
    event for Cultural Worker's Day
    Music is playing.
    Fanfare for the start of the holiday.
    Without an announcement, a propaganda team enters the stage and performs to the tune
    songs “Our Youth Team” (MKUK GDK).
    All houses have their own purpose:
    Shoe House, House of Life, Casino.
    But there are houses of special significance,
    In which we are destined to work.
    And again the viewer rushes to us,
    He values ​​our home.
    Work awaits in cultural centers -
    Work without which we cannot live.
    We proudly bear the title “cultural worker”,
    Let it not promise great success.
    Sometimes we don’t see our family or money,
    But we are happy to hear children's laughter.
    We love to play and make you laugh,
    And cherish children's laughter.
    All because we love our work
    A job we cannot live without.
    They say: “We don’t live, we survive!”
    Yes, it is not easy for a country to survive in a crisis.
    But from the way we all rest,
    A lot depends on fate.
    Who should decide the fate of the country?
    And our goal is to have leisure time to “create.”
    We keep traditions, rituals -
    Culture we cannot live without!

    1003 Ved. (against the background of reading a poem behind the scenes on the screen
    shows slides from the work of cultural centers)
    Spring! Even though the days were gloomy,
    We have waited for the end of winter!
    And on the day of the cultural worker
    Bright faces and hearts!
    Feelings woke up and cupids
    Hearts are pierced with an arrow again,
    And on the Day of Cultural Worker
    There is only love all around!
    And we sing like troubadours
    We are minstrels at this hour!
    In love to cultural workers
    We want to confess now!
    We searched in literature
    The poems are solemn. But
    About the day of the cultural worker,
    Probably not composed...
    Then we ourselves are without hackwork
    They put together two dozen stanzas,
    After all, you, cultural workers,
    Worthy of songs and poems!
    We are ready to sculpt sculptures
    Or paint pictures from you.
    You, cultural workers,
    There is that special thing to become
    That unique texture
    What makes it different from others?
    After all, God is a cultural worker
    Added a secret touch to the look:
    In addition to creative nature
    He endowed with intellect,
    He is for those who work in culture
    Gave charm and inspired!
    With puppets of "glamor"
    Such people cannot be compared.

    Ved. goes on stage
    So Happy Cultural Worker's Day
    We congratulate you, friends!
    Good afternoon dear friends, you are greeted by the Honored
    cultural worker of the Ulyanovsk region Elena Kononova “I
    I miss you"
    Dear colleagues, dear guests of our holiday!
    Today we have a joyful event, Cultural Worker's Day,
    which we celebrate after the signing of the Decree of the President of Russia
    Vladimir Putin on August 28, 2007 “On Worker’s Day
    culture." And we celebrate it annually on March 25th.
    This professional holiday is celebrated by the guardians and creators
    cultural values, museum and library employees, figures
    theaters and concert organizations, specialists from cultural centers,
    city ​​and village clubs, artistic groups
    amateur performances.
    Today is a holiday, and on a holiday it is customary to receive gifts and
    The Head of the Administration of the Moscow Region is invited to the stage for a greeting.
    “Inzensky district” Alexander Evgenievich Yashin
    (or First Deputy Head of Municipal Administration
    education "Inzensky district" Viktor Aleksandrovich Fedotov)
    Speech by A.E. Yashina. (Yashin A.E. goes to the middle of the stage
    to the microphone for congratulations, then presents certificates to the best
    cultural workers and the latter are invited to the stage
    Korchagina A.A., after which she remains on stage) (A. Bychkova
    submits certificates to A.E. Yashin, Mazilova Yu. – flowers after presentation
    letter of thanks). (After each award Yashin A.E.
    and the recipient are photographed)

    Ved: (Bychkova A)
    Letter of gratitude from the Ministry
    art and cultural policy of the Ulyanovsk region “For
    conscientious work, great contribution to the development of cultural
    mass activities of the Inzensky district and in connection with
    celebrating the Day of Cultural Workers" is awarded to the methodologist
    Inzensky City House of Culture Lyubov Dmitrievna
    Ved. Letter of gratitude from the Head of the Administration of the Moscow Region
    “Inzensky District” is awarded to:
    Ponyatova Tatyana Yurievna, art teacher

    professions and high results in artistic and aesthetic
    activities in working with children";
    Chaukov Peter Leontievich, art teacher
    department of the Glotovsky children's art school "For devotion
    profession and in connection with the celebration of the 55th birthday";
    Podusova Larisa Alekseevna, piano teacher
    department of the Inzen children's art school "For devotion
    professions and high results of vocal-choral activities in
    working with children";
    Liliya Viktorovna Noskova, leading methodologist of the District
    center for creativity and leisure “For dedication to the profession and in connection with
    celebration of Cultural Worker's Day";
    Ponomareva Valentina Nikolaevna, director of Valgussky
    central rural house of culture "For dedication to the profession"
    and in connection with the celebration of Cultural Worker’s Day”;
    Letter of gratitude from the Head of the Administration of the Moscow Region
    "Inzensky district" and a valuable gift is awarded to the oldest
    cultural worker,
    soloist of the Inzensky Veterans Choir
    city ​​house of culture Anna Alekseevna Korchagina “For
    dedication to the profession, for the love of song and in connection with the 45th anniversary
    creative activity on stage."
    Anna Alekseevna thanks everyone and sings a song.

    Number x\sam. A. Korchagina “White Swan”
    Ved. I know that there are people in our hall who remember the young
    a freckled girl with a thick long brown braid, Anya
    which, upon graduation from Ulyanovsk cultural
    educational school began its professional
    activities in the Inzensky district house of culture. Here she is
    meets another singer, one of the Volgin sisters Faina,
    later they meet Viktor Genrikhovich Eshenbrener and
    They have been singing together ever since.
    So, let's enjoy their singing.
    Number x\sam. A. Korchagina F. Volgina Music. Isaac
    Dunaevsky “Under the Golden Moon”
    (After the song is performed, Faina Mikhailovna congratulates Anna
    For many years Anna Alekseevna led the choir of the nonwovens factory
    materials, which for several years bore the title “People’s
    amateur group." Today many of
    members of the FNM choir practice in the city house choir
    culture, and now we invite them to the stage.
    Number x\sam. veterans' choir
    "From love, girlfriends"
    Anna Alekseevna has many friends! And today, happy holiday to you
    congratulations from your old friend, creative colleague, ex
    director of the railway workers' club, well known to all of us
    Valentina Aparina.
    The room is thin. V. Aparina
    Dear friends! Alex “Diva” congratulates you on your holiday
    Ved. What is culture? Probably every person has
    your own answer to this question. Invisible, weightless, she is, therefore,
    However, it surrounds, inspires and guides each of us. We
    we read books, enjoy music, go to theaters and museums,

    we watch movies, celebrate holidays and don’t even realize that without
    of all this our life would degenerate into an animal existence,
    devoid of any meaning.
    Culture is the foundation
    statehood, public morality and spiritual
    health of the people, and there is no task more difficult and serious than being
    Dear friends, you are invited to the stage to congratulate
    Acting Head of Administration of the Inzenskoye Municipal District
    urban settlement" Natalya Agamuradovna Petryakova.
    (congratulations and presentation letters of thanks)
    Performance by the children's choir of the Inzensky State Children's Palace branch
    (1 number)
    Ved. At first glance, it seems that working in a culture is easy and
    It’s nice – there are exceptionally talented individuals around,
    festive atmosphere and no routine. Those who have had to
    to see such work from the inside, they know well: art requires
    victims. To reach every heart, to find a response literally from
    only people with talent and skill are capable of
    and incredible devotion.
    The head of the department for congratulations is invited to the stage
    Affairs of culture and organization of leisure of the population of the Administration
    Municipal Municipality "Inzensky District" Valentina Nikolaevna Fedyanina.
    Dear friends. On the eve of the professional holiday
    our colleagues participated in the regional vocal competition
    mastery of “The Charm of Romance”, which brought us victory,
    won 1 prize. These are the teachers of the Glotovsky nursery
    art schools Olga Vitalievna Sitnikova and Rumiya Mingalievna
    Ermoshina. Let's welcome them!
    Romance "White acacia fragrant clusters."

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