• Statuses about your beloved mommy with meaning. Only the most beautiful statuses about mom


    Statuses about mom - Never hurt your mom, because with every tear a minute of her precious life flows away...

    A mother's heart is an abyss, in the depths of which forgiveness will always be found.

    It is always easy to offend Mother. She won't notice the insult. And he can only tell you: “Don’t catch a cold, it’s windy today.” Love Mothers, people, they don’t need enough in this life. The love and devotion of children is the greatest reward for them!

    A mother's love is the only love from which you cannot expect betrayal...

    Don't forget Mothers! They are sad in separation. And there is no more terrible torment for them - the silence of their own children!

    A mother's tears are salty drops that burn the soul more than wax burns the body...

    Mom gives warmth, mom keeps peace. If it’s hard for you, mom doesn’t sleep at night. Appreciate your mother, do not offend her in vain... Keep her memory, time has power over us...

    Mom is the tangle of travel in your life, take care of her.

    Mom is a miracle of the world. Every child loves her for who she is!!!

    The human body can endure a hundred lashes, but the human soul can die from the sight of one maternal tear.

    A mother for a child: in the arms of a carrier, a feeder, a hugger, a kisser, a cleaner, a washer, a wiper, a walker, a rescuer from the formidable dad and..., in a word, MOTHER.

    The most vulnerable woman is mother! You'll never know if you hurt her, she won't tell you! And he will continue to love you!

    When you are completely tired, call, and I will come, as I did in childhood. Do you remember that mother's love has a secret healing power!!

    Moms, they are like buttons - everything hangs on them!

    Mom loves us even when we least deserve it. Mommy, thank you for your love!!

    All mothers should know that children often follow their own example rather than their instructions.

    The older you get, the more you need mom's advice and hugs, the tastier her pies and cutlets seem.

    Mom is the kind of person who will replace everyone. But no one will replace her.

    A man must love three women: the one who gave birth to him; the one who will give birth to him; and the one that will be born to him.

    And I don’t need your praise, my mother’s smile and her words are enough for me.

    You know, I really want to be good. Mom, I guess I'm just growing up.

    A mother's patience is like a tube of toothpaste - it never runs out completely.

    A mother is the most hopeless optimist of all: she believes to the last that her child is the best.

    There is no limit to maternal patience, it is like a well of water - no matter how much you draw water from it, it never runs out to the bottom.

    “A loving mother, trying to ensure the happiness of her children, often ties them hand and foot with the narrowness of her views, the short-sightedness of her calculations and the unsolicited tenderness of her worries.”

    In stern words, as in a hymn, without thinking about warmth, I say: The paths are easy for me while you, MOTHER, walk on the earth.

    Only as we grew up did we finally understand that our mother was much more powerful than the goldfish and old man Hottabych.

    A man never sees all that his mother is to him until it is too late to let her know that he sees it.

    A woman is truly happy when she has two names: one is “Beloved”, and the second is “Mom”.

    Mom is a person who will not say “You are an idiot”, she will simply try to find a way out of the situation together with you.

    Give attention and love to your mother now, so as not to regret it later.

    Mother is like a Muse. She inspires a man to start a family, helps him and is the bearer of the greatest work of all time - Man.

    Statuses about mom are, of course, about a person without whom nothing would exist. No delicious food, no comfort in the house, no our life...

    Mom is a synonym for the word “weasel”

    1. Today I realized that I don't need anything. If only my mother didn't cry!
    2. Everyone says “listen to mom.” Oh, if only everyone would listen to this advice.
    3. When I feel bad, I just close my eyes and imagine that my mother is stroking my hair.
    4. The best thing parents can give is the ability to live in real life.
    5. I found out a long time ago: if it’s a bad day outside, you urgently need to call your mom.

    If you suddenly feel heavy at heart, install beautiful statuses about mom.

    1. I don’t even want to argue with the fact that for my mother I am always small.
    2. I would never have reached great heights if it weren't for my mom.
    3. Many friends are good, many men are your business, but we will always have one mother!
    4. Mom no longer scolds for smoking, but only sometimes says “I wish I’d ​​quit.” Now I realized that an adult...
    5. They say no people are irreplaceable. But this rule does not apply to mom.
    6. Everyone who has a mother has luxury...

    Statuses with meaning about mom - especially for your loved one:3

    1. Mom loves without refusal and does not demand any response. we have to appreciate it!
    2. It tastes best at my home. And the best place is where my mother is.
    3. I know that if I do something good for my mother, she will thank me like no other.
    4. Strive to make moms happy. Because time flies inexorably fast.
    5. Many people give birth and raise children. But not everyone can become a mother like mine!

    Do a nice little deed - set statuses with meaning about your mother.

    1. Mommy, tell me why you are so often right?
    2. My mother is my motivation to move on.
    3. And remember, how in childhood - until your mother kisses you, you don’t wake up.
    4. In order to bring comfort to your home, you need to invite your mother to your place!

    How much does a mother mean to us as adults, and how little does it mean to us as a teenager?

    Statuses about mom with meaning inspire and inspire everyone around.

    1. What is mom? This is not a profession, this is not an occupation, this is a calling.
    2. The warmest memories from childhood are when mom and dad are still together...
    3. Take care of yourself, dear. Mom, I need you!
    4. The warmest hugs are yours, mom.

    If your mother is the dearest thing in the world to you, quickly create statuses about your mother from your daughter until you cry.

    1. I think God exists. and it was he who created my mother...
    2. Mom shouldn't be too kind. She must be an authority!
    3. I'm not afraid that someone will offend me. Because my mom will support and protect me in any case!
    4. No matter what differences there are between you, you should always step over disobedience and just hug your mother.

    Beautiful statuses about mom with meaning: this is who is definitely waiting for us in the evenings.

    1. Someday we will regret that we didn’t call, or said something, or didn’t say anything at all. Let's do everything on time!
    2. Being a mother is happiness, just like having a mother...
    3. We are growing up so fast. But for mom and dad we will never grow up!
    4. Everything changes. Absolutely everything. And only the mother’s love remains the same.

    A mother’s decision is undeniable, but only if her own mother does not interfere with it :) Read the status about your beloved mother until you cry.

    1. If we once knew the love of a mother, we will not forget her, even if she dies suddenly.
    2. How I want to go back to those times when my mother ordered me to put on a hat and mittens. And you?!
    3. I'm glad my mom is with me. And I really want her to know about it.
    4. My mother loved me, but she never pitied me where it was not necessary. Thanks her!

    How tenderly does the word “daughter” sound?

    Poem statuses about mom will come in handy both in honor of a significant event and, as they say, for every day.

    Yes, yes, you and I are different,

    Although it’s very strange: mother, daughter.

    But bloom with my love

    I really want to help you!

    Just not tears, just not sadness,

    So that you don't be sad, I will break.

    I understand that I am not a gift.

    But, you know, mommy, you are the best mom.

    You don't know everything about me,

    Although I am your beloved daughter.

    You only know that I love you,

    And we’ll put an end to this...

    I look at you with admiration

    How can you be so chic?

    Lucky right from birth

    To have such a fabulous mother.

    I'll kiss your hands

    I'll buy you whatever you want.

    But I ask you, be with me forever, If you can, of course.

    Don't know what to say? Then the beautiful ones will definitely help you out short statuses with meaning about mom.

    1. You worry about me, sometimes excessively.
    2. You don't get enough sleep and you think I don't know about it.
    3. The time has come when you know about many of my mistakes.
    4. You no longer need to scold: I myself am ashamed.
    5. I should have listened to you as often as possible.
    6. Whenever someone praises me, I remember you.
    7. I wouldn’t be like this without you, mommy!
    8. Now I know: my mother was still for me...

    The most beautiful statuses about mom are those that were said from the heart.

    1. I want to earn a million. To give mom the flowers she loves every day!
    2. Happiness is in the little things. Especially in the little worries of mommy...
    3. I have never been your peace of mind, but agree, I was your happiness!
    4. A mother's love can only be compared to the sea. She is just as limitless.
    5. For my mom I am a kitten, a hedgehog, a tiger cub:3

    Mom gave us everything we needed as children. Therefore, as an adult, give her a real fairy tale. She deserved it. Love your mothers and create beautiful statuses about them!

    A husband and wife are watching a horror film. A witch appears on the screen. Wife: - Oh, mom! Husband: - I found out, right?

    If dad is Avar and mom is Tatar, their daughter is an avatar

    Mommy. I know that I often hurt you. I know that it is difficult for you to accept that I am already an adult. But I still love you!

    You said that you love light, What are your memories of childhood? And at the same time you will say: “no!” If they ask: “did you love your mother?”

    Mom! How can you live happily until your golden wedding? - Listen to your wife in everything, son!

    A daughter is a star, mothers are a joy, an invaluable gift from heaven, a mother is rewarded with a crown for her daughter, because queens give birth to princesses!

    Give attention and love to your mother now, so as not to regret it later.

    I already have my own children, but every time my mother comes to my house, I wait for her to start taking treats out of the bag!

    Only your mother is with you until the very end. Only mom will give a helping hand. He will not deceive, he will not retreat, he will not betray.

    Just one three summer child in a day you can create the feeling that you are a mother of many children

    Mom really wanted a girl. Kind, caring, loving, decent and attentive. And I was born

    If you let your mother decide your affairs, you will have to find new ones.

    Mom is a ray of light that is sometimes missing.

    I love you, I love you, I won’t hide it. Yes, not you are a fool, but MOM!

    If you want a fun and unforgettable tour of the house with your mom, just smile sweetly at her and don't say anything. I assure you, in the very first minute, she will put your room in order in search of drugs!

    Well, what could be better than waking up in the arms of a loved one to cheerful cries: “Mom, dad, stop sleeping, it’s already morning!”

    Being a mother of a girl means being the mother of a little helper. This is when you use a brush to wipe off the dust from a cat and a flood after washing dishes.

    Mother's love knows no betrayal. Only your mother is forever devoted to you with her heart.

    - Mom, why is it so dirty on the stove? - Dad fried eggs. - What, without a frying pan?

    Mom can replace everyone, but no one can replace her.

    It's so great to see mom happy.

    Mother's love works wonders. She is forgiving and absolutely unique, like the eighth wonder of the world.

    It’s good when visiting, but at home Mom doesn’t allow it.

    Being a mother of a girl means dolls and tea parties. These are “shhh, my lalya is sleeping” and “mom, here, tea from a goat and a cube.”

    And who in childhood, when mom/grandmother gave money for bread, brought a bitten loaf?

    My mom is the best. I look like her. And such a mother no longer exists, at least go around the whole wide world!

    Childhood ended the moment mom stopped hiding candy from you, and dad started hiding cognac.

    I always had my own world and I wasn't a popular kid. But I had a wonderful family: best brother and mother.

    I’m going to become a mother!” - again involuntarily I taste the phrase. I’m so happy with the new role that I’m afraid of losing it.

    If I could get along with God, I would thank you for giving me such a mother.

    It seems our mothers are taking it out on our children.

    My mother taught me from childhood - if you do something, do it well and to the end. Therefore, I take out the brain efficiently and with love.

    Mommy is my fairy and firebird, the sun in the sky, the night star. For me, life without you is not a holiday, but torture. I am very proud that I am your daughter!

    Once you get to know people, you understand that only your mother is worth loving.

    Mom and Dad are the most precious things we have in life.

    Daughter, don’t go to the disco every evening, you’ll go deaf! - Thank you, mom, I already had lunch.

    Τβσρu dσδρσ. I swear on MOM that I will set this status for 30 days. Swore to bet

    Only a child knows how much his mother loves him, because only he has seen her heart from the inside!

    For some, happiness is 2 liters or 3 grams. It makes me happy to see my mother smile.

    Do you also have 32 missed calls from your mom on your mobile phone if you forgot your phone in another room for 33 minutes?

    Forever young, forever with mom.

    Thank you for giving birth to me, for raising me in love. Thank you for giving me your hand, When I fell in life. You taught me to distinguish evil from good, lies from truth. Light up the sun with your smile, Thank you for everything, mom!

    Sometimes I freeze by the crib and admire how my daughter sleeps. She spread her arms and legs freely. The snub nose sniffles. The daughter smiled slightly. Maybe he sees his mommy in a dream? I want to cry out of tenderness and believe that the dream is about me.

    You asked. DO I WORK? Yes, I WORK 24 hours a day. I AM A MOTHER! I am an alarm clock, a cook, a janitor, a teacher, a nanny, a doctor, a builder, a security guard, a fo

    Just a baby who came in the morning of March 8th and kissed his mother awake is worth more to her than a million scarlet roses!

    I offer work on the INTERNET!!! Moms on maternity leave, students and simply those who need money. Send me a private message and I’ll give you information.

    The word mom is universal. It both calms and brings you to white heat.

    God gave me an unspeakable miracle - I will become wiser, I will be a mother. Your heart beats like a butterfly inside me - I’ll wake up, smile and it will smile.

    When you insult women, think about your mother!!!

    If you decide to surprise or amuse your mother, but out of thousands of wonderful ideas you can’t find the right one, come to us, we are sure that, inspired by the statements collected here, you will find a muse for your personal words. Funny statuses about mom are the right way see the smile on her face. Sometimes I want to tell everyone what funny woman your mother and you post all sorts of jokes about her online, but in order not to offend her feelings, we recommend that you come to us and read only funny statuses. You can read a lot about your mother, everyone tells their own story and sometimes it seems that All mothers are incredibly similar. Everyone has kind, loving eyes, the most dear voice, the most gentle hands, each has its own character, but even this is the same for all mothers on the planet. On our pages, you will definitely find a thought that describes your mother specifically, and reveals all the most valuable memories and feelings.

    Statuses about your beloved mother with meaning

    You are not obligated to post statuses about your mother online, especially if she doesn’t see them there. Tell them to her out loud! Surprise her with an original thought, remember together about your childhood, let our statements create an unforgettable atmosphere of warmth and comfort in your home. Just thank her, but not with a simple thank you, but with a beautiful status, you will notice how her eyes sparkle and the smile will not leave her face !Don’t wait for the holiday to remember loved one, come visit us and please her with a new idea. All expressions of feelings in the form short phrases divided into categories for your easy search, you just have to go in and “pick up” what you like. And don’t doubt, she will definitely like your beautiful status too, because it is sincere and from the bottom of her heart, no matter what in other people’s words.

    Statuses about mom to tears from my daughter - By about 18 years old, I realized that you should always listen to your mom, but there was a lot that couldn’t be corrected.

    Mommy is my fairy and firebird, the sun in the sky, the night star. For me, life without you is not a holiday, but torture. I am very proud that I am your daughter!

    Mommy, you raised me, took care of me, worked for me and put all your strength and soul into me. Now you are retired and you need to rest more, and I will try to make your life as fabulous and cloudless as it was in my childhood!!!

    Thank you, Mom, for your warmth and kindness. Thank you for your endless love. I thank God for you! Thank you for existing, my dear.

    When we become adults, our mothers become scared... what if we don’t need them anymore...? Let's not let them think like that!

    If a mother feels the same way as her child, then I will try to become the happiest!

    Once upon a time, my mother decided what clothes I should wear and what I should look good. Now she asks me what clothes she should wear to look good!

    Mom, you are thousands of kilometers away from me and you think that you know better?... well, you have good eyesight!

    Sometimes I’m so ashamed of myself, of the lies that my mother accepted as the truth.

    For many, happiness is two liters. And for many it is only two grams. And for me, happiness is seeing my Mom smile!

    I love you mom, you are a ray of light in the darkness, mom, thank you for being there!

    Mommy, forgive me, my dear, my unlucky daughter. That I was not restrained with you, that I did not accept your advice. And now I'm paying for it.

    Among the usual deception, among the verbal fog, I suddenly felt how much a mother means to a person...

    Maaam, I love you despite all the quarrels, screams, insults, you are the one for me. And without you I am nothing.

    Mom, if when I grow up and have a daughter, I don’t understand her as much as you do me, hit me. “Daughter, I’m afraid you’ll get a lot of trouble then.”

    Mom, your tears are my loss... I can be bad, but you are not dearer to me...

    When sometimes life gives me a thrashing, and a steel hoop squeezes my chest, I whisper, as in childhood: “Mommy! Give me... a pen! And suddenly my path becomes easier...

    It's not too late to say thank you to mommy for bringing her into the world.

    Mommy, forgive me for upsetting you so much. I didn’t understand then how afraid you were for me... How worried you were that you didn’t study your lessons, ran away on dates, did whatever you wanted... I swear that I will become better... And I will correct my whole life.

    I would erect a monument to my mother, because I no longer know such strong and patient people.

    Mom, I’m sorry that I’m not an ideal daughter, but, despite all my mistakes, I love you very much!

    Yesterday my mother called me “ANGEL”! Well, that is, "A MIRACLE IN FEATHERS")

    No better than the evening when you sit next to your mom and talk about everything. It doesn’t matter what it’s about, the main thing is that she’s nearby.

    I don’t ask God for money or fame, but I only ask that Mom’s heart beat forever.

    Sometimes you just want to tell everything to hell, hug your mom tightly and cry on her shoulder...

    Mom, maybe I should come and help? I miss you so much that my heart is in tatters... Even though I'm not the most best daughter, but I love you. Very very.

    “Mommy, you are the best, the most beautiful, the very best. I love you endlessly!” - in fact, we should say this every day. But we forget about this...

    Mom is the sun shining in the night, mom is my brightest ray, dear mom, I’m sorry for everything, dear mom, beloved mom.

    Thank you mom for yours nice words. For dedicating yourself to me. You are the only one for me. You are my family.

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