• Interesting facts about men and women. Interesting and funny facts about men and women


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    Statistics don’t tell us all the facts about men: on average, women live longer than men all over the world, men spend about a year of their lives looking at women, and in addition, they lie 2 times more often than women. In this article, we figured out which of this is true and which is false.

    We are in website We decided to tell you about 11 interesting facts. We hope some of them amuse you.

    1. Men have nightmares about large-scale disasters.

    Death, health problems and personal threats are common topics nightmares of all mankind. But scientists from the University of Montreal, as a result of a study of more than 10 thousand dreams, found that there are some differences between what is most often nightmares men and women see.

    So, men wake up terrified from nightmares in which they see large-scale disasters, floods, earthquakes and wars. Interpersonal conflicts in nightmares occur in women 2 times more often than in men.

    2. Men bend over to pick up an object.

    Have you noticed that men pick up a fallen object by bending over, and women by crouching? Of course, not everyone does this, but this is still the behavior typical of the majority.

    This may be due to the fact that women often wear clothes that are not very comfortable (short or tight), so they are forced to squat. Men are less likely to be embarrassed by something, so they calmly bend over.

    3. Men like women at a healthy weight.

    Blanca Ortega-Roldan Oliva from the University of Granada proved in her study that men prefer slim women who look healthy. Not in the sense that they don't have a fever or cough, but women who are at a healthy weight.

    This means that men are not attracted to some mythical ideal of beauty or girls exclusively model appearance those who weigh like a feather, and those women whose weight and height are normally correlated.

    4. Men try to get a girl's attention if they keep their thumbs on the belt.

    When a man wants to show a woman that he is interested in her, he involuntarily takes a pose that demonstrates that he is courageous and strong. Usually a man holds on thumb by the belt of your trousers.

    A similar ritual arose in ancient times, at a time when there were no belts and trousers. Males, trying to win a female, pointedly pointed to their crotch. Now such a gesture would be indecent, but we still have echoes of it: when a guy holds on to a belt, his hand still seems to point to the crotch.

    5. Men prefer compliments from men.

    There is an opinion that men gladly accept compliments from the opposite sex. But in fact, they are more pleased with compliments from men. And sexual orientation doesn't matter here.

    Robert Herbert from Binghamton University showed that in general, people only take compliments “smoothly” and respond to them with gratitude in only 30% of cases. At the same time, a man will most likely perceive a compliment from a man as something pleasant and increasing self-esteem.

    6. Men are friends based on similar interests.

    Professor Ronald Riggio in his article analyzed research on friendship among women and among men. As a result, he came to the conclusion that friendship between men is mainly based on common interests. They prefer to play football, golf or tennis with friends, poker, or watch matches of their favorite team together.

    Women's friendships are mostly based on emotions and support. Women choose friends who are “emotionally united” with them.

    7. Men eat almost 2 times more when surrounded by women.

    It may seem a little strange, but it's a fact: men eat more when they have lunch or dinner with a woman. At the same time, they eat 93% more pizza and 86% more salad than they would eat with a man.

    This was the conclusion reached by Kevin Knifin, PhD, Cornell University, as part of his research. In his opinion, men do this to show off. It's stupid, but you can't escape your instincts.

    8. As men age, they prefer looser clothing.

    What we wear affects how we feel. In addition, clothing affects how others perceive us. This is why a man in a suit feels more confident at a business meeting.

    But at the same time, clothing preferences change with age. So, many young guys wear tight trousers or shorts, although, perhaps, this is not so comfortable. As you age, the desire to be fashionable gives way to the desire to wear comfortable things.. Therefore, men often switch to a looser cut of trousers or shorts.

    9. A man’s lifestyle largely depends on IQ

    A group of scientists from the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm showed in their study that a man’s IQ level often affects the lifestyle he leads. In particular, whether he abuses alcohol. To do this, experts studied data from almost 50 thousand Swedes born from 1949 to 1951.

    According to researchers, men with lower IQs often drink too much. But it is emphasized that this fact may be due not only to IQ. The thing is that men who abuse alcohol also often had emotional problems.

    However, scientists believe that it is possible more high level intelligence leads to more healthy image life.

    10. Men lie 2 times more often than women

    The average man deceives his colleagues, boss or partner 6 times a day. Women tend to lie about 3 times a day. A survey conducted by 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment in 2009 prior to the DVD release of Lie to Me helped establish this.

    It turned out that men lie 2 times more often than women. And the most common lie is “It’s okay, I’m fine.”

    11. Men spend almost a year of their lives looking at women.

    A man spends about 43 minutes a day looking at 10 different women. This amounts to 259 hours (or almost 11 days) during each year. As a result, between the ages of 18 and 50 men spend 11 months and 11 days admiring girls.

    Women look at men for only 20 minutes a day. Between the ages of 18 and 50, they spend only six months on this activity.

    These figures were obtained by employees of Kodak Lens Vision Centers, who conducted a survey among 3,000 people. They also found that the best places to look at strangers of the opposite sex were the supermarket, pub and nightclub.

    Interesting facts about men and women. Differences between a man and a woman. Themes from life.

    We all know that men and women differ from each other not only in anatomical features. But there are also facts about these individual gender characteristics that are hardly known to the general public, although they would be quite interesting. Let us give you an example of some such facts (topics from life) that further increase the gender gap, thereby making us more and more attractive to each other.

    Interesting facts about women and men.

    Differences between a man and a woman. - For example, the male body can accommodate up to one and a half times more sebaceous and sweat glands than female body. We cannot say why nature did this; let scientists and doctors do it.

    Women tend to exhale through their chests, while men tend to exhale through their stomachs. This indicates different types of breathing.

    The average height of a man is one meter seventy-five centimeters.

    There are much more left-handed people among men than among women.

    The period of the most active male sexuality occurs in the thirties.

    Women have the most developed charm, which is why the male sex most often chooses a mate to start a family based on external characteristics.

    The risk of blood clots is much stronger in men because their blood is slightly thicker than women's (by about fifteen percent). They are also five times more likely to develop cirrhosis of the liver.

    Body temperature in men is approximately two tenths of a degree higher.

    A woman's heart beats ten beats more intensely than a man's; the approximate number of beats is eighty.

    Women's immunity is much stronger than men's, but their brain size is smaller than men's.

    If nature allowed men to give birth, they would die from pain, because their pain threshold is much lower than that of women.

    As a rule, men get together when they want to drink beer or solve a certain problem, and women only get together when they want to discuss something specifically, because they are quite individual creatures.

    Ulcers are much more common in men than in women.

    Just one small thought that a man may be worse than others at least at some point already has quite a negative impact on his psyche.

    Men's attitude to clothing is not at all as serious as women's. A man will not care at all if one or more men dressed in the same way walk past him at the same party. He will survive this completely calmly and without hysteria.

    Everyone probably already knows that a man doesn’t like shopping.

    Here are a few facts about the “manhood” of men, which are not fictions or fairy tales at all.

    Almost everyone (up to ninety-four percent of men) blatantly lies about the size of their penis. It is in this regard that some studies have been carried out by condom manufacturers, which have revealed that condoms specifically designed for penis enlargement are sold to only six percent of men.

    Regardless of what you hear about it, the average length of a penis when aroused is between twelve and fifteen centimeters.

    By the way, there are many more circumcised men than uncircumcised men.

    In adolescence, many boys worry that the length of their “tool” leaves much to be desired. By the way, most adult men have high hopes for this. However, the fact remains that the penis grows until the age of twenty (in most cases).

    There is no relationship between shoe size, nose size, palm size and penis size. All this is fiction.

    Unfortunately, there is nothing funny in jokes about blue testicles, because such a phenomenon really exists, it is not fiction.

    Only sixteen percent of men practice epilation of the external genitalia.

    But as for women, only nine percent of women on our planet consider themselves truly cute and attractive.

    As for all other women, forty-three percent of women believe that their appearance is quite natural, twenty-four percent believe that they have an average appearance, eight percent believe that they have a feminine appearance, seven percent believe that they are pretty, and two percent are openly sexual.

    Approximately eighty-five percent of women wear bras one size larger than their own size.

    According to statistics, about sixty percent of the female population have had implants implanted in their breasts. Surely the bra bought a size larger would fit.

    Nature played a trick in such a way that seventy-five percent of women hate oral sex. This fact is especially offensive to men who cannot live without it.

    It turns out that masturbation is beneficial (both for the health of women and for the health of men). It is quite possible that in the future the list useful procedures There may well be another one added...

    As for student life, there are also some Interesting Facts– seventy percent of students began sexual activity before receiving their higher education diploma. Twenty-seven percent of students lose their virginity immediately after graduation prom or on it. And only three percent of students waited until marriage to become sexually active.

    Research has shown that ninety-five percent of men and only ten percent of women would like to have sex with a partner after just one month of dating. It is likely that the rest cannot wait for the same month and prefer to have sex much earlier.

    As you can see, we have selected quite interesting facts that have opened up light on the lives of men and women, on their sexual and physical development, on their mental characteristics. However, despite the fact that this makes the gap between us even larger, even more significant, it still attracts us to each other even more.

    Genderstereotypes, or elsewhyI'm looking at youmarriageviewpeoplethatwife

    A stereotype is the “formation of an image of a person for specific social minds, which is used to make money as a cliche.”

    Typical gender stereotypes (they stink – myths), which are revealed both by scientific research and by the people themselves)

    Between a man and a woman, it’s just a break in activity. They stink of things from different planets (as one of the popular, not at all scientific books says, “Men are from Mars, women are from Venus”).

    In fact, scientists from various areas of knowledge today agree that between men and women, living in the same region with similar social minds, the proportions are no more than 10% of all indicators, and similarity is 90%. So between a Kharkiv woman and a Kharkivian of the same social background there is much more strength and similarity, than, for example, between a Kharkiv woman and a woman from a remote Indian province.

    1. The relations between men and women are of a purely biological nature, however, they are not natural and eternal. As the founder of psychoanalysis, S. Freud, wrote about this, “Anatomy is the whole...”.

    I understand it myself.”Gender” conveys the point that the bulk of the differences between the elements is not natural (natural) similarity, but inherited education, socialization, infusion of culture and marriage. This is a fact that is important to remember.

    2. In contrast to men, women have lower intellectual capacity, illogical, irrational thinking and, as a result, lower professional competence. News – there is more information about women as hard workers in the civil service and in intellectual professions.

    Not only the research of psychologists, but let life itself bring out the falsehood of this assertion. Today, people of both positions can equally demonstrate high levels of intelligence and organizational ability. And the axis of chi creates marriage for the soul of the mind - and besides nutrition.. .

    3. In contrast to women, men are less emotional, unable to cope with their emotional experiences.

    This myth is very expensive for humanity. For example, Ukrainian men are given 12 fates of life - this is the difference in the average life of men and women. The little boy gets used to streaming his thoughts, don’t cry (“You’re a boy! A soldier!”). And as the eminent surgeon Pirogov wrote, “Non-crying tears make the internal organs cry.” Also, early heart attacks and strokes in humans are a direct inheritance of the stereotypical statement about “human insensitivity”...

    4. Women, by nature, have a need for their families and children, while for men there is no need at all.

    TAnd other needs of men and women are dictated not by nature, but by marriage. For rich everyday wives, having an affair and having a child is an insane disruption to their career plans, so the middle age of motherhood is becoming increasingly common throughout the world. This is the objective reality that powers have to take into account when planning their demographic policies.

    Here's the average European data: does it give the average European man 1.7 years of life, but takes away 1.4 years of life from the average European woman?It is obvious from them that the love is “important” for men, but not for women. So not everything is simple here...

    Interesting facts about women and men

    1. A woman never takes off her T-shirt, holding it on her back, as a man does.

    2 . Women don't scratch their heads. Firstly, they don’t like to show their confusion, and secondly, it ruins their hairstyle.

    3 . A woman often wraps strands of hair, even short ones, around her finger or tickles her cheek with a hair brush. Men rarely do this.

    4. A woman will never truly understand why football players, when lining up in a wall, make such a funny slide with their palms. That's why she doesn't flinch when a hero gets hit in the crotch with a boot in a movie.

    5. A woman does not bite a cigarette with her teeth. She does not leave it in her mouth, but always holds it in her hand.

    6. When a woman yawns, she covers her mouth with her palm rather than her fist.

    7. After taking a bath, a woman—no matter whether she has long hair, a bob, or has had typhus—be sure to wrap an amateurish turban made of a towel around her head, at least for one minute. The reasons for the emergence of this Eastern ritual are unknown.

    8. A woman is practically not annoyed when her underwear gets stuck between her buttocks. The fair sex wears all these torture devices called “bikinis” with pleasure. In addition, a woman usually does not try to discreetly adjust her underwear from behind after getting up from her chair.

    9. When swinging to throw something, a woman moves her hand not to the side, but back. This is why ladies are never sent to blow up tanks.

    10. Women love these tattered brooms that produce so much garbage. They call them “dried flower arrangements.”

    11 . When shaking hands, a woman hardly shakes it. The poet Voloshin said about a woman’s handshake that it is like “throwing up a dead baby.”

    12 . When turning to a call, a woman usually turns only her head. The man also turns his body, since his neck is much less flexible.
    13 . Women are afraid of spiders, worms and mice. They also don't like caterpillars, even very beautiful ones.
    14 . The vast majority of women believe that washing with soap and water is harmful. (Look at what exactly they use to wash their faces in the bathroom.)

    15. While having sex, a woman thinks about whether she looks beautiful.

    16 . When asked to show their hands, men honestly extend their open palms. Women hold out their hands, palms down, apparently to demonstrate their impeccable manicure and the size of their diamonds.

    17. The words that a woman says after hitting her finger with a hammer can be broadcast without censorship on “Good night, kids...” What a man says in such cases cannot be broadcast.

    18. Women open beer bottles with beer bottle openers.

    19. In women, the chest type of breathing predominates. In men, the abdominal muscles are actively involved in the breathing process.

    20 . Women don't like having their hands free. That's why they always carry a purse with them so they can tug at it by the strap, hold it by the edge, and rummage through it endlessly. In the absence of a handbag, anything will do - a fan, gloves, a book, a flower.

    21 . Women try to go up or down the mountain sideways. Men simply spread their legs wider.

    22. Women prefer to look at their heels by turning behind their backs. Men simply turn their raised foot.

    23. Women have a rather indifferent, detached attitude towards their genitals; they are almost strangers to each other. Women don’t talk to them, don’t give them funny nicknames, and don’t get offended by them.

    24 . A woman walks on tiptoes on hot pebbles or sand. The man only steps on his heels.

    25. When sitting down, women squeeze their knees or simply keep them parallel. Therefore in public transport Having a lady neighbor is preferable.

    26 . When stretching, men spread or raise their arms, and women bend them at the elbows, pressing them to their sides.

    27. The desire for compromise inherent female, is reflected in the way they tell obscene jokes. They may decide to publicly tell even the most dirty joke. But the key word will be muttered so indistinctly that no one will understand anything. Even more often they try to convey indecent zest through facial expressions, gestures and desperate facial expressions

    Some ideas men and women have about each other need to be revised. We bring to your attention a few facts...

    About men

    1. 94% of men lie about their penis size. According to condom manufacturers, only 6% of men use additional oversized condoms.

    2. Average length the erect penis is about 5 inches (5x2.54 = 12.7 cm). No matter what you've heard about it.

    3. There are more circumcised men than uncircumcised men.

    4. They say time heals) No matter what the sellers of effective enhancers for your penis think, nothing can ever make it grow. Except time. In most men, this organ grows until about age 20.

    5. There is no relationship between the size of the penis and the size of the shoes, or the size of the hand or nose.

    6. Testicles of blue color- this is not the result of the urologist’s fun on the eve of Easter. Such a pathology really exists.

    7. Only 16% of men practice epilation of the external genitalia.

    About women

    1. Only 9% of women in the world consider themselves truly attractive.
    43% of women believe that they “look natural,” 24% consider themselves to be “average-looking,” 8% say they are feminine, 7% say they are pretty, and only 2% openly say they are sexy.

    2. Approximately 85% of women wear a bra size larger.

    3. 60% of women in the world, statistics say, have ever had breast implants. Apparently, the bra I bought fits perfectly.

    4. How unfair statistics are, and with it nature! It turns out that 75% of women do not like oral sex!

    About everyone together

    1. Masturbation is good for the health of both men and women. Hmm, it looks like the list of wellness treatments will have to be corrected...

    2. 70% of students began to be sexually active before they received higher education. 27% of students lost their virginity immediately after prom. And only 3% were waiting for marriage. Praise and glory to the security forces.

    3. 95% of men and only 10% of women, say researchers, would prefer to have sex after a month of dating. Apparently, the rest don’t want to wait even a month.

    Features differences

    1) the main and most important thing, of course, lies in the structure... of some organs - external and internal.

    2) women and men have different average height, age, weight, physique, distribution and volume of muscle and fat tissue. So the power is on the side of men? No! The weaker sex is still stronger due to the weakness of the stronger sex towards the weaker sex.

    3) hormonal differences include morphological (mustache and beard in men) and differences in temperament - a man is more aggressive due to a larger amount of the hormone testosterone in the blood, and the emotional imbalance of women can be explained by monthly hormonal imbalance.

    4) neurophysical differences, primarily in the types of the nervous system and in the functional specialization of the cerebral hemispheres. The man is left-hemisphere (mathematics, logic, verbal thinking - this is his strong point). In women, the right hemisphere, which is responsible for creative thinking, intuition, holistic grasp of the situation (women have a higher relative weight of the corpus callosum - a bundle of nerve fibers connecting the left and right hemispheres). Women are more successful in solving concrete practical problems, while men are aimed at solving abstract, creative problems with their head in the clouds (!!!).

    In general, intuition is an amazing thing that tells a woman that she is right, regardless of whether she is right or not. It is this physiology that explains the notorious “female” logic, which defies formal description. But a woman’s brain is much better suited for solving problems that require intuition, and besides, women are better at understanding the nuances of feelings (“I never liked the men I was in love with, and I never liked the men I liked”). This physiological difference in the functioning of the female and male minds must be kept in mind, and the correct conclusions must be drawn from them when communicating with a man (women have an illegal advantage over men: where the mind is powerless, they can use stupidity).

    5) psychosexual stereotypes. Our differences are caused not only and not so much by real genetic differences, but by upbringing and social expectations, that is, roles that are imposed on us in childhood. This means that behavior of an emotional type, gentleness, and caring is expected and approved from a woman. From a man - determination, self-control, motivation to achieve. Accordingly, a woman with a seemingly “masculine” type of behavior is called a careerist, emancipe, and a soft, emotional man- “woman”, rag, henpecked.

    The conclusions suggest themselves: women live longer, they are more practical, more down-to-earth. Of course, there are fewer geniuses among ladies (many argue that the problem is historical inequality of the sexes), but in relation to life, the weaker sex is in a more advantageous position. Women never “break down” in difficult circumstances, when, for example, they lose their jobs. They are more able to reorient themselves in the situation that has arisen, retrain and solve the problem. Men tend to dramatize and exaggerate the scale of difficulties; they have a harder time adapting to new conditions, or even fly off the boat of life for an indefinite period.

    total mass:
    1) curiosity! "Do you know how great a woman's curiosity is?" - Oscar Wilde wondered, and immediately answered: “It’s almost as good as a man’s!” I am not in the habit of arguing with the greats, and, in fact, there is nothing to argue about.

    2) conversations. For the experiment, three representatives of the weaker sex and three of the opposite sex are needed, imprisoned in different rooms (according to gender). What will the dialogue be about? More precisely, about what? It is clear, without words, what is “about this”! We share recipes and store addresses only in the presence of men, if we want them not to interfere. And men talk about cars and computers when they don't want us to bother them. With all this, both sides accuse each other of thoughts of a “horizontal” origin, not wanting to admit that everyone thinks about “this,” but to the extent of individual characteristics, and not due to “sex division.”

    3) both men and women cheat over the years. Few women agree to admit their age; Few men behave according to their age.

    4) both “we” and “they” get irritated when we are misunderstood... but when we are understood correctly, we become furious.

    5) the intimacy between a man and a woman, according to both, is delightful, but the long-term presence of each other is unbearable for everyone.

    6) to the same extent, both male and female prefer the company of... men.

    7) men are always right, and women are never wrong.

    8) men bare their soul, like a woman - her body, gradually and only after a stubborn struggle.

    The lists of both differences and common features can be continued indefinitely. What is the conclusion and what are the trade-offs?
    Long live the men! If they want, they can achieve anything in the world.
    Long live women! If desired, they can achieve any man.

    Ladies! Remember: biting a man is stupid, he is not sugar. So there’s no point in blaming men if it’s not sweet.
    Gentlemen! Remember: the first woman was created from the customer’s material. So there is no point in blaming women if they are tasteless. (source)

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