• Interesting facts about cats and cats. Interesting facts about cats for children. Interesting facts about domestic cats


    Why do cats spend so much time licking their fur? For cats, licking, in addition to being a means of hygiene, is a way to maintain mental balance. Grooming calms and neutralizes incipient aggressiveness. By licking, the cat licks from the fur a certain amount of a substance containing vitamin B, which is necessary to regulate mental balance. If you deprive a cat of this opportunity, he will become nervous and may even die.

    Why does a cat sometimes try to lick your face or hair? The first impression a kitten receives from its mother is care in the form of licking and washing. For him, this is an act of care and concern, so if the cat (or cat) tries to lick you, take it as an attempt to take care of you in a motherly way.

    Why do cats sometimes lick and bite woolen clothes, balls, scarves? There are several theories, but scientists generally believe that the reason is the same as in the previous question.

    Why are some people allergic to cat hair? Strictly speaking, the allergy is not caused by fur, but by the FEL D1 protein contained in cat saliva. When a cat washes itself and licks itself, it transfers saliva to its fur, after which it can end up on furniture and carpets. Different individuals have different amounts of protein secreted, but in general, cats are less allergenic than cats. There are two ways to prevent such allergies - bathe the cat, rinsing the substances from the fur (which is not recommended to do often), or wipe the cat's fur with a special soft cloth.

    Why does a cat, lying in your arms, move its paws, “beating” something? The reason again lies in childhood. A kitten feeding on mother's milk, massaging the cat's belly with its paws, stimulates the "supply" of milk. An adult animal uses this technique to show extreme comfort and satisfaction.

    Why do cats usually go into the arms or lay on the legs of those who don’t like them? When one cat tries to scare another, it arches its back, raises its fur, and lets out a menacing hiss. If a person does not like cats, he tries to sit quietly so as not to attract the attention of the animal. And the cat considers this a sign of favor. Doesn't hiss, doesn't move - that means he's a friend.

    Why does a cat try to hit its head on a person? It turns out that this is a way of expressing affection, and they can express this behavior in relation to other members of their tribe, not just people.

    Why do cats scratch furniture and wallpaper? It is generally accepted that this is how cats sharpen their claws. But even if you offer your cat a convenient nail sharpener, he will still be happy to sharpen his claws on the corner of the wall or sofa (in your absence). This happens, among other things, because on the cat’s paws, between the toes, there are special glands with which the cat marks its territory.

    Why do cats rub against furniture, table legs, legs? Cats have special glands on the tail, on the sides of the head, on the lips, on the tongue, near the genitals and between the front legs. They use them to mark their territory. When a cat rubs against your leg, he is marking you, indicating that you are “his.” For the same reason, cats rub against furniture and corners of rooms.

    Why immediately after you pet your cat does he begin to lick himself? There are two theories, according to one, the cat is trying to get rid of your smell, according to the second, on the contrary, he tastes it with his tongue in order to “continue the pleasure.”

    Why can a cat, if petted for a long time, suddenly scratch or bite? If a person accidentally touches sensitive areas for a cat - ears, nose, tail, the cat may make a sound that “enough is enough!”, but if the person does not stop, then the cat may bite or scratch. He just gets tired of affection.

    Why does a cat, when passing another cat, slow down and move slowly? All cats are territorial animals. They distribute territory among themselves depending on the level of the internal hierarchy. Any encroachment leads to open conflict. Therefore, if a cat just wants to pass by, he tries to slow down and not look at the owner of the adjacent territory at all.

    Why does a cat, when burying the “results” of its life activity, dig outside the box and not inside? This is due to the innate tendency of cats to cleanliness. The cat tries not to get his paws dirty. To do this, clean the cat litter area more often.

    Why does a cat sometimes scratch the floor or “bury” its food bowl? This can happen for two reasons - either the cat is trying to bury food “in reserve”, or by such an action it shows that he does not like the food.

    Why do cats bite and lunge? Kitten games always include sitting in ambush, surprise attacks and throws. Therefore, cats at any age love such children's games. Draw their attention to laces with a bow, balloons and more.

    Why do cats lightly bite your skin and hold you for a few seconds? Some cats, when they feel great, pinch a fold of human skin between their teeth and hold it for a short time. This is a kind of cat kiss.

    Why does a cat turn his back to you if you don’t pay attention to him for a long time or leave? Cats, like other animals, recognize visual signals from your body, and in the event that you do not show obvious signs aggression or calmly leave his field of vision, the cat loses interest in you and turns away.

    Why do cats bring you dead mice? There are at least 4 theories:
    1. The cat gives you a gift as a sign of his friendship or because you feed him.
    2. The cat considers you a mediocre hunter, and is trying to teach you to hunt.
    3. The cat takes the victim to a safe, warm place, where it can later eat it.
    4. The cat is trying to save you from hunger in his own way.

    Why does a cat play with a half-dead mouse? Cats are attracted to movement and if the prey continues to show signs of life and moves, the cat attacks, playing, again and again, until it ceases to be interested in it.

    Why does a cat crouch when he sees a bird? When a cat catches prey, it squats several times. These movements indicate that the cat is about to attack. Another point of view is a gesture of dissatisfaction. When a cat hunts a bird in nature, it is quiet and unnoticeable. If the prey is unattainable, the cat makes such false movements. It's something like "well, what is this?!" in people.

    Why does a cat's jaw sometimes tremble and its teeth chatter when it sees its prey? This only happens if production is unattainable.

    Why do cats often “hide” their toys in a bowl of food or water? Cats consider the territory in which they feed to be theirs. Therefore, they try to move all their toys to a place that is safe from their point of view, to their territory. Often this ends up being their bowl.

    Why don't cats like to swim? In fact, most cats are comfortable with water and will fish if possible. But when a cat is held tightly by hand and dipped into a bowl of water, from his point of view this does not look very much like voluntary fishing, which causes legitimate indignation.

    Why do cats love to drink water dripping from the tap? Cats, like other animals, prefer fresh food and water. From their point of view, running water looks fresher, so water coming out of a tap is more attractive to them than water sitting in a bowl. For the same reason, cats love to drink from large containers (my cat likes to drink exclusively from a bucket, and is very reluctant to drink from a bowl).

    Why do cats lick photos and plastic bags? In this way, cats “taste” a smell that humans do not notice, but animals can clearly distinguish.

    Why do some cats love valerian and others not? Scientists say it's a matter of a special gene. Some cats love to roll on valerian leaves, licking themselves, some quickly eat it, some are absolutely indifferent. Another one possible reason- the smell of valerian is similar to the smell of a cat during certain periods.

    Why does a cat "wince" when it smells something particularly interesting? Cats smell 14 times more powerfully than humans! In addition to the nose, cats can detect odors using the so-called Jacobson tube, located on the upper palate behind the front incisors. The cat uses it when he is completely focused on some particularly interesting smell, drawing in air, slightly lifting the upper lip and nose.

    Why does a cat wag its tail? Cats wag their tails when faced with a choice, with one desire blocking another. For example, if a cat is standing in a doorway and wants to go out, and it is raining outside, the tail will swing due to internal conflict. The cat wants to go out, but doesn't want to get wet. As soon as she makes a decision (stay at home or go out into the rain), the tail will immediately stop swinging.
    If a cat is near you and its tail is shaking, this is the greatest feeling of love that it can express. When the tail begins to droop, it means the mood has changed - you can move away, she will not be offended.

    Why do cats often “interject” into conversations on the phone? When a cat hears that you are talking to someone and does not see the other person, he believes that you are talking to him, so he begins to answer you. The more you talk to cats, the more they talk to you.

    Why do cats purr? Cats make purring sounds for many reasons. Many experts believe that cats purr when experiencing intense emotion (pleasure or pain). Cats use more than a hundred different sounds when communicating, surpassing dogs, chimpanzees and gorilla in this.

    Why doesn’t a cat like to eat from a bowl, but drags food onto the floor? Most cats do not like food to come into close contact with dishes. In addition, in a narrow container, some of the food may be inaccessible to the tongue. That’s why cats love to eat from a wide, low container, or even better, from the floor.

    Why don't cats like sweets? It turns out that it's all about a defective taste receptor gene. Cats simply do not know what sweet is; they cannot taste it. Molecular analysis shows that big cats There is also such a defective gene, and most likely it was this that helped shape the development of their carnivorous behavior.

    Why don't cats hurt themselves when they fall even from a great height? Having studied the circumstances of many successful animal falls, scientists have found that cats are helped by the so-called “parachute effect”: their legs lengthen and their bodies expand, reducing the speed of their fall. At a minimum height, cats use, first of all, the elasticity of their paws.
    Another explanation: when falling from a great height, a cat presses its paws and tail to its body and flies, spinning - thereby slowing down its fall. And before landing he straightens his paws.

    Why does a cat shake its paws? To show disgust for something, a cat raises its paws and shakes them. This may be due to the instinctive action of shaking off water, which is unpleasant for most cats.

    Why do cats hide when they are sick? Instinct tells the cat that when he is weak, he is easy prey for a predator, so during periods of illness, cats try to hide from possible dangers.

    Facts about cat vision. Cats need 1/6th the amount of light needed by humans to see. In the dark, a cat's eye even uses light reflected from the retina. Cats, unlike dogs, cannot focus their gaze on nearby objects, that is, cats are farsighted, and dogs are nearsighted. Cats can see up to 60 meters away. Their peripheral vision is approximately 285 degrees. In fact, a cat sees best at a distance of 75 cm to 2-6 meters. If the pupils are dilated despite bright lighting, the cat is very interested in something or is in a playful mood. Cats have round, slanted and almond-shaped eyes. A kitten's eye color may change as it ages.

    Facts about cat hearing. Cats perceive sound frequencies in the range from 50 to 60 kHz. The dog reacts to a sound with a frequency of about 40 kHz. A person is able to detect sounds with a frequency of 20 kHz. A cat's sensitivity to sound volume is 3 times higher than that of a human. The cat's ear rotates 180 degrees. A cat has 32 muscles in each ear, and they use twelve or more muscles to control the ear.

    Facts about cat whiskers (vibrissae). Vibrissae (lat. vibrissae, from vibro - oscillate, wriggle), large, protruding above the surface of the coat, sensitive (tactile) hair in mammals. A cat has an average of 12 movable whiskers on each side of its face. At the base of the mustache there is a large number of nerve endings, so with the help of them the cat receives information about everything that surrounds it - about objects, about wind, about temperature, etc. If a cat's whiskers are removed, it may have poor spatial orientation, for example, difficulty hunting and generally feel insecure. The whiskers help the cat determine whether it will fit through the hole. If a cat's whiskers point forward, she is very interested in something. Or in skirmishes he wants to scare his opponent. If the whiskers point back, the cat is scared and avoids touching. When the cat is calm, the whiskers are directed to the sides.

    How old is your cat by human standards? If your cat is 3 years old, that is equivalent to a human being 21 years old. If 8 years, then in human terms - 40. If 14, then 70 human years. Average lifespan domestic cat- 15 years, while for wild ones - from 3 to 5 years.

    Do not pick up a kitten or cat by the scruff of the neck. Only cats can do this without harm, and only with their kittens.

    Never feed a cat dog food. The protein requirement of cats is 5 times greater than that of dogs.

    What do we know about cats? That in Egypt they personified the goddess Bastet. Once the Phoenicians took advantage of this: during the war, they tied cats to their shields, and the Egyptians, so as not to shoot at the sacred animal, surrendered without a fight.

    We know that in Europe, during the witch hunts, cats, mostly black ones, were burned along with witches. In Russia, on the contrary, mustachioed striped animals are the only animals that are allowed to live in churches and monasteries.

    We also know that cats walk on their own and heal people. By stroking the soft fur, you can lower your blood pressure. And how much joy these animals bring! And at the same time they create a cozy and calm environment. Oh yes, they also catch mice! Those who have not forgotten how.

    What is known from history

    Domestic cats came to us through the Black Sea. The earliest finds of cat skeletons in human settlements on the northern coast date back to the 2nd-5th centuries AD, and by the 6th century the small animals reached the outskirts of modern Pskov. In the Middle Ages in Rus', in the Metropolitan Code of Law, the same penalty was assigned for the theft or murder of a cat as for a good working ox.

    Engraving from the 18th century.

    The fact that she patronized the cats herself Orthodox Church, there is nothing surprising. Tradition says that when the Byzantine monk Athanasius, who founded the Athos monastery, climbed Mount Athos, he was accompanied by a cat. And it so happened that this cute pet killed the snake, which intended to attack the monk. Since then, cats have lived in every cell of the monastery.

    And Muslims respect cats because the prophet Mohammed loved them very much. They say that he once even cut off the edge of his clothes so as not to disturb the kitten sleeping there.
    By the 18th century, the cat had already become a very common animal that lived in almost every household: ordinary people fully appreciated the role of purrs in the destruction of harmful rodents. One day, Empress Elizaveta Petrovna issued a decree: “”... having found the best and best breeds of local breeds in Kazan big cats, convenient for catching mice, send to St. Petersburg.” In honor of this decree, a monument to the “Cat of Kazan” was erected in Kazan on the central pedestrian street of the city.

    Kazan cat.

    Elizabeth probably had in mind the ubiquitous Siberian cats. This breed arose in Siberia on its own from the crossing of domestic cats with wild reed brothers. By the way, even today in deserted areas it happens that a pet brings kittens from a wild reed dad. If, of course, they are still found in this area.

    Siberian cat.

    What folk legends say

    Cats were noted not only in the south, in Egyptian mythology, but also in the north, in Scandinavian mythology. True, there they only carried the goddess Freya. It was in vain that Matroskin said that there are no sled cats.

    Harness of the goddess Freya.

    Probably, the modern, quite popular Norwegian Forest breed originated from them.

    Norwegian forest

    In Lithuania, a cat opposes the god Perkunas. The Lithuanian devil turns into a black cat. True, sometimes the cat acts as a snake fighter - an opponent of the terrible fiery serpent. By the way, cats actually perform the task of mongooses - they kill snakes. There are often cases when they saved people from dangerous, sometimes fatal reptile bites. Newspapers write about this from time to time. In our country, the last such note about the miraculous rescue of a girl was back in the USSR. So the legend about Athanasius of Athos has very good grounds.

    Snake Fighter Cat

    Many peoples believe that cats bring good luck, although this does not always benefit the cats themselves. For example, in England, when building a new house, it was supposed to bury a cat, preferably a black one, under the porch. And they buried it. And it’s also good if they killed quickly first. Otherwise they could have buried her alive.

    Black cat.

    But in Russia, the cat killer will not see any luck for seven years. A three-colored purr living in the house will bring good luck, and a seven-colored one will generally provide lasting happiness and prosperity.


    From childhood, we all remember the cunning and intelligent Cat Kotofeich, who either saves the roosters or, thanks to clever tricks and an alliance with the fox, forces the wolf and the bear to bring meat for themselves. We remember the harmful Cat-Bayun and Pushkin’s wonderful storyteller and singer, who “walks around the chain.” For the Strugatskys, he turned into the cat Vasily, suffering from sclerosis. What can you do about age... And the incomparable cat Behemoth?

    Cat Baiyun.

    In other words, such an ordinary and familiar, domestic, but very independent animal continues to inspire us to create our own modern history and mythology.

    In this article you can find out the most interesting facts about cats. .

    • 1. The most ancient representatives of the cat family existed more than 50 million years ago.
    • 2. Cats can turn their ears 180 degrees. They achieve this thanks to the special structure of the organ. Each ear consists of 32 muscles, twelve of which animals use very actively.
    • 3. A cat’s heart beats faster than a human’s: up to 140 beats per minute.
    • 4. Cats’ favorite activity, purring, occurs about one and a half thousand times per minute.
    • 5. Cats live on average 15-17 years. It is believed that by the age of three this animal reaches twenty-one in our opinion, and a ten-year-old cat is already elderly.
    • 6. Everyone knows that cats love the smell of valerian. Have you heard that these animals are not indifferent to garlic, coffee, vinegar, grapes and onions? Unfortunately, these products are harmful to our pets. So keep them away.
    • 7. Aspirin is deadly for cats.
    • 8. Interesting Facts about cats also concerns children. For example, the first two months of a kitten’s life are decisive for their entire subsequent life.
    • 9. If the kitten was born in big family, with a large number of people, then he will easily adapt to a change of environment.
    • 10. Kittens get self-confidence and friendliness from their dad.

    • 11. Cats like food at room temperature, not from the refrigerator.
    • 12. If you have several cats in your house, feed them from separate bowls. This is because these animals are predators and competitors by nature.
    • 13. Your pet should not be a vegetarian. It is meat that contains an important substance for its health – arginine (amino acid).
    • 14. Cats love to live clean. Therefore, never place a food bowl or litter box near their sleeping area. These animals follow this rule even in the wild.
    • 15. Cats require their own territory, ten times larger than for cats.

    • 16. Cats cannot tolerate closed spaces and stale air. Therefore, always ventilate your home and do not close the interior doors.
    • 17. When cats lick their fur, they also comb it. After all, their tongue has hooks and combs that are convenient for this activity.
    • 18. Cats have a unique print that is not repeated between two individuals. This is a nose print.
    • 19. Cats sleep a third of the time of the day. Oh, a third of the remaining time they take care of themselves.
    • 20. Cats are unique animals. They perceive odors 14 times better than humans and can hear sounds at a frequency of 60 kHz. For comparison: people - 20 kHz, dogs - 40 kHz.

    • 21.Cats make up to a hundred different sounds. And, for example, dogs - up to ten.
    • 22. Cats have a hard time seeing small items, for example, a piece of treat right under your nose. The best distance for their vision is from 75 centimeters to six meters.
    • 23. Cats perceive all information about the world around them with the help of their whiskers. There are about a dozen of them on each side. Each of which begins with vibris (the base of the whiskers), on which a large number of nerve endings are collected. Therefore, if a cat's whiskers are trimmed, it will not be able to hunt and will be insecure.
    • 24. You've probably noticed that cats love to rub against people. She does this not at all out of love for her owner. In this way, cats eliminate the smell of others from the glands that are located at the base of the tail and in the area between the eyes and ears.
    • 25. Cats are famous home healers. According to scientists, it is enough to stroke your pet to lower blood pressure and calm down. Therefore, in a house where cats live, stress is easier to bear, and the family becomes more harmonious and friendly.

    We offer you nine funny and interesting things about cats that you should know if you have a tailed and mustachioed pet at home.

    1.Cats love you as much as you love them.

    The cat will not stop playing with you if they see you walking with your friends on the playground without it. Also, they will not be angry with you if you did not pay attention to them. Cats are loyal creatures, and even when you return home after a long and tiring day at work, they will tolerate any name calling, rub against you and purr.

    Also cats will never leave the house. No matter where they walk, and no matter how long it takes, they will always return home. Cats have amazing memories and will remember you even if you were separated for a long time. The bond between this pet and its owner is unbreakable.

    2. Cats are individuals just like people.

    Cats can be the most different shapes and sizes (large, small, fat, thin, long or short tails, with long or short fur). But besides this, they, just like people, have their own individuality. Some of them are sloths and like to just lie on the couch all day. Others, on the contrary, are active and playful, spending a lot of time playing outside with other cats or climbing trees. Third, they enjoy the company of people and do not leave their owners a single step.

    That is, their behavior is varied, just like humans. And we can say that cats also have a temperament.

    3. Cats provide health benefits to their owners.

    This is a good reason to get a cat. Scientists from the University at Buffalo set out to find out how pets can affect human blood pressure. To do this, they conducted a study that involved non-smoking men and women whose blood pressure was measured over a period of time. During the study, random participants were asked to adopt cats. It turned out that people who had cats at home had a significant decrease in blood pressure and also a reduced risk of stress.

    In general, scientists say that people who have cats at home look much happier and healthier.

    4. You don't have to walk your cat in the mornings and evenings

    90% of domestic cats are litter box trained. And even if your a pet for some reason does not want to deal with the litter box, then you can always send the cat outside to relieve itself. At the same time, only 65% ​​of dogs can restrain themselves until their owners arrive, so they can do their business anywhere in the apartment or house. Thus, dogs damage carpets and furniture.

    Therefore, cats in this aspect are more independent and tidy. They save their owners a large amount of money.

    5. Cats clean themselves

    Cleanliness is a key factor for humans. The same applies to cats, who constantly lick themselves at the first appearance of dirt on their fur. This is very beneficial for the owners, since they need to be bathed not every day, but once a week or even once a month.

    Also, some cat owners claim that their pets do not like clutter in the house, and therefore they start cleaning themselves, rearranging things to the places where they were previously. This is also one of the unique features of these pets.

    6. You can tell your cat everything that hurts you.

    As we mentioned above, cats - best friends person. You can talk to them on absolutely any topic, and if you are sad, they can cheer you up, snuggle up to you, purr, etc. Or you can watch your favorite movie together.

    7. Cats love our feet the most.

    So far, scientists have not been able to find a scientific answer to the fact that 95% of cats love to lie at human feet. And especially when it’s winter outside, and you’re lying under a warm blanket, in a few hours (or maybe minutes) your beloved pet will be next to you, and he will definitely crawl under the bed and lie at your feet.

    The same applies to moments when you are sitting on the sofa or in a chair in front of the TV. The cat will pass by anyway and will walk on its knees.
    By the way, psychologists say that people who live alone and have a cat are less likely to suffer from depression and stress. This is why cats are so helpful, especially having them around you.

    Cats are many people's pets. But how much do we know about them? Surely everyone has heard the story of how one cat helped in the discovery of iodine, which is used everywhere today. The animal knocked over the flasks with different materials, after mixing which it was possible to discover such useful substance. Below you will find interesting facts about cats and kittens that will surprise any person.

    In history, there are many cases of record-breaking cats who became famous for various achievements. Not long ago, the loudest cat in the world was found. The animal's rumbling is 932 decibels, which is similar to the noise of a landing plane. The cat is 12 years old and lives with the Adams family, who complain that his rumbling disrupts their standard of living; the family cannot watch TV, talk on the phone or sleep in silence. Smokey makes sounds that are 4 times louder than any other cat.

    It's no secret that cats need whiskers for touch. On average, their length does not exceed 7 centimeters, but we managed to find an animal whose whiskers are about 20 centimeters long. Missy the cat lives in Finland.

    As a rule, cats do not give birth to one kitten at a time; their offspring are 2-4 animals. But Antigone, who lives in the USA, gave birth to 19 kittens at one time in 1970. And the cat Dusty was able to bear and give birth to 420 babies in her life.

    Cats are also famous for their records. One Scottish cat managed to catch 28,899 mice during his life. The animal died when he was 21 years old. On average he caught 4 mice a day.

    Traveling cats

    It has long been proven that cats can find their home and their owner if they get lost. There are many cases where animals were taken into the forest, but they returned to their owners. One story caused a stir when a New York cat covered a distance of more than 3.5 kilometers and found its owner. The fact is that when moving, he forgot the animal with him, and he came to new house 5 months later he took his usual place in the corner of the room, curled up.

    A Japanese cat found its owners after traveling more than 1,000 kilometers. The animal was given to a peasant family, but when one of their daughters moved, she decided to take the pet with her. Arriving at the new place, she discovered that the cat was nowhere to be found, and a year later he himself returned to his previous owners.

    Animal health

    Cats often lick themselves not only to clean themselves of dirt. In this way they lick substances containing vitamin B, which is necessary to regulate mental state. If the animal does not do this, it will become very nervous and may even die.

    Few people know that the pattern on an animal’s nose is unique, just like a person’s fingerprints.

    Normal body temperature can be called the range from 38 to 39.5 degrees. In a calm state, the animal's pulse rate does not exceed 110 beats per minute. In order for a cat to enjoy its food, it must be at the same temperature as the animal itself. A picky pet may refuse a hot or cold dish, no matter how hungry it is.

    Animals, like humans, have different groups blood: A, B, AB. As practice shows, Eastern and Russian breeds have the first blood group. Group B can also occur frequently. But AB is very rare in nature. If a cat has group B, then he can be mated with any cat, and if A, then only with a female who has a similar group.

    The average lifespan of an animal is 18 years, but in history there was a recorded case when a pet lived for 36 years.

    Cats are unique pets that can fly to a height of 5 times their own height and make up to 100 sounds, while dogs only 10.

    As the facts about cats say, females are most often right-handed, and males are left-handed. And only 25% of animals perform actions with both front paws.

    Don't think that all cats love valerian. If there are animals that do not react in any way to the smell of the plant. Only animals that have a special gene will smell and lick substances. But you should not often pamper your pet with the plant, as it can die from an overdose.

    If a cat is sick, then under no circumstances should you treat it with human medications, since even Aspirin can lead to the death of the animal, let alone strong drugs. If your pet is not feeling well, you should take it to the vet.

    Appearance of the animal

    Few people know, but most animals do not have eyelashes. Cats have the most big eyes among all animals in relation to their height and weight. If the animal has a green tint to its eyes, then flashing lights can be seen at a distance of up to 80 meters.

    The wagging of the tail indicates an upcoming choice. For example, if an animal is thinking whether or not to go outside while standing in front of an open door, its tail will sway. When he makes a decision, the tail will gradually stop.

    It is very rare, but you can still find a red-black cat in nature. And if such a specimen is born, it will be sterile. The thing is that such an animal has only a female set of chromosomes.

    Cat food

    In order to feed your cat, you need to know a few facts about its nutrition. Many owners, seeing how an animal sniffs food, think that it is picky and sniffs out whether it should eat it or not. Actually this is not true. And animals will check the temperature of the food in this way so as not to get burned. You need to know that a cat cannot see what is located under its nose, which is why it does not immediately eat the food that you put in front of it.

    It is known that not all cats hunt mice. But those who eat them save up to 10 tons of grain per year. The skin of rodents is of greatest value, as it is rich in microelements, mainly sulfur. Animals need it for the health and beauty of their fur.

    Other characteristics of animals regarding food include the following:

    • animals cannot stand the smell of citrus fruits;
    • sweets for cats are tasteless;
    • There is no need to feed your cat dog food, as their need for proteins is 5 times higher.

    Rest and sleep

    Cats love to sleep, and it’s hard not to notice if you have a friend with 4 legs in your house. The average duration of sleep for an animal is 18 hours, the same as for a newborn baby. Don't wake up your cat, let him sleep as long as he wants.

    A cat's favorite material is rustling paper, on which the pet will sleep. Surely, you have noticed more than once how, after playing too much, your pet fell asleep among the sheets he had crumpled. This material is soft and warm to the touch for them. Animals really do not like confined spaces, and therefore it is necessary that all doors in the house are open.

    Animals choose a place to sleep based on their character traits. If the animal is sociable and loves human affection, then the back of a chair or sofa is considered a convenient place for her. If the owner doesn’t mind, then they can sleep on his lap or in slippers.

    Like people, cats dream, this is evidenced by the fact that during sleep they move their whiskers and ears. But scientists still have not been able to identify what animals dream about. A male needs a resting area 10 times larger than a female.

    Favorite colors

    For a long time, scientists believed that cats cannot distinguish colors. However, after numerous studies it was possible to prove that animals, like humans, are capable of distinguishing shades. Their most favorite colors are the following:

    • crimson;
    • burgundy;
    • red;
    • cherry.

    This can be explained simply, because all these are shades of the cat’s favorite treat - meat. According to research, it has been proven that animals like brown and yellow. But orange and blue tints cause cats to panic – perhaps this is due to a fear of water and fire. We managed to find out that cats different shades react differently to different colors, which means each animal has its own favorite.

    Animals in service

    If you have never heard that pets can also serve, then the facts about cats and cats will surprise you. These animals can better than dogs recognize odors. First world war a detachment of animals was created that detected the appearance of poisonous gases in the air.

    In London there is a department at the post office where only cats work and even receive wages. Their main task is to protect parcels from rodents. Animals have been performing this activity for 130 years.

    Cats are smart animals, and even a newborn baby can survive without a mother. Of course, at first it will be difficult for him to navigate in space, but over time the animal will get used to it and develop the skills of an adult animal. Don't think that animals are afraid of water. If they need to, they will even climb into a pond for prey. And when the owners try to wash them and force them into the water, the cats sense danger and can become aggressive.

    These are not all interesting facts about cats and cats, but only the most outstanding and memorable ones.

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