• Statements of great and successful people about attention. Statuses about attention and aphorisms, quotes about attention Phrases about attention to a woman


    Text Sayings, aphorisms and quotes from great and famous people" :

    Whoever is not content with little, but directs his gaze to much and far away, without thinking about causes and consequences, will achieve the same thing as flies: it’s not enough for them to fly to flowers and trees, so they end up being crushed, sometimes flying into elephant ears .
    John of Damascus
    Attention, Desires, Wisdom, Success

    I know the face of ostentatious attention: this is the deepest degree of absent-mindedness.
    Georg C. Lichtenberg
    Attention, Life Quotes

    You don’t need to read too much and, most importantly, creatively.<...>Every author must be treated carefully, and then you can fish out a pearl from the sea of ​​his words.
    Alexander A. Blok
    Attention, Motivational Quotes, Creativity, Reading

    Many women have made brilliant careers by only knowing how to listen, and besides, it is not necessary to listen: it is enough to pretend.
    Andre Maurois
    Attention, Women, Career

    Life distracts our attention all the time; and we don’t even have time to notice why exactly.
    Franz Kafka
    Attention, Life, Meaning, Philosophy

    A man is already half in love with every woman who listens to him talk.
    Francis Bacon
    Attention, Wise Quotes, Man

    If they don’t notice you demonstratively, it means they are seriously interested in you.
    Henry D. Thoreau

    Those who, while listening, do not understand, are like the deaf, as evidenced by the saying: “While present, they are absent.”
    Heraclitus of Ephesus

    The doctor must also monitor the conditions in which the patient is located, paying attention to the need for clean air, absence of odors and noise.
    Attention, Doctors, Wise Quotes

    Any comparison of objects with each other presupposes attention; every attention presupposes effort, and every effort presupposes an impulse that compels it to be done. A person devoid of desires - if such a person could exist - would not compare objects with each other and would not make any judgments.
    Claude A. Helvetius
    Attention, Desires, Efforts

    Caring, that is, consideration for others, is the basis of a good life, the basis of a good society.
    Attention, Caring, Wise Quotes

    Train yourself not to be inattentive to what another says, and delve as much as you can into the soul of the speaker.
    Marcus Aurelius
    Attention, Soul, Motivational Quotes, Conversation, Word

    True love cannot be unrequited, and if love does fail, it is due to lack of attention to the one you love. True love, first of all, is attentive, and rapprochement depends on the strength of attention.
    Mikhail M. Prishvin
    Attention, Love, Motivational Quotes

    There are people who need to excel at all costs: in the theater, on the throne, on the scaffold, they will always feel good if only they attract attention to themselves.
    Nicola de Chamfort

    The tears of old people are as terrible as the tears of children are natural.
    Honore de Balzac
    Attention, Life, Tears, Old Age, Feelings

    Our life is a great temptation, and no one knows it,
    a great storm - and no one notices.
    John Chrysostom
    Great, Attention, Life, Temptation

    The price of victory is constant vigilance.
    Thomas Jefferson
    Attention, Victory

    Sayings, quotes and aphorisms about attention and mindfulness

    « Attention to detail greatly determines the successful implementation of business ideas." Richard Branson

    « The art of being wise is knowing what to ignore." James W.

    « Any comparison of objects with each other presupposes attention; all attention presupposes understanding features of attention development and effort, and every effort is an impulse that forces you to do it. A person devoid of desires - if such a person could exist - would not compare objects with each other and would not make any judgments." Helvetius K.

    « Nothing new may be said from the pulpit, but everything that is said deserves attention; at least for the sake of understanding where you ended up! Borisov V.

    « Little things generously thank attentive people for their attention." Khomutsy

    « Knowing what not to pay attention to is just as important as knowing what to focus onWarren Edward Buffett

    « Every moment can change the outcome of the fight; loss of attention can bring defeat or death!» Akbar D.

    « The obvious very often escapes the attention of many people.." Deaver D.

    « You should be careful. Not suspicious, but only attentive.» Denisenko O.

    « Nothing in the Universe is accidental. Your past actions boomerang law they return not to punish you, but to attract your attention. They are like guiding clues to solving a mystery.." Chopra D.

    « Our attention is our most valuable resource. What we pay attention to multiplies in our lives." Pavel Durov

    « Inattention is a crime for creation

    « Too concentrated attention must be diluted with action." Tatarkin Yu.

    « People are accustomed to not paying attention to what surrounds them. “The closer an object is to you, the more you despise it,” right?» Heyer D.

    « The more absurd and rude a detail seems to you, the more attention it deserves. Those circumstances that at first glance only complicate the matter, most often lead you to the solution." Conan Doyle A.

    « Contempt for the small - disdain for the big." Aleev R.

    « The most important thing is to be careful. Pay attention to everything around you, everything you see, everything that others don’t notice - and you will know what others don’t know.

    « The more carefully you listen to your inner voice, the better you begin to hear the voices of the outside world.." Hammarskjöld D.

    « I know the face of ostentatious attention: this is the deepest degree of absent-mindedness." Lichtenberg G.

    « The one who knows how to be attentive knows how to remember.." Johnson S.

    « Contradiction should awaken attention, not feelings." Fuller T.

    « Train yourself not to be inattentive to what another says, and delve as much as you can into the soul of the speaker

    « Don't be content with a superficial glance. Neither the originality of each thing nor its dignity should escape you.» Aurelius M.

    « Learn to look for signs and follow them." Paulo Coelho


    « Those people who do not notice how other people became drunkards become drunkards." Khomutsy

    « When it flies into one ear and flies out of the other, then it flies into both at once." Sukhorukov L.

    « Miser pays twice. Absent-minded - three times." Ivanov A.

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    To get rid of people's close attention, you need to create the illusion of openness.

    If you want to win a man's attention, don't pay attention to him.

    If someone truly loves you, they won't make you feel like you have to constantly compete for their attention.

    If you don't pay attention to the difficulties, they will get offended and leave.

    Know how to wait. People who weren't paying attention to you will eventually look your way. The main thing is not to forget about constant self-improvement.

    Statuses are an opportunity to express your thoughts, emotions, and experiences. Or just to attract attention to yourself.

    When a girl gets married, she exchanges the attention of many men for the inattention of one. Helen Rowland

    If people paid more attention to themselves, they would be much happier.

    The most expensive gift for a woman is attention!!! And such a gift costs much less than any other!!!

    Pay more attention to the woman and you will achieve mutual understanding.

    Life distracts our attention all the time; and we don’t even have time to notice why exactly. Franz Kafka

    One who is spoiled by attention is won with patience!

    Gossip is a way to attract attention to yourself through really interesting personalities.

    A girl cares about men's attention... Only because she feels needed...

    Status is just an attempt to attract attention..

    The forest speaks many languages. Listen carefully, but never answer...

    All you need for happiness is attention...

    - Honey, I want attention
    - ATTENTION, now there will be ATTENTION.

    A well-invented status can attract the attention of the person you need...

    But I just need attention, otherwise I start going crazy and attacking innocent people. a lack of vitamin E, B, C in organism...

    There is no greater disappointment for a woman than the inattention of a man whom she deliberately ignores.

    It infuriates you when they write to you - “Hello! How are you?” ? You know, this is a sign of attention!

    I am like Small child, - when I don’t have enough attention, I cry, when there is too much, it annoys me.

    If a girl says: “The main thing is not the gift, the main thing is attention!” I assure you, the main thing is the gift!)

    It takes effort to win a girl. To keep - attention. To lose - indifference.

    Wedding rings on the newlyweds' car mean: Attention! The initial score is 0:0!

    Warning: Excessive alcohol consumption may make you think that your ex-boyfriend glad to hear your voice at 3 am.

    I'm walking down the street in flat-soled flip-flops, trousers and a T-shirt... zero attention... BUT all I have to do is put on shoes and a dress... wow, I turn out to be a beauty...

    And she always lacks male attention... She is used to loving only from a distance... And she has never been spoiled by cigarette smoke... For her in this life there are no irreplaceables...

    A modern girl thinks for a long time about what status to give herself so that a guy will pay attention))

    You should never run for happiness, you won’t catch it... you just need to pay attention to something else, and happiness itself will knock on your door..

    The person I love doesn’t pay attention to me, but the person who is in love with me becomes closer...

    You can’t often tell a person that you love him... he can get used to these words and not pay attention to them!

    Wife: - You guys only have sex on your mind, but we women need attention... Husband: - Attention, now there will be sex!

    I want to be a little child... who gets everything... love, attention and affection.

    When a girl asks for gifts, she is bad. When she asks for attention, she is bad. When she doesn’t ask for anything, she’s good, but she already has everything and she doesn’t need you.

    Happiness is like a butterfly. If you chase it, it will fly away, and if you turn your attention to other things, it will land on your shoulder.

    You listen so intently as if you have nothing to say.

    Little things generously thank attentive people for their attention.

    It’s not the attention that’s expensive, it’s the consequences of his treatment that are expensive... Andrey Pienis

    Even just listening to your interlocutor carefully and with an open heart, you can touch his soul.

    It is better to be the center of attention, having a scandalous reputation, than to be in a primitive herd of those who do not understand...

    Life distracts our attention all the time; and we don’t even have time to notice why exactly.

    The first thing I notice about guys is their hair. Then on the eyes. Then on the lips. Then on my neck... In general, my Internet is slow.

    Do you want people to pay attention to you? Do you want to become recognizable and unique? Most The best way achieve all these goals - hosting is incredible interesting statuses.

    Statuses about attention and aphorisms, quotes about attention

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