• Why are black and white pictures needed for the development of vision in newborns? The first black and white pictures for baby development (from zero to six months)


    Vision develops only when it is engaged .

    Babies spend their first weeks and months of life learning to see the world. During this period, such skills as gaze fixation, friendly movements of both eyes, depth recognition, development of visual-tactile reactions, and spatial perception develop. Initially, the more visual information your baby receives, the more actively his brain develops. Therefore, a child whose environment is visually enriched is more calm and attentive during wakefulness than a child deprived of stimulation.
    The first and most important visual objects that have a stimulating effect on the development of a baby’s vision from birth are the faces of mom and dad. Therefore, look at your child as often as possible, communicate with him, smile.
    In second place are contrasting black and white structured images that the baby can “examine.” Looking at how my Main Reader liked to look at the autumn black tree branches against the light sky, I always regretted that we didn’t have a panda, a zebra, or at least a Dalmatian at home.

    The period from birth to six months is extremely important for the development of a child’s vision, since it is during this time that the eyeball, the pathways leading from it to the brain, and those parts of the brain that are responsible for receiving and processing visual information are most quickly and intensively formed. Psychophysiologists are considering this age period, as critical for the formation of the visual system. It is the first six months of a child’s life that is the most sensitive to external stimulation time for the development of the visual system, optimal for conducting classes. As a result of such exercises, visual functions improve: light perception, visual acuity, color perception, contrast sensitivity, field of view. Classes can be carried out on a changing table, in a crib, on a bed, etc., but it is better that the light source is behind the baby’s head, i.e. It is more convenient to place the child’s head towards the window.

    In the first months of life, it is important to develop two visual skills: to fix and examine an object, and to trace it. Here are a number of exercises with pictures for fixation and tracing that will help your baby ( F - fixation, P - tracking):

    0-1 month:
    At birth, your baby's field of vision is limited - 30 degrees to the left and right of him, 10 degrees above and below, at a distance of no more than 90 cm from the body. His vision is 10 to 30 percent less sharp than yours, making it harder for him to see fine lines. He sees them as a blurry gray mass. In addition, newborns benefit from contrasting black-and-white patterns more than colors because during this period their rods (cells in the retina that are sensitive to low light and only distinguish between black and white) work better than their cones (cells that see color). in bright light). In the first month of life, babies prefer simple geometric shapes, checks, stripes, dots, straight and broken lines over curved and wavy ones.
    Already at 10 days, the baby can keep a moving object in his field of vision (stepped addition), and at 20 days he can focus his gaze on a stationary object and on the face of an adult talking to him. By the end of the month, he tries to follow a slowly moving black and white object or the face of an adult at a distance of 20-30 cm. He notices objects and examines them for a short time.

    F: Show and also attach sheets of paper with black and white contrasting patterns to the walls of the crib. Change them as difficulty increases. This will help the baby focus his eyes. Black and white photographs of mom and dad will also work.

    It is useful to make a black and white mobile for your child. You can hang it on a hanger, having previously made notches on it for threads, or on crossed pencils. It’s even easier to buy a ready-made rotating mobile in the store and temporarily change the hanging toys to black and white ones.

    P: Show your baby a picture at a distance of about 30 cm from the eyes. The child will notice her and fix her gaze on her. Slowly move the picture to the right, then to the left (horizontal tracking). In the future, bring the picture closer to the baby and remove it again (20cm - 1 meter - vertical tracking).

    1 - 3 months:
    The baby can clearly focus his vision on objects at a distance of about 30 cm and usually begins to smile and examine the details of his face and patterns. He is especially attracted to images of circles, rings, spots. In addition, he will look more closely at the outer edges of the drawings than at the middle.
    The child is already following the object when he is taken a little to the side. Within 1-2 minutes he can visually concentrate on a stationary object. By the end of the third month of life, he turns his gaze to an object that appears in the field of vision: from the side, from above, from below. He follows an object moving in all directions at a distance of 20-80 cm. He waits for the appearance of an object that has disappeared from his field of vision.

    F: Pictures can be hung on the walls throughout the house - the baby can already visually focus in an upright position (in the arms of an adult), so interesting walks await him.

    P: At this age, complicate the trajectory of objects for tracking. To the horizontal and vertical movements of the picture in a straight line, add tracking along two diagonals, in an arc, in a circle, following the wave-like movement of the picture. Now you can trace pictures not only while lying on your back, but also vertically in the arms of your mother or father, and while lying on your stomach (when the baby holds his head confidently). Tracing objects in a circle can be trained using a mobile device by removing all objects from it except one.

    3 - 4 months:
    The baby begins to like more complex drawings; straight and broken lines are replaced by curved lines and shapes.
    In addition, he remembers what he saw, watches a moving object, shifts his gaze and turns his head in its direction. During this period, the development of color perception occurs because the cones in the retina begin to work intensively.

    F: You can introduce color (it’s worth trying from two months; in some children, cones mature earlier). At first, the baby is able to perceive red and yellow colors, a little later - green and blue. Then you can show any colors in in no particular order and combinations.

    To fix the color, show your baby alternately, with an interval of 30 seconds, two pictures with a flower, differing only in color (they have the same shape and size). Do the same to fix the shape with images of a butterfly and a Christmas tree (the color of the objects is the same).

    1. Take one of the pictures and a thick sheet of white paper of the same size. Show your baby the picture at a distance of 30-50 cm. Make sure he has fixed it, and then cover half of the picture with a white sheet. After 30 seconds, show the whole picture again.
    2. Do the same thing, but this time hide not half, but the whole picture at once behind a white sheet.
    3. Take two pictures and a white sheet of paper, folding them one by one, like a deck of cards: a picture, a white sheet, another picture. Show your child the first picture, and after he fixes it, remove it to the end of the “deck.” A white sheet will appear. After 20-30 seconds, show the second picture. The baby will be surprised.

    4-6 months:
    By 4 months, the child sees all colors and can focus his vision on both near and distant objects, the images received from the right and left eyes begin to combine into one - the baby develops binocular vision and visual depth perception. He will still prefer curves to straight lines and strive for more complex drawings. At this age, kids love to look at folk crafts - Zhostovo trays, Khokhloma, Gzhel, ornaments and carpet patterns. It turns out that in addition to receiving aesthetic pleasure, contemplating them is an excellent training for the child’s visual system - they have rhythm, symmetry and asymmetry, clarity and precision of the composition.

    F: Show your child two pictures at the same time. The baby will look from one drawing to another. Show your child the picture reflected in the mirror.

    P: You will need a picture and a thick sheet of white paper about 40 cm wide. Show the picture to the baby at a distance of 50-60 cm. Let the child fixate it. Then slowly move it horizontally into the child's field of vision. After 2-3 displays, take a white sheet with your other hand and hold it in front of the child’s eyes so that the picture disappears behind it along its path and then appears on the other side.
    If the child has already formed an understanding that an object that has disappeared from the field of view, firstly, does not cease to exist, and, secondly, continues to move, then you will be able to see how the baby will turn his gaze to the place where the picture will appear from behind the sheet.

    You can draw black and white drawings yourself, or you can print out the same ones as ours.

    To obtain printed materials, you can here: (black and white pictures and ready-made scans for homemade mobiles, color pictures, Khokhloma, Gzhel, ornaments and carpet patterns).

    It remains to be said that moderation and good mood mother and baby. Play when the baby is happy, calm and not very tired, for example, after feeding. Do not get carried away only by visual-indicative reactions. For holistic development, it is important to stimulate and interact with all the child’s sensory organs: hearing, touch, smell, taste. And remember that the most important thing for the development of the visual system is not the number and variety of pictures, but mother’s smiling face.

    List of used literature:
    1. Sears W., Sears.M. Your baby from birth to two years. - M.: Eksmo, 2010. - 912 p.
    2. Ivanova L.V. I am a mother. Health and development of the child from birth to one year. - St. Petersburg: Publishing House “Neva”; M.: “OLMA-PRESS Grand”, 2002. - 448 p.
    3. Brewer S. Superchild. Before birth and after. - M.: Potpourri, 2003. - 256 p.
    4. Results of psychological and pedagogical research neuropsychic development children of the first year of life, incl. N.M. Kelovanov, S.M. Krivina, E.L. Frucht, K.L. Pechora, G.V. Pantyukhina, L.G. Golubeva and others.

    Dresses with polka dots, leopard print, with a gradient, as well as with a contrasting, abstract pattern, “angle”. How do they affect your figure? examples. Photo.

    This article is a continuation , where we have already looked at some of the patterns on the fabric and their features. I repeat: there are a lot of drawings and they all distort your figure in one way or another. The question is how to make each effect work for itself. So that in no case does it spoil the figure, but, on the contrary, makes it even more attractive. And all this is really possible, knowing the features and laws of optical illusion of the drawing.

    When starting to study clothing designs, you should familiarize yourself with more , which plays a huge role in the distortion of forms, and in the article we will resort to this knowledge more than once.

    Remember, beauty is knowledge and its practical application. And increasing them with each new “drop” you strive for perfect, inimitable femininity, which has been worshiped by both men and women for many centuries.

    Clothes drawings

    This design stands at a distance from seasonal fashion; its fickleness does not affect its popularity. Polka dots are as classic as black, white or gray colors. Polka dot dresses can always be found on sale at any time of the year.

    The variety of polka dot colors is also amazing: some greatly expand visually, others, on the contrary, slim, there are even those that practically do not distort the figure. What does this depend on?

    Polka dot dresses that make you look fat

    1) Dark peas on a white background.

    2) Frequent small peas on a light background

    3) Very large peas

    4) White polka dots on a bright, warm fabric (for example, white polka dots on red, yellow or orange fabric)

    5) Glitter peas

    Polka Dot Dresses That Don't Affect Your Figure

    1) Dark polka dots on light fabric arranged vertically

    2) Frequent white peas on a black background

    3) Medium, infrequent peas on a medium-light color of a cold shade (for example, white peas on a sea-green background)

    4) Dark peas on a color of medium lightness.

    Polka Dot Dresses That Slim

    1) Vertically arranged light, medium-sized peas on a dark background

    2) Rare, closer to small, white peas on a black background

    3) Rare medium peas light shades, but not white (it is important that there is less contrast) on a not bright background of a medium or dark shade, preferably a cool color (for example, yellow-orange peas against a denim color background)

    4) Dark peas, on a dark background

    When a shade fades into a lighter, brighter, or completely different color. This is how volume, richness of colors, and... figure modeling are achieved.

    Dim, cold, more dark colors visually reduce the volume. Bright, light, warm shades expand. Make sure that narrowing shades go to areas that are fuller than you would like, and plumping colors to thin areas.

    For example, women with a wide top and a narrow bottom are contraindicated in dresses with a gradient from a light top to a dark bottom.

    Dresses with "corner" patterns

    A corner is nothing more than two oblique lines converging at one point. And as you remember from , oblique lines do not distort the figure, but distract from it. This is all thanks to the introduction of dynamics. And since the two lines tend to reunite, reducing the distance between them, their priority will be the narrowing effect. They don’t just make you look slimmer, but force your eye to constantly scan from the beginning of the triangle to its end, which can distract from studying the figure.

    The sharper and longer the angle, the more slimming it is.

    For the visual deception of reduction, the horizontal or vertical location of the angle does not matter. They do not form new boundaries (like, for example, a vertical stripe), but conceal the volume of the figure.

    A large obtuse angle reduces the dynamics and can even make you fat.

    A frequent, obtuse, contrasting or variegated angle can also add volume rather than reduce it.

    A classic leopard print dress with small, oblong, dark brown spots on a light brown background. The spots are organized vertically, and there are lighter and darker vertical stripes on the background. Most often, the contrast between the spots and the background is not great.

    We can say with confidence: the leopard print of the dress is slimming.

    The pronounced effect will vary depending on the size of the spots and their contrast with the background. A larger or more contrasting pattern will be less slimming.

    Tiger dresses also have the effect of reducing volume, since tiger stripes are more reminiscent of a long, sharp angle, which we discussed above.

    Dress with a contrasting large pattern

    By contrast we mean big difference between color properties. So the highest contrast between light and dark is black and white. This is a very bright and discreet combination, but very dangerous in terms of distortion of the figure.

    Firstly, no more white or dark on the opposite background attracts attention, so both successful and unsuccessful correction will be visible.

    It is worth knowing that white lace or a frequent ornament on a dark background greatly expands the space. If the white pattern is placed horizontally along the hem of the dress, the hem will appear wider than it actually is. Women with wide hips or kicking it will lead to an even greater increase in volume.

    A vertically positioned white design framed by a black background makes the figure appear slimmer.

    The placement of the openwork pattern on the sides increases the volume.

    Black openwork on white expands less than white on black, but relative to plain black it makes it look fatter.

    Pattern: limited spots

    Small spots limited in area with a clear contour, organized vertically, are slimming.

    If the background is light, the pattern is warm and large enough, then an expansion effect is observed.

    The pattern of spots is plump and very contrasting, close to large-scale.

    But in any case, this pattern has more to do with the narrowing of the figure than a blurred one, since clearly defined spots, in turn, make it possible to draw the contours of the figure more clearly.

    Dresses with blurred abstract patterns

    Why does a baby need black and white images?

    “Infants in the first two months of life are still learning to focus their eyes and distinguish high-contrast images best. Among others, they prefer wide stripes, circles, broken and wavy lines in black and white. Newborns see best at a distance of 25-30 cm.” - here, in fact, is a summary of facts about the development of vision in infants, which are given in almost all books for young mothers.

    I read all this just before giving birth and made cards even before the birth of my second child. What can I do, I love all kinds of cards. With our first daughter, we skipped the “black and white” stage. Panic “develop, develop, develop!” It started when I was about 3 months old, and I decided to start right away with colored ones.

    My collection black and white pictures for kids you can download (there’s a lot of stuff there), and also from the VKontakte project group.

    So, I prepared cards with the outlines of animals (as it turned out, “for growth”: a newborn doesn’t understand much about them), and made cubes with black and white ornaments. Some of them were attached to the mobile (“the original” pendants were temporarily removed), the rest were also equipped with ribbons so that they could be simply placed on top of each other and hung somewhere.

    Finally, I remembered that I have a wonderful magazine from the publishing house “Karapuz” with geometric patterns for kids, so I printed out the cards and from there. By the way, they turned out to be the most popular among us.

    All books advise placing all this wealth in the crib, at a distance that is comfortable for the baby (these are 25-30 cm). With my eldest, I remember I also tried to measure something with a ruler, but even then I became convinced that many of the recommendations from books were far from reality. And one of them is that the baby does not lie in the crib. Therefore, our place for looking at pictures was a portable cradle, which most often ends up in the kitchen (mom needs to cook, feed the rest of the household and feed herself) or in the nursery (mom needs to entertain her older sister).

    By the way, the mobile soon also moved to the kitchen. The baby agrees to lie alone longer if there are other people nearby. And the crib is used only when I have business to do in the bedroom itself - the place where it is located, or when I read an older book at night (we all sleep in the same room).

    Where to use, where to attach

    By the way, the easiest way to attach pictures to the crib is to stick them with tape on the crossbars or hang them on a sheet of paper folded in half.

    It’s not worth hanging so many pictures as in the photo, I figured out how it would be more convenient to look at them, well, I took a photo of one. In the future, I plan to glue not the pictures themselves with tape, but to several transparent files in A4 and A5 format, and insert cards there so that it is convenient to change the exposure.

    When my baby and I walk around the apartment, special pictures for viewing are hidden in several other places: in the living room, on the wall for the TV (just at the child’s eye level when he is in his arms), in the kitchen, in the nursery.

    At first, I leaned them against the side of the cradle, and laid the baby on his side. When he grew up a little, I thought for a long time about how to place them in the kitchen so that they would remain visible. By chance I found a way out: I didn’t turn the freshly printed sheets (2 pictures per sheet) into double-sided cards, sealing the edges with tape, but simply folded them in half, and in this form the sheet hung very nicely on the long handles of the kitchen set, just at the right level . You can probably hang it like this from tables, stools and chairs.

    It was high time to write this - our Pasha really liked the pictures with geometric patterns, he looked at them for quite a long time (his favorite ones quickly emerged), and followed them with his eyes. Within a month and a half, I was already looking at the figures and silhouettes of animals with pleasure.

    A little about the cubes (with ribbons). We spin them on a mobile, hang them in a cradle and on a rug with arches so that you can push them with your hands, in a stroller during walks, and place them in a pyramid when the baby is lying on his stomach. Eldest daughter, Irina loves to chatter them in front of the baby when she communicates with him, and he sometimes catches them with his eyes (he chats very quickly).

    Some time later I pasted the pictures onto the box, it turned out volumetric toy with six sides, all with different images. The main thing is that it is stable, you can place it anywhere in front of a lying baby. When the child was no longer interested in the pictures, I glued new ones on top.

    How to use?

    So, what can you do with these cube cards, besides hanging them in places where your baby can see them:

    • Train tracking: catch your eye on the picture and move it slowly right-left, up-down, then over time we complicate the trajectory: in an arc, diagonally, in a circle.
    • Attract and switch attention, calm. More than once we managed to calm the baby down to “look at the picture!” When you get tired of it, we show you the next one.
    • Use as exhibits when walking around the apartment in the arms of adults. When you’ve already walked through all the rooms 3 times in a day and looked at everything, what new things can you do to entertain your baby? New pictures on the shelves, and not only black and white.
    • Use while lying on your stomach and crawling. The baby tries to raise his head higher and higher, and it will be interesting for him to see something there that catches his eye (the walls are rarely suitable, but if you lean a picture against them...).
    • Make it one of the means of showing the care of the older child for the younger one. Irina really likes arranging pictures for Pasha. Even if he cannot see them at the moment (the mother is doing gymnastics), she is happy that she took care of the baby.

    Where to get?

    Do it yourself (options: draw with a black marker, paints, make an applique from dark and white paper, sew from fabric) - it would seem the easiest and cheapest, but you need to start before the baby is born, after, in the first months, when, in fact, the materials and will be in demand, there may be no free time. In the photo - part of our

    Print the finished ones. If you have somewhere to print, this is the most suitable option for young parents, especially since printing is budget-friendly and without color. The necessary files are easy to find on the Internet; there are several sets floating around there. You can download my collection of black and white pictures for kids (there’s a lot there), and also

    We offer to download and print black-and-white and black-white-red pictures to stimulate the visual organs of babies, which you can place in the baby’s crib, on the changing table, or simply hang on the walls in the children’s room to create a developmental environment.

    What pictures do newborns need?

    The use of contrasting black and white pictures and images with a minimum number of colors is a very popular technique abroad for stimulating vision in newborn children. It is based on the developments of American physiotherapist Glenn Doman, Japanese professor Makoto Shichido (author of the Shichido method) and world-famous pediatrician Sarah Brewer, who especially noted the importance of a developing black and white environment for the development of visual processes in infants.

    In the first months of life, infants see only black and white colors, and all other colors are perceived in shades of gray. By about 3 months, children begin to distinguish between yellow and red, and then blue and green.
    Looking at contrasting black and white images contributes to more early development brain, visual acuity and the ability to focus on objects, develops attention, improves color perception and even calms the child during periods of overexcitement.

    The first and most important visual objects that stimulate the development of a newborn’s vision are the faces of mom and dad. It is important to look at your child as often as possible, communicate with him and smile.

    In second place are educational contrasting black and white pictures that the baby can “look at.” In the first weeks, the newborn is interested in simple images consisting of straight and broken lines, concentric circles and various geometric shapes. A little later, the baby will begin to prefer bright simple colors and more complex patterns.

    This is a set of 8 double-sided pictures that fold out like an accordion. On one side you will find 8 black and white images, and on the other, 8 pictures using four primary colors. This book will help develop your baby's vision from birth.

    Educational pictures for printing

    Source: domanmom.com

    Educational black and white pictures, 60 sheets, A4 format, PDF file. The recommended age of the baby is 0-2 months.

    WE RECOMMEND LABYRINTH.RU (click on the image for details):

    Educational black, white and red pictures, 60 sheets, A4 format, PDF file. The recommended age of the child is 2-4 months.

    How to use black and white pictures

    In the first months of his life, the baby spends a lot of time in the crib, so it is so important to create a favorable developmental environment for him.

    • Attach sheets of paper with black and white pictures along the inner wall of the baby's crib (the recommended distance for placing the picture in front of the baby is about 30 cm);
    • Glue the pictures onto cardboard and make a double-sided flip book. Lay out and place the book in a semicircle around the child on a development mat, changing table or anywhere else where your child is;

    • Hang pictures on the walls of the children's room and show them when the baby is awake.

    • Take the picture and start moving it slowly in front of the child's face. By 2–3 months, the baby is already able to follow moving objects;
    • Look at the pictures for as long as they arouse your child’s interest.

    With the help of black and white pictures, you will help your baby develop vision, learn to concentrate, and form a harmonious color perception. A child whose perception is properly stimulated from the very first days develops faster!


    Educational game “Baby’s first pictures” (c, c).

    What's special:
    - You can take the cards with you on the road.
    - Each card is double-sided.
    - The cards are made of thick cardboard and will last a very long time.
    - Cards can be hung by the holes on the wall of the crib, mobile or any other place in the baby’s field of vision.

    Cards for the development of newborn vision

    (Click on the image for details)

    For the development of vision, it is useful to hang a mobile above the baby’s crib.

    Read further: “.

    Ekaterina Morozova

    Reading time: 17 minutes

    A A

    The formation of the human brain occurs in the mother’s belly. And brain development after birth is facilitated by the emergence of new neural connections. And visual perception in this important process is of great importance - the lion’s share of information reaches a person through it.

    One of the options for stimulating visual perception for the development of a baby is black and white pictures .

    What pictures for newborns do the little ones like - the benefits of pictures for the development of babies

    Children are incorrigible researchers who begin to study the world as soon as they have learned to hold their heads up and grab their mother’s finger. The vision of a newborn is more modest than that of an adult - The baby can clearly see objects only at close range . Further, visual capabilities change in accordance with age. And along with them comes interest in certain pictures.

    • At 2 weeks“from birth” the baby is already able to recognize the face of his mother (father), but it is still difficult for him to see fine lines, as well as to distinguish colors. Therefore at this age the best option– pictures with broken and straight lines, simplified images of faces, cells, simple geometry.
    • 1.5 month The baby is attracted to concentric circles (and more so to the circle itself than to its center).
    • 2-4 months. The baby's vision changes dramatically - he already turns to where the sound is coming from and follows the object. Pictures with 4 circles, curved lines and more complex shapes, animals (in a simple image) are suitable for this age.
    • 4 months. The baby is able to focus his gaze on an object at any distance, distinguishes colors and observes the world around him. Curved lines of drawings at this age are more preferable, but complex drawings can already be used.

    How to use black and white pictures for newborns - first games with pictures for children under one year old

    • Start with the simplest lines. Maintain a clear black/white contrast.
    • Change images every 3 days.
    • When the baby shows interest in the picture leave it for a longer time- let the baby study it.
    • Pictures can be drawn by hand on paper and hang it directly in the crib, stick it on the walls, refrigerator or on large cubes. As an option - cards that can be shown to the baby one by one, a contrasting soft ball with black and white drawings, an educational mat, a book, a carousel with drawings, collages, etc.
    • Show your baby pictures while you walk around the apartment with him, feed him or put him on his tummy. A visually rich space (and constant visual stimulation) has a direct link to baby's restful sleep.
    • Don't show your baby too many pictures at once and watch the reaction. If he doesn’t focus his eyes on the drawing and shows no interest in it at all, don’t be upset (everything has its time).
    • Distance from the child's eyes to the image at the age of 10 days – 1.5 months – about 30 cm. Size of drawings – A4 format or even a quarter of it.
    • From 4 months images can be replace with colored, complex and “hygienically clean”- the baby will begin to pull them into his mouth. Here you can already use high-quality toys with black and white drawings and cartoons for the little ones (movement of black and white lines and shapes to the right music).
    • And, of course, do not forget about such nuances of the development of visual perception as communication with the baby at a distance of 30 cm, contact using smiles and “faces”, exercises with rattles(from side to side so that the baby follows her with his eyes), new impressions (tours around the apartment with a demonstration of all interesting objects).

    Black and white pictures for newborns: draw or print - and play!

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