• The letter "you" - a story by Leonid Panteleev for extracurricular reading with pictures


    Panteleev Alexey Ivanovich (Panteleev L)

    Letter "you"

    Alexey Ivanovich Panteleev

    (L. Panteleev)

    Letter "you"

    I once taught a little girl to read and write. The girl's name was Irinushka, she was four years old and five months old, and she was very smart. In just ten days we mastered the entire Russian alphabet with her, we could already read “papa”, and “mom”, and “Sasha”, and “Masha” freely, and only one thing remained unlearned for us, the very last letter - "I".

    And then, on this last letter, Irinushka and I suddenly stumbled.

    I, as always, showed her the letter, let her take a good look at it and said:

    And this, Irinushka, is the letter “I”.

    Irinushka looked at me in surprise and said:

    Why do you"? What kind of "you"? I told you: this is the letter "I"!

    Letter you?

    Yes, not “you”, but “I”!

    She was even more surprised and said:

    I say: you.

    Yes, not me, but the letter “I”!

    Not you, but the letter you?

    Oh, Irinushka, Irinushka! Probably, my dear, you and I have overlearned a little. Don’t you really understand that it’s not me, but that this letter is called “I”?

    No, he says, why don’t I understand? I understand.

    What do you understand?

    It's not you, but this letter is called "you".

    Ugh! Well, really, what can you do with her? How, pray tell, can I explain to her that I am not me, you are not you, she is not she, and that in general “I” is just a letter.

    Well, that’s what,” I finally said, “come on, say as if to yourself: I am!” Understand? About myself. How do you talk to yourself?

    She seemed to understand. She nodded. Then he asks:


    Well, well... Of course.

    I see he is silent. She lowered her head. Moves his lips.

    I speak:

    Well, what are you doing?

    I said.

    I didn't hear what you said.

    You told me to talk to myself. So I say it slowly.

    What are you saying?

    She looked around and whispered in my ear:

    I couldn’t stand it, I jumped up, grabbed my head and ran around the room.

    Everything was already boiling inside me, like water in a kettle. And poor Irinushka sat, bent over the primer, looked sideways at me and sniffed pitifully. She was probably ashamed that she was so stupid. But I was also ashamed that I, a big man, could not teach little man It is correct to read such a simple letter as the letter "I".

    Finally I came up with it after all. I quickly approached the girl, poked her nose with my finger and asked:

    Who is this?

    She says:

    Well... Do you understand? And this is the letter "I"!

    She says:


    And I see that her lips are trembling and her nose is wrinkled - she’s about to cry.

    What do you, I ask, understand?

    I understand,” he says, “that it’s me.”

    Right! Well done! And this is the letter "I". Clear?

    “I see,” he says. - This is the letter you.

    Not you, but me!

    Not me, but you.

    Not me, but the letter "I"!

    Not you, but the letter "you".

    Not the letter “you,” my God, but the letter “I”!

    Not the letter “I,” my God, but the letter “you”!

    I jumped up again and ran around the room again.

    There is no such letter! - I shouted. - Understand, you stupid girl! There is not and cannot be such a letter! There is a letter "I". Understand? I! The letter "I"! Please repeat after me: I am! I! I!..

    “You, you, you,” she stammered, barely opening her lips. Then she dropped her head on the table and began to cry. Yes, so loudly and so pitifully that all my anger immediately cooled down. I felt sorry for her.

    Okay, I said. - As you can see, you and I really got a little worked up. Take your books and notebooks and you can go for a walk. Enough for today.

    She somehow stuffed her junk into her purse and, without saying a word to me, stumbled and sobbed out of the room.

    And I, left alone, thought: what to do? How will we finally get beyond this damned letter “I”?

    “Okay,” I decided. “Let’s forget about her. Well, let’s start the next lesson directly with reading. Maybe it will be better that way.”

    And the next day, when Irina, cheerful and flushed after the game, came to class, I did not remind her of yesterday, but simply sat her down with her primer, opened the first page she came across and said:

    Come on, madam, come on, read something to me.

    She, as always before reading, shifted in her chair, sighed, buried her finger and nose in the page and, moving her lips, read fluently and without taking a breath:

    They gave Tykov a block.

    I even jumped up in my chair in surprise:

    What's happened? Which Tykov? What kind of apple? What kind of apple is that?

    I looked in the primer, and there it was written in black and white:

    "Jacob was given an apple."

    It's funny to you? I laughed too, of course. And then I say:

    Apple, Irinushka! An apple, not an apple!

    She was surprised and said:

    Apple? So this is the letter "I"?

    I was about to say: “Well, of course, “I”!” And then I caught myself and thought: “No, my dear! We know you. If I say “I”, does that mean it’s off again? No, we won’t fall for that bait now.”

    And I said:

    Yes, right. This is the letter "you".

    Of course, it is not very good to tell lies. It is even very bad to tell a lie. But what can you do! If I had said “I” instead of “you,” who knows how it would all have ended. And, perhaps, poor Irinushka would have said this all her life - instead of “apple” - tyblok, instead of “fair” - tyrmarka, instead of “anchor” - tykor and instead of “tongue” - tyzyk. And Irinushka, thank God, has grown up, pronounces all the letters correctly, as expected, and writes me letters without a single mistake.

    Panteleev Alexey Ivanovich (Panteleev L)

    Letter "you"

    Alexey Ivanovich Panteleev

    (L. Panteleev)

    Letter "you"

    I once taught a little girl to read and write. The girl's name was Irinushka, she was four years old and five months old, and she was very smart. In just ten days we mastered the entire Russian alphabet with her, we could already read “papa”, and “mom”, and “Sasha”, and “Masha” freely, and only one thing remained unlearned for us, the very last letter - "I".

    And then, on this last letter, Irinushka and I suddenly stumbled.

    I, as always, showed her the letter, let her take a good look at it and said:

    And this, Irinushka, is the letter “I”.

    Irinushka looked at me in surprise and said:

    Why do you"? What kind of "you"? I told you: this is the letter "I"!

    Letter you?

    Yes, not “you”, but “I”!

    She was even more surprised and said:

    I say: you.

    Yes, not me, but the letter “I”!

    Not you, but the letter you?

    Oh, Irinushka, Irinushka! Probably, my dear, you and I have overlearned a little. Don’t you really understand that it’s not me, but that this letter is called “I”?

    No, he says, why don’t I understand? I understand.

    What do you understand?

    It's not you, but this letter is called "you".

    Ugh! Well, really, what can you do with her? How, pray tell, can I explain to her that I am not me, you are not you, she is not she, and that in general “I” is just a letter.

    Well, that’s what,” I finally said, “come on, say as if to yourself: I am!” Understand? About myself. How do you talk to yourself?

    She seemed to understand. She nodded. Then he asks:


    Well, well... Of course.

    I see he is silent. She lowered her head. Moves his lips.

    I speak:

    Well, what are you doing?

    I said.

    I didn't hear what you said.

    You told me to talk to myself. So I say it slowly.

    What are you saying?

    She looked around and whispered in my ear:

    I couldn’t stand it, I jumped up, grabbed my head and ran around the room.

    Everything was already boiling inside me, like water in a kettle. And poor Irinushka sat, bent over the primer, looked sideways at me and sniffed pitifully. She was probably ashamed that she was so stupid. But I, too, was ashamed that I, a big man, could not teach a small person to correctly read such a simple letter as the letter “I”.

    Finally I came up with it after all. I quickly approached the girl, poked her nose with my finger and asked:

    Who is this?

    She says:

    Well... Do you understand? And this is the letter "I"!

    She says:


    And I see that her lips are trembling and her nose is wrinkled - she’s about to cry.

    What do you, I ask, understand?

    I understand,” he says, “that it’s me.”

    Right! Well done! And this is the letter "I". Clear?

    “I see,” he says. - This is the letter you.

    Not you, but me!

    Not me, but you.

    Not me, but the letter "I"!

    Not you, but the letter "you".

    Not the letter “you,” my God, but the letter “I”!

    Not the letter “I,” my God, but the letter “you”!

    I jumped up again and ran around the room again.

    There is no such letter! - I shouted. - Understand, you stupid girl! There is not and cannot be such a letter! There is a letter "I". Understand? I! The letter "I"! Please repeat after me: I am! I! I!..

    “You, you, you,” she stammered, barely opening her lips. Then she dropped her head on the table and began to cry. Yes, so loudly and so pitifully that all my anger immediately cooled down. I felt sorry for her.

    Okay, I said. - As you can see, you and I really got a little worked up. Take your books and notebooks and you can go for a walk. Enough for today.

    She somehow stuffed her junk into her purse and, without saying a word to me, stumbled and sobbed out of the room.

    And I, left alone, thought: what to do? How will we finally get beyond this damned letter “I”?

    “Okay,” I decided. “Let’s forget about her. Well, let’s start the next lesson directly with reading. Maybe it will be better that way.”

    And the next day, when Irina, cheerful and flushed after the game, came to class, I did not remind her of yesterday, but simply sat her down with her primer, opened the first page she came across and said:

    Come on, madam, come on, read something to me.

    She, as always before reading, shifted in her chair, sighed, buried her finger and nose in the page and, moving her lips, read fluently and without taking a breath:

    They gave Tykov a block.

    I even jumped up in my chair in surprise:

    What's happened? Which Tykov? What kind of apple? What kind of apple is that?

    I looked in the primer, and there it was written in black and white:

    "Jacob was given an apple."

    It's funny to you? I laughed too, of course. And then I say:

    Apple, Irinushka! An apple, not an apple!

    She was surprised and said:

    Apple? So this is the letter "I"?

    I was about to say: “Well, of course, “I”!” And then I caught myself and thought: “No, my dear! We know you. If I say “I”, does that mean it’s off again? No, we won’t fall for that bait now.”

    And I said:

    Yes, right. This is the letter "you".

    Of course, it is not very good to tell lies. It is even very bad to tell a lie. But what can you do! If I had said “I” instead of “you,” who knows how it would all have ended. And, perhaps, poor Irinushka would have said this all her life - instead of “apple” - tyblok, instead of “fair” - tyrmarka, instead of “anchor” - tykor and instead of “tongue” - tyzyk. And Irinushka, thank God, has grown up, pronounces all the letters correctly, as expected, and writes me letters without a single mistake.

    L. Panteleev

    I once taught a little girl to read and write. The girl's name was Irinushka, she was four years old and five months old, and she was very smart. In just ten days, we mastered the entire Russian alphabet with her, we could already freely read “dad”, and “mama”, and “Sasha”, and “Masha”, and only the very last letter remained unlearned for us - “ I".

    And then, on this last letter, Irinushka and I suddenly stumbled.

    I, as always, showed the letter, let her take a good look at it and said:

    And this, Irinushka, is the letter “I”.

    Irinushka looked at me in surprise and said:

    Why do you"? What kind of “you”? I told you: this is the letter “I”.

    The letter "you"?

    Yes, not “you”, but “I”.

    She was even more surprised and said:

    I say: you.

    Yes, not me, but the letter “I”.

    Not you, but the letter “you”?

    Oh, Irinushka, Irinushka. Probably, my dear, you and I have retrained a little. Don’t you really understand that it’s not me, but that this letter is called “I”?

    No,” he says, “why don’t I understand?” I understand.

    What do you understand?

    This is not you, but this is what the letter is called - “you”.

    Ugh! Well, really, what can you do with her? How, pray tell, can I explain to her that I am not me, you are not you, she is not she, and that in general “I” is just a letter?

    Well, that’s what,” I finally said, “well, let’s say it as if to yourself: I.” Understand? About myself. How do you talk to yourself?

    She seemed to understand. She nodded. Then he asks:


    Well, well... of course.

    I see he is silent. She lowered her head. Moves his lips.

    I speak:

    Well, what are you doing?

    I said.

    I didn't hear what you said.

    You told me to talk to myself. So I say it slowly.

    What are you saying?

    She looked around and whispered in my ear:

    I couldn’t stand it, I jumped up, grabbed my head and ran around the room.

    Everything was already boiling inside me, like water in a kettle. And poor Irinushka sat, bent over the primer, looked sideways at me and sniffed pitifully. She was probably ashamed that she was so stupid.

    But I was also ashamed that I am a big person - I cannot teach a small person to correctly read such a simple letter as the letter “I”.

    Finally I came up with it after all. I quickly approached the girl, poked her nose with my finger and asked:

    Who is this?

    She says:

    Well... Do you understand? And this is the letter “I”.

    She says:


    And I see that her lips are trembling and her nose is wrinkled - she’s about to cry.

    What do you, I ask, understand?

    I understand,” he says, “that it’s me.”

    Right. Well done. And this is the letter “I”. Clear?

    “I see,” he says. - This is the letter “you”.

    Yes, not “you”, but “I”!

    Not me, but you.

    Not me, but the letter “I”!

    Not you, but the letter “you”.

    Not the letter “you,” my God, but the letter “I”!

    Not the letter “I,” my God, but the letter “you.”

    I jumped up again and ran around the room again.

    There is no such letter! - I shouted. - Understand, you stupid girl! There is not and cannot be such a letter! There is a letter "I". Understand? I! The letter "I"! Please repeat after me: I am! I! I!..

    “You, you, you,” she stammered, barely opening her lips.

    Then she dropped her head on the table and began to cry. Yes, so loudly and so pitifully that all my anger immediately cooled down. I felt sorry for her.

    Okay, I said. - As you can see, you and I really got a little worked up. Take your books and notebooks and you can go for a walk. Enough for today.

    She somehow stuffed her junk into her purse and, without saying a word to me, stumbling and sobbing, left the room.

    And I, left alone, thought: what to do? How will we finally step over this damned letter “I”?

    “Okay,” I decided. - Let's forget about her. Well, her. Let's start the next lesson directly with reading. Maybe it will be better this way.”

    And the next day, when Irina, cheerful and flushed after the game, came to class, I did not remind her of yesterday, but simply sat her down with her primer, opened the first page that came to her and said:

    Come on. madam, let's read something to me.

    She, as always before reading, fidgeted in her chair, sighed, buried her finger and nose in the page and, moving her lips, read fluently, without taking a breath:

    They gave Tykov a block.

    I even jumped up in my chair in surprise:

    What's happened?! Which pumpkin? What kind of apple? What kind of apple is that?

    I looked in the primer, and there it was written in black and white: “Yakov was given an apple.”

    It's funny to you? I laughed too, of course. And then I say:

    Apple, Irinushka! An apple, not an apple!

    She was surprised and said:

    Apple? So this is the letter "I"?

    I already wanted to say: “Well, of course, “I”! And then I caught myself and thought: “No, my dear. We know you. If I say “I”, that means it’s off and on again! No, we won’t fall for this bait now:

    And I said:

    Yes, right. This is the letter "you".

    Of course, it is not very good to tell lies. It is even very bad to tell a lie. But what can you do? If I had said “I” instead of “you,” who knows how it would all have ended. And maybe poor Irinushka would say this all her life: instead of “apple” - “tybloko”, instead of “fair” - “tyrmarka”, instead of “anchor” - “tykor” and instead of “tongue” - “tyzyk”. And Irinushka, thank God, has grown up, pronounces all the letters correctly, as expected, and writes me letters without a single mistake.

    Natalia Chernikova
    Literary listening lesson in 1st grade. Story by L. Panteleev “The Letter “You”





    Type lesson: lesson primary presentation of new knowledge and methods of educational actions.

    The program is allotted one hour to study this topic. lesson.

    My goal lesson: acquaintance

    Study material throughout lesson worked to organize the search for answers to the educational tasks that were set at the beginning lesson.

    Stages lesson were closely interconnected, alternated different kinds activities. Mental actions were based and supported by practical ones.

    Work organization: at first lesson after the organizational moment, knowledge was updated, which was needed not only to consolidate the material, but also to study new topic. Was created problematic situation, stimulating dialogue - a motive for learning new material. The children themselves formulated educational tasks that were solved throughout lesson.

    Educational material lesson corresponded to the principle of scientificity, accessibility and was feasible for students. The educational information was attractive to children, which was also facilitated by the use ICT: interactive whiteboard, computer. Due to the attractiveness of the task content and presentation educational material, the students’ opportunities to achieve their goals have increased lesson.

    A situation of success was created for each student, which also helped to increase motivation and maintain cognitive interest in learning.

    When asking questions and defining tasks for lesson were taken into account by me individual characteristics students, gave only positive characteristics to the results of their activities, which stimulated children and increased their activity lesson.

    Study time for lesson used effectively, planned volume lesson completed. Intensity lesson was optimal taking into account physical and psychological characteristics third graders.

    I believe, that lesson effective and achieved its goals.


    Target: acquaintance first graders with a humorous story, promoting the inclusion of each child in an active cognitive process; development of the ability to determine the topic of reading and the genre of the work; fostering a respectful attitude towards adults and children.

    Planned results (UUD):

    personal: express a positive attitude towards the process knowledge: show attention, surprise, desire to learn more;

    meta-subject: regulatory - accept and maintain the learning task, adequately perceive the assessment of the teacher and peers, plan their actions; cognitive - get acquainted with the content of a humorous work, highlight the features story, distinguish between types of texts, select a text that corresponds to the given learning task; communicative – formulate a dialogical statement in accordance with the requirements of speech etiquette;

    subject: learn to perceive by ear story, compare works of the same topic but by different authors, correctly name familiar works of art based on cover models, express your attitude towards the heroes of the work, work with a ready-made model, correctly name the work, highlight the author’s name and title.

    During the classes

    I. Organizational moment.

    II. Updating knowledge.

    Let's remember the genres of the work and how we model them (slide 1,2)

    Fairy tale (circle)

    Poem (triangle)


    Themes of works: about the Motherland (red, about nature (green), about children (yellow, about animals (brown).

    Guys, look at the portraits of writers, remember their last name, and also what work they wrote (slide 3,4,5,6,7)

    Students call A. Barto "To school", V Zheleznikova "The ABC Story".

    In the definition of L. Panteleeva find it difficult to answer.

    And this is a portrait of Leonid Panteleeva. Maybe someone knows this writer, his works? Want to know?

    What learning task should we complete today? lesson? Complete the sentences (познакомиться, listen, define, develop)-slide 8 (Meet the writer Panteleev. Listen to his story. Determine the topic and genre. Develop a cover model).

    III. Work on the topic lesson.

    3.1 Acquaintance with the biography of the writer (slide 9,10)

    Leonid Panteleev pseudonym, real name Alexey Ivanovich Eremeev. Born in 1908 in St. Petersburg, in a military family. During the Civil War Panteleev lost his parents and became a homeless child. In 1921 he entered the School of Social-Individual Education named after. Dostoevsky (ShKID, where he met G. Belykh. After school, he lived in Leningrad and worked as a journalist. The book written together with G. Belykh became widely known "Republic of Shkid" (1927) .

    What common talk about the works of A. Barto and V. Zheleznikova (both works are about children)

    Stories of the writer Panteleev also about children and for children this is known to everyone « Honestly» , "New Girl", "Big Wash" and others. L. Panteleev discusses serious matters with children, "adults" problems of honesty and justice, courage and cowardice are addressed so kindly and unobtrusively that it leaves the child the right to make the right moral choice himself. Books by Leonidas Panteleeva can be borrowed from the school library (slide 9).

    Today we will get acquainted with story« Letter you» . What do you think this will be about? story(children's assumptions) (slide 11)

    3.2 Listening to L's story. Panteleeva« Letter "you"» (audiobook or teacher read)

    3.3 Conversation after reading

    Were our assumptions justified?

    I liked it story? What mood did you feel after? listening to a story? Why?

    Can we call story« Letter you» humorous? Why? (Yes, because the events in story put us in a cheerful mood).

    Name the heroes story.

    How old was Irina?

    What was the girl doing? (Irina is four years and five months old. She is a little girl, but she has taken on such a difficult task - reading.

    What was it she couldn't understand? (How letter"I" different from the person who talks about to myself: "I".)

    What was it that her adult teacher couldn’t understand? (How can I explain to her that he himself and letter"I"- not the same thing.) How did he do it?

    What mistake did the girl make while reading? (Tykov was given a block) (slide 12-13)

    Phys. just a minute (according to SanPin).

    3.4 Working with illustrations in the textbook.

    What moment is shown in the first illustration? (The adult teacher shows Irina letter i, and she surprised: "You?") Now consider the following illustration. What moment does it depict? (The adult teacher is very angry and upset. Irinushka is crying. She's wrong I read it: “They gave Pumpkin a thyblok”, but doesn’t understand what her mistake is.) The artist painted two points at once in one picture. The first is when the heroes brought each other to complete disorders. And the second - when the cheerful Irinushka misread the sentence about Yakov, who was given an apple.

    3.5. Cover modeling (slide14)

    Who wrote story? This is the writer's last name, we will replace it with a red frame.

    Who did I read to you about? Heading – « Letter "you"» . Let's replace the title with a blue frame. Give a title.

    This story, fairy tale or poem? Let's draw a rectangle instead of a word « story» . Let's fill in the rectangle yellow, since this one story - about a girl, that is, about children.

    3. 6 Work from the textbook (Differentiated work.)

    Reading page 31 "Read"

    3.7 Completing tasks in the notebook pp. 12-13 (on one's own)

    IV. Bottom line lesson.

    What in story interested you the most?

    How did the heroes get out of this situation?

    Do you think reading is difficult? Explain your answer. (Difficult to remember letters- they constantly get confused. When you read, you have to try very, very hard to make everything clear.)

    Let's return to the learning task we set at the beginning lesson(slide 15). Have we completed everything?

    Do you remember any funny incident from your school life?

    I once taught a little girl to read and write. The girl's name was Irinushka, she was four years old and five months old, and she was very smart. In just ten days we mastered the entire Russian alphabet with her, we could already read “papa”, and “mom”, and “Sasha”, and “Masha” freely, and only one thing remained unlearned for us, the very last letter - "I".

    And then, on this last letter, Irinushka and I suddenly stumbled.

    I, as always, showed her the letter, let her take a good look at it and said:

    And this, Irinushka, is the letter “I”.

    Irinushka looked at me in surprise and said:

    Why do you"? What kind of “you”? I told you: this is the letter “I”!

    Letter you?

    Yes, not “you”, but “I”!

    She was even more surprised and said:

    I say: you.

    Yes, not me, but the letter “I”!

    Not you, but the letter you?

    Oh, Irinushka, Irinushka! Probably, my dear, you and I have overlearned a little. Don’t you really understand that it’s not me, but that this letter is called “I”?

    No, he says, why don’t I understand? I understand.

    What do you understand?

    It’s not you, but this letter is called “you.”

    Ugh! Well, really, what can you do with her? How, pray tell, can I explain to her that I am not me, you are not you, she is not her, and that in general “I” is just a letter.

    Well, that’s what,” I finally said, “come on, say as if to yourself: I am!” Understand? About myself. How do you talk to yourself?

    She seemed to understand. She nodded. Then he asks:


    Well, well... Of course.

    I see he is silent. She lowered her head. Moves his lips.

    I speak:

    Well, what are you doing?

    I said.

    I didn't hear what you said.

    You told me to talk to myself. So I say it slowly.

    What are you saying?

    She looked around and whispered in my ear:

    I couldn’t stand it, I jumped up, grabbed my head and ran around the room.

    Everything was already boiling inside me, like water in a kettle. And poor Irinushka sat, bent over the primer, looked sideways at me and sniffed pitifully. She was probably ashamed that she was so stupid. But I was also ashamed that I, a big man, could not teach a small person to correctly read such a simple letter as the letter “I”.

    Finally I came up with it after all. I quickly approached the girl, poked her nose with my finger and asked:

    Who is this?

    She says:

    Well... Do you understand? And this is the letter “I”!

    She says:


    And I see that her lips are trembling and her nose is wrinkled - she’s about to cry.

    What do you, I ask, understand?

    I understand,” he says, “that it’s me.”

    Right! Well done! And this is the letter “I”. Clear?

    “I see,” he says. - This is the letter you.

    Not you, but me!

    Not me, but you.

    Not me, but the letter “I”!

    Not you, but the letter “you”.

    Not the letter “you,” my God, but the letter “I”!

    Not the letter “I,” my God, but the letter “you”!

    I jumped up again and ran around the room again.

    There is no such letter! - I shouted. - Understand, you stupid girl! There is not and cannot be such a letter! There is a letter "I". Understand? I! The letter "I"! Please repeat after me: I am! I! I!..

    “You, you, you,” she stammered, barely opening her lips. Then she dropped her head on the table and began to cry. Yes, so loudly and so pitifully that all my anger immediately cooled down. I felt sorry for her.

    Okay, I said. - As you can see, you and I really got a little worked up. Take your books and notebooks and you can go for a walk. Enough for today.

    She somehow stuffed her junk into her purse and, without saying a word to me, stumbled and sobbed out of the room.

    And I, left alone, thought: what to do? How will we finally get past this damned letter “I”?

    “Okay,” I decided. - Let's forget about her. Well, her. Let's start the next lesson directly with reading. Maybe it will be better this way.”

    And the next day, when Irina, cheerful and flushed after the game, came to class, I did not remind her of yesterday, but simply sat her down with her primer, opened the first page she came across and said:

    Come on, madam, come on, read something to me.

    She, as always before reading, shifted in her chair, sighed, buried her finger and nose in the page and, moving her lips, read fluently and without taking a breath:

    They gave Tykov a block.

    I even jumped up in my chair in surprise:

    What's happened? Which Tykov? What kind of apple? What kind of apple is that?

    I looked in the primer, and there it was written in black and white:

    “They gave Jacob an apple.”

    It's funny to you? I laughed too, of course. And then I say:

    Apple, Irinushka! An apple, not an apple!

    She was surprised and said:

    Apple? So this is the letter "I"?

    I already wanted to say: “Well, of course, “I”! And then I caught myself and thought: “No, my dear! We know you. If I say “I”, does that mean it’s off again? No, we won’t fall for this bait now.”

    And I said:

    Yes, right. This is the letter "you".

    Of course, it is not very good to tell lies. It is even very bad to tell a lie. But what can you do! If I had said “I” instead of “you,” who knows how it would all have ended. And, perhaps, poor Irinushka would have said this all her life - instead of “apple” - tybloko, instead of “fair” - tyrmarka, instead of “anchor” - tykor and instead of “tongue” - tyzyk. And Irinushka, thank God, has grown up, pronounces all the letters correctly, as expected, and writes me letters without a single mistake.

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