• Beaten by her ex-husband. Alena Kravets spoke about her terrible life after her divorce from a millionaire Watch let them talk about her broken ex-husband


    Fabulous family life the famous model and singer Alena Kravets ended 6 years ago after 9 years of legal marriage with millionaire Ruslan Kravets. When the couple divorced, the ex-husband left Alena a luxurious mansion located on Rublyovka, worth more than 10 million US dollars. Moreover, Ruslan continued to provide for the model and their common daughter Daniela. However, recently a businessman brutally beat Alena in front of his daughter! Watch Let them talk - Beaten by her ex-husband 09.29.2016

    According to Ruslan Kravets, after the divorce, he promised Alena that he would fully support her and her daughter, but on one condition: Alena should not bring a new man into the house. The other day, an entrepreneur severely beat his ex-wife, because he suspected her of bringing a lover to his house. “He showed me that he is a gigolo. His shirt was unbuttoned almost to the navel,” Ruslan says before the broadcast of the program. “He hit me hard...My nose was bleeding! He knew that I had filming, performances, and now this is my “working face,” as he himself said about him before,” the on-air heroine complained about ex-spouse.

    Alena Kravets is sure that her ex-husband was beaten by monstrous jealousy and a desire to control everything. “He needs constant total control. Who is in the house, where I am, etc. I don’t even know when he’ll leave me alone!” - says the girl. All sides of the conflict are in the studio today Let them talk! Why, several years after the divorce, is Alena’s husband still sorting things out with her, and in such a cruel way?

    Let them say - Beaten by her ex-husband. Alena Kravets

    Alena Kravets came to the “Let Them Talk” program to talk about what happened to her a few days ago:

    “Now I’m feeling a little better, but it’s still hard psychologically... I want only one thing now - for him to be punished.” The house I live in belongs to me.

    — I’ll tell you how it all happened: it happened that Saturday, September 24. He came to see me at lunchtime under the pretext that he was going to go to the cinema with his daughter. But I already understood from him that he was drunk. I was dressed and getting ready to leave. He started grabbing my arms. I shouted to Daniela to run into the room and lock herself. He pushed me and I fell and hit my head. Blood was flowing from my nose, I ran into the room and tried to close myself. I felt very bad. I was able to call my sister, parents and neighbor Olga only the next day. Before marriage he behaved well, but after marriage he changed.

    “He completely controls my whole life, but I have the right to my personal life.” Moreover, I myself helped him, introduced him to my friends and girlfriends. But he said he didn't want to meet anyone. As for the house, this house belongs only to me. I built it a long time ago with my father. Of course, Ruslan helped me, but most of the finances were invested by me and my dad.

    Alena Kravets's house on Rublyovka

    — House area: 1300 sq.m. There is a basement floor, a cinema room, where the ex-husband always liked to be. When I built this house, this warm family hearth, I certainly didn’t think that everything could turn out this way...

    Let them talk - Alena Kravets

    Since the age of 16, Alena Kravets (Kruglikova is her maiden name) has been working as a fashion model abroad and has good contracts. The girl claims that her ex-husband is lying, saying that he saw a half-naked man in the house.

    — A photographer friend came to pick me up, with whom we were going to a social event. But I didn’t have a naked man in the house!

    And here is what Ruslan Kravets himself frankly said:

    — I came to pick up the child, as I usually do. I once built this house for Alena and me, then I left it to her. But there was an agreement that there would be no strangers here. All this for the sake of the child. Daughter needs her real father. But one day I see a man in the house who is clearly a gigolo and shows me that he is Alena’s lover. He spends the night there, his shirt is unbuttoned to the navel, dressed at home. I had a confrontation with him, and she began to stand up for him. I kicked him out and slapped her. She could not stand on her feet and fell.

    “Later I see that all this has already been filmed and published. But I was right and I don’t consider it necessary to apologize. She was always freedom-loving, did not like cages, restrictions, and I understood this. I understood that such a woman cannot be locked in a golden cage.

    A close friend of Alena Kravets, fashion model and singer Anna Kalashnikova came to support the heroine of the broadcast:

    - No big money can be more valuable than life! What happened to Alena is very scary. There are other, more deplorable stories. Alena is very well-mannered, wise woman. I think she needs to sort this out and try not to provoke him anymore.

    Watch online for free the episode Let Them Talk - Beaten By Her Ex-Husband, broadcast on September 29, 2016.

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    The famous model and singer Alena Kravets was married to millionaire Ruslan Kravets for nine years. During this time, a daughter, Daniella, appeared in the family. The fairytale family life ended six years ago. After the divorce, the businessman left his wife a luxurious mansion on Rublyovka worth 750 million rubles. In addition, Ruslan continued to support his ex-wife and their common daughter.

    But a few days ago, the millionaire brutally beat the singer in front of his daughter, suspecting his ex-wife of bringing a lover to his house. Alena is sure that insane jealousy led her to brutal beatings of her ex-husband.

    All sides of it family conflict For the first time after the fight in a luxurious mansion on Rublyovka, they will meet in the Let Them Talk studio. Why, even six years after the divorce, the millionaire and the singer continue to scandalously sort things out in front of their daughter?

    Let them talk. Beaten by her ex-husband 09/29/2016 (Channel One)

    Everyone speaks: eyewitnesses, neighbors, distant and close relatives, opponents and supporters. Famous politicians say best psychologists, celebrities, show business stars, journalists. Ordinary spectators present in the hall say. People with extensive life experience speak. And all this makes the discussion in the studio as objective as possible.
    The best ending to our programs is concrete help to people, correcting mistakes and finding compromises.

    The other day, the news spread all over the Internet that singer and model Alena Kravets was beaten by her ex-millionaire husband Ruslan in front of their common daughter. The woman did not hide this fact and published a photograph showing a bruise on her face.

    In 2010, Alena and Ruslan decided to separate after nine years of marriage. Despite the divorce, the man fully supported his ex-wife and charming daughter Danielle. He also left a luxurious mansion on Rublevka worth 750 million rubles at the complete disposal of his ex-darling. In exchange, he demanded that her suitors never appear in the house. The singer said in the “Let Them Talk” program that her ex-husband still suffers from insane jealousy and even asks her daughter about her mother’s relationships with other men.

    Now Alena is trying to achieve justice and dreams of stopping living in fear for own life and health.

    “I don’t need his apology, I want him to be punished,” Kravets said.

    Alena spoke about the ill-fated Saturday evening when she became a victim of the jealousy of her ex-husband. “He came to spend time with the child. I felt that he had drunk. My daughter was coming down the stairs, I was also dressed, getting ready to leave. He started screaming and saying that I wasn’t going anywhere, and grabbed my hands. I fell to the floor, hit my head, he started shaking me, I struggled, and then he hit me with his hand, blood flowed from my nose. I ran away and tried to lock myself in the bedroom. I wanted to go straight to the hospital to get examined. He hid the phone, and only the next day I called my sister, and my neighbor Olga took me to the hospital,” the singer recalled.

    // Photo: Still from the “Let Them Talk” program

    The young woman said that that evening she was going to an event with her photographer friend. According to the woman, the friend was simply waiting for her, but Ruslan Kravets claims that he caught the man half naked.

    “He showed me that he was a lover, that he was spending the night here, his shirt was unbuttoned to the navel. He was dressed at home, as if he had almost settled there. At first there was a clash with him, Alena began to stand up for him. I waved her off once, she couldn’t stand on her feet, and I left without bothering to look into it. I don’t think it’s necessary to apologize, there’s no need to arrange such porn scenes in front of a child,” Ruslan Kravets explained his action.

    // Photo: Still from the “Let Them Talk” program

    Ruslan confirmed that he himself brought her into show business and did everything so that his beloved woman would become a singer. “I understood what show business was. She is a passionate person; she crossed some lines in her interactions with the opposite sex. And it’s hard for men to stop. She constantly received some kind of text messages, meetings in the evenings, I was philosophical about this, I thought that this was part of the profession,” Kravets recalled.

    Numerous friends did not leave Kravets without support. They came to the studio to talk about how wise and well-mannered their friend was.

    “No millions are more valuable than life,” reflects Anna Kalashnikova. – And what happened to Alena is scary, because I know other stories, when they ended, that there was no person. And then he suffered because he deprived the child of his mother.”

    // Photo: Still from the “Let Them Talk” program

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