• What is pestle definition examples. Short nursery rhymes and pestles for kids. Pestels for gymnastics and baby massage


    The word "pestushki" comes from the word " to nurture, that is, to nurse, raise. Russian traditions and customs of raising children include a rich and unique babysitting experience. But in modern families it is rare to find pestles, they have been replaced by modern educational toys, audio CDs, children's educational videos and cards for memorizing words, letters and numbers from the cradle. But in vain. After all, pestles are a method of baby development honed over the centuries and proven by many generations.

    You can come across such an opinion that pestles are outdated, and are only needed “to pass an exam at a teacher training college or university” or just to keep a baby busy by putting him an audio CD with folk children's folklore. What a misconception!!! The loss of the culture of nurturing the baby has led and is leading to an increase in the number of children with developmental problems, to an increase in the number of children with a lag in the development of speech (including those with sound pronunciation disorders), to an increase in the number of babies who do not speak both in a year and in two years .

    What do they give pestle mother and baby? What are we giving up by not using pestle in baby care? And why do we not appreciate the experience of our ancestors accumulated over the centuries? Because, probably, they have already forgotten why pestles are needed - they are needed first of all by the baby, but the mother of the baby also needs them? This is what I want to talk about in this article.

    Pestushki- these are small folklore works (rhymes, songs), in which two main features are distinguished:

    1. Rhythmic, with a clear pronunciation of sounds and syllables and with an exaggerated stretching of vowel sounds, the speech of a mother or grandmother.
    2. Mom's actions - stroking the baby's arms and legs, massage, rocking the baby - which give new tactile sensations to the baby.

    In pestles, unlike nursery rhymes, there are no active actions of the child himself. In them, the child only "accepts" what his mother "gives" him.

    What do pestles give to a baby?

    1.Emotional dialogue with mom.

    Mother's voice is familiar to the child from the period of intrauterine development. Modern research shows that very tiny babies distinguish their mother's voice from the voices of other people and various sounds. At the same time, it is the voice of the mother that causes them maximum activity - visual, auditory, motor. Therefore, it is very important that the pestles are not spoken by the voice of the announcer from the audio disc, but by the voice of the mother. And no one can replace a mother for a child!

    Conducting a dialogue with the baby in pestles from the first days of his life, the mother lays the prerequisites for the full development of speech and speech communication. In addition, she establishes emotional contact with the child, on which it will depend on how quickly and successfully the baby will develop.

    2. Development of movements in a child, enrichment of the baby's motor experience and his tactile experience.

    Pestlets are accompanied by movements of the baby's body, massage. These tactile sensations are very important for the development of the baby! The more diverse they are, the better the child develops!

    3. In pestles, the mother speaks with the baby in exactly the same language that is most well perceived by the child and which stimulates the development of the baby's speech:

    • Mom draws vowel sounds, and the child begins to distinguish them from the speech stream: “Puuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!” Ay - yes - yeaaaaaaaa! In fact, this way of speaking with a child tells the baby to his own first attempts at speech activity - cooing, cooing, babbling, stimulates him to listen to the speech of adults, and then repeat sounds and syllables after his mother. The next stage of such dialogues will be the roll call, when the mother pulls a sound or syllable, and the baby will repeat it. And then the mother will listen to the sounds that the baby says and will also repeat them after him.

    This is how it was before - recalls Karpova Nina Leontievna (Leshukonsky district of the Arkhangelsk region):

    “A small child does not speak, but understands everything. He shows with his eyes, looks attentively and listens, and understands everything. And you talk to him: “give, give, give! Ba-ba, ba-ba, ba-ba, ba-ba! Mother Mother Mother! Pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa!" - so that he could already pronounce these words. He is already smart with his mind, he is already starting: "Ba, ba, ba, ba ...". And you won’t talk to the child, so, of course, he won’t talk for a long time. ”

    • Mom's speech in pestles is rhythmic. But how easily children memorize rhythmic verses and songs! (and not only in native, but also in other languages)
    • The syllables and sounds in pestles are often repeated, which again helps the baby to listen to them and quickly memorize them.
    • In pestles, you can change the intonation of speech: either a question, or an answer, or angrily, or affectionately, or cheerfully, or in a low voice, or in a high voice. It is the tone, timbre, intonation that the child first of all singles out from the speech stream.

    4. In pestles, the mother “programs” the happy future of the baby, saying it out loud, sets herself up for the fact that the child’s life will turn out well and wishes this for her son or daughter. This is also a very important psychological point.

    How did our grandmothers and great-grandmothers, our ancestors used pestles? How did they nurse the kids?

    Washing pad.

    Washing the baby, they said:

    "God's holy water,

    Wash Borya's face:

    To make your eyes sparkle

    To make cheeks blush

    To laugh mouth,

    To bite your teeth!

    So that Boris has a round, round head!

    Like water off a goose, so is all thinness from Borya!

    May you live and never fall ill!

    Grow big and be smart!”

    Swimming pads.

    Saying the words of the pestles, the baby was stroked on the back, on the tummy, along the arms and legs, on the head, they poured water on him.

    1. Tatyana Iosifovna Boldina recalls (b. 1926), Belgorod region:

    "Here, let's swim, baby. Now I will bathe you. Come on, let's stretch the arms, straighten the legs like this. Let's pour some water on you, it will be warm for you, good. Here we will have such a big, beautiful, so ruddy, cheeks like buns - so comely. Well, come on, granddaughter, come on, Tanechka. Here's a smart one. Lies obediently ... What a reasonable mind I have, looks with cheerful eyes. She sat in the tray, and now we will wash you with clean water. Like this:

    From gogol water,

    from gogolikha - water,

    And from the servant of God Tanechka -

    all the burden!

    Water - under the shelves,

    And Tanya - on the shelves.

    Vodicka - below.

    And Tanechka is higher!

    Here's a follower! I've washed up, let's clean up."

    2. When a baby was washed in a bath (Arkhangelsk region), they always sentenced. First, they will put the baby on their knees and begin to reduce the handle with the leg and knead it like this: “Handles-graBulki! Legs - stilts! Then they rubbed the baby, saying: “Washing, steaming, going to sleep - for sleep, for peace, for happiness, for health, he sleeps at night, grows by the hour.” And when they poured water from a ladle, they said: “Water from a gogol, water from a swan, and all the thinness from you! To sleep, to health, to the great mercy of God, to parental joy! Get away, all pain and sorrow, into the dark night!”

    Pestles for gymnastics and baby massage.

    1. When the baby lies on his back, he must be taken by the legs (by the ankles) and, in the rhythm of the pestle, knock the leg against the leg:

    Jump, jump, jump.

    They ran to the bridge.

    They ran to the bridge.

    Lost a shoe.

    2. We make movements “like ducks flap their wings” with the child’s arms. After that, we put the hands on the baby's head.

    Kshi, kshi, magpies!

    Kshi, kshi, white-sided

    Fly, fly

    Vanya sat on the head!

    Sit down, sit down

    The geese have arrived

    They sat on the head.

    Sit down, sit down.

    The songs were sung.

    And they flew again!

    3. We put the child on his knees and swing, as if he were riding over bumps. Then we push the knees apart and the child “falls into the hole” (holding the handles, we drop the baby down)

    On bumps, on bumps,

    On small tops.

    Into the hole - boooooo!

    And there is a rooster!

    We were driving, we were driving

    For walnuts

    Over the bumps, over the bumps

    For little stumps.

    Into the hole - boooooo!

    4. We tap with our fingers on the heels of the baby in rhythm with the words of the pestle :


    I'm going to the track!

    Whoa, whoa, bastard!

    Give me, Vanya, a hammer!

    5. Gently turn the child's head to the right, then to the left and sentence the words of the pestle:

    Tow, tow.

    Tow, tow.

    They sat on the stove.

    Where did Tanya (child's name) go?

    Tows, tows,

    Turned the head!

    Tows, tows

    Spin for two weeks!

    6. Slowly spread the baby's arms to the sides, then cross them on the chest:

    “Tyayayiiiiii hoooolstyyyy! Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Pull, pull, pull! Shout across!”

    7. We move the child’s legs towards us and away from us when he lies on his back (you can make the “bike” movement)


    Yegorka is coming!

    On a gray horse

    In a new hat.

    With beard. With a mustache!

    Take-take-with your feet!

    8. When the baby learns to roll over from his back to his side and on his stomach, then they do the exercise “Kata-Pokata”. The baby lies on its back. It is easily rolled-turned from side to side in one direction or the other.

    “Waaaaat-pokaaaat. Grooms are rich! Kaaaty-katyshook! Andrey - zhenishoooook!

    9. We tap on the back of the child and say:

    What's in the hump?

    — Money.

    - Who nailed it?

    - Grandfather.

    - What did you draw?

    - Bucket.

    - Give it to me! Give it to me!

    10. Exercise from the first days of the baby. Mom strokes the child on the sides from the armpits to the heels, then strokes the legs, arms and strokes the head. In response to this, the baby reflexively stretches, straightens the legs and arms. We say the pestle, stroking the baby and holding out vowel sounds.

    Sipuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. Rastuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!

    And in the legs - houuuuunyushki. And in the hands - graboooooooooooooooooooooo!

    And in the mouth - talkooooooook! And in the head - mindoooooooo!"


    On Katyusha grow uuuuuuuuuuuu!

    Grow up, daughter, healthy!

    Like an orchard apple tree!

    11. In the pestle “I mix the dough”, we very gently and carefully “transfer” the baby’s head from palm to palm.

    I mix, I mix the dough!

    There is room in the oven!

    Bake, bake, loaf!

    Go on your head, go on!

    12. In the next pestle, the child's arms are moved towards and away from themselves.

    Wastetaaaa! Wastetaaaaa!

    Please sieve!

    Sow flour, start pies!


    I sowed pain!

    Made pies!

    On wheat yeast!

    You can't hold on to the reins!


    Baked cheesecakes!


    To our Andryushka!

    13. To the beat of the pestle, lightly tap either with the palm of the hand or with the elbow of the baby on the table:


    Hammers banged!

    Hammers banged!

    Played elbows!


    Soon Mashenka is a year old!

    14. When the baby lies on its back and gurgles, they bend over it so that it focuses on the mother's face and speak clearly, stretching out vowels (while saying, stroking the baby):



    Sing, sing, hooooooooooo!

    Pretty. Preoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

    To be healthy!

    15. When the baby lies on the back, stroke his tummy clockwise and say:

    Pretty good!

    Pretty pretty!

    Slender slim!

    Dear relatives!

    Oh, my son, a wheat ear!

    Azure flower, lilac flower!

    16. When the baby lies on his back, "step over" his feet on the crib:

    Oh, stomp your foot!

    Stomp, right one!

    How good is Katyusha

    Our little one!

    Top-top-top, top-top-top!

    I strongly advise all mothers, grandmothers, teachers to get acquainted with the books of Botyakova O.Yu. "Mom's massage with nursery rhymes" and Naumenko G.M. "Folk wisdom and knowledge about the child". In them you will find many pestles for young children.

    Sentences, pestles, nursery rhymes were closely connected with the traditions and customs of the Russian people. In the first year of a child's life, such significant events were the first tooth and the first step.

    When adults saw the baby's first tooth, they said:

    Grow, grow, tooth.

    Hard as an oak!

    And be sure to buy a gift so that the teeth grow strong. In the Vladimir region, whoever saw a tooth first bought any white material for a baby's shirt. In the Arkhangelsk region, the one who felt the first tooth first gave a belt for a shirt. They baked a pie called "chub", and the guests brought gingerbread, rolls, pies. In the Vologda region, they bought a silver spoon for the first tooth.

    And here is how the baby was stimulated to take the first step. Spravtseva Kharitina Ivanovna (b. 1912) recalls the Bryansk region:

    “When a child first gets on its feet, you say:

    Ay, dybki-dybok,

    Soon the boy will be a year old!

    Get up on your feet,

    Get the ceiling.

    Get up and up

    Get to the roof!

    And you call him to your place so that he goes: “Come on, little ones, go, little ones! Well, dybonki legs! Come on, pretty, pretty, pretty!” And then you kiss him, and you have mercy, and you caress, and you give him something tasty. It's like he only steps a little. And be sure to buy a new thing for him, some kind of new shoe with legs there, so that he could stand on his feet and run along the path.

    But the girl was told differently. Tatyana Iosifovna Boldina recalls, Belgorod region (b. 1926):

    "Come on, Tanechka. Got up. Let's stand on our feet. Well, dybI-dubki-dubki! You can stand on your hind legs. Then step over with your foot. How will we walk? Let's try, try. One, two ... oh-oh-oh, fell! That is OK. Well, get up! Back of the hawks. Ouch. Good girl. Well, what a smart girl! Soon you will be running with us:

    “Ai. Dybok, Dybok, Dybok.

    Tomorrow Tanechka is a year old!

    Let's buy Tanechka a scarf!

    A flower in the whole head!

    When the baby began to walk, his first steps were accompanied by the action of "removing the fetters" in order to give the baby the opportunity to "walk quickly and quickly." To do this, adults made a movement between children's legs that imitated cutting, which is why the action was called "cutting the fetters." They also did it in those cases when the baby did not start walking for a long time.

    Vaskina Klavdiya Petrovna (born 1927), Volgograd Region, remembers: “Look! Our Vanya walks! Well, let's take the first step! - As soon as he took a step, and between his legs with a knife on the ground, a cross. - Well. That's it, they cut Vanya's bonds. Now he will walk, he will run, he will stand firmly on his legs. Go, Vanya!

    Infancy ended with tonsure. This was the name of the rite of the first cutting of a child, which took place when the baby was one year old. This time is not accidental, because it is in the year that a child develops very important human qualities - speech and walking. But unshorn is a sign of nature - animals, brownies, goblin. Up to a year, the baby was not cut, and hair removal was considered as a sign of belonging to the world of people. During tonsure, the baby was put on a sheepskin, which was turned inside out with the fur. The baby was cut either by the godparents, or the midwife, or the father, but not the mother. First, the cross was cut off, and then the remaining hair was cut off. Then they put on a new shirt, a cross and girded the child. If before the ceremony the baby was the subject of care for adults, then after it he was already an active being. After the tonsure, the baby was considered a person who could move independently, eat, understand speech and speak. Infancy is over.

    Do we need knowledge of this ancestral experience? Will our children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren nurture their babies? What interests you about pestles? I invite you to discuss it in the comments.

    You can find a collection of pestlelets in the video "Charming Babies" in my article


    "Speech development from 0 to 7 years: what is important to know and what to do. Cheat sheet for parents"

    From birth, children are introduced to pestles, songs, jokes. What is hidden behind the mysterious concept of “nurturing” a baby?

    Emotional communication- one of the leading lines of development of a small child, starting from the first months of his life. Affectionate mother's touches, her voice, singing, loving look, the first games in combination with a poetic word - all this is called a capacious word - folklore. Folk pedagogy includes small genres of poetic creativity for children: pestles, nursery rhymes, jokes, sayings, which formed the basis of maternal pedagogy, tested for centuries. One can only marvel at the genius of the people who managed to express the great power of maternal love in a poetic word.

    Folk pedagogy has developed its traditional folklore genres.

    A simple rhyme, repeatedly repeated sound combinations and words, exclamations and emotional appeals involuntarily make the baby listen, freeze for a moment, peering into the face of the speaker. The unique originality of folklore is especially valuable for activating the child at a time when he has not yet formed voluntary actions, attention, reaction to words.

    Pestushki- from the word "nurture" - in the old days it meant to nurse a small child, to look after him. Now it is more often used in a figurative sense - to carefully, lovingly grow, educate.

    Pestlets include playful interaction with the child, when an adult performs movements for him, playing with his arms and legs. The baby may still be unable to move such movements as turning the body, he cannot purposefully act with his hands, he cannot sit down, crawl, stand up at the support on his own - all this will come to him during the first year of life. It was during this period that the mother nurtures the baby: plays with his hands, strokes the baby on the tummy, makes “stomping” with his legs. The mother caresses the awakened baby, touching it with light massage movements, gently saying:


    little girls,

    Across the plump

    And in the legs - walkers,

    And in the hands - grabbers,

    And in the mouth - a talker,

    And in the head - the mind.


    Little girls!

    Across the fat

    Hands are grips.

    Legs are runners.

    All words are combined with actions, which gives the child a lot of pleasure. If at the same time the mother still emotionally sings the words of nursery rhymes, songs with the baby, then there is no end to the surge of emotions.

    I mix, I mix the dough

    There is a place in the oven

    I bake, I bake a loaf!

    Golovonka - go, go!

    The child establishes close contact with an adult, and most importantly, a desire to repeat those movements that he cannot yet perform on his own.

    Subsequent repetitions will help the baby remember the movements and perform them on their own, as they taught the kids with the help of folklore.

    The child will never forget how dad rocked him on his leg and sang:

    Let's go, let's go

    With nuts, with nuts!

    Jumped, jumped

    With rolls, with rolls!

    Leap, jump,

    On bumps, on bumps.

    In the hole - boom!

    Some games prepared the child for walking. Grandfather took a stool, led the baby and said:


    I kick, kick my legs.

    Antoshka's legs

    They go along the path

    The path is curved

    No end, no edge.

    Ta-ta-ta, ta-ta-ta,

    A cat married a cat.

    The cat walks on the bench

    Leads a cat by the paws.

    Tops-tops on the bench,

    Tsapy-tsapy for paws.

    Big feet

    We walked along the road:

    Top top top


    small feet

    Run along the path:

    Top-top-top, top-top-top!

    Top-top-top, top-top-top!

    Other games developed the baby's speech:

    - almonds, almonds,

    Where were you?

    - Annushka.

    - What did you eat?

    - Pancakes.

    — Where are the pancakes?

    - Ate...

    No pancakes!

    Rhymes taught actions:

    — Okay, okay!

    Where were you?

    - By Grandma.

    — What did you eat?

    - What did you drink?

    - Yogurt.

    - Curdled milk is delicious,

    Sweet porridge,

    Grandma is good!

    Drank, ate, shu-u-u:

    flew home,

    sat on the head,

    The paws sang.

    Pussy, pussy, pussy, come on!

    Don't sit on the path

    Our doll will go

    Through the pussy will fall!

    Get out of the way, cat!

    Doll Tanechka is walking

    Doll Tanechka is walking

    Nothing will fall!

    For children at the beginning of the second year of life, nursery rhymes are selected that help with feeding, getting ready for bed, and washing. It is very important if adults know the folklore word and can emotionally convey the words of nursery rhymes.


    Wash our face

    To make your eyes sparkle

    To make cheeks blush

    To laugh mouth,

    To bite a tooth.

    flowing water,

    The child is growing.

    Goose water

    Thinness from a child!

    water down,

    And the child up!

    When dressing a child for a walk, you can distract him with the words:

    Our Masha is small,

    She is wearing a scarlet fur coat,

    Beaver fur.

    Our Masha Chernobrova.

    Combing the girl, they said:

    I'll braid my hair,

    I'll braid Russian.

    I weave, I weave, I weave

    I say:

    You grow, grow, braid,

    The whole city is beautiful!

    Nursery rhymes can be used by doing rubbing or massage.

    Toddlers, toddlers,

    Grandma baked cheesecakes,

    Cheesecakes, kolobushki.

    Stroking the handles, you can say:




    Stay healthy, little one! (They say to the girl.)

    Grow strong, son! (They say to the boy.)

    There is such an endless fairy tale about an owl, before which the children are told: “Listen and do not interrupt!”:

    The owl flew

    Cheerful head.

    Here she flew, flew,

    sat on a birch,

    She turned her tail,

    I looked around,

    I sang a song

    And flew again.

    Here she flew, flew,

    sat on a birch,

    She turned her tail,

    I looked around,

    I sang a song

    It is more fun to eat from a spoon if an adult sings or says while eating:

    Ay, cradles, cradles,

    The gulls have arrived.

    The ghouls began to say:

    “What to feed (name)?”

    One said: "Kashkoi!"

    Another: "Curdled milk!"

    Well, the third: "Milk

    And a ruddy pie!

    From hiccups they tell a joke:

    hiccup, hiccup,

    Go to Fedot

    From Fedot to Yakov,

    With Jacob - for everyone.

    (Sometimes they add: “And you, hiccups, go away from everyone to the green swamp.”)

    If the baby is crying, you can say:

    Don't cry, don't cry, don't cry

    I will buy you a loaf.

    If you cry -

    I will buy a thin bast shoe!

    More than one century has passed since these nursery rhymes appeared, but they still have not lost their relevance. And today, children expect attention, care, love from their loved ones, expressed not only in actions, but also in a kind word.

    It is important not only to love the baby, but also to be able to emotionally, vividly and beautifully express your feelings, and the folk word helps us in this - an unsurpassed "teacher": that's why adults need to master the techniques of folk art and, communicating with the baby, skillfully include them in everyday speech.

    Kindergarten teachers use this rich material of the “folk alphabet” in practice, draw up memos for parents, for example, such as “Sing along with the baby, say and do it.”


    Many mothers, rocking the baby in her arms or playing with him, recall the rhymes and songs of their childhood - kind, perky pestles and nursery rhymes that their mothers or grandmothers sang to them. This method of developing babies through the folk word woven into the game has been refined and tested for centuries. But for some reason in modern families it is being replaced by newfangled methods of development and education. But in vain.

    The word "pestushki" comes from the word "nurturing", that is, to nurse, raise, love and care for. Russian traditions and customs of child rearing include a rich and unique experience of nurturing babies.

    Pestels sentence or sing to the baby in the first months of life, accompanying everyday worries: dressing, bathing, playing, the very first movements.

    Pestushki- these are small folklore works (rhymes, songs), in which two main features are distinguished:

    1. Rhythmic, with a clear pronunciation of sounds and syllables and with an exaggerated stretching of vowel sounds, the speech of a mother or grandmother.
    2. Mom's actions - stroking the baby's arms and legs, massage, rocking the baby - which give new tactile sensations to the baby.

    In pestles there are no active actions of the child himself. In them, the child only "accepts" what his mother "gives" him. Pestlets include game interaction with the child, when an adult performs movements “for him”, playing with his arms and legs. The baby may still be unable to move such movements as turning the body, he cannot purposefully act with his hands, he cannot sit down, crawl, stand up at the support on his own - all this will come to him during the 1st year of life. It was during this period that the mother nurtures the baby: plays with his hands, strokes the baby on the tummy, makes “stomping” with his legs and so on.

    nursery rhymes- songs-sentences accompanying the game with fingers, pens, head, legs. Nursery rhymes differ from pestles in that they are designed for the activity of the child himself, who performs game movements on his own, correlating them with the content of the nursery rhyme song

    What do pestles and nursery rhymes give to a baby?

    Saying funny rhyming pestles or nursery rhymes, mom sets up the whole body of the baby in a healthy way.

    • Not understanding at first the words addressed to him, the child very sensitively catches the affectionate intonation of the mother, her benevolent mood, which is immediately transmitted to him and causes a feeling of reliability, calmness, comfort.
    • A familiar and familiar maternal voice contributes to the response of the baby, who listens and remembers the words of his native speech, tries to reproduce them, starts to hum and gurgle, his vocal cords are trained, and hearing develops.
    • Pestlets are always accompanied by gymnastics or massage, which help the baby to understand and feel his body, its capabilities, and also to feel the endless love of the mother through nurturing. Massage is a kind of communication, during which you need to “see” the whole baby - look into every fold of the skin, as if to say: “You are needed, and everything is fine here.”
    • Nursery rhymes contribute to the development of the baby's motor activity, which is very closely related to their speech activity. The melodiousness, musicality of the poetic lines contributes to the fact that the baby himself begins to finish the individual sounds, the words of the nursery rhyme. He likes the play on words that he notices in the work. This leads to the fact that imitating the speech of adults, children begin to play with words, sounds, sound combinations. Short, expressive and understandable poetic lines are easily and quickly remembered by young children, replenishing their vocabulary.
    • The determining factor in telling nursery rhymes is the creation of speech and game communication between an adult and a child. At the same time, the narration of a poetic folklore work, reminiscent of a cheerful game, expands the horizons of the child, enriches his feelings and speech, forms an attitude towards the world around him. And most importantly, with the help of poetic folklore forms, a child from birth finds himself in a melodic musical and poetic environment.

    How to nurture a baby

    The emotionality of an adult contributes to the support of the emotional activity of the child, the satisfaction of his emotional needs. Emotional support techniques include changes in the strength and pitch of the voice, a change in timbre sound, facial expressions, and gestures.

    Awakened baby, mother caresses, touching with light massage movements, gently says:

    Pull-ups, porastunyushki,

    Across the plump

    And in the legs - walkers

    And in the hands - grabbers,

    And in the mouth - a talker,

    And in the head - the mind.


    Little girls!

    Across fatties

    Hands are grips.

    Legs are runners.

    To strengthen the muscles of the child’s hand and develop his motor skills, an adult can slowly spread the baby’s arms, imitating swimming movements and saying:

    Lun floats,

    Lun floats.

    The so-called "tyutyushkane" is aimed at strengthening the back muscles of the baby.

    Ay, tushki - tushki - tushki!

    The bugs have grown.

    Burlaps have grown -

    All meadows were overgrown.

    Washing, you can say:


    Wash our face

    To make the eyes sparkle

    To make cheeks blush

    To laugh mouth,

    To bite a tooth.

    Bathing the baby, mom gently says:

    flowing water,

    The child is growing.

    Goose water

    Thinness from a child!

    water down,

    And the child up!

    If a child hits, he seeks protection, salvation from pain from his relatives and friends. An adult blows on a sore spot or strokes it, repeating:

    Magpies are in pain

    The crow of pain

    Live with Olenka.

    To cheer up the child, to cheer him up, the adult butts him with his fingers, set like horns:

    There is a horned goat

    For the little guys

    Legs top, top,

    Horns clap, clap!

    Who sucks a pacifier

    Doesn't drink milk

    I'm going to gore, I'm going to gore!

    Massage, turning the head, throwing hands on the head, waving the hands with mother's help, etc. - all this not only physically heals the baby, but also gives him a lot of pleasure. If at the same time mom cheerfully says:

    "I mix, I mix the dough,

    There is a place in the oven

    I bake, I bake a loaf!

    Golovonka - go ahead, go ahead!"

    what is happening causes the child to have an emotional "outburst", the need to contact with an adult, and most importantly, the desire to repeat those movements that he cannot yet perform on his own.

    So useful are the exercises that prepare the child for mastering walking.


    I kick, kick my legs.

    Antoshka's legs

    They go along the path

    The path is curved

    No end, no edge.

    While pronouncing rhyming lines, the mother alternately slaps the baby lying on the back in the footsteps, which reflexively react to light touches. So an adult forms a sense of the rhythm of walking when stepping over one or the other leg.

    Entertaining for the child and pestles, thanks to which he learns to make rhythmic clapping with his hands. An adult grabs the baby’s arms and, bringing them closer, says:

    "Okay, okay,

    Where were you? - Annushka.

    What did they eat? - Pancakes.

    Where are the fritters? - Ate...

    No pancakes!”

    The game continues. An adult suggests going to Panichka:

    almonds, almonds,

    Where were you? - At Panechka.

    What did they eat? - Gingerbread!

    Where are the gingerbread?


    No gingerbread!(Child's arms spread out to the sides).

    Then the adult offers to “go” to Mikeshka for nuts, then to Troshka for potatoes, and then to Senechka for seeds (by analogy). It is important that while playing, the child learns to fold his hands at the word “patties” and perform game movements with his hands in the rhythm of the song.

    Muscle tone and quick hand opening are most easily developed by touching a round surface. To your own palm, to your head or to your mother's hand.

    The game is called "Ladushki" because it improves the work of the child's body. And what does the word palm mean, you probably already guessed.

    Gradually, pestles are replaced by nursery rhymes.

    When a child begins to master walking, such nursery rhymes come to the rescue:

    Ta-ta-ta, ta-ta-ta,

    A cat married a cat;

    The cat walks on the bench

    Leads a cat by paws,

    Tops-tops on the bench,

    Tsapy-tsapy for paws.

    Saying these verses, the mother holds the baby by the arms and, stepping back, carefully leads him along. The rhythm of the verse also sets the rhythm of walking: “tops-tops”, “tsaps-tsaps” coincide with the steps of the stepping child.

    The baby can be led in a different way: an adult holds him from behind by the armpits and, legs wide apart, encourages him to step over his legs.

    Big feet

    We walked along the road:

    Top top top


    small feet

    Run along the path:

    Top-top-top, top-top-top!

    Top-top-top, top-top-top!

    Equally entertaining for children are rocking on their feet, “jumps” and swaying on their mother’s or father’s knees, grandmothers depicting a horse race, riding down a mountain, dancing, etc. Of course, such games are useful for older kids, when the baby already knows how to sit well and rise on its own legs:

    Let's go, let's go

    With nuts, with nuts!

    Jumped, jumped

    With rolls, with rolls!

    Hopping, jumping

    Over bumps, over bumps -

    In the hole - boom!

    An adult throws the child up on his knees, and then pretends to lower him down (clamps his knees and puts him on the “horse” (“sledge”, “cart”, etc.) again.

    good road,

    good road,

    Here's something worse

    Here's something worse

    Playing around, playing around,

    Playing around, playing around,

    On the bridge, under the bridge

    On the bridge, under the bridge

    Boo in the hole!

    Attracts kids and tossing on foot, the so-called googling. At the same time, the adult pronounces more energetic, quick nursery rhymes:


    Vanya rides on a stick

    And Dunya on a cart

    Cracks nuts.

    Chiki, chiki, kitki,

    Birch sticks!

    Two birds flew

    By itself small.

    How they flew

    All the people looked

    Where did they sit

    All the people were amazed.

    The desire of mothers and grandmothers to raise a child strong, healthy and well-fed gave rise to many sayings, with the help of which they tried to feed the child, drink milk, treat them with a pie, pamper them with pancakes, jelly, etc.

    Kissel came

    Sat down on the bench

    Sat down on the bench

    Olenka ordered to eat.

    A very short version is also possible:

    Let's cook porridge

    Let's feed Sasha.

    It should be taken into account that for a small child, not just conversations, stories about something or someone are significant. He needs to be an accomplice to what is happening and hear from an adult a direct appeal to himself in order to feel the attitude of mom, dad or grandmother, etc. in a particular situation, to understand their mood at the moment.

    In a light box

    Lizusha has grown up!

    People love her

    All dove her.

    Boy's option:

    Who is good for us?

    Who is handsome?

    The knee is good

    Nice knee.

    At the same time, you can stroke the child on the head, hold the handles or dance with him.

    Acupuncture Games

    There are many such developing Slavic games with kids that affect energy meridians and biologically active points, smoothing, straightening and thereby improving the flow of energy in the child's body.

    On the palms and on the feet there are points-projections of all internal organs. And all these fairy tale games that many of us remember from childhood are nothing more than massage in a playful way.

    By the way, in the modern world, the main elements of those game actions have become the basis for professional baby massage.

    And these games look very simple.

    white-sided magpie

    Circular movements with an adult finger on a child's palm in the game " The white-sided magpie cooked porridge, fed the children” stimulate the work of the gastrointestinal tract in the baby.

    The massage should start from the center of the palm. Then increase the circles - in a spiral to the outer contours of the palm: this is how you “adjust” the large intestine (the text must be pronounced slowly, separating syllables). You need to finish “cooking porridge” on the word “fed”, drawing a line from the unfolded spiral between the middle and ring fingers: the line of the rectum passes here (by the way, regular massage between the pads of the middle and ring fingers on your own palm will save you from constipation).

    Next is attention. It is not that simple. Describing the work of the “white-sided magpie” in distributing this very porridge to children, you should not skimp, pointing with a light touch “ gave it, gave it...”Each “baby”, that is, each finger of your baby, should be taken by the tip and slightly squeezed. First, the little finger: he is responsible for the work of the heart. Then nameless - for the good functioning of the nervous system and the genital area. Massaging the pad of the middle finger stimulates the liver; index - stomach. Thumb (which “ didn’t give it, because I didn’t cook porridge, I didn’t chop wood - here you are!”) is not accidentally left in the end: it is responsible for the head, the so-called “lung meridian” also comes out here.

    Therefore, it is not enough to simply squeeze the thumb slightly, but it is necessary to “beat” it properly in order to activate brain activity and prevent respiratory diseases.

    By the way, this game is absolutely not contraindicated for adults. Only you yourself decide which finger needs the most effective massage.

    white-sided magpie

    Where was? - Long away!

    The stove was stoked

    cooked porridge,

    She fed the kids.

    Jumped on the threshold

    Called guests.

    The guests heard

    They promised to be.

    Guests in the yard -

    Porridge on the table.

    She gave it on a platter(bend the little finger)

    This is on a plate(bend the ring finger)

    This is on a spoon(bend middle finger)

    This one is scraps.(bend index)

    And this - did not!(touch thumb)

    You didn't carry water

    Didn't cut wood

    Did not cook porridge -

    I won't give you anything!

    finger boy

    Holding the baby's thumb in the nail area, the adult asks: "Finger-boy, where have you been?" Then he touches each finger on the baby’s palm and continues the story: “I went to the forest with this brother. With this brother - cabbage soup cooked. I ate porridge with this brother. With this brother, I sang songs. Touching each finger, the adult raises both hands of the baby up and turns them from side to side above his head and says:

    - Thumb boy

    Where have you been?

    - With this brother -

    went to the forest.

    With this brother

    I cooked cabbage soup.

    With this brother

    I ate porridge.

    With this brother

    He sang songs.

    Some leg

    Games with the legs of the child are also useful, when the fingers lightly tap on the foot or on the heel, touch each finger - with such uncomplicated actions they improve blood circulation on the baby's foot. An adult “forges a leg”, saying:

    I forge, which leg,

    I'll go to the track.

    Gotta shoe the horse

    To sleep at home.

    I forge, which leg,

    I'll go to the track.

    For four miles

    Horseshoes were knocked off.

    Three wells

    During this game, there is an impact on the meridian of the lungs - from the thumb on the hand up to the armpit. Begins with stroking the thumb:

    - Ivashka went for water and met his grandfather with a beard. He showed him the wells...

    - The water is cold here. by clicking on this point, we activate the immune system.

    Now slide your finger along the inner surface of the arm to the elbow bend, press on the bend.

    - The water is warm here. - We regulate the work of the lungs.

    - The water is hot here.

    - And here is boiling water!- Tickle the little one under the arm. He will laugh - and this in itself is a good breathing exercise.

    In wet autumn weather, such a game is very useful: both entertainment and prevention of colds.

    And today, children, just as at all times, expect attention, care, love from their loved ones, expressed in looks, words and their intonations, in actions and play. You need to be able not only to love, but also to show your love. And this is the best way to teach the traditions of our ancestors, on which more than one generation of glorious Russians grew up. Therefore, for modern adults who want to return to their roots and not deprive their children of their family memory, it is so important to master the techniques of folk art and, communicating with the baby, skillfully “weave” them into everyday speech.

    the antiquities of children were nurtured. It is now they are brought up, nurtured, trained and cared for ...
    Nesting is a whole process of setting parents to the biorhythms of the child and setting the child to the biofield of the Earth. It turns out that all the old Slavic “games for the smallest” (such as “magpie-crows”, “three wells”, “patties”) are not games at all, but medical procedures based on acupuncture.

    If you simply swaddle, wash and feed a child, you are taking care of him.
    If you say at the same time something like: “Oh, you are my sweet! Let's put this pen here, but this one - in the sleeve. And now we’ll put on a diaper” - it’s you who are educating him: for a person must know that they love him, communicate with him, and in general it’s time to start talking someday.

    But if you, washing a child, say a pestle like:
    Water, water,
    Wash my face
    To make your eyes sparkle
    To make cheeks burn
    To laugh mouth,
    To bite a tooth.

    So, if you stuff a child with these pestle sentences, then you set the rhythm, join the general energy flow of the earth. On earth, everything is subject to certain rhythms: breathing, blood circulation, hormone production ... Day and night, lunar months, ebb and flow. Each cell works in its own rhythm. On that, by the way, conspiracies from diseases are built: sorcerers catch the “healthy rhythm” and adjust the diseased organ to it. So for every sore - its own verse.

    The best examples of folklore help parents to make their communication with the child more intense emotionally and aesthetically. However, today they are almost never used in communication with the baby. What is hidden behind the mysterious concept of “nurturing” a baby? And is it necessary for modern mothers?

    Emotional communication is one of the leading lines of development of a small child, starting from the first months of his life. Affectionate mother's touches, her voice, singing, loving look, the first games in combination with a poetic word - all this was and is called by a capacious word - folklore. Folk pedagogy includes small genres of poetic creativity for children: pestles, nursery rhymes, jokes, sayings, etc. They formed the basis of maternal pedagogy, tested for centuries. And one can only marvel at the genius of the people, who managed to express in a poetic word the great power of maternal love.

    Folk pedagogy has developed its traditional folklore genres for the smallest. All of them are unpretentious in content and simple in form, but they are fraught with considerable aesthetic and didactic (from the Greek didaktikus - instructive) merits. A simple rhyme, repeatedly repeated sound combinations and words, exclamations and emotional appeals involuntarily make the baby listen, freeze for a moment, peering into the face of the speaker. The unique originality of folklore is especially valuable for activating the child at a time when he has not yet formed voluntary actions, attention, reaction to words.

    It should be noted that all genres correspond to the psychophysical capabilities of a small child, so they can be used now, focusing on the micro-periods of early childhood - from birth to 3 months; from 3 to 6 months; 6-9 months; 9-12 months A newborn child grows "by leaps and bounds." The baby changes intensively every three months, so new, more complex tasks are set in mastering the movements of the body and hand, speech skills, emotional manifestations, cognitive reactions to the world around them and, of course, communication opportunities in communicating with adults. Interestingly, for each named microperiod, one can select folk works that correspond precisely to its genetically determined tasks. This also applies to the 2nd and 3rd years of life.

    Pestle, nursery rhymes, jokes, tongue twisters, fables and shifters, differing from each other in their pedagogical orientation, are introduced into the life of the child in different ways, depending on age.

    Pestlets include game interaction with the child, when an adult performs movements “for him”, playing with his arms and legs. The baby may still be unable to move such movements as turning the body, he cannot purposefully act with his hands, he cannot sit down, crawl, stand up at the support on his own - all this will come to him during the 1st year of life. It was during this period that the mother nurtures the baby: plays with his hands, strokes the baby on the tummy, makes “stomping” with his legs. Awakened baby, mother caresses, touching with light massage movements, gently says:

    little girls,
    Across the plump
    And in the legs - walkers
    And in the hands - grabbers,
    And in the mouth - a talker,
    And in the head - the mind.

    Massage, turning the head, throwing hands on the head, waving the hands with mother's help, etc. - all this not only physically heals the baby, but also gives him a lot of pleasure. If at the same time mom cheerfully says:
    "I mix, I mix the dough,
    There is a place in the oven
    I bake, I bake a loaf!
    Golovonka - go ahead, go ahead! -

    what is happening causes the child to have an emotional “outburst”, the need to contact with an adult, and most importantly, the desire to repeat those movements that he cannot yet perform on his own. With each repeated game, the mother feels an increasing activity in the performance of movements on the part of the baby. Listening to the gentle recitative of the mother, the baby anticipates the game movements, laughs and already turns his head, stretches out his arms, stretches his legs, etc., waiting for a familiar turn in the game. So with the help of pestles, the baby’s game “learning” begins.

    Equally entertaining for children are rocking on their feet, “jumps” and swaying on their mother’s or father’s knees, grandmothers depicting a horse race, riding down a mountain, dancing, etc. Of course, such games are useful for older kids, when the baby already knows how to sit well and rise on its own legs:

    Let's go, let's go
    With nuts, with nuts!
    Jumped, jumped
    With rolls, with rolls!
    Hopping, jumping
    Over bumps, over bumps -
    In the hole - boom!

    An adult throws the child up on his knees, and then pretends to lower him down (clamps his knees and puts him back on the “horse” (“sledge”, “cart”, etc.).

    good road,
    good road,
    Here's something worse
    Here's something worse
    Playing around, playing around,
    Playing around, playing around,
    On the bridge, under the bridge
    On the bridge, under the bridge
    Boo in the hole!

    Exercises that prepare the child for mastering walking are useful.

    I kick, kick my legs.
    Antoshka's legs
    They go along the path
    The path is curved
    No end, no edge.

    Speaking rhyming lines, the mother alternately slaps the baby lying on the back in the footsteps, which reflexively react to light touches. So an adult forms a sense of the rhythm of walking when stepping over one or the other leg.
    When a child begins to master walking, other pests come to the rescue, for example:

    Ta-ta-ta, ta-ta-ta,
    A cat married a cat;
    The cat walks on the bench
    Leads a cat by paws,
    Tops-tops on the bench,
    Tsapy-tsapy for paws.

    Saying these verses, the mother holds the baby by the arms and, stepping back, carefully leads him along. The rhythm of the verse also sets the rhythm of walking: “tops-tops”, “tsaps-tsaps” coincide with the steps of the stepping child. The baby can be led in a different way: an adult holds him from behind by the armpits and, legs wide apart, encourages him to step over his legs.

    Big feet
    We walked along the road:
    Top top top
    small feet
    Run along the path:
    Top-top-top, top-top-top!
    Top-top-top, top-top-top!

    Entertaining for the child and the pestle, thanks to which he learns to make rhythmic clapping with his hands. An adult grabs the baby’s arms and, bringing them closer, says:

    "Okay, okay,
    Where were you? - Annushka.
    What did they eat? - Pancakes.
    Where are the fritters? - Ate...
    No pancakes!” (Child's arms spread out to the sides).
    The game continues. An adult suggests going to Panichka:
    almonds, almonds,
    Where were you? - At Panechka's.
    What did they eat? -Gingerbread!
    Where are the gingerbread?
    No gingerbread! (Child's arms spread out to the sides).

    Then the adult offers to “go” to Mikeshka to eat nuts, then to Troshka to eat potatoes, and then to Senechka for seeds (by analogy). It is important that while playing, the child learns to fold his hands at the word “patties” and perform game movements with his hands in the rhythm of the song.

    Gradually, pestles are replaced by nursery rhymes - this is the name of the songs-sentences that accompany the game with fingers, pens, head, legs. Nursery rhymes differ from pestles in that they are designed for the activity of the child himself, who performs game movements on his own, correlating them with the content of the nursery rhyme song: finger movements, twirling of the palms (“flashlights”), clapping with the hands (“patties”), applying fingers to head ("ears"), etc.

    So, for example, the nursery rhyme “Ladushki, ladushki” is presented to a child in order to teach the child to independently perform a sequential chain of play actions, when the child makes “flashlights” with his hands, then claps his hands.

    Sweeties, sweeties!
    Where were you?
    By Grandma.
    What did you eat?
    Did you drink?
    Curdled milk.
    Yogurt is delicious
    Sweet porridge,
    Grandma is good!
    Drank, ate, shu-u-u ...
    flew home,
    sat on the head,
    The paws sang. (The baby throws up his hands, makes waves and puts his hands to the head).

    You can put any name in the nursery rhyme: it is important that the baby understands that we are talking about him. It will be very interesting for him if his mother plays this nursery rhyme in front of him with a doll:

    Pussy, pussy, pussy, come on!
    Don't sit on the path
    Our doll will go
    Through the pussy will fall! (A toy cat is placed in the path of a walking doll, and then removed.)

    For babies at the beginning of the 2nd year of life, nursery rhymes are selected, which, not only are understandable to the baby in their content, but also reflect the moments of his usual daily routine: feeding, sleeping, washing, playing, etc. It’s good if adults know the folklore word and can “blossom”, emotionally enrich, it would seem, quite ordinary situations. Playing with a child, helping to rise to his feet, you can say:

    "Dybok, Dybok,
    Soon Sasha is a year old!
    Dybok-dybok! A whole year!"
    Bathing the baby, mom gently says:
    "Water flowing,
    The child is growing.
    Goose water
    Thinness from a child!
    water down,
    And the child up!”

    When dressing a child for a walk, a mother can entertain him with the following lines:
    Our Masha (Dasha, Sasha, Katya) is small,
    She is wearing a scarlet fur coat,
    beaver edge,
    Masha is black-browed.

    The desire of mothers and nannies to raise a child strong, healthy and well-fed gave rise to many sayings, with the help of which they tried to feed the child, drink milk, treat them with a pie, pamper them with pancakes, jelly, etc.

    Kissel came
    Sat down on the bench
    Sat down on the bench
    Olenka ordered to eat.
    Love for a child, affection and maternal tenderness are expressed in the following lines:
    Our baby in the garden
    Like an apple in honey!
    It is important that the mother smiles at the same time and her speech is very emotional:
    On the oak tree, on the oak tree
    There are two doves here.
    They have blue necks
    They have golden feathers
    red coats,
    Blue pockets
    They sit on the oak
    They say to each other:
    All about Galenka
    All about little...

    Many years have passed since these nursery rhymes appeared, and so far they have not lost their relevance. And today, children, just like at all times, expect attention, care, love from their loved ones, expressed not only in actions, but also in a kind word. It is important not only to love the baby, but also to be able to emotionally, vividly and beautifully express your feelings. The folk word is an unsurpassed "teacher": that's why adults need to master the techniques of folk art and, communicating with the baby, skillfully "weave" them into everyday speech.

    It should be taken into account that for a small child, not just conversations, stories about something or someone are significant. He needs to be an accomplice to what is happening and hear from an adult a direct appeal to himself in order to feel the attitude of mom, dad or grandmother, etc. in a particular situation, to understand their mood at the moment.

    In a light box
    Lizusha has grown up!
    People love her
    All dove her.
    Boy's option:
    Who is good for us?
    Who is handsome?
    The knee is good
    Nice knee.
    At the same time, you can stroke the child on the head, hold the handles and dance.

    Modern methods of caring for children and the whole process of their upbringing include a wide variety of elements. Children are bought a lot of educational toys, clothes that will contribute to the correct formation and position of the bones.

    Usually, if anyone remembers this word, they quickly confuse it with jokes and nursery rhymes. Although all these are small folklore genres created for children, they have their own subtleties. For example, the essence of the nursery rhyme is precisely in entertainment, although it is intended to contribute to education. Sometimes she helped mothers turn mundane activities like bathing and cooking into play for the child. Rhymes were already read to somewhat older children, because with their help various things were taught.

    You can understand the meaning of this word if you pay attention to the verb to nurture. In its obsolete meaning, it means to nurse a child. So the pestles were created just for this - with their help, mothers and nannies took care of their babies. They read them small poems that accompanied the awakening of the child or some other processes.

    • Pestushki are read to small children, not older than a year, for whom at this stage the most important thing is proper physical development. A kind motherly voice, her gentle touches create an excellent basis for this.
    • Very often pestles accompany a variety of children's massages. Usually they consist of very simple elements, such as bending-extension of the legs or turning the head, but in combination with light verses, this turns out to be an excellent element in the development of the baby.

    How useful are pestles?

    1. With the help of simple lines, a child from childhood begins to learn some information about the world around him. Pestlets accompany learning to walk, as well as almost any contact between the child and the mother. She can recite appropriate verses while bathing or dressing the baby, and they can also become an element of lulling.
    2. Simple words gradually begin to be absorbed by the child. With the help of pestles, his speech formation begins. It is much better for a child to listen to even simple, but understandable and kind words, rather than obscure conversations or swearing of parents somewhere nearby.
    3. Pestles allow you to morally support the process of teaching a child something new. They tell him that he is doing the right thing, and can continue to repeat this in the future.

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