• Taxi Driver Day: date, history, interesting facts. International Taxi Driver Day Unique taxi colors


    Worldwide public transport is in the widest range: buses, trolleybuses, trams, minibuses daily deliver working people to their places of work and beyond. But there are situations in which an urgent trip anywhere is necessary, and the time of day or the location of the point of departure/destination does not allow the use of transport services designed to meet the mobility needs of the population. Then comfortable cars with checkerboards come to the rescue, flying to the client’s call at the first request. Taxi drivers, like most professionals in one field or another, have their own world-scale holiday, celebrated annually on March 22 -.

    History of the holiday and mode of transport

    Specialized cars, in the interiors of which meters are installed that determine the cost of the route “from point A to point B” (taxi), first appeared in the British capital on March 22, 1907. That is why March 22 is considered the date of birth of a taxi, which is why there are problems with the establishment of a professional holiday " International Day"taxi driver" did not arise. However, the history of "auto-on-call" began in Great Britain much earlier - in the first half of the 17th century. 1639 was marked by the start of licensed transportation throughout the country, which was carried out by "hackney" - horse-drawn carriages. Two centuries later they were replaced by light open-top carriages - “convertibles” or “cabs” for short.

    After some time, the need to use horses to move the crew disappeared, since thanks to developing technology, the British invented electric cabs with a snail's speed, by modern standards - 15 km/h. It was these cars that were equipped at the beginning of the 20th century with taximeters - “price meters”, which were mentioned above.

    The French people still cannot come to terms with the fact that London allegedly arrogated to itself the right to be called the birthplace of taxis. In fact, if you delve into history, you will find out the following: cars moving without the help of noble artiodactyl animals, called “fiacres,” drove around the streets of the French town of Meaux back in 1896 - that is, several years earlier than in England. In addition, the French quickly modernized the primitive form of transport and scaled up the production of branded cars. However, the official date of the appearance of the taxi has been determined once and for all, just like its initiators - nothing can be done about it... However, the French may not be particularly upset, because historical sources claim that the original taxi chariots existed back in antiquity in Ancient Rome, and with a peculiar a taximeter - a container into which a small pebble fell after a certain distance covered by the cart.

    From the history of taxis in Russia

    In Russia, cab drivers who charged fares began their activities even before the revolution. In 1907, it was already possible to reach your destination by car. From 1917 to 1924, taxis ceased to exist. But literally a year later, Moscow streets turned into highways for branded Fiat and Renault cars, whose drivers charged a fixed fee for travel.

    How did checkers appear and yellow Taxi

    You are, of course, interested in how the traditional yellow color of taxis and the famous “checkers” came about. This is an easy question. Initially, the cars scurrying through the streets of London were painted scarlet and green. But American resident John Hertz, founder of the Hertz Corporation, which produces special vehicles, came to the conclusion that the British version is not very interesting, since the colors chosen by the British do not particularly distinguish taxis from ordinary cars. As a result, he settled on a yellow shade that cannot be ignored. Soon Hertz's idea was successfully implemented by similar companies.

    The checkerboard pattern also comes from the USA, although the name of the company that decorated its cars with the original pattern is shrouded in obscurity. I can only say one thing: “checkers” are an element of sports, or more precisely, racing symbols, and began to function in a new role in the 20s. last century.

    Features of the taxi driver profession

    In that spring holiday On March 22, International Taxi Driver Day, I would like to talk about this difficult, but very necessary profession for us - a taxi driver.

    Being a taxi driver is not easy. It is only at first glance that it seems as if the driver is “turning the wheel” while sitting in a comfortable chair, and receives stable wages– not work, but pure pleasure! But the work of even an ordinary driver involves many difficulties, but for a taxi driver, who has direct contact with clients, it is doubly difficult.

    Firstly, he needs to be fluent in the art of driving, because transporting goods is incomparable to transporting passengers, since responsibility for the people in the cabin during the trip falls entirely on the shoulders of the person behind the wheel. And the car, if it belongs to the employing company, must be in perfect order.

    Secondly, a taxi driver, and this is understandable, does not have a specific, clear work schedule; the length of the working day depends entirely on the circumstances. It happens that you often have to work on weekends and holidays, as well as on the night shift, breaking the daily routine familiar to the body is fraught with serious health problems for the taxi driver.

    A significant disadvantage of being a taxi driver is the forced communication with a wide variety of categories of citizens, including alcoholics, rude people and bores. The taxi driver is obliged to deliver any client to the appointed place and be patient with his antics, unless they go beyond what is permitted. After all, once a taxi driver loses his temper with a passenger, he risks losing his job. After all, who wants to deal with a taxi driver who is unable to control himself?

    True, you can go the other way: engage in private transportation in your own car, on your own initiative - you are your own boss. In our country this phenomenon is quite common. And not because people wanted it that way, there is simply no other way out, especially in provincial towns: you need to live on something, but finding a decent job with normal wages is problematic. The advantages of a private cab service are obvious: independence from the employer company, passenger fares go exclusively to the driver’s treasury, not counting taxes.

    The main professional skills of a taxi driver

    A taxi driver is a very necessary and useful profession. Therefore, on March 22, International Taxi Driver Day, we should wish the drivers of yellow cars comfortable routes, polite customers and decent wages. But the main thing is to work out of vocation, and not out of necessity!

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    It is celebrated not only in Russia - it is an international holiday. More than 100 years ago, or rather on March 22, 1907, the first taxi appeared in England - a cab with a special taximeter that provided passenger transportation services. Since then, all taxi drivers consider this day their professional holiday. By the way, taxis appeared in Russia only in 1925; regular service began on June 25, and therefore our drivers have every right to celebrate the holiday twice a year.

    Romantics who are not afraid of danger - these are our taxi drivers. Psychologists who know their city perfectly are them too. Taxi driver - business card any city. Cars with yellow checkers scurry around the streets day and night, creating comfortable conditions for residents and guests of the cities. Have a nice trip, taxi driver!

    Show congratulations

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    What can you wish a taxi driver on his holiday? No patrol officers on your road, more cash orders and responsive, interesting and generous clients. So that your trusty car never breaks down, is not bothered by ice in the winter, and does not let the air conditioner fail in the summer.


    We congratulate everyone involved in the work of a taxi driver on their professional holiday today! They may joke about your profession every now and then, but you are the ones who help people get from point “A” to point “B” quickly and reliably. And your work is every bit as important as what lawyers or engineers do. Happy holiday, taxi drivers.


    There will be a lot of money on Taxi Driver Day
    And the road is clear as glass,
    And the traffic cop will sleep soundly,
    And the wife and mother will set the table,
    And the children will wait after the shift,
    And changes will begin in life,
    Like a new spring in nature.
    Step on the gas, let all the troubles go...!


    We sincerely congratulate the taxi drivers,
    We can't find better psychologists,
    Everyone understands, but they drive so fast!
    They know how to listen, they know how to remain silent!

    May your work always succeed,
    May your paths be smooth,
    Every generous client will come across -
    If you bring it, then bring it for the money!


    Eh, the profession of a taxi driver is not easy,
    Even though your favorite music is always nearby.
    Ava try 300 flights in a month
    Drive along the streets back and forth.
    Their sincerity, simple conversations,
    Night driving, road knowledge -
    It's not easy. Let them be healthy
    Taxi drivers and you, if you could choose
    Such a profession, the path is not quick.


    Who flies along the roads like an illusionist?
    This master is familiar to everyone because he is a taxi driver.
    Take to any point, or deliver to the entrance,
    It can be easy and simple - he is an expert on roads and places.
    On Taxi Driver Day, please accept congratulations from me.
    Be very, very happy and, of course, prosper.
    Only generous clients should sit in your salon.
    Well, quickly throw out the greedy and scandalous ones.
    Happiness, joy, good luck and luck in everything.
    Let your eyes shine with a bright, kind light.


    You'll put your visor on the roof in checkers,
    After all, your lunch is already over.
    You can’t erase the words from a song about a taxi driver,
    After all, there is no life without a taxi driver.

    And even those who drive the car themselves,
    Hiding the dashing courage in your pocket,
    Taxi drivers are often caught by the roadside,
    To take him to the garage.

    Sometimes we need to go to the clinic
    Or are you afraid to be late for the office,
    The taxi driver does not require a reward for this,
    Which can get us all home in time.

    After all, sometimes you risk your rights,
    If only your client had time to do his business,
    And maneuvering between the stripes,
    You press again with the risk of gas.

    You're waiting for us at the entrance, the counter is ticking,
    But you won’t say anything in reproach,
    Give us a lift, boss, we’ve gotten used to you forever,
    And we know the truth of your word.


    Happy Taxi Driver Day,
    May the journey be successful.
    And roads without potholes,
    And the client isn't too cool.

    Let him work in joy,
    So that there is no baton, no whistle.
    And the wife, so that, smiling,
    I always waited with dinner.


    Who turns the steering wheel briskly,
    Despite the ice,
    He is not rude or reckless,
    He doesn't drink while driving at all.

    He will be lucky even at midnight,
    And wherever I wouldn’t say.
    This guy is no amateur
    This is a professional.

    Today is a holiday - Taxi Driver Day
    Celebrated by the whole country
    And for this noble work
    You will be given a medal.

    And we will also say frankly -
    So that neither rod nor nail.
    And let it shine on your journey
    Guiding star!


    In blizzards and thunderstorms,
    In heat and cold -
    Taxi drivers always help our people out.
    In a huge traffic jam
    In an iron box
    He carries someone every day.
    Pressing on the pedals
    He's moving in the distance
    Things that are scary to think about at times.
    And few people know
    What is he dreaming about?
    To go home to my family and children.
    Come on people
    We will awaken the conscience
    After all, there is a bus, tram and metro.
    We'll arrange for taxi drivers
    As important artists,
    Time off: for you - a trifle, for them - good.


    Today, March 22,
    The holiday is yours.
    You should be at home
    With my family
    But you, without looking at anything,
    You go on your route,
    After all, you are already there
    Clients are waiting.
    So let you be on your way
    Always lucky
    And let the wife be at home
    Waiting patiently
    Let the kids make you happy
    Despite everything.
    They know: work as a taxi driver
    Hard for you.


    I will congratulate the taxi drivers today,
    I wish you more clients
    Let the cars be filled with gasoline,
    And they will rush through the starry nights.

    You still get tired while driving - I know.
    And sometimes the roads are not easy,
    But they will always deliver reliably,
    You to the designated point in Russia.

    There is bad weather outside, a blizzard
    And you don’t want to go far...
    Then I dial a taxi,
    This work is very important!


    So as not to fall behind the times,
    So as not to be late anywhere,
    Call a taxi quickly
    Ask for a car,
    That's when the taxi driver will rush to you,
    And the problem will be solved in no time!
    Accept taxi driver, bow from us,
    In the age of speed, you are the standard,
    Your work is top class
    You are simply an ace at your job!
    And on Taxi Driver Day, we will tell you
    We wish you joy in fate,
    Good health in abundance,
    So that everything is in order in life,
    If something goes wrong, don’t be discouraged,
    Celebrate your holiday with a smile!


    Modest everyday life, unprepossessing
    From a hard worker - from a taxi driver,
    But you are always cheerful and cheerful
    And keep the conversation going
    With a passenger, if necessary,
    And today we will be friends
    We celebrate Taxi Driver Day,
    A holiday worth celebrating
    A bottle of wine for us,
    We'll drink it to the bottom,
    Well, what if he’s waiting for someone
    Urgent work tomorrow
    Then you'll have to drink tea,
    Why go on a spree, so go on a spree!
    Well, if, friend, seriously,
    Congratulations on your holiday,
    Come back to the house not too late,
    You are already a hero of labor!


    We congratulate you on Taxi Driver Day,
    We wish you a smooth road,
    Always have a green path,
    Less traffic jams ahead.

    And let there be many clients,
    Fewer strict police officers
    The car won't let you down
    And it brought in a lot of money.

    Always have a nice journey
    And only happiness lies ahead.
    And just hurry home,
    To your beloved and dear family!


    We will be sincere -
    You are needed here and there.
    Who do people love so much?
    Who else are they waiting for?

    And everywhere old and young
    Through puddles and snow,
    Who else is so happy?
    Who else are they running after?

    How we love the driver,
    Universal savior, -
    Our priceless hero
    Routes and roads!

    Taxi drivers around the world celebrate their professional holiday - International Taxi Driver Day. It was on this day in 1907 that the first cars equipped with special meters appeared on the streets of London. London cab drivers called the meter "taximeter" - from the French "tax" ("fee"), and the Greek "metron" ("measurement"). Since then, individual urban transport began to be called taxis, and cab drivers - taxi drivers.

    The first London taxis were green and red. The yellow color, which we consider traditional for these cars, appeared with light hand John Hertz, founder of Hertz Corporation.

    Taking old cars as payment for new ones, an enterprising American repainted used cars yellow and used them as taxis. Naturally, such bright cars were easy to spot on the city streets, and later almost all such companies adopted the practice of repainting taxis yellow. And it will become yellow classic color taxi for the whole world.

    Another recognizable symbol of a taxi is the checkerboard pattern. According to one version, the first checkerboard pattern appeared in the 20s of the last century on the cars of an American company, which borrowed them from racing symbols. It had to attract the attention of customers and encourage them to think about speed of movement.

    The first taxi drivers appeared in Russia in 1907. By 1912, the capital's taxi fleet consisted of 230 cars, which were serviced by the Central Dispatch Service. However, in 1917, after the October Revolution, taxis in Moscow and other large cities of Russia ceased to exist for a time.

    And only in 1925, by a resolution of the Mossovet communal farm, regular taxi traffic was reopened in the city. It is this day that Moscow taxi drivers consider the birthday of the modern Russian taxi and, along with International Taxi Day, celebrate it as their professional holiday.

    We congratulate you on Taxi Driver Day.
    We wish you a smooth road,
    Always have a green path,
    Less traffic jams ahead.

    And let there be many clients,
    Fewer strict police officers
    The car won't let you down
    And it brought in a lot of money.

    Always have a nice journey
    And only happiness lies ahead.
    And hurry up - just go home,
    To your beloved and dear family!

    In large and medium-sized cities, taxi services help people stay mobile around the clock. Such services are becoming increasingly popular - prices are becoming affordable, so many clients seek help again and again. For the comfort of customers, not only the car drivers themselves work, but also dispatchers and technical service personnel. This holiday is considered by both official carriers and people who earn extra money as private drivers. This day is celebrated every year on March 22.

    history of the holiday

    The first taxi options appeared in the British capital in 1636. It was then that licenses began to be issued for coachmen who could officially engage in paid carriage. Crews with engines appeared much later, only in 1890, and this happened in another country - France. But all these prototypes were similar to a modern taxi only in that they delivered people to their destination, and the service itself was paid. There were no attributes of modern services yet.

    Only in 1907, cars that were equipped with a special meter for the first time entered the streets of London. If we talk about the first British taxi cars, they were green and red. The yellow color, now considered traditional for these cars, appeared at the suggestion of John Hertz, the founder of the Hertz Corporation.

    This happened exactly on March 22. It was this date that was taken as the basis when the idea to celebrate International Taxi Driver Day appeared. It is interesting that the appearance of the first taxi drivers in the Russian Empire took place in the same 1907. By 1912, the capital’s taxi fleet included 230 “iron horses”, serviced by the Central Dispatch Service.

    Nowadays, everyone has used a taxi at least once in their life: the service is widespread both in megacities and small towns. It is therefore not surprising that such a large fraternity of drivers has their own professional holiday - Taxi Driver Day. Want to know more about him? We present to you a short excursion into the world of the profession.

    The appearance of the holiday

    Taxi Driver Day is an international holiday. Around the world it is traditionally celebrated on March 22. On this date, only more than a century ago, in 1907, cars with meters first appeared on the streets of the English capital, whose drivers could take passengers anywhere for a fee. Within London, of course.

    By the way, where did the word “taxi”, “taxi driver” come from? It's all about the same meters, their name was "taximeter". This is a compound word consisting of the French "tax" - "payment", "tax", and the Greek. "metron" - "measurement measure". Hence, over time, the transport itself began to be briefly and clearly called a taxi, and drivers - taxi drivers.

    Historical facts

    We are already so accustomed to the fact that taxi drivers’ cars are painted yellow that we consider this a kind of historical tradition. However, those first taxis in London were not sunny, but red and green flowers against the backdrop of other transport.

    The yellow color began to characterize taxis a little later, this happened thanks to the American D. Hertz, founder of the Hertz Corporation. The entrepreneur accepted used cars as payment for new ones, and repainted their battered bodies in a positive camouflage yellow. Hertz's cars were easily visible on the streets and attracted the attention of citizens rushing about business. Therefore, his experience was quickly adopted by the owners of other taxi companies.

    What about checkers - the characteristic chess pattern by which we recognize taxis? It is believed that this symbol became widespread in the 20s. last century in the USA. Resourceful taxi drivers borrowed it from racing competitions - the sign thereby spoke of unprecedentedly fast movement from point A to point B.

    Taxi Driver Day in Russia

    Taxis appeared in our country, only slightly behind London, in the same 1907. According to historical evidence, in 1912 the Russian taxi fleet already consisted of 230 cars. Taxis were not only “caught” on the streets, the carriers were served by a special dispatch service. In 1917, the taxi fleet, alas, ceased to exist - the October Revolution was approaching.

    Taxi service to the population was resumed only on June 21, 1925, in Moscow. Therefore, the capital’s drivers consider both June 21 and March 22 to be Taxi Driver Day in Russia in 2017. This is a holiday twice.

    What is it like to work as a taxi driver?

    Taxi Driver Day is the day of a representative of one of the most difficult professions. The driver works with people all day, and not all passengers are calm, pleasant and friendly. Therefore, only drivers with strong nerves stay to work here for a long time.

    The taxi driver is a professional driver. He must know the traffic rules and operating rules of the car by heart. It’s also good to navigate the city: to know where to avoid traffic jams, how to get to a little-known address, how to guess from a couple of landmarks where a passenger is waiting. Nowadays, the work of taxi drivers has been greatly simplified by navigators, but it is still difficult for them to compete with the instincts of a professional.

    Working as a taxi driver is extremely dangerous. And it’s not just a matter of risk on the road: a taxi driver carries all his earnings with him throughout the day, and his car can also become attractive to criminals. Progress has helped the driver here too: if he is in a strange or dangerous situation, he can use the radio to tell the dispatcher a pre-agreed word or code sentence. The employee will track the location of the car using the navigation system and call for help.

    On Taxi Driver Day, we invite you to learn a little something new about taxis in different countries.

    • South Korea. According to statistics, this country has the cheapest taxi in the world! At the same time, the price does not affect the quality: only premium class cars serve passengers.
    • Japan. Taxis do not have “tasty” prices, but they amaze with their service: mini-bar, dual video, air conditioning. And the taxi driver himself is almost like a car doorman, taking care of the passenger’s comfort all the way.
    • USA. Here you will not only not sit on front seat, but you will also be protected from the driver by a special transparent partition with a small window.
    • Israel. In this country, you need to look for a taxi not by yellow, but by white color. Unlike the rest of the population, taxi drivers also go to work on religious holidays.
    • Germany. If you want to drive a Mercedes E-class, welcome to German soil! Almost all taxis here are diesel cars of this model.
    • Greece. Want to know what a donkey taxi is? Then you should go to Fira (Santorini Island). By the way, your vehicle will also be your driver.
    • England. In the homeland of taxis, just like in America, you will be separated from the driver by a partition and placed in the back seat. But your luggage, according to the rules, will be in the front seat.

    When you order a taxi on March 22, don’t forget to congratulate you on Taxi Driver’s Day. Believe me, this will be the reason Have a good mood for the driver for the whole day!

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