• Children's pullover knitting wool. Children's jumper with a hood with a colorful knitting pattern Knitted children's jumper with a garter stitch hood


    This children's blouse with a hood is crocheted of natural yarn, the pockets are decorated with a bright "bear footprints" pattern, funny ears are sewn on the hood.
    The description of the size is given for the child's age. 6 (12, 18, 24) months.

    For knitting, you will need 2 (2, 2, 3) skeins of sand (70% wool, 30% cotton, 170 m / 113 g) sand color (MC), 1 skein of fern color (A) and 1 skein of bright orange (B ); circular knitting needles No. 4 60 cm long and No. 4.5 60 cm long; stitch markers; loop holder; 4 (5, 5, 5) buttons.
    Knitting density: 18 p. and 26 p. \u003d 10x10 cm with front stitch on knitting needles No. 4.5.
    The main knitting is the front surface. Pearl pattern (the number of loops is a multiple of 2):
    1st p.: * 1 person., 1 out., repeat from *;
    2nd p.: * 1 out., 1 person., repeat from *. Repeat rows 1 and 2.
    The blouse is knitted in one piece, starting with the sleeves.
    Sleeves .
    On needles No. 4, dial with thread A 26 (30, 32, 34) p. And knit 6 rows with a pearl pattern. Then switch to needles No. 4.5 and knit with MC yarn in stockinette stitch. Starting from the 9th row, inc 1 loop on each side in the front rows 5 times = 36 (40, 44, 48) p. Knit until 13 (15, 17, 19) cm from the beginning of the sleeve, finish in the wrong row. Bind off 2 sts at beg of each next 2nd row and slip 32 (36:40:44) sts onto holder. Knit the second sleeve in the same way.
    With thread A, dial 88 (96, 104, 116) loops on knitting needles No. 4 and knit 6 rows with a pearl pattern. Then change to needle size 4.5 and work with MC yarn in stockinette stitch to a height of 15 (17.5, 18, 18.5) cm from the cast-on edge, finishing in the front row. On the next purl row, work as follows: 19 (21, 23, 26) sts for the left side of the front, cast off 4 sts for the sleeve, 42 (46, 50, 56) sts for the back, cast off 4 sts for the sleeve, 19 (21, 23, 26) loops for the right side of the front.

    Sleeve attachment.
    1st p.: 19 (21, 23, 26) persons. right front, slip marker on right needle, 32 (36, 40, 44) sleeve sts from holder, marker, 42 (46, 50, 56) back sts, marker, 32 (36, 40, 44) sts from second holder, marker, 19 (21, 23, 26) sts left front = 144 (160, 176,196) sts.
    2-4 p .: in the purl rows purl. Loops, in the front rows - persons. loops;
    5th row: * for 3 loops in front of the marker, 2 loops are removed in turn as facial, then the left knitting needle is inserted inside all three, after which they are knitted with one front, 1 person., marker, 2 persons. together; repeat from * 3 more times = 136 (152, 168, 188) loops;
    6-8 p. knit without reductions;
    9-12 p.: repeat from the 5th to the 8th p. = 128 (144, 160, 180) p.;
    13-22 (26, 30, 34) p.: repeat 5 and 6 p. 5 (7, 9, 11) times = 88 (88, 88, 92) p.;
    23 (27, 31, 35) p.: close 3 (3, 3, 4) loops, * for 3 p. before the marker 2 loops are removed in turn as facial ones, then the left knitting needle is inserted inside all three, after which they are knitted in one front, 1 person., marker, 1 person., 2 persons. together, 4 persons., 2 loops are removed in turn as facial, then the left knitting needle is inserted inside all three, after which they are knitted with one facial, 2 persons. together, 4 persons., 2 loops are removed in turn as facial, then the left knitting needle is inserted inside all three, after which they are knitted with one facial, 1 person., marker, 1 person., 2 persons. together; rep from * 1 more time = 73 (73, 73, 76) sts;
    24 (28, 32, 36) p.: cast off 3 (3, 3, 4) sts, then purl to end of row = 70 (70, 70, 72) sts;
    25 (29, 33, 37) p .: 2 loops are removed in turn as facial, then the left knitting needle is inserted inside all three, after which they are knitted with one knit, * for 3 stitches in front of the marker 2 loops are removed in turn as facial, then the left needle is inserted inside all three, after which they are knitted with one front, 1 person., marker, 1 person., 2 persons. together; repeat 3 times from *, 2 last. persons. together = 60 (60, 60, 62) p.;
    26 (30, 34, 38) purl stitches;
    27 (31, 35, 39) p.: 2 loops are removed in turn as facial, then the left knitting needle is inserted inside all three, after which they are knitted with one facial, * for 3 sts ped with a marker, 2 loops are removed in turn as facial, then the left knitting needle is inserted inside all three, after which they are knitted with one front, 1 person., marker, 1 person., 2 persons. together, repeat from * 1 more time, last 2 faces. together = 46 (46, 46, 48) p.;
    28 (32b 36b 40) p.: purl stitches;
    29 (33, 37, 41) p.: repeat 5th row = 38 (38, 38, 40) p.;
    30 (34, 38, 42) p.: purl stitches;
    In the next row, knit 10 (10, 8, 8), move the markers, knit two knits from one loop: one behind the front wall, the other behind the back of each 18 (18, 22, 24) p., 10 (10, 8, 8) persons. = 56 (56, 60, 64) p.
    Next, work in stockinette stitch for 6 (7.5, 8, 10) cm from the beginning of the hood, ending with a purl row. In the next, front, row: 19 (19, 20, 21) persons., marker, 18 (18, 20, 22) persons., 19 (19, 20, 21) persons.;
    Following. row: * for 3 loops in front of the marker, 2 loops are removed in turn as facial, then the left knitting needle is inserted inside all three, after which they are knitted with one knit, 1 knit., marker, 1 knit., 2 knit. together, rep from * 1 more time, work to end of row = 52 (52, 56, 60) sts. Work next 3 rows in stockinette stitch. Then repeat the previous 4 rows 2 (2, 2, 1) times = 44 (44, 48, 56) p.
    Following. row: * for 3 loops in front of the marker, 2 loops are removed in turn as facial, then the left knitting needle is inserted inside all three, after which they are knitted with one knit, 1 knit., marker, 1 knit., 2 knit. together, rep from * 1 more time, work to end of row = 40 (40, 44, 52) sts.
    Track. row: purl loops. Then repeat the previous 2 rows 3 (3, 4, 6) times = 28 p. Cast off all sts.
    Cast on 16 sts with MC yarn on needles No. 4.5 and knit as follows:
    1st (front) p.: 1 person., 1 out., repeat to the end of the row;
    2nd (purl) p.: 1 person., 14 out., 1 person.;
    3rd row: knit according to the pattern;
    4th row: repeat the 2nd row.
    Determine the central 8 loops and knit 12 rows of the pattern "bear tracks" according to the counting pattern. Then repeat the first 3 rows. Next, knit with needles No. 4 with yarn A for 6 rows with a pearl pattern. Close loops. Tie the second pocket in the same way.
    On knitting needles No. 4.5, dial 11 loops with MS yarn and knit as follows:
    1st (front) p .: 5 persons., From one loop, knit two facial ones: one behind the front wall, the other behind the back, 5 persons. = 12 p.;
    2nd and all purl rows: purl;
    3rd p.: 5 persons., From one loop, knit two facial ones: one behind the front wall, the other behind the back in every 2nd loop, 5 persons. = 14 p.;
    5th row: 5 persons., From one loop, knit two facial ones: one behind the front wall, the other behind the back in every 4th loop, 5 faces. = 18 p.;
    7th, 9th and 10th rows: knit according to the pattern without increments;
    11th p.: 5 persons., 2 persons. together 4 times, 5 persons. = 14 p.;
    13th p.: 5 persons., 2 persons. together 2 times, 5 persons. = 12 p.;
    15th p.: 5 persons., 2 persons. together, 5 persons. = 11 p. Close all loops. Tie the second ear.
    Finish .
    Planks: for a boy, loop on the left side, for a girl - on the right.
    From the front side with MC yarn (you can A or B, if desired) on knitting needles No. 4 along the edge, dial 61 (70, 76, 82) p. And knit as follows:
    2nd row: 1 out., * 2 out. together, 1 person., repeat from * to the end of the row, the last loop is wrong side = 41 (47, 51, 55) p.;
    3rd p.: 1 person., * 1 out., 1 person., repeat from * to the end of the row;
    4th p.: 1 out., * 1 out., 1 person., repeat from *, finish 1 out.;
    5-8th p.: repeat 3 and 4 p. twice. Close all loops. Mark the places for sewing on buttons. Knit a bar with loops in the same way, but in the 5th row, loop as follows: yarn over in the indicated places, slip the loop as a knit, slip the next loop as a knit, insert the left knitting needle into the loops just removed and knit them with one knit (loop) ; work 3 (4, 4, 4) more loops in a row;
    6th p.: 1 out., * 1 out., 1 person., repeat from * to the end of the row, last. purl loop;
    7th p.: 1 person., * 1 out., 1 person., repeat from * to the end of the row;
    8th p.: repeat the 6th p. Close all loops.
    Sew on pockets. Sew side seams and sleeve seams. Fold the ears in half with the wrong side inward. Sew the halves along the outer edge. Sew the ears on the sides to the hood. Sew buttons to placket.

    A hood or hood can be either a separate piece of your clothing or an addition to a regular sweater / jacket. Hoods are very popular with children and teenagers. The hood looks especially organic on children's sweaters, fashionable hoodies, jackets and coats. Coat, jacket with a hood, not only fashionable, but also functional. In snow, rain, strong wind, the hood will save you from unpleasant weather phenomena. Today we will tell you how to knit a hood with knitting needles.

    You can knit a hood with knitting needles in different ways. The easiest way is to tie a rectangle and sew it along one of the sides.

    We knit the hood separately from the jacket. We collect the required number of loops on straight knitting needles. There should be exactly as many loops as there are loops along the entire length of the neckline plus straps for fasteners. We knit a rectangle up to the height of the head plus 3-4 cm. The pattern can be used the same as on the jacket.

    Pattern of the hood with knitting needles:

    interesting selection on the site Compilation of adult models

    The second way - you can raise the loops along the neckline of the jacket and start knitting the hood with the main pattern according to the method described above.

    How to knit a hood - a collar with knitting needles

    In knitting, along with the classic hood, reminiscent of the shape of the heel of a sock, a hood-collar is especially common. It can be done in several ways. Here is the simplest one.
    The neck line on the pattern-base of the back and front remains unchanged, only the dimensions of the fastener and hood are outlined. Tie the back and shelves, leaving the neck loops open. Sew the product, put on the loops of the neck loops on one knitting needle and, starting from point A, knit a row of front loops along the front side of the work. Loops to point A, re-slip on the right knitting needle without knitting. Next, work the hood with a placket pattern, such as garter st, adding stitches in the middle of the hood at the back (see the “+” sign) or along the edge of the hood.

    When the height of the fabric reaches 35-38 cm, finish the work with an auxiliary thread, after ironing, weave it off and sew the open loops with a loop-to-loop seam.

    There is another way to knit a hood.

    For a classic hood, you need to dial loops along the edge of the neck. In order to be accurate, you should type on the front side. Fasten the thread at the beginning of the row and, using a knitting needle (or hook), begin to pull the working thread through the loop on the product. The loops remain on the needle. Having typed loops, you need to tie 2 rows with a simple front surface.

    Next, the hood is knitted in short rows. To do this, knit the next front row not to the end, turn the knitting, double crochet, and again without knitting the row with purl loops, turn the knitting. Thus, first one side of the hood is knitted, then the second is knitted. Thus, we knit a hood of the desired length. Then we close the loops of the sides.

    After that, the middle part is knitted. When knitting the middle part, we pick up the side loops and finish knitting. Several rows along the edge of the hood can be knitted with an English elastic band or crocheted openwork. Here's what the hood looks like.

    Interesting models with a hood from the Internet

    Blue hooded coat

    Beautiful and stylish model. The coat is decorated with large flowers and twigs with leaves on the back, and on the front it is a simple model.
    Bust: 86 (97.105. 113, 120) cm. Size: XS (S, M, L, XL).

    You will need: 12 (12. 13. 13. 14) skeins of Briggs & Little Atlantic (100% wool. 124 m/11 zg), color - 73, red
    - circular knitting needles No. 10-12, 40 and 80 cm long or other size to achieve the required knitting density
    - Loop holder for braids
    - 6 large buttons
    - Knitting markers
    - Needle for yarn
    - 5 pins for loops or leftover yarn.

    Size 43*61 cm.

    This is a trendy model from Vogue Knitting magazine.

    Knitted hood Mocha Hoodie Hat by Sandi Prosser

    The hood is knitted across, starting from the front to the back, and then a vertical seam is made.

    Size 55 - 56, 57 - 58. The circumference along the bottom of the product (neck) - 47.5 (52.5). Height 25cm.

    Hood with ears

    For knitting you will need: Lana Gold Plus yarn (51% acrylic, 49% wool, 140 m / 100 g) - 200 g beige, knitting needles No. 5, 3 buttons, hook, synthetic winterizer.

    Scarf with knitting hood

    Sizes: 116/122-128/134-140/146 152/158. You will need 650-700-750-800 g of Schachenmayr SMC Cotton Time yellow yarn (100% cotton. 88 m / 50 g); knitting needles No. 3 and No. 3.5; circular knitting needles No. 3.5; auxiliary needle; 7-8-7-8 buttons.

    Knitted scarf-hood

    Scarf dimensions: length 210 cm, width 30 cm. Hood dimensions: 72x84 cm.

    To knit a scarf-hood, you will need 10 skeins of yarn (75% wool, 25% silk; 220 m / 10 g); knitting needles 7 mm, auxiliary knitting needle for braids, hook 7 mm, holders for loops.

    Basic knitting.

    Garter st: knit sts in each row;

    Front surface: front loops in the front rows, purl loops in the wrong rows;

    Braids: knit 16 loops according to schemes A and B, where only the front rows are shown (in the back rows, knit according to the pattern), repeat vertically 1-10 rows;

    Edge stitches: Knit on each row.

    Knitting density:

    13 p. and 20 p. \u003d 10x10 cm with front stitch with a thread in 2 additions;

    16 sts of braid pattern = 7.6 cm wide.

    Interesting models with a hood on our website:

    Yellow hooded cape

    Dimensions: 42(46).
    Materials: 1000 (1 150) grams of Merinos Otto yarn (100% merino wool, 50 grams = 90 meters), knitting needles No. 3.5 and No. 4, hook No. 2.
    Types of knitting: hollow elastic band, elastic band 2 × 2, faces. smooth surface, out. smooth surface.

    Knitted tunic with a hood

    To knit a tunic, you will need: CATANIA yarn (100% cotton; 50 g/125 m): 250 (300; 350) g ​​No. 00106 white, 300 (350; 400) g No. 00164 dark blue. Needles No. 2.75 and 3. Circular needles No. 3.

    Knitted hooded vest

    Vest sizes: 36/36 (40/42) 44/46.

    For knitting you will need: 400 (400) 450g. purple Windsor yarn (55% merino wool, 31% royal mohair, 14% polyamide, 110 m / 50 g); knitting needles number 4.5; hook number 4.

    Hooded scarf

    The hit of this winter is the hood, smoothly turning into a scarf. The bag is not only fashionable, but also very comfortable.

    You will need: Secret of Success yarn (100% wool, 250 m / 100 g) - 200 g purple, knitting needles No. 4.

    Coat with hood

    You will need: 1700 gr 1700 g MONDIAL MERINO MAXI walnut yarn (50% merino wool, 50% acrylic, 60 m/100 g); straight and auxiliary knitting needles No. 8.

    Melange hooded jacket

    Jacket with a hood, knitted in two threads.

    Size: S-M-L-XL - XXL - XXXL.

    You will need: 350-400-450-450-500-550 g of Fabel yarn from Garnstudio color No. 161 (rose dream) and 350-400-450450-500-550 g of color No. 153 (tex mex): Knitting needles 5 mm, 6 -6-6-7-7-7 metal buttons.

    Coat size: for OG 90 cm.
    For knitting a coat you will need: 700 g of thread, knitting needles Nr. 5.5; 4 large buttons.

    Hooded vest

    Vest sizes: 38-42

    You will need: 750 g of blue yarn Linie 270 Faro (60% wool, 40% polyacryl. 80 m. 50 g) double-sided transparent zipper 50 cm long straight needles No. 5 and No. 6 Long circular needles No. 5 Hook No. 5.

    Knitted patterns with a hood for children

    Striped hooded vest

    Sleeveless sizes: 92 (104). You will need: 100 g each of orange and hot pink, 50 (100) g of cyclamen-colored yarn (100% polyamide, 90 m / 50 g); straight knitting needles No. 3 and 4; fugue knitting needles No. 3.

    Coat for girls with a hood

    Size: 68/74 (74/80) 80/86.

    You will need: 300 (400) 400g of Linie Miranda melange yarn and 200g of Linie Champ orange yarn (100% merino wool, 70m/50g); knitting needles No. 7-7.5; hook No. 5.5; 3 buttons.

    Size 2-3 years. You will need: “Popular” yarn (50% wool, 45% acrylic, 5% bulk acrylic, 133 m / 100 g) - 400 g of gray, the remains of fine gray yarn, knitting needles No. 4.5 and No. 2.5, 4 buttons.

    Jacket with a hood for a boy

    Size: 110/116. You will need: 450 g of Cool Wool beige yarn (100% merino wool, 160 m / 50 g); knitting needles number 4; hook number 3.5; zipper 40 cm long.

    From such knitted pullover kids will love it, it's so fluffy and soft, with comfy pockets and a hood.

    Size (bust): 65/66 and 71/73 cm
    You will need: 400 (500) g of Schachenmayr Original Brazilia orange yarn (100% polyester. 90 m / 50 g); 100 g light orange Schachenmayr Original Favorito (50 g/105 m); knitting needles No. 4 and 5; circular knitting needles No. 4; hook number 5.
    Note: Brazilia yarn is made up of different threads. Thus, the result is uneven knitting, and the alternation of stripes can vary in width. Also, for technical reasons, the appearance of knots on the thread cannot be avoided.

    The sequence of alternating stripes depends on the type of thread at the beginning of each coil. Whatever it was, you get a completely original design.

    Facial surface: faces. R. - persons. P.; out. R. - out. P.; in circular rivers knit all p. persons.

    Main pattern: the number of loops is a multiple of 10 + 1 + 2 chrome. Knit according to the pattern. In out. R. all p. and nakida knit out. Start with chrome. and loops before rapport, repeat loops of rapport, end with loops after rapport and chrome. Repeat from 1st to 6th p. The number of stitches varies throughout the pattern. After the 5th p. - the initial number of loops on the needles. The data in the description of the work is applicable to rows consisting of 10 p. + 1 p.

    Knitting density. The main pattern, knitting needles No. 5: 16 p. And 22.5 p. = 10x10 cm.

    Description of knitting children's sweaters:

    Back knitting: for a double border with Favorito thread with knitting needles No. 4, dial 62 (72) p., tie 1 out. R. out. and 5 p. persons. stitch, then 1 out. R. persons. for the fold and 6 p. persons. satin stitch. Add in the last out. R. 1 p. \u003d 63 (73) p. Next, knit with the main pattern with knitting needles No. 5 with Brazilia thread. After 30.5 (33.5) cm = 60 (66) p. from the beginning of the pattern, perform 10 sts on both sides of the faces. stitch, at the same time close for armholes on both sides in each 2nd p. 1 x 4 p. and 3 x 2 p. = 43 (53) p.
    After 41 (46.5) cm = 84 (96) p. from the beginning of the pattern, close the middle 15 (19) sts for the neckline and knit further separately, closing 1 x 3 sts along the edges of the cutout in the next 2nd p. After 44 (49.5) cm = 90 (102) p. from the beginning of the pattern close the remaining 11 (14) p. of each shoulder.

    Knitting front: knit like a back, but after 34 (37.5) cm from the fold line for the neckline, close the middle stitch and knit further separately, closing along the edges of the neckline in each 2nd p. 10 (12) x 1 p. Through 44 (49.5) cm = 90 (102) p. from the beginning of the pattern close the remaining 11 (14) p. of each shoulder.
    Sleeves: with knitting needles No. 4 with Favorito thread, dial 32 p. And knit a double border, as for the back, adding in the last out. p. 1 p. \u003d 33 p. Next, knit with the main pattern with knitting needles No. 5 with Brazilia thread, adding sleeves for bevels on both sides in each 8th p. 7 x 1 p. (In each 8th p. 6 x 1 p. And in each 6th p. 4 x 1 p.) \u003d 47 (53) p. After 34 (39) cm, close the sleeves with both sides 1 x 4 p., in each 2nd p. 2 (3) x 2 p., 4 (3) x 1 p., 1 x 2 p., 1 x 3 p., close the remaining 13 (17) p.
    sleeve height = 42 (47) cm.
    Hood knitting: for the left part with knitting needles No. 5 with Brazilia thread, dial 5 p., tie 1 out. R. out., continue faces. stitch, adding from the right edge for the neckline in each 2nd p. 1 (2) x 1 p., 1 (2) x 2 p., 1 x 3 p., 1 x 4 p., 1 x 5 p. and 1 x 8 p. = 28 (31) p. . Run the right part of the hood symmetrically. Next, knit on all loops, in the 1st p. knit 2 chrome. persons together. \u003d 55 (61) p. Mark the central 3 p. of the back and add on both sides of these p. In each 2nd p. 6 x 1 p. = 67 (73) p.

    After 18 (20) cm (measured in the center of the knitted fabric), knit the 1st st of the persons marked together. from the previous p., 1 person., then knit the 3rd marked p. with the next p. together with a broach (remove 1 p. as persons., 1 person. and stretch it through the removed p.). Repeat the decrease over the previous ones in the 4th p. 1 time and in every 2nd p. 5 more times = 53 (59) p. Link 1 person. R. to the central 3 p., knit these 3 p. together faces., then fold the 2 halves of the faces. sides and knit 1 st from each knitting needle together faces., closing the st.
    Cast on needles No. 4 with Favorito thread along the straight edge of the hood 102 (114) p., tie 1 out. R. out., 3 p. persons. stitch, 1 out. R. persons., 3 p. persons. satin stitch, close all stitches. Turn the hood trim halfway inward and sew.

    Knitting pocketand "kangaroo": With Brazilia thread, knitting needles No. 5, dial 40 p., tie 1 out. R. out. and knit faces. satin stitch. After 9 cm, close for the pocket hole on both sides 1 x 2 p., Then in each 2nd p. 1 x 2 p. and 1 x 1 p. and after 4 p. another 1 x 1 p. = 28 p. After 18 cm with knitting needles No. 4 with Favorito thread, tie another 5 p. persons. satin stitch and close all p. persons. Cast on 16 sts with Favorito thread along each straight edge of the pocket with needles No. 4, knit 1 out. R. out., then 4 p. persons. satin stitch, close all p. persons.
    On the side edges of the pocket with a Favorito thread with knitting needles No. 4, dial 35 p., tie 1 out. R. out. and 5 p. persons. satin stitch, for rounding in the 3rd p. persons. smooth evenly subtract 6 p. Tie 1 out. R. persons., continue persons. stitch, simultaneously in the 1st p. for rounding, perform 1 addition of faces. behind the back wall after each p. 6 times. Knit 5 p. persons. satin stitch, then close all the stitches. Tuck the trim in half and sew.
    Assembly: sew seams, sew sleeves. Fold the trim halfway in and sew on.

    On circular knitting needles with Favorito thread, dial 80 (90) sts along the neckline and knit 4 circles. R. persons. stitch, performing double broaches (remove 2 p. as persons., 1 person., and stretch the removed points through it) in the center of the front in each 2nd p. 2 times. Run 1 circle p. out., tie 4 circle, p. persons. stitch, at the same time add on both sides of the central section in each 2nd p. 2 x 1 p. Then close all p. Tuck the inlay halfway inward and sew. Sew the hood to the neckline, starting and ending 5 (7) cm below each shoulder seam. Sew a pocket to the center of the front over the hem, sew on the straight side and the finishing edges. For ties with Favorito thread, tie a chain of air. n. 150 cm long and perform 1 p. conn. Art. Pull the drawstring into the drawstring of the hood.

    Dimensions: 1/2/3/6/12 months

    You will need: 3/3/3/4/5 skeins of light gray (Nono) and 1 skein of gray (Limaille) Bergere de France Caline yarn (60% acrylic, 20% wool, 20% polyamide, 180 m / 50 g); knitting needles No. 2.5; 4 buttons measuring 1 x 1 cm; 6 transparent buttons with a diameter of 1 cm.

    Garter stitch: persons. and out. R. - persons. P.

    Rubber: alternately 1 person., 1 out.

    Knitting density, garter stitch: 27 p. and 54 p. = 10 x 10 cm.

    Back: cast on 56/62/66/72/78 sts with light gray yarn and work in garter st. Through 14/15/16/18/20 cm = 76/82/86/98/108 p. from the typesetting edge, close for armholes on both sides 4 p. = 48/54/58/64/70 p. from the typesetting edge, set aside for the bevels of the shoulder on both sides 11/14/15/17/18 p. And close the middle 26/26/28/30/34 p.

    Left shelf: cast on 44/50/54/60/66 sts with light gray thread, then cast on 4 sts with gray thread. Work in garter st for 48/54/58/64/70 sts, crossing threads when changing colors. Through 14/15/16/18/20 cm = 76/82/86/98/108 p. from the typesetting edge close for the armhole on the right side 4 p. = 44/50/54/60/66 p. Through 18/19/21/24/26 cm = 98/104/114/130/140 p from the inlaid edge, knit 20/23/24/26/28 p., close the next 8/8/10/12/14 p. for the neckline. Then knit the row to the end and finish both sides separately, closing from the inner edge in each 2 -m r. 2 x 2 p., 5 x 1 p. / in each 2nd p. 2 x 2 p., 1 x 1 p., in every 4th p. 4 x 1 p. / in each 2nd p. 2 x 2 p., 1 x 1 p., in every 4th p. 4 x 1 p. / in each 2nd p. 2 x 2 p., 1 x 1 p., in every 4th p. 4 x 1 p. / in each 2nd p. 2 x 2 p., 1 x 1 p., every 4th p. 5 x 1 p. Through 22/24/26/29/32 cm = 120/132/142/158/172 p. from the typesetting edge, set aside for the bevel of the shoulder on the right side 11/14/15/17/18 p., then close the remaining 7/10/11/13/14 p.

    Right shelf: cast on 4 sts with gray thread, then cast on 44/50/54/60/66 sts with light gray thread. Work in garter st for 48/54/58/64/70 sts, crossing threads when changing colors. Through 14/15/16/18/20 cm = 76/82/86/98/108 p. from the inlaid edge close for the armhole on the left side 4 p. = 44/50/54/60/66 p. Through 18/19/21/24/26 cm = 98/104/114/130/140 p from the inlaid edge, tie 16/19/20/22/24 sts, close the next 8/8/10/12/14 sts for the neckline. Then knit the row to the end and finish both sides separately, closing from the inner edge in every 2nd p. 2 x 2 p., 5 x 1 p. / in each 2nd p. 2 x 2 p., 1 x 1 p., in every 4th p. 4 x 1 p. / in each 2nd p. 2 x 2 p., 1 x 1 p., in every 4th p. 4 x 1 p. / in each 2nd p. 2 x 2 p., 1 x 1 p., in every 4th p. 4 x 1 p. / in each 2nd p. 2 x 2 p., 1 x 1 p., in every 4th p. 5 x 1 p. Through 22/24/26/29/32 cm = 120/132/142/158/172 p. from the inlaid edge close on the right side 7/10/11/13/14 p., on the left side for the bevel of the shoulder, set aside the remaining 11/14/15/17/18 p.

    Sleeves: dial 42/44/48/50/52 p. with a gray thread and knit with a garter stitch, while after 6 p. knit with light gray thread. After 4 cm = 22 p. from the inlaid edge add on both sides at a distance of 2 p. from the edge 2 x 1 p. in each 26th p. / Z x 1 p. in each 20th p. / 4 x 1 p. in each 18th R. / b x 1 p. in each 14th p. / 7 x 1 p. in each 14th p. = 46/50/56/62/66 p. Through 14/16/18/20/23 cm = 76/86/98/108/124 p. put aside all loops from the typesetting edge.

    Hood: dial 112/118/126/134/142 p. with a gray thread and knit with a garter stitch, while after 6 p. knit with light gray thread. After 2.5 cm = 14 p. close from the typesetting edge on both sides in each 4th p. 5 x 1 p., in every 2nd p. 3 x 1 p. / in every 4th p. 5 x 1 p., in every 2nd p. 3 x 1 p. / in every 6th p. 2 x 1 p., in every 4th p. 3 x 1 p., in every 2nd p. 3 x 1 p. / in every 6th p. 3 x 1 p., in every 4th p. 2 x 1 p., in every 2nd p. 3 x 1 n./in every 6th p. 4 x 1 p., in every 4th p. 2 x 1 p., in every 2nd p. 2 x 1 p. = 96/102/110/118/126 p. Through 12/12/13/14/15 cm = 66/66/72/76/82 p. close from the typesetting edge on both sides in each 2nd p. 5 x 2 p., 6 x 3 p. Then close the remaining 40/46/54/62/70 p.

    Assembly: carry out shoulder seams as follows: fold the postponed loops of the back and front with the front sides. Using the 3rd knitting needle, knit faces together. the first loop of the front and the first loop of the back, also knit the second loops from each knitting needle. Pull the second loop on the 3rd needle through the first. Continue in this way until all shoulder loops are closed. Kettle sleeves to the vertical parts of the armholes. Fold the hood in half and sew the back seam from point A to point B, sew on the hood, starting and ending from the middle of the neckline of each shelf. Sew sleeve seams and side seams. Sew on buttons and buttons, focusing on a schematic drawing.


    104/110 (116)

    You will need

    Yarn (100% sheep wool, 203 and / 50 m) - 200 g of sectional dyeing in pink-blue and 50 g each of white, yellow and blue; straight knitting needles No. 2.5 and No. 3; 2 blue buttons in the shape of a flower with a diameter of 17 mm.

    Patterns and schemes

    Front surface

    In faces. R. knit knit loops, in out. R. - purl.


    Knit alternately 1 person., 1 out. P.


    Knit 82 sts according to the pattern of faces. satin stitch in jacquard technique.
    Knit 1 time p. 1–20.

    Decorative reductions

    Right edge: chrome., 2 p. knit together faces.
    Left edge: 2 p. Knit together faces. with a slope to the left (= 1 remove, like faces., next p. knit faces. and stretch the removed p. through it), chrome.

    Knitting density

    30 p. x 34 p. \u003d 10 x 10 cm, knitted with the front stitch with knitting needles No. 3.


    Watch for color changes in the yarn. After the blue elastic, all details should start with
    blue section of yarn. If necessary, unwind the thread in the ball to the desired location.


    Completing of the work


    Dial 93 (101) sts with knitting needles No. 2.5 with blue yarn and, starting from the inside. p., knit 3 cm (= 13 p.) gum.
    Then switch to needles No. 3 and knit 10 p. (= 3 cm face stitch).

    After that, switch to pink-blue yarn and continue with faces. satin stitch.

    For armholes, close after 17 (20.5) cm (= 58 (70) p.) From the change of yarn on both sides, 2 p. Then in each 2nd p. 1 more time for 2 p. and perform on both sides 7 (9) times 1 decorative
    decrease = 71 (75) p.

    At an armhole height of 13 (14.5) cm (= 44 (50) p.), close 4 (5) p. for shoulder bevels on both sides, then in each 2nd p. 2 more times for 4 p. and 1 time for 5 p.

    Simultaneously with the 1st shoulder bevel, close the middle 23 (25) sts for the neckline, and finish the left side first.

    To round the cutout, close from the inner edge in every 2nd p. 1 more time 3 p. and 1 time 4 p.

    Finish the other side symmetrically.


    Start like a back, but after the elastic, distribute the next sts. way: chrome., 5 (9) p. persons. iron in blue, 82 sts of the “chicken” motif according to the drawing, 4 (8) sts of persons. smooth, chrome

    After 10 p. knit pattern on all loops of faces. smooth pink-blue yarn.

    Arrange armholes as on the back.

    At the same time as the beginning of the armholes, set aside the middle 9 sts for the polo collar cutout and finish the left side first.

    For the inner band of the polo collar, separately dial 9 sts and knit further as 1 chrome. p. and 8 p. gum, the rest of the p. continue after the plank of the faces. satin stitch.

    After the last decrease for the armhole, 40 (42) p. \u003d 9 p. Planks and 31 (33) p. smooth.

    At the height of the polo collar 10 (11.5) cm (= 34 (40) p.), set aside the first 9 p. from the inner edge for the neckline, close the trace. 4p., then to round the cutout, close in each 2nd p. 1 more time 3 p., 2 times 2 p. and 3 (4) times 1 p.

    Shoulder bevel run from the outer edge, as on the back.

    To the loops of the right side, add the middle 9 sts set aside at the beginning of the cutout and knit these last 9 sts with an elastic band.

    Finish the right side of the front symmetrically, but with 2 holes for the buttons on the placket with an elastic band. To do this, at a cutout height of 4 (5) cm (= 16 (18) p.), close the 5th + 6th p. From the left edge and next. R. dial them again. Repeat this technique 1 more time after 16 (18) p.


    Dial 55 (59) p. Knitting needles No. 2.5 with blue yarn and, starting from the inside. p., knit 3 cm (= 13 p.) gum. Then switch to needles No. 3 and knit 10 p. (= 3 cm) faces. satin stitch.

    After 1.5 cm (= 6 p.) from the elastic, add 1 p. on both sides, then in each 10th p. 6 (7) more times 1 p. = 69 (75) p.

    After 20.5 (23.5) cm (= 70 (80) p.) from the elastic, close the sleeves for the round on 3 p. on both sides, then in each 2nd p. 2 more times for 2p., 9 (11) times for 1 p., 2 times for 2 p. and 1 time for 3 p. In the next. persons. R. close the remaining 23 (25) p.

    Knit the second sleeve in the same way.


    Sew shoulder and side seams.

    For the hood, place on the knitting needles No. 3 the deferred 9 sts of the right collar strap, along the edge of the neckline, dial a total of 72 (78) sts of pink-blue yarn, trying, if possible, to match the tone with which the shoulder bevels were knitted, and add 9 deferred sts of the left collar straps = 90 (96) p.

    Mark 2 middle sts and distribute sts next. way: chrome., 8 p. gum (= continue the bar), persons. smooth surface to the last 9 p., 8 p. gum, chrome.

    To round off the hood, knit on either side of the 2 sts marked in the middle in each 2nd p. 8 times 1 cross. n. from broaches in every 2nd p. = 106 (112) p.

    After 16 cm (= 56 p.) from the last increase, knit on both sides of the middle sts in each
    2nd river 7 times 2 sts together. and 4 times 3 sts together. in every 2nd p.

    Fold the rest of the p. in half. sides to each other and connect both parts of the hood with a loop-to-loop seam.

    Sew sleeve seams and sew sleeves.

    Sew buttons to collar placket.

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