• Energy resources: concept, characteristics, classification, main types of fuel, new types of energy. Energy resources and their use


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    Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution

    Higher professional education

    "Tambov State Technical University"

    Department: "Nature management and environmental protection"


    In the discipline "Ecology"

    On the topic: “Energy resources and their main sources”

    Teacher: Belyaeva N.P.

    Completed Art. group BRT11V: Grigorieva E.A.

    Tambov 2015


    1. Energy classification

    6. Ways to save energy



    Typically energy sources are used in three ways. Firstly, they get thermal energy, burning fossil fuels, and use it directly to heat homes, schools, businesses and commercial establishments. Secondly, it is possible to convert the thermal energy contained in the fuel into work, for example, to use oil distillation products to drive various equipment, as well as cars, tractors, trains, airplanes, etc. Finally, thirdly, it is possible to convert the thermal energy released during the combustion of fuel or released during the fission of uranium nuclei into electrical energy, and then direct the resulting electrical energy either to produce heat or to perform mechanical work. Electricity can be obtained from the energy of falling water. Essentially, electricity plays the role of a convenient intermediary between the energy source and its consumers on site. And just as the appearance of an intermediary in the market leads to higher prices, the use of energy in the form of electricity also leads to higher prices.

    Conversion various forms energy into electrical is practiced for many reasons. In some cases, it is simply impossible to effectively use energy without converting it into electricity. Before electricity was discovered, the energy of falling water (hydropower) could only be used to drive mechanical devices. Spinning machines, mills and sawmills in manufacturing industries were driven by the energy of falling water. Water power had no other use until a way was found to convert it into electricity, which made it possible to use it to drive machines far from where the water fell. Likewise, the fission energy of uranium cannot be harnessed on any large scale other than by converting it into electricity. And, as in the case of hydropower, electricity obtained from the fission of uranium nuclei can be used not only to drive various mechanisms, but also to generate heat for heating houses (though this is ineffective), heating water and many other purposes.

    Unlike falling water, fossil fuels were used only for heating and lighting, but not for driving various mechanisms. Firewood and coal, and often dried peat, were burned to heat residential buildings and public buildings, and coal was also used as a source of heat necessary for iron smelting. Coal oil, obtained by distilling coal, was poured into lamps. And only with the invention of the steam engine in the 18th century. The potential of fossil fuels to power a variety of machines and mechanisms was truly unlocked. In the first decades of the 19th century. locomotives with steam engines running on coal were already in use. And in the first decades of the 20th century. Coal was burned in power plant boilers to produce electricity, although this energy production process was not very efficient at that time.

    1. Energy classification

    In practice, several more or less homogeneous forms of energy are most often distinguished: mechanical, chemical, thermal, nuclear, light (or radiant) and electrical. Mechanical kinetic energy inherent in moving objects. It is possessed by such natural phenomena as river flows, wind, and sea tides.

    Mechanical potential energy is possessed by objects and objects located above the surface level (i.e. those that have somewhere to fall). This type includes water bodies located in the mountains or accumulated in reservoirs (see slide 1).

    * Chemical energy is found in fuels and food and is intended to be converted into other forms.

    * Well-heated objects possess thermal energy. This type of energy is widely used in production and in everyday life. Sources of heat can also be found in nature - these are thermal springs used by the ancient Romans.

    * Nuclear energy, or atomic energy, is what holds the nuclei of atoms together, leaving them as they are.

    * Radiant energy, also called electromagnetic radiation, not only “animates” our receivers and televisions and makes wireless communications possible, but also, in the form solar radiation, is the main source of energy, movement and life on Earth.

    Electricity is typically generated in power plants (although it can be generated by batteries, electric batteries, lightning, or electric ramp strikes). Its role in the economy and society can hardly be overestimated. It is this that constitutes the basis of all modern life.

    The energy that provides the final processes of production of the intangible sphere is finite energy. All such processes can be divided into several aggregated groups, since:

    Lighting and communication of information;

    Electrophysical processes;

    Mechanical processes, both stationary (for example, a forging press, a metal-cutting machine, etc.) and mobile (for example, transport) in nature;

    Thermal processes of high, medium and low potential .

    If the amount of final energy cannot be directly measured, but can only be calculated using theoretical data on the energy intensity of individual processes, then the amount of so-called supplied energy can be determined using, for example, counting devices. The supplied energy is the energy that ensures the operation of the final energy installations and is contained in energy carriers - physical substances containing potential energy and quite easily converted into final forms. Such energy carriers can be various factors- various types of fuel and electricity.

    2. Classification of energy resources

    The basis of the energy economy of society, the source of both energy carriers, and, therefore, energy itself are energy resources, which obviously means the short name for energy resources. Energy resource - it is an energy carrier that is currently used or can be used in the future.

    All energy resources are divided into primary and secondary. Primary resources are the result of natural processes. Primary energy resource - This is an energy resource that has not been subjected to any processing. This is energy that is contained in natural sources and can be converted into secondary (electrical, thermal, mechanical) energy.

    Primary energy resources include natural fuels, as well as solar, wind, water, biomass, etc.

    Energy resources can also be divided into fuel and non-fuel. Primary energy resources can be renewable or non-renewable.

    Renewable natural resources are objects whose supply is restored by nature itself. Many of them practically do not depend on the extent to which society involves them in economic circulation: solar energy, hydro resources, wind. There are others - those whose use leads to a decrease in their supply in the short term and even for quite a long time. An example is biomass. They can, however, be considered renewable in the long term.

    Non-renewable energy resources are those resources whose reserves are fundamentally exhaustible - mineral fuels, uranium.

    If short-wave radiation is associated with direct reflection of solar radiation, then long-wave radiation is the result of natural processes and man-made activities.

    A secondary energy resource (SER) (internal energy resource) is an energy resource obtained as a by-product of the main production or is such a product (production waste). This is the energy potential of product waste, by-products and intermediate waste generated in technological installations (systems), which is not used in the installation itself, but can be partially or fully used to supply energy to other installations. Secondary energy resources include all processed other or transformed fuels, and by-product energy from production or consumption processes can be recovered and reused. This category includes refined petroleum products, refined fuels, as well as waste steam, waste heat, and hot gases. Following this logic, saved energy should also be considered secondary energy resources.

    3. Classification of secondary energy resources

    A technological unit or installation that is a source of waste energy, which can be used as useful energy, is called a source unit or installation-source of VER .

    The energy potential of waste and products is classified according to the energy reserve in the form of chemically bound heat (combustible RES), physical heat (thermal RES), potential energy excess pressure (VER excess pressure).

    Combustible VER. Combustible VER include gaseous, solid or liquid waste generated during the production of the main products, which have chemical energy and can be used as fuel.

    The sources of combustible renewable energy resources are the forestry and woodworking industries, the chemical industry, agriculture and municipal services.

    Currently great attention is devoted to the disposal of solid wood waste, agricultural waste, etc. In the forestry and woodworking industries, approximately half of the harvested wood goes to waste. One of the primary tasks is their disposal by combustion to produce heat.

    Thermal VER . Thermal HER includes the physical heat of exhaust gases from boiler plants and industrial furnaces, main or intermediate products, other waste from the main production, as well as working fluids, steam and hot water, exhausted in technological and energy units.

    To utilize thermal energy resources, heat exchangers, waste heat boilers or thermal agents are used.

    Thermal HERs are divided into high-temperature (with a carrier temperature above 500°C), medium-temperature (at temperatures from 150 to 500°C) and low-temperature (at temperatures below 150°C).

    VER overpressure. Overpressure RERs can be used to produce mechanical work, heat or cold. In the first case, a turbine coupled on the same shaft with an electric generator is used for conversion. In the second case, the energy of excess pressure can also be converted into heat or cold.

    Technogenic human activity is primarily associated with the conversion of chemical energy from organic fuels into thermal energy and nuclear energy. These primary energy conversion technologies are called traditional technologies .

    To a lesser extent, human technogenic activity is associated with the direct use of solar energy and the use of its conversion products. Accordingly, these primary energy conversion technologies are called non-traditional technologies .

    However, the main resource traditional technologies transformation of primary energy - organic (solid, liquid, gaseous) fossil fuel - a limited (exhaustible) energy resource and the possibilities of its use are not infinite in time.

    In this regard, it may be more justified to divide the primary energy resource into renewable and non-renewable .

    Renewable energy sources are sources based on constantly existing or periodically occurring energy flows in the environment. Renewable energy is not the result of purposeful human activity, and this is its distinguishing feature.

    Non-renewable energy sources are natural reserves of substances and materials that can be used by humans to produce energy. Examples include nuclear fuel, coal, oil, and gas. The energy of non-renewable sources, unlike renewable ones, is in nature in a bound state and is released as a result of purposeful human actions.

    Non-traditional and renewable energy sources include: solar, wind, geothermal, wave, tidal and ocean energy, biomass, wood, charcoal, peat, draft animals, shale, tar sands and hydropower from large and small streams.

    Although these sources may collectively provide no more than 5% of the total estimated fuel economy, their use is very important for several reasons:

    · firstly, work on their use will contribute to the development of our own technologies and equipment, which may subsequently become the subject of export;

    · secondly, these sources are usually environmentally friendly;

    · thirdly, their use in itself ensures that people are educated in the psychology of energy saving and energy efficiency, which will contribute to the transition from wasteful to rational savings.

    4. Technologies for using VER

    The use of renewable energy sources is the most important area of ​​energy saving in an industrial enterprise.

    A source unit of a water-reactive medium should be understood as a unit in which the carrier of a water-reactive medium is formed and receives potential (process furnaces, reactors, refrigerators, steam-using plants, etc.) (see slide 7).

    Secondary energy resources can be used directly without changing the type of energy carrier to meet the need for fuel and heat, or with a change in energy carrier by generating thermal energy, electricity, cold or mechanical work in recycling plants.

    A schematic diagram of the use of energy resources and the distribution of energy flows during the utilization of water and energy resources is shown on slide 8. The diagram shows the names of individual flows and gives cross-sections by which the quantitative values ​​of these indicators are determined, and the names on the right refer only to the right flow, and the names on the left - to both streams.

    When disposing of water and energy resources, the following terms and concepts should be distinguished:

    Exit VER - the number of VER generated during the production process in a given technological unit per unit of time.

    Generation due to SER - the amount of heat, cold, electricity or mechanical work obtained through SER in recycling plants.

    There are possible, economically feasible, planned and actual production.

    Possible output - maximum amount heat, cold, electricity or mechanical work, which can be practically obtained due to this type of RES, taking into account the operating modes of the RES source unit and the recycling plant. Economically feasible production - the maximum amount of heat, cold, electricity or mechanical work, the feasibility of obtaining which in a recovery plant (during the period under review) is confirmed by economic calculations.

    For the designed installations, economically feasible production is the amount of heat, cold, electricity or mechanical work, the receipt of which through the use of renewable energy resources and use by consumers gives the greatest economic effect. Since the parameters of recycling installations are selected based on the condition of their greatest efficiency, the possible generation of thermal energy in this recycling installation is economically feasible.

    Planned output - the amount of heat, cold, electricity or mechanical work that is expected to be obtained from renewable energy resources in the implementation of the development plan for a given production, enterprise, industry during the period under review, taking into account the commissioning of new ones, the modernization of existing ones and the removal of obsolete recycling plants.

    Actual output - the actual amount of heat, cold, electricity or mechanical work received at existing recycling plants for the reporting period.

    Output coefficient due to VER is the ratio of actual (planned) output to economically feasible (possible) output.

    The production coefficient can be determined for one unit-source of water and energy resources, for a group of units of the same type, for a workshop, enterprise, industry for each type of water resources.

    Usage SER is the amount of energy used by consumers, generated by SER in recycling plants, as well as fuel and heat obtained directly as SER.

    The use of renewable energy resources, as well as generation due to renewable energy resources, can be possible, economically feasible, planned and actual (see figure).

    When determining the possible and economically feasible use of VER, the availability of technically developed and proven methods and structures for the disposal of VER, the availability of space for the placement of recycling plants, the presence of energy consumers, etc. are taken into account.

    When using VER with energy conversion in a recycling plant, the possible use of VER is equivalent to the possible generation due to RER and is numerically equal to it.

    Fuel savings due to RER is the amount of primary fuel that is saved through the use of secondary energy resources. Fuel savings, according to the use of renewable energy sources, can also be possible, economically feasible, planned and actual. The amount of fuel economy is summed up various types VER.

    Recycling rate VER is the ratio of actual (planned) fuel savings due to VER to economically feasible (possible) ones. The utilization coefficient can be determined for one unit-source of water resources or for a group of units, for an enterprise, industry for each type of water resources and in total for all types of water resources.

    5. Utilization of secondary (by-product) energy resources

    If in any production it is not possible to fully use all the energy, you need to try not to dump it into the environment, but to sell these unnecessary secondary (by-product) energy resources for this production to other consumers, or organize a special production facility that consumes this energy. This approach does not provide fuel savings in the technological process itself, but can significantly improve the economic performance of production at the expense of funds received from the implementation of renewable energy resources.

    Generation of energy carriers (water steam, hot or chilled water, electricity, mechanical work) by reducing energy potential carrier, VCR is carried out in a recycling facility.

    The main difficulty in solving the problem of recycling renewable energy resources is usually finding a consumer. We have to analyze not only our own production, but also, first of all, related ones, and sometimes completely unrelated ones. Often greenhouses, fish ponds, etc. are created for the disposal of renewable energy resources. The method of recycling SER is chosen depending on the consumer's requirements in the form of secondary energy.

    If there are combustible wastes at production - fuel RERs, then using them is usually not difficult. As a last resort, if it is not possible to burn fuel RES in conventional furnaces, special ones are created, for example, fluidized bed furnaces for burning high-ash solid residues of coal preparation plants.

    Electricity is usually produced due to excess pressure in expansion turbines. The largest share is made up of thermal energy and energy resources. Often, when talking about VER, they are the only ones that are meant.

    Thermal SER of gas flows with high temperature(> 400 °C) and medium (100-400 °C) are usually used to produce steam or heat water using steam or water heat recovery boilers. Water heat recovery boilers are designed to heat water used for district heating of residential and public buildings. Structurally, they are a system of pipes through which network water leaks, which is why water-heating waste heat boilers are often called recycling economizers.

    Evaporative cooling systems for elements of high-temperature furnaces are currently widespread. In furnaces, many elements have to be made of metal - first of all, these are load-bearing and supporting beams; they bear a large load that refractory materials cannot withstand. It is practically impossible to make movable elements from refractories, especially those that must be hermetically sealed, for example, filling windows, dampers that block the traveling cross-section of gas ducts, etc. But metals can only work at moderate temperatures up to 400-600 °C, and the temperature in the furnace is much higher. Therefore, the metal elements of the furnaces are made hollow and cooling water circulates inside them. To prevent the formation of scale and contamination inside the cooled elements, the water must be specially prepared. In addition, this water must be cooled or discharged. In both cases, environmental pollution occurs.

    All these disadvantages are eliminated if water is supplied to the cooled elements of the furnace from the circulation circuit of the waste heat boiler. The cooled elements of the furnace here act as an evaporation surface, in which heat is no longer discharged into the environment, but is used to generate steam. The boilers are fed with chemically purified water, so scale and contaminants do not form inside the cooled elements and their service life is 1.5-3 times longer than when cooled with running water.

    The evaporative cooling system can also work as an independent steam boiler, but its power will be too low. With an integrated approach to the recovery of heat from gases and cooled elements of the furnace structure, the costs of auxiliary equipment, communications, maintenance, etc. are significantly reduced.

    In some cases, it is possible to use the heat of hot solid products. Many metallurgical plants now operate cooling units (technologists say “dry quenching” ) coke plants (USTK) (Figure 1), in which coke with a temperature above 1000°C, unloaded from coke batteries, is cooled. The particular difficulty of this installation is that coke is a flammable material. Therefore, inert nitrogen is used to cool it, and the entire installation is sealed, preventing nitrogen leaks whenever possible.

    Figure 1 - Coke cooling installation.

    Hot coke in special cars is quickly (since it burns in air) transported from the coke oven battery and loaded into a sealed chamber 1, then enters the quenching chamber 2, in which it is purged from bottom to top with inert gas. Due to gradual unloading from below, coke moves in a dense layer from top to bottom in a countercurrent to the cooling gas. As a result, the coke is cooled from 1000-1050°C to 200-250°C, and the gas is heated from 180-200°C to 750-800°C. Through special holes 3 and a dust settling chamber 4, gases enter the recovery boiler 5. In it, by cooling 1 ton of coke, approximately 0.5 ton of steam is obtained with sufficiently high parameters p = (3.9 e4.0) MPa and °C = (440 e450 ) °C. After the recovery boiler, the cooled gas is once again cleaned of dust in cyclone 6 and fan 7 is again sent to the extinguishing chamber under a special divider for uniform distribution over the cross section of the chamber.

    The dry cooling method, in comparison with the traditional one, when hot burning coke is actually “extinguished” by pouring water, allows not only to obtain additional energy (recycle the water-reactive material), but also improves the quality of coke, reduces its losses due to burnout during the extinguishing process, and eliminates water consumption , and most importantly, it avoids atmospheric pollution with steam and coke dust.

    Similar schemes for recycling the heat of other solid substances can only be used with a sufficiently high productivity, otherwise it will be economically unprofitable for the reasons stated above. The productivity of the USTK for coke is 50-56 t/h.

    The most difficult thing is to find an application for low-potential thermal RES (t<100°С). В последнее время их все шире используют для отопления и кондиционирования промышленных и жилых зданий, применяют тепловые насосы для повышения температурного потенциала или для получения холода. Непосредственно используют такие ВЭР только на отопление близко расположенных теплиц или рыбоводных хозяйств.

    6. Ways to save energy

    Society is faced with the need to search for alternative energy sources. The search and development of new energy sources is one of the global problems of our time. With a variety of ideas about the energy sector of the future, the dominant trend is the worldwide saving of fossil fuels, taking into account its inevitable rise in price, shortages and economic difficulties in production and use.

    A global energy system based on the highly efficient use of renewable energy sources should not only be less centralized, but also less vulnerable to various economic shocks.

    According to the forecast, by 2020 these sources will replace about 2.5 billion tons of fuel, their share in the production of electricity and heat will be 8%.

    During the year, the earth's surface receives solar radiation equivalent to 178 thousand GW years (which is approximately 15 thousand times more energy consumed by humanity). However, 30% of this energy is reflected back into outer space, 50% is absorbed, 20% is used to maintain the geological cycle, and 0.06% is spent on photosynthesis. Of all the energy received by humanity, 18% comes from renewable sources (including electricity), and the specific amount per unit area of ​​land depends on the geographical location and time of year, and the amount that can be converted into electricity depends on the efficiency of the technology in its perception and transformation .

    Growing plants that are processed for energy production on marginal lands not used for food production appears to be a promising direction. Today, firewood and charcoal account for 12% of global energy production. In the future, the use of biomass energy will increase. The technology for producing ethanol from wood has already been developed, which will cost 2.8 dollars. per 1 liter and will reduce the need for gasoline.

    Sustainable economic development depends, among other things, on reducing waste. According to experts, they can be easily reduced - in industry by more than 1/3 by restructuring production processes. Another important direction in reducing the amount of waste is to simplify the packaging of food products: the transition from multi-layer packaging of goods to single-layer packaging; replacement of beverage containers of various sizes and shapes with a number of standard reusable ones. The implementation of these measures will save a large amount of energy and materials.

    Energy saving policies are beneficial from both economic and environmental points of view. After all, the less fuel is burned, the less pollution there is. In addition, the savings achieved by not building new power plants will make it easier to finance the installation of scrubbers and other treatment facilities at existing facilities.

    There are a number of serious obstacles to saving energy and transitioning to renewable energy sources. Here are some of them:

    · powerful, branched concerns have made huge investments in traditional energy technology;

    · the energy sector, including in Germany and France, has large excess capacity, which results in the “suppression” of alternative energy sources;

    · energy producing enterprises want to sell it in ever-increasing quantities, so they are not interested in saving;

    · legislation stimulating energy development, based on laws fifty years ago, as well as modern laws on taxes and subsidies, still focus on the growth of energy consumption, on the monopolization of fossil and nuclear energy resources;

    · state bureaucracy and competent scientific organizations, as a result of long-term habit, are focused on the development of technology that ensures the transformation of fossil and nuclear fuels;

    · the powerful and successfully operating coal lobby, in the interests of preserving the “status quo” and jobs, demands to guarantee high sales of hard coal in the long term, under the guise of national interests;

    · a method of industrial production and consumption familiar to civilization (attitude towards nature as a human-running machine, an unbridled increase in material consumption, etc.);

    · lack of political will as a decisive prerequisite for the development of a new energy policy and effective environmental protection (the dogma of “economic growth” is still decisive, and issues of environmental protection and energy saving are discussed symbolically).

    Russia has accumulated some experience in the field of non-traditional energy. Projects have already been developed and the construction of geothermal power plants is underway, the capacity of which will be 250 megawatts by 2020, and 200 megawatts of wind turbines. Many Russian installations have no analogues in world practice. First of all, these are wind turbines with an increased service life, the use of special mirrors and complex equipment for geothermal power plants.

    It should be noted that simultaneously with the use of new types of energy, a new type of environmental consequences arises that affects natural processes. Thus, environmental pollution associated with the construction of solar power plants is quite traditional. It is the result of economic activities in the extraction of ore and other raw materials, as well as their processing into steel, copper, glass, etc. The construction of wind turbines creates environmental noise pollution produced by propeller blades, causing interference with air traffic and... propagation of radio and television waves: in places where wind turbines operate, the strength of air flows is significantly weakened, which can affect the climate and also limit the “ventilation” of nearby industrial areas. Renewable energy already used in practice also includes geothermal. The negative environmental consequences of its use are: the possibility of awakening seismic activity in the areas of power plants; danger of local soil subsidence; loud noise caused by the expansion of gases on the surface of the earth; emission of poisonous gases.


    Energy problems today are one of the most pressing issues in international politics and one of the topics of the 2006 G8 summit in Russia. Despite the complexity of international negotiations in this area, caused by the objective divergence of interests of consumers and energy suppliers, the need for ongoing dialogue is obvious to all parties. The environmental challenge, primarily in the form of depletion of natural resources, excessive pollution and climate change, will determine the outcome of the negotiations, even if at the moment the overall picture of the future of global energy is difficult to discern behind narrow group and national political interests. energy secondary non-renewable

    Even without considering the problem of global climate change in detail here, it is clear that there are many other factors that translate the problem of energy security into the plane of the need to change the “raw materials paradigm” - a gradual shift away from the consumption of non-renewable fossil energy resources. The moment is not far off when the energy costs for the production, transportation and consumption of fossil fuels will exceed the energy effect from the use of energy resources. Fossil fuel prices cannot continue to rise indefinitely. There are a lot of objective factors associated with the development of new deposits: remoteness, climatic conditions, production difficulties, etc. In addition, the scale of negative environmental consequences associated with the development of new deposits of natural resources is increasing.

    Against the background of the inevitable increase in the costs of production and transportation of fossil fuels in the world, Russia may be one of the first countries where the profitability of the production and use of fossil energy resources will become critically low. Therefore, Russia today needs to develop its own energy security policy, which can go in the same direction with the policies of other G8 countries.

    Global energy policy, based only on declarations and voluntary agreements, is unlikely to become a real factor in reducing energy consumption at the level of enterprises and states. Sooner or later it will be necessary to develop economic mechanisms that stimulate the reduction of energy consumption. At the same time, the driving motives of countries producing and consuming energy resources are different. For exporting countries, energy efficiency costs may be less profitable, since low domestic energy tariffs are largely determined by social and economic interests. In such a situation, it is possible to use international mechanisms for equalizing costs and benefits. The priority practical actions in the development of global energy policy are quite obvious: this is work to introduce more efficient methods of using fossil fuels and an international inventory of opportunities for the development of alternative energy sources. To add political weight, it is advisable to resolve the issue of creating an International Renewable Energy Agency at the United Nations.

    International cooperation is ensured by a complex, multi-level mechanism of interstate, scientific, business, and information interaction. One of its fairly new and effective components is international partnerships and initiatives. Organized at a variety of levels - from private, commercial or scientific to interstate, partnerships and initiatives play the role of a body for working with information, organizing the negotiation process, ensuring interaction between experts and decision makers. They are called upon to support political dialogue in order to achieve a common solution.

    There is ample scope for collaboration in the energy sector in the form of partnerships, initiatives and networks. The most effective areas for their efforts are:

    Informing energy market participants by disseminating objective and reliable information about the state, forecasts and prospects of the global energy market. This will allow all market participants to develop more correct policies and will reduce the risk of unpredictable fluctuations caused by subjective factors.

    Disclosure of information on a mutual (parity) basis, combating the secrecy of information that gives rise to speculation, corruption and other unseemly phenomena.

    Promoting and implementing environmentally friendly energy by creating networks of experts, data banks, training specialists, sharing experiences and best examples, demonstrating the possibilities of cost-effective use of renewable energy sources, promoting energy efficiency.

    Preparing a revolution in consciousness, in understanding the true price of energy resources, including the environmental component, taking into account the interests of the living and subsequent generations. Creating fashion, demand for the use of energy from renewable and environmentally friendly energy sources.


    1. Baskakov, A.P. Thermal engineering. 2nd edition, revised./ Baksakov A.P. - Moscow, “Energoatomizdat”, 2005, 209 p.

    2. Ageev, V.A. Non-traditional and renewable energy sources./ V.A. Ageev - Moscow, Energoizdat, 2006, 163 p.

    3. Sibikin, Yu.D. Energy saving technology./ Yu.D. Sibikin, M.Yu. Sibikin - Moscow, “FORUM-INFRA-M” 2006, 262 p.

    4. Pluto, M.V. Rational use of electrical and thermal energy./ M.V. Plyuto, R.V. Klavsuth. - Minsk, “Polymya”, 1993, 118 p.

    Posted on Allbest.ru


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    The basis of the energy economy of society, the source of both energy carriers, and, therefore, energy itself are energy resources, which obviously means the short name for energy resources. An energy resource is a carrier of energy that is currently used or can be used in the future.

    All energy resources are divided into primary and secondary. Primary resources are the result of natural processes. A primary energy resource is an energy resource that has not been subjected to any processing. This is energy that is contained in natural sources and can be converted into secondary (electrical, thermal, mechanical) energy.

    Primary energy resources include natural fuels, as well as solar, wind, water, biomass, etc.

    Energy resources can also be divided into fuel and non-fuel. Primary energy resources can be renewable or non-renewable.

    Renewable natural resources are objects whose supply is restored by nature itself. Many of them practically do not depend on the extent to which society involves them in economic circulation: solar energy, hydro resources, wind. There are others - those whose use leads to a decrease in their supply in the short term and even for quite a long time. An example is biomass. They can, however, be considered renewable in the long term.

    Non-renewable energy resources are those resources whose reserves are fundamentally exhaustible - mineral fuels, uranium.

    If short-wave radiation is associated with direct reflection of solar radiation, then long-wave radiation is the result of natural processes and man-made activities.

    A secondary energy resource (SER) (internal energy resource) is an energy resource obtained as a by-product of the main production or is such a product (production waste). This is the energy potential of product waste, by-products and intermediate waste generated in technological installations (systems), which is not used in the installation itself, but can be partially or fully used to supply energy to other installations. Secondary energy resources include all processed other or transformed fuels, and by-product energy from production or consumption processes can be recovered and reused. This category includes refined petroleum products, refined fuels, as well as waste steam, waste heat, and hot gases. Following this logic, saved energy should also be considered secondary energy resources.

    All material resources used in the national economic complex as objects of labor are conventionally divided into raw materials and fuel and energy. An energy resource is any source of energy, natural or artificially activated. Energy resources are energy carriers that are currently used or can be usefully used in the future. There are potential and real fuel and energy resources (FER).

    Potential fuel and energy resources are the volume of reserves of all types of fuel and energy that a particular economic region or the country as a whole has.

    Real fuel and energy resources in a broad sense are the totality of all types of energy used in the country's economy.

    The basis energy resource classifications is their division by source of receipt into:

    1) natural fuel and energy resources (natural fuel) - coal, shale, peat, natural and useful gas, underground gasification gas, firewood; natural mechanical energy of water, wind, nuclear energy; fuel from natural sources - the sun, underground steam and thermal waters;

    2) primary - fuel processing products - coke, briquettes, petroleum products, artificial gases, enriched coal, its screenings, etc.;

    3) secondary energy resources obtained in the main technological process - fuel waste, flammable and hot gases, waste gas, physical heat of production products, etc.

    According to the methods of use, primary energy resources are divided into fuel and non-fuel; based on the conservation of reserves - renewable and non-renewable; fossils (in the earth's crust) and non-fossils. - participating in the constant circulation and flow of energy (solar, space energy, etc.), deposited energy resources (oil, gas, etc.) and artificially activated energy sources (nuclear and thermonuclear energy).

    In environmental economics, a distinction is made between gross, technical and economic energy resources.

    Gross (theoretical) resource represents the total energy contained in a given type of energy resource. Technical resource- this is the energy that can be obtained from a given type of energy resource with the current development of science and technology. Economic resource- energy, the production of which from this type of resource is economically profitable given the existing price ratio for equipment, materials and labor. It makes up a certain proportion of the technical one and also increases with the development of energy.

    The main fuel resources, the main components of the fuel balance, are oil, gas and coal. Over the past decades, the fuel balance has undergone a radical reconstruction - from coal it has turned into oil and gas and even into gas and oil. But at present, according to experts, the world's resources of coal, oil, and gas are being significantly reduced. Therefore, the use of new, non-traditional, alternative types of energy is being increasingly discussed. Thus, there are proposals for using the energy of decomposition of atomic particles, artificial tornadoes and even lightning energy.

    The modern approach to energy resources is based on the use of resource-saving technologies:

    Energy (Q) of the sun (solar batteries); - wind energy (wind power plants); - Q river flows - Q sea ebbs and flows - Q geysers - biotechnology, - block gas-tube power plants - gas power plants (gas-tube engine) - steam plants, - gasoline and gas power plants, - Q due to the use of recycled materials.

    Gas-tube thermal power plants, in comparison with existing steam-tube plants, have a specific fuel consumption of ≈ 2 times less, i.e. the cost of thermal energy, losses in networks (closer to consumers) are reduced, the environment is worsened, and capital costs are reduced.

    One of the most unusual uses of human waste is to generate electricity from garbage.

    In addition to replacing traditional energy sources with alternative ones, there are projects to create environmentally friendly and balanced cities and villages of the future. The basis for their creation will be the use of economical materials, as well as the optimal mode of energy use, which can be supported with the help of computer programs.

    Energetic resources

    (a. energy resources; n. Energieresourcen; f. resources energetiques; And. recursos energeticos) - all available for industrial purposes. and household use of various types of energy: mechanical, thermal, chemical, electrical, nuclear.
    Pace of scientific and technical progress, intensification of societies. production, improving working conditions and solving many others. social problems means. least determined by the level of use of E. p. The development of the fuel and energy complex and energy is one of the most important foundations for the development of all modern times. material production.
    Among primary energy resources, a distinction is made between non-renewable (non-renewable) and renewable (reproducible) energy sources. To the number of non-renewable E. p. are primarily organic. types of mineral fuels extracted from the bowels of the earth: natural gas, oil shale, other bituminous petroleum products, . They are used in modern times. world x-ve as fuel and energy. raw materials are especially widespread and, therefore, often called. traditional E. p. K renewable (reproducible and practically inexhaustible) E. p. include hydropower (hydraulic energy of rivers), as well as the so-called. non-traditional (or alternative) energy sources: solar, wind, internal heat energy of the Earth (including geothermal), thermal energy of the oceans, and tides. Special emphasis should be placed on nuclear or atomic energy, classified as non-renewable energy sources, because its source is radioactive (mainly uranium) ores. However, over time, with the gradual replacement of nuclear power plants (NPPs) operating on thermal neutrons, nuclear power plants using fast neutron breeder reactors, and in the future thermonuclear energy, the resources of nuclear energy will become practically inexhaustible.
    Rapid development of world energy in the 20th century. relied on the widespread use of mineral (fossil) fuels, especially oil, natural gas and coal, the extraction of which until September. 70s was relatively inexpensive and technically. regarding accessible. Share of oil and gas in world consumption E. p. reached 60% and the share of coal - St. 25% (in 1950 the share of coal was 50%). Therefore, St. 85% of total consumption of E. p. in the world at that time accounted for non-renewable organic resources. fuel and only approx. 15% - for renewable resources (hydropower, wood fuel, etc.). Since the 70s, when the complexity and cost of oil and gas production began to increase sharply due to the depletion of or. With the reduction of their reserves in easily accessible deposits, the need arose for their strict economy and strictly limited use as fuel. Ch. area of ​​application of oil and gas resources as the most valuable technology. raw materials became chemical. and petrochemical industry, incl. production of synthetic materials and motor fuels. It is becoming an important primary energy resource for the electric power industry. 20th century and in the future nuclear energy. B cep. 80s St. was produced at nuclear power plants around the world. 12% of all electricity produced on the planet, and in the beginning. 21st century its share in the global electricity balance will increase another 2-2.5 times. Hydropower plays a major role in the production of electricity. resources, the source of which is the constant flow of rivers; in sep. 80s Hydroelectric power accounted for 23% of all electricity generated in the world. The role of such renewable non-traditional energy sources as solar energy (the energy of solar radiation entering the Earth’s surface), the energy of the internal heat of the Earth itself (primarily geothermal energy), the thermal energy of the World approx. (due to large differences in temperature between the surface and deep layers of water), the energy of sea and oceanic. tides and wave energy, wind energy, biomass energy, the basis of which is the mechanism of photosynthesis (bio-waste from agriculture and livestock, industrial organic waste, the use of wood and charcoal). According to available forecasts, the share of renewable energy sources. (hydropower and listed non-traditional) will reach in the 1st quarter. 21st century approximately 7-9% in the global total use of all types of primary energy resources (over 20-23% will account for nuclear energy and about 70% will remain for organic fuels - coal, gas and oil).
    To compare the thermal value of decomp. types of fuel and energy. resources, a unit of account called Standard Fuel is used. G. A. Mirlin.

    Mountain encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. Edited by E. A. Kozlovsky. 1984-1991 .

    See what “Energy resources” are in other dictionaries:

      energetic resources- Non-renewable minerals, renewable organic resources and a number of natural processes (energy of flowing water, wind, tides, etc.) used to produce energy. Syn.: fuel and energy resources… Dictionary of Geography

      Energy reserves in nature that can be used in the economy. K E. r. include various types of fuel (hard and brown coals, oil, combustible gases and shale, etc.), energy from falling water, sea tides, wind, solar, nuclear.… … Geographical encyclopedia

      energetic resources- Everything that society can use as a source of energy (Terms of the ERRA Legal Regulation Working Group). [English-Russian glossary of energy terms ERRA] EN energy resources Everything that could be used by society as a... ... Technical Translator's Guide

      For thousands of years, the main forms of energy used by humans have been the chemical energy of wood, the potential energy of water in dams, the kinetic energy of wind, and the radiant energy of sunlight. But in the 19th century. main sources... ... Collier's Encyclopedia

      energetic resources- energijos ištekliai statusas Aprobuotas sritis Energetika apibrėžtis Gamtiniai ištekliai ir (ar) jų perdirbimo produktai, naudojami energijai gaminti ar transporto sektoriuje. atitikmenys: engl. energy resources vok. Energieressourcen rus.… … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)

      fuel and energy resources- fuel and energy resources: A set of natural and produced energy resources, the stored energy of which, at the existing level of development of technology and technology, is available for use in economic activities. Source …

      secondary fuel and energy resources- 37 secondary fuel and energy resources; FER: Fuel and energy resources obtained as waste or by-products of the production process. Source: GOST R 53905 2010: Energy saving. Terms and Definitions… … Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

      renewable fuel and energy resources- 39 renewable fuel and energy resources: Natural energy carriers that are constantly replenished as a result of natural processes. Source: GOST R 53905 2010: Energy saving. Terms and definitions original document 3.9.8 renewable... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

      secondary energy resources- 2.21 secondary energy resources (reclaimable resource): Materials of artificial origin, absent in the natural environment, which can be renewed, recycled and used as an input to the technical energy system.… … Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

      Reserves of fuel and energy in nature, which, with the current level of technology, can be practically used by humans to produce material goods. Fuel and energy resources include: various types of fuel: stone and brown... ... Financial Dictionary


    • Water and energy resources of "Greater" Central Asia. Water shortage and resources to overcome it, E. A. Borisova. The monograph is devoted to consideration of issues related to water and energy resources in the countries of Central Asia (the term “Greater Central Asia” is proposed to be included in the field…


    General provisions

    Energy resources are identified natural reserves of various types of energy suitable for use on a large scale for the national economy. The main types of energy resources in modern conditions include: coal, gas, oil, peat, shale, hydropower and nuclear energy. Energy resources are used to obtain one or another type of energy. Under energy refers to the ability of any system

    we produce work or heat. Obtaining the required amount of energy is associated with the expenditure of some kind of energy resource.

    Energy resources, like energy, can be primary and secondary. Primary resources are found in nature in their initial form. Among them are renewable and non-renewable.

    Renewable resources are constantly being restored. These include: solar radiation, wind energy, wave energy, sea currents, tides, biomass, hydropower, geothermal and gravitational energy.

    Non-renewable resources are those whose reserves irreversibly decrease as they are mined, namely: hard and brown coal, peat, oil shale, oil, natural gas, nuclear energy.

    If the original form of primary energy resources changes as a result of transformation or processing, then secondary energy resources(VER) and, accordingly, secondary energy. Such resources include all primary energy resources after one or more transformations:

    1. Fuel forms:

    solid - peat (briquettes), brown coal (enriched), coke; gaseous - artificial and liquid gas, hydrogen; liquid - fuel oil, diesel fuel, flammable oils.

    2. Electricity.

    3. Thermal energy - steam, hot water, waste heat.

    4. Losses for energy conversion, its transport (transmission) and

    To compare resources and determine the actual efficiency of their use, it is customary to use the concept of “conventional fuel”. Its lowest working calorific value Qp taken equal to 29,300 GJ/kg (7000 Gcal/kg). Knowing the calorific value and the amount of natural fuel (n.t.), it is possible to determine the equivalent number of tons of equivalent fuel, t.t.:

    Where IN ST- amount of natural fuel, t.t.

    When estimating gas resources in reference fuel In nat is measured in thousand m3, and the calorific value of natural fuel is measured in kJ per 1 m3. If it is necessary to evaluate energy resources, including hydro resources, 1 kWh is equivalent to 340 tce. T.

    In modern conditions, 80...85% of energy is obtained by consuming non-renewable energy resources. The conversion of fuels into final forms of energy is associated with harmful emissions of solid particles, gaseous compounds, as well as large amounts of heat that affect the environment.

    Renewable energy resources (excluding hydropower) do not need to be transported to the point of consumption, but have a low concentration of energy, so the conversion of energy from most renewable sources requires large expenditures of material resources and, consequently, large specific costs of money (r./kW) for each installation. From an environmental point of view, renewable energy sources are the cleanest. Renewable energy resources currently mainly use hydropower and, in relatively small quantities, solar, wind, and geothermal energy. Of all types of energy consumed, electricity is the most widespread.

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