• Perfect hair color. What do the numbers on hair dye mean Schwarzkopf Essensity hair dye - Palette


    There are more than a hundred shades of caramel hair color, so every girl, before buying paint or visiting a hairdresser, should study fashion magazines and well-known online publications to find her “own” tone. After all, caramel can not only decorate a woman, but also emphasize the flaws on her face.

    Who suits caramel color?

    Given the variety of celebrities, any girl, if desired, will be able to find an actress or a famous TV presenter who looks like her. It is quite difficult to evaluate yourself, but a detached look from the outside will help you decide on the choice of shade. After all, famous ladies often change their image, changing beyond recognition in one evening. So you need to find in the luggage of your star "twin" the period when she went caramel-honey and soberly assess which tone suited her more.

    And who is this color "according to theory"? Caramel goes to girls with color types "Autumn" and "Spring".

    The color scheme of "Autumn" is considered the most pronounced in comparison with other color types. A characteristic feature of this type is the absence of a pink undertone on the face. The skin can have both pale and almost olive tint, but at the same time it is always clean, dense, elastic without acne and other flaws. The only nuance is the golden freckles, but they can be considered just a cute feature. The look is always bright, juicy, but the color scheme is different: from amber, brown eyes to blue eyes.

    As for the hair, their palette is diverse, but usually lies between light red and dark chestnut (coffee) shades. Nature itself gently pushes autumn women to caramel. After all, this color will fall perfectly on light red and copper strands.

    The main star representatives of the autumn color type are Julia Roberts, Gisele Budchen, Ashley Olsen, Drew Barrymore and Carmen Electra. As can be seen from different photos, they are very well suited for a light honey shade, and repainting in a different color, for example, black, almost disfigured the star beauties. If a girl is somewhat similar to one of these actresses, she should take a closer look at caramel paint and match her clothes and lipstick to it.

    The coloring of "Spring" is somewhat similar to autumn, but it is not so bright and juicy. All spring colors are somewhat muted and washed out. Reminiscent of viscous soft toffee in creamy syrup. The eyes are light in various shades: from sky blue to light amber. The skin is thin and velvety, it easily turns red, although it does not become covered with ugly spots, but it seems to glow warmly from the inside.

    Spring girls also have freckles on their faces, but they are almost invisible. This type is characterized by thin blond hair of various colors, for example, light walnut.

    There are extremely many representatives of the “Spring” color type among actresses. Gentlemen and the public prefer blondes, and there are a lot of them among spring girls. For example, this:

    • Nicole Kidman;
    • Anna Kournikova;
    • Valeria;
    • Jodie Foster;
    • Cameron Diaz;
    • Glucose;
    • Keith Hudson.

    All of them go with caramel shades, and as soon as they were repainted in black, mustard-burnt or dark brown, the appearance changed for the worse.

    Who doesn't fit?

    But caramel is not favorable to everyone, it can only spoil some women. This applies to the color types "Winter" and "Summer". Summer girls are sometimes confused with spring girls, because they are both blondes. But the blond, which belongs to the “Summer” color type, has a colder palette. The skin of girls of this type has a reddish tint and green eyes.

    Typical Slavic appearance can boast of:

    • Natalya Vodyanova;
    • Milla Jovovich;
    • Kirnsten Dunst;
    • Jennifer Aniston;
    • Sasha Pivovarova.

    The caramel shade will only emphasize the reddish skin color, so girls of this type should choose a different palette for coloring.

    The coloring of "Winter" is light cold, porcelain. A woman of this color type practically came out of a cartoon or a photo about the Snow Queen, but only with sometimes dark plum hair. Classic winter women include Monica Bellucci, Penelope Cruz, Sandra Bullock, Demi Moore and Megan Fox. Did any of the above go for a light honey shade of hair? So the Snow Queen should not experiment with colors that do not suit her.

    Examples of popular shades with photos

    But what shade of caramel will look most advantageous on the curls of a spring or autumn beauty? Here again, stars and typical classifications of the entire honey palette will come to the rescue.

    Light caramel

    This shade is based on a standard blonde that fades into luminous beiges and goldens. The richer the palette at the base, the better. When caramel is applied to the base, the hair will begin to shimmer from brown to sandy shades. Ideally, the color at the roots should be slightly darker than the tips of the hair. In this case, the hairstyle will acquire additional visual volume, which is so lacking for girls of the spring color type.

    Light caramel shade is one of the most difficult colors in the palette. It cannot be obtained at home. Some girls believe that to get light caramel, it is enough to discolor the strands, and then apply caramel paint. But with this sequence, only golden hair with a slightly distinguishable reddish tint will be obtained. If you want to make a light caramel color rich in tints, you need to take a multi-stage light base.

    Dark caramel

    Goes to all swarthy and dark-skinned women, creating a general "chocolate" image. To achieve the right color, you need to take a light brown shade as a base and apply caramel paint to your hair. But when dyeing blond hair, even a tone darker, you must proceed with caution. It is better to color your hair gradually so as not to spoil it with a sharp transition and not to miss the shade that is most suitable for your face type. If you do not miss the tone, it will turn out gorgeous.

    If the light caramel peach shade is more suitable for princesses, then dark caramel is made for queens. And for young girls with light transparent skin, dark caramel looks too unnatural.

    Honey caramel

    Honey caramel suits all spring girls with blond hair and light eyes. If a girl has bright dark eyes, then a similar hair color will make the image somewhat unnatural, and the general message of caramel color is maximum naturalness. The honey-caramel hue differs from the previous one with an abundance of redness and even rust, but the golden hue will soften the aggressive red, creating a kind of violent crown of fallen autumn leaves on the head.

    caramel black

    At first glance, this shade resembles a dark one, but upon closer examination, overflows and complex color transitions become visible, which are difficult to achieve for a non-professional hairdresser. Experts call it the most delicious and spicy caramel color, although it takes too much time to create it, because in addition to the standard color, you need to choose a basic shade of hair so that the hairstyle looks expensive and status.

    Chocolate caramel

    This shade can make any girl of the autumn or spring color type dazzling, but it will look more effective against the background of bronze and tanned skin. Alternatively, a brown-haired woman who has arrived from a vacation can paint with caramel chocolate, almonds, carioca or cappuccino to further emphasize her tan. For example, Jennifer Lopez or Beyoncé.

    Also, this shade of marzipan is suitable for girls with a soft appearance or just those who prefer light makeup. Since the entire emphasis of the image will be concentrated on the hair, very pale skin is acceptable with this hair color. Technically, this color can be obtained by mixing several red, milky and chocolate shades and acting using the shatush technology.

    Golden caramel

    This shade of hair is probably the most natural in the entire palette of caramel colors. It is similar to wheat, but brighter and more iridescent. If a blonde wants to change herself a little, then with just a couple of tint balms she can become golden caramel, latte or camel color with cinnamon for a while, in order to understand whether she should repaint for good or not. This gentle tone, when applied correctly, has pronounced golden and copper notes.

    The main disadvantage of the shade is that it often merges with a tan, so all girls with bronze skin should carefully choose the right tone for painting. Ideal for highlighted hair. Plays beautifully in the rays of daylight.

    Caramel Ash

    It looks perfect on naturally light hair, but to increase the glow effect, you can color the macchiato into individual strands. This tone is suitable only for brown-eyed owners of flawlessly clean linen skin. The correct tone can be achieved only in the cabin.

    If you try to dye your hair in caramel color with an ash sheen, you can damage it. The technology of combining ash and caramel shades is quite complicated, not all professional masters own it. With obvious errors in technology, there will be something like flour or sugar on the hair, and not a uniform beautiful color.

    Is it possible to dye gray hair with caramel?

    Caramel color will perfectly cover the gray hair. And it is not necessary to immediately achieve a dark caramel color. To begin with, it will be enough to take any tint shampoo with the desired honey tone and apply it to the hair, and then rinse. Ideally, the gray hair will be unevenly, but stylishly covered with golden or hazel-honey blotches that will contrast beautifully with the white background.

    You should not even try to dye your gray hair caramel colors yourself, since this technology has several stages. Violation of one of them will lead to incorrect toning of the entire head. Indeed, in fact, mother-of-pearl gray hair is the same bleached hair.

    Trendy shades of the current season

    In fashion, there is still an emphasis on naturalness, so caramel shades of hair are in trend. In addition to caramel, there was, is and will be popular amber, California highlights for medium hair and balayage. Fashion appreciates individuality, therefore it does not make any adjustments for colors, only for the style and quality of the hairstyle. There is no need for meaningless pictures, a simple harmonious image is needed. You can mix textures, colors, but carefully and as naturally as possible.

    What hairstyles are suitable for caramel hair color?

    The supply of caramel on the hair is based on the play of light and tone, which is what needs to be emphasized with a multi-layered hairstyle. The haircut should be layered, wavy and flowing, maybe with dark roots. And the length is not so important, although, of course, long light honey hair with overflows looks spectacular.

    All short haircuts should have volume at the roots. Hair can be slicked back or curled, but the caramel color does not tolerate slickness. It's better to turn your hair into a lot of African American curls!

    Medium-length hair can be cut into a multi-level caret with a ladder and curled at the ends. Also, for caramel shades of hair, all kinds of curls and ombre look good.

    If you managed to keep long hair, then after dyeing in a warm caramel shade, they will shimmer and sparkle in the sun. With such a length, it is better not to do anything, you can only curl slightly at the tips and lift it above the roots. Then the hairstyle will look as natural as possible.

    Choosing caramel: paints and balms

    What paint to choose so that the color is maximal, saturated, bright and stylish? None, since only a professional hairdresser can make the right caramel. This is not coloring in one tone, but a complex multi-stage process, it is better not to experiment. Caramel hair color does not always look expensive and rich, if you break the technology, you can get a zebra instead of soft overflows.

    The easiest way to give a caramel shade to your hair is with a balm. You can buy a product of absolutely any brand, for example, Tonic, Londa, Faberlic, Pallet or Wella. It is better to choose a tone based on your natural hair color. For example, golden caramel shades are suitable for blondes, and dark ones for brunettes. When applying the balm, you should rely on the instructions in everything, do not overexpose the product to maintain a brighter color, but wash it off exactly when it is required by the rules.

    As the most interesting hair colors of caramel shades can be noted:

    • Estel ESSEX Shade 8/74 - light blond brown-copper (Caramel);
    • Garnier Color Naturals (Garner Color Neycherals) Hue 6.34 Caramel;
    • Paint Garnier - Garnier Nutrisse Crème Caramel;
    • Cies paint - caramel blond;
    • Capus Caramello - shade 7.8 Caramel or Caramello;
    • Loreal Casting Caramel - ammonia-free paint;
    • Estelle paint;
    • Pallet Mother of Pearl;
    • Palette Caramel Preference;
    • some colored shades of henna.

    This is a small palette of colors. But any hairdresser should have their own best practices, working formulas, proven paint numbers and views on the perfect caramel color. It will help you choose the right shade or apply bronding. But you don't have to paint yourself.

    Caramel is expensive and complex, maybe even a status shade. If there is not enough money for a good specialist, then turning yourself into a queen using improvised methods without professional paints (Loreal paint is, of course, good, but it is better to use more expensive means) is not worth it. It is better to save up and get a beautiful hair color for a long time. After all, you can never be sure which paint is suitable for a particular condition of the hair.

    How to keep caramel shine: care rules

    To keep the bright highlights of caramel hair, you need to properly care for them. It is unacceptable to wash your hair with a simple shampoo that has not been selected according to the type of hair and the method of dyeing. 90% of popular hair products contain ingredients that weaken hair, make it brittle and dull. If there are similar inscriptions on a jar of shampoo:

    • sodium lauryl sulfate;
    • sodium laureth sulfate;
    • coco sulfate;

    then you have to throw away the bottle. It is better to use shampoos without such compounds. Such medical cosmetics can be found in pharmacies, beauty salons and hairdressers.

    As for special hair masks, all soothing herbal and oil masks will do, there are many recipes. Sometimes hair can be rinsed in a decoction of chamomile flowers.

    You should never wash them in hot water, and always wear a headdress in the scorching sun. If this seems not enough, you can go through the procedure of salon slate lamination and toning, as a result of which the hair will no longer deteriorate.

    1. Paint must be chosen from a professional line, ammonia-free. There is an opinion that ammonia-free paint does not stain gray hair - this is not so. Many brands have special products just for gray hair. An example of ammonia-free paint is Wella Color Touch, Casting Creme Gloss Loreal, Revlon Color Silk, Wellaton, Lumene Cutrin, Vivasan and others.

    2. For many, including me, the number on the box or on the palette in the salon was, until a certain moment, nothing more than a set of numbers. I was literally enlightened into this sacrament of signs! And I will explain to those who still do not understand. And I hope I get it right, I'm not a pro, but the pros explained to me. Therefore, if everything with the story turns out well, this is their plus, and if it’s bad, then my minus 🙂

    I'm starting a theory of hair coloring.

    Ordinary numbers, without additional, so to speak, fractional numbers look like this

    This is the level of depth of tone. Those. with the help of this figure, we, roughly speaking, will choose whether we will have blond hair or darker. Depth in essence represents the same thing for all brands, but it can be called differently. Usually

    • 1 is black
    • 2 - lighter, i.e. very dark brown (yes, very dark), so, for example, Lumene Cutrin paint calls this color.
    • 3 - even lighter, i.e. just dark brown
    • 4 - brown. It can be called instead of brown - brown-haired (very dark brown-haired, dark brown-haired, brown-haired), which does not change the essence.
    • 5 - light brown / light brown
    • 6 - dark blond / dark blond
    • 7 is the level of depth of tone - blond, it is lighter than dark blond / just blonde - but this is not the white hair color that is associated with blondes! It's darker.
    • 8 - light blond, aka light blond
    • 9 - very light blond
    • 10 - pastel blonde / pastel blonde / light light blond (So called Casting Creme Gloss Loreal) / very light platinum blonde / bright blonde (from Wella Color Touch)

    That is, if you want to change the color of your hair, but at the same time you are afraid of “suddenly blackness will appear” or “suddenly the color will be too light”, then you are afraid of the color depth. Then you need to take a shade from your range. For example, you dyed your hair at a tone depth of 5, which is light brown/light brown. Your paint was at number 5.7 In order not to get too dark hair - do not go down to 4 tones, you can experiment with a shade and take 5.6, 5.5, 5.8, etc. - everything is at the level of tone depth 5. Later I will tell you about the meaning of the second digit.

    Same thing - if you don't want to lighten up - don't go up from level 5 to level 6.

    3. The second digit in the number means shade. If the second digit is zero (1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ...) - these are natural shades, natural tone. Any brand of paint.

    • 1 - (for example 2.1, 3.1) - a blue pigment is laid in the shade, some paints call the shade ashy. The number 1 will not give you the “redhead” that many are afraid of after the paint has washed off a little.
    • 2 - the shade contains green. Lumene Cutrin calls this number the matte range. "Ryzhina" will also not give.
    • 3 - golden hue, yellow pigment
    • 4 - mahogany row / copper row - red-orange pigment
    • 5 - mahogany / red - called differently - red-violet pigment
    • 6 - violet-blue pigment
    • 7 - beige pigment
    • 8 - brown-violet pigment

    The names, I repeat, may change for different colors, but the essence is approximately the same.

    If, for example, you painted with paint 5.4 (the level of depth of tone is light chestnut, the shade is copper, the pigment is red, orange), it washed off from you, gave a “reddish”. You don't like 5.4 anymore and don't know how to get rid of the redhead. That being said, you don't want a deeper row of hair - you don't want it darker or lighter. So, choose from a tone depth level of 5, while looking at a shade that will "clog" the red color. For this, in the theory of hair coloring there is a special Oswald color wheel and the theory of neutralization.

    4. We look, our 4 is located in the orange sector, everything is correct. She gave a redhead. We look below - 4ku neutralizes the green color well. You can also try blue.

    So we take paint 5.2 or 5.1. 5.6 will not be critical either - with a violet-blue pigment, but it is to neutralize a more yellowish tint.

    Paints 5.3, 5.4, 5.5 will only aggravate the situation.

    Always look at Oswald's color wheel.

    5. To neutralize or, conversely, to emphasize a particular shade, there is also a mixton. They carry pigments. In the previous example, in order to remove the consequences of 5.4 (get rid of the redhead), one could take paint 5.2 and add a blue-green mixton. Mixtons start with the first digit 0.

    If we want to get a lighter level of depth, for example, there were 8.3 - light blond with a golden hue, but we want a light blond (9-ku), then we can mix our usual 8.3 with a pure mixton 0.0 - this will give us a tone depth level of 9. And with this will not damage the hair too much.

    • 1.5 - 3% - will make toning, color tone on tone or make it a little darker. For example, they were 5th level of depth, they wanted the 4th. We take oxide 3%. This oxide will not cover gray hair.
    • 3-6% is a more resistant, deep staining. It can make hair darker, permanently color tone on tone (slightly gray hair), or give us a lighter tone. There were 5, we want 6 - we need 6% oxide.
    • 9% - For very gray hair - tone on tone. Or to lighten up to 2 levels. Were 5, wanted 7.
    • There is also a higher oxide of 10-12% - It can lighten hair even by 3 tones. But I wouldn't experiment with this at home.

    At the same time, the exposure time of the paint on the hair is from 20-30 minutes to an hour. For light toning, 1.5-3% oxide and 30 minutes are suitable.

    For persistent staining, increase the percentage of oxide and the exposure time.

    It turns out that hair coloring is a theory, and pure mathematics! Knowing the depth, tone, pigment contained in the paint and oxide percentages, you can prevent negative consequences, get rid of redness and experiment, achieving beautiful shades.

    And one more little secret. If you want your color to play like silver, shimmer in the sun and twinkle, like many stars from the screen, you can cover your hair with paint (I speak on the example of Cutrin) 10.06 - silver frost is called. Other brands probably have a similar one, you need to look at the tone depth level 10. It does not give a special color, but even on dark hair it starts to shimmer very beautifully. Use oxide 3%, time 25-30 minutes.

    article prepared by: Galina Chepurnaya

    There are a lot of subtleties in hair coloring in Saaaam. From the assessment of the current color and the selection of suitable dyes, to the assessment of the condition of the hair and the selection of suitable dyes. And yes, I didn’t describe myself, the selection of suitable dyes is a very important task. For it is they who determine not only the final result immediately after, but also the effect over time.

    the most correct thing is to go to the master (such a good Master) and dye your hair well right away, and at the same time consult and determine the key points for yourself. It will be especially interesting for those who have decided to dye their hair for the first time in their lives. Although simple monochromatic colorings work out quite calmly on their own, but if for the first time in your life, if you need some kind of complex shade, and even if the hair is weakened, if you need a cardinal color change, and if it doesn’t work out well from home experiments, then it’s better to go to the Master .

    The difficulty for Russia is that not all masters are truly Masters. It seems to them that they have learned to breed a supra and run it through their hair with a brush and that’s all at once - you can cut your grandmother. Therefore, we also have white washcloths and yellow blondes and green brunettes and red-haired ones. And the master (felt pen) is standing, spreading his handles - how is it, I did everything according to the rules, maybe you, dear client, have hormonal changes? the client firmly believes that a decently dressed girl in a decent place for $ 200 cannot but know how, so she honestly looks for excuses for such a nice girl - yes, maybe hormonal. (hormones, such hormones). This is what I heard with my own ears. The main thing is that everyone is happy with this explanation. And the master doesn’t blow his mustache, since she got such a hormonal client (probably through one she has), and the client is quite Happy, not purple, just think - yellow, there are many of them.

    I also heard (and more than once) when they start selling a confused yellowish blonde in a conspiratorial whisper that de "paint is not very real, but the director only allows you to work on this, but I know one paint and one place, everything is very professional, yes, yes, the most pro-fess-o-nal-no-e ... and I could buy you" At such moments I want to answer, so that in that very place there would also be brains I bought it, or I would go somewhere to learn.

    and also, drop dead distribution, in Russia for sure, has the format - Leeeen, what kind of paint do you have? What number? great color, i want one too. And I don't care the button accordion, from which source this color is obtained. If it doesn't work out, it means - "didn't take it". Or - "after all, the paint is not very good."

    and so - the selection of the dye can not be treated with disdain. And you should always consider your own source.
    I told a lot of theories here - Although there the emphasis is primarily on the features of clarification.
    I will repeat some points.

    since for some reason it was decided to dye the hair on their own, when choosing a paint, you need to decide on your original color, i.e. determine the level

    There are only 10 levels of natural hair colors.
    1 - black
    2 - dark dark chestnut
    3 - dark chestnut
    4 - chestnut
    5 - light chestnut
    6 - dark blond
    7 - blond
    8- light blond
    9 - very light blond
    10 - very light light blond

    Although you can find a classification of 11 and 12 levels, and the names of the colors may change. So light blond can be called blond, and chestnut brown. Unfortunately, even here there is no general such manual to which one could refer. 10 is accepted, but 11 and 12 are not forbidden either. And how to call ... to a greater extent it is determined by the environment or habits.

    I also note that among paints and dyes, generally 7 natural.

    The thing is that 1, 2 and 3 for the human eye are almost indistinguishable in hue. And usually it is level 2 that is used as the darkest, but the difference between 2 and 3 is not very visible. therefore, immediately 4. As for the lightest, then 10 is practically white and it is believed that these are exactly natural, i.e. in nature, i.e. without staining, there are no such whites (approximately albino format or good discoloration, if visually). Therefore, NATURAL (I’ll even write this term in caps) in everyday life is not even 10, but only 7. And the first step to select the right dye is to determine the level of lightness on a scale of natural colors. This is also called "base definition". because we always need to understand what we will start from.

    the most interesting moment in a practical sense - how to determine?

    Probably everyone who dyes their hair has seen books with hairs at their master or on the shelf of a store. about like this

    in a cursory search, Yandex-photo did not give me pictures without cosmetics in the foreground. The books are similar.

    and there are also such "panicles" -probes

    Here and there is what we are looking for.
    tone designation without additional letters and numbers. Without the use of various additional pigments. Names from the natural list. On the panicles-probes on the handle of the designation, and in the books near the curl, for example, in the picture on the left you can see slender rows of strands, where the numbers are written large without additional designations (while at the bottom left, in the middle and top right you can see that the numbers with dots and additional numbers Formally - natural shade 7.0, 6.0, shade with pigment 7.4, 6.33, etc. - for example and from the head)
    what needs to be done is to attach your strand to natural strands and compare in terms of lightness level. Dark, darker, lighter, lighter, etc.

    the shade will interfere with this very much. For example, ash blond or chocolate brown or copper, etc. Hue is the direction of the color, natural tone is the level of lightness.

    Look at the picture

    circled the shades of level 5 with a red ribbon. Light brown or light chestnut in words. The natural level of lightness in this palette is called 5.0 medium brown (in the middle). Shades at the same level are 5.3 (left) and 5.4 on top. Visual perception is very disturbed by these shades, for example, redhead usually looks brighter and seems lighter. Ash (not here) also seems lighter. But copper (which is also red) may seem darker.
    So the lightness level (base) is taken into account without shades. It is, of course, difficult to immediately clap and determine, we tend to consider our color lighter than it actually is. Because we often have shades. The most common natural levels in Russia are actually 4-6, but many tend to define their native fifth level as at least seventh)

    to determine, you can use computer graphic editors, for example, it seems to me that you can compare even in numerical values. But on the other hand, it also seems to me that with real panicles or curls it’s just more visual. Although I understand that there are people who do not distinguish between warm-cold colors and I fully admit that it is difficult to see the level of lightness without taking into account the shade of the hair.

    Why so much complexity?
    in order to correctly understand what kind of paint is needed.

    as it usually happens - girls wander among the shelves with boxes of household paints and look out for different girls in the pictures. And they do not pay attention to the back of the box at all. nor on the encoding (numbers with the paint number). As a result, "the paint does not take" or "after all, the paint is not very good."

    on the other hand, if we go from determining our base level of lordship, then we may well apply all our knowledge. Namely.
    a girl in nature has a 6th level, and she chose a pretty girl with number 9. So the girl needs to understand that from her 6th level she will have to brighten up by 3 levels. Can paint do it? turn the box over and see

    a small square on top - the original base color level, but not a number, but a description of the color, at the bottom in a large rectangle - the result of staining. In addition, I draw your attention to the fact that the final shade will be obtained only when the original base is of exactly natural color, without shades (i.e. not ashen, not mahogany, not copper, etc.)

    those. knowing our initial baseline, we can understand whether it will “take” and even suggest what difficulties we may encounter (for example)

    On the other hand, it is quite possible that we do not want lightening at all and, as a result, additional efforts to eliminate unwanted shades. We may want to change slightly, within our level. And even more so - we find out our natural level and choose dyes only among the level we need. There were 6.0 natures, we are looking for something from the 6.1 series with a touch.

    About the shades and numbers after the dot, you should probably write a separate post. now I would like to pay attention to the fact that the numbers on the boxes and the back of the box are a great help for predicting the result.

    Separately, I repeat - all this coding in numbers and designation in words- This not GOST for everyone! variations are possible in different directions. Therefore, every self-respecting manufacturer and store has books with curls or panicles-samplers that are needed to determine the natural level of lightness of the source, to determine the base. Base levels don't vary much among manufacturers, usually by 1 digit at the most, but the names can be quite confusing. Let's say fair-haired for one manufacturer can mean exactly fair-haired, and for another it can be called a blond. Therefore, when looking for options among different manufacturers, be sure to check with the coordinate system (i.e., all with the same panicles or curls).

    There are over fifty shades of blonde. Some of them are a relic of the past and are associated exclusively with kitschy-dressed women who aspire to look like a Barbie doll, others, on the contrary, are a classic noble palette that never goes out of fashion, and still others are hits of the season that change with the advent of each summer. .

    fashion blonde

    To the most fashionable and sought after in hairdressing salons, blond shades of hair include:

    • very light nordic shades, belonging to a cold color palette (for example, ash blonde, pearl blonde or platinum blonde). Compared to other previously popular blonde shades, they are as close as possible to white and are widely known as “silver shades”. They are fashionable, modern and very stylish, but they are suitable only for a certain type of appearance. It is recommended to paint in a cold blond only for young girls, since older women with this shade can achieve a completely undesirable effect of aging.

    Pure Nordic blond hair color is very difficult to obtain at home, so it is best to use the services of a professional master;

    • warm light and dark shades of blond(for example, golden blonde, pink blonde, vanilla blonde). This color palette is also not for everyone and is designed only for a specific type of appearance.

    As you can see, the range of fashionable shades for blondes is very diverse. But, as you know, the wider the choice, the harder it is to make it. The positive news is that regrown roots continue to remain in trend, which means that permanent staining is not required.

    Moreover, to make the difference between the natural hair color and the dyed blonde even less noticeable, some stylists recommend dyeing the regrown roots a shade or two darker than the selected blonde, but slightly lighter than natural hair.
    Thus, the transition of shades looks more natural, and regrown roots are not so striking against the background of a light blond shade.

    Natural blondes appreciate their hair color very much, but often try to bring it to the ideal with the help of tint products.

    Choice of shade of blonde

    A huge selection of shades of blonde and many years of experiments by professional stylists made it possible to refute the assertion that only fair-skinned girls can be beautiful blondes.

    How to check which shade of blond is best for your type of appearance?

    Conducting tests

    Can trust the knowledge of an experienced professional or independently conduct a small test. It is enough just to take a mirror, stand in the sunniest place (weather permitting, it is best to test outside), find a natural strand of hair without coloring and consider how it reflects light. If you can see warm colors in the form of red, red or brown shades, you should give preference to a warm blonde palette. Well, if the hair reflects ash, gray or even purple shades, you can afford a cold, very light blond.

    Another, easier way to choose the appropriate shade of blonde for the type of appearance is trying on silver and then gold jewelry. They revitalize the skin tone, giving it a special shine. Well, at the same time, they allow you to understand what type of beauty you are endowed with - cool or warm. Silver is a symbol of cold shades of blonde, and gold is warm.

    Four Tone Rule

    Choosing the best blonde shade for your appearance, be sure to take into account the natural color of the hair, for too abrupt a change is seldom successful. The safest solution is using the principle of four tones: as the owner of dark hair, choose a color that is up to four shades lighter than your own (and in no case more). The same rule, by the way, also applies to blondes who decide to radically change their image: only a color that is four shades darker than what is available will look beautiful and natural.

    Applying this principle, it is much easier for newly-made blondes to cope with the problem of regrown roots.

    For the first time, a cardinal color change from dark to blond should be done in the salon, because with the wrong choice of paint, there is a huge risk of getting yellow instead of the desired shade of wheat blond.

    As a rule, it is safer to dye in cold tones - the likelihood that instead of a beautiful blonde hair color you will get a red, reddish or yellow color in this case is an order of magnitude lower.

    The difference between cool and warm blonde tones

    Recently, cold blond shades are considered the most popular. We are talking about platinum, frosty, pearl and gray shades. But very often, unfortunately, the color is chosen solely on the basis of its trendiness: in such cases, it not only does not decorate, but even levels the natural female beauty. Everything is very simple - the Nordic blond does not suit ladies with a warm type of appearance at all (that is, those who are distinguished by golden highlights in their hair, peach skin, freckles and brown eyes). Instead of emphasizing their virtues, he hides them. Women with this type of appearance are ideal for all warm shades of blond - honey, red, gold, caramel or mustard.

    Who is cool blonde for?

    Recently, shades of Nordic blonde have made a splash, both among models on the catwalks and among ordinary fashionistas. However, cold shades are only suitable for girls with a similar type of appearance. It can be identified by the following signs:

    • light, porcelain, clean skin of a light pink or bluish color;
    • cold, blue or dark brown eyes (but without beer or golden blotches);
    • natural hair color is cold and lacks golden highlights.

    A great example of a cold type of appearance is Uma Thurman. Platinum hair color has long been a real calling card for her.

    Who is warm blonde for?

    All of the above shades (gold, honey, etc.) perfectly emphasize the natural shine of girls with a warm type of appearance. It includes the following characteristics:

    • skin with a yellowish tinge (it can be light, but always in warm colors);
    • freckles;
    • beer, green, blue eyes of warm shades;
    • natural golden highlights in the hair.

    The ideal representative of this type of beauty is Jennifer Aniston. Its warm shade of blond, which imitates natural, sun-bleached color, is the object of desire for many fashionistas. This is a great example of skillfully choosing a blonde shade for a specific type.

    Top 8 Trendy Blonde Shades

    In 2017, fashion color trends pleased with the presence of new shades, which you should definitely pay attention to. Fans of the blonde color and those who only intend to join their ranks should definitely choose something from the recommended list below!

    caramel blonde

    Like your favorite caramel candies, hair caramel should also look “delicious”. This is ideal for those who want to approach the blonde color gradually and slowly, without making sudden movements. Depending on the natural color of the hair, the caramel can be a little darker or applied using the balayage technique.

    Warm platinum

    The updated version of the "platinum blonde" is designed for the brave admirers of the "blond religion". It is important to note that the color "warm platinum" tends to yellow quickly, therefore, it requires very careful care (preferably with a shampoo with a special "silver blond" sheen). If there is no desire to repeat the painting every four weeks, you can limit yourself to a platinum ombre or platinum balayage.

    golden blonde

    A little gold never hurts! Warm shades go to almost all blondes. Bold girls can combine warm and cold shades, creating new cool contrasts that give hair extraordinary liveliness and volume.

    White blond

    This shade is the choice for real snow queens. It is especially relevant for those who already boast blond hair. But, of course, in order not to spoil the existing result, you should always consult with a professional hairdresser about any changes.

    sunny blonde

    Those who like a natural blonde should try to imitate the highlights created by the sun in the summer on their hair. Depending on the type of hair and their initial color, natural blond can be applied to individual strands or completely colored with it. Sunny blonde brightens the complexion. Natural blond as in the photo gives the appearance a special charm.

    Ash blonde

    Ash blonde or ash blonde hair color is a timeless classic of the genre. The cold blonde in the photo looks a little softer than in real life. Some of its varieties resemble beige blond. Ash blonde hair color looks very stylish, sexy, and most importantly - always relevant.

    pearl blonde

    The photo only slightly conveys this precious tint created on the hair by such a variation of paint. Since this is a cold shade, it only looks aristocratically on a lady with porcelain skin. In this case, only yellow hair color shines for dark-skinned women (photo of unsuccessful painting is attached).

    strawberry blonde

    The combination of delicate blond and fiery red has been popular for more than a season. The summer sun gives it even more playful highlights. There are many varieties of this shade, each of which looks very interesting and fresh. Strawberry blonde looks beautiful on girls with slightly pinkish skin.

    Shades of blonde photo

    Blonde hair color is an unimaginable variety of shades that cannot be covered in one article. A small selection of photographs will allow you to get better acquainted with fashion trends and trends, help you choose a shade that is not dissonant with the color of the skin, eyebrows, eyelashes and eyes.

    Ash blonde hair color photo

    Dark blonde hair color photo

    natural blond hair color photo

    peach hair color photo

    Today, the widest palette of manufacturers and palettes of various colors is presented on the hair dye market. As if with a wave of a magic wand, you can become a burning brunette, a red-haired beast or a gentle blonde.

    Of course, if you are used to always giving yourself completely into the hands of a hairdresser, then understanding the shades of colors is not at all necessary, although it is useful. But if you prefer to do your own coloring or do not trust the choice of stylists, it is better to learn how to navigate the palette, which is usually quite extensive.

    A palette of colors is a kind of map with which you can navigate in all the variety of colors and choose the right shade of hair. The palette gives a clearer idea of ​​​​the color, unlike the paint box. Usually the shades are laid out on a special cardboard book, opening which you see in front of you a wide variety of shades of paint, presented in the form of small samples of artificial hair.

    Paint manufacturers use artificial materials for their palettes, as they are more durable and resistant, because they are constantly touched by hands. This is the main advantage of such palettes - you can visually evaluate the selected shade, move it, seeing the play of colors and all the halftones. A photograph on a box of paint is not capable of this.

    Color palette: professional and home coloring

    Manufacturers of hair dyes for home use have a slightly smaller choice of shades than manufacturers of professional dyes. They can offer up to a hundred or more shades of one paint. In addition, professional dyes can be mixed with each other, getting all new shades. Do not be afraid of such a large number of samples, looking closely, you can easily make a choice.

    Or maybe exactly the opposite, but the colors in the professional palette of colors are saturated, luminous. Confirmation of this is the Syoss professional hair color palette.

    Samples of paints are arranged in a palette not randomly, but according to a certain pattern. The ideal palette of large firms usually looks like this, so you find the right tone very quickly. The lightest shades of paint are located on top, which gradually become darker as the row decreases. That is, the darkest tones will be located at the bottom.

    Shades of the hair color palette

    Paints for brunettes, blondes and redheads occupy separate islands in the palette, therefore, having chosen your range, first you need to decide on a shade, not a tone. Here you need to focus on your color type of appearance. It can be warm or cold. The correct definition of your color type guarantees you that your image will be harmonious and, therefore, you will like the result.

    For example, paint with an ashy tint is suitable only for girls with a cold color type. And if the owner of golden hair decides to paint over with an ashy shade, her hair will acquire a greenish tint. Accordingly, a warm shade will not look natural on a girl with a cold type of appearance.

    Having decided on the necessary “warm” or “cold” undertone of the future hair color, you need to choose its tone. If you are using home dye, then you can only get a shade close to your hair color by changing it one or two shades up or down. The choice of professional paint provides more freedom of choice, since various oxidizing agents can be used to obtain the desired color.

    With the help of a palette of colors, every girl, whether brunette, blonde or red-haired, can accurately select the right color for herself and endlessly change within her range.

    Color palette for blondes

    The palette of colors for blondes is the most diverse, these colors are most suitable for cardinal color experiments. Blonde girls are offered shining shades of platinum, cold ash or golden blonds. Golden curls are ideal for a “spring girl” with bright eyes. Ash blonde is a great option for the summer color type.

    And bold platinum will suit confident girls of a cold color type. The least harm to the structure of blond hair is caused by shades of golden and platinum palettes.

    Brunette color palette

    The palette of colors for brunettes is represented by brown, eggplant, chestnut and red shades. To give the image of mystery and mysticism, a palette of black shades will help: blue-black, plum-black and the color of a raven wing.

    The palette of chestnut shades is especially diverse, here are chocolate, and walnut, and various shades of chestnut and caramel. Ashy shades are suitable for green-eyed girls, and golden brown for brown.

    The most extreme is the palette of red shades of paint. The owners of the cold type are suitable colors from dark blond to black wing, and for the warm type of appearance - from medium chestnut to rich chocolate and deep brown.

    Color palette for redheads

    Red-haired girls should not turn to light or rich dark palettes of colors. A chestnut palette will help to make the image more strict and modest. And for those who want to have a brighter hair color, garnet, copper, burgundy and rich red shades are suitable.

    It is worth noting that different manufacturers of the same shade may have a different name. For example, an ash blonde can be called pearl or silver.

    1. Hair dye L "Oreal Casting - Palette

    2. Hair dye Schwarzkopf Essensity - Palette

    3. Hair dye L "Oreal Excellence Creme - Palette

    4. Hair dye Garnier Olia - Palette

    5. Hair dye L "Oreal Preference - Palette

    6. Hair dye L "Oreal Prodigy - Palette

    7. Hair dye Syoss - Palette

    8. Hair dye FitoColor - Palette

    9. Hair dye Schwarzkopf Palette Phytolinia - Palette

    10. Hair dye Schwarzkopf Palette Perfect Care - Palette

    11. Hair dye Schwarzkopf Palette Intense color - Palette

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