• How to leave everything bad in the past year. How to leave old grievances in the outgoing year How to leave all the bad things in the old year


    Just don’t be scared when you hear the word conspiracy. Conspiracies on New Year 2020 does not carry anything negative, on the contrary, it is aimed at ensuring that everything bad remains in the outgoing year, and you entered the new year 2020 only with positive baggage.

    We will definitely take with us luck and love, prosperity and health. And you will learn how to do all this by reading this material.

    Of course, there is simply no better time to make your wishes come true than the New Year. Let's tune in to the festive wave and prepare your most cherished wishes. They will definitely come true.

    How does New Year's time differ from all others and why conspiracies bring results at this time of year. It's all about the accumulation of powerful, bright energy, thanks to the common spirit and people's faith in magic.

    A series of very diverse holidays are coming It is during this period that it covers all countries and continents, all religions and confessions. On New Year's Eve, all humanity demonstrates amazing unanimity. Naturally, people’s main hopes are connected with the future: their own health and that of their loved ones, financial well-being, and, of course, love. Don't miss the chance to seize the moment, this happens only once a year, use New Year's conspiracies!

    New Year's spell for health and youth

    Everyone dreams of eternal youth and health. Perform all actions strictly as described in the instructions for this health plot.

    On December 31, after the clock hands begin counting the last hour of the year, go to the mirror with three lit candles. It is better if they are consecrated, right in the church. Take in right hand spoon of honey and repeat the magic spell for health and youth:

    Day comes from three sides, and only night from the fourth, the water runs away and slips away. Let illness and illness also begin and flow away, like water, from my body and soul. Mother earth helps me, and the water is raw. I will quench my thirst with fresh water and float above the earth like a swan. I will be young for a century."

    After finishing the spell, you need to immediately eat honey and drink it with water. Try it, perhaps this ritual will help you maintain health and youth.

    Good luck spell for the New Year

    This plot also needs to be done on New Year's Eve. Try to properly collect your thoughts, remember all those who were not so kind to you in the past year, maybe you even have enemies or enemies. Forgive them all, leave all grievances in the past, thank God for a great year and ask for his support in the coming year. And most importantly, ask him to support all the people who need it.

    Take a lit candle in your hands and read the spell for good luck:

    Dear God, do not leave me in the New Year, I ask for well-being to all my relatives, those in need, and a little to me. Gold, silver, various goods, I ask for God’s blessing and your patience. Heavenly angels, please give the servant of God (here you need to indicate your own name) strength in the coming year. To my relatives, to everyone in need, and a little to me. Lord Almighty, I ask for your protection from illness, illness, from cold water and burning fire. God be with me throughout the New Year, and with all people too. Protect from misfortunes and troubles, from evil and dashing eyes. Let it be so, everything is your will.

    Conspiracy to make wishes come true

    As everyone who has undergone this ritual says, it works flawlessly! To do this you need to do the simplest manipulations. Take gold in one hand or silver ring. On the New Year itself, cast a spell to make your wishes come true, when the chimes begin to count down the new year 2020, touch the ring to the edge of your left ear and try to imagine what you would like to receive in the future. For better effect imagine that you already have this, believe in it as a fact that has happened. Have no doubt, when the New Year comes, it will be so.

    Conspiracy for mutual love for the New Year

    It often happens that we celebrate the New Year in the company of a person for whom we have feelings. But, as the dramatic plot requires, he does not pay any attention to you. Sitting at the table, as if by chance, ask this very person to simply pass you an apple. Just take your time, don’t bite him right away. Hide it somewhere, just do it discreetly, and then put it right under the Christmas tree. When you wake up in the morning, take this apple, cut out the core from it and put a note in the resulting wasteland with the name of your loved one written on it.

    And then tie the fruit with a thick red thread and hide it in a secluded place. And then watch carefully. The magic will begin to work, and that same person will definitely pay attention to you, or, most definitely, call you. Just don’t talk about what you are going to do, otherwise the magic will lose its power.

    New Year's spell for wealth

    The Russian people, for the most part, are all, like Emelya, lying on the stove and waiting for wealth to come into their hands. Let's also turn into New Year's Emelya for a second and try to earn money without leaving the stove. Moreover, on New Year’s Day the power of magic doubles. The second most popular New Year's conspiracy after love is money. It seems to many that it is very unfair that yachts, mansions and cars belong to some other people, so on New Year’s Eve they urgently ask, and some even demand from higher powers, to submit a living.

    So, let's say on January 1st you went to the store to replenish your groceries. Although there are probably still plenty of salads on the table and in the refrigerator. Basically, you went into the store, bought what you wanted, and they gave you change. These smallest amounts of money will be useful to us for our financial ritual. Throw pennies into a clay pot, hide it in a secluded place and cast magic spells over it every night:

    The moon has grown in the night sky, which means my money will grow too. The moon is calling in the night sky, filling my pocket with money. This method works especially effectively when the future oligarch stomps right foot on the word “month” and at the same time pours a little more change into the pot. After the ceremony, bury the money where no one will definitely find it. And wait, soon the money will flow like a river.

    Feng Shui expert Natalya Pravdina recommends entering the New Year 2015 with new strength and pure intentions, and for this you need to take several important actions that will help you free yourself from everything bad and joyfully celebrate the New Year 2015.

    Clear the space

    Natalya Pravdina recommends starting with this. If you want to free yourself from negativity and bad memories, then change your space! This could be a general cleaning with the removal of unnecessary trash from the house, minor repairs, interior decoration, or simply rearranging the furniture.

    Pay back your debts

    You should not drag old debts with you into the New Year, otherwise your financial situation in 2015 will remain at the same level. Also, we are talking not only about material debts, but also about promises made. Keep all the promises you make, this will free you from the burden on your soul.

    Forgive offenses and ask for forgiveness yourself

    You should not take with you into the New Year the bitterness of resentment, bad thoughts about someone, disappointment and guilt. If someone holds a grudge against you, apologize. If they hurt you, forgive this person, since nothing poisons a person’s soul more than resentment and the desire for revenge.

    Leave everything bad in the old year

    Take a piece of paper with a pen and write down what you would not like to see in your life in the New Year 2015. It can be bad habits, activities that do not benefit you, people with whom you find it unpleasant to communicate, and so on. Natalya Pravdina advises making a list of the most unnecessary things in your life and burning it in a candle flame. This ritual will help you get rid of past negativity and unnecessary things.

    Treat yourself

    New Year is a time of miracles! Be your own Santa Claus and make your wish come true. Treat yourself to the gift you've been dreaming of for a long time. Do not spare money on yourself, then the Universe will see how you rejoice at your new acquisitions, and in the New Year will send you even more wealth and prospects.

    Buy gifts for loved ones

    Don't leave this matter for later. Natalya Pravdina advises taking care of gifts in advance. Make a list of gifts in advance and make sure that your loved ones will like them. By giving desired gifts, you will attract a lot of positive energy, which will undoubtedly be useful to you in the New Year 2015.

    Do a good deed

    Do a good deed for a person you don't know well or don't know at all. Take care of animals that need help. Good always comes back, remember this.

    Send a card or letter to your old friend

    In our age of the Internet, mail is already going out of fashion. But how nice it will be for your old friend, who lives thousands of kilometers away from you, to receive New Year’s greetings!

    Sum up the year

    Natalya Pravdina advises not to be disingenuous in front of yourself and to honestly admit to yourself the mistakes you have made and the failures of the past year. Celebrate your achievements too! Ask yourself what useful things you have done this year, what bad things have happened in your life and what good things have happened. Thank the Universe for its gifts.

    “Let all the bad things remain in the old year” - this wish is heard on December 31 more often than the usual “happiness, health.” At first glance, these words seem banal and “just to say,” but if you think about it, you understand: how great it would actually be to leave all the negativity in the outgoing year.
    And we will tell you how to do this.
    Of course, you won’t be able to get rid of serious emotional wounds in a couple of days. But nothing stops you from at least starting. We have collected several psychological techniques, thanks to which you can free yourself from old grievances and unpleasant emotions and enter the New Year 2017 with a light heart.


    Do you know what half of the grievances stuck in your head are based on? On understatement. A carelessly thrown word, not on time asked question“what did you mean?”, and that’s it - you can’t get rid of unpleasant sensation, which arises whenever you think about your offender.

    Why not find out everything right now - before the New Year? Meet, call or write - it doesn’t matter how exactly, but most importantly, talk to the one with whom you harbor a grudge. Talk about your experiences, ask “why?”, listen calmly and try to accept everything the other person says. You'll see, half of your worries aren't worth a damn. It is not without reason that they say that sometimes only one conversation separates a person from happiness.


    In many countries, before the New Year, it is customary to get rid of old trash. No “what if it comes in handy.” In Italy, for example, people simply throw unnecessary dishes, interior elements and even small-sized furniture out of windows. Have you ever thought that this is a great way to free up not only space in your apartment, but also your head from bad thoughts? We're not suggesting you throw chairs out of a high-rise window, but why not finally get rid of the things that remind you of your ex and your difficult breakup?
    If we are talking about something expensive, post an advertisement for sale. If it's old T-shirts or stupid cards, just throw them in the trash. You will see, the unpleasant emotions that you experienced when bumping into this or that thing will instantly disappear.


    Psychologists say that this method perfectly helps to free oneself from negativity. Take a piece of paper, pen or pencil and write down all your grievances, fears and doubts. Don't hesitate for words, let your thoughts flow freely. Write everything that comes to mind. Offended by a colleague? Are you angry with your husband? Do you blame yourself for rarely calling your mom? Are you afraid that you will lose your job? Write everything.

    Ready? Now take matches or a lighter and burn all the negativity written on the piece of paper. Shake the remaining ashes out the window. Some people are sure that it’s a matter of self-hypnosis. Others say that in this way we actually get rid of the negativity that has been accumulating in us for years. Be that as it may, such a ritual really helps. Not always right the first time. Sometimes you have to repeat it over and over again, but you have to start somewhere. The main thing is to follow fire safety precautions so as not to add problems to yourself before the New Year.


    You know that it is very important not to hush up grievances, but what to do if for some reason it is impossible to talk to the person who hurt you? Then the empty chair technique comes to the rescue. It’s very simple: you need to stay alone in a room (or even better, in an apartment), put a chair in front of you and imagine that your offender is sitting on it. Sit opposite, choose a comfortable position and start a monologue. Talk about your feelings, cry, scream, throw pillows at the chair, you can even kick it if you want - throw out all the negative emotions that are lodged inside. You'll see, at some point you will feel tired and empty. This will be a signal that the “session” was not in vain. You may want to repeat the “talk to an empty chair” more than once or twice, you yourself will feel when enough is enough. The main thing is to allow yourself to release the negativity, do not keep destructive emotions inside.
    Despite the fact that the days before the New Year will be filled with work, buying gifts and hectic preparations for the holiday, try to devote at least a couple of hours to yourself. Let this time the wish to “leave all the bad things in the old year” turn out to be not an empty phrase for you. With a little effort, you can enter 2017 a little happier than you were before.

    P.S. My dear friends! Happy New Year 2017!
    I wish you good health, family well-being.
    Thank you for being with me! Be happy! Good luck!

    Believing in New Year's signs is not as reckless as it might seem. Often there are much more logical things behind them than we used to think. relax.by proposes for the first time to consider the rational side New Year's signs.

    Perhaps the most popular sign is “How you celebrate the New Year is how you will spend it.” There are many more similar signs, for example, “To ensure the well-being of the New Year, it should be a joyful, friendly meeting,” etc. They all say that the key to the productivity of the coming season is your own mood. If on such a bright holiday as the New Year you have lost your mood, lost faith in the future, quarrel with loved ones or do not want to be positive, it is unlikely that you will be able to gain strength and accomplish everything you have planned in the coming year. Therefore, take this sign very seriously. Think in advance where you will spend the holiday, and do not forget to leave all the bad things in the past year. If you can’t get enough joy, apply your own chosen principle regarding this day. Take a break and celebrate each New Year in a different country; on the night of December 31 to January 1, do what you really like: watch a TV series or a sports match. Don't let yourself lose the most important thing you have under the tree - your presence of mind. Otherwise, where would such signs come from? “Before the New Year you can’t wash dirty linen in public, otherwise whole year there will be no home well-being”, “If the first day of the year is cheerful, then the whole year will be like this”, “If there are guests on New Year, then guests will be guests all year”, “If you do hard work on the first day of the New Year, the whole year will pass without rest "...

    A very true sign: “If you wear something new for the New Year, then the year will be successful”, “On New Year’s Eve with new clothes - wear new clothes for the whole year.” Shopping is a great way to relieve stress, and when choosing gifts for your loved ones, do not forget about yourself. Be sure to put it on New Year's celebration new underwear, and perhaps everything else.

    New Year's signs do not recommend that we save on: “Loaf and salt for New Year's table- to prosperity”, “There should be an abundance of food and drinks on the New Year’s table, then there will be prosperity in the family all year long.” The law that applies here is that those who know how to relax properly can work well and earn money. Do not limit yourself in pleasant pleasure, let the sign “The last glass on New Year's Eve will bring good luck to the one who drinks it” to your advantage. Don’t be afraid of stereotypes and be sure to prepare the traditional Olivier for the New Year. And don’t forget about the smell of tangerines, which we associate with childhood. In addition, there is such a sign: “A minute before the chimes, you need to take a tangerine (orange), peel it and put it under the tree. If you have time, then the year will be very happy.”

    Popular wisdom contains many New Year's signs about money: “You shouldn’t pay your debts on this day, otherwise you’ll be paying off the whole year,” “You can’t borrow money on New Year’s Eve so that the whole next year not to be in debt”, “Whoever’s pockets are empty on New Year’s Day will spend the whole year in need.” We don’t know how our ancestors argued for such advice, but in modern economic conditions New year's night may be characterized by instability in rates and quotes, which begins to minimize only a week after the holidays. Therefore, do not rush to implement financial transactions in the New Year, wait until the new financial period begins and you can resolve all issues with a clear head.

    In ancient times, people believed that on New Year's Day they became vulnerable to evil spirits and evil spirits. Therefore, they tried to drive them away with a noisy celebration, and any other sounds. It was even believed that: “If someone sneezes on this day, then to their well-being - the whole year will be happy.”

    Today is New Year's Eve, perhaps the only time when, on the contrary, neither our neighbors nor the police scare us. You can scream and rejoice! Therefore, take advantage of this opportunity - explode firecrackers, shout “Hurray!”, open the champagne loudly and clink your glasses. Maybe this will really allow you to ward off all evil spirits from your home!

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