• New Year's signs and traditions: what you definitely need to do in the New Year. What to do for the New Year


    New Year in just three days! This thought makes me want to scream the letter “A”. I always don't have enough time. And I want everything around me to be beautiful and elegant. It’s so good that there are wonderful people in the world who share their ideas on how to do it easily and quickly, with their own hands... I hope they will make you happy too. With coming!

    What's a holiday without sweets?

    Marmalade figures in a jar of sugar. For eyes and buttons, you can use cake sprinkles and glazed seeds

    Sweet decoration. Place about five round lollipops in a circle shape. Wet the next circle of candies with water or syrup so that it sticks to the bottom circle. Decorate with cinnamon or powdered sugar. Let dry for two to three hours.

    Cookies are best toys on the Christmas tree. But they won’t be decorating for long)

    Sausage boots. One sausage makes one pair.


    Oh no... They're melting! Place marshmallows on a cracker in a 400 degree oven. Cover the baking sheet with foil to prevent the marshmallows from darkening. Bake for 11 minutes. At this time, paint the heads of the snowmen. Place the heads on the heated marshmallows and press down. Cooled snowmen can be decorated as you wish.

    If you know how to cook, then another melting snowman cookie idea is for you.

    From wool pompoms you can make such a wonderful snowman with a felt hat. Add a loop to the hat and it will become a decoration on your Christmas tree.

    Something like a snowman. Perhaps it will turn out more beautiful if you use round skeins of thread.

    Funny faces for a snowman can be printed and glued to the top ball of white thread.

    Snowmen outside can have their cheeks rosy. Mix five drops of red food coloring with a cup of water, then use a spray bottle to apply to the snowman's cheeks.
    The second snowman is made from ice cream balls in coconut flakes.

    Christmas trees

    Christmas trees from old magazines. Incredibly effective at minimal cost. In the photo on the right, America's First Lady teaches children how to make these Christmas trees. Here is a video master class on making such Christmas trees from Martha Stewart.

    And this is very simple Christmas trees, but in large quantities They make a beautiful spruce forest. Their special charm is the gifts inside. The authors made their forest in five sizes and from several shades of green. If the trees are made of thick paper, then it is better to use double-sided tape for gluing and additionally strengthen the seam from the inside with ordinary tape. Cones pattern.

    This is a wonderful example New Year's lottery.

    Print the first page of the template, then reverse side the same sheet of paper with a background picture. Cut out the strips and glue them in the indicated places. An arrow with a circle indicates the beginning of the puncture. pass through these places wooden stick. Glue apples to the top. Stick Christmas trees into cupcakes.

    Christmas tree made of candies. We will need a polystyrene foam cone. toothpicks and soft candies.
    The second option is simpler, but not as beautiful.

    Your whole family will probably be involved in the creation of this Christmas tree. We take an apron (preferably white), fabric paints and hands of all sizes.

    Christmas tree decorations

    Has anyone guessed that this is pasta?)

    Snowflake designs are limited only by your imagination. Just use a good strong glue. To dry, place snowflakes on wax paper. Move them periodically to prevent them from sticking to the paper. When dry, you can paint them, but overdo it, otherwise the pasta will soften and lose its “marketable” appearance. At the end, you can lightly brush them with glue and sprinkle them with glitter.

    Garlands of pine cones and others natural materials. It is also better to use rope made from natural fiber. For example, in this version the cord is made of hemp.

    Lovely jewelry from Martha Stewart.


    Very simple 3D cards

    Use child labor) Of course, if you have children) Is it possible to buy such postcards? Grandparents will be happy.
    here . Glue two large pompom together. Download and print the templates for the legs and ears and cut them out. Using the templates as patterns, cut out 2 ear shapes from pink felt, and 2 legs from white felt.

    List New Year's wishes on a spool of thread.

    I wish you a wonderful new year!

    New Year's Eve is the most mysterious and magical of the year. It seems that it depends on her how successful the coming year will be. And even if this is not at all true, the traditions of the “correct” New Year’s Eve have lived on for centuries.

    People have collected many signs and beliefs related to the preparation and celebration of the New Year. Next, let’s ask: how to achieve success and well-being by completing at least some of them.

    The most important signs

    1. It is believed that before the New Year it is necessary to thoroughly clean the house and get rid of unnecessary things. And, of course, the room should be properly decorated to create a festive mood.

    2. Also before the holiday it is necessary to pay off debts.

    3. If suddenly one of your close people is in a quarrel, you definitely need to make peace so as not to take grievances with you into the New Year.

    4. Before celebrating the New Year, you must remember to spend the Old Year. It is customary to remember all the good things that the outgoing year has brought and thank it for it.

    5. But here comes the New Year, which is preparing many changes, and this is a reason to change your life for the better! You can make a plan for those things that you decide to definitely do in the coming year. The main thing is not to forget to follow it!

    6. It’s better to prepare for New Year’s Eve new outfit. Then there will be many new things in the coming year. It’s also worth remembering who the symbol is next year to win his favor and choose the right color of clothing.

    How to make a wish

    New Year's Eve is the time when all wishes come true. You can make them in different ways.

    1. As a rule, they write about their dreams on a piece of paper, which they then burn. The ashes are poured into a glass of champagne. If you manage to drink everything to the dregs while the Chimes are striking, your wish will certainly come true.
    2. There is another one interesting option. For it you will need a sprig of grapes. With each chime you need to eat a grape, making a wish each time.

    In fact, there are quite a few ways to make a New Year's wish; you can even come up with your own. It is not so important how exactly to do it, it is only important to believe that it will certainly come true. But there are several conditions: the desire must be clearly and clearly formulated, well thought out. In addition, you should not make impossible things or wishes that could harm others.

    So, let’s summarize the most important beliefs that need to be fulfilled on the eve and first day of the New Year:

    For the holiday, every family member should wear new item wardrobe. Bright and beautiful outfits are considered a symbol of a new stage in life.

    To avoid financial troubles in the coming year, you should not borrow large sums money on the eve of the holiday. To attract wealth and prosperity, it is recommended to end all debt relationships about a week before January 31st.

    The dishes on the festive table should be tasty and varied, and the dishes should be expensive and beautiful; it’s time to take out the service from the sideboard for especially special occasions.

    In order for peace and harmony to reign in the family over the next year, quarrels and showdowns should be avoided on the holiday night. Under no circumstances should you be sad or celebrate the holiday alone.

    Signs prohibit not only cleaning, but also washing directly on New Year's Eve. It is believed that this can bring major financial troubles to family members.

    The Scots believe that the visit of a red-haired woman on January 1 promises misfortune, but a brunette is a welcome guest in any home on January 1. They say that the arrival of a black-haired man guarantees happiness and good luck for all the inhabitants of the house.

    It is believed that if you make one wish with each strike of the chimes, then they will all come true, and in the same order, one wish per month.

    It is better to spend a festive night with family and friends. It should be fun and memorable. But quarrels, insults, and especially tears on New Year’s Day are extremely undesirable. We must forget everything bad and believe in miracles. Then the coming year will bring a lot of happiness and fulfill all your secret dreams.

    New Year's fortune telling

    New Year's holidays are strongly associated with miracles, with the anticipation of something new and magical. Many people wonder at this time to find out what fate awaits them in the coming year.
    The first of January is not only a date on the calendar, but also new stage in the life of every person. Therefore, it is natural to want to know whether our deepest dreams will come true.
    In addition, fortune telling is a great way to have a great time with friends.

    Basic rules for New Year's fortune telling

    First of all, you need to decide on the date. Traditionally, fortune telling should begin from December 25 until Epiphany on January 19.
    It is advisable to postpone fortune telling if the date falls on Sunday or Monday.

    Traditional methods

    The most common is fortune telling with wax..
    A little bit of wax needs to be melted over a candle flame, and then quickly poured into a bowl of cold water.
    The figure that appears will tell you what awaits you in the coming year:

    • angel means good news;
    • a dog is a faithful friend;
    • snake - betrayal;
    • the butterfly symbolizes change;
    • heart is a deep feeling.

    You can tell fortunes on the mirror.
    You should take a small mirror, pour water on it, and then, at midnight, take it out into the cold.
    Patterns will tell you about the future:

    • circles promise prosperity;
    • squares – difficulties;
    • if you see spruce branch, then hard work awaits you.

    For unmarried girls Fortune telling by bread and ribbon is of great interest.
    Both are put in a pan or box and taken, without looking inside, whatever comes first.
    If it is a ribbon, then next year a long-awaited marriage awaits you.
    If it’s bread, then you’ll have to spend another year as a girl.

    An interesting and unusual fortune telling can be performed with a bird cherry branch..
    It can only be held on December 25th.
    You need to imagine an exciting situation or ask a question, and then break off a small branch from a bird cherry tree, put it in a glass of water and place it on the window.
    For 12 days you should pick up a glass and think about the question asked or the situation presented in a positive way.
    If after this period the branch blooms, success will definitely await you.

    The essence of the next fortune telling is to pour water.
    One of the two glasses should be filled to the brim with water.
    Next, you need to try to pour the liquid from a full glass into an empty one.
    If you can do this and spill less than three drops of water, your wish will come true. If a puddle forms, unfortunately, no.

    And who to meet him with - these are the most common questions asked during the holidays. It’s good if you know in advance that, for example, you will celebrate the New Year with your family at home. But it also happens that the family is far away, there are few friends, and in general there is no desire to celebrate it. You can find a way out of any situation. The main thing is not to get upset because you don’t know what to do. for the new year.

    Firstly , even if relatives are far away, you can congratulate them in advance, and celebrate the holiday itself with friends or acquaintances. As practice shows, New Year - although it is considered a family holiday, it is on this day that people rejoice at all guests, even uninvited ones. If the situation is such that you have no one to celebrate the holiday with, hint about this to your colleagues.

    Secondly , New Year's Eve can be held in some club, restaurant or cafe. In any establishment they organize a holiday themed party. By the way, many people like to go there even after a family dinner. And, in fact, in clubs and restaurants they take care of all the cooking; there is no need to fuss about what to cook, what to treat, how to decorate the house, etc. The main thing is to join in the general fun, and then the holiday will be fun and unforgettable. Here, by the way, there are also very high chances of meeting an interesting person.

    New Year – this is a holiday for everyone, so don’t be upset if you didn’t manage to spend it the way you wanted, or with the person you wanted. Try to live byrules happy life , do not deprive yourself and do not limit yourself in pleasure. In the morning, you can give yourself a gift prepared in advance, or go for a walk or to the cinema. No need to perceive spent New Year like a tragedy.

    This is a holiday, no matter what it is and no matter what you do, everything should make you happy. Who knows, perhaps this New Year will be one of those that you will never forget, and which you will remember with warmth and trepidation, because you dedicated it only to yourself and your healthy selfishness.

    New Year - family celebration, from which you want to expect magical moments and festive mood. But sometimes you don’t have enough imagination on how to decorate a house, how to decorate festive table. And what is so interesting to come up with so that Christmas mood became magical? We have come up with 20 ideas to create a magical mood for the New Year.

    1. Prepare your handmade cards. Perhaps it will be an ordinary photograph, decorated with colored paper, or covered with stickers. Or will it be created in in electronic format presentations or sent by email. Or a video - congratulations.

    8. Hide surprises throughout the apartment so that family and friends have an interesting opportunity to look for them. This idea will intrigue everyone.

    9. Come up with a shared gift for the whole family. One great gift that will be useful for the whole family. For example, it will be a boat on which you can go on a shared voyage, or a tourist tent, or bicycles for each family member.

    10. Choose movies for family viewing. Find several different ones suitable for viewing with the whole family. It is necessary to take into account the tastes of each family member so that everyone has something to see. Also prepare crackers, sparkling water and tasty snacks while watching.

    11. Buy fireworks and salutes. Anyone without them New Year's celebration will seem “lean”.

    12. Have a conversation on the topic: “The best moments of the past year.” You can do this either in writing or simply tell each other.

    13. New toy. Worth buying for the Christmas tree every year new toy. Such a toy should be purchased based on some event that occurred in a given year. For example, a toy in the shape of a medal will remind you of children’s small victories in sports competitions.

    14. Start decorating your apartment on the first day of December! This will make waiting for the New Year more interesting. And the mood will be pre-New Year's. After the holiday, you shouldn’t immediately remove all the decorations; let it stay in your apartment or house a little longer.

    15. New Year's chants and buzzers. With the advent of the New Year, with the chiming of the chimes, it is worth using them.

    16. Complete the garland with photographs of the outgoing year. Hang it on the wall or any other prominent place, guests or you yourself will write wishes on them.


    Still, there is absolutely no competition for celebrating the New Year at home (okay, dinner under a palm tree on the beach doesn’t count!), and we will now tell you in detail why, so that you don’t despair that you don’t have any plans for December 31 and is not expected. Firstly, it will definitely be a warm New Year. Secondly, you will avoid the triple fee for dinner that restaurants “hospitably” charge on New Year’s Eve (by the way, this abnormal price also includes frankly cheap champagne).

    Thirdly, no screamers, crazy people or drunks will ruin your holiday. Fourthly, you can honor the New Year in pajamas, and no one will say anything to you about it. And finally, fifthly, at the end of the holiday you can simply fall asleep elegantly on your own sofa without any bills, taxis or a frozen intercom. Persuaded? Just don’t forget to invite your friends to visit you for the New Year, because the holiday will be much more fun with company. It was for this kind of home New Year with friends that we came up with several entertaining ideas.

    Order “anonymous” gifts for your guests

    In Spain there is such a tradition as “Secret Santa”: you write the names of all the guests invited to the New Year, sort them and distribute a piece of paper to everyone. The person whose name appears on your piece of paper is the addressee New Year's gift, which you buy and choose. The price and theme of gifts can be discussed separately, but the main thing is that such an unconventional exchange of gifts for the New Year will definitely be fun.

    Surprise your guests

    For example, prepare “fateful cookies” in advance, but only ordinary predictions in the style of “You will advance up the career ladder” should alternate with the most idiotic ones. And none of the guests should know about the trick in advance!

    Skip the New Year's table in favor of a buffet table

    In order not to waste time chopping salads together and not oblige one person to cook for everyone, order each guest some kind of hearty appetizer in mini-portions, taking into account the number of people invited. Or plan a fondue dinner, either cheese or sweet, using the same principle: everyone brings an appetizer for the fondue, and everyone chips in for the ingredients for the base.

    Make some easy cocktails together

    There are tons of recipes online, from classic cocktails you'd find in any bar to crazy ones (like the bright blue "boiling" champagne). Everyone can make their contribution and bring this or that ingredient, just don’t forget to take into account that on New Year’s Eve, alcohol is perhaps the most popular product in stores.

    Prepare the games

    Once everyone has refreshed themselves, you can move on to entertainment. You can keep guests busy board game, in which everyone will be involved. For the “everyone has already drunk, but are still sober” state, for example, a Jenga competition is suitable, and at a more drunken stage, you can move on to the “Who Am I” game with pieces of paper on the forehead from the movie “Inglourious Basterds”.

    Invite guests to make predictions for the coming year

    This trick works with close friends with whom you see often and are not the first to celebrate the New Year. Ask them to list events that they think will happen to them personally or in the world in the coming year. A few months after the New Year or at a meeting already in 2017, you will have a reason to laugh: get the predictions and find out who “vanged” the best.

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