• How to make your New Year's wishes come true? How to make your wish come true. tips for the new year


    I always say that correct wording your dream is already a big step towards its fulfillment. Therefore, if you want to know exactly how to make a wish for the New Year so that it comes true, read this article. I will share all the secrets and tricks that help me fulfill absolutely all my desires easily and effortlessly.

    Secrets of correct formulations

    New Year's Eve is not just a date on the calendar and not an ordinary holiday. This is a time filled with a huge amount of energy that you can use to fulfill your desires. It's a shame to miss such a moment, isn't it?

    There are certain rules that are important to follow in order for your wishes to come true. And the most important thing is to use competent and correct wording. What is important:

    1. All wishes should be made only in a positive way, without denials and negative formulations. Don't use the particle "not". Instead of “I don’t want to get sick,” formulate “I want to be healthy.”
    2. Keep your focus on what you want to get, not on what you want to get rid of. Example: “I want to get rid of excess weight“- is wrong, with such a wording you can, on the contrary, attract a couple more kilograms to yourself. But “I want to be healthy in a beautiful and slender body, weighing N kilograms” is already the correct formulation.
    3. Your desire should be as clear, specific, and measurable as possible. “I want to be rich” is the wrong wording. But “I want an income of 300,000 rubles a month” - great.
    4. Do not forget to determine the deadline for fulfilling your desire. It shouldn't be too close so that you can "let go" of your dream and not get hung up on it. A dream that has a clear deadline is already a goal, and the Universe will give you maximum opportunities so that you can achieve this goal.
    5. It is advisable to describe in the wording your state that you will experience after the wish is fulfilled. For example, if you want happy relationship, then try to imagine how you feel at the same time. “03/26/1019 I am walking with my man in the park, holding hands. Passers-by look at us and are touched. I feel tenderness and see how he looks at me with loving eyes.” The more detailed you describe your state “in the moment,” the better.
    6. And, most importantly, make wishes only for yourself. They should not touch other people. “I want my mother to be healthy” - such a formulation is useless. Moreover, by making such wishes, you interfere with the intention of another person. Therefore, the maximum you can formulate is: “I want to be the daughter of a healthy woman.”

    Try to write down 10 of your desires and formulate them according to the rules that I described. And then read on.

    Why don't wishes come true?

    It also happens: a person formulated everything correctly, did effective techniques fulfillment of desires, but for some reason it’s impossible to get them in real life. For what reasons does this happen?

    They are as follows:

    1. You are making wishes that are not yours true desires, and those that are imposed on you by society and environment. Or these are the goals of your mother, partner, employer. But not yours at all. Think, maybe it’s not you who want a promotion? And your mother. Or society promotes being successful and you want to fit in. In fact, you may wish not to work at all, for example.
    2. Your energy levels are low. Energy is the engine that drives external intention. If it is not there, then there can be no talk of quick fulfillment of desires. Therefore, the energy level must be constantly raised.
    3. You are focusing on what you want to get rid of, rather than what you want to get. For example, if you wish to get rid of debts and loans, you will further aggravate the situation. And you need to think about financial freedom, major purchases, the life of your dreams - abundant and fulfilling.

    And it is very important to check how united your soul and mind are in the desire to get what you want. To do this, I suggest you do one very simple exercise.

    Imagine that tomorrow you will have the opportunity to fulfill your dream. All that remains is to get up from the couch and take what you want. For example, if you want to travel, you can pack your bags and buy a plane ticket tomorrow. If you want a relationship, then you will meet the man of your dreams, and all you have to do is say “I do” at the altar.

    Feel it and carefully monitor your inner sensations. Is there 100% readiness? Do you feel complete comfort and confidence? Or there are some doubts, fears, a lot of “excuses” arise in your head.

    In the second case, you are not yet ready to accept your dream and make it come true.

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    In fact, there is no magic here, but there is a subtle psychological attitude. Experts say: in order for your desire to come true, you need to clearly formulate it, abandon the “not” particle and... be able to let go.

    There are countless ways to make New Year's wishes. We will tell you the most interesting and name prerequisites that must be accomplished in order for them to come true.

    What do we want

    Before you start making a wish, do the following on New Year's Eve.

    Banish the negativity. Write down all your grievances and worries on a piece of paper, and then mentally let them go and burn the paper. And also - discard attitudes like “I would like to, but what’s the deal with my salary”, “not with my happiness”, etc.

    Think about the wording. State your goal very clearly. For example, if your dream is to get married in 2016, then describe your desired groom in as much detail as possible.

    Remember the text. It is best to write down a correctly formulated desire on a piece of paper, repeat it and remember it well. At the same time, try to avoid the particle “not” (our subconscious perceives “I don’t want” as “I want”) and describe the desire as fulfilled (“in 2016 I have a car”).

    Place your order

    We offer you several popular ways of making wishes.

    Letter. In one of last days year, take a piece of paper and write a letter in which you indicate one, or better yet, several of your desires. Put it in an envelope and sign it “To the Universe, to the department of urgent wish fulfillment.” It can only be opened in next year- to check if your dreams have come true.

    Toys and balls.“Order” wishes through the decorations with which you decorate the Christmas tree. This ball is a profitable job, this one is love, etc. And when you take them off, imagine how you are letting your dreams go up. The same can be done with balloons, making an “order” when you inflate them, and releasing them when you pierce them with a needle.

    Sparklers. When the chimes strike, light a sparkler and make a wish on it. Save the leg from it until your plan is completed.

    New guest. If a stranger or acquaintance whom you did not expect to meet in your company comes to New Year's Eve, after midnight, take his hand and make a wish.

    Number 12

    Months. Project the first 12 days of the coming year into 12 months. For example, if you want to travel in May, then spend a day on the road on January 5 (corresponding to the fifth month).

    Desires. Write your wishes on 12 pieces of paper, roll them into tubes and put them under your pillow. In the morning, take out one piece of paper at random: what is written on it will come true.

    Don’t get hung up on your desire: by doing this you are depriving yourself of the energy that can be used to realize it.

    Important! You can’t dream for other people, because only they know what they really need.

    Hurray, New Year is coming! The most beloved, most magical holiday of all times! And despite the fact that we are already grown-up uncles and aunts, deep down in our souls we still believe in miracles.

    And it turns out that you need to prepare for miracles on New Year’s Eve. Do you think that you should make a wish during the chiming clock and that’s it – a chic mink coat in your pocket? No matter how it is!

    As my own survey revealed, in the heat of the moment festive table New Year's treats, we manage five minutes before midnight to rip off the last curlers, paint one eye and lower lip, run to the kitchen for champagne, run again for glasses and pour some. And here comes the first “bom-mmm”, and we understand that the desire is not invented! We whisper hysterically “so that everyone is healthy” or “I want an apartment, a dacha, a car...” And we continue to live with the five of us in a one-room apartment, ride on a “kopek”, and harvest from our mother-in-law’s dacha.

    But this year everything will be different. So here's a guide to making New Year's wishes.

    There are many ways to ask Santa Claus for what you want. The most famous, but not very effective method— as the chimes strike, write a wish on a piece of paper, burn it, drown the ashes in champagne and drink. True, there is a possibility of celebrating the New Year in a coughing fit, spitting ashes on yourself and those around you. Another outdated method is to eat a grape with each chime - suitable for those who want to lose weight. You can’t eat anything else besides these berries, otherwise it won’t come true!

    Now other methods are in trend: so, if you want a lot of money next year, on New Year's Eve put a few bills in your pocket, in your shoes and under, sorry, a soft place. One of my friends observes this ritual every year. From year to year the number of banknotes under its soft spot increases. The soft spot grows exponentially from the funds put under it. It's such simple math.

    American comrades wash themselves with dollars on January 1st. You can learn from your experience and make a morning cocktail from all the tugriks you can get.

    Although... there is another option...

    According to Peruvian custom, people who dream of traveling must go outside with a suitcase and walk around their house 3 times. The choice is yours.

    Those wishing to get married are required to hang red hearts on the Christmas tree, on themselves and on those around them. Place a red candle on the table and write your wish on the red piece of paper. So says Feng Shui!

    And finally, only in the year of the Snake, prepare a dish of rabbit meat, put on a tight-fitting shiny outfit, light a green candle, drop a drop of milk into a glass of champagne, and as the chimes strike, make your cherished wish that you came up with IN ADVANCE! The desire must be specific. “I want to meet love” will not do. You will of course meet her, in the form of a homeless kitten. But if you dream of a man, ask him. And most importantly, wish with all your heart. Santa Claus, he is a wizard, fulfills only sincere wishes.

    ...Formulate it correctly! What do we usually do? We write on a piece of paper, burn it, throw the ashes into champagne and drink it in one gulp. What a fuss! The desire is “lost” in this turmoil. And psychologists say that you need to carefully prepare in advance for making a New Year’s wish. Shall we try? And then we’ll check how it works! So to speak, production magic...

    You need to remember the main thing: in order for your desire to come true, you need to clearly formulate it, abandon the particle “not” and be able to “let go”.

    Before you start making a wish, do the following on New Year's Eve.

    Banish the negativity. Write down all your grievances and worries on a piece of paper, and then mentally let them go and burn the paper. And also, discard attitudes like “I would like to, but what’s the point with my salary”, “not with my “happiness””, etc.

    Think about the wording. State your goal very clearly. For example, if your dream is “to get married in 2018,” then describe your desired groom in as much detail as possible.

    Remember the text. It is best to write down a correctly formulated desire on a piece of paper and remember it well. At the same time - we remind you again - try to avoid the particle “not” (our subconscious perceives “I don’t want” as “I want”) and describe the desire as fulfilled (“in 2018 I have a car”).

    We place an “order”

    We offer you several popular ways of making wishes.

    Letter. On one of the last days of the year, take a piece of paper and write a “letter” in which you indicate one, or better yet, several of your desires. Put it in an envelope and sign it “To the Universe, to the department of urgent wish fulfillment.” You can open it only next year - to check whether your dreams have come true.

    Toys and balls.“Order” wishes through the decorations with which you decorate the Christmas tree. This ball is a profitable job, that one is love, etc. And when you take them off, imagine how you are letting your dreams go up. You can do the same with balloons by making an “order” when you inflate them, and releasing them when you pierce them with a needle.

    Sparklers. When the chimes strike, light a sparkler and make a wish on it. Save the remainder of it until your wish is fulfilled.

    New guest. If a stranger or acquaintance whom you did not expect to meet on New Year's Eve comes to your company, after midnight take him by the hand and make a wish.

    Number twelve

    Months.“Project” the first 12 days of the coming year into 12 months. For example, if you want to travel in May, then spend a day on the road on January 5th (corresponding to the 5th month).

    Desires. Write your wishes on 12 pieces of paper, roll them into tubes and put them under your pillow. In the morning, take out one piece of paper at random: whatever is written on it will come true.

    Don't get hung up on your desire: by doing this you deprive yourself of the energy that can go towards its realization.

    Important! You can’t dream for other people, because only they know what they really need.

    New Year is a magical time, a time of fulfillment of desires. There are many ways to make wishes and make them come true. There is such a common sign that everything you don’t wish for for the New Year will definitely come true. Mental requests come true more often than those accompanied by magical rituals.

    Common ways to make wishes so that they come true for the New Year

    The classic way of making wishes

    The most common way to make wishes for the New Year is to set fire to the paper on which your most cherished wish is written and throw it into a glass of champagne. Drink the contents exactly at midnight. Not everyone will decide on such an experiment.

    European way of making wishes

    The essence this method is this: exactly at midnight you need to eat twelve grapes. You need to get rid of the seeds before the last chime. Even if the wish does not come true, there will be an extra reason to enjoy the berry.

    A popular method of making wishes come true was shown in the New Year's film "Sorcerers." True, it all depends on weather conditions. You just need to go outside and catch a snowflake. If it does not melt until the clock strikes twelve, then all wishes will certainly come true.

    A way to make wishes with a candle

    There is another simple way to make your cherished wish come true for the New Year. You will need a regular thin candle. Exactly at midnight it must be lit, pronounced cherished words over a burning candle, and after the ritual place it on the festive table. If the candle does not go out during the celebration, then the wish will definitely come true.

    A way to make wishes by formulating them correctly

    When making wishes, you need to ask for what is really needed. Only the most sincere wishes will come true.

    General recommendations for making wishes for the New Year so that they come true

    1. When making a wish for the New Year, you must be extremely careful and formulate it correctly. It is worth remembering that wishes tend to come true. The main thing is to believe and follow certain rules.

    2. Always formulate a request only in the present tense, without using the past or future. For example: “I am grateful for my health, which is only getting better every day.”

    3. When making wishes, you cannot use negative statements, for example, they say: “it’s a bloody nose, but I want to go on vacation to Turkey” or like this: “at any cost, I want an apartment.”

    4. Do not use the word “must”; this is not an order.

    5. You cannot use the words “well, at least.” Don't be afraid to ask for more. For example, if you wish for the following: “at least a little room,” you can live in a communal apartment for the rest of your life.

    6. Clearly state what you want, without ambiguous phrases.

    7. Professionals say that in order for a wish to come true, it is necessary to formulate it correctly. You cannot use the particle “not”. That is, to wish for health, you must say: “I want to be healthy.” It is wrong to say: “I wish not to get sick.”

    If you strictly follow these rules, all your wishes will definitely come true. All these ways to make a wish can be used not only on New Year 2019, but also on Old New Year, which in Russia is celebrated on the night of January 13-14.

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