• How to properly comb wet hair after a bath. How to comb your hair correctly


    The pride of any girl is undoubtedly her hair. Luxurious long curls, which cover the entire back and beautifully develop with the wind. Or short stylish haircut, which reveals your personality and image better than any words. A hairstyle that will emphasize that you are going to an important event or two neat braids that will give you childish innocence. All these feminine tricks available to us thanks to nature, which endowed girls with seemingly useless hair at first glance.

    How to comb your hair correctly?

    It is generally accepted that the beauty of hair is genetically embedded in us. Of course, the condition and quality of the curls of our parents and previous generations are very important. But it’s in our hands to save our hair, make it grow better and make it thicker. Few people know that the beauty of hair depends on proper care. Frequency of brushing not only gives them a pleasant aesthetic appearance, but also promotes growth and health. Why? The thing is that by irritating the nerve endings in the skin, you revitalize blood circulation. By devoting the right amount of time to your hair and brushing it at least three times a day, you can significantly improve its condition.

    How should you comb your hair?

    • Choose a comb with blunt ends, as sharp ones can scratch your scalp.
    • If you have long hair, then it is better to start combing it from the middle. Short hair can be combed starting from the roots.
    • It is recommended to comb long hair first with a brush and then with a comb. Owners of short hair are not advised to use a brush, replacing it with a comb when caring for their hair.
    • Whatever you decide to use to comb your locks, make sure your device is clean. Do not give your hair care device to another person, as this can transmit lice and fungal microorganisms to you.
    • Be careful not to pull your hair when combing.
    • If you have long hair and they are difficult to handle, then grab them with your hand near the root and comb them strand by strand.
    • Don't forget to wash your combs and combs. Of course, this should not be done as often as washing your hair, but at least once a week.
    • To improve hair circulation, comb while lying down.
    • The movements should be soft, comb yourself lovingly.
    • The optimal time for combing is 3-5 minutes. At least once a week, devote this much time to your hair.

    Tip: If you want your hair to grow better, use the following tip for combing your hair. Lie down on the sofa and hang your head over the edge of the sofa. Comb, starting from the back of the head, in all directions for about 5 minutes. You will soon feel warm, this is a good sign that your blood circulation has improved. Such hair care procedures heal and accelerate hair growth. Another good advice– Ask your loved one to brush you more often. It is not only pleasant, but also beneficial for your hair and beauty. You can answer him in kind and brush him back. After all, walking next to a handsome man with thick hair is always doubly pleasant! Remember, not only your beauty is in your hands.

    What is the best way to comb your hair?

    The most the best material wood is used to make combs or brushes. If you don't already have a wooden comb, be sure to get one for yourself. It is natural, does not electrify and is pleasant to the skin. Its only drawback is problems with washing and moisture absorption. One more good option there will be a horn for the comb. This material is closest to the material that makes up hair. The horn also has a drawback. Small defects may appear on it that can damage the hair. Metal combs, brushes and paddles are not advisable, as they can injure the scalp. Plastic combs are the most popular in our country. They are inexpensive, durable and easy to clean.

    So, you came to the store to buy a comb for yourself or as a gift for someone?

    • Immediately avoid combs with hard or sharp edges.
    • The tips of the brush teeth should be smoothly rounded.
    • You should not choose a brush with particularly thick bristles. She is unable to massage her head. Give priority to thinned brush.
    • If you don't already have a wooden comb, get one.

    Why does hair grow poorly?

    Do you feel like you are brushing your hair with the “right” brush and in the “right” position, but your hair still doesn’t grow well? Combing is an important, but not the only factor affecting hair growth. The beauty of your curls is also affected by:

    • Normal healthy environment surrounding your hair. Frequent stays fresh air beneficial for your hair no less than for any other body system.
    • Proper nutrition, full of vitamins and nutrients. For growth beautiful hair it is necessary to receive the entire complex of the following vitamins in a timely manner: A, B2, B3, B6, B10, E and F. The following gifts of nature are especially beneficial for hair: zucchini, apricot, onion, raspberry, cauliflower, bell pepper. It also has a very good effect on hair growth. olive oil, meat products, red fish and eggs.
    • Good hair care. Water for washing hair should not be hard. Using conditioners and balms improves the condition of your hair, but be careful with the amount you use. If you want your hair to be full of health and beauty, forget about frequent use of hair dryer, hair straightener and curling iron. When choosing hair dye, give priority to well-established brands.
    • Internal state. Have you noticed that after serious stress, your hair leaves your head like rats on a ship that is wrecked? Take care of yourself, be full of positivity and love for life, and then your hair will delight you, just like every day you live. Don't worry about that daily a small amount of the hair remains on the comb. This is fine. Hair lives for several years and sooner or later falls out, this is a natural process. Typically, it is normal to lose 80 hairs per day.

    Which consists of unraveling, smoothing, straightening them.

    Preventing hair tangling

    Prevention is always easier than recovery. This rule applies to different areas life. Since combing is a rather stressful procedure for a woman and her hair, it is worth familiarizing yourself with prevention methods and possible problems.

    • Satin or silk bed linen. For some reason, US stylists associate this “secret” with Marilyn Monroe, although people slept on silk underwear long before the birth of the blond beauty. However, the “trick” really works: using a satin or silk pillowcase helps keep your hair moisturized, prevents frizz, and prevents breakage. On the contrary, silk polishes the hair and gives it a glossy effect.
    • Braided braids or buns for the night. This is both a great way to save time on your morning hairstyle and a wonderful method to prevent hair breakage during sleep. The only point: you can’t overdo it. It is better to make the braid looser than to tighten it too much (this is also stressful for the hair). In addition, your hair will “breathe” better while you sleep.
    • Straighten your hair rather than wash it. If you sleep on your side, your hairstyle may become asymmetrical and lose volume. But this is not a reason to torment your poor hair with styling products. You just need to take a hairdryer and direct a stream of warm air to the roots where the hair is wrinkled. When exposed to air, the hair will straighten and no need to new styling wet hair, which is harmful to the hairstyle.
    • Dry shampoo. It's worth trying to buy dry shampoo or make your own. This product will not only avoid frequent washing, but will also be an excellent styling product. When you get up in the morning, you may be in for an unpleasant surprise - hair that was fresh from the evening has become “fat” by the morning. To avoid washing your hair too often, you can use dry shampoo and then start heat styling.
    • Bang . The bangs become greasy and dirty much faster than the rest of the hair, which, again, leads to the need to wash your hair frequently. Instead, it is better to get hairpins that do not break your hair. Thus, it is recommended to pin your bangs to the side while sleeping, and in the morning simply style them with a hot hairdryer.

    Proper combing of hair

    So, let's start combing. Combing is one of the important ways to care for the beauty and health of your hair. There are several simple rules which you should follow so that your hair never ceases to please you with its healthy looking, brilliance and beauty. They are easy to remember, and five minutes a day are enough to do.

    • Hair should be combed daily, at least three times a day. Hairdressers recommend combing your hair about 100 times a day. It is also recommended to comb your hair before going to bed. This is to allow them to breathe at night. And in the morning you won’t have to untangle your hair in the morning rush.
    • You should comb your hair until all the strands are untangled and the hairstyle takes shape.
    • Hair should be combed carefully. The movements of the hand that holds the comb should be smooth. With rough movements, the hair, on the contrary, will become even more tangled, break, and damage the follicles. It is also necessary to ensure that the hair is not pulled out so that the scalp is not damaged during combing.
    • Wet hair, regardless of length, should only be combed with a wide-tooth comb. In general, it is advisable to wait until they are completely dry.
    • When combing, you should take into account the length of your hair. Very short hair You should start combing from the roots, and long hair - from the free ends, gradually moving higher to the roots. Strand by strand. First, comb the hair on the back of the head, then on the remaining parts of the head - in the direction of the hair, against hair growth. That is, it is necessary to constantly change the direction of movement of the comb.
    • When combing, touch the scalp with the teeth of the comb gently, without pressure. This creates the effect of a light massage. Massage plays an important role in improving blood circulation and accelerating hair growth. It makes hair silky, improves nutrition, and prevents increased hair loss.
    • Those with oily hair should know the following. Since combing activates the activity of the sebaceous glands and releases fat, you should try to comb your hair so as not to touch the scalp. Thanks to this technique, the fat is not so intensely distributed throughout the hair. Greasy hair You should not brush more than three times a day. In this case, it is necessary to rinse the comb under hot water each time. This measure also prevents the oil remaining on the comb from being smeared over your head again.
    • Dry hair is most susceptible to breakage. They can take on a loop-like appearance, which can cause dirt to be deposited in the hair knots. It causes irreparable damage to hair.

    • Professionals recommend combing your hair in the fresh air - this improves oxygen saturation of the hair, scalp and roots.
    • You need to take the choice of a comb seriously - it should suit your hair type and length. Important to consider individual characteristics hair
    • You should not use combs whose surface is covered with seams, burrs and other irregularities. This injures the scalp and causes hair to split at the ends.
    • Brushes with fine bristles make combing easier and detangle curls.

    Aroma combing

    There is a type of combing called aroma combing. This is a common type of hair care using aromatic oils.

    This procedure is quite simple. Take a regular comb - preferably from natural materials. A few drops of essential oil are applied to it, and then the hair is combed for a long time and carefully. Plastic or metal combs are not suitable as essential oils may interact with these materials.

    This type of combing makes hair healthy and improves appearance. They become smooth, shiny and elastic. The hair follicles also receive nutrition. They are stimulated during aroma combing and also receive useful material from essential oils.

    By combing with essential oils you can give your hair a subtle aroma that will accompany you all day in a light trail and appropriately influence your psycho-emotional state. That is why you should be careful with oils and not allow them to mix with the smell of perfume. An excess of odors - especially incompatible ones - can cause headache and depressed state.

    You should also select oils depending on the time of day. After all, some oils have a tonic effect, and some have a calming effect. The first ones should be used in the morning to wake up well and feel cheerful and energized all day. These include rosemary, cinnamon, ginger. The latter should be used before bed, after a hard day, in order to relax well and prepare for bed. These include chamomile, lavender, vanilla. Also at the end of the day, adaptogen aromas that have an anti-stress effect are good: ylang-ylang, citrus fruits (grapefruit, orange, mandarin, petitgrain), myrtle, patchouli, rose, sandalwood, eucalyptus.

    Myths and truths about combing hair

    Combing your hair at night will give you a headache in the morning.

    No. Quite the contrary. Combing before bed well cleanses the scalp of dead cells, dust and sebum, and a light massage improves hair nutrition. And in the morning - not a hint of a headache.

    It is necessary to comb your hair at least a hundred times before going to bed, first from right to left, and then vice versa..

    Yes. The direction doesn't matter. The main role here is played by scalp massage. But provided that the comb is of very high quality. Otherwise, you can thin out your hair.

    Wet hair should not be combed.

    Yes, they are very fragile and easily pulled out.

    Short hair should be combed from the roots, long hair should be combed from the ends, after dividing it into strands..

    Yes, this is the correct mechanism for combing hair. And it is necessary to take into account: the longer the hair, the wider the distance between the teeth should be.

    Don't comb your hair frequently. You really shouldn't overdo it. If you brush your hair too often, it will start to get dirty faster. Moderation is good in everything!

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    How to comb your hair correctly and how often should you comb it? It would seem that combing hair is an ordinary procedure that every girl encounters several times every day and has many nuances and subtleties.

    How often should you comb your hair?

    Every day, at least two to three times a day - once in the morning, immediately before washing your hair, another time in the evening.

    Combing your hair with a comb or brush improves blood microcirculation in the scalp, additional nutrients are deposited in the hair follicles, the hair becomes stronger, gains strength and health, and grows better.

    How long should you comb your hair?

    Even in the time of our grandmothers, it was believed that a hundred daily brushings were a sure way to have healthy hair, beautiful and shiny. Take this amount as the required minimum.

    About combs

    When combing hair, there are 2 goals: the first is to directly comb tangled hair, and the second is to massage the scalp.

    In the first case, wooden combs with sparse, blunt, rounded teeth are ideal so that they do not scratch the skin. When combed, such combs practically do not damage the hair and do not cause electrification. In the second case, brushes with natural bristles are used to massage the scalp.

    Combs and brushes must be clean and washed regularly. The most common combs are made of hard rubber (ebonite), so to clean the comb you should use warm, but not hot, soapy water. Ebonite softens in hot water, takes on a dull gray color, but most importantly, it loses its shape and becomes unusable.

    You need to be especially careful about keeping your hair brush clean. The brush gets dirty faster than the comb due to the thickness of the bristles. It should be washed more often (once every 2-3 days) with a soap-ammonia solution (add 2 tablespoons per 1 liter of soapy water) ammonia). This solution can quickly and easily rinse it using a hand washing brush. Before washing your brush, you should free it from any remaining hair and dandruff. To do this, hit the bristles on a hard surface (shake), the debris falls off towards the end of the bristles and is easily combed out from there with a comb or a metal knitting needle. The brush is washed by striking the bristles against the surface of soapy water, then rinsed with clean water and wiped terry towel and hung to dry. The polished side of the brush can be lightly rubbed with oil.

    Each person should have an individual comb and brush. Passing it on to others is unacceptable because it can transmit germs and skin diseases.

    What not to do?

    Can't comb wet hair, as they are easily damaged. Do not dry your hair with a hairdryer or in the sun. After the hair is dry, it is combed, with long hair starting from the ends, gradually rising higher, and short hair from the roots.

    Healthy and shiny curls- the dream of many girls. Every woman tries to ensure that her hair retains its natural strength for as long as possible.

    Particular attention is paid to the correct combing, which is not at all as simple as it seems at first glance. The likelihood of split ends and dandruff, oily scalp and a host of other difficulties that worry women throughout their lives depend on combing.

    How often should you comb your hair?

    You should comb your hair in the morning and in the evening. If you plan to wash your hair, you need to comb your hair immediately before applying shampoo. In this case, attention should be paid not only to the number of combings, but also number of brush movements.

    Some women believe that regular and frequent combing is harmful to their curls. In fact, this is not so, the more often we comb our hair, the more movements we make, the better.

    Confirmation of this can be found in works of art from different eras.
    Old Russian beauties wore long braids, which were not only the subject of their pride, but also of special concern. The curls were combed long and carefully. Sometimes it took several hours to prepare for going out.

    Modern hairdressers advise using the experience of our ancestors and not being lazy to comb your curls as often as possible. You should make at least 100-200 movements of the brush on your head per day.

    What and how to comb

    Regular brushing increases blood flow to the scalp, normalizes blood circulation, speeds up the process of secretion of the sebaceous glands. Combing is best done with a comb or a brush of various shapes.


    The effectiveness of a comb is directly related to the material from which it is made. On store shelves you can find a large number of:

    1. wooden X;
    2. horny;
    3. metal;
    4. plastic ridges

    Each of them has the right to exist and apply:


    Using a brush as the main tool, you should pay attention to the following details:

    The comb used should be clean. Washed and freed from dead skin cells, curls can quickly become dirty if a brush that is not very clean is used to comb them.

    Having figured out how to comb your hair, let's look at how to do it correctly. Ideally, a girl should comb her hair while lying down:

    Pleasant warm sensations indicate increased blood circulation, which helps strengthen and accelerate hair growth.

    If there is no sofa nearby, or the situation does not allow you to do everything as described above, then you can simply squat down, bend your head down, lower your hair between your knees and comb it.

    When combing you need to use not just a brush, but also a free hand, alternating the movements of the comb and stroking the curls with your hands. Fully combed hair must be properly smoothed with your fingers, which is necessary for better distribution of sebum, giving hair shine and maintaining their strength.

    Quick and harsh combing is not allowed! The movements made should be slow and soft.

    Long hair

    Correct combing curls- a big problem for many girls. In a hurry, getting ready for work, meeting with friends, or even going shopping, women often try to comb their hair as quickly as possible, which is not recommended.

    A big mistake is also combing from roots to ends. With this method, the hair is torn out at the base and the ends are split. You need to do everything quite the opposite - from tips to roots. This method allows you to maintain the integrity of the hair and untangle the knots that have formed on it.

    IN video You can learn more about how to comb correctly long hair.

    Short hair

    Short hair should be combed in the same way as long hair, that is, from ends to roots, and nothing else. IN otherwise, girl with short hair and may end up without one at all.

    The most problems arise in girls with. Many of them try to wet their hair before combing, straighten some areas with a curling iron, and only after that begin the procedure itself. Such actions are fundamentally wrong.

    The best way to prepare for combing is to run the palms of your hands through your hair, separating one curl from another using your fingers.

    To comb unruly curls you should use wide-toothed brush, alternating the massage movements of this instrument with stroking the hair with your palms.

    Hair extensions

    Not all girls can boast of long hair. Trying to hide the lack of hair, many women resort to hair extensions. At the same time, hair extensions do not last forever; they can also become damaged, fall out, and lose shine.

    Care consists primarily of proper combing. For this purpose they are used soft tooth brushes, or lint.

    It is unacceptable to use brushes whose teeth are covered with safety heads! They are easily removed, get tangled in the hair and can damage the keratin capsules, which will lead to premature removal of artificial curls.

    When combing, you need to hold your hair at the roots with your hand and avoid sudden movements.

    Thin hair

    Thin curls are extremely sensitive to any impact; when combing them, you need to pay attention to the quality and material from which the brush is made. It is better to avoid products made of plastic and metal, giving preference to a brush with natural bristles.

    Tangled hair

    Combing tangled curls begins from the ends and gradually move towards the roots.

    Do not use brushes with flat, tightly spaced teeth! The sparser the teeth are set, the better the result can be achieved.

    In that video you will learn who should not comb their hair before bed. And also how easy it is to comb strongly tangled hair using oil and which comb to choose.

    To comb tangled curls, it is recommended to use not a brush, but wooden or horny ridges. If preference is still given to a brush, then you need Special attention pay attention to the presence of sharp teeth, length, and hardness of the bristles. The choice should be made on brushes with medium-hard bristles.

    To comb your hair well and avoid tangling, you need to:

    It is easiest to comb completely dried hair; to speed up the process, you can lightly spray the brush with water, or even foam.

    Hi all! Being an important component of the image, women's hair needs no less attention than the face, body or nails.

    In addition, under the influence of various fixing agents, curls often stick together, and therefore they need to be combed regularly.

    Today I will tell you how to comb long hair correctly, how to comb it better wet hair after washing your hair, strands tangled by the wind, how many times a day you need to comb and with what comb.

    After reading the article, you will stop tearing out pieces of hair with your brush, which will improve the thickness of your strands.

    Special models with cone-shaped teeth have been developed. If your scalp is different increased greasiness and dustiness, then you need to use a comb-brush equipped with a layer of hygroscopic material at the base of the teeth. The cleanliness of combs and brushes also affects the cleanliness of your hair, so you should wash all accessories regularly.

    Combs made of hard rubber are especially popular, and to clean them, use warm soapy water, but not boiling water. This can cause the material to soften, fade and lose shape, causing the product to become unusable.

    The brush gets dirty faster than the comb, so it is washed with a soap-vinegar solution several times a week. To make it easier to clean all the hard-to-reach places on your brush, you can use a hand wash brush or an old toothbrush. And remove hair from the comb every time after combing.

    The brush is washed by running its bristles over the surface of the soap solution, and then rinsed with clean water. Let the brush hang dry. To add shine to the polished side, you can rub the surface with oil. I'm planning to write a separate article about combs, so...

    How to comb your hair without a comb?

    If you don’t have a comb at hand, all you have to do is turn your brush into a kind of comb and comb with four fingers. Of course, it will be careless, but still very tangled hair will be able to be brought into at least some decent form.

    How to comb your hair correctly?

    The first thing to remember is that long hair always begins to be combed from the ends, and short hair from the roots. Short strands(7-12 cm) comb only with a comb. If the length of the curls reaches 25-35 centimeters, then they are combed with a brush, and then a comb is used. Very long hair begins to be combed by grasping each strand individually and running a brush through it. Do not pull the strands while combing.

    You need to comb your hair in different directions: from the crown to the forehead, from one side to the other, changing direction. Lower your head and comb from the crown to the forehead, in this position the blood flows to the head and the blood supply to the bulbs improves.

    Although some loss is normal occurrence, which intensifies in the autumn-spring period, a person should not lose more than 100 hairs in 1 day. When hair falls out, it is removed along with its bulb, but the remaining hair papilla gives rise to new hair growth. You can find out how hair works and how it grows by reading the article.

    This is why the hair growth process is constantly ongoing. If the hair falls out a lot, and little hair grows in its place, this is a sign of weakness caused not so much by combing, but by disorders of nervous activity, endocrine system and metabolic processes. One hygienic care you can’t do it, because you will need serious and complex treatment.

    Is it possible to comb wet hair after washing?

    This question still gives rise to disputes between masters hairdressing. But let's try to find a compromise. I don't support combing my hair immediately after a shower or bath, but I don't like combing completely dry hair either.

    There is only one way out: comb your curls when they are in a semi-dry state. How I do it. After leaving their shower, I wrap a towel around my head, a la a turban, and walk like this for 30-40 minutes. Then I remove the towel and apply some leave-in treatment to my hair and distribute it thoroughly.

    During this time, excess water is absorbed into the towel and the hair is not wet, but simply damp. At this point, I dry them a little with a hairdryer to a semi-damp state without a comb and only then start combing them, as I wrote above. When I do the procedure in this order, I lose significantly less hair.

    Why can't you comb wet hair?

    And yet, why do many masters not recommend combing wet hair at all? Let's try to figure it out. After a shower or bath, the scalp is steamed and the hair follicles may weaken, making it easy to fall out. Therefore, they recommend combing semi-dry hair.

    How to comb very tangled hair, for example, after backcombing?

    In some rare cases, tangles may form in the hair and the head may look like a hornet's nest. Such hair is very difficult to comb, and sometimes simply impossible. What to do and how to untangle very tangled hair? If you act roughly, you can lose a significant amount of hair, so you need to act gently.

    Rules for combing tangled hair

    • Never try to detangle dry hair.
    • Wash your hair with shampoo without combing.
    • Apply the balm or mask immediately and walk for 20 minutes.
    • Dry some strands with a towel and begin the detangling procedure.
    • Do this one strand at a time using a wide-toothed comb or even your hands.
    • Start from the ends, gradually moving towards the roots.
    • After detangling, apply masks again and wait 15 minutes.
    • Rinse off the product and dry your hair with a towel. Let them dry on their own without a hair dryer.

    How to comb artificial hair extensions?

    Hair extensions require special care, this applies not only to washing, but also to combing. If you want your artificial hair to last longer, then follow a few rules that will help you in this matter.

    • Wash your hair only in the shower, and not “over a basin” or “over a bathtub.”
    • Comb only with special tools. The comb should have soft teeth and no balls at the ends.
    • Hair extensions should only be combed when dry.
    • Start from the ends, holding your hair in a ponytail, then move towards the roots.
    • Brush at least 3 times a day.
    • While you're walking with artificial hair you will have to forget about backcombing and tight hairstyles.

    How to comb curly hair correctly?

    Some professionals advise women with curly hair completely forget about the comb and use your fingers. But if this sounds crazy to you and you can’t imagine your life without a comb, then choose only one with sparse teeth. Brushes and “massages” will make your hair even more fluffy and unruly. And be sure to take care of your hair, as I said in the article

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