• Recommendations on how to choose the right stroller for a newborn. Mothers share their experience: how to choose a stroller. The best transformers for newborns


    Many expectant parents begin to think about how to choose a stroller even during pregnancy. When the baby is born, the mother will no longer have time to travel to shops and markets, so it is better to make a choice in advance, carefully examining different models and comparing their characteristics. What should a baby stroller be like? First of all, comfortable, stable, maneuverable and, of course, beautiful! And in order to understand how to choose a stroller for a child, you need to decide on a number of requirements put forward for it, read reviews of various models on the Internet, ask young parents you know (after all, who, if not them, knows all the pros and cons of their strollers).

    How to choose a stroller for a newborn

    First, you need to think about whether the weight of the stroller matters to you. If, for example, you live in a private house or on the first floor of a multi-storey building, or you have the opportunity not to lift the stroller into the apartment (leave it in the garage, storage room), then you don’t have to think too much about the weight of the baby carriage. You are also unlimited in your choice if you have an assistant who is ready to take the stroller out and in at any time (for example, a husband or another family member working at home) or if you live in a building with an elevator (although this also has its difficulties, because elevators tend to break down at the most inopportune times). In other cases, you should choose the lightest models possible, as well as strollers that can “walk” up steps. If you have an elevator in your house, be sure to measure its width and length, because not all children's vehicles fit into it.

    Secondly, stroller wheels are of great importance. Some models are equipped with wheels big size(most often double), which provide good maneuverability, but they can only be rolled on perfectly flat paths. As a rule, such wheels are found on strollers from well-known European manufacturers, and they are not designed for roads with holes, bumps and potholes, and also not for winter with snowdrifts and ice. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the likely routes of your walks (it’s one thing if you just walk along the alleys of the park, and another if you need to combine the walk with a trip to the market, post office, or bank). You also need to take into account the duration of use - if your child was born in the spring, then you can buy a light and maneuverable stroller-cradle with small wheels, and by winter buy a full-fledged stroller with large wheels. In general, when deciding how to choose a stroller, keep in mind that for our conditions, strollers with large wheels (with a diameter of 30 cm or more) are best suited, which can easily overcome various obstacles, drive through snow, sand and off-road. Inflatable wheels provide good cross-country ability and shock absorption (the child will not shake on bumps), but they have one drawback - they are quite easy to puncture, and at the same time get into a situation where it is impossible to carry the stroller, and the house is still very far away. Although if you do not plan to make long forced marches with a stroller, then inflatable wheels are not the worst option. Cast wheels have a solid structure, so they are not susceptible to punctures and damage, but a stroller with such wheels has a less smooth ride. Wheels that rotate around their axis will make the stroller much more maneuverable, but they can be inconvenient to drive onto curbs and walk on very uneven terrain.

    Third, decide what kind of handle you want your stroller to have. Most often, models for newborns have a solid handle, which allows you to easily operate the baby even with one hand. Although some strollers are equipped with double handles, making the stroller more maneuverable. It is better to give preference to models with a height-adjustable handle, because such a stroller will be comfortable for everyone to ride, regardless of height - mom, dad, grandparents, and even younger brother or sister.

    Fourthly, before choosing a stroller, pay attention to the accessories, which at first glance are not necessary, but make walking with your baby very easy. This includes a mosquito net, a rain cover, a handlebar, a shopping basket, the ability to unfasten the top layer from the hood and canopy to get a summer option, and many other useful things that make walks much more enjoyable.

    Types of baby strollers that are suitable for newborns:

    Classic cradles, reminiscent of strollers, in which today's mothers and fathers once rode. Their distinctive features are a spacious basket with a high base, a flat bottom and high sides. Most often, such strollers have large wheels and are characterized by a smooth ride. “Classic” is suitable for babies from birth to 6-10 months (depending on the size, height of the baby and its character, since not every toddler at the age of 8-9 months will agree to lie in a cradle). The interior upholstery of these strollers is often made of cotton.

    Models 2 in 1 and 3 in 1, in which a stroller unit can be installed on one chassis (and in 3 in 1 models, a child car seat can also be installed). Such strollers will serve a child from birth to 2-3 years. They combine all the advantages of classic strollers, multiplied by greater functionality.

    Transformers that can take any position from “lying” to “sitting” and are suitable for babies from birth until the moment the stroller remains relevant (up to 2-3 years). These strollers most often have a reversible handle, which allows you to turn the child both to face the direction of travel and to face the mother, which can be very convenient. In addition, such strollers are reliable and stable. However, transformers also have disadvantages - heavy weight (although relatively light models can be found) and poor maneuverability. For such strollers, it is very advisable to use a special carrying cradle with a hard bottom or a hard mattress, because in the “lying” position their bottom does not have a perfectly flat surface, which is very important for babies in the first months of life.

    Most strollers on the market for children's vehicles are produced in Poland, Italy, Germany and China (although you can also find American, English, Swedish, Korean, Japanese and Russian models). Of course, in terms of quality, reliability and thoughtfulness of all details, Polish and Chinese strollers are inferior to Italian and German ones, but they are more affordable. In addition, many Polish manufacturers offer a wide variety of models that are ideal for our not always smooth roads and harsh weather conditions, so they are loved by many parents for newborns. The most famous are: Taco, Anmar, Baby Design, Koneko, Roan, Kaytex (Poland), Peg-Perego, Chicco, Inglesina (Italy), Hauk, Graco, Geobi (Goodbaby), Capella.

    Choosing a stroller for a newly born baby is very difficult due to the variety of types, design features and additional options that the manufacturers of this children's transport offer parents. To choose the best, “Price Expert” paid attention to the following key criteria for purchasing a stroller:

    Comfort and safety for the baby. This includes a large and insulated sleeping area with hard sides and adjustable ventilation, a deep hood and a windproof cape with a wide folding tongue, and soft cushioning.

    Convenience for parents. These are maneuverability, maneuverability, ease of folding and transportation, adjustment of the handle position, basket dimensions, viewing window and additional options, making it easier to use the stroller.

    Stroller type: cradle or universal stroller. Cradles Ideal for babies thanks to a hard and level sleeping area, high sides and a deep hood. They are distinguished by cross-country ability, a soft ride and a simple, reliable design. However, they are heavy, unmaneuverable and have a short service life: as soon as the baby starts sitting, he will need transport with other characteristics. pros 2 in 1 strollers: versatility, cost-effectiveness (the average price of a set is approximately equal to the price of a cradle), maneuverability, variety of technical solutions. Disadvantages: less traffic and the need to store an unused unit somewhere. In addition, a walking block purchased “for future use” may not be liked at all by either the mother or the child. This type of universal strollers, such as transformers, traditionally not recommended for newborns, but even among them, “Price Expert” found samples that deserve our attention.

    Which manufacturer of strollers for infants should you choose?

    The leaders in the market for strollers for newborns are companies from Italy (Peg Perego, Chicco, Inglesina), Germany (Hartan), England (Silvercross), Portugal (Bebecar). They offer the best quality in the mid to high price ranges. At the same time, Italian samples are good for summer and off-season, English ones are especially practical, German ones can boast best quality, and Portuguese - functionality.

    In the last few years, Polish manufacturers have noticeably joined the European leaders: TAKO, Lonex, Caramelo, Roan, Baby Design and others, producing universal models that are not high-quality, but much more affordable. Their main advantage and difference from European strollers (except for the price) is their adaptability to the conditions of harsh Russian winters. Budget models of acceptable quality include Chinese (Baby Care, Geoby) and Russian (Little Trek, Sagittarius), which are not expensive to purchase and “don’t mind throwing away.”

    Which stroller is better to buy - expensive or not so expensive?

    The answer to this question depends not only on the amount of money in the wallet, but also on the sober calculation of the parents. What do we pay for when buying an expensive stroller? Of course, for high quality and strength of materials and mechanisms, stylish and recognizable appearance, elaboration of the smallest nuances. Expensive strollers from trusted global brands are durable and can serve faithfully for several children, or even several generations. At the same time, you need to understand that we pay not only for quality, but also for the name. Some parents need the “branding” of a stroller, others are indifferent to big names, but the child probably doesn’t care.

    However, it is worth considering that expensive strollers are not ideal. For example, Italian ones creak, English ones are heavy, and German ones are not insulated enough for Russian winters. It is possible that the child may simply not like the stroller or his parents may get tired of it. Therefore, you should not get hung up on expensive brands, relying on their “indestructibility”. The range of inexpensive strollers is incomparably wider, and although technically they are inferior expensive models, good Polish, Russian and Chinese options look great and are quite capable of comfortably riding 1-2 kids, and then safely going to “retirement”. In this regard, “Price Expert” advises when choosing a stroller to be guided not by price and brand, but by the convenience and functionality of a particular model.

    Rating of the 15 best strollers for newborns

    “Price Expert” selected the 15 highest quality and most popular in 2017-2018. strollers for newborns.

    A stroller is one of the most important purchases for a newborn, without which long walks in the fresh air are unthinkable. There are many requirements for models for the little ones: it is important that the stroller for the baby is reliable, safe, comfortable and anatomically correct. Experts from the Daughters-Sons online store tell you how to choose it.

    Where to begin?

    A stroller for a newborn should be comfortable - first of all for the child, but also for the parents. It is necessary that the seat be protected as efficiently as possible from the influence of the external environment: weather conditions familiar to us can cause discomfort to a small traveler. Therefore, the main tasks of the cradle of any stroller for the little ones are to provide the baby with warmth in winter and coolness in summer; securely shelter from wind, rain and bright sunlight.

    While walking, newborns sleep a lot, so the stroller must provide the baby with the appropriate level of comfort and coziness.

    When choosing a stroller for babies, there can be no trifles. In addition to the cradle, it is worth paying attention to the wheels, shock absorption, and the safety of the child. It is also important what time the baby is born: for “winter” babies you need to choose an insulated option, for “summer” babies - a lighter model. There are also universal, all-season strollers.

    Operating conditions dictate their own rules. For smooth asphalt paths, the size of the wheels, the width of the wheelbase and the quality of shock absorption do not play a special role. It's a different matter when it comes to walking in areas that cannot boast of high-quality sidewalks. All the nuances of choosing the best stroller for a newborn are revealed by the experts of our store.

    Classification of strollers for newborns

    Modern strollers for newborns are divided into several types - the classic cradle stroller, the “transformer” type model and multi-module strollers of the “2 in 1” and “3 in 1” configurations. Sometimes recreational ones are also included in this category - in practice, they usually have an age limit of “from 6 months”. One of the few exceptions to this rule is the Peg-Perego GT3 Naked Completo stroller, which can be used for babies from birth. When choosing a “walk” for a newborn, be sure to check whether it is suitable for a child who cannot yet sit.

    A good stroller is not cheap, but your baby needs so much! Experts advise purchasing a stroller as soon as possible, and postponing other significant expenses for a month and a half. For example, you can choose a crib for a newborn later, because modern strollers do an excellent job of performing the functions of a cradle or rocking bed. Such a replacement can only be beneficial for the baby: many children are frightened by unlimited space immediately after birth, and the stroller can become that cozy nest in which the child will feel as comfortable as possible.

    Let's take a closer look at the specifics of each named type of stroller for the little ones.

    Classic stroller-carrycot

    An ideal example of a classic stroller-cradle for newborns is the Inglesina Sofia Elegance model. The design is simple: a removable cradle and a reliable chassis. As a rule, strollers-cradles have a wider sleeping area compared to analogues of other types and an insulated rigid frame; The bottom position must be horizontal (without tilting). The latter is extremely important for harmonious development newborn: pediatricians advise making the baby’s sleeping bed smooth and hard.

    Some bassinets can change the angle of the backrest. The number of positions ranges from 2 to 7. If you need this option, find out in advance whether the stroller model you like has it.

    Parents will like the high wheelbase (this is very convenient; for example, in walking versions, the child sits much lower) and the excellent maneuverability of this stroller. Four large wheels and good shock absorption of the named model cope with any off-road conditions, protecting the light sleep and comfort of your baby.

    Carrycots are not designed for long trips, but this does not mean that you cannot travel with such a stroller. On the contrary, the manufacturer has provided everything for your convenience: the cradle can be easily removed from the chassis and installed in the car using special fasteners. The wheelbase itself folds and can be placed in the trunk.

    The stroller-carrycot is intended for children from birth to 6 months. After six months, the best option is to transfer to a walking stroller - their choice is huge, and every buyer will find a model to their liking among the “walking” ones.


    If we are talking about a transformer, the best example of this type of stroller is the Marimex Classic. An excellent economical option for those who want to push a child from birth to 2-3 years in one stroller.

    It has everything a child needs at every stage of his development. A newborn will be comfortable in a carrycot (installed in a stroller): it is equipped with that very important thing for a newborn, a hard flat bottom located strictly horizontally. When choosing a transformer, be sure to check the hardness of the bottom of the carrier; pay attention to her hands. They are soft and hard.

    This is a universal stroller in which the manufacturer combines rich functionality at the expense of only one quality - the weight of the stroller itself. Everything else will certainly please you:

    • flip handle;
    • ability to adjust the height of the handle;
    • several backrest positions for babies who can sit;
    • spacious shopping basket and bag;
    • large inflatable wheels providing excellent cross-country ability even on off-road terrain.

    Summer time will give you a unique opportunity to make the stroller ventilated. The back of the hood unfastens to reveal light mesh underneath.

    Drive? You can easily take the stroller with you. When folded, it will fit into the trunk of almost any passenger car.

    Multi-module strollers

    Multi-module strollers are not cheap, but are extremely popular. Firstly, these are guaranteed reliable brand models; and secondly, this is an opportunity to purchase a truly convenient thing for the entire period during which the baby will need a stroller.

    For these models, one of two or three blocks can be installed on the same chassis: a cradle and a walking block; in the “3 in 1” variation a car seat is added here. Let's look at this type of stroller for newborns using the Tako Moonlight as an example. Essentially, multi-module strollers combine the benefits of a carrycot and a stroller. Because The modules are removable and the chassis folds, so you can travel with this stroller.

    The block for newborns in the multi-modular Tako Moonlight is in no way inferior to the cradle in a classic stroller. But in comparison with traditional “walks”, the multi-module version will appeal to you because of its large wheels, which will cope with any off-road conditions “excellently”.


    A cradle stroller is considered the ideal choice for a child from birth to six months. It provides the baby with the proper level of comfort and anatomically correct support for the body during this most important period of development. The main disadvantage is that already at 6-8 months of age, most likely, the baby will have to be transplanted to a more easy option for children who already know how to sit.

    The transformer is suitable for those who value quality for little money. A multi-module option - for those who are ready to immediately purchase the entire stroller set for the time when the baby needs a stroller.

    Choice of stars

    Immediately after being discharged from the maternity hospital, the English Duchess Kate Middleton was given an ultra-modern stylish multi-module Bugaboo Chameleon 3 3-in-1 stroller (worth $875) - extremely lightweight compared to other models in this category.

    The famous American actress Jessica Alba purchased for her second daughter a functional multi-module Orbit baby “4 in 1” stroller, which provides extreme comfort for the baby while walking and is easy and compact to fold with one hand.

    What should your ideal stroller be?

    Dimensions and weight of a stroller for a newborn

    Strollers for newborns are not compact (unlike strollers and cane strollers). Don't forget about transportation from the front door: if the house has a freight elevator, it can handle any, even the largest, model. If there is no such elevator, when going to buy a stroller for a newborn, be sure to measure the distance between the open doors of the passenger elevator; It won’t be superfluous to measure the entire cabin, because you will have to take out the stroller in the company of one or even two parents; it is important that everyone fits into one “race”.

    The cradle can be regular or insulated. The second option is suitable for babies whose first six months of life fall during the predominantly cold season.

    The length of the cradle in standard strollers for newborns is usually 77-80 centimeters; width - 37-40 cm. Wheelbase - slightly wider. On average, elevator doors open by 55 cm.

    The weight of the cradle itself is 5.5-6.7 kg. Add to this the weight of the chassis and the baby - you rarely have to lift a stroller for newborns, but it is important that the mother can do it if necessary.


    Strollers for newborns are usually equipped with a chassis with four large wheels. Gaining more and more popularity Alternative option- three-wheel base with a front swivel wheel (it can be fixed motionless if necessary); Manufacturers focus on improved maneuverability of this type of model.

    The difference between four or three wheels is absolutely unimportant; it lies only in the tastes and preferences of the parents. There is an opinion that three-wheeled strollers are less stable, but the experience of many mothers refutes this statement.

    The wheels in strollers for newborns are large, often on a disk.

    There are plastic and rubber wheels. The latter need pumping; there is a risk of puncture for them. In this regard, plastic analogues are more practical, but their ability to overcome obstacles and shock absorption is much worse. An intermediate position between the two mentioned options is occupied by wheels made of foam rubber. New generation material - EVO, polymer rubber. It provides excellent shock absorption and reduces the risk of punctures compared to rubber inflatable wheels.

    In addition to visual appeal, large wheels provide excellent maneuverability on any road and partly perform a shock-absorbing function, protecting the baby’s comfort.

    It should be remembered that the softness of the ride is affected not only by the material of the rim and the size of the wheels, but also by the quality of the stroller’s shock absorption and the presence of bearings.


    In high-quality strollers, the manufacturer always pays increased attention to shock absorption. It is this that protects the child from shocks and shocks caused by uneven roads. Special attention should be paid to the front wheels: they must be equipped with a shock-absorbing mechanism.

    Today, strollers for newborns are cushioned in one of two ways: spring (also known as “spring”) or belt. In the first case, the stroller is equipped with special springs that absorb all the shocks, smoothing out bumps on the road for the baby. With a belt shock-absorbing mechanism, the cradle is connected to the wheelbase with special belts.

    Determining which method is better is problematic. It all depends on the quality of the depreciation. But it is quite possible to evaluate this mechanism: to do this, you need to rock the stroller and randomly press on it. Pay attention to the seat: during testing, the movement of the cradle relative to the chassis should be smooth.

    Stroller by season

    If the child was born in autumn or winter, it makes sense to pay attention to how well the stroller is protected from adverse weather conditions. But, as a rule, high-quality strollers are perfectly adapted for the baby’s comfort at any time of the year (look at the markings: models suitable for use in winter are designated “winter-summer”). Water-repellent fabric with windproof impregnation, high sides of the cradle and an insulated cape on the legs provide reliable protection from all weather conditions.

    Many strollers are equipped with an air circulation control system - this allows you to maintain a comfortable temperature inside the cradle even in hot weather. The leg cover for summer is equipped with a mosquito net.

    Handle on stroller for newborns

    When choosing a stroller, of course, it’s easy to immediately measure the handle (the height of its location). But what to do if the difference in height between the parents is significant, and the height of the handle that is comfortable for one will be uncomfortable for the other? Pay attention to such an option as the ability to adjust the handle in height. By the way, this function will also be useful if your house does not have the most spacious elevator: we simply bring the stroller into it and quickly lift the handle up, thereby freeing up additional space.

    Is the flip handle function necessary? Undoubtedly, it is convenient to throw it over to turn the child away from direct sunlight; protect from the wind. In modular strollers, this problem is solved by reinstalling the block (which may not be entirely convenient). But transformers usually have this function.

    Customer reviews about the ability to flip the handle are mixed. In one-off cases, this option turns out to be useful, but in the vast majority of cases it is not very convenient, since in the “non-native” position of the handle the stroller loses its maneuverability, and it becomes very difficult to drive it onto the curb. Therefore, the most reasonable option would not be to look for a stroller with a necessarily reversible handle, but a model with a low-slung hood and good equipment.

    Fabric elements

    The fabric on a stroller for a newborn should be well cleaned: it is wrong to refuse a walk just because it is raining or slush outside the window. That is why many manufacturers make the outer skin of the stroller from water- and dirt-repellent materials with windproof impregnation. As a rule, it is enough to wipe the outside of the stroller with a damp cloth to clean it of dust and dirt particles.

    As for the inner lining, it is good if it is made of natural fabric - usually cotton: soft fabric does not interfere with air access to the baby's skin and is pleasant to the touch.

    How to fold a stroller

    The need to fold a stroller for a newborn, as a rule, arises infrequently - as a last resort, the child is placed in a sling. Other models are designed for travel - walking and canes, but the age of the baby who can be carried in them is limited to a lower limit of 6 months.

    The wheelbase folds like a book, but you shouldn’t expect a compact fold from a classic cradle and transformer. The only option for “sealing” these types when folded is to remove the wheels - if this point is important for you, check in advance whether the wheels of the stroller of your chosen model can be removed.

    Modular strollers are considered the most compact when folded - the top block is removable, and the wheelbase folds well and can be placed in the luggage compartment.

    Equipment and functionality

    Be sure to pay attention to the contents of the stroller you purchase. Most of them are supplemented with only the bare minimum - a cape for the legs and a raincoat. But the longer you plan to use the stroller (this is true for multi-module models and transformers), the more complete the set of additional accessories and capabilities should be.

    There is no need to talk about the convenience of shopping baskets - almost all strollers for newborns are equipped with them. There are different options for making baskets - fabric mesh or metal. The first ones are removable and can be washed. The second ones do not need washing.

    Adjusting the height of the footrest

    If the stroller has a walking block (we are talking about a modular version or a transformer), it is convenient when the footrest is adjustable. In some cases, it is due to the footrest that the berth is lengthened. Not every stroller has this option.

    For many strollers you can purchase an additional accessory - a footrest for an older child. It is attached to the frame of the stroller. Some models are equipped with such a step initially.

    Simple and very effective ways make walks in the summer heat filled with biting insects, or in the rain, as comfortable as possible for the child.

    Not all kids walk quietly in a stroller under a raincoat. If your little one is one of these kids, an umbrella will be a useful addition to the stroller. It will allow you to walk in bad weather without resorting to a raincoat.

    Whether you need to pack small things you need for a walk, or put down your wallet and go shopping with your baby - a bag will help you out more than once on a walk. For many models, it comes unfastened and turns into a regular bag with a long handle - you can hang it on your shoulder.


    In addition to the low-slung hood, it is convenient if the stroller is equipped with a sun visor. Such a “trifle” can give a baby much more comfort during walks than analogues without a visor.

    Mittens or muff for parents

    A very recent invention, which was immediately adopted by manufacturers of strollers for newborns and parents themselves. Mittens or muffs are attached to the handle of the stroller and are simply irreplaceable in the cold season. Why can't you use regular analogues? It's simple: while walking with mittens or a muff attached to the stroller, you can quickly take your hands out and give your baby a bottle or, for example, wipe away tears. It's much faster and more convenient than walking with regular gloves.

    Pump and wheel covers

    For strollers with inflatable wheels, a pump is sometimes included. If you already have a pump at home with various attachments, you can pump up the stroller with it. If there is no such unit, it is convenient when it comes with the selected model.

    Extremely convenient wheel covers will keep your hallway floor dry and clean. They are made of raincoat fabric, are not afraid of washing and do an excellent job with the functions assigned to them.

    The Daughters-Sons online store offers many of the highest quality strollers for newborns. You will definitely be pleased with the beautiful Inglesina Sofia Elegance cradle, the high-quality Tako Natalia transformer and the multi-module Tako Moonlight version. All of these models are ideal for walking with a newborn, have an anatomically correct bottom, and have a narrow chassis, which makes it easy to use the elevator and fit through even the narrowest doorways. Large wheels and excellent shock absorption guarantee easy movement and maneuverability. Good equipment will make comfortable walks possible for mother and baby in any weather.

    Expert opinion

    “It’s no secret that outdoor activities are extremely important for any newborn. If the weather permits, you can walk all day! And young mothers often wonder: is it safe for a baby to stay in a stroller for a long time? If we are talking about a high-quality stroller for a newborn, of course, a long stay in it, and even in the air, will only benefit the baby. Strollers for newborns have a hard bottom, which is anatomically correct for the fragile skeleton of a newborn, so for some time they can even be used instead of a crib.”

    Specialist of the online store “Daughters and Sons”
    Popova Lidiya

    Please note: common defects in newborn strollers

    Check out the ease of movement of the stroller. Feel free to give the stroller a good ride right in the sales area. If you feel that the ride is too hard (keep in mind that you are pushing an empty stroller, and when a child sits in it, the ride will become more difficult), it is better to refuse the purchase, try another stroller of the same model, or consider another purchase option.

    Before purchasing, be sure to check all the mechanisms of the stroller. They should work smoothly, without jerking or jamming, and ideally, silently. The hood lowers quietly, the handle of the transformer is thrown over without special effort, and the brakes quickly and reliably block the wheels, making the stroller completely motionless on an inclined surface? You have found your stroller.

    Pay attention to the ventilation system of your favorite stroller. The cradle should not be exposed to all winds, but it cannot hermetically “pack” the child. The ideal stroller is one with a well-thought-out air circulation system. In such a cradle the baby is not hot in summer and not cold in winter.

    Algorithm for choosing a stroller for a newborn

    1. Make a choice in favor of one of three types of strollers for newborns: cradle, transformer or modular model.
    2. Find out the width to which the elevator doors open in your home and focus on strollers with suitable wheelbase parameters.
    3. Take into account the time of year in which the first six months of the baby’s life will fall, and accordingly, pay attention to all-season, insulated or regular models.
    4. Determine for yourself the priority characteristics of the planned purchase:
      • number and type of wheels;
      • handle mobility;
      • desired functionality;
      • expected configuration.
    5. Choose several models that suit your requirements and match the budget allocated for the purchase.
    6. Study reviews on the Internet for the selected models, paying attention to the flaws indicated by buyers, and make the final choice.
    7. Get to know the chosen stroller in person - go shopping and look at it.
    8. When purchasing, be sure to inspect the entire stroller: the quality of the seams, the smoothness of the mechanisms; check smoothness of movement.

    An example of choosing a stroller for a newborn

    The child will be born in November, we live in a house with an elevator, we will have to leave the entrance via steps. I would like a stroller for the first 6-9 months of the baby’s life, because... From my sister’s experience, I know that strollers are lighter and more mobile, and our family is used to traveling a lot.

    The elevator doors open well, so you need a stroller with a chassis up to 60 cm. Walking in the stroller you choose mainly occurs in late autumn and winter; the cradle needs to be insulated. Considering that we will be using this purchase for a relatively short time, the type of stroller will be “cradle”. We are not strapped for money, so we want a stroller that is not cheap and beautiful, especially since we are planning three children, and we hope that the stroller will serve all three.

    I love classic models on four wheels. Because our city cannot boast of ideal sidewalks; the wheels must be large, inflatable, with good maneuverability. Both my husband and I are short, so the ability to adjust the height of the handle is not important for us. As for the equipment, I would like the stroller to have a basket (ideally metal) and a bag for mom.

    The Inglesina Sofia Elegance stroller meets all these requirements.

    Parents speak: survey results

    We asked parents how often they walked with their children in summer and winter, especially since doctors insist on the need for walks, and it is desirable that they be as long as possible.

    How much time did you walk with your children outside in winter and summer?

      - in summer time:
    • twice a day - 47%;
    • once a day - 40%;
    • not every day - 13%;
      - in winter:
    • twice a day - 21%;
    • once a day - 45%;
    • not every day - 34%.


    A good stroller means a good walk; with newborns this pattern works perfectly. There are many babies who fall asleep only in a stroller or only on a walk while moving. What should it be like, the right stroller for newborns? There are actually many options, and much depends on the preferences and usual lifestyle of the parents.

    For those who crave mobility, a carrycot stroller is the best choice. By itself, it is usually not very compact, but as soon as the baby learns to sit, he can be transferred to a light stroller, or even a “cane” type model. The Inglesina Sofia Elegance is an excellent choice among classic strollers - reliable and beautiful.

    For long walks on any roads from birth until you give up the stroller completely, a transformer is suitable. This is very affordable option, allowing you to get by with one stroller. If you have decided on this type of stroller for a newborn, pay attention to the functional Tako Natalia from a well-known Polish manufacturer.

    Multi-module options are the favorites of car owners. Often such a transport system includes a car seat. The chassis folds relatively compactly and fits into the trunk, and the upper modules are removed and replaced: first it will be a cradle, then a walking block. A car seat can be installed on the chassis. A beautiful, functional and inexpensive modular system is Tako Moonlight, which is in good demand in the Daughters and Sons store.

    Long walks are a good contribution to the health and development of the baby. And with a high-quality stroller you will walk with pleasure!

    The birth of a baby is joy, excitement and the beginning of an amazing period in the life of a family. Parents need to make every effort to create comfortable, favorable conditions for the newborn.

    Diapers, clothes, crib, hygiene products... - the list of necessary attributes is very long. But one of the most important items in it is a stroller for a child. This category of children's products amazes with its diversity, so it is sometimes difficult for parents to immediately navigate.

    How to choose a stroller for a newborn? What features does each model have and what should you consider when purchasing? The answers to these questions will help you make the right choice and purchase a reliable, comfortable, beautiful and practical stroller for your child.

    What types of strollers are there?

    Stores today offer a huge selection of children's products, and in order to decide, you need to find out what types of strollers there are and what the features of each of them are.


    This type is suitable for a child from birth to six to eight months. The length of the stroller is 70-90 cm. The list of components includes a cradle, a chassis and, in some cases, a bag. This universal option, which is suitable for use in summer and for the autumn-winter season.

    Their advantages

    • Large sizes - the child is comfortable and comfortable to be in such a stroller.
    • If the product has seat belts, it can be used as a car seat.


    • The child grows quickly, so the cradle has a short service life.
    • Due to its large dimensions, using such a stroller is not always convenient.


    This type is multifunctional and convenient. The peculiarity of the “transformable” stroller is that it turns from an ordinary recumbent cradle into a stroller for walking. In terms of age restrictions, this type is suitable for a child from birth to three years.

    The kit includes: a chassis, a block that can be transformed, a bag and a soft cradle for newborns.

    It is stable, with large, reliable wheels - this stroller is not afraid of off-road conditions. The most suitable period for using a “transformable” stroller is winter, cold autumn and early spring. In the summer, the child will most likely feel hot in it.

    Advantages of "transformers":

    • The stroller is warm, ideal for walks in winter.
    • The child can be transported in a soft cradle.
    • No need to purchase stroller.


    • Heavy weight.
    • Complex transformation mechanism.
    • Bulky.


    This type of stroller is suitable for children up to 4 years old. It is intended for a child who already knows how to sit independently and who wants to look around while walking.

    In such strollers, a lying/reclining position can be installed. The list of components includes a walking block, chassis, basket and various additional accessories (depending on the manufacturer).

    In some strollers, you can change the position of the handle so that the child faces the direction of travel.

    The stroller can only be used in the warm season, it is not suitable for walking in winter.

    Pros of choosing this variety

    • Convenience and versatility: the baby can both sit and lie in it.
    • This stroller is easy to maneuver, because the front wheels can turn under a large corner.
    • Compact, easy to use.


    • Relatively heavy weight.
    • Not suitable for use in cold weather.


    Modular strollers consist of a wheelbase and a set of different blocks that can be attached to it. Depending on the number of blocks, the configuration is determined: chassis + cradle + walking block, chassis + cradle + walking block + car seat and other varieties.

    The modular stroller is universal - it is suitable from birth to 4 years, and can be used at any time of the year.

    Advantages of this type of strollers

    • Maneuverability - the wheels in such strollers can be turned and, if necessary, blocked.
    • Mobility, convenience, compactness - parents install the necessary unit themselves. This makes it possible not to spend money on buying several strollers, but to create the desired modification based on one.


    • The bassinets in some models are too small and are therefore only suitable for children under 6 months.
    • Due to the high position of the chassis, it may be difficult for a child to climb inside the stroller independently.
    • Relatively high cost.


    This category is represented by the lightest “vehicles” that are suitable for children under 4 years old. The design of the stroller is a wheelbase with an installed seat, the position of the backrest of which can be changed.

    Most often, a cane stroller is chosen as an additional option: for walking and traveling in the summer.

    Pros of a cane

    • Simplicity, ease of use.
    • Compactness.
    • Light weight.


    • Relatively poor depreciation.
    • Low heat and moisture insulation.

    What should you consider when choosing a stroller for your child?

    How to choose a stroller? When purchasing, parents need to pay attention to the following criteria and functional features, which will allow them to purchase not just a beautiful, but also a convenient, practical and comfortable model:

    1. The cross-country ability of the stroller must correspond to the characteristics of the area in which the family lives.
    2. When choosing the size, you need to take into account the rapid growth of the baby, as well as the width of the entrance doors of the apartment, entrance, and elevator.
    3. A mandatory characteristic is a hard bottom.
    4. A reliable stroller is characterized by a soft ride; the wheels do not make any extraneous sounds while moving.
    5. The presence of seat belts will provide reliable protection for the baby.
    6. Fasteners, elements and parts must be of high quality and firmly installed. You also need to pay attention to the handle of the stroller - the ability to adjust its length will be an advantage.
    7. Don't buy this model bright color. It has an irritating effect on the child.

    1. An important criterion is the weight of the model. You need to add the weight of the child to it and determine whether it will be convenient to use such a stroller.
    2. Upholstery fabric. It is better to purchase a model whose fabric is treated with a water-repellent agent. It is also necessary to check whether the individual elements of the stroller can be easily removed.
    3. Hood size. A large hood can protect the child from exposure to sunlight, wind, and precipitation. A necessary part of the hood is a window.

    Features of buying a stroller for a newborn: choosing “transport” for the little ones

    For those who want to purchase a stroller for a newborn, please note that he will not be sitting for a long time. Therefore, you need to buy a model that can be installed in a horizontal position.

    The most popular options for the youngest children are classic models and “transformer” strollers. Both options have both their advantages and disadvantages.


    The frame of classic models does not fold, the position always remains the same. Most models have the opportunity to choose a portable cradle-bag and, if necessary, replace it with a walking unit, which can also be used as a child seat for a car.

    The dimensions of the classic model do not change, however, they are usually quite bulky. The advantage of this stroller is its maneuverability.

    Stroller - “transformer”

    This model allows you to remove unnecessary elements or, on the contrary, if necessary, add the necessary parts to the stroller. It is quite versatile and is suitable not only for a newborn, but also for an older child.

    The main advantage of such a stroller is its versatility, but it is worth paying attention to the disadvantages. It's heavy and has poor maneuverability.

    What else should you pay attention to?

    Particular attention should be paid to the wheels, because ease of movement and level of shock absorption depend on them. You should not buy a stroller with small wheels; they can quickly become loose and move apart.

    The width between the wheels should correspond to the size of the door openings. Before buying a stroller, measure the width of the doors in your apartment and elevator.

    For a newborn, it is better to purchase a stroller with springs rather than springs. Such models are more maneuverable, they can easily drive onto small hills.

    Which stroller is suitable for twins?

    When purchasing a stroller for doubles, you must first of all take into account its dimensions and weight. Not every such model can fit into a standard elevator and flights of stairs.

    So, parents of twins should choose a stroller with optimal dimensions that will allow them to visit the children's clinic, shops and use transport without any problems. It should fit freely through doorways and unfold on narrow sidewalks.

    Types of models for twins

    There are several main types of strollers for two children:

    1. “Locomotive” - children in such a stroller are located one after another. Moreover, their location relative to the parent or each other can be changed;
    2. “Side by side” - the babies are side by side to each other. Such strollers are usually equipped with comfortable partitions and armrests;
    3. "Transformer" for twins - unique models that offer original ways location of children.

    Each of the presented options has its own advantages and disadvantages.


    The “trolley train” allows you to easily maneuver and pass through narrow openings. However, its main disadvantage is that the baby sitting in the back does not have such good review like a child sitting in the front seat.

    "Side by side"

    Models in which children sit sideways to each other are more comfortable for both children and parents. These strollers are spacious, but they are not easy to handle due to their large size.


    The latter option allows you to change the seating arrangement depending on the situation. The transformer model can be used as a stroller. Its main disadvantage is its heavy weight.

    Additional accessories for strollers

    Accessories for strollers also have a large niche in the market for children's mobility aids. With their help, you can greatly simplify the process of caring for your child.

    The variety and versatility of these products pleasantly surprises:

    Additional protective visor

    This is a universal design that allows you to protect your baby from wind, precipitation and sunlight. A special water-repellent fabric is used to make it. If there is no need for a visor, it can be removed from the stroller or secured in its upper part.

    mosquito net

    In spring, the air is filled not only with the pleasant aromas of flowers, but also with many insects and dust. You can protect your child from them using a mosquito net. This is an accessory that is sold with the stroller or separately.

    For the manufacture of mosquitoes, high-quality materials are used that allow excellent air permeability. Their main purpose is to protect the baby from dust, leaves, fluff and annoying insects.

    A bag that attaches to the handle of the stroller

    This accessory serves as an additional container for children's things. Different sections and convenient pockets allow you to properly place bottles and small toys.

    Changing bag

    This undoubtedly useful accessory allows you to accommodate a large number of baby items (diapers, bottles). Some models can be transformed into a small mattress.


    This accessory is a bag that is attached to the handrail of the stroller. It can carry groceries, as well as clothes and a small blanket for a child.

    Glass coaster

    The stand is installed on the stroller handle and allows the parent or baby to enjoy the taste of their favorite drink while walking. When choosing this accessory, you need to pay attention to the quality of its fastening, as well as the diameter.


    These products come in two types: for the baby’s feet and a muff that warms the mother’s hands. The first option allows you to reliably protect your child’s feet from rain and snow. It is not only practical, but also convenient, because it absolutely does not hinder the movement of a little fidget. You can attach this accessory using a zipper.

    The second option is designed to protect the skin of the mother’s hands from the effects of snow, rain or frost.

    Carabiner for bags

    A special hook that is installed on the stroller handle. Mothers who often combine walking and shopping can appreciate its benefits.

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