• How to make a wish about love? How to correctly formulate a desire and what methods exist


    All wishes have the ability to come true, it’s just that not everyone knows how to make them. Sincerely wanting and repeating your dream again and again is not enough. For wishes to come true, they must be made correctly. Let's take a closer look at the rules of making wishes.

    Be specific about your request. There must be one desire

    There is no point in asking for something that will bring with it subsequent desires. That is, you don’t need to ask for a certain amount of money in order to make other dreams come true. If you need money, ask for money. You need a car, therefore, ask for one. The simpler and clearer the wish is, the sooner it will come true.

    Your desire should not be the key to solving the problem

    Let's take a quick look at an example. You want a car. For what? So as not to be embarrassed that your mother drives you to work. Why are you shy? Because you want to appear independent and self-sufficient. What will happen when this comes true? Describe your feeling. This is exactly what will appear true desire. But you don’t need a car to be confident.

    The wish you make should be pleasant on a spiritual level

    Ask yourself the question: “How will I feel when my wish comes true?” If the answer is: happiness, satisfaction, peace, then your desire is correct. But if you catch yourself thinking that after fulfilling this desire, you will have a new one, then somewhere a mistake has been made. Either your desire will not bring any benefit, or you have formulated it incorrectly.

    Lack of self-interest

    Under no circumstances should you wish harm upon anyone. Or think of something like an unexpected gift, such as real estate. Without realizing it, you are programming your life for a possible tragedy - what if you receive this property when entering into an inheritance? If you want to take revenge on someone, to harm someone, think about whether you have the right to interfere in the life of another person? Will you take responsibility for holding court? Think twice before wishing harm on people.

    Ask for yourself

    We often ask for someone. We light candles in churches for loved ones, make a wish when the chimes strike so that our children can be the happiest. But such desires, unfortunately, do not work. But don’t be discouraged, there is another way to ask the Universe for someone. Formulate your desire based on yourself. For example: “I want to be calm about the health of my loved ones,” “I want to be proud of the successes of my children.” Desires formulated in this way will definitely come true.

    Don't limit yourself in your desires

    If you wish, then, perhaps, to the maximum. It doesn’t matter whether everything comes true for you or not. If it comes true, then great, if not, it’s not bad either. Of course, no one can limit us in our dreams. Moreover, dreams of something good lift your spirits. Never think that some peaks are beyond your reach. Miracles and inexplicable things happen in the world, what if tomorrow you win the lottery and become a millionaire? Don't put yourself in a box.

    On a note

    • When making a wish, you should focus on a specific time, but not set a deadline. For example, if you want to get a raise, ask for a raise this year, but not by August 17th. There is no need to wait for desires to be fulfilled on time, because we are not omnipotent and not so reasonable. Everything comes in due time, when we really need it.
    • Don't be afraid of change. Are you used to living according to a schedule, do you know exactly how your day will go? Well, then the Universe will not be able to help you quickly. Pay attention to everything that surrounds you, from new offers and acquaintances, to advertising signs like “It’s time to change something.” These are signs addressed specifically to you.
    • If you want your wishes to bring real benefits, start small. Slowly, wishing for more and more, you will achieve desired result. Well, for example, if you live in an apartment and asked for a villa, what will you get? A lot of problems, because we have never encountered such a house: cleaning, utility bills, etc.
    • Eliminate from your desires things that could harm you and others. Just try to formulate your desire in such a way that you yourself remain in the black, but also do not harm anyone.
    • Of course, the desire is to write it down better. Firstly, it is convenient for you, so you will definitely not forget what you asked for. And, secondly, the desire written on the piece of paper carries where more energy than just spoken words.

    Now you know how to make all your dreams come true. Your job is small - to wish and write down. But the Universe is responsible for execution. Be happy! May all your dreams come true!

    The relationship between a man and a woman is one of the topics that worries the heart and soul of every person. And even more attention is paid to finding “your” person who would delight both the heart and mind. If this search weren't so difficult, there would be a lot fewer broken hearts and divorced spouses in the world.

    Where does success begin? With competent planning, which takes into account all the important nuances and little things.

    Everything that comes into our lives has a reason. For example, it is impossible to fall in love with absolutely any person; in any case, before falling in love, there is already a certain image in your head that the chosen one fits in one way or another. It is enough to recall in more detail the acquaintance with the person with whom you subsequently fell in love: qualities in this person were almost immediately visible that touched the strings of the soul.

    Consequently, it is necessary to more carefully work out the image of the future chosen one (s) in your consciousness, and from the consciousness the image will flow into the subconscious, and you will be drawn like a magnet to the right person.

    How to create an image

    1. Think through all the details of the appearance. For example, if height or weight is not so important to you, then you don’t have to mention it. And if it matters, then you can indicate: height from 180 to 190, weight such and such. Hair and eye color can also be imagined, but if this is not important, then do not focus on it. Maybe the most important thing for you in appearance is a smile with healthy and straight teeth, you can take note of this.

    2. Character. This is more complicated. It is important to focus on those character traits that sound positive: kind, sympathetic, calm, caring, reliable, leading healthy image life, etc. The wording: he is not hot-tempered is undesirable, it is better to say: calm, balanced. These traits are more difficult to remember; it is better to write them down on a piece of paper.

    3. It is important to think about the qualities. Whether he will be an intellectual and romantic or eccentric and unpredictable is up to you to decide, everything is at your personal discretion. If it is important for you that you and your future husband can visit museums, exhibitions, and study languages, then this must be taken into account.

    4. Work and career. Qualities that are important in our time. Therefore, it is important to take this aspect into account too. Maybe you see a future husband of a certain profession, maybe he is a scientist or just a smart and successful businessman - also your choice. You can imagine what he is like as a boss or that money loves him and he makes a living, travel, etc. very easily. This is not commercialism, but an important quality, because any woman wants to feel behind a man, like behind a stone wall, and prepare to become a mother in peace and confidence as the head of the family.

    5. Household chores. Another important point is everyday life. If it is important for someone to have a man help with vacuuming, then why not include it in the list? As for men, they can imagine a woman who takes care of the house with love, cooks deliciously, brings comfort and takes care of the family.

    6. Life together, plans for the future. It is important to care not only about meeting the person of your dreams, but also about how your life together will proceed, what goals and plans unite you. Maybe you want to move to another country?

    7. The environment of the future half. Agree that it is very important that you and your friends, parents and relatives can easily find mutual language. Consider this too if this is a key point.

    8. And, of course, the most important thing! You love him with all your soul and mind and receive the same emotions and feelings from him!

    When the most complete image is ready, all the most important qualities are taken into account, you can transfer them to paper. This list can be expanded.

    How to work with “ready-made material”

    Now you need to visualize the man of your dreams, or the ideal man. Do not under any circumstances think that you are not worthy of him, so ideal. We all deserve the best! To begin with, you can read the notes on the piece of paper several times, close your eyes, relax and imagine yourself next to this little man, he is already here with you, in your life. This doesn't have to be a daydream; visualize yourself having dinner or watching a movie in a familiar environment.

    Periodically, it is important to refresh your memory of what you have written so that the image is more accurate. And so every day for half an hour you need to devote time to visualization ideal man. Believe that he is already right now, at this moment, next to you, do what you love, scroll through your head the thoughts that he is so good, so ideal.

    Good visualization is when you smile and experience warm and bright emotions, the joy is so strong that you want to rejoice and laugh!

    Believe me, he is not in the future, he is already next to you, you just need to wait a little until he appears not only in your mind, but also in reality. Reality is inert, a little patience and success is guaranteed!

    And when the meeting happens, you will immediately understand: it’s him!

    When making a wish, including one about love, people deep down hope that it will come true. And often wishes really come true. Especially often - among those who can correctly guess them and activate the forces responsible for their execution.

    First, learn to think systematically. If every day you passionately dream of loving and being loved, but you think that in order to do this you must first achieve perfection, correct your figure, go to beauty salons, earn money - this is the wrong train of thought. In fact, only the desire to improve oneself will come true, but not to find love and not achieve it. If you constantly ask yourself, “What else should I do to get reciprocal feelings from so-and-so?”, then in reality you will just find a couple more new ways to show your feelings. Of several wishes, the strongest one comes true. If you dream of finding love, it may be found in the most unexpected place and at the most unexpected time.

    Don't limit the ways in which your desire can come true. Don't set limits or boundaries. If you want to find the love of your life, don't think about meeting a handsome prince who will definitely have an expensive car, house and yacht. If the goal is to get married or get married, then everything is correct. Only your chosen one may be found with an extremely bad character or is no longer free. By setting restrictions, for example, “my chosen one or chosen one should only be fair-haired,” you prohibit the desire to be fulfilled in other ways. In other words, by complicating a desire, you make it more difficult for those forces that are “responsible” for its fulfillment to fulfill it.

    Make love wishes on New Year, for birthdays, for Valentine's Day. These are the most effective days, when the passion for fulfilling your desire is greatly enhanced by your emotional mood. Prepare yourself in advance to perceive miracles and inexplicable things. Remember how you once received big and small gifts from fate. Believe, as far as possible, believe in the possibility of fulfilling what you have planned, in the fact that this is how it should be. Try to see the world in a positive light, this will also increase your chances of fulfilling your desires.

    Formulate your desire correctly. Talk not about what you don't want, but about what you do want. Make a wish so that the fulfillment of your plan does not depend on anyone but you. Incorrect: “I want him to love me.” That's right: “I want to make so-and-so fall in love with me.” Make wishes that correspond to your capabilities. When formulating your “request”, either be as broad as possible, or carefully consider all the conditions. But, in the first case, you may not realize the dream you dreamed of, and in the second, you may have to wait a long time for its fulfillment. After you have formulated your desire, try to visualize it. Dream about making it come true. Imagine in your dreams all the shades and details of achieving what you want. These dreams must definitely please you, lift your spirits, so that the emotional charge will help your desire come true as soon as possible. Feel that you are worthy of fulfilling your desire.

    Be sure to indicate the deadline for fulfilling your desire. Otherwise it will come true after many, many years. But be prudent: don’t expect it to be completed in 20 minutes. Start paying attention to the signs that appear in your life. It happens that they tell you the way to the place where your dream is destined to come true. Or they hinder you when you unconsciously run away from realizing your dreams.

    There are a lot of people who are not ready to fulfill their desires. They made plans to meet a loved one, and when they meet, they run past, hurrying to work. Or suddenly they begin to doubt and do not allow the relationship to develop. And the next opportunity to realize your dream may not come. Therefore, do not resist your destiny, otherwise no forces will be able to realize for you what you have wished for.

    It is believed that the Universe hears all our requests, but it always has 3 possible answers: “yes!”, “yes, but later,” “I can offer something better.” Today we'll talk about how to correctly formulate desires so that the Universe understands them correctly. Everyone knows that the Universe has 3 nuances:

    “She doesn’t know the words “no” and “not.” Therefore, instead of “I don’t want to lose my job,” we say “I want to stay at my job.”

    - She doesn't differentiate desire from strong fear. Therefore, your obsessive fear of getting fat will be a priority for her over your desire to lose weight.

    — She does not respond to requests for money. Because money is not the goal, it is always only a means. So if you need money, then ask not for it, but for what it is needed for - a house, a car, a trip, etc.

    Now let's deal with wish fulfillment technique and correct conversation with the Universe.

    1. There must be one desire, clearly formulated in our head and not have additional conditions. For example, you want to start a family. Figure out what you are asking for - a husband or the person you will love. You understand that your husband is not always loved, and the one you love does not necessarily marry you. Therefore, if you need a husband, then expect a man who is ready to propose to you, but it is not a fact that you will like him. If sympathy is important, then we make a wish “I want a loved one.” Mutual love you can also “order”, but as a “complex wish”, it will take longer to fulfill, and blots and nuances are possible. If you are doing this for the first time, ask for one thing.

    2. The desire should concern only you - not children, not husband, not friends, not anyone else. So instead of “I want my husband to earn a lot”, “so that my mother-in-law stops interfering in our life”, “so that my grandmother doesn’t get sick”, we rework the requests so that we are the main ones in them actors. “I want to drive an expensive car with my husband and go on vacation 3 times a year,” “I dream of living in peace, so that no one comes to me with advice,” “I’m going to help my grandmother with next year plant tomatoes."

    3. Wish with your soul, not with your mind and logic. If you ask for a husband when you actually enjoy being alone, it won't work. The Universe subtly senses what lies deep in your soul, so if you keep asking, wanting, waiting for something, but it doesn’t happen, it means your desire is not sincere.

    4. The desire must be positive and kind. Should not harm other people. Yes, bad intentions come true just as well, but they carry with them bad energy that a person does not know how to control, and in the end it turns out to his detriment. In addition, bad requests often collide with the will of another person and his requests. You ask him evil, and at the same time he asks for good for himself. How should the Universe respond to both of you? Usually she makes a choice in favor of a positive desire, unless we are talking about a collective “curse” on someone.

    5. A desire should not be a condition for the fulfillment of other desires. If you ask for the opportunity to earn money for an apartment in order to leave your husband, the Universe will immediately ask clarifying questions - why do you want to leave your husband? Because he is lazy and a despot. What happens if you leave? I will finally be calm. As soon as a desire moves from logic to feelings, it begins to come true. But not in the form of an apartment, but in the form of an opportunity to leave her husband. Which one - the Universe knows best what is best for you.

    6. You need to wish to the maximum. If you have health problems and really want 2 children, then think of 4 at once))) You still don’t have the opportunity to give birth to one, but “the more you wish, the more you get,” and the possibilities of the Universe are limitless.

    7. Desire should not be tied to time. It’s clear that you want to get married before 30. But the Universe has its own vision of the optimal timing for your life.

    8. Don’t tell anyone what you wished for. People are different. Someone has dislike or envy towards you and will not want you to feel good. And his thoughts also go out into the Universe.

    9. If you are completely new to this business, write down your desires or draw up a “wish map” so that this will help you better tune into a dialogue with the Universe.

    And finally, how to correctly “send” already formulated requests to the Universe. The main condition is to clearly express the desire, fix its image in your head and... forget. You can write it on a piece of paper, crumple it up and throw it into the sea, bury it or ceremonially burn it. The shape is not particularly significant. The most important thing is not to rush around, not to turn it into an obsession, not to lament “well, when?” Live in peace - and sometimes before going to bed, remember it and dream about how good it will be when it comes true, imagine yourself in this long-awaited situation.

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