• Abstract of the GCD “Bread is the people's wealth. Summary of a drawing lesson in the preparatory group “Wheat field. The spikelets are golden. Bread


    Synopsis of direct educational activities in the middle group (age 4-5 years) on the topic: “Bread is the head of everything.”

    Description of work: I offer you a summary of direct educational activities for children middle group(4-5 years) on the topic “Bread is the head of everything” This material will be useful for a teacher of the middle group. This summary is educational in nature, aimed at expanding children’s understanding of how bread comes to our table.

    Integration of educational areas:

    Cognitive – speech, physical development.
    Give children an initial idea of ​​the path grain takes to become bread. Educational:
    give an idea of ​​how bread comes to our table;
    introduce children to the profession of grain grower, tractor driver, combine operator, baker; with the objects of their activity.
    expand children's understanding of how bread is grown and baked,
    develop an understanding of diversity bakery products;
    to form the idea that bread is one of the most important food products.
    introduce adults to labor: grain grower, miller, baker.
    cultivate a caring attitude towards bread,
    to cultivate a caring attitude towards work, an understanding that everyone’s work makes our life, our country better and richer.
    Show children that bread is the basis of human life, that the process of growing bread is very long and difficult, so we all must treat bread with care and respect the work of the people who grow it.
    Dictionary: grain grower, mill, miller, bakery, baker, millstone.
    Equipment: Round rye bread, tray, bakery products: bagels, crackers, cookies; bread box, spikelet, grain, flour, loaf;
    illustrations: grain grower, combine harvester, mill, baker; plates with grain, flour.
    Integration of areas:“Cognition”, “Communication”, “Artistic creativity”.

    Progress of the lesson

    Children sit in a semicircle on chairs.
    Educator: Guys, listen and guess what I’m going to talk about now.
    Guess easily and quickly:
    Soft, lush and fragrant,
    He's black, he's white,
    And sometimes it’s burnt.
    It's a bad lunch without him
    There is nothing more delicious in the world!
    Children's answer: Bread.
    Educator: Today we will talk about bread.
    Enter Spikelet
    Guys, a spikelet has come to visit us. Look what he brought us.
    What is bread made from?
    What do we eat for lunch?
    Bread is baked from flour,

    What do spikelets give us?
    Every day we eat white and rye bread, many of you love crackers, cookies, crackers, and various pastries. Who knows what all this is made of?
    Children's answer: flour, eggs...
    Educator: And the spikelet will now tell us how it became such a fragrant loaf.
    a) Grains live in the spikelet.
    Our spikelet was the same grain. It hit the ground. The sun warmed him, the rain poured down. People took care of him and looked after him. These people are called grain growers.
    And a spikelet grew from the grain. Grain is collected from the spikelets using special machines.
    b) These grains must be turned into flour - white, airy, tender, obedient.
    Therefore, the grain is taken to the mill, where the miller grinds flour from it.
    (Teacher shows illustrations).
    The miller will turn on the millstones and grind the grain into flour. And now I’ll show you how the millstones work.
    To work, millstones,
    Let's grind the grains first!
    Let's turn on our millstones. Is everyone ready? Then let's begin. Repeat after me.
    Physical education minute
    First you need a millstone
    set in motion, like this.
    (Rotational movements with your arms in front of you.)
    Now let’s rotate the millstones. (Rub palm against palm with rotational movements)
    To make a loaf,
    Rotate the millstone faster! (Change hand movements.)
    Stronger the sides of the three grains,
    It turns out to be flour!
    c) After the miller, the baker will work with flour.
    Baker white flour
    It will make a fluffy dough!
    Yeast, don't be lazy,
    Raise our dough!
    Now let's play.
    Now I will show how yeast raises dough. Follow me and repeat all the steps.
    The yeast collected the air,
    The yeast puffed up the dough.
    The yeast puffed up the dough.
    Inhale and exhale, inhale and exhale:
    Pooh! Pooh! Oh! Oh!
    Come on, dough, wide and high
    Grow up and rise up!
    The white dough puffed - Oh! Oh!
    The dough was ripe and thick - Oh! Oh!
    We crushed it slightly -
    And they beat it with a merry spoon.
    What a fluffy dough we made! Thanks everyone for your help.
    The baker places this dough in the oven, saying:
    Sit in the hot oven
    Brown, bake!
    What a miracle this is, a loaf of bread! Thanks baker!
    Here's a rye loaf
    With a golden brown crust.
    Never forget
    He's the boss on the table!
    Without it, lunch doesn't count.
    On holidays and weekdays:
    “Glory and honor to bread!” -
    All people say.
    Educator: How many people work to make delicious bread! It must be treated with care. Do not crumble bread while eating, do not leave uneaten pieces, do not throw them away. When you eat bread, remember how much work went into each piece.
    So, in order to always have fragrant bread with a crispy crust on our table, many people work. Let's remember who it is?
    Children's answer: Grain grower, miller (miller), baker, flour, bakery products, bread, loaf, buns, etc.
    Educator: That's how many interesting things the spikelet told us. He thanks you for listening to him carefully and completing all the tasks.
    Children, remember that bread is the most important wealth; it was created with great difficulty. When you eat bread, remember how much human labor goes into each loaf of bread. Take care of your bread!
    Guys, our loaf has little sisters. They were also baked in a hot oven. What is this?
    Small, buttery, edible wheel.
    I won’t eat it alone, I’ll share it with all the guys.
    Children's answer: Baranka.
    Educator: This is a treat from a spikelet. Let's say thank you to him.
    Children: Thank you.
    Educator: Goodbye, spikelet, come to us with more interesting stories.
    Children: Goodbye!

    Irina Sergeevna Panova

    Integration of all educational areas.

    Children's age: 5-6 years.

    Target: To consolidate knowledge about the genre of landscape painting. Learn to choose the appropriate color scheme.



    Learn to convey the shape, color and size of objects in a drawing;

    Learn to harmoniously arrange an image on a sheet of paper;

    To consolidate knowledge about the genre of landscape painting.


    Develop skill draw background, depicting heaven and earth;

    Develop a vision of aesthetic beauty in the landscape.


    To develop the ability to work with paints carefully.

    Preliminary work: View presentations: "From where to our table the bread has arrived Review and drawing by points of the ear, grains, sheaf of ears of grain.

    Equipment and materials:

    Reproductions of paintings depicting wheat fields, wheat ears.

    Landscape sheets of A4 format, gouache, brushes, brush stands, jars of water, rag napkins.

    Progress of the lesson


    Poems about wheat

    U wheat has a special path,

    So that the grains become baked goods

    Need some sunshine,

    Drink rainwater

    Stand under the skies

    Golden spikelets,

    Sway in the wind

    And one morning

    Will be gathered into sheaves wheat,

    They will take you to the village, to the village

    At the winged mill

    the grains will grind

    someone's kind hand

    The grains will become flour.

    Educator: What do you think we will talk about today at class? (children's answers) Right about bread.

    Educator: Look at the paintings in front of you, what can you say about them? (children's answers)

    Educator: That's right, it's a landscape. What is shown in the landscape?

    Let's remember what a landscape is? Landscape is a genre of art that depicts nature or some area (forest, grove, field, etc.)

    What other genres of art do you know?

    Right: Still life and portrait.

    Educator: Let's look at our landscape, what's on it drawn?

    (children's answers).

    Children: Field. Wheat field. Sky.

    How the artist depicted field, sky?

    Children: Field yellow color .

    Educator: Why yellow field?

    Children: Because it consists of spikelets, and they are yellow.

    Educator: Light seems to be emanating from the painting. Guys, let's be artists and draw a landscape, but to start paint We need to stretch our fingers.

    Finger gymnastics

    Knead the flour into the dough, squeeze and unclench your fingers.

    And from the dough we made: They clap their palms, "sculpted".

    Pies and buns, Alternately bending fingers

    Sweet cheesecakes, starting with the little finger.

    Buns and rolls -

    We will bake everything in the oven. Turning both palms up.

    Delicious! Stroking the belly.

    Educator: At first prepare the background for the drawing. What kind of background do you think we will depict? (Children's answers).

    Educator: Yes, guys, the background will be the blue sky and yellow wheat field. Let me remind you that the sky should be transparent, for this we apply clean water to the paper with a brush and add a drop paints: the top of the sheet is blue, the bottom of the sheet is yellow. And use a wet brush to disperse the paint over the wet surface of a sheet of paper. (teacher demonstration) Let's wait a little until the sheet dries.

    Physical education minute.

    Bun grew like a spike, Children raise their hands up and shake

    They go left and right.

    Was the grain under the millstone, Vol. Ex. "Feeding the Birds".

    And he baked it in the oven. Clap one palm on the other.

    Good master - baker! Vol. Ex. "Tray".

    Raise thumbs hands

    Well done, let's start now draw a spikelet. (Teacher demonstration)

    We put yellow paint on the brush and draw a stem ears of corn, then pick up the paint again and, by dipping the bristles of the brush, draw the grains in ear.

    I draw the children’s attention to the fact that the main background is field, and in field a great variety is growing spikelets. Therefore it is possible draw as many spikelets as anyone wants!

    At the end drawing We look at the drawings.


    What genre of art were we talking about today? (scenery)

    What's on in class we drew? (wheat field and spikelets)

    It was difficult paint, What exactly? (children's answers)

    Did you like your drawings? (YES)

    Do you like to study drawing? (YES)

    Educator: You are so great! Very beautiful you got wheat fields and ears, and the sky is truly blue and blue!

    We are organizing an exhibition of children's works.

    Publications on the topic:

    Summary of an integrated lesson on cognitive development “Bread is the head of everything” in the preparatory group Objectives: - Improve knowledge about bread; develop knowledge about how flour is made; - Activate and expand your vocabulary.

    Summary of the final lesson in the preparatory group in the form of the game “Field of Miracles” Final lesson in preparatory group in the form of the game “Field of Miracles” Educational areas: « Cognitive development", "Speech development".

    Topic: “What do we know about the Komi region” Program content: 1) Systematize children’s knowledge about cities, rivers, flora and fauna.

    Summary of a thematic lesson in the preparatory group Topic: “How bread came to the table” Goal: to form children’s ideas about the work of adults; show the results of labor and its social significance, teach to be careful.

    Summary of a lesson on decorative drawing in the preparatory group. Theme: “Cockerel with his family” (a set of souvenirs based on Gzhel). Tasks: 1. Decorate elements of Gzhel painting with objects with complex contours.

    Summary of a lesson on the surrounding world in the preparatory group “Bread is the head of everything” Summary of a lesson on the surrounding world in the preparatory group

    IN kindergarten Each school week has its own specific theme. These could be domestic or wild animals, vegetables or fruits, birds or insects, transport or adult professions. One of the must-haves in all age groups The theme is considered to be “Bread is the head of everything.” All classes of the week reinforce this theme: speech development and familiarization with the environment and nature, conversations and observations. Art classes are also held on this topic. This week, children are making spikelets and In the article we will introduce parents to how drawing is carried out in senior group on the topic "Bread".

    Bakery products

    Beginning with junior group, children learn to draw various subject and story pictures on the topic “Bread is the head of everything.” By the older group, they already have the skills to draw a symmetrical spikelet, buns and bagels. During the week dedicated to bread, you can plan an exhibition of bakery products with the children of the senior group.

    The teacher can decide who will draw which baked goods, or the children themselves can decide if they wish. Then, on separate sheets of paper, the guys draw a loaf, bread, bagel, bun, loaf, bagels, donuts and braids, etc. Then all the variety is hung on a stand in the corridor. You can invite children of the younger group, parents, and kindergarten staff to the exhibition of works.

    Meeting with guests

    In our country there is a tradition, following which dear guests are greeted with bread and salt. They bring out a beautiful loaf on a clean embroidered towel. With five-year-old children in the older group, drawing on the topic “Bread” can be done after the teacher tells the story about the loaf and looks at illustrations of welcoming guests. Separately, the children are shown a sample of a beautiful embroidered towel. The teacher explains how to draw a large decorated bread. A small salt shaker is placed in the middle of it. According to tradition, guests should break off a small piece of loaf, dip it in salt and eat it.

    Following the example of the teacher, children first draw a semicircle of bread with light brown paint. Top part The loaf is decorated with spikelets or flowers of the same color. A white towel is drawn below. After drying, its edges are painted with geometric or floral patterns. At the end of drawing, a salt shaker is placed on top. White salt can be made by dipping a cotton swab.

    Bread in a basket

    The following can be planned for this topic:

    1. First, children depict a basket. This can be an ordinary product woven from twigs. The child first draws the contours with a simple pencil, dividing it into sectors. Only then are small details painted over, alternating light and dark elements with each other.

    2. Then, after complete drying, draw bread and bagel, shading more light shade product bends.

    3. You can insert several spikelets into the basket in the background. To do this, you need to draw with a simple pencil and then paint, also alternating colors.

    Such drawing in the older group on the topic “Bread” can be done using colored pencils or wax crayons. Because there are a lot of small details.

    Please note: if you and your child want to draw such a picture at home, then five-year-old children should already understand the spatial arrangement of objects. What is closer is drawn in a larger size, what is further away is drawn in a small size. To draw a basket, use such an angle when the front part of the wallet is located lower, not on the same level with back side. The inside of the container is visible. You can draw a handle for it, or you can put a napkin on the bottom of the basket and draw the corners of the fabric hanging from the middle of it.

    grain field

    After a lesson on introducing the professions of adults, in which children observed how bread is made and what kind of people are involved in the process of creating such a main product on our table, you can consolidate the material in a drawing lesson in the senior group. Drawing a grain field is not difficult, but some preliminary work will be required.

    First, the day before class you will need to draw a background blue color so that the paint dries well. The next day, the guys are already drawing the wheat itself growing in the field. You can draw yellow, fully ripened spikelets, or you can depict green shoots.

    Children in the older group are already learning to depict the movement of objects. Therefore, you need to explain to the children that the wind sways the spikelets and they bend in different sides. They can also be drawn in a semicircle, lowered down. When the spikelet ripens, the grains become heavy and pull it down. The lower part of the picture is filled with sticks on which the grains are held. On top of the blue sky you can draw white clouds and the sun.

    Subject of drawing

    The following options can be offered as additional options in the senior group on the topic “Bread”:

    1. Treats for dolls.

    2. Tea party with bagels.

    3. Easter holiday.

    4. Sandwich for breakfast.

    5. Favorite donuts.

    6. Baking bagels for grandma.

    You can fantasize for a long time, which allows for a variety of bakery products. You can draw a sheaf in a field or spikelets in a vase. The main thing is that children learn that bread is an important product in a person’s life, so it must be protected and treated with respect.

    Target: Arouse interest and respect for bread as a product of human activity.

    Lay and develop the foundations of children’s research and visual culture.
    Introduce the process of making bread.
    Promote joint activities of children and parents aimed at strengthening family traditions.

    Preliminary work.

    Examination with children of illustrations with bakery products, grains and ears of wheat, rye, oats.
    Guessing riddles about bread. Reading the fairy tale “The Miller and the Bear” by V. Stepanov.

    Materials: Gingerbread "Tula". Coloring pages with images of ears of wheat.

    R/i. “Let’s bake pies”

    Target: development of attention, classification of objects according to two characteristics (shape and size).

    Direct educational activities.

    Educator. In Rus', bread has always been valued and treated with the deepest respect. The most dear guests in the house were greeted with bread and salt.

    In the old days they called it a strong power,
    Bread is rightfully king in the state.

    Children, you and I know that bread and any other bakery product is baked from flour. Where do you get flour from? Guess the riddle.

    He is golden and mustachioed,
    There are a hundred guys in a hundred pockets.(ear)

    Children: From grain. It is ground in a mill.

    Educator: When we grind wheat grains we get wheat flour. And if we grind rye grains, we get rye flour. From which rye bread is baked, the bread we eat at lunch.

    Here's to breaking the rye!
    It's fragrant, it's alive.
    Nourishes rye bread,
    Saves us from hunger
    Strength gives strength.
    People love bread!

    What does a rye ear look like? It has a tall, dense and hard stem, on which, after flowering, a spike is formed, full of hard yellowish-golden grains. In Rus' there was special respect for rye bread. People used to say: “Rye bread feeds you densely and satisfyingly.”
    Let's look again at what wheat ears look like. (Looking at illustrations of wheat ears).

    It has a dense, hollow stem (that is, empty inside) that holds a full ear of grain. Ripe grains are yellowish-golden in color. They have an oblong shape and are covered with a fairly hard shell that protects them from drying out.

    Two types of wheat are grown in grain fields: soft and hard.
    Durum wheat is used to make pasta, horns, etc.
    It is not suitable for baking because it contains little gluten, a substance that gives bread looseness and porosity. Bread is baked from soft wheat, which contains a lot of gluten.

    Educator: Guys, who can remember the names of products baked from flour. (children list names). Well done, children. How much do you know?

    It is necessary to harvest the wheat on time,
    And grind the grain into flour,
    So that I can be born
    A slice of white bread.

    How many hands raised him,
    protected, protected.
    After all, the grains did not immediately become
    The bread that is on the table.
    People work long and hard
    We worked hard on the ground.

    Educator: Well, let’s also color in the wheat ears in our coloring pages so that they ripen and start making ears. Well done, children. Everyone's wheat is ripe. It's time for us to get some rest.

    Physical education minute.

    Children pronounce words and perform movements to the text.

    The guys worked
    Now let's all charge up!
    Turn left, turn right,
    Bend over and rise
    Hands up and hands to the side,
    And jump and hop on the spot,
    And now we’re skipping.
    Well done, guys!
    Let's slow down, kids.
    And stand still! Like this!

    Educator: Guys, we received a gift from the kitchen today. What kind of gift is this? We'll find out later.
    Let's take a closer look at this product. What is this product? Is it possible to determine what it is needed for?

    Children: This is gingerbread. They eat him. He is big and beautiful. He also has a drawing.

    Educator. Explore this product. Pay attention to its shape, color, size.

    Children: He's white. It is covered with glaze. It's a little beige. Beautiful. It has letters. He's also plump. Square shape. Not square, but rectangle. It smells delicious like gingerbread. It smells like a bun. What a fragrant one. I want to eat it. It has a sweet taste.

    Educator: Guess who, when and what it was used for.

    Children: It was created for food. Created by man. Created a very, very long time ago. Created by scientists. To eat with milk. To eat with tea. With raspberries or jam.

    Educator: Guys, try to imagine the “native environment” of this product - a place where it would feel at home. And objects that could surround him.

    Children: On the table. On the plate. In the oven. In the kitchen. At a birthday party. In the box. On the holiday.

    Educator: Guys, this gingerbread is not simple, just like you and me, it has its own name. It was named “Tula” in honor of the city (Tula) where it was invented and prepared.

    All inscriptions, drawings and patterns on the gingerbread are printed on the dough and then baked. The gingerbread is still hot and poured with glaze so that it remains soft and tasty and aromatic.

    Printing a drawing on the dough

    In our city there is a “Museum of Bread”, where you can see not only different types gingerbread, but also gingerbread houses, Easter cakes, kulebyaki, loaves, gingerbread cookies and much, much more. There is also a mill made of dryers and a wishing mill.

    Drying mill

    I invite you and your parents to visit this museum and bring from there any photo or drawing of the product you like.

    Gingerbread houses

    And now it’s time for our gingerbread. Let's treat ourselves and taste it well. It is so fragrant, beautiful and appetizing that you just want to eat it.

    In kindergarten, each school week has its own specific theme. These could be domestic or wild animals, vegetables or fruits, birds or insects, transport or adult professions. One of the mandatory themes for all age groups is “Bread is the head of everything.” All classes of the week reinforce this theme: speech development and familiarization with the environment and nature, conversations and observations. Art classes are also held on this topic. This week children draw baked goods, ears of corn and a wheat field. In the article we will introduce parents to how drawing is carried out in the senior group on the topic “Bread”.

    Bakery products

    Starting from the younger group, children learn to draw various subject and plot pictures on the theme “Bread is the head of everything.” By the older group, they already have the skills to draw a symmetrical spikelet, buns and bagels. During the week dedicated to bread, you can plan an exhibition of bakery products with the children of the senior group.

    The teacher can decide who will draw which baked goods, or the children themselves can decide if they wish. Then, on separate sheets of paper, the guys draw a loaf, bread, bagel, bun, loaf, bagels, donuts and braids, etc. Then all the variety is hung on a stand in the corridor. You can invite children of the younger group, parents, and kindergarten staff to the exhibition of works.

    Meeting with guests

    In our country there is a tradition, following which dear guests are greeted with bread and salt. They bring out a beautiful loaf on a clean embroidered towel. With five-year-old children in the older group, drawing on the topic “Bread” can be done after the teacher tells the story about the loaf and looks at illustrations of welcoming guests. Separately, the children are shown a sample of a beautiful embroidered towel. The teacher explains how to draw a large decorated bread. A small salt shaker is placed in the middle of it. According to tradition, guests should break off a small piece of loaf, dip it in salt and eat it.

    Following the example of the teacher, children first draw a semicircle of bread with light brown paint. The top of the loaf is decorated with spikelets or flowers of the same color. A white towel is drawn below. After drying, its edges are painted with geometric or floral patterns. At the end of drawing, a salt shaker is placed on top. White salt can be made by dipping a cotton swab.

    Bread in a basket

    Drawing in the senior group on this topic can be planned as follows:

    1. First, children depict a basket. This can be an ordinary product woven from twigs. The child first draws the contours with a simple pencil, dividing it into sectors. Only then are small details painted over, alternating light and dark elements with each other.

    2. Then, after complete drying, the bread and bagel are painted, shading the curves of the products with a lighter shade.

    3. You can insert several spikelets into the basket in the background. To do this, you need to draw with a simple pencil and then paint, also alternating colors.

    Such drawing in the older group on the topic “Bread” can be done using colored pencils or wax crayons. Because there are a lot of small details.

    Please note: if you and your child want to draw such a picture at home, then five-year-old children should already understand the spatial arrangement of objects. What is closer is drawn in a larger size, what is further away is drawn in a small size. To draw a basket, use such an angle when the front of the wallet is located lower, not at the same level as the back side. The inside of the container is visible. You can draw a handle for it, or you can put a napkin on the bottom of the basket and draw the corners of the fabric hanging from the middle of it.

    grain field

    After a lesson on introducing the professions of adults, in which children observed how bread is made and what kind of people are involved in the process of creating such a main product on our table, you can consolidate the material in a drawing lesson in the senior group. Drawing a grain field is not difficult, but some preliminary work will be required.

    First, the day before class, you will need to paint a blue background so that the paint dries well. The next day, the guys are already drawing the wheat itself growing in the field. You can draw yellow, fully ripened spikelets, or you can depict green shoots.

    Children in the older group are already learning to depict the movement of objects. Therefore, you need to explain to the children that the wind sways the spikelets and they tilt in different directions. They can also be drawn in a semicircle, lowered down. When the spikelet ripens, the grains become heavy and pull it down. The lower part of the picture is filled with sticks on which the grains are held. On top of the blue sky you can draw white clouds and the sun.

    Subject of drawing

    As additional ideas For drawing in the senior group on the topic “Bread”, you can offer the following options:

    1. Treats for dolls.

    2. Tea party with bagels.

    3. Easter holiday.

    4. Sandwich for breakfast.

    5. Favorite donuts.

    6. Baking bagels for grandma.

    You can fantasize for a long time, which allows for a variety of bakery products. You can draw a sheaf in a field or spikelets in a vase. The main thing is that children learn that bread is an important product in a person’s life, so it must be protected and treated with respect.

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